March 2016

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March, 2016

The Voice of the National Bench Rest Shooters Association

In this issue... Tuning for Optimal Performance


Precision Rifleman

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman



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In This Issue...

Feature Article: Rifle Tuning for Optimal Performance, by Jack Neary...................................4 Arizona State Championship Three & Four Gun Results, by AZ Benchrest Club..........................6 Mississippi Valley Regional at St Louis Benchrest Club, by Joe Fesi........................................8 Purple Haze at Land’s End: Two, Three & Four Gun Winners Declared, by Tom Stiner................10 Ojai Valley Gun Club: Barry Moss Wins 600-Yard Competition, by Barry Bluhm........................11 7th Grape Harvest Grand Prix at Club de Tir du Castellas, by Louis Artaud.............................12 Sahuaro: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, by Dale Arenson.................................................14 Richard Brensing Wins at Mill Creek Rifle Club, by Don Creach............................................16 Say What? Oak Hill Gun Club, by Cecil Peterson..............................................................18 2016 NBRSA Registered Match Schedule........................................................................20 Prairie Dog Target Club South Dakota State & Butch Kimmell Memorial, by Mel Klasi................24 Shelby County Deer Hunter’s Fall Finale, by John Petteruti...............................................26 Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest: Deja Vu All Over Again, by Dale Arenson.................................28 Sloughhouse 600-Yard Benchrest Competition Results, by Craig St Claire...............................29 NBRSA Financial Statements, Membership Information & Hunter Hall of Fame........................30 A Tribute to Lowell Hottenstein, by Joe Krupa...............................................................32 Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters-Group Match & Shooter of the Year, by Dan Lutke..................34 Desert Sportsman Club’s Hunter Match Results, by Howard Bloom.......................................35 Ranges, Clubs & Contacts.........................................................................................36 NBRSA News & Advertising Index................................................................................38 Officer, Regional Director & Business Contact Information.................................................39 On Cover: A perfect season-ender for Land’s End Benchrest. The purple haze match. Sparks were flying...Photo by LuAnn Dill.


Precision Rifleman

Rifle Tuning For Optimal Performance Part 1

by Jack Neary

Jack Neary, NBRSA Eastern Region Director, Benchrest Hall of Fame member, multi-time member of the US World benchrest team and

all-around great guy, explains how to tune a rifle with Lapua brass and Vihta Vuori powder along with other shooting tips, which are very valuable to reloaders. This series of articles recaps his video series which you can find on the internet at How to get your rifle to shoot to its potential. It can get frustrating

to be at a match and have your rifle just not shoot well. The Lapua case is really where the process starts and how you prepare it. Website information is hap-hazard in content, so it’s difficult to get good information on the net. Neck turning is very important to brass preparation. Following the advice of Bill Forrester, another Benchrest Hall of Fame shooter, “Cut the brass thin to win”. I had been turning his brass at the time to .0085, to which Bill said that was okay, but suggested .0081 would be better. My neck was a .262. Bill said if I really wanted my gun to shoot better, he recommended turning the cases .0081-.0083. Although my initial concern was that was a lot of clearance on the neck, I prepped cases at both my original .0085 and others at .0081. At my next match I shot a .1632 agg at 100-yards with the brass prepped to .0081. I stashed away the brass as and made up new brass for the next match -- that years’ Super Shoot. Unfortunately, my aggregates hovered around .2500; a far cry from the tiny .1632 of the previous match. Flummoxed, I spoke with the now late Charlie Delasandro, who at the time was a retired machinist. Charlie measured this new lot of brass and noted that it was turned to .0086, when I thought it had been turned to .0081. It was my practice brass which had been turned to .0081 and where the small aggs were shot. I spent the following weekend back at Kelbly’s testing brass at .0081 and .0085, where I confirmed what Bill Forrester had said. The gun did indeed shoot the smaller groups with the .0081 case preparation. There is a difference. I suggests that if you have time, to forget about the thousandth or ½-thousandth total clearance, try to have your loaded round to have .002 or more clearance. I currently use a.263 neck with a boat tail

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

bullet. My loaded rounds measure .2602 at the neck. Having more clearance is going to help you. I don’t suggest using a ball mike to measure thickness because it can be less reliable than a micrometer. Verify your thickness with a micrometer and measure at the pressure ring in the neck after the bullet is seated; this is the litmus test. For safety, you should be doing this when making up new brass. A couple things I learned along the way about prepping brass and maintaining it: 1. I experimented with not cleaning the primer pocket thinking it was not necessary. My aggs suffered at this time, but I attributed it to other items. At that year’s East West match in St Louis, I discovered some of my primers were recessed and some were flat. To resolve this, I started taking the Sinclair primer pocket square reamer and making sure all my primer pockets were uniform. I then shot a .1812 agg which I hadn’t been able to do in some time. So it definitely makes a difference to have your primer pockets all squared and at the same depth. Your ignition is so important in this game, just as it is in rimfire. Any inconsistency will show up on your target. 2. Brass Trimming: Dave Bruno does all my gunsmithing. For a while we shared a Henrickson 1510 reamer. When we did not concentrate on the brass length it could end up measuring 1.502, 1.504 or even 1.498. It varied but it got within .010 of the trim length for that reamer; which is not good. Resolution: I got my own reamer. Upon further experimentation I discovered that trimmed brass shot better not trimmed. So my point is to do the work on the brass as it is very important. Even if you think a few thousandths doesn’t matter, it will.

