Pine Street Life - August 2011

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Pine Street VOLUME 31 | ISSUE 8

Pine Street Presbyterian Church

AUGUST 1, 2011

Rally Day 2011 by Cheryl Goode all that we have for the love of Christ: September marks the beginning going forth in service, caring for those of the church year for Christians. This in need, working for peace and justice, is a time to rally together, but more so and taking the good news of God’s a time of reflection on the hope for love into the world.

the church, and the call that we have as Christians to share God’s love and peace with the world. We will be thinking about our church and what we do at Pine Street. In particular I would like us to think about Pine Street’s mission statement and to look closely at Roman numeral III.

We believe that God is calling us to dream and see visions of a vibrant church engaged in vital ministry and mission. To that end, we envision a future in which Pine Street:

OUR MISSION AND VISION God calls us to be at the corner of Third and Pine Streets in Harrisburg to worship and build a unique community of faith. We welcome all people on any stage of their spiritual journey and encourage each other to explore joyfully and thoughtfully the power of God’s transforming love made real and visible in Jesus Christ. Every aspect of our common life is rooted in gratitude for what we have been given and we are compelled to share all that we have and are. We are called to risk

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Session Notes. . . . . . . 3 DDB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 August Calendar. . . . . 7 August Scripture. . . . . 8

AUGUST at a Glance

I. Worships God through diverse expressions of worship and music.

Evangelism Forum . . . Aug 7

II. Practices hospitality and the nurturing of loving and caring fellowship.

Local Mission Forum. . Aug 21

Mission Trips Forum. . Aug 14

Earth Care Forum . . . . Aug 28

III. Builds disciples who are committed to a journey of faith and who reach out to others. IV. Develops and nurtures the gifts of its members for service and mission. V. Extends God’s presence through our lives to our community and the world.

PSL Deadline

Mission Swap

Articles, photos and items of interest for the September issue of Pine Street Life are due by August 15, 2011. Please e-mail to Sue Black at

By Carol Putt

VI. Remains open to new vision and direction from God. See Rally Day on page 2

Hey, Buddy! This year's mission trip to Jewell Ridge, VA was an outstanding success! Larry Pearce and I arrived in Jewell Ridge on Saturday, June 11, 2011 to a bountiful potluck of delicious food and many of the friends we have met and learned to love over these 20 years. In Sunday worship we were welcomed and sang in the choir. Then we enjoyed Reka and Claude Dye's Sunday family dinner in their home with all of our friends. The planning meeting See Swap on page 3

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