2.4 The evolution of the “Hotel” The first accommodation structures are associated with the Greek and Roman Culture, constructed in the vicinity to the thermal baths and on the popular popular amongst the government officials9 or commercial routes. Similar locations were also used on the routes of the caravans of the Middle East. Their purpose was quite the same; Providing accommodation, shelter and food for the travelers of those times along with their caravans. During the Middle Ages, related also with Christianity religious pilgrimage, all around the Europe, were positioned across these routes, accommodating structures known as “inns”, which offered mainly shared rooms and stables for the accompanying transporter animals. The same logic was also followed by the ottoman period furthermore, which managed to occupy almost half of Europe’s territory. The first hotel, in the concept of the modern world, was opened in 1792 in New York City, Called the City Hotel, followed by Tremont House in 189210, which was also the first hotel to provide for its customers, indoor plumbing and toilet as well as reception service.
«The Sanatorium» The First Sanatorium was opened in Gorbbersdorf, Silesia in by the requirements of the German Physician Dr. Hermann Brehmer (History of Tuberculosis (TB), n.d.). It is considered a birth of health and Spa facilities, by defining a new configuration of hospitality.
A brief History of Hotels https://www.blog.bidroom.com/brief-history-hotels/
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