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Being Boundless Sans Barriers .... this is a simple straight-from-the-heart perception of the world by me says Inderjit the “Monk” who would ride his Ferrari with impunity and on his own terms…...

— BY INDERJIT SINGH Shall we, for a moment, imagine a world sans boundary? Sounds like a utopian concept! You may even say – not humanly possible. I however, believe that we can. A world sans barrier, where “humanity” is the only overriding factor for the world and not the geographical delineation, the size, population, material resources, the networth, the per-capita income the military might et al of the nations or the skin color, religion, culture of the people. The French preposition “sans’ means "without," indicating a lack in general, an absence, privation or an exclusion. It can be used with nouns, pronouns, and verbs, and it appears in many French idiomatic expressions; with different connotations. The reference here to the world-withoutborders is more symbolic than physical boundaries. It refers here to the mental, phycological, attitudinal, perceptional and cultural barriers between common people at humanto-human level leading to mental-block that exists between some leaders and governments of different nations, leading to misinformation, misunderstanding, lack of faith and trust which at times manifest into struggle, confrontation,

14 MAY 2021

conflict and even war-like situations. Granted that physical boundaries ought to be demarcated for protection from invasions, proper governance and also for the maintenance of the sovereign law and order, often referred to as the ‘law of the land’. This phenomenon however, does not deprive them of not having similar - not essentially the same, thought processes towards humanity at large. A kind of commonality between ideology of larger universal appeal and acceptance.

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