Use of Vegetation and Natural Materials
Flimby, England, United Kingdom Making small interventions to create a big impact. On the west coast of Cumbria, four watercourses run through the village of Flimby, which experienced a major flood in 2015 affecting 100 homes. Three of the four watercourses run under the village, culverted, becoming inundated often. Farming practices have compacted the soil, and increased rainfall combined with decreased tree cover have led to greater overland and coastal flooding. In February 2018, the West Cumbria Rivers Trust partnered with the Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission to address these problems by introducing a number of small, nature-based interventions upstream of the village. The mixed woodland of the area provided a perfect source of local materials to build leaky dams and install woody debris at nearly five dozen strategic locations along the catchment. During periods of high flow, the water still passes through these barriers but at reduced rates, allowing the floodplain more time to store the water. With work scheduled to finish in 2021, these numerous small interventions add up to a larger, incredibly cost-effective solution. They have reduced flood risk and rebuilt habitat by restoring the natural function of the river, its floodplain, and the wider catchment.