Sr. Vice President & Vertical Head, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited Pramod Kumar Rajput is a seasoned corporate professional with a rich experience of over 39 years in pharmaceutical & Healthcare sales & marketing while working as Sr. Vice President & Vertical Head in Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited, an Indian Multinational Leading Pharmaceutical Company, based at Ahmedabad. In entire Cadila he has been recognized and awarded as Champion of Champions for the year 2019 and again 2020 as well due to his Vertical’s splendid performance. He is known as ‘The Rajput of Cadila’ within the healthcare fraternity He is a thought leader, active panel list, speaker on numerous forums, events, industry meets and seminars. He is on a mission to lead by example and to create a healthier future and create future health leaders. He is a mentor, change-maker, key-note speaker & motivational speaker with his talks in various
land, Deakin University, CK University) Australia,
institutions – mentoring both young and
College of Law, Samsung & Accenture on the
seasoned minds.
various subject including Massachusetts Medical Society & Harvard Medical School USA.
He started just journey as a Medical
He is frequently invited by major Universities
Representative and has risen to this position
and Institutions to help & Guide Young
within the same organization. He never left
professional starting from NIPER, DNU, Amity,
learning and simultaneously completed his MBA
Chitkara, Jamia, Indrasheel, IIML, Poornima, Sree
Marketing & Executive Leadership Development
Venkateswara University , Atharwa Institute of
Programme from IIM, Ahmedabad.
management & many more.
Additionally, he has also done 24 certification
His Short video series on Communication,
courses from all leading International Universities
Leadership, Self- Management , Growth Mindset
across the world like Leeds University, London,
& Creative Quotient for Leadership are being
University of Michigan, (University of Queens
very helpful to many professionals.
18 MAY 2021