New Horizon

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Achieving World Peace

Dr. Shauli Mukherjee How to Plan Your Book for Success

Ruth Shalom Kinyua Concetta Spitaleri

Prof. Olga Mroz Dame of Honour Powerhouse Global Icon

APR-JUN 2021 and many more interviews & articles inside this edition





















P U B L I SH ER'S NOT E Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator

“You owe it to yourself to take action on the dreams and ideas that you have been given.” - Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw November 2020 we gave birth to this publication, and we set out to build a global presence. Powerhouse Global Stars highlights the brilliance of Entrepreneurs and leaders from around the globe. We are proud to feature the First Female President of Republic of Mauritius in this edition, and some of global leaders who are making positive contribution to the world. Our mission still remains to create global visibility opportunities for others.

We know that the virtual world has taken over how we do business, but it still serves the purpose of our mission. We would not have gotten here without your support Thank you.. As this is a quarterly publication, we hope that you and your contacts would take advantage of the opportunity that we offer by investing in our services. We have made it very affordable to advertise your business in our publication. Please get in touch so that we can also promote your business.

Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

Powerhouse Global Stars




he current COVID-19 pandemic is a

have negative affect to society and the whole

global problem. It has suspended our


daily life and launched its mechanisms

into the economy of the whole world. Changes

We can say that, a long polar winter has arrived

have occurred in relations of the market system

across the planet in terms of visual stimuli. Due

of labour, health care and education. The

to that forced emotional hunger our autonomic

pandemic has seriously influenced the inner

nervous system suffers and the immune level

state of a person.

decreases. Ultimately, by enhancing the immune response, we can save the universe. I discussed

The introduction of restrictions on movement,

this question that worries me, with one of the

isolation, lack of communication, closure of

leading German psychotherapists Dr. Galina

cultural institutions, theatres, concert halls

Heinzelmann, who lives in Berlin.

and museums cause lack of positive emotional stimulus. These are significant factors, which


APR-JUN 2021

The introduction of restrictions on movement, isolation, lack of communication, closure of cultural institutions, theatres, concert halls and museums cause lack of positive emotional stimulus. These are significant factors, which have negative affect to society and the whole world.

Therapy, counselling, human

That was interesting for

tones are divided into warm,

resources and intercultural

me, to discuss with Galina

cold and neutral. Some are

psychotherapy management

Heinzelmann about the

soothing, while others can be

– that is not the whole list of

possibilities to achieve

annoying. Traditional medicine

the areas for working with

stabilization of the

uses colours by ultraviolet light

people. Currently she has

psychological state of people,

and infrared rays. Each colour

extensive hands-on experience

by means of colour influence in

has its own function. Even

with people who suffer

the current’s situation, in which

in ancient times, there was a

from depression during the

the entire planet finds itself

belief that colour can affect a

lockdown. All of the patients


person’s mental calmness and

come to her with complaints for


problems, numerous stresses in

The effect of colour on the

their families, work, irritability

human organism is great. It is

Colour therapy is a technique

and fears about the future.

not coincidence that colour

for reaction of human zones

APR-JUN 2021



Colour therapy is a technique for reaction of human zones to certain specific colours. If the balance in the human body system is disturbed, then the body tries to help itself. Modern science believes that the therapeutic effect of colour occurs through the organs of vision.

Prof. Olga Mroz and Professor Dr. Milan Krajnc to certain specific colours.

Colour therapy is actively

MILAN KRAJNC, designated

If the balance in the human

developing in psychology,

psychotherapist. Professor

body system is disturbed, then

that is successfully applied to

Milan Krajnc has been officially

the body tries to help itself.

relieve stress, tension, increase

nominated for the Nobel Prize

Modern science believes that

efficiency and fatigue. Modern

of Economic Sciences 2021

the therapeutic effect of colour

researchers have proven that

by the European Centre for

occurs through the organs of

colour therapy is an effective

Peace and Development. The

vision. The so-called colour

method. That is why Sports

basis of the nomination is the

therapy has a positive effect

Halls are decorated in bright

development of a new business

on the psycho-emotional

colours. A special selection

management model that works

state. Therefore, the popular

of colours is required in

on the principle of natural

colouring is widely used today

apartments, restaurants and

laws, improving efficiency

in psychotherapy. Colours

offices. There are various

and allowing people to work

contribute to the development

therapies: colour lighting,

without stress, manipulation,

of a cascade of positive

colour acupuncture, colour

or exploitation. He has written

emotions, the restoration of

bath, colour meditation, etc.

more than 300 books about

inner balance.

It is a great pleasure for me to

leadership, relationships and

introduce to you, my colleague

more than 200 professional and

and friend Professor Dr.

scientific articles. One of his


APR-JUN 2021

Colour therapy is actively developing in psychology, that is successfully applied to relieve stress, tension, increase efficiency and fatigue. Modern researchers have proven that colour therapy is an effective method. That is why Sports Halls are decorated in bright colours. Prof. Olga Mroz and Carlo Rampazzi latest work, entitled “Dynamic

and Development Research,

Human beings are basically

Leadership Model”, has been

Podgorica, Montenegro;

visual creatures, so we can

already translated into several

• Fellow of the Royal Society

languages. He is also: • Associate Professor of

already say in general

for the Encouragement of

that colors have a great

Arts, Manufactures and

influence on our decisions, our

Commerce (FRSA);

well-being, our lifestyle

• Member Of The Board Of

... our lifestyle. But we have to

Public Management at

Advisors l World Leaders

realize that colour really exists

European Center for

for Mental Health;

in our head, everything we

Peace and Development,

see is just a reflection or the

University of Peace est. by

Here’s how Professor KRAJNC

reflection of light at a certain


explained about colour, the

angle that appears in our head

• Professor of the Open

mechanisms of its effect on

as a colour image. And based

World Program at Al-Khalifa

humans and the influence of

on what we see, our feelings

Business School;

colors on human psychology.

develop. Of course, the eyes

During our discussion on the

are only one of the sensors,

and regional development

influence of color on human

but they have a very strong

l Mediterranean Institute

psychology, the professor

influence on our feelings.

for Post-graduate studies

shared his expert opinion:

And when we ask ourselves:

• Special advisor for local

APR-JUN 2021




APR-JUN 2021

what is true? The only answer

7. The violet colour causes

can be what we feel at a

the release of melatonin,

particular moment. So, we

which means a better

could say that we can create

self- knowledge, a kind of

different feelings with the help


of colours, even “artificially”! This means that each colour

From the above said, I can

stimulates the release of a

conclude that we can definitely

different hormone, which then

influence our own feelings

triggers certain sensations. If

with colours. Therefore, how

we look at the seven primary

we dress for an event or learn


to meditate by visualizing a

1. The red colour causes the

certain colour is important

release of adrenaline, which

and we will evoke the desired

means fear or courage, and

sense of well-being within us.

a strong sense of self.

Therefore, the use of colours

2. The orange colour

Colour therapy is successfully used to relieve stress, tension, increase efficiency and fatigue. Adults usually intuitively choose a particular colour in the interior and clothing. And so coloured clothes are a method of improving mood, appearance and physical condition.

in psychotherapy is particularly

causes the release of sex

important and very effective”.

them. The influence of colour

hormones, which means

I am incredibly grateful to

on the emotional state of a

self- awareness and desire.

