PGMAG 35th Edition April 2022

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BUT OF THOSE AROUND YOU — BY ROSS SWAN If you in your own business or contemplating starting one, then its important to remember your business journey not only has to be enjoyable for you, but so does it have to be for your stakeholders. If you are currently revaluating where you are in your business or about to set up one, the first question you ask yourself is: “am I building a business for my own self-employment, or do I want to build a business that grows through the efforts of others?” The more enjoyable it is for them; the more likely things will happen for you. It is the goal of every business owner to make a profit and expand the business but defining how you plan to do that is crucial for not only you, but for your employees, suppliers, and customers. Creating a purpose statement for your business, should clarify to all involved that you want to serve others, not exploit them. It’s important then, what you create is something that both you and your employees can live every day. It’s not just a few words that you frame and hang on a wall. It should indicate the way you go about doing things. It defines your desirable organisational culture that above all, has fun. Your business is not a separate ‘being’ to you, it’s an extension of you. What I mean here is

26 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

that the soul of the business needs to align with your values, principles, and purpose, so that you will feel a sense of pride in the products and services that you offer to your customers. If there is no congruency, then you will be in conflict with it. Not a recipe for success. Conflict creates bad energy and leads to burnout while congruency fuels enthusiasm and positive energy which is needed in spades to drive any business forward. Determining your core values from your

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