World Benchrest Championship USA Team Sponsors Thank You! On behalf of this year’s US Team who competed in St Louis I would like to thank all of our corporate as well as individual sponsors and donors. Over $20,000 was contributed in team clothing, equipment and yes cash to help offset shooter expenses. Thank You again for your support. --Wayne Campbell

Bartlein Barrels 5,000.00 Bartlein Barrels 1,737.00 Berger Bullets 3,895.00 Stevens Accuracy 200.00 Bart’s Bullets 200.00 Edgewood Bags 1,200.00 Jim Morris 500.00 Bullet Central 1,000.00 Anonymous 100.00 Anonymous100.00 Shilen Barrels 2,000.00 Anonymous 500.00 George Kelbly 100.00 Bruno Shooting Supply 300.00 Wayne Campbell Precision 360.00 Lowell & Barb Hottenstein 250.00 Bill Green 100.00 Sta-moly, Inc. 350.00


Magnum Metal 940.631.4545

David and Jane Woodward 150.00 Gary Sullivan 100.00 Stan & Stella Buchtel 200.00 100.00 Andy & Lisa Shifflett 100.00 Gary Conaway 200.00 Don & Juanita Creach 200.00 Jack & Donna Sutton 100.00 John & Sunshine Jones 100.00 Mike & Beverly Bryant 100.00 Tom Libby 100.00 William McIntyre 100.00 Butch’s Reloading 100.00 Benchrite, LLC 100.00 John Horn 100.00 Gene & Saundra Bukys 100.00 Mike Cordes 100.00 David Halbolm 300.00





Precision Rifleman

Arizona Benchrest Shooters State Champion Conclusion

We would like to thank all the shooters who came out on November 7-8, 2015 to the SP-Unl-5 Arizona State Championships. This match was part 2 of the Arizona State Championships, and combined with the LVHV AZ State Championships that we hosted in October, 2015 to create 3 Gun and 4 Gun Aggs. Thirty-four shooters came out, including some new faces and some that we hadn’t seen for a while. Following last month’s rain, we were happy to see the sun shining both Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, the wind decided to take the place of the rain. It was windy enough that Saturday’s competition was held back for an hour while we waited for the wind to calm down a little. In fact, clocked wind gusts of over 30 miles per hour on Ben Avery Range on Saturday! Towards the afternoon, things finally calmed down to get some pretty decent groups. On Sunday, the heavy gusts were

gone, but shooters had to face some decent headwinds that made getting a small group tricky. After the early morning passed, the wind became much more accommodating and we saw some nice groups, like George Lozano’s 0.121” small group with his unlimited rifle at 200 yards. In the end we had new shooter, James Coulter take the Unl5 Grand Agg with a 0.1587” agg, a very nice size considering the conditions. Meanwhile, Lou Murdica took the Sporter Grand Agg with a 0.3154” agg. This gave Lou enough of an edge to get him in the lead in the 3-Gun Agg with a 0.3170” Agg, which was just a little smaller than Gary Ocock’s 0.3187” 3-Gun Agg. However, Gary came ahead when you combine in the Unl5 Aggs, giving Gary a 0.2848” 4-Gun Grand Agg, which was a convincing lead. Even though we did not have an official 2-Gun for SP-Unl5, we want to recognize the Junior shooters that came out this month; Tony DeBacco, Angelina Gonzalez, and Garett Atkins. Tony DeBacco took Unofficial High Junior with a 0.3857” 2-Gun Agg.

We know a lot of Unlimited Shooters are looking forward to next month’s Unl5-Unl5 Invitational. We have had great feedback on the Unlimited matches, and we hope you will be able to join us this time around too. Even if you do not have a rail gun, bring your bag gun out and have some fun! For more information about the Arizona Benchrest Shooters and upcoming matches, visit our website at Arizona Benchrest Shooters

Sporter 100-Yards Stephen Everson........... 0.3354 Gary Ocock................... 0.3472 Lester Bruno................. 0.3520 Tom Debacco................ 0.3640 Roy Damron.................. 0.3776 Earl Horgeshimer............ 0.3778 Larry White.................. 0.3960 Lou Murdica.................. 0.4050 Jack Childers................ 0.4508 Dana Andrus.................. 0.4516 Sporter 200-Yards Lou Murdica................. 0.2259 George Lozano.............. 0.2598 Lester Bruno................. 0.2881 Keith Cottrell................ 0.3057 Larry White.................. 0.3230 Gary Ocock................... 0.3271 Gene Deloney................ 0.3440 James Coulter............... 0.3467 Tom Debacco................ 0.3528 Jack Childers................ 0.3655 Sporter Grand Aggregate Lou Murdica................. 0.3154 Lester Bruno................. 0.3201 Gary Ocock................... 0.3372 Tom Debacco................ 0.3584 Larry Whote.................. 0.3595 Roy Damron.................. 0.3767 Stephen Everson............ 0.3778 Gene Deloney................ 0.4013 George Lozano.............. 0.4064 Jack Childers................ 0.4082 Keith Cottrell................ 0.4110 Joe Pipola.................... 0.4223 Chuck Miller................. 0.4287 Tony Debacco................ 0.4324 Dana Andrus.................. 0.4430 James Coulter............... 0.4561 Glen Brace................... 0.4613 Dan Sutton................... 0.4774

