DIVERSE & INCLUSIVE MENTAL HEALTH Caroline Ribeiro-Nelson is Head of Free Choices - Diverse Mental Health & Well-Being. She is an experienced Psychotherapist, Executive, Consultant, Coach and Trainer who has been working in the fields of Mental Health and Employee Assistance Support for over 25 years. She has headed operational, clinical and training positions for leading organisations and EAPs in Germany and the UK, as well as establishing co-operation partnerships in Europe & U.S.A.
My strong belief is, that in order for relationships and businesses to prosper, a positive culture of mental health & wellbeing, anti-discrimination, diversity and inclusion, needs to exist, in which leadership, management and employees can perform at their highest level. Mental health & well-being has been my career
My Diverse Mental Health Approach encompasses
long passion. For over 25 years I have been
how the particular experience of women, Black
totally driven in my mission to improve our
people and individuals from diverse groups
mental health & well-being culture. My strong
negatively impacts their Mental Health. My work
belief is, that in order for relationships and
with organisations incorporates the recognition
businesses to prosper, a positive culture of
and understanding of these factors, supporting
mental health & wellbeing, anti-discrimination,
businesses to develop specific and effective
diversity and inclusion, needs to exist, in which
strategies in gaining significant improvements
leadership, management and employees can perform at their highest level.
24 AUGUST 2022 # ISSUE 38