Pine Street Life - July 2011

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Pine Street VOLUME 31 | ISSUE 7

Pine Street Presbyterian Church

JULY 1, 2011

Au Revoir by Diana Robertson

He’s like Saint Nicholas, coming when no one is around and doing good deeds. Like a snowy morning in January when I’ve just spent 45 minutes digging out my car and driveway so I can come into work. Lo and behold the parking lot at Pine Street is plowed and the sidewalks are clear with remnants of calcium lying about. Or the time when my battery-driven power source starts beeping and won’t stop until the battery is replaced. The next morning it’s back in its regular spot making sure my systems are running smoothly. There was the time when Alex asked to have lights installed in his office and never even realized they were up until I walked in and flipped a switch. And then there was the time when a client was pushed into the glass door at the Boyd. There was new glass in the door before I left

to go home that evening. How about the time when the steam pipe burst? I wasn’t first on the scene but he was. When Sunday services began the next day you would never have believed it was the same place as the night before. Now, did I mention that all these things and more occurred just this year? In July of 1991, twenty years ago, Dr. Fred Anderson hired Peter Hollander to be our building supervisor. This year marks two events in Peter’s life, one is that he has reached his twentieth year of service at Pine Street, and secondly his retirement on July 22nd. Peter has had a varied career path. He was raised on a farm in New York, after which he enlisted and was a cook in the United States Army. He was transferred to See Au Revoir on page 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Session Notes. . . . . . . 3 DDB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 July Calendar. . . . . . . . 7 July Scripture. . . . . . . . 8

JULY at a Glance Window forum. . . . . . . July 3 Reception for Peter. . . July 10 Peace forum. . . . . July 10,17, 24 Israel trip info. . . . . . . . July 17 Youth trip talk. . . . . . . . July 31

PSL Deadline Articles, photos and items of interest for the August issue of Pine Street Life are due by July 15, 2011. Please e-mail to Sue Black at

Israel Pilgrimage Study Tour 2012

By Rev. Dr. Russell C. Sullivan, Jr.

I want to invite all of you to consider taking a pilgrimage with me to Israel. I have wanted to do this for a long time, and I especially think it’s important for me to take a tour with members of my congregation. In the last several years I have developed a warm and special friendship with the Rev. Dr. William “Bill” Harter, a retired pastor in our presbytery. Bill is a veteran of over 35 trips to Israel and knows the country and the people inside out. When he asked me See ISRAEL on page 2

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