PGMAG 34th Edition Mar 2022

Page 25


Walking On

Holy Ground The most powerful moment in our lives is when we are realizing we are finally walking on holy ground. It is not how long or how many miles we have walk to get there. It is the moment we have opened our spirit and let it be free. Taking the first step in uncharted territory. Taking that leap of faith, listening to our spirit guiding us like a compass in the desert.

— BY EMMANUELLE DI GALLO Looking at our goals, letting the wisdom of the

have reached our limits, being pushed against

universe guide our steps along the way, while

the wall, not being able to see the exit door. The

perfect synchronicity is paving the way under

Universe in its kindness will always send us the

our feet. Believing in ourselves, realizing we are

help we need along the way. By way of signs or

not alone but surrounded by our circle of light

messages delivered to us, feeling we are whole

and the inspiration to feed the fire inside of us.

and complete.

Accomplishing our wildest dreams from creating

Never letting the outer conditions deter us from

a beautiful magazine to leading a life to inspire

moving forward. Instead, putting on our warrior

people around the world by sharing the wisdom

armor with the sign of love and peace across the

of the universe.

shield ready to bless the ground we are walking on. Creating a domino effect that cannot be

Not letting anyone or anything stand in our way

stopped like a wildfire, becoming unstoppable in

to live our life’s purpose by co-creating with the

our life’s mission.

universe. Instead, climbing what seemed to be impossible obstacles by having faith that the

Like a ballerina extending her arms, to reach to

universe will always prevail.

the sky in full pointed toe position slowly lifting her left leg up, softly touching the sky with

Letting the magic enter our lives to finally

her hands while moving her feet down to the

realized we are capable to do anything we can

ground. Learning to regroup ourselves ready

imagine. Just like a birth, we let our inspiration

for the next step. Feeling the universe has been

to be mixed with love in order to archive our

lifting us, cheering on the sideline wanting us

goals, regardless of the sleepless nights we have

to succeed by bringing love and peace into the

been through, doubting ourselves. Feeling we


MARCH 2022 | ISSUE # 34


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