2025 CALENDAR-DunkirkObserver

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Important Phone Numbers & Notes

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Holidays &



Jan01 New Year's Day

Jan20 Martin Luther King Day 123411Jan29 Chinese New Year 56789101123456782345678Feb14 Valentine's Day 1213141516171891011121314159101112131415Feb17 President's Day 192021222324251617181920212216171819202122Mar01 Ramadan, 1st day 26272829303123242526272823242526272829Mar05 Ash Wednesday 3031Mar17 St. Patrick's Day

Mar20 March equinox (GMT) Apr01 April Fool's Day

SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa Apr13 Passover 123451231234567Apr20 Easter 678910111245678910891011121314Apr22 Earth Day 131415161718191112131415161715161718192021Apr23 Admin Assistants Day 202122232425261819202122232422232425262728May05 Cinco de Mayo 27282930252627282930312930May11 Mother's Day

May26 Memorial Day

Jun08 Pentecost Jun14 Flag Day

SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa Jun15 Father's Day 1234512123456Jun19 Juneteenth 6789101112345678978910111213Jun21 June Solstice (GMT) 131415161718191011121314151614151617181920Jul04 Independence Day 202122232425261718192021222321222324252627Sep01 Labor Day 272829303124252627282930282930Sep22 September equinox (GMT) 31Sep23 Rosh Hashanah Oct13 Federal Holiday Oct31 Halloween SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa Nov11 Veterans Day 12341123456Nov27 Thanksgiving 567891011234567878910111213Dec14 Hanukkah begins 12131415161718910111213141514151617181920Dec21 December Solstice (GMT) 192021222324251617181920212221222324252627Dec25 Christmas Day 2627282930312324252627282928293031Dec26 Kwanzaa begins 30Dec31 New Year's Eve

For All Emergencies Dial 911

Police - Non Emergency Number

Other Important Numbers


Jan01 New Year's Day SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa Jan19 Martin Luther King Day 12312345671234567Feb14 Valentine's Day 45678910891011121314891011121314Feb16 President's Day 111213141516171516171819202115161718192021Feb17 Chinese New Year 181920212223242223242526272822232425262728Feb18 Ramadan, 1st day 25262728293031293031Feb18 Ash Wednesday


Mar17 St. Patrick's Day

Mar20 March equinox (GMT) Apr01 April Fool's Day

SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa Apr02 Passover 123412123456Apr05 Easter 567891011345678978910111213Apr22 Earth Day 121314151617181011121314151614151617181920Apr22 Admin Assistants Day 192021222324251718192021222321222324252627May05 Cinco de Mayo 262728293024252627282930282930May10 Mother's Day 31May24 Pentecost May25 Memorial Day Jun14 Flag Day

SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa Jun19 Juneteenth 1234112345Jun21 Father's Day 56789101123456786789101112Jun21 June Solstice (GMT) 12131415161718910111213141513141516171819Jul04 Independence Day 192021222324251617181920212220212223242526Sep07 Labor Day 2627282930312324252627282927282930Sep12 Rosh Hashanah 3031Sep23 September equinox (GMT) Oct12 Federal Holiday Oct31 Halloween

SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa Nov11 Veterans Day 123123456712345Nov26 Thanksgiving 456789108910111213146789101112Dec04 Hanukkah begins 111213141516171516171819202113141516171819Dec21 December Solstice (GMT) 181920212223242223242526272820212223242526Dec25 Christmas Day 2526272829303129302728293031Dec26 Kwanzaa begins Dec31 New Year's Eve


Country Club

Course 1509 Big Tree Rd., Lakewood, NY Teams can be: Men’s • Women’s • Mixed $300 per Four Person Team Registration includes: Greens Fees. Cart, Beer & Hot Dogs on Course “Coffee & Donuts at 8AM registration time”

“Banquet to follow at Maplehurst Country Club” Mulligans, Best Poker Hand, Skins, More! Sign in time will begin at 8:00 AM / Tee off time will be Shotgun Start 9:00 AM Sharp. Skins / Mulligans / 50/50 and other goodies will be available at the sign in table. We are looking for Tee & Green Sponsors starting at $100 for each that you sponsor !! Company’s, Business or Individuals can be sponsors, so hurry there are only so many spots available!! To register: https://96thhighlanderspipesdrumsinc.regfox.com/ preview/65242d57a64d4beb94b4e9a52411a0cc

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