Lagspiller - Team Player / Sustainability Report
Lagspiller - Team Player Vår Energi is one organisation, one team. We strive to include, develop and acknowledge people by demonstrating trust and an open and collaborative environment. It is essential for our organisation that we excel in our ability to collaborate internally and externally. Likewise, Vår Energi applies high standard for corporate governance, and we aim to make ethical, responsible and profitable decisions. Our main priority is the health and safety of our employees and contractors. We expect all relevant business partners to comply with our compliance policy. This chapter highlight our initiatives and ambitions for ensuring a working environment built on trust, openness and engagement. We always put safety and the health of our employees and contractors first, and we set high bars for ourselves in upholding the best of standards. In extension, we value the diverse composition of our organisation and continue to implement measures that will strengthen our teams in the future. Vår Energi acknowledges that we must prioritise our efforts to increase the diversity amongst our leaders as well as new hires, and we aim to be in the forefront of our industry’s achievements in this regard.
Health and Safety Where and why is the topic material? It is Vår Energi’s expressed goal to carry out our activities without causing harm to people or the environment. Vår Energi uses measurement indicators to monitor and learn from experiences in our operations to achieve transparency in the way we work. Promoting a good working environment and HSE culture is at the core of Vår Energi’s operations, and it is therefore an integral part of the company’s total management system. Our strategy incorporates “nobody gets hurt” as key priority, ensuring the health and safety of our employees and contractors. The main objective in all business activities is to be the safest operator on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).
Policy and action Occupational Health and Safety Management System Vår Energi has implemented a management system to ensure a good working environment with regards to safety, health and welfare, securing sound working conditions for the individual employee and contractors, and to ensuring that everyone working for Vår Energi complies with internal and external requirements. The management system is founded on principles set out in IOGP 510 covering relevant elements from NS-EN ISO 9001, NS-EN ISO 14001, NS-EN ISO 26000, NS-EN 27001, NS-EN ISO 31000 and NS-ISO 45001. Vår Energi is certified according to OSHAS 18001 and ISO 14001. The management system is based on the “Norwegian model”, regulated by the Norwegian Working Environment Act and Norwegian legislation, characterised by employee involvement (WEC, safety delegates, discussions with representatives) Safety, health and working environment management is a company responsibility. The management system covers all workers and assets in Vår Energi, including contractors working on Vår Energi installations. The system is owned by VP Safety & Sustainability who reports directly to the CEO. Maintaining a robust, safe and transparent working environment is the responsibility of all Vår Energi personnel, including contractors working under Vår Energi management system. It is Vår Energi’ policy to conduct business in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees, others involved and the public:
We strive to prevent all accidents, injuries and work-related illness through active participation of every employee and other involved in our activities
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We strive to avoid non-conformities, mistakes and omissions as a result of good planning and control activities We are committed to continuous efforts to identify, eliminate or manage safety and health risks associated with our activities.