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

William Marsh................ 0.4895 Tom Libby.................... 0.4944 Unlimited 100-Yards James Coulter.............. 0.1348 Gary Ocock................... 0.1832 Ed Maxwell................... 0.1846 Dan Sutton................... 0.1916 Gene Deloney................ 0.1970 Larry White.................. 0.1988 George Lozano.............. 0.2028 Lester Bruno................. 0.2052 Chuck Miller................. 0.2078 Jack Childers................ 0.2146 Unlimited 200-Yards George Lozano.............. 0.1454 James Coulter............... 0.1826 Gary Ocock................... 0.1827 Larry White.................. 0.2191 Jack Childers................ 0.2235 Dan Sutton................... 0.2308 Lester Bruno................. 0.2323 Stephen Everson............ 0.2349 Dana Andrus.................. 0.2499 William Marsh................ 0.2561 Unlimited Grand Aggregate James Coulter.............. 0.1587 George Lozano.............. 0.1741 Gary Ocock................... 0.1830 Larry White.................. 0.2089 Dan Sutton................... 0.2112 Lester Bruno................. 0.2188 Jack Childers................ 0.2190 Ed Maxwell................... 0.2272 Dana Andrus.................. 0.2389 Stephen Everson............ 0.2391

Tom Libby.................... 0.2636 Angelina Gonzalez.......... 0.2757 Walt Berger.................. 0.2761 Tom Debacco................ 0.2813 Glen Brace................... 0.2817 Gene Deloney................ 0.2850 Carolyn Libby................ 0.2871 Three Gun (LV/HV/SP) Lou Murdica................. 0.3170 Gary Ocock................... 0.3187 Joe Pipola.................... 0.3337 Dana Andrus.................. 0.3534 Stephen Everson............ 0.3742 Gene Deloney................ 0.3845 Tony Debacco................ 0.3931 Dan Sutton................... 0.3971 William Marsh................ 0.4047 Chuck Miller................. 0.4247 William Summers............ 0.4336 Tom Guisewhite............. 0.4446

James Coulter............... 0.4523 Ed Maxwell................... 0.4529 Tom Debacco................ 0.5166 Ed Slagel...................... 0.5966 Four Gun Gary Ocock.................. 0.2848 Lou Murdica.................. 0.3030 Dana Andrus.................. 0.3248 Stephen Everson............ 0.3404 Dan Sutton................... 0.3506 Joe Pipola.................... 0.3544 Gene Deloney................ 0.3596 William Marsh................ 0.3679 James Coulter............... 0.3789 Tony Debacco................ 0.3795 Chuck Miller................. 0.3807 Ed Maxwell................... 0.3965 Tom Guisewhite............. 0.4246 William Summers............ 0.4289 Tom Debacco................ 0.4578

Your Source for Lapua and VihtaVuori Products

Graf & Sons, Inc. 800-531-2666

Chuck Miller................. 0.2487 William Marsh................ 0.2572 Lou Murdica.................. 0.2611

Name Caliber Sporter Grand: Lou Murdica 6PPC Lester Bruno 6PPC Gary Ocock 6PPC Tom DeBacco 6PPC Larry White 6PPC Unlimited Grand: James Coulter 6PPC George Lozano 6PPC Gary Ocock 6PPC Larry White 6PPC Dan Sutton 6BR



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Equipment List Barrel Stock Mfr Stocker Gunsmith Scope/Pwr



Grizzly Bat 3L Marsh BAT 3L Marsh

Bartlien Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlien

Kensler Bruno Young Young TM

Kensler Lester Young Young Ocock

Self Lester Ocock Bruno Ocock

March 50 Leup-45 Nightforce March 60 Nightforce

LT32 28.2gr 133 30.2gr 133 8208 LT31 27gr

Chuck 66 Bruno 68 Ocock 67 MillerTime Miller

Hall BAT 3-Lug Marsh Marsh Marsh

Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlien Krieger

n/a Young BRN/MCM Young McMillan

Ocock Young Ocock Young Sutton

Ocock Ocock Ocock Brackney Sutton

Leupold 45 Leupold 45x Leupold 45 Nightforce Leupold 45

N133 LT32 28.2gr 133 LT31 27gr N135 30.0gr

Miller Miller 66BT Ocock 67 Miller Berger 65BT


Precision Rifleman

2015 Mississippi Valley Regional

We had a fantastic turnout for the Mississippi Valley Regional this year! The sky was perfectly clear, but the temperatures started each day in the mid 30’s. The cool temps, along with tricky winds and some heavy mirage made for a challenging shoot.

We started Saturday with LV 100. Jerry Wick won the aggregate with a .2536. He was followed by Terry Meyer with a .2720. Rounding out the top three was Bart Sauter with a .2786. Small group went to Jerry Wick who shot a .135 on the fourth target. In the late afternoon we shot HV 100. Bart Sauter started out hot with

a .104 which was the small group of the aggregate. Bart also won the aggregate with the weekends only teen aggregate of .1820, Jerry Wick was second with a .2698, and Matt Owens was third with a .2708. Sunday morning was dry with cooler temperatures. In fact, the grass and flags were covered with a heavy frost when the shooting began. We started with HV 200. Jim Hart had it all dialed in. He won the aggregate with a .2519. Dean Stroud was second with a 2750, and Mike Schneidman finished third with a .2770. Dennis Boyet shot the small group again with a .241. We finished with LV 200 and Chet Whitebread had everything working. He won the aggregate with a .2763. Second place was Jerry Wick with a .2866, and Joe Fesi finished third with a .2965. Jerry Wick had the small group with a .309 on the second target. LV Grand Agg winner was Jerry Wick. He finished with an aggregate of .2701. Second place was Chet Whitebread with a .2876, and third place in the LV Grand Aggregate was Bart Sauter with a .2962. HV Grand Agg winner was Bart Sauter with a .2478. Ron Miller was second with a .2902 and Jim Hart finished third with a .3017. The winner of the 2015 Mississippi Valley Regional was Bart Sauter with a .2720 grand aggregate. Second place was Jerry Wick with a .2919, third place was Chet Whitebread with a .2984, fourth was Ron Miller with a .3170 and fifth place went to Matt Owens with a .3193. I want to thank everyone for making out to this match! We really appreciate everyone that made it. We have had a great year at BRRC and hope to see all of you and more again next year. I would also like to thank all of the folks that chipped in to help keep the match running smoothly. I really appreciate all of your help! --Joe Fesi

