turning the emphasis in the architectural and urban features of the accommodation facilities.
1.2 Outcomes and Challenges of political shifts in terms of tourism Historically, Albania has been a country in a state of shadow regarding tourism for historical and political reasons. It was just after 1990 that the tourism sector, with the liberalization of the free market; that allowed private initiatives, formally or informally to determine the prior conditions of the upcoming tourism future, with a strong preview in the Adriatic Seaside. Despite being unknown, the first traces on accommodation settlements are found on the ottoman inns (khans). Five centuries conquest of the Ottoman Empire has manifested their influence in the urban display of the Albanian cities. The heterogenic nature of this empire constrained a need for incorporating the concept of the religion and developing a sophisticated commercial network. Along with this network, a series of accommodation structures were evolved, where caravanserai and inns1 are the two dominated typologies. Caravanserai is mostly found in the interconnection of commercial roads, in strategic spots where the merchants could be accommodated after a long trip with their accompanying animals and their market items. While the Inns are a peculiarity of the city-centers, aligned with the city market. These structures are strictly related with the economic development without touristic expectations, even though few of the travelers could be displaced for artistic reasons, health or family issues, which mainly categorized these structures as primarily accommodation, related strictly with economic and political objectives of the current regimen without further features such as recreational or entertainment. The concept of the tourist settlement was introduced by the Monarchy of King Zog, especially when his foreign politics became dependent of the Italian Monarchy of the time. The diplomatic communications and the vision of King Zog, supported the initiation of the tourism, where only in 1929 in Albania were counted 27 hotels and 13
Inns are also known in the ottoman influenced areas as Khans or Hans Page 13 of 206