Professor Dr. Milan Krajnc

person is enormous, the energy

for a professional and

of colour is necessary for our

insulin, which signifies self-

educational analysis of color,

life. Otherwise, colour hunger

esteem and clear thinking.

its meaning and impact on the

sets in. These sensations are

psychological level of a person.

familiar to those who live in a

3. Yellow causes the release of

4. The green colour causes

long and harsh winter.

the release of thymus hormone, which means the

Colour therapy is successfully

promotion of compassion

used to relieve stress, tension,

Several years ago, I was very

and love.

increase efficiency and fatigue.

lucky to meet a world-class

Adults usually intuitively choose

Swiss architect and designer,

the release of thyroxine,

a particular colour in the

Carlo Rampazzi. He is an

which means an increase in

interior and clothing. And so

interior architect, top designer


coloured clothes are a method

and is famous for his shrill and

of improving mood, appearance

colourful style. His works are

the release of a stimulating

and physical condition. In

immediately recognizable. Carlo

hormone, which means an

that case, therapy takes place

Rampazzi is called Salvador

increase intuition and self-

both for the wearers of bright

Dali in the architectural scene.


clothes and for those around

He was born in Ascona,

5. The blue colour causes

6. The indigo colour causes

APR-JUN 2021



Switzerland, receiving his

projects and deep friendship.

qualifications in Lugano and

R.O. Schabbach has won

Paris. All over the world he designs museums, yachts, interiors, etc. His interiors for hotels such as the Carlton Hotel St. Moriz, Eden Roc and Carcani in Ascona and others are recognized all over the world. Carlo Rampazzi has won many international awards. What is his success? He gives rooms and buildings an unusual flavour of soul. The colours that he uses in his works evoke positive emotions of people. Bright colors play the first violin in the creation of his interiors. He is an avantgarde and visionary. It plays freely with colour, creating unusual and harmonious colour combinations. At the same time, it allows you to reveal each colour separately. He does not let the furniture get lost against the background of the walls but achieves complete harmony. Carlo Rampazzi considers in his projects a great colour influence through the human eyes. He gives everyone a positive impulse that is so 10 APR-JUN 2021

Bright colors play the first violin in the creation of his interiors. He is an avant-garde and visionary. It plays freely with colour, creating unusual and harmonious colour combinations. At the same time, it allows you to reveal each colour separately. complete harmony. necessary for the life of each of us. While in his atelier, I myself experienced the positive influence of interior colours. I felt a comfortable balance of colour, which helps to relieve stress and creates an atmosphere of work, as well as an atmosphere of calm and comfort. My conversation with Carlo was a constant stream of ideas and inspiration. Considering the topic of the positive influence of colour on a person, I would like to tell you about the extraordinary international artist R.O. Schabbach. Acquaintance with him and his work grew into joint

numerous important artistic prizes and world records. His works are in Vatican Collection, The Royal House of Habsburg, The Royal House of Bahrain and Missoni Paris. “The focus of my artistic oeuvre (works of art) is and always has revolved around the human being” - R.O. Schabbach. “Light and Love for World Peace“– is a joint project between the Artist and his wife, American rock singer Sherri Tylor. In 2011, the artist developed the concept of light art installations, created his own design of special projectors, which he is constantly improving with new technologies. For these colourful light art installations, the artist has developed a special picture configuration. He uses vibrant colours and combinations, which are also a kind of light and colour therapy. Colours evoke a cascade of positive emotions in people and restore inner balance. Therefore, P.O. Shabbach helps people find peace within themselves and in their

environment. Nowadays,

active and productive actions,

Art therapy for creative design

thanks to the improvement

and helps to overcome negative

in the workplace is a relatively

of technology, the artist can

stressful situations in the

new method that we have

install light art on an area of


developed based on individual

up to 10,000 square meters.

art therapy.

Light Art Composition has

Drawing has a greatly beneficial

been successfully applied

effect on the nervous system.

This project will provide an

in psychiatry. This is how

And the use of different colours

opportunity to participate in

the artist used his Light Art

even improves its performance.

the group painting “Emotional

Compositions on the facade

As a director of Open World

anti-stress colour Art drawing”

of the new psychiatry building

Program in Al-Khalifa Business

primarily for the employees

in Bernkastel-Kues, Germany.

School, I work jointly with my

of the companies. While

The artist himself describes his

colleague Professor Dr. Milan

drawing, all participants will

project as follows:

Krajnc under the supervision of

receive positive emotions,

”Throughout my ongoing

AKBS Chairman and Founder

emancipation and trust for each

personal experiences with

H.E. Professor Sir Manuel

other. At this moment, there

spectators of my Light Art

Freire-Garabal y Nunez. We are

is a complete disconnection

Composition Installations,

working on a new project that

from the negative influence

it is my hypothesis that that

aims to improve the teamwork

of the environment. Based

there seems to be a release of

and the working atmosphere

on this action, in a short

endogenous chemicals such

in the companies. Under this

time, the employees become

as neurotransmitters. It seems

project we will use the basics of

productive and efficient that

to stimulate the production

the colour scheme, its meaning

causes appearance of positive

of happy hormones such as

and influence on the nervous


serotonin or opioid peptides,

system. I am honoured to have

such as endorphins. This

a partner like Professor Dr.

The unification of individual

interaction of stimulants seems

Milan Krajnc.

participants, their creativity,

to play an important role in

communication, will create a

the process of perceiving and

A new method that we offer

healthy environment, that will

capturing the emotional part

for companies is Art therapy in

increase and enhance efficiency

and intention of my art work”.

the workplace. It will provide an

of the company. We are looking

Nowadays, the use of Art

opportunity to solve important

forward to the implementation

therapy has become more and

topics creatively - to bring

of our new project - “Art

more relevant. In the process

employees closer, improve the

and positive emotions - key

of drawing, all the positive

interpersonal communication,


potential is activated, which is

solve internal conflicts, awaken

able to improve mood, push to

concentration and imagination. APR-JUN 2021 11



ANGI PONDER REID (APR) PGS: Angi, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. APR: Thank you for inviting me to your amazing community. PGS: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. APR: I am Angi Ponder Reid. I am a passionate Essential Oils Specialist and a Certified Reflexologist, the creator of FLŌ Feet Love Oils, creator of The FLŌ Technique, a published columnist, an International Best Selling and Award Winning

Relaxed lifestyle.

head and do something nice for someone else. It may be

Author (Navigating the Clickety Clack, How to live a Peace filled

PGS: As a leader, what

a simple “hello” or opening a

Life in a Seeming Toxic World).

motivates you to keep serving

door. It feeds my soul to serve.

I am married to my husband

irrespective of the challenges

Bill for almost 29 years. I am

you may have to face?

PGS: Please tell us more about having a ‘done’ list as opposed

the mom to my 2 beautiful fur babies, Mork and Mindy. I am

APR: As a leader, I am

the proud Aunt to 18 nieces

motivated to serve because it

and nephews. I am blessed to

blesses me as much as it does

APR: The “to do list” stirs up

be loved dearly by my friends

the receiver of my services.

feelings of urgency for me. The

and family, as I love them. I live

Giving and Receiving are the

list governs my time. I know

in Lawrenceville, Ga. USA. I

same energy. Whenever I feel

these things MUST BE DONE

absolutely LOVE my Easy and

down or blue, I get out of my

and they will continue to hang

12 APR-JUN 2021

to having a ‘to do’ list?

As a leader, I am motivated to serve because it blesses me as much as it does the receiver of my services. Giving and Receiving are the same energy. Whenever I feel down or blue, I get out of my head and do something nice for someone else. themselves and others? APR: If someone is “trying” to create a good life for themself and others, I encourage them to take the word “TRY” out of their vocabulary. When you over my head until they are

journaling and/or meditation.

completed. Appointments don’t

I believe some people make

go on my to do list, they are on

a “to do list” just to show

my calendar.

others what they have done or to document their time for

Imagine seeing a magician


successfully completing a magic trick and the music goes

I don’t like to have a “To Do

TA DA!!! That’s what I say


when things are completed...

I love having a “To Done” List!

Ta Done!!! Having the Ta Done list allows me the luxury of

PGS: What would you say

being spontaneous, to act upon

to someone who is trying

the nudges I receive during

to create a good life for

want to pick a flower, you either pick it or you don’t. Imagine “trying” to pick the flower. What does that even look like? Make the decision to create a good life, ask people you admire for suggestions, pray, journal, expect things to be good, remind yourself that you are worthy of a good life. If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are absolutely right.

APR-JUN 2021 13


PGS: Please tell us a little bit

APR: If I knew what I know


about ‘The Flo Technique’.

now, I would have invested in

put their pants on one leg at a

more property and real estate

time, just like the rest of us.

APR: The FLŌ Technique is

for residual income, starting at

a workshop I created a few

a young age.

PGS: Who would be your ideal lunch date, and what would be

years ago. I combine the

the topic for discussion?

amazing benefits of Reflexology

I would believe and trust in

with the powerful effects of

divine intervention and never,

Essential Oils to provide others

ever think something is a

APR: My ideal lunch would

with the tools necessary to


be at the beach with my best

support their own well-being.