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Bart Sauter.................. 0.1820 Jerry Wick.................... 0.2698 Matthew Owens............. 0.2708 Chet Whitebread............ 0.2714 Ron Miller.................... 0.2718 Harry Ward................... 0.2724 John Magoulias.............. 0.2764 Wayne Corley................ 0.2832 Dave Brooks.................. 0.2872 Keith Christianson.......... 0.2900 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jim Hart...................... 0.2519 Dean Stroud.................. 0.2750 Mike Schneidman............ 0.2770 Ron Miller.................... 0.3086 Bud Mundy................... 0.3105 Bart Sauter................... 0.3135 Robert Hawkins.............. 0.3215 Jerry Kloeppel............... 0.3268 Bill Cook...................... 0.3273 Fred Martin.................. 0.3284 Heavy Varmint Grand Bart Sauter.................. 0.2477 Ron Miller.................... 0.2902 Jim Hart...................... 0.3017 Mike Schneidman............ 0.3031 Harry Ward................... 0.3036 Wayne Corley................ 0.3058 Chet Whitebread............ 0.3091 Jerry Wick.................... 0.3136 Matthew Owens............. 0.3146 Light Varmint: Jerry Wick Chet Whitebread Bart Sauter Joe Fesi Matt Owens Ron Miller Bill Cook Terry Meyer Jim Hart Fred Martin Heavy Varmint: Bart Sauter Ron Miller Jim Hart Mike Schneidman Harry Ward Wayne Corley Chet Whitebread Jerry Wick Matt Owens Dave Brooks

Dave Brooks.................. 0.3205 Light Varmint 100-Yards Jerry Wick................... 0.2536 Terry Meyer.................. 0.2720 Bart Sauter................... 0.2786 Matthew Owens............. 0.2898 Chet Whitebread............ 0.2990 Greg King..................... 0.3114 Jerry Kloeppel............... 0.3116 Ron Hoehn.................... 0.3170 Jim Schmidt.................. 0.3172 Ron Miller.................... 0.3194 Light Varmint 200-Yards Chet Whitebread........... 0.2763 Jerry Wick.................... 0.2866 Joe Fesi....................... 0.2965 Bart Sauter................... 0.3139 Bud Mundy................... 0.3408 Jim Hart...................... 0.3463 Bill Cook...................... 0.3552 Matthew Owens............. 0.3581 Fred Martin.................. 0.3638 Ron Miller.................... 0.3683 Light Varmint Grand Jerry Wick................... 0.2701 Chet Whitebread............ 0.2876 Bart Sauter................... 0.2962 Joe Fesi....................... 0.3100 Matthew Owens............. 0.3239 Ron Miller.................... 0.3439 Bill Cook...................... 0.3547

Caliber 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC

Action Viper Panda Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Panda

Barrel Krieger Krieger Krieger Hart Bartlien Bartlien Shilen Krieger Bartlien Broughton


Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Panda Viper Bat Panda

Krieger Bartlien Bartlien Krieger Bartlien Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlien Krieger

Mississippi Valley Regional Gunsmith Stock Mfr Wick Klub Self Kelbly Stevens Scarbrough Skeetlee Scoville Stevens Scarbrough Self JTR Hoehn McMillian Self Edge Skeetlee Green Whitebread Scoville Stevens Self Skeetlee Self Stevens Hoehn Self Wick Stevens Stevens

Scarbrough JTR Green Kelbly Leonard Kelbly Kelbly Klub Scarbrough KLP

Terry Meyer.................. 0.3599 Jim Hart...................... 0.3614 Fred Martin.................. 0.3622 Two Gun Bart Sauter.................. 0.2720 Jerry Wick.................... 0.2919 Chet Whitebread............ 0.2984 Ron Miller.................... 0.3170 Matthew Owens............. 0.3193 Jim Hart...................... 0.3316 Wayne Corley................ 0.3513 Bill Cook...................... 0.3515 Mike Schneidman............ 0.3542 Brett Stroud.................. 0.3571 Robert Hawkins.............. 0.3594 Jim Schmidt.................. 0.3679 Steve Turner................. 0.3690 Harry Ward................... 0.3693 Fred Martin.................. 0.3717 Dennis Boyet................. 0.3730 Terry Meyer.................. 0.3731 Dave Brooks.................. 0.3744 Jim Gardner................. 0.3789 John Magoulias.............. 0.3795 Bud Mundy................... 0.3913 Greg King..................... 0.3931 Keith Christianson.......... 0.3944 Dean Stroud.................. 0.4056 Wes Johnson................. 0.4295 Lou Kerhliker................ 0.4492 JJ Coe......................... 0.4778 Joe Fesi....................... 1.0035

Equipment List Stocker Trigger Wick Jewell Hail B&A Stevens Jewell Scoville B&A Scarbrough B&A Self Jewell Hoehn Jewell Bigelow B&A Green Jewell Scoville Jewell Stevens Self Green Self Stevens Self Hail Wick Scarbrough Self


Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell B&A Jewell B&A Jewell

Bullet Bart 68 BT Berger 65 Bart 68 BT Griffin 67 Bart 68 BT Bart 68 BT Fowler 68 Meyer 66 Conaway 65

Powder 133 / 29+ 133/29.2 133/28.8 8208/30.0 LT32 LT32/28 133/29.1 133/29.4 133/30 LT32

