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Chess—Club for Kids
Age 7-12
Develop skills and go brain to brain over the board with old and new friends. Go for the glory in this international game of strategy.
Th 10/5-11/2 4:45-5:30pm
AARP Smart Driver Course
Age 50 & up
The AARP Smart Driver Course is one of many programs offered by AARP Driver Safety. It’s the nation’s largest classroom. It’s designed for drivers age 50 and older. Become a smarter, more confident driver and you could save money on auto insurance. Bring cash or check to the first class: $20 for AARP members, $25 for non-members.
Th F 12/7-12/8 8:45am–12:15pm
Tae Kwon Do—For Everybody
Age 6 & up
Join over 40 million people who practice this Korean martial art. Increase agility and strength while improving coordination using kicks, punches and blocks. Parents, children and families are welcome.
Tai Chi
Age 60 & up
More than 600 years ago this martial art evolved in China as healers searched for a source of physical immortality. Incorporate slow, gentle movements that increase flexibility, balance and lung capacity. Promote stress relief, body awareness, suppleness in your spine and increased stamina.
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