Teen Newsletter Fall 2014

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Fountain YMCA Teen Center FALL 2014

Volume 2 Issue 1

Welcome to YOUR Teen Center The Teen Center is open Monday to Friday 3:30 to 6:00 The Teen Center is free to Welte and Second Chance students and families

Questions, Comments, Ideas?

Welcome to a new school year! The Teen Center is here to serve and support you through your academic endeavors as well as provide you with recreation, art and volunteer opportunities. The Teen Center also offers daily snack, a library and homework help. YMCA Teen Staff are honored to be apart of this community and very grateful to have space in the Welte Education Center. We are open every day after school until 6:00 p.m. including most no school days where we will offer special activities.

21st Century Program Director teressa.johnson@ ppymca.org 719.382.1562


We look forward to working with you and your family. If you are ever nearby please come by the Teen Center, we would love to meet you.

We also offer parent support in the form of parent workshops and access to a computer lab. If you would like to take advantage of our computers please call for an appointment at 382.1562.

A Summer Adventure at the Denver Aquarium by Gunnar Waldroup

Teressa Johnson

Welte Education Center YMCA Teen Center 330 Lyckman Dr Fountain, CO 80817

Our program is completely free for Welte and Second Chance students. We are funded by a 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant from the Department of Education. Students who participate and attend the Teen Center 4 times a month can earn a FREE YMCA youth membership.

When I went to the Denver Aquarium in July, I had a blast with all my friends and the YMCA staff members. At first we got to have a tour of the aquarium and that was

the first time I went to an aquarium and I got to see fish that I have never heard about. It was awesome seeing fish that you could only see in the ocean. Snorkeling was the best part of the Denver Aquarium; I got to swim with my favorite sea animal, the mighty sea turtle. They were the best part about being in

the water. They love people and love to know what is going on with everyone. One of the sea turtles was so sweet that they actually cuddled with the nurse shark. The Denver Aquarium was absolutely amazing, I recommend to everyone that hasn’t been there to go and check it out, it is worth every penny.

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Why I Volunteer by Louis Plewniak Volunteering is extremely rewarding as it gives me a chance to get involved in interesting projects. It would be extremely satisfying to know that I’ve contributed in my own community to make others lives better. It would give me an opportunity to look beyond my own needs and help the less privileged lives around me.

Volunteering is an excellent way to fill life with positive actions and experience a sense of achievement.

Right: Louis learning about teamwork from the Fountain Fire Department

2014 College Tour Experience by Brylee Crocker

Top photo: Brylee Crocker trying on the firefighters PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) after volunteering for the Fountain Fire Department Bottom photo: Raquel Davis receiving a tour of the fire trucks while volunteering at the Fountain Fire Department

On April 18th and 19th 2014 we went on our 3rd Annual College Tour where we visited 3 different colleges: CSUPueblo, the Art Institute of Denver and the University of Denver. We got a whole tour of each campus. My personal favorite was the culinary building of the Art Institute campus. My least favorite part was sleeping on a gym floor of the Denver YMCA. It

was a lot of fun seeing the different things they had at each school, like the clubs and the different classes. It was also nice learning how to pay for college and the different scholarships you could get to help pay for college.

We would like to thank the 21st CCLC grant and Blazer Electric for making this trip possible. Below: Teens from the Fountain and Southeast Y at the Art Institute of Denver

School Activity Bus Starting This Year We are very excited to announce that beginning this year there are now three after school activity buses available to students on and off of post. The regular bus for Fort Carson students will pick up at the Welte Center at 5:25 Monday to Thursday and 5:20 on Fridays.

The school is featuring two new activity buses for students who live in town. There is now a North and South Route for students living in town. You may obtain a list of the bus stops by calling the school or stopping by to pick up a schedule. Both the North and South routes will depart the Welte Center at 5:15. To ride on any of the after school buses

students must request a bus pass from the school secretary before 4:00 every day. Students can then participate in after school activities such as tutoring or the YMCA Teen Center. Students must remain on campus to have bus privileges. If you have questions please contact Linda or Shari with the school at 382-1550.

