2 minute read
20.1 The Committee or the President, on the written request of not less than ten (10) Committee Members, shall call a Special General Meeting, the object of which shall be expressed in the request.
20.2 A quorum for a Special General Meeting must consist of twenty (20) Members.
20.3 Notice of a Special General Meeting shall be provided in writing to every Member at least one (1) week in advance. The notice must:
a) state the purpose of the meeting;
b) be signed by the members requesting that meeting; and
c) be lodged with the Secretary.
21. Adjournment of Meetings
21.1 No business is to be transacted by the Committee unless a quorum is present.
21.2 If a quorum is not present within half an hour of the appointed meeting time, the meeting will be adjourned to a mutually agreed date, as soon as possible. All Committee Members will be officially notified of the new date and time.
22. Technology at Meetings
22.1 The Committee may hold its Committee Meetings, Sub-Committee meetings and Annual General Meetings using technology approved by the Committee that allows members to clearly and simultaneously communicate with other participating Members.
22.2 For the avoidance of doubt, Committee Members and Members attending a meeting using that technology will be taken to be present and, if the Member votes at the meeting, that Member’s vote is accepted.
22.3 If there is a technology fault that renders continuing with a meeting impossible or highly impractical, the meeting will be adjourned and postponed to a mutually agreeable date, as soon as practicable. All Committee Members will be officially notified of the new date and time.
23. Voting and Decisions at Meetings
23.1 Every Committee Member and Member (if applicable) will be entitled to one vote on every motion or amendment.
23.2 At meetings where all Committee Members and Members (if applicable) are attending in person, votes may be cast via a show of hands.
23.3 At meetings where some or all Committee Members and Members (if applicable) are attending using approved technology, votes can be cast using polling technology that allows participants who are attending electronically to vote in real time.
23.4 A motion is carried if a simple majority of Committee Members and Members (if applicable) present at the meeting vote in favour of the motion.
23.5 If votes are divided equally on a question, the Chair of the meeting has a second or casting vote.
23.6 Should a matter arise where there is an issue or dispute between Committee Members and Members (if applicable), the Chair of the meeting will propose a secret ballot. A