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Membership ...................................................................................................4
5.4 The Committee reserves the right to refuse any application if the individual is deemed unfit for membership.
5.5 The Membership Fee is a one-off, non-refundable payment. The Committee, in their discretion, may adjust it from time to time and/or refund in exceptional circumstances.
5.6 For all students who joined the College prior to 1 January 2017, the Membership Fee is included as an optional payment in the final Year 12 account for that student.
5.7 For all students who joined the College after 1 January 2017, the Membership Fee is incorporated into the enrolment fee.
5.8 All Membership Fees are paid to the College, and the College transfers Membership Fees to the ESU on a regular basis.
5.9 Upon payment of the Membership Fee, entry into the Register, and after they have left the College, the person will become a Member of the ESU.
5.10 A right, privilege or obligation which an Ex-Student has by reason of being a Member of the ESU:
(a) is not capable of being transferred or transmitted to another person, and
(b) terminates on cessation of the Member's membership.
5.11 The Secretary will work with the Ex-Students’ Office Representative to enter or cause to enter the applicant’s name into the Register of Members and, on the name being entered, the applicant becomes a Member of the ESU.
6. Cessation of Membership
6.1 A person ceases to be a Member of the ESU if the person:
(a) dies; or
(b) resigns from Membership, as set out in Clause 7; or
(c) is expelled from the ESU, as set out in Clause 24.
7. Resignation of Membership
7.1 A Member may resign from the Membership of the ESU by providing the Secretary written notice of at least one (1) week of their intention to resign and, on the expiration of the period of notice, the Member ceases to be a member.
7.2 The Secretary or Ex-Students’ Office Representative must make or must cause to make an appropriate entry in the Register of Members recording the date on which the Member ceased to be a member.
8. Register of Members
8.1 The Secretary will work with the Ex-Students’ Office Representative to keep and maintain a Register of Members of the ESU in which the full name, address (residential and/or email) and date of entry of each Member will be entered, along with the year they