1 minute read
Attracting Birds to Your Backyard
Get ready to brighten up your home this coming winter by inviting birds to visit your backyard. We'll learn about offering seed, suet, water, and plantings to attract a wide variety of birds for a close-up view.
Southwest Community Center Instructor: Elaine Murphy
Sa 11/4 10:00–10:30am
$15 1157421
Be Your Own Healthcare Advocate
The Medicare system, and how to understand how to access benefits for your situation is a constant and confusing mix of information amidst changing regulations. How do you advocate for yourself especially when there are important health care decisions you may have to make. The problem is more complex because Medicare health plans flood folks with advertisements, emails, text messages and solicitations. This presentation will detail how to apply for programs such as the Extra Help with Prescription Costs Program, and help participants access the multitude of grants, foundations and community benefit programs, the funding resources, regardless of income that are available but NOT advertised. Since 2006, Workshop presenter Mara Woloshin has been a Medicare and Medicaid specialist and consultant. She is a licensed agent who educates and empowers Oregonians about their healthcare choices. She has worked with several health plans on federal health compliance issues.
East Portland Community Center
Th 10/12 1:00–3:00pm
FREE 1158047
Keep Your Balance Workshop
Take the right steps to keep your balance. Legacy Health Trauma Nurses Talk Tough is providing free fall prevention workshops to the community. Our goal is to provide older adults information and tools to help prevent falls and live an active and healthy life. This workshop will cover common reasons for falling and small changes you can make to be safe. Participants will receive $40 worth of free fall prevention items.
Southwest Community Center
Th 11/2–11/2 4:30–6:00pm
FREE 1158040
East Portland Community Center
M 10/9–10/9 10:00–11:30am
FREE 1158042