Volume 31, Issue 3
Check us out on the web at www.pinestreet.org
Pine Street Life Inside This Issue Session Notes . . . . . . . . . . 2 Stewardship. . . . . . . . . . . 3 DDB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Church Family. . . . . . . . . 6 March Calendar . . . . . . . 7 March Scripture. . . . . . . . 8
March Dates at a Glance Mar 5 ����������������Snow Tubing
Mar 6 ������������ Bagels & Belief
Mar 9. ��������� Ash Wednesday Mar 11-13 �������������� Women’s Retreat
Mar 12 ����������Men’s Breakfast
Mar 13 ��������Lenten Breakfast
Mar 13 ���� Pine StreetWalkers
Wednesdays ���������� Noonhour
Recitals (p. 2)
Mar 25 ������������ Organ Recital
Tom Clark-Jones (p.6)
PSL deadline
Articles, photos and items of interest for the April issue of Pine Street Life are due by March 15, 2011. Please e-mail to Sue Black at BL3COL@aol.com
March 1, 2011
A Lenten Journey with David, King of Israel The Rev. Dr. Russell Sullivan, Pastor
The story of Israel’s most significant king, David, occupies a wide swath of scripture. The stories are among my favorite. They are earthy and depict a man who struggles with himself and often fails in his call to be “a man after God’s own heart.” I can’t think of a better body of stories to guide us in our Lenten journey this year. The season of Lent is for us the season to remember our own vulnerable and frail humanity, our sinfulness and need for forgiveness. Lent calls us back to God and back to the spiritual realities of life. Lent invites us to die to sin and to be born into a new life. Each of the stories on which I have chosen to preach during Lent reflects this basic struggle to be what God wants us to be. Mind you, the David stories are not for the faint of heart; they reveal a real world of betrayal, violence, and the dodges and evasions of sin. But it is this world — and it is our world too — in which God plants his Cross.
And it is significant that it is stories that will occupy our focus in worship. As Eugene Peterson has said, the biblical way is not so much to present us with a moral code that tells us “Live up to this.” Nor is the Bible a system of doctrine that says, “Think this and Ash Wednesday you’ll live well.” Rather March 9, 2011 the biblical way is to tell a story and invite us: “Live into this — this is what it Services at looks like to be human in 12:10 & 7:30 p.m. this God-made and Godruled world; this is what is involved in becoming and maturing as a human being.” We distort the Bible when we use it to get what we want out of it. The stories instead call us to submit our lives to what we read and to see our stories as part of God’s story. So listen deeply to the stories of David, a fellow human, with gifts and yet flawed. Listen deeply in the Lenten journey to yourself and your life story, and be open to the new thing to which God is calling you. x
Let’s Show Them The Door by Rev. Alex Lang
On February 20th, I preached a sermon concerning a new initiative being undertaken by our congregation to revitalize the membership of our church. I challenged the people in the pews to actively reach out to their friends and neighbors who do not have a church home and attempt to shepherd them to Pine Street. To be more specific, I asked that every person in our congregation sign a covenant that states their intent over the next year to shepherd one person into considering membership at Pine Street. My hope is that, if we all focus on just one person each, we can see a real turnaround in the negative decline our church has been experiencing over the last several years and re-energize our congregation towards a positive future. (See Door on page 4)