PGMAG 35th Edition April 2022

Page 30

Part 3 of 3


GENERATION PI Reswizzling of Business Brought to you by Artificial Intelligence and Millennials

MARK D. DEMERS SR. DIRECTOR, SAS (Continued from the previous

things that used to require


human minds: understanding speech, diagnosing disease,

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformational technology of our digital age.

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will represent one of the most significant disruptions to your career.

checking the terms of a contract, designing a mechanical part from scratch, even coming up with new scientific hypotheses that are supported by subsequent research. As this new software

Beyond traditional industrial

AI is real and will not be

is embedded in hardware, we'll

automation and advanced

ignored. Leading businesses

get self-driving cars, trucks,

robots, new generations of

are using machine learning to

and combines; delivery and

more capable autonomous

deliver quantifiable business

inspection drones; and robots

systems appear in

value today. To succeed in a

of many kinds.

environments ranging from

new AI-empowered world,

autonomous vehicles on roads

businesses need more than

At the same time, these

to automated check-outs in

new technology. Companies

technologies will transform

grocery stores.

must focus on retraining the

the nature of work and the

workforce and designing ethical

workplace itself. Machines

uses of AI.

will be able to carry out more

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will

of the tasks done by humans,

represent one of the most

Over the past few years, we've

complement the work that

significant disruptions to your

developed artificially intelligent

humans do, and even perform

career. Despite the hype,

machines that can do many

some tasks that go beyond

30 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

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