Scope/Pwr Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Valdada 36 March 40 Valdada 36 March 50 Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Leupold 36 Leupold 36

Bart 68 BT Bart 68 BT Conaway 68 Bart 68 Bart Ultra Berger 65 Bart 68 BT Bart 68 BT Bart 68 BT

133/28.8 LT32/28 133/30 8208/28 133/29.5 LT32/28 133/29.2 133 / 29+ LT32 LT32/29.1

Valdada 36 March 50 Leupold 36 Leupold 45 March 10-60 Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Valdada 36 Leupold 45


Precision Rifleman

Land’s End Benchrest

Purple Haze

Bud Schalles Wins Two & Three Gun, Larry White Wins Four-Gun

The season ended at Land’s End Benchrest with the Purple Haze and with a bang, as shown on the cover picture. The Purple Haze is the 4-Gun conclusion and serves as the Light Varmint leg of the Land’s End 4-Gun competition for the year. Back in May, the Heavy Varmint was Leg 1, the July match was the Unlimited 10-shot and Sporter legs and finally on October 3-4, 2015 we had a winner declared. There were 36 shooters who gave chase to the win and as you can see, there were many “oldies but goodies” taking their turn at the yardage wins. Bud Schalles (match director for life from Northern Colorado Benchrest) took hold of the LV100 and would not let go until he topped Mel Klasi’s LV200 yardage win of 0.2717 and won the LV Grand with a 0.2472. Along came Dave Tunbridge from Central Utah Benchrest (another match director for life) and won the HV100 with 0.1870. Now comes NBRSA’s former Financial Officer, Jim Erickson to win the HV200 with 0.2565 and the HV Grand with 0.2515. It was great to see the changes as it kept everyone guessing. Alas, Bud Schalles had shot the smallest and won the Two Gun with 0.2716 as well as the Three Gun with 0.2648. But wait! There’s more! (sounding like a TV detergent salesman). Here comes “White-Hot” Larry White to win the Four Gun with a 0.2870. It’s just been a Larry White year in 2015. When you’re on fire like Larry’s been all year, we’ll it’s just about as good as it gets. Here’s looking forward to 2016!

Thank you to all our participants. It was a lot of fun and the food was excellent. Our score team and target crew deserve a big thank you as well. Congratulations to Larry and Bud for winning the Four, Three & Two Guns as well as Jim, Dave & Mel on winning the yardages. Come back later this year as we start the process all over again! --Tom Stiner Light Varmint 100-Yards Bud Schalles................. 0.1848 Michael Beard............... 0.1958 Lowell Frei................... 0.2124 Rodney Brown............... 0.2230 Bob Martinez................. 0.2342 Al Johnson................... 0.2584 Scott Smith.................. 0.2602 Tom Stiner.................... 0.2662 Janet Goulette.............. 0.2680 Larry White.................. 0.2726 Light Varmint 200-Yards Mel Klasi..................... 0.2717 Rodney Brown............... 0.2853 Bud Schalles................. 0.3096 Justin Young................. 0.3178 Scott Smith.................. 0.3183 Michael Strange............. 0.3215 Tom Stiner.................... 0.3532 Jim Erickson................. 0.3792 Dave Gibson.................. 0.4017 Larry White.................. 0.4029 Light Varmint Grand Bud Schalles................. 0.2472 Rodney Brown............... 0.2542 Scott Smith.................. 0.2893 Mel Klasi...................... 0.3075 Tom Stiner.................... 0.3097 Justin Young................. 0.3112 Michael Beard............... 0.3171 Larry White.................. 0.3378 Al Johnson................... 0.3450 Lowell Frei................... 0.3463 Michael Strange............. 0.3496 Jim Erickson................. 0.3606 Bob Martinez................. 0.3679 Dave Tunbridge.............. 0.3749 Bruce Black.................. 0.3855 Truman Wilson............... 0.3872 Kelly Ellis..................... 0.3878 Dave Gibson.................. 0.3937 Joe Olas...................... 0.4069 Dan Dowling................. 0.4069

Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Dave Tunbridge............. 0.1870 Rodney Brown............... 0.2344 Scott Smith.................. 0.2458 Jim Erickson................. 0.2464 Bud Schalles................. 0.2574 Larry White.................. 0.2576 Lowell Frei................... 0.2800 Mel Klasi...................... 0.2908 Michael Strange............. 0.2950 Michael Beard............... 0.3052 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jim Erickson................ 0.2565 Leon Noel.................... 0.2592 Joe Olas...................... 0.2922 Lowell Frei................... 0.3007 Kelly Ellis..................... 0.3018 Larry White.................. 0.3028 Bruce Black.................. 0.3065 Scott Smith.................. 0.3083 Michael Strange............. 0.3169 John Reiss.................... 0.3267 Heavy Varmint Grand Jim Erickson................ 0.2515 Dave Tunbridge.............. 0.2575 Scott Smith.................. 0.2771 Larry White.................. 0.2802 Lowell Frei................... 0.2904 Rodney Brown............... 0.2922 Bud Schalles................. 0.2960 Leon Noel.................... 0.3011 Michael Strange............. 0.3060 Bruce Black.................. 0.3168 Kelly Ellis..................... 0.3196 Mel Klasi...................... 0.3312 Roy Damron.................. 0.3363 John Reiss.................... 0.3415 Al Johnson................... 0.3420 Michael Beard............... 0.3438 Joe Olas...................... 0.3493 Larry Leser................... 0.3497 Brandon McNairy............ 0.3634 Justin Young................. 0.3642 Two Gun Bud Schalles................. 0.2716 Rodney Brown............... 0.2732 Scott Smith.................. 0.2832 Jim Erickson................. 0.3060 Larry White.................. 0.3090 Lowell Frei................... 0.3183 Mel Klasi...................... 0.3193 Dave Tunbridge.............. 0.3212 Michael Strange............. 0.3278 Michael Beard............... 0.3304