“Coincidence”= “Collaborating

girlfriends! We would have

I teach my students which oils

on an incident”

good music, great fresh food,

to use on certain points of the

fun drinks, our oils (of course)

feet to address certain health

PGS: What is your message for

concerns. I also use these

world leaders?

methods on my pets.

and tons of laughter. It’s tough to say what the topic

APR: My message to world

would be, because we can

PGS: If you knew what you

leaders is to LISTEN, PRAY

cover a plethora of topics when

know now, what would you do

(whatever their beliefs?), LOVE

we get together. After our time


and SERVE from a place of

together, I’m sure the world

GRATITUDE not a place of

feels a little lighter. We have

14 APR-JUN 2021

I would believe and trust in divine intervention and never, ever think something is a coincidence. “Coincidence”= “Collaborating on an incident” been known to solve a few of the worlds problems between us! I would also like to have lunch with my dad and grandmother. I would ask them how it felt to transition and how they feel today. Would they come back if given the choice? PGS: What would you say to your younger self? APR: To my younger self, I would say...I love you precious!!! You are such a light! Never dim it for anyone. Comparison is the thief of JOY!!! Never compare yourself to others, for you don’t know their true situation. Hard work does not equal SUCCESS!

Have fun!!! You are worthy of

PGS: Please share your links.


with us.

You will bless so many people


moving forward. Prepare to be

blessed yourself.

Facebook: Angi Ponder Reid IG: Feetloveoils

PGS: Thank you for your time once again. APR: Thank you for sparking these thoughts!

APR-JUN 2021 15


Perspectives on

Achieving World Peace through Harnessing our Innate Humane Attributes — BY DR. SHAULI MUKHERJEE Of the many problems that we face today are actually of our own making – created by misunderstandings and can therefore be also corrected. One such type arises from the conflict of ideologies – political or religiouswhen people fight with each other for petty ends, losing sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a single human family. We must remember that the different religions, ideologies and political systems of the world are meant for human beings to achieve happiness. Every one of us wants happiness and does not want suffering. If we, as intelligent human beings, do not accept this fact, there will be more and more suffering on this planet. If we adopt a selfcentred approach to life and constantly try to use others for our own self-interest, we may gain temporary benefits, for sure, but in the long run we will not succeed in achieving even personal happiness – and achieving world peace will be completely out of question. The world is indeed becoming smaller and smaller and increasingly more interdependent day by day as a result of rapid technological advancements, international trade as well as increasing transactional relations. Today we are so interdependent and closely interconnected

16 APR-JUN 2021

with each other that without a sense of universal brotherhood and sisterhood and an understanding and belief that we really are part of one big human family, we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence – let alone bring about peace and happiness. Although the increasing interdependence among nations might be expected to generate more sympathetic cooperation, it is difficult to achieve a spirit of genuine cooperation as long as people remain indifferent to the feelings and happiness of others.

I would therefore strongly advocate the power of compassion as one of the strongest pillars of World Peace. According to Buddhist psychology, most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and strong attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities. I would therefore strongly

as an obvious effect. Such

to avoid suffering and gain

advocate the power of

processes have been going on

happiness. Whether one

compassion as one of the

in the human mind since times

believes in religion or not,

strongest pillars of World

immemorial, but their execution

there is no one who does

Peace. According to Buddhist

has become more effective

not appreciate love and

psychology, most of our

under modern conditions. So,

compassion. Right from the

troubles are due to our

what can be done to control

moment of our birth, we are

passionate desire for and

and regulate these poisons

under the care and kindness of

strong attachment to things

in the form of our delusions,

our parents; later in life when

that we misapprehend as

greed and aggression – since

facing the agony and sufferings

enduring entities. The pursuit

these are the poisons which are

of disease and old age, we

of the objects of our desire and

behind almost every trouble in

are again dependent on the

attachment involves the use of

the world today?

kindness of others. So, if at

aggression and competitiveness

the beginning and end of our

as supposedly efficacious

Love and compassion are the

lives, we depend upon others’

instruments. These mental

moral fabric of world peace.

kindness, why then during the

processes easily translate into

The rationale for compassion

interim period should we not

actions breeding belligerence

is that every one of us wants

act kindly towards others?

APR-JUN 2021 17


The development of a kind

be a conscious self- seeking

heart does not involve the

effort; it rather becomes an

religiosity we usually associate

automatic and far superior by-

with conventional religious

product of the whole process

practices. It is not only for

of loving and serving others.

people who believe in religion,

Magically, it also provides a

but is for everyone regardless

calmness and presence of mind.

of race, religion or political

Our lives are in constant flux

affiliation. It is for anyone

bringing many difficulties and

who considers himself or

challenges in our ways. When

herself, above all, a member

faced with a calm and clear

of the human family and who

mind, even intricate problems

sees things from this larger

can be successfully resolved.

perspective. This is a powerful

When instead we tend to lose

feeling that we should develop

control over our minds through

and apply; instead we often

hatred, selfishness, jealousy

neglect it, particularly in the

and anger, we lose our sense

prime of our lives when we

of judgement. Our minds are

experience and revel in a false

then completely blinded and at

and fabricated sense of security

those wild moments anything

and invincibility.

can happen – even war. Thus, the practice of compassion

When we take into account

and wisdom is beneficial for all,

this larger perspective – the

especially to those responsible

fact that we all wish to gain

for running national affairs,

happiness and avoid suffering –

in whose hands lie the power

a true sense of love and respect

and opportunity to create the

for others – become possible.

structure of World Peace.

Individual happiness ceases to

18 APR-JUN 2021

When we take into account this larger perspective – the fact that we all wish to gain happiness and avoid suffering – a true sense of love and respect for others – become possible. Individual happiness ceases to be a conscious self- seeking effort; it rather becomes an automatic and far superior by-product of the whole process of loving and serving others.

About DR. SHAULI MUKHERJEE With a purposeful career in the education space spanning over more than 20 years, Dr. Shauli Mukherjee has dedicated her life towards promotion of child-centric and activityoriented education. A passionate educationist and a thought leader with a background of setting up and leading new age K- 12 schools, Dr. Mukherjee had been the Founder Principal of Adamas World School and STEM World School, the first STEM school in West Bengal. Under her inspiring leadership, STEM World School had been ranked and awarded as the 2nd best International Day School in West Bengal by Education World. Dr. Mukherjee ardently believes that the purpose of meaningful education is to develop lifelong learners, creative thinkers and responsible global citizens who are confidently equipped to face the challenges of an uncertain and constantly unfolding future. All through her career in education, Dr. Mukherjee had actively contributed to and spearheaded the process of creating a personalized,

engaging and stress-free curriculum for children of all age groups. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and accolades including NATIONAL QUALITY EXCELLENCE AWARD, GEM OF INDIA AWARD, PEERLESS ABP PRATIBHA SWIKRITI AWARD, SARVEPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN AWARD, GURUPNISHAD SAMMAN, GURUVARYA SAMMAN, NATIONAL EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARD in the category of commitment to excellence in education, (to name a few), WORLD PEACE AWARD 2021. She is associated with premiere educational organizations across India and abroad in senior advisory capacity. As a highly prolific motivational speaker, she is regularly invited in numerous national and international conferences, summits, conclaves and events to share her insights on the futuristic and transformative role of education. She is currently working as the Director of School of Education and Dean of Students’ Affairs at Adamas University, Kolkata.

APR-JUN 2021 19



CAMILLE TROTT (CT) PGS: Camille, such an honour to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. CT: It’s an honour to speak with you, Lady Anita. Thank you for the opportunity to share this time with the Powerhouse Global community of leaders. PGS: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. Leaders delegate to Bermuda.

and consultative guidance

CT: My name is Camille,

I also enjoy mentoring and

to growing companies and

and I’m a wife, mother, and

collaborating with women in

entrepreneurs through Austin

corporate executive turned

various business sectors.


entrepreneur. I currently reside

Prior to launching my

in two countries, dividing time

consulting firm, I spent nearly

PGS: Thank you for serving

between Atlanta, Georgia

20 years of my professional

at the recently concluded

(USA) and a British Overseas

life contributing and working

Powerhouse Global Summit.

