RAGNE SINIKAS (RS) PGMAG: Ragne, welcome to today’s interview. RS: Honored and blessed to be here. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service and hopefully I will add value to your audience. PGMAG: Please introduce yourself to our readers. RS: My name is Ragne Sinikas, I live with purpose, I love what I do and I am relentlessly focused on personal growth in order to leave a legacy that is to serve others and leave everything that I touch better than it was before. I am international speaker, author and coach of the change makers. My mission is to empower through education and that is the main reason why I founded the World Women Conference and Awards and Untold Story Foundation. I am driven by social impact and every project I am involved has the touch to it. I believe that pursuing your dreams with a powerful intention and sense of purpose, requires a call from within yourself to activate that desire. The power of presence ignites your capacity to create a remarkable future by transforming that intention into future action. PGMAG: Congratulations on all your achievements. As an advocate for women empowerment, what are some of the measures needed to put in place in order to encourage more women to take up leadership roles? RS: It all starts within. You and me. Having the
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courage to step into our power and taking the responsibility for our voice and choice. To be empowered is to authentically step into who we are as women, to embrace the feminine and question the very masculine world that we have helped to create. We need to take 100% responsibility for what is happening in our society instead of waiting for someone else to fix it and commit to educating and inspiring future generations in a different way. To do that we must first look at ourselves and understand what it means to be authentic. Who are we really