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Justin Young................. 0.3377 Al Johnson................... 0.3435 Bruce Black.................. 0.3521 Kelly Ellis..................... 0.3537 Bob Martinez................. 0.3664 Leon Noel.................... 0.3757 Joe Olas...................... 0.3781 Dan Dowling................. 0.3903 Tom Stiner.................... 0.3909 JD Goulette.................. 0.3909 John Reiss.................... 0.4016 Dave Gibson.................. 0.4036 Dennis McAfee............... 0.4079 Truman Wilson............... 0.4117 Daryl Dudley................. 0.4162 Dennis Prendergast......... 0.4199 Todd Jensen.................. 0.4412 Larry Leser................... 0.4446 Brandon McNairy............ 0.4483 Cliff McNairy................. 0.4532 Janet Goulette.............. 0.4593 Mark Schwab................. 0.4771 Shania Peterson............. 0.4859 Jack Duncan................. 0.4933 Troy Waldner................. 0.5233 Roy Damron.................. 0.5332 Three Gun Bud Schalles................. 0.2648 Rodney Brown............... 0.2686 Larry White.................. 0.2687 Tom Stiner.................... 0.3031 Michael Beard............... 0.3085 Dave Gibson.................. 0.3311 Joe Olas...................... 0.3414 Dave Tunbridge.............. 0.3482 John Reiss.................... 0.3530 Truman Wilson............... 0.3557 Cliff McNairy................. 0.3896 Larry Leser................... 0.4014 Brandon McNairy............ 0.4775 Four Gun Larry White................. 0.2870 Rodney Brown............... 0.2918 Bud Schalles................. 0.3166 Tom Stiner.................... 0.3462 Truman Wilson............... 0.3515 Michael Beard............... 0.3529 Dave Gibson.................. 0.3620 Joe Olas...................... 0.3839 John Reiss.................... 0.3949 Dave Tunbridge.............. 0.3992 Cliff McNairy................. 0.4248 Larry Leser................... 0.4251 Brandon McNairy............ 0.4951

Ojai Valley Gun Club

Barry Moss Wins 600-Yard Two Gun November 15, 2015

We had another great match in November with temperatures hovering around 30F and clear. By the time the targets were put away and the shooters were having lunch, it was raining. Our match director, Barry Bluhm, had a family emergency and called on Mike Leonard and Keith Cottrell to fill in. They did a fine job with the help of Heather Johnson in getting the registration completed and the match underway. We thank Nina in the stat house who entered all the data for the reports. Barry Moss was the outstanding competitor placing first in all but one category with Bill Bonser and Mike Leonard putting pressure on. Keith Cottrell posted a fine 50-3X shooting his 6PPC. Check out our web site at Light Gun Score Barry Moss................... 133-0X Bill Bonser.................... 132-0X Mike Leonard................ 129-4X Al Lemmon................... 127-0X Keith Cottrell................ 122-3X Leroy Jenson................. 118-0X Wayne Schick................ 114-0X John Blackman............... 94-0X Phil Peterson.................. 93-0X Bill Zabrowski................. 87-0X Light Gun Group Barry Moss................... 2.7003 Bill Bonser.................... 3.0750 Bill Zabrowski................ 3.2543 Mike Leonard................ 3.3237 Leroy Jenson................. 3.7643 Al Lemmon................... 4.1657 Keith Cottrell................ 4.2683 Wayne Schick................ 5.2063 John Blackman.............. 5.3013 Phil Peterson................. 8.3140


Heavy Gun Score Barry Moss................... 278-6X Bill Bonser.................... 268-5X Bill Zabrowski................ 266-2X John Blackman.............. 261-4X Wayne Schick................ 260-2X Leroy Jenson................. 259-2X Phil Peterson................. 257-3X Mike Leonard................ 242-1X Al Lemmon................... 225-3X Keith Cottrell................ 211-0X Heavy Gun - Group Mike Leonard............... 4.0103 Barry Moss.................... 4.0167 Bill Bonser.................... 4.1297 Bill Zabrowski................ 4.4213 Al Lemmon................... 4.6530 Phil Peterson................. 4.8727 Keith Cottrell................ 5.0303 John Blackman.............. 5.1630 Leroy Jenson................. 5.2887 Wayne Schick................ 5.7287 Two Gun Score Barry Moss................... 411-6X Bill Bonser.................... 400-5X Bill Zabrowski................ 384-2X Wayne Schick................ 374-2X Mike Leonard................ 371-5X John Blackman.............. 355-4X Al Lemmon................... 352-3X Keith CottrelL............... 333-3X Leroy Jenson................. 296-2X Phil Peterson................. 257-3X Two Gun Agg Group Barry Moss................... 3.3585 Bill Bonser.................... 3.6023 Mike Leonard................ 3.6670 Bill Zabrowski................ 3.8378 Al Lemmon................... 4.4093 Leroy Jenson................ 4.5265 Keith Cottrell................ 4.6493 John Blackman.............. 5.2322 Wayne Schick................ 5.4675 Phil Peterson................. 6.5933 Light Gun Small Group Kieth Cottrell................. 1.639 Light Gun High Score Kieth Cottrell................. 50-3X Heavy Gun Small Group Bill Bonser..................... 3.304 Heavy Gun High Score Barry Moss..................... 95-6X Match Winner Barry Moss


