2 minute read
Resignation of Membership..........................................................................5
10.2 At any given time, the Committee must comprise of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. If any of these positions become vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by the Committee via a simple majority vote.
10.3 The Ex-Students’ Office Representative(s) is entitled to hold the position of a voting Committee Member.
10.4 The Ex-Students’ Office Representative(s) will, if they are a Member of the ESU, be eligible for any additional positions on the Committee except the positions of Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer.
10.5 Office bearers and ordinary Committee Members will hold office until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting first convened after their election.
10.6 No office bearer shall continue in the same office for more than three (3) consecutive years.
11. Election of Committee Members
11.1 Any Member of the ESU may nominate a Member (including themselves) for election to the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.
11.2 Nominations of candidates for election as Committee Members must be:
(a) made in writing using the ESU Committee Nomination Form;
(b) signed by two (2) Members and accompanied by written consent of the candidate; and
(c) in the hands of the Secretary three weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
11.3 If the numbers of nominations for respective positions on the Committee do not exceed the number of vacancies, the candidates nominated are taken to be elected. Further nominations may then be proposed and seconded at the Annual General Meeting.
11.4 If the number of nominations received for each position is equal to the numbers of vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated are taken to be elected.
11.5 If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, the election of each Committee Member will be an exhaustive ballot to be decided between all candidates eligible for election in accordance with the following rules:
(a) if any candidate receives a simple majority of formal votes cast, such candidate will be elected to office; and
(b) if two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes, the Committee will have a second and casting vote and the candidate who receives a simple majority will be elected. If the candidates receive an equal number of votes again, then the President will have a third and final casting vote.
11.6 Voting facilities shall be provided to Members by the Secretary two (2) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. Members shall receive a link via email to an online voting platform. Postal voting forms shall be sent to those who do not have access to appropriate technology for electronic voting.