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Photos from Left to Right: Jacob Hiser, a WEC Culinary student, worked at the Camp Shady Brook YMCA this summer Dorrinda Archuleta and Faith Bourbeau decorating cupcakes with our guest Iced and Dazzled Wyatt Crocker playing on our outdoor checker board

Fountain YMCA Teen Center

Effects Of Bullying There are a lot of things that happen to someone who is bullied physically and mentally. The main place people get bullied is at school. I personally feel school should be a place where people can find friends when they need help the most. When someone gets bullied they feel like they’re not good enough for anyone and want to end their lives or start cutting. I started a Facebook page called Colorado’s Teens Against Bullying. It’s a

page that helps people with their problems and how to get through them. People can be harsh, but remember, even though words hurt you’re above them and you can get through this. There is someone out there who cares whether you know it or not, but someone does. If you ever need a friend go to that page or the YMCA Teen Center because there is always someone willing to help. So be strong out there and know someone cares

about you. You are not alone! <3 ~Bubbles(:

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Pay it Forward

Above: Staff member Tanisha and Louis at our Kindness Car Wash

This summer our volunteer projects were centered around serving others. Something very simple but also something that is very easy to overlook in ones daily life. The Teens and staff held a Kindness Car Wash where everyone that came through was able to receive a clean car at no cost. We did not even accept donations.

Many people were shocked that we would not take their money, however when asked to pay it forward everyone agreed that they would. Afterwards staff asked the teens how it felt to do something nice for someone and not expect anything in return. Many of them agreed it gave them a “warm fuzzy feeling” and that they would do it again.

This Fall we plan to continue learning about serving others. I challenge you to try and do something nice for someone else everyday also. It can be as simple as giving a stranger a smile or holding a door open. Perhaps you can take it one step further and talk to your teen about volunteering somewhere together.

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Our Mission:

To put Christian principals into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

Eating Dinner As A Family Has Benefits Believe it or not eating dinner together as a family can have a positive impact on your students academic success. Unfortunately families rarely eat together anymore, the majority of Americans report eating only a single meal together less than 5 days a week. Not eating together as a family can have significant negative effects both physically and psychologically. Students who do not eat with their families are significantly more likely to be truant from school.

Students who do eat dinner with their families are more likely to:

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Do well in school Be emotionally content and have lower levels of stress Refrain from smoking, drinking and other drugs Have closer relationships with their parents Have a healthy weight Attend college

The dinner table can act as a unifier for a family, sharing a meal can be an excuse to catch up and talk about you and your teens day. If you currently are not eating dinner with your teen I encourage you to try.

Like anything else it will take some practice and you must be intentional about it. A few things you may want to consider when getting ready are turning off the T.V. and phones. The interruptions prohibit meaningful conversations. Focus on the positives during dinner. Refrain from discussing shortcomings instead praise your child and tell them you are proud of them. Remember, don’t view dinner together as another appointment rather an opportunity to spend time and catch up with those that you love.

Delistraty, C. (2014, July 18). The Importance of Eating Together . . Retrieved , from www.theatlantic.com Dolin, A. (2014, January 1). Improve Kids Grades: Eat Dinner as a family. . Retrieved , from www.hitchedmag.com

Meet the YMCA Teen Center Staff Tanisha Thomas Literacy Coordinator Education: Bachelor of Arts from Adams State University in History, Government and Philosophy Hobbies: I love to run, sing, travel, read, cook and try new things. Experience with Teens: I have been working with Teens since 2009. Why the Y: I love working with teens! They inspire me to keep my dreams alive and I’m also able to pass down some of my life experiences. I just hope I make a difference in their lives; that is my goal. Teressa Johnson 21st Century Program Director Education: Bachelor of Science from Oregon State University in Health Promotion and Health Behavior Hobbies: I love to run, play soccer, read, hike and scuba dive. Experience with Teens: I have been working with teens for over 7 years. Why the Y: I cannot imagine working anywhere other than the Y. I believe in the Y’s mission and love our history. I appreciate our approach to an individuals whole health. I also believe it is the place where I can have the greatest impact in my community. Your kids are the greatest gift, thank you for letting me be a part of their lives.

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