DON’T FAKE IT! FACE IT! — BY ASH RAO Having high self-confidence is one of the most important traits for a happy and successful life. When it comes to gaining confidence, we have all heard the advice “Fake it till you make it”. The statement does have a ring of truth to it and I will be the first to admit that I have tried to fake confidence in the past whether it was a college project presentation, first job interview and many such challenging situations. What I have noticed is that faking confidence works only in short term circumstances when you are either feeling low or having unjustified self-doubt. If you are seeking long-term success, then faking confidence will not take you far. If you want to achieve something, it has come from your authentic self. You cannot fake success, you need to work, give it your all and make it happen! Say for example, you are preparing for an important presentation and you are not a public speaker as your job does not normally require that skill. Content wise you know in your bones what you are doing, what you are going to offer to your audience. You have enough substance within you but simply lack the confidence to
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express in front of people. In this case yes, you can fake your confidence you already are the subject matter expert and it may even work! However, if you do believe that public speaking happens to be a much-needed critical skill that can accelerate your career, then this calls for you to develop true confidence. Faking will not help you to face your problem head on and without improving your skills, you will start to feel