2 minute read
Hip Hop
Age 15 & up
Get your dance on! Build endurance, flexibility, strength, and balance. Have fun breaking a sweat while learning the energetic style of hip hop dance. Focus on rhythm, musicality, basic footwork, modern choreography, smooth moves, and more.
Tu 7:15–8:15pm 10/3–12/5
$132 [10 Classes]
1156651 Kelsi Schnitter
Tap: Absolute Beginner
Age 13 and up
Always wanted to tap dance? Now’s your chance! No experience necessary. Learn basic tap steps, combinations, and dances. Increase agility, grace, ankle strength, and flexibility with this exciting and lively American dance art experience. Develop a sense of rhythm and body coordination while having fun. The Instructor has shoes for loan for all new tappers.
W 10:00–11:00am 10/4–12/6
$132 [10 Classes]
Tap I
Age 13 & up
1156669 Sue Ceswick
Age 13 & up
Always wanted to tap dance? Now’s your chance! No experience necessary. In this fast paced class, learn basic tap steps, combinations, and dances. Increase agility, grace, ankle strength, and flexibility with this exciting and lively American dance art experience. Develop a sense of rhythm and body coordination while having fun. The Instructor has shoes for loan for all new tappers. *No class 11/23
Th 10:00–11:00am 10/5–12/7*
$120 [9 Classes]
1156666 Sue Ceswick
Th 6:00–7:00pm 10/5–12/7*
$120 [9 Classes]
Tap II
Age 13 & up
1157130 Sue Ceswick
Increase agility, grace, ankle strength, and flexibility with this exciting and lively American dance art experience. Develop a sense of rhythm and body coordination while having fun. Complexity of steps and choreography increases with each level. The Instructor has shoes for loan for all new tappers.
*No class 11/23
Th 11:15am–12:15pm 10/5–12/7*
$120 [9 Classes] 1157128 Sue Ceswick
Th 7:15–8:15pm 10/5–12/7*
$120 [9 Classes] 1156667 Sue Ceswick
For those with tap experience who want to get a great work out in this high energy faced pace class. Increase agility, grace, ankle strength, and flexibility with this exciting and lively American dance art experience. Develop a sense of rhythm and body coordination while having fun. Complexity of steps and choreography increases with each level. The Instructor has shoes for loan for all new tappers.
W 6:00–7:00pm 10/4–12/6
$132 [10 Classes] 1156668 Sue Ceswick
Tap Dance for Seniors
Age 60 & up
Participate in this exciting and lively American dance art experience. Help develop a sense of rhythm and body coordination, improve balance, and increase strength and flexibility while exploring steps and movement! From practicing proper warm-up techniques to exploring basic choreography, each class will instill confidence and encourage creativity. Have fun! Complexity of steps and choreography increases with each level.
Tap I
Tu 10:00–11:00am 10/3 –12/5
$132 [10 Classes] 1156661 Sue Ceswick
Tap II
Tu 11:15–12:15pm 10/3–12/5
$132 [10 Classes] 1156660 Sue Ceswick
Youth Group Guitar
Age 8–12
Experience the excitement of creating and making music as you learn about the basic foundational skills of playing guitar in a fun and welcoming group setting! Learn about chords, strumming, and music notation while getting to play songs and learn alongside other young musicians. No previous experience required. Student must bring their own guitar to class. *No class 11/20
M 4:15–5:00pm 10/2–12/4*
$108 [9 Classes]
Youth Piano Lab
Age 7–12
1158171 Yohannes Murphy
This class is perfect for the aspiring young musician who is brand new to piano. Students will be introduced to the core concepts necessary for building strong musicianship, including the grand staff, note values, and good hand technique. Learn how to play music on full-size pianos in a small group setting! *No class 10/23, 11/11, 11/20, 11/25
This class uses: Primer Level—Lesson Book: Piano Adventures. Students are REQUIRED to purchase and bring their book to each class. Students must have access to a piano/keyboard at home and are expected to practice.
M 5:30–6:15pm 10/2–12/4*
$98 [8 Classes]
1157001 Jessica Bartlett
Youth Group Ukulele

Age 8–12
Dive into creating music with this introductory ukulele class. Ukuleles are user-friendly and easy to learn! Learn about proper technique, building chords, and developing rhythm, all while getting to play songs with others in this fun group setting. Perfect for beginners! No previous experience required. Student must bring their own ukulele to class. *No class 11/21
Tu 4:00–4:45pm 10/3–12/5
$108 [9 Classes]
1156590 Chuck Cheesman