Pine Street Life - April 2011

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Pine Street Life Inside This Issue

Operating Budget . . . . . . 2 Session Notes . . . . . . . . . . 3 Stewardship. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 DDB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 April Calendar. . . . . . . . . 7 April Scripture. . . . . . . . . 8

April Dates at a Glance Apr 3 ������������ Bagels & Belief


Apr 8 ��������������� DDB Benefit

Concert (p.5)

Apr 9 ������������Men’s Breakfast


Apr 10 ���� Pine StreetWalkers


Apr 17–24 �����������Holy Week


Apr 17 & 24 ��������������� Youth

Fundraiser (p.5)

Apr 17 �������� One Great Hour

of Sharing (p.6)

Apr 29 �����������MAPS concert


Volume 31, Issue 4 April 1, 2011

Stephen Ministry Needs You! The Rev. Dr. Russell Sullivan, Pastor

Our congregation has had an exciting assertiveness, maintaining boundaries in journey into Stephen Ministry, a caregiving, and grief. This is distinctively program of lay caring ministry for the Christian and focuses on God as the one congregation. We began who cures as we care. this journey in 2009 with When the Stephen a dedicated team from Ministers have completed Pine Street who received Holy Week Services their training, they will in-depth training, and be commissioned and upon our return from that Maundy Thursday ready to begin their April 21 at 7:30 p.m. training, we recruited and ministry. Working Market Square Presbyterian trained a class of Stephen under supervision, these Rev. Alex Lang preaching ministers who have been Stephen Ministers will busy sharing the love and be available to meet Good Friday Tenebrae compassion of Christ weekly with people April 22 at 7:30 p.m. with people. experiencing such Pine Street Presbyterian Recruiting committed problems as these and Rev. Kelly Wiant, Associate Pastor Stephen ministers is an many more: bereavement, at Market Square, preaching ongoing process. We single parenting, need to find more men job loss, terminal Easter Sunday April 24 at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. and women who are illness, and long-term Pine Street Presbyterian willing to answer Jesus’ hospitalization. Rev. Russell Sullivan preaching call to serve as Stephen While being a Ministers, beginning with Stephen Minister 50 hours of stimulating requires commitment and useful training in Christian caring of time and effort, it also brings joy and skills. This training will be led by trained fulfillment. It may be one of the most Stephen Leaders and will include a variety rewarding challenges you will ever embrace. of topics such as listening, Christian (See Stephen on page 2)

PSL deadline

Articles, photos and items of interest for the May issue of Pine Street Life are due by April 15, 2011. Please e-mail to Sue Black at

MAPS Presents Organist Lynne Davis by TomClark-Jones

On Friday evening, April 29 at 7:30, Music at Pine Street (MAPS) is pleased to present the internationally acclaimed organ virtuoso, Lynne Davis in concert. A native of Michigan, Lynne Davis graduated with honors in organ performance from the University of Michigan where she studied with Robert Clark. Shortly after, she moved to France to study with Marie-Claire Alain. While there she also studied with Jean Langlais, Maurice and Marie-Madeleine

(See Organ on page 2)

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