1 minute read
Election of Committee Members ..................................................................7
18.1 The Committee may establish and delegate to one or more Sub-Committees as necessary, to exercise any of the functions of the Committee.
18.2 Sub-Committees will consist of a convener from the Committee, and any other Members that the Committee deems fit.
18.3 The quorum at a Sub-Committee meeting will be three (3) Members.
18.4 A Sub-Committee may meet and adjourn as necessary. The Convenor of the SubCommittee is to preside at each meeting of a Sub-Committee.
18.5 The Sub-Committee Convenor shall report the Sub-Committee affairs to the Committee at each Committee Meeting.
19. Annual General Meetings
19.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held on Jersey Day each year or on the nearest convenient day, provided that it is held before 30 June each year.
19.2 A quorum for the Annual General Meeting must consist of ten (10) Members.
19.3 Notice of the Annual General Meeting, together with a request for nominations for office bearers and Committee Members, shall be provided to every Member at least six (6) weeks prior.
19.4 The business of the Annual General Meeting will include:
a) the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting and any
Special General Meetings held since that meeting;
b) the President’s annual report including activities of the ESU during the preceding year;
c) the Treasurer’s report of the Financial Statements of the Committee and the independent auditor’s report, which documents will be circulated with the agenda;
d) the appointment of the independent auditor if there is a vacancy; and
e) any other business.
19.5 Should any Member desire to have a matter included in the agenda of a meeting, the Member will give written notice to the Secretary no less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
19.6 The agenda for the meeting will be provided to each Member by the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting.
19.7 The Secretary shall take the minutes and must record the following:
a) the names of the Members in attendance at the meeting;
b) the business considered at the meeting; and
c) any resolution on which a vote is taken and the result of the vote.