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operated cart
Figure 40: Density Profiling System (DPS) in a) robotic platform, and (b) conventional man operated cart.
DPS: We recommend the following steps for the initial implementation of the conventional
1) Perform demonstrations with coring on marked locations to attest the device accuracy. 2) Conduct training of operators to calibrate the device according to the asphalt mixture being used. 3) Conduct training of operators and inspectors to interpret the collected data. 4) Develop time-effective data collection protocols. 5) Refine methodologies for use of DPS for determination of optimum roller patterns. 6) Develop strategic plans in case of low-compaction data. 7) Establish compaction criteria for the use of the DPS along with coring. 8) Modify PA specifications to include the use of the DPS.
4.3 Autonomous Impact Protection Vehicle
The Autonomous Impact Protection Vehicle is a novel technology that is capturing the attention of many state DOTs because it removes the deliberate risks associated with driving an impact protection vehicle. The recent innovations in connected and automated vehicles permitted significant improvements in the technology and addressed many limitations identified in earlier field trials. Nevertheless, substantial testing and training might be required for implementation in PA. These observations led to the classification of the AIPV as a technology requiring addition development, but available for the implementation in the near future.
We recommend the following steps for the initial implementation of the conventional
1) Perform demonstrations of the AIPV in low-volume roads to attest the system functionality and safety. 2) Establish various pavement maintenance activities and traffic volumes that would be optimal for AIPV.
3) Conduct training of operators (drivers) in various scenarios. 4) Conduct training of working crews for familiarization of workers with the AIPV and its emergency features. 5) Update current crashing protocols of conventional impact protection vehicles to include the AIPV. 6) Develop new PA specifications to include the use of the AIPV.