Pine Street Life - September 2010

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Volume 30, Issue 9

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Pine Street Life Inside This Issue Financial Update. . . . . 3 Church Family. . . . . . . 5 DDB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Mark Your Calendar. . 7 September Scripture. . . 8 September Calendar. . . 8

Dates to Remember 9/11 Men’s Breakfast 9/12 Rally Day 9/12 Bible Study signups begin 9/12 Gallery Walk 9/26 Church Picnic

PSL deadline

Articles, photos and items of interest for the October issue of Pine Street Life are due by September 15, 2010. Please e-mail to Sue Black at

September 1, 2010

Home Bible Studies Begin Again This Fall by Rev. Russell Sullivan

This past year during Lent we began a series of small group Bible studies which met in members’ homes. It was very successful and enjoyed by all. Small groups provide wonderful opportunities not only to learn together, but also to develop deeper friendships and support. In small groups we study, pray, and have fellowship. We are going to continue this small group experience this fall with a remarkable study, Journeys Through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope for Today. The Book of Revelation is one of the most amazing books of scripture. Because of the way it is often interpreted, however, it gets bad press! In truth it is a book of great hope and one of my favorite books in the Bible precisely because it was written to give strength and meaning to Christians who were facing tough times. In Journeys Through Revelation, author Barbara Rossing “leads us to a renewed creation in which God comes to live with us on earth. This hope-filled vision speaks to us in the midst of the urgent

crises of our day. In a time when all creation stands at a turning, Revelation can help guide the choices we make as we seek to live into the renewal God promises for our world.” Our small groups will meet 5 times in the fall (during the four weeks of October and the first week in November) and 4 times in the spring (during the last week of January and the first 3 weeks in February). Block out these weeks on your calendar. Sign-ups will begin on Sunday, September 12, in the Gathering Place. There will be a variety of locations and dates from which you can choose. The cost of the book is $8.00. You pay for your book when you register. Small groups are a basic principle of vital ministry. They provide a caring fellowship and an opportunity to grow in knowledge of Christ and his word. Join a group this fall and become a stronger disciple of Christ. x

Pine Street Needs Your Nominations By Michael Buffington

Ministers of Pine Street! The time has again come for the Congregational Nominating Committee to begin its work on establishing candidates for the Deacon, Trustee and Elder classes of 2014. We, the CNC, heavily rely on your input as the congregation we and all officers serve. You will find a “Recommendation for Church Office” form in See CNC page 2

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