Precision Rifleman

7th Grape Harvest Grand Prix Club de Tir du Castellas at La Fare Les Oliviers

Twenty three shooters gathered together October 10-11, 2015 to contest this Light & Heavy varmint match. Both days were sunny but the skies were active. A north wind called “mistral� accompanied the LV100 on the first morning and HV100 in the afternoon. Sunday provided a south wind and rain which increased in intensity as the day progressed. We began Sunday with the HV200 and ended with LV200. After the award ceremony, a reception was offered to all participants before we left. A big thank you to all the shooters and especially to the volunteers of the club that once again made this event the best it could be. --Louis Artaud Light Varmint 100-Yards Philippe Octo (1)........... 0.2099 Carlos Pacheco(2)........... 0.2252 Louis Artaud(3).............. 0.2304 Anne Marie Deletang(4).... 0.2378 Mariano Garcia.............. 0.2592 Gerard Sansavini............ 0.2613 Jean Marie Deletang(7).... 0.2652 Pierre Condimines.......... 0.2754 Eric Baile..................... 0.2865 PC Munschauer.............. 0.2872 Xavier Besas................. 0.2898 Marc Dufour.................. 0.3011 Light Varmint: Louis Artaud(LV/HV) Mariano Garcia Falcon Philippe Octo Gerard Sansavini Marc Dufour(LV/HV) Eric Baile Jean Marie Deletang(LV/HV) Carlos Pacheco Xavier Besas Jean Claude Eymieu Heavy Varmint: Carlos Pacheco Gerard Sansavini Massimo Fusari

Caliber 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC

Action Stiller Viper Stolle Panda Stolle Panda Stolle Panda Stiller Viper Stolle Panda Veit BAT DS Stolle Panda Stolle Grizzly

Jean Claude Eymieu(13)... 0.3011 Walter Huwel................ 0.3361 Yves Rondony................ 0.3517 Didier Raymond............. 0.3564 Jean Pierre LeFevre........ 0.3650 Elisabeth Corsetti........... 0.4092 Jean Paul Klein.............. 0.4344 Henry Bernard............... 0.4456 Jose Ramon Sanchis........ 0.4679 Joan Portella................ 0.5228 Massimo Fusari.............. 0.8032 Light Varmint 200-Yards Mariano Garcia.............. 0.2557 Yves Rondony................ 0.2715 Gerard Sansavini............ 0.2750 Marc Dufour.................. 0.2773 Louis Artaud................. 0.2779 Eric Baile..................... 0.2920 Elisabeth Corsetti........... 0.3032 Massimo Fusari.............. 0.3111 Philippe Octo................ 0.3111 Jean Claude Eymieu........ 0.3160 Xavier Besas................. 0.3211 Jean Marie Deletang........ 0.3230 Walter Huwel................ 0.3299 Joan Portella................ 0.3315 Jean Paul Klein.............. 0.3503 Henry Bernard............... 0.3548 Jose Ramon Sanchis........ 0.3747 Carlos Pacheco.............. 0.3809 Anne Marie Deletang....... 0.3910 PC Munschauer.............. 0.4094 Jean Pierre Lefevre......... 0.4537 Didier Raymond............. 0.4856 Pierre Condomines.......... 0.4868 Light Varmint Grand Louis Artaud................. 0.2542 Mariano Garcia.............. 0.2575 Philippe Octo................ 0.2605

Barrel Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein

7th Grape Harvest Grand Prix Equipment List Stock Scope/Pwr Trigger Gunsmith Robertson March/36 Bix-N-Andy Kelbly Kelbly Leupold/45 Jewell Kelbly Edge Leupold/45 Jewell Braconi/Quaglino McMillan Leupold/45 Jewell Gros Robertson Leupold/45 Kelbly Kelbly Kelbly March/40X Kelbly Kelbly Edge Leupold/45 Jewell Veit Scoville March/36 Bix-N-Andy Dwight Scott Kelbly March/36 Jewell Kelbly Scoville March/40X Andy Kelbly

6 PPC Stolle Teddy Brux Kelbly KLP March/36 Bix-N-Andy Kelbly 6 PPC Alfa Krieger McMillan Weaver/46X Jewell Gros 6 PPC BAT Krieger Kelbly March/50X Fare Dwight Scott

Gerard Sansavini............ 0.2682 Marc Dufour.................. 0.2892 Eric Baile..................... 0.2893 Jean Marie Deletang........ 0.2942 Carlos Pacheco.............. 0.3031 Xavier Besas................. 0.3055 Jean Claude Eymieu........ 0.3086 Yves Rondony................ 0.3117 Anne Marie Deletang....... 0.3144 Walter Huwel................ 0.3330 PC Munschauer.............. 0.3484 Elisabeth Corsetti........... 0.3563 Pierre Condomines.......... 0.3811 Jean Paul Klein.............. 0.3924 Henry Bernard............... 0.4002 Jean Pierre LeFevre........ 0.4094 Didier Raymond............. 0.4211 Jose Ramon Sanchis........ 0.4272 Joan Portella................ 0.4272 Massimo Fusari.............. 0.5567 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Gerard Sansavini........... 0.2295 PC Munschauer.............. 0.2489 Louis Artaud................. 0.2630 Carlos Pacheco.............. 0.2669 Massimo Fusari.............. 0.2705 Jean Marie Deletang........ 0.2714 Mariano Garcia.............. 0.2933 Jean Claude Eymieu........ 0.3114 Walter Huwel................ 0.3119 Philippe Octo................ 0.3132 Marc Dufour.................. 0.3144 Joan Portella................ 0.3232 Eric Baile..................... 0.3311 Pierre Condomines.......... 0.3445 Yves Rondony................ 0.3468 Anne Marie Deletang....... 0.3522 Jean Paul Klein.............. 0.3846 Xavier Besas................. 0.4105 Bullet/Wt HottensteinBT/68 Berger/68 EuberFB/68 JC Gros/68 JC GrosBT/68 JC GrosFB/68 AndyFB/66.6 Hotteostein/68 Fowler/66 HottensteinBT/68

