Participation in specific activities Participation in the “O que você pensa quando
Zine workshop for I Encontro Estadual Juventudes e HIV/AIDS (First State Meeting Youth and HIV/AIDS)
falamos de HIV/Aids e outras infecções
The State Coordination of the IST/AIDS (Sexually
sexualmente transmissíveis?”, (“What do
Transmitted Infections) Program of São Paulo held the
you think when we talk about HIV/AIDS and
First State Youth and HIV / AIDS Meeting on September
other sexually transmitted infections?”) live
1 and 2, with the objective of discussing the guarantee
broadcast, promoted by the Quebra das Ideias
of the right to health, the end of prejudice and the
program of the organization Periferia em
promotion of youth participation and humanization in
Movimento, held on December 4, 2019.
health services as important elements for prevention.
Access it here: https://www.facebook.
The event was held at the Hotel Dan Inn Palace,
located at Avenida Casper Líbero, 115, downtown. The
objective was to address aspects of positive prevention for youth living with HIV and combined prevention for serodifferent couples. The program consisted of panels, conversations, theater sketches, a soirée and other activities.
(Communication and Sexuality) NGO and Viração took part in the Communication piece.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
The ECOS – Comunicação e Sexualidade