Territory, Bermuda Islands,

with American businessman

located in the North Atlantic.

and philanthropist widely

CT: 2021 was my first year as

I’m the president and CEO

known for leading a diverse

an attendee and participant in

of Austin Communications, a

portfolio including the world’s

the Summit. What a remarkable

leadership development and

largest home improvement

program that brought together

management consulting firm.

retailer, professional sports

great business minds, content,

In addition, I’m a certified

teams and various businesses

and opportunities. I was

speaker, coach, and trainer

and a non-profit. This two-

honored to be one of the

with the John Maxwell Team. I

decade journey further

speakers and join the panel of

was recently appointed as the

inspired my commitment to

Women Shaping the Future

Global Chamber of Business

provide mentorship, coaching,

of Business. Lady Anita

20 APR-JUN 2021

curated such an impactful and

advocate on your behalf in the

meaningful summit for women

meeting rooms.

(and men) involved. I look forward to recommending the

PGS: During the summit,

summit to others next year.

you touched some important points on being a leader and

PGS: As a leader, what can

leading well. One of the things

be done to provide valuable

you said were: Set aside your

tools for those who are on the

title, and measure your growth.

transition to the position of

Please throw some light on the


above saying.

CT: I have found a significant

CT: I believe one of the biggest

advantage in having people

misconceptions of leadership

that I have high regard for in

is the connection to a title.

my life. It’s essential to build

My mentor, John C. Maxwell,

intentional relationships with

defines leadership as ‘Influence’

those that will encourage and

– nothing more, nothing less. A

challenge you. Identifying and

fancy title does not make you a

establishing a relationship

leader. I’ve worked with many

with a Coach, Mentor, and

support staff that exemplifies

Sponsor are three actionable

leadership at some of the

steps to support growth and

highest levels throughout the

transition. While they each

years. Understanding that

serve a different purpose, they

leadership is more than rank

are all important components

and position will provide the

to your journey. As you move

leader with a more significant

to the next level in your career

opportunity to influence and

or decision-making as a leader,

impact their connections

it’s valuable to have others

positively. As leaders, we

help as you move forward. I

should strive to grow daily and

often share with my clients that

remember that it’s a journey

while coaching relationships

and not a destination to a title.

will help you focus on clarity,

At the Summit, I asked two

strategy, and implementation,

growth-oriented questions with

it’s beneficial to have mentors

the audience to ask themselves

and even sponsors that will

daily: 1) What am I doing to

2021 was my first year as an attendee and participant in the Summit. What a remarkable program that brought together great business minds, content, and opportunities. I was honored to be one of the speakers and join the panel of Women Shaping the Future of Business. grow myself? And 2) What am I doing to help grow others? PGS: What are some of the challenges of leading in the current global climate (covid-19), and what are some of the steps to dealing with such challenges? CT: Many businesses have experienced challenges leading in the era of COVID–19, but it has also provided opportunities for growth and advancement for those open to embracing change. In light of the uncertainty, the current

APR-JUN 2021 21


global climate has afforded entrepreneurs the opportunity to seek clarity to launch relevant businesses; and to help established business leaders to optimize by evaluating current business practices. For example, COVID has prompted me to coach many business leaders to pivot and innovate in a more productive vein—from outdated practices to bring their teams together, communicate more effectively, and even self-reflect as leaders. PGS: What is your message for those who are struggling with low self-esteem? CT: I would encourage leaders

PGS: Please tell us more about

Communications began a

your business.

strategic partnership with international business guru

struggling with low self-esteem to build positive relationships

CT: Austin Communications,

Larisa Miller of Phoenix Global

and seek support within their

a leadership development

to collectively offer business

network. Additionally, it is

and business consulting firm

development management,

helpful to staff your business

in early 2016. As a certified

coaching/training and

according to weakness and

coach, speaker and trainer,

leadership consulting. I also

lean into your strengths. Many

one of my greatest passions

serve as the Bermuda delegate

leaders are beginning to see the

is working with thriving

for the Global Chamber of

value in emotional intelligence—

entrepreneurs, businesses,

Business Leaders based in the

self-awareness, social

and professional athletes to


awareness, self-management,

provide opportunities for their

and relationship management—

growth and development

PGS: What were top three

to manage both ourselves and

for themselves and their

books that changed your life?

others for a healthy working

businesses. CT: It’s difficult to narrow my

environment. Earlier this year, Austin 22 APR-JUN 2021

list to only three books. I’d

start with Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think & Grow Rich.” This book talks about attaining a high level of success-consciousness. My family instilled in me that success is about more than achieving wealth. It was when a billionaire told me that I was rich, it confirmed the true meaning of success really had very little to do with money and more about values. Another book that has

my younger self. As a child,

to you and your entire team. I

impacted my life, Exponential

I was a big dreamer. I’d say

look forward to collaborating

Living: Stop Spending 100%

you don’t ever stop dreaming

more in the future as we

of Your Time on 10% of Who

and believing in yourself. The

seek to empower and present

You Are by Sheri Riley. It’s a

journey ahead will not be

opportunities. Thank you for all

book that I highly recommend

an easy one, but your faith,

that you do supporting women

for anyone that wants to

family, and experiences will be

and being a voice of leadership

embrace the power of peace,

instrumental stepping stones.

across the nations.

clarity, and courage. This

You will make mistakes, and

book was highly instrumental

it’s okay; pick yourself up and

PGS: Please share your links

during my transition leaving

keep going. Lastly, don’t allow

with us

from a high-profile corporate

anyone to define what success

role to re-inventing me as an

means to you. You pursue a life

CT: Websites: www.

entrepreneur. I would also

of love, giving, and positively and www.

include John C. Maxwell’s

impacting those you encounter.

book, “21 Irrefutable Laws of

Most of all, be grateful and

Follow me on LinkedIn @

Leadership.” Regardless of your

don’t take relationships for

Camille Trott

profession, this is a must read


Social Media @cltrott and @

for any level of leadership.

austincomms. PGS: Camille, thank you once

PGS: Finally, what would you

again for your contribution

say to your younger self?


CT: There are many things

CT: Lady Anita, special thanks

that I’d love to share with APR-JUN 2021 23



DESZIREE RICHARDSON (DR) PGS: Desziree, we are so honoured to interview you today. DR: I am grateful for the opportunity. Thank you very much. PGS: Please introduce yourself to our readers. DR: My name is Desziree Richardson; I was born and raised in Anguilla, British West Indies. I specialized in public speaking as a thought leader, transformational and motivational speaker, voice acting, event hosting, fashion, modelling, and much more. I use my voice as a vehicle to convey the message of positivity and empowerment. I

I’ve always had a passion for

struggle to guarantee a life for

seeing the continuation of

her children. These youthful

women’s empowerment, a

experiences have shaped

passion for seeing them at their

me into the person that I am

best, their boldest, and their

today. They have grounded


brightest. However, being the

me and opened my eyes to

fourth child in a large family, I

the various realities of life

For an exceptionally long time,

was used to seeing my mother

and life as a woman. As such,

do this to help change lives and to influence others positively. I am also the Women of Heart Foundation, Face of Woha, and Women of Heart Awards

24 APR-JUN 2021

I feel an undeterred passion

Covid 19 pandemic beyond

for supporting, empowering,

your control, it is always a scary

and celebrating women and

process. I believe nothing is

young girls globally. I am an

permanent, and it is crucial to

empathetic, kind and caring

instill patience and inner peace

person. I feel a genuine desire

in every human being’s mindset,

and devotion to the wellbeing

which will help them overcome

and welfare of my fellow

fear. However, considering

human beings. I enjoy being a

that many in society are afraid

service to others and believe it

of change. I would like to see

is my sole purpose of sharing

more awareness on mental

my story and wisdom to help

health and domestic violence

empower positive changes

and the support available to

in the lives of many people

those who need it urgently.

around the world.

