Pine Street Life - December 2009

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A New Emphasis On World Mission

Volume 29, Issue 12 December 1, 2009

PSL Deadline Articles for the next issue of Pine Street Life are due by Dec.. 15 for the January issue. They can be e-mailed to or


By The Rev. Russell Sullivan

y now you are probably focused on Advent and Christmas festivities, but I want to beg your indulgence for one moment to look ahead to January, especially the season we call Epiphany. The word “epiphany” means “an appearance or a manifestation, especially of the divine.”

I have not seen the movie “2012” yet, but if the commercials are true, it will probably be filled with every special effect known to frighten you.

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It is the season in the church member the story of the calendar, in January and (Continued on page 2) February, in which we re-

Holiday Musical Happenings By Thomas Clark-Jones As Christmas nears, many look forward to the special musical offerings by our church’s various musical organizations. So that you can plan to be with us for as many as possible … here are the listings for the month of December . Sunday, Dec. 6 (8:30 and 11 a.m. services) This year’s Advent Music Sunday features the magnificent “Gloria” of Francis Poulenc (1899 -1963). This setting reflects the French enthusiasm for jazz, energetic rhythms and unusual harmonies. These various influences create a dynamic work that moves from sizzling excitement to quiet reflection. Soprano soloist, Courtney Gray is featured in a work that was ‘made for her voice’ ... the soar(Continued on page 2)

Basically the plot revolves around a Mayan prophecy that the world will end in 2012. That’s not too far off. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. It’s interesting how popular culture portrays the end of the world as something frightening. Every Advent, the end intrudes into our world. Advent not only points us backward to the historical event at Bethlehem and to the beginning of the drama of Jesus Christ, but it also points us forward to an event that will transcend history, to what has been called the Last Day when the drama of Jesus Christ and the drama of this universe will be brought to a glorious consummation. Now that doesn’t frighten me. If I know that the beginning of the story is Christ and his love (Continued on page 6)

Inside this issue: Pine Street’s Financial Picture


Giving Tree


Poinsettia Order Form


Holiday Activities


DDB Bites


December Scripture


December Calendar


Points of Financial Interest This can be found on Page 3 in this issue.

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