Pine Street Life - August 2010

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Volume 30, Issue 8

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Pine Street Life

August 1, 2010

219th General Assembly (2010) Inside This Issue Financial Update. . . . . 3 Church Family. . . . . . . 7 DDB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mark Your Calendar. 11 August Scripture . . . . 11 August Calendar. . . . 12

PSL deadline

Articles and items of interest for the September issue of Pine Street Life are due by August 15, 2010. Please e-mail to Sue Black at

An Observers Report by Chantal Atnip

On Friday, July 2nd, Robert and I boarded a plane for Minneapolis, MN, to participate and observe the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s biennial national meeting. For me, it confirmed that I am proud to be Presbyterian and a part of this denomination. Let me explain. My perspective may be different than many of you. I was confirmed in the Presbyterian Church at age 12 in Vero Beach, Florida. To this day, I remember being impressed that the United States government was patterned after the Presbyterian representative form of government. After that, for various reasons (mainly moving due to education and vocations), I participated in a United Church of Christ (UCC) youth group, Methodist Campus Ministry, a Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL, a nondenominational and Congregational Church in Boston and,

finally, Pine Street Presbyterian Church. Each time, I became involved in the life of the congregation through music, teaching, participating in classes, worship, and (of course as your treasurer I can’t forget this) financial support. However it wasn’t until about five years ago that I became involved with the church at a “higher” level. At that time I became the Treasurer of the Synod of the Trinity, the Synod to which Pine Street belongs. I quickly realized that there is much beyond the congregational level that the Presbyterian Church (USA) does in ministry and mission. I’ve learned a new church language and realized I had truly become Presbyterian when I was referring to the Book of Order, the book which contains our governance. (See GA on page 4)

Rally Day at Pine Street “2010” By Cheryl A. Goode

As I write this article the rain is falling and the lightning illumines the sky. What am I hoping? Mostly I hope the lights don’t go off ! But what I need to remember is that changes in the weather and the foliage signal the beginning of a new season. This is God’s way of taking care of the earth and transitioning us into the seasons as in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” So we begin our new season here at Pine Street. We think about growing programs for the new church year, and come together as a faith community, on Rally Day, to share what our goals will be. As we do this it brings a renewed sense of forward movement in our learning, sharing and worship. (See Rally Day on page 2)

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