Therefore, this will include having more awareness on

PGS: The pandemic (covid-19)

what support is available and

has challenged everyone to

how people can access it

think and act differently from


our usual normal lifestyle, and the cases of mental health and

Moreover, I will place more

domestic violence are on the

schools’ measures to teach

increase. As a leader, what are

adolescents children about

some of the measures needed

emotional intelligence, which

to protect the vulnerable in our

help them cope with the


imminent change in the future. As a society, I believe we all

DR: Life is not a linear journey;

are involved in some shape

as humans, we will be faced

and form. We can collectively

with uncertainty as we journey

understand the complexity

throughout life. As a leader,

of human nature to embrace

you must be brave and true to

who we are and how we can

yourself and people who look

all support each other to get

up to you even when it ponders

through the pandemic. I believe

heavily on your shoulders in

in creating more awareness of

moments of doubt. When faced

the support available for the

with difficult situations like the


Life is not a linear journey; as humans, we will be faced with uncertainty as we journey throughout life. As a leader, you must be brave and true to yourself and people who look up to you even when it ponders heavily on your shoulders in moments of doubt. When faced with difficult situations like the Covid 19 pandemic beyond your control, it is always a scary process. PGS: Please tell us about your organization (Women of Heart Awards). DR: Women of Heart Awards is a celebration of women making a difference in the world. A range of women entertainers will grace our awards. A celebratory bonanza of entertainment and inspiration as part of our yearly black-tie democratized space, diverse everyday women are celebrated for their exceptional

APR-JUN 2021 25


To accept life’s imperfections and to believe that they can become great because there is greatness in everyone. However, such belief will help them establish themselves in many ways by thinking that great things can happen. I never knew about self-love growing up as a little girl.

are the pillars of our hospitals,

allow you to become more

schools, and care infrastructure.

responsible for your actions

They are also the managers in

and your beliefs. My message

our offices, the dreamers in our

is to have fun, smile every day,

creative world, and the beating

enjoy the beauty of the world,

hearts of our humanitarian

and you will find inner peace

sectors. In all these spheres,

and confidence to overcome

women’s light is central and

low self-esteem.

undiminished, and WOHA aims to highlight and celebrate those

PGS: If you knew what you

women who go the extra mile

know now, what would you do

every day of their lives. “I have


always dreamt of this night. DR: I would say not knowing PGS: What is your message

that you don’t need others

for women who are struggling

to make you happy. You can

with low self-esteem?

create your happiness from within, and I would also

DR: To accept life’s

say learning how to control

imperfections and to believe

my emotional intelligence.

that they can become great

However, happily doesn’t mean

because there is greatness

that life is perfect but is the

in everyone. However, such

joy knowing that happiness is

belief will help them establish

a decision and you can be as

themselves in many ways by

happy as you set your mind

thinking that great things can

and soul to be. Having known

happen. I never knew about

these things would have helped

self-love growing up as a little

me make better decisions at

girl. For most of my life, I had

an earlier stage in my life. The

only known how to love and

choices I make now can only

care for others. Moreover,

make me stronger and wiser

loving yourself will only

for a positive outcome in my

make you stronger and more

life choices. Let’s choose to be


appreciative of others, and


Throughout the world, women

selflessness and warm-hearted

PGS: As a leader, what are

nature. Therefore, it will

some of the keys to staying

work. Women of Heart Awards is also a great forum to forge connections between likeminded women. Our network of leaders teaches and support women on how to empower themselves from within and find their voice, and become leaders and decision-makers through the stories we share and the work we do, geared towards promoting the values of excellence, generosity, and pride in the actions of women. as well as celebrating their

26 APR-JUN 2021

you will most likely develop

relevant in the marketplace?

my experience at Life -class in New York. It was phenomenal,

DR: I believe patience and

emotional, spiritual, personal,

determination are two powerful

and unforgettable. I am

forces that can propel you

besieging with the vision of a

forward and excel you further

more fulfilling life. Moreover,

in your leadership endeavours.

as a young girl, I had visions

Many leadership styles are

of working in the media with

associated with leadership.

headphones on but did know

What makes you stay relevant

the visions I saw would have

is having the ability to being

manifested. I also had visions of

true to your values and your

being in the audience of Oprah.

brand while being generous, gracious, and respected. As a

As a dreamy girl being

leader, I believe in improving,

comforted by my future

uplifting, and supporting others

world as a media personality,

is vitally important.

I can proudly say that I am

As a dreamy girl being comforted by my future world as a media personality, I can proudly say that I am happy and grateful to have accomplished the dream I had envisioned as a child; although not knowing the source of these ideas, I had already known them to be fulfilling at a tender age.

happy and grateful to have PGS: Who would be your ideal

accomplished the dream I had

dinner date, and what would

envisioned as a child; although

be the topic of discussion?

not knowing the source of these ideas, I had already

DR: The streams of memory

known them to be fulfilling at a

causing through my head

tender age. Fear has continued

provide me a splendid vista

to play a constant role in my

from which to view the various

life, which I believe is an overall

instances in which the law of

negative block to my success,

attraction had crystalized and

and to witness such a dynamic

moved my life. Being present

presentation on the topic

in the audience and connected

where is a fear concern had

to such an empowering

given me hope to succeed and

atmosphere with mindsets of

overcome any barrier.

world-leading experts, such as Oprah and Tony, meant a great

This experience opened my

deal to me.

eyes to the reality of how to develop a powerful mindset to

So many words can describe

my dreams and ambitions. From a tender age, I was a big fan of the Oprah and the Oprah Winfred show. Even though we didn’t meet, I am still holding on to the vision of meeting, talking, and hugging. My ideal dinner date would be Oprah, and we will talk about the how the purpose of the law of attraction and how God had made it possible for us to have conversations on how do we know when it is divine timing and the importance of gratitude.

become successful and have APR-JUN 2021 27


One of our main objectives at Women of Heart Foundation is to help people advance in life, and we have a particular focus on those individuals who are excluding from the best opportunities through youth, old age, illness, disability, or through challenging socio-economic circumstances. I feel increasingly ready to make my giant footstep to my true destiny and watch it manifest itself in great abundance and gratitude. There are so many things to be grateful for in life, where gratitude is a concern. However, it is important to have gratitude in your everyday life, say thank you, appreciate, be grateful, and respect people. The word gratitude is the Master of Communication, which signifies the power of words when communicated, which gives others more value than what they ask for. I am also grateful to Oprah for the

28 APR-JUN 2021

positive influence she applied

women and children here in the

in my life as my role model, her

UK and under-privileged and

true talents, the lessons taught,

remote countries around the

and the love and wisdom she


shares with the world every day, and I would like one day

One of our main objectives at

to give her a big hug. I love

Women of Heart Foundation

her energy, authenticity, and

is to help people advance in


life, and we have a particular focus on those individuals who

PGS: Please tell us about your

are excluding from the best


opportunities through youth, old age, illness, disability, or

DR: The face of Woha, a

through challenging socio-

platform designed to connect,

economic circumstances.

support, and promote women to become leaders

We provide community

and instrumental in making

support, bespoke events,

the world a better place and

and programs of physical,

connecting diverse women for

educational, recreational, and

a better cause. The Women of

leisure time activities to bring

Heart Foundation’s launching

about improvements in people’s

is achievable because of my

lives and to develop their skills,

heart’s desire to help many

capacities, and capabilities.

people in need. We are a

We aim to enable everyone to

not-for-profit, charitable

participate in society as mature

organization based in the

and responsible individuals.

UK and worldwide, which establishes to support women

Moreover, I have recently

and children in various focused

explored the fashion industry’s


colorful spectrum, being the brainchild of creating and

Specifically, we inspire people

launching two fashion brands.

to get involved and give up


their time to volunteer, and

brand is from my personal

we also promote, educate,

experiences; it’s triggering

empower, and raise funds for

your happiness wearing

something comfortable. My

self, will also help you with the

younger self, I would say to love

goal is to provide stylish,

pacing and pausing of your

yourself, learn how to say no in

convenient, trendy, and classy

words. Visualizing yourself as

a healthy way, set boundaries,

products for all occasions and

an expert before going on the

and believe in yourself more.

people, founded in 2020 and

camera will help boost your, providing

confidence. Moreover, looking

PGS: Thank you once again for

various products that will

into the camera will connect

your time.

expand your style collection

the audience to your warmth,

and boost your quality

build your credibility, and show

DR: Thank you for the

wardrobe and confidence

up as a master in your field.

opportunity to share my story

through fashion. My main goal

with your audience.

is to accommodate your fashion

PGS: Finally, what would you

needs wherever you are – in

say to your younger self?

the park, at the gym, for a

With love and gratitude. Desziree Richardson.

swim, and a casual outing with

DR: Things happened for a

your friends.

reason; my experience had

PGS: Please share your links

given me the strength to

with our readers.

