1 minute read
Composition and Membership of Committee..............................................6
than thirty (30) days prior to each meeting. Notice will be provided by the Ex-Students’ Office Representative.
17.5 The agenda and accompanying written reports shall be provided to every Committee Member by the Secretary during the week prior to each meeting.
17.6 The President shall preside at all Committee Meetings. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents shall preside and perform the duties of the President. If neither the President nor a Vice-President is present, one of the remaining Members of the Committee chosen by the Members present at the meeting is to preside.
17.7 The business of the Committee Meeting will include:
a) the confirmation of the minutes of the previous Committee Meeting and any Special
Meetings held since that meeting;
b) the President’s report including activities of the ESU since the previous Committee
c) the Treasurer’s report of the Financial Statements of the ESU, since the previous Committee Meeting, which documents will be circulated with the agenda; and
d) any other business.
17.8 The Secretary or delegated Committee Member must ensure that minutes are taken and kept of each Committee Meeting.
17.9 The minutes must record the following:
a) the names of the Members in attendance at the meeting;
b) the business considered at the meeting; and
c) any resolution on which a vote is taken and the result of the vote