PGS: I believe everyone has

overcome the challenges that

a message to share with the

I had no control of. Therefore,


world, but so many people do

with a host of challenges I

(@Desziree00): https://twitter.

not know how to convey their

was facing and resolving, the


messages. As a public speaker,

creator has played an essential


what are some of the tips to be

constructive role in my life.

confident on camera?

However, I can still witness full


power as the icy hand of fear,

Facebook https://www.

DR: I believe in executing an

particularly fear of success,

overall camera performance is

draws me back. Moreover, I

knowing your topic sentence

have somewhat managed to

from the beginning to the end.

fully resolve some while others

How you look is also important,

tenuously linger. I realize that I

and what you are saying will

had to venture into the world

impact the audience while

and find a new place to become

speaking to camera. However,

the person I am meaning to

your smile is essential; It helps

be, allowing the universe to

viewers to connect with your

recognize my talents and

personality. Therefore, doing

reconcile my inner world with

this and being your authentic

my inner potential. To my APR-JUN 2021 29



CONCETTA SPITALERI (CS) PGS: Concetta, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita. CS: Thank you for the opportunity given Lady Anita, happy to share my major life milestones with you today. PGS: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. CS: My name is Concetta, I am Italian, I live in Brussels, Belgium -the heart of Europe, I am mother of 2 fabulous children who make me prouder every day. I am a very active and creative business woman and I am always in search of opportunities to improve my true purpose and help those who are in need. I have held high-ranked positions within European leading entertainment, media, telecom firms for more than 15 years mainly in executive advisory roles to top executives. I held Vice President functions in the domain of Sponsoring, PR &

30 APR-JUN 2021

Events, CSR and Reputation

long lasting, organic, water free

for more than 8 years in the

floral art. My company RosaPiù

largest Telco in Belgium. It

was born. Its meaning is Roses

has been more than 8 years

and More…in Italian to honor

ago since I took the heroic

my origins. RosaPiù specializes

decision to move from the

in long lasting floral art. We

hardworking Corporate world

create floral arrangements

which had its comfort zones, to

made from stabilized flowers,

the harder but more rewarding

greeneries, bouquets, plants,

world of entrepreneurship.

trees, green walls. We serve

This reflection gave birth to

mainly B2B customers, we

the creation of a concept with

tailor make arrangements to

fit their style and budget. Our

was time for me to quit my

concept can make up to 60%

corporate functions and have


my own project where my innate creativity could come

PGS: As a leader, what would

to life. The trigger was when I

you suggest to those struggling

saw that in Dubai there were

to keep their businesses afloat

so many luxurious hotels with

due to the impact of the

incredible floral arrangements

pandemic (covid-19)?

but the local hot temperatures and the water from the

CS: Constantly reinvent

fresh flowers resulted in an

yourself: building resilience is

unpleasant odour that wafted in

key. The world we knew before

the air. Then and there the first

the pandemic has completely

idea came to me to create a

changed and only those who

concept with long lasting, water

are able to identify the needs

free flower arrangements.

and invest in innovation and entrepreneurship will

PGS: What are some of the

contribute to a better world.

keys to staying relevant in

Productivity will be enhanced

today’s challenged world?

by continuous investments in technological innovation. This

CS: You have to be able to

was already expanding before

pivot at a moment’s notice,

the pandemic now it is just be

be innovative and creative

hastened by the economical,

to keep your model current

sanitary and humanitarian crisis.

and always be market fit. The

New needs have arisen. It’s

ability to create new revenue

up to us to identify them and

sources, keeping customers

invest in them.

happy and never stop finding new ones are all in a days work.

PGS: Please tell us a little bit

Being an entrepreneur, you

about your transition from a

have to be self sustaining with

‘C level’ executive to a global

the uncertainty of tomorrow

business owner.

always adapt and be innovative. It’s now that you need to

CS: During a trip to Dubai

prepare yourself for the “new

with my children, I realised it

normality”. When life will get

Constantly reinvent yourself: building resilience is key. The world we knew before the pandemic has completely changed and only those who are able to identify the needs and invest in innovation and entrepreneurship will contribute to a better world. Productivity will be enhanced by continuous investments in technological innovation. to the normal rhythm it will go very fast and only those who have worked hard to be ready will stay relevant. PGS: Please tell us a little bit about ‘Willow Thrive’. CS: The lockdown period also allowed me to think about the real priorities in my life and how, having acquired all this expertise and experience, I could give back to the community.

APR-JUN 2021 31


My strong bond with nature, my real values, my valued authenticity and my passion for environmental concerns pushed me to launch an initiative which gathered all these important pillars. This think thank brought to the birth of Willow Thrive: Resilience through concrete actions. Willow Thrive is the platform that creates an holistic, collaborative perspective on how the world should be. We aim at gathering entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and from all around the world. We aim to support them on tangible projects that promote diversity and encourage resilience. We turn the lessons and experiences we have had in life as an asset for those who are in need of concrete support, inspiration and hope. Why the name Willow? The Willow Tree is the symbol of resilience, resistance. When extreme weather conditions hit it badly: it adapts, it leans, it bows, it remains flexible and does not break. Therefore it survives. This is my story and the story of many women.

32 APR-JUN 2021

PGS: What makes you stand

I am driven by talent and focus.

out from the crowd as a

I do not recruit based upon

business leader?

the ethnicity of the person but based on his/her skills.

CS: My life’s conviction has always been to work hard

This neutral gender, ethnic

to become the best efficient

approach allows me to focus

version of myself. I learned very

on giving the best chance to

early that to be considered

the best person for the need at

equal in predominant male


surroundings, females should not and could not perform as

At the same time I do not

good as men, so I decided to be

tolerate racist behaviors and


therefore all ethnicities must have an equal chance.

PGS: What is your message for

the support of my 2 fabulous

PGS: Thank you for your time

women who are currently in

children and nature is always

once again.

the valley of decision regarding

close to me. I do value quality

the next step to living a

rather than quantity, but I

CS: It has been a great pleasure

fulfilled life?

work really very hard to get

to share a bit of my life journey

to results. There is no secret.

with you. I am open to any

CS: The life we all knew before

When I get overwhelmed

person who would like to get in

this global pandemic does

by work or issues, I take a

touch with me. Only by sharing

not exist anymore, therefore

step back and go for a long

we will realise that we are far

now, more than ever women

walk in nature and there my

from being alone and unity

must adapt and embrace this

inner peace is restored, and

makes us stronger.

change. We must make a

I am aligned again. It is not a

tangible asset out of it. My

problem to work hard or a lot,

PGS: Please share your links

business journey was not easy

the key is to stay focused and

with us.

but I feel it is because of all the

keep balance. CS: Concetta Spitaleri:

challenges I’ve been through that I am here today in front

PGS: What would you say to


of you all sharing my story. It

your younger self?

LinkedIn Profile : http://linkedin.

is paramount to ask ourselves


now who we want to be,

CS: It’s difficult to reply

Facebook Profile : https://

what we want to change and

here, I have a high level of

keep. Covid has given us the

determination and passion


opportunity to “reset” our life

maybe with experience you

Facebook Page : https://www.

and make finally the changes

learn to think twice before

needed to be happy or happier.

acting, but would a life be

Website :

worth living without that fire

Instagram : rosapiuworld

PGS: Considering the amount

and enthusiasm which allows

LinkedIn Willow Thrive: https://

of work required to meet the

you to move mountains?

need of those you serve. How

Sometimes I say “if I knew”, “if


do you create a work/life

I had to get back”, then I realise

FB: Willow Thrive


that it’s the sum of all those

Instagram: Willow Thrive

experiences good and bad that CS: I am driven by passion for

made of me who I am today,

whatever I decide to focus on.

that built this resilience in me,

When I get into something,

key to surmount any difficulty.

I give 100% of myself. My motivation is generated by APR-JUN 2021 33


HOW TO PLAN YOUR BOOK FOR SUCCESS There’s a well known saying—fail to plan and you plan to fail. How does this apply to the world of book writing?



he market is flooded. Thanks to the likes of Amazon, Ingram Spark, Smashwords or Lulu, anyone can write anything.

Once written they can publish it in an afternoon. In 2019 more than 1.6 million books were published, worldwide. Sadly, this means there are thousands of poorly written books out there. It also means that many wonderful books fail to get noticed. If you’re intending to write a book, knowing how to promote it will be important. However, there is no point in investing time, effort and money to climb that mountain, if what you’re carrying with you is badly executed. There may be a few exceptional people who can write an excellent book just by sitting down and writing. For the rest of us, the process is much quicker, easier, and more successful if we create a plan. I think of a solid plan as having three parts.

PART 1: THE PRE-PLAN Here you need to ask yourself some serious questions, because the answers will inform a lot of what comes afterwards. • Why are you writing this book? You need to have a strong personal motivation. There will be moments when you question why you’re

34 APR-JUN 2021

doing it, times when it seems difficult, when it would be easier to forget all about it. What is going to keep you going? • What do you want your book to do for you? Will it open doors to speaking engagements? Attract new customers? Allow you to scale your business? The clearer you are about the purpose it serves, the better your plan will be to achieve that goal. • Are you intending to approach a traditional publisher, or go the independent route? This may have a major impact on your writing; for example, it is possible for non-fiction authors to get a publishing deal on the outline rather

than the full text. Also, it


simplifies your project plan

Most aspiring authors also

(step 2) as some of the

have other calls on their

steps will be dealt with by

time—family, work, household

the publisher.

responsibilities. So they have to

• Who is your target reader?

fit their writing time in around

This is a crucial piece

their other commitments.

of information to have

Once the book is written this

before you start, and to

is only the first draft. You

keep reminding yourself of

should be seriously considering

throughout the process.

editing and rewriting, possibly more than once. A realistic


self-publishing timetable for a

This plan needs to cover the

would be at least six months,

following areas:

and preferably a year.

first-time non-fiction author

Your timetable. Do you have a specific date in mind for your

Your team. You need to identify

book launch? Maybe there is

your helpers well in advance.

an event coming up that you

These may be people you pay,

want your book to be ready

or, if you’re lucky, people you

for? If not, choose a date and

know who will do it for free or

put that in your diary as your

‘mates rates’. But don’t skimp.

launch date. Now you need to

It will make the difference

work backwards from that to

between an okay book and a

have everything in place. Read

great book. You will need:

on to get an idea of a realistic

• At least one editor,


preferably two for different parts of the process. An

First-time authors are often

edit of a complete book will

surprised by just how long it

take weeks. You need to

does take to write a book. Even

book it in advance.

if you can type fast, you will

• A professional book cover

not type at a consistent speed.

designer—unless you are a

You will stop to think, go back

graphic designer

and tweak the last sentence, delete passages, change things

• A formatter. You can format the book yourself, but it

Your timetable. Do you have a specific date in mind for your book launch? Maybe there is an event coming up that you want your book to be ready for? If not, choose a date and put that in your diary as your launch date. Now you need to work backwards from that to have everything in place. Read on to get an idea of a realistic timetable. may be more efficient and effective to find someone to do this for you. • First readers. These are people who read the book while it is in the draft stages and provide feedback to help you improve it. • Printer. If you want hard copies, you need to decide who will print them. Turn around times on a print run can be three weeks or more. Your Marketing Plan. You need a marketing plan that runs alongside the writing and

APR-JUN 2021 35


editing. You want people to

of the information included in

Finally, we move onto planning

be excited about your book

your book will be interesting

the actual content. The more

before it comes out. Launch

to many people, not just your

you can do at this stage, the

day should be a shout, not a

twenty-something high-flyer.

easier the writing becomes.


But you need to market it,

I’m quite linear, so I like

and if you try marketing to

nested bullet point lists. But


everyone you’ll end up selling

visual representations such

to no-one. You need to write it

as concept maps or spider

This begins with defining

with your ideal reader in mind—

diagrams work equally well. If

your subject area and target

it will help you decide exactly

you have a preferred planning

audience. It is better to be

which information to include

tool, use it. If not, experiment—

really specific about WHO your

without trying to brain dump

you may learn something

book is for. Move from ‘Anyone

everything you know. It will

interesting (another bonus to

with an interest in investing,’

help you choose an appropriate

writing your book).

to ‘People starting out in stock

style and tone for the text. And

market investments’ to ‘Young

it might be the first of many

There are three steps to this

professionals looking for their

books, so you can choose a


first stock market investment.’

different ideal reader for each

1. Start with a high-level

Why should you do this? Much


36 APR-JUN 2021

outline—think chapter


paragraph will be about.

The writing has now become

It may turn out in the end

easy. You simply flesh out each

and in a sensible order

to spill into two or three

paragraph. It’s quick, and you

move on to second level

paragraphs, that’s not a

have a map to follow. If you

outline—think section

problem. You just want an

can only write in short bursts,

headings. Again, take a

overview of the content.

you can complete a paragraph

sense check when you

Again, you can then take a

or two at a time, without losing

have completed this stage.

sense check of the entire

track of where you are.

Is there information that


2. Once that is complete,

is duplicated in two or

If you’ve been considering

more chapters? Should the

You can also run this past other

writing a book about your own

chapters be moved around

people to get their feedback.

expertise, then I hope that this

at all?

What have you included that

overview has encouraged you

isn’t needed? What have you

to give it a go. Best of luck with

think paragraph synopsis.

missed? Is the information

your writing endeavours.

Here you are capturing in

organised in a way that makes

a few words what each

sense to them?

3. The third and final level—

ABOUT KAREN INCE Karen is an experienced writer and author coach. She writes content for businesses and fiction for fun. She first learnt editing and proofreading in the early 1990s and has since honed her skills with additional training and a lot of varied experience alongside a successful career in business. She is a published playwright, and author of both fiction and non-fiction. As a qualified life-coach she brings her combined experience of business, writing, and editing to support aspiring authors through the process of writing and publishing their book. She lives and works in the beautiful cathedral city of Canterbury (UK) where she is active in several local community groups, including two writers’ circles, one of which she founded. When not working she spends time relaxing with family or friends or encouraging vegetables to grow in her back garden. To find out more, check out for writing and coaching services and for editing services. Find her on twitter @MrsWrite2; @kazimee; @brangaine1. Contact

APR-JUN 2021 37



RUTH SHALOM KINYUA (RSK) PGS: Ruth, good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. RSK: Thank you Lady Anita. Connecting with you for this interview was a serendipitous encounter. Nevertheless, I am grateful to you for extending the opportunity to be featured in Powerhouse Global Stars. PGS: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. RSK: My full name is Ruth Shalom Wambui Kinyua. I am ambitious, self-driven and a risk-taker.

switch educational systems.

I moved to Wellesley,

More so because I was initially

Massachusetts in 2015 to study

At fifteen years old, I was

offered a conditional one-

entrepreneurship. Somehow,

year scholarship. Thankfully, I

I managed to pack a lot into


those four years. From being

fortunate to receive a full scholarship to a Swiss boarding school, Aiglon Switzerland. Born and raised wholly in Kenya with minimal multicultural exposure, it was a tremendous leap of faith to leave my high school midway, move to a continent I had never been to before and

38 APR-JUN 2021

elected as a class senator in I completed my IGCSE during

the Student Government, to

that first year (2012) and

serving as an Equity Analyst

excelled in the two-year

in the Babson College Fund

International Baccalaureate

(optimizing returns on a $4

program. Selected to join the

million portion of Babson’s

prestigious Global Scholars

endowment fund) and

Program at Babson College,

graduating from the Honors

Program. I also completed

complexities of this world. As

an year-long program at the

a young leader, it is justifiable

London School of Economics,

that one faces greater

two summer internships at

adversity. One needs to grasp

Ernst and Young, a consulting

the nuances, not only in your

internship at the Bank of Kigali,

area of expertise, but also of

Rwanda and a summer analyst

the larger, interconnected and

position at Goldman Sachs.

highly volatile world. That said,

Upon graduating in 2019, I took

I subscribe to the belief that

another leap of faith by moving

with infinite potential there are

back to Nairobi, Kenya. In 2020,

unlimited possibilities.

I honoured my lifelong ambition by registering two ventures:

PGS: If you knew what you

Integrale Seers Advisory, a

know now, what would you do

business accelerator, and The


Maarifa Collective, a social organization.

RSK: Initially, I was timid, naive and reserved. Notwithstanding,

PGS: You obviously have

I was able to power through

evolved into a global leader in

the mental, cultural and

your industry, what were some

emotional turbulence of life in

of the challenges you faced

advanced economies through

on your journey to leadership?

sheer determination and grit.

(Could you rephrase the question- i don’t view myself

PGS: Please tell us more about

as a global leader in my

‘Maarifa Collective’.

industry yet- I took a stab at the question anyway).

RSK: In December 2019, having taken a personal break

RSK: Doubt. I recently

to recharge, and realign my

turned 24, and there are

priorities, I recognized the

misconceptions about what

oversized impact that education

is possible versus what is

has had on my life. I decided

beyond the scope for young

to apply for a PhD program.

leaders. Certainly, age

Although my application was

proffers experience, exposure

not successful, I identified the

and greater insight on the

need to champion doctoral

In December 2019, having taken a personal break to recharge, and realign my priorities, I recognized the oversized impact that education has had on my life. I decided to apply for a PhD program. Although my application was not successful, I identified the need to champion doctoral training/ education for Kenyan youth. training/education for Kenyan youth. The national average dropout rate for each doctoral cohort in Kenya is 90%, whilst the average time to completion is 6 years instead of 3 years. Maarifa means knowledge in Kiswahili and so beyond expanding doctoral capacities, our overarching objective is to catalyze pathways to a growing local knowledge economy. Maarifa Collective views education and knowledge creation, particularly among youth, as a key driving force for sustainable development nationally.

APR-JUN 2021 39


PGS: What more could be

level; targeting the pitfalls, the

Keep your head up high as you

done to support more women

drawbacks and the upheavals

go through every phase. I quote

to take up leadership roles?

that hold back female potential.

Winston Churchill, success is not final, failure is not fatal- it

RSK: In their lifetime, women

PGS: What were the top three

is the courage to continue that

follow a unique pathway that

books that changed your life?


leadership mandate. If we

RSK: Daring Greatly by Brene

PGS: What is your message for

start by fully understanding

Brown illuminated the pathway

the African Youths?

the intricacies of female

to wholehearted living. The

livelihoods, we can put in

World’s Wife by Carol Ann

RSK: Agency. Resilience.

place enabling systems and

Duffy is an anthology of

Innovation. According to the

adequate supportive structures

witty poems that deconstruct

UN, 75% of Africa’s population

to bolster female leaders. For

gender norms and create a

is aged below 35 years, and

example, the statistics show

feminist reality. Unbowed by

so we need to take personal

that the COVID-19 pandemic

Wangari Maathai exposes

and collective responsibility

has had a disproportionate

the harsh realities faced by

for our shared future, forge

negative impact on women

Kenyan females in their path to

creative pathways to realise

globally, does the recovery plan


transformative realities and

needs to be aligned with the

give prominence to redressing

build momentum for the long

entrenched gender inequities?

PGS: What is your message for

Maarifa Collective identifies

world leaders?

haul. PGS: Ruth, thank you for your

that the current ratio of male to female PhD enrolment is 2:1.

RSK: Decisions made at the

Women are underrepresented

global level have a trickle

across all academic levels, (from

down effect on both current

RSK: It is a privilege to share

Bachelors to PhD) and in all

and future generations. In a

your time Lady Anita. Thank

academic programs (STEM and

power-hungry world, there is a


Non-STEM); yet the World

growing need for restraint and

Bank indicates that the return

peace-making (Shalom!).

time – much appreciated.

PGS: Please share your links with us

to educating Sub-Saharan women is at almost 15% --

PGS: What would you say to

one of the highest investment

your younger self?

returns globally. To address

RSK: 1. Integrale Seers Advisory: LinkedIn, Twitter,

the endemic nature of female

RSK: Life will constantly throw


underachievement, tailored

curveballs, know and honor

2. The Maarifa Collective:

solutions must begin at the root

your true self at every stage.

LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram

40 APR-JUN 2021



he achievement could be likened to any level, be it miniscule or mammoth. There are a ton of uncertainties, but’s and dont’s

any business visionary need to experience before the individual lands at a point where we must have a powerful interruption to know whether we have arrived at an answer customised for the need of paramount importance. There lies prosperity, as it where, be that as it may, as consistently fate has different designs for us. It fundamentally does not have to lead us to a characterised accomplishment as it briefly takes us to different elements in our routine journey of life which could have an unmistakable bearing on a prosperity rate in proliferating something of substance to the ever restless and anxious world. Here it is featured by different components that are inalienable in any individual which draws out its natural and candid nature of being a business visionary to the fore. A conflagration of umpteen elements can unite a great deal of uniqueness which plainly would not acquire originality, the basic spot viewpoint and pragmatic approach we adjust. According to numerous restless evenings structure a cardinal factor agonising over things which we thought where implausible could be brought out which could change the feature of the cutting edge world for which sacrifice ends up being the most vital perspective which a genuine business

visionary ought to foresee at the same time arrange for too. Multi dimensional highlights like a refined and drawn out methodology will foreshadow well when given sufficient weightage to an extremely slanted centre combined with a hounded tirelessness with an all round chalked out characterised objectives however would be experienced with a component of disillusionment somewhere down the line would be an exceptionally genuine and sober minded way to deal with received for a supported outcome. Time the board as you probably are aware holds the key and is an exceptionally critical factor to observe with a carefully chalked out monetary guide with clear objectives to support it and the outcome could be the substance

APR-JUN 2021 41


of your steely purpose and

it may, in like manner speech,

underneath whatever errant

assurance. We ought to be set

a business person is viewed

we take up to clean it off with

up to face dismissal sooner or

as an individual who can be

comfort and along these lines

later to recognise what real

a gleaming and triumphant

leaves us intelligent over it.

achievement is made of. That

example of overcoming

way it additionally discloses

adversity can be all in actuality

This is in certainty a sharp

to us the stark reality of life

a melting away one to for the

pointer to the way that each

that achievement consistently

basic truth that individuals

example of overcoming

includes disappointment inside

neglect to see his adventure

adversity had constantly to

it.Be it may our capacity to

to arrive at the peak of their

a sizable portion of progress

backlash and bounce back

prosperity stepping stool which

crediting their untiring

demonstrates to the world

is exhibited to the world in

endeavors to a ton of updates

about our basic resilience

all actuality. This acquires the

through disappointments.

which is such a lot of piece of

correlation with a chunk of ice

regular daily existence acquiring

a close to synonymous one.

the dominance to advance a

Here it depicts that it is so

triumphant marvel. Be that as

hard to comprehend what God

ABOUT ABRAHAM PAUL VATAKENCHERRY Abraham Paul Vatakencherry is a seasoned thoroughbred professional in top management for strategic alliances with a demonstrated history of working with a wide range of domain ranging from fitness to healthcare, immigration, international education, service industry, business consulting, etc. in short, he carries with him more than two and half decades of hands on experience and has donned many hats like assisting certain chambers of commerce and industry in India in top management positions and also finds mention in various advisory boards of organisations / institutions in both national as well as international ones, Possessing a strong inherent passion for corporate interaction with the student community in general, but not confined to it alone but open to a bandwidth from school to professionals augmenting their professional growth. He is armed with a post graduation in English literature and is an MBA in Marketing as well as Personnel Management. Apart from that he has undergone a certification course in Corporate Governance from the University of Sussex, UK.which clearly stamps his authority in any said field. Now to add an another feather to his cap which is already rich in experience he has found his way through one inspiring article each in the Inaugural Special Monaco Edition of “ The Billionaire Chronicle “ from Monaco, launched on Oct 7th 2018 and in Inaugural Special Dubai Edition of the “The Billionaire Chronicle “ launched on Jan 10 th 2019 and his profile hitting the epitome of the popularity charts amongst the niche community of readers in it.

42 APR-JUN 2021







APR-JUN 2021 43


POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION SUPPORTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN GLOBALLY (03RD APRIL 2021) Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.

44 APR-JUN 2021

POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION CHILDREN RETREAT EVENT (12TH SEPTEMBER 2020) We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission. This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).

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46 APR-JUN 2021

POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 PROJECTS As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes. Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.


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Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. To support us, please visit: or email or

48 APR-JUN 2021

CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email

APR-JUN 2021 49

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