Powder VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133

Load 29.8 28.2 29.5 28.9 29.2 29.2 29.1 29.6/29.8 28 28.8

Primer Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M CCI BR4

Hottenstein/68 JC GrosBT/68 Berger/68

VihtaVouri N133 VihtaVouri N133 Norma201

29.6/29.8 Fed 205M 28.9 Fed 205M 29 Fed 205M

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Henry Bernard............... 0.4343 Didier Raymond............. 0.4798 Jean Pierre LeFevre........ 0.4872 Elisabeth Corsetti........... 0.4964 Jose Ramon Sanchis........ 0.5343 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Joan Portella................ 0.2210 Yves Rondony................ 0.2374 Walter Huwel................ 0.2464 Jean Marie Deletang........ 0.2479 Marc Dufour.................. 0.2587 Louis Artaud................. 0.2589 Massimo Fusari.............. 0.2656 Philippe Octo................ 0.2662 PC Munschauer.............. 0.2733 Carlos Pacheco.............. 0.3016 Xavier Besas................. 0.3053 Didier Raymond............. 0.3256 Gerard Sansavini............ 0.3303 Anne Marie Deletang....... 0.3324 Jean Pierre LeFevre........ 0.3400 Mariano Garcia.............. 0.3402 Jean Claude Eymieu........ 0.3473 Eric Baile..................... 0.3510 Jean Paul Klein.............. 0.3667 Henry Bernard............... 0.3738 Pierre Condomines.......... 0.3855 Elisabeth Corsetti........... 0.3973 Jose Ramon Sanchis........ 0.5483 Heavy Varmint Grand Jean Marie Deletang....... 0.2597 Louis Artaud................. 0.2610 PC Munschauer.............. 0.2611 Massimo Fisari............... 0.2681 Joan Portella................ 0.2722 Walter Huwel................ 0.2792 Gerard Sansavini............ 0.2799 Carlos Pacheco.............. 0.2843 Marc Dufour.................. 0.2866 Philippe Octo................ 0.2897 Yves Rondony................ 0.2921 Mariano Garcia.............. 0.3168 Jean Claude Eymieu........ 0.3294 Eric Baile..................... 0.3411 Anne Marie Deletang....... 0.3423 Xavier Besas................. 0.3579 Pierre Condomines.......... 0.3651 Jean Paul Klein.............. 0.3757 Didier Raymond............. 0.4027 Henry Bernard............... 0.4041 Jean Pierre Lefevre......... 0.4136 Elisabeth Corsetti........... 0.4469 Jose Ramon Sanchis........ 0.5414

Two Gun Louis Artaud................. 0.2576 Gerard Sansavini............ 0.2741 Philippe Octo................ 0.2751 Jean Marie Deletang........ 0.2769 Mariano Garcia.............. 0.2871 Marc Dufour.................. 0.2879 Carlos Pacheco.............. 0.2937 Yves Rondony................ 0.3019 PC Munschauer.............. 0.3047 Walter Huwel................ 0.3061 Eric Baile..................... 0.3152

Jean Claude Eymieu........ Anne Marie Deletang....... Xavier Besas................. Joan Portella................ Pierre Condomines.......... Jean Paul Klein.............. Elisabeth Corsetti........... Henry Bernard............... Jean Pierre Lefevre......... Didier Raymond............. Massimo Fusari.............. Jose Ramon Sanchis........


0.3190 0.3284 0.3317 0.3497 0.3731 0.3841 0.4022 0.4022 0.4115 0.4119 0.4124 0.4813

Louis Artaud, Two Gun Winner


Precision Rifleman

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Dale Arenson They stood stiff and straight, shifty eyes squinting in the sun under broad-brimmed hats. Squared off in a twelve-way standoff on the hard-packed desert floor. Coattails blowing in the dusty wind, itchy trigger fingers twitching, wondering who was going to shoot first. No one spoke, and you could almost hear the haunting bullfighter music by Ennio Morriconi adding to the drama and the tension. Of course, this was not a gunfight, and the treasure we were in a standoff for was not sacks of gold inside an unmarked grave, but the winning NBRSA plaques that match director Karl Hunstiger hands out every month at the Sahuaro 1,000 yard NBRSA match. Who needs sacks of gold anyway? Who was going to shoot first... meaning who would get relays one

and two. And the good, the bad, and the ugly was not the steelyeyed competitors, but the everchanging conditions that sweep across the desert, destroying our aim and confounding our illusions of being able to anticipate the wind and mirage. And the part about nobody talking. You can forget that. We are always chatting up a storm, having a good time and are always happy to see each other again since the last match. But let's get down to the action. When the guns come out and triggers are getting pulled. The Good.... Relay One started with a high overcast and very light winds. Sometimes too light, when the flags would hang limp and the mirage would start to boil. But nobody complained because they knew it would only get worse. The people in the pits could only see the flags at the 1,000-yard line, which at times did not even move.

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Long Range Caliber Action Barrel Mike Billotte 7saum BAT Krieger John Benz 7saum BAT Krieger Steve Everson (H/22) 7mm/284 Nesika Krieger Lon Persun 30wsm McMillan Classic Dale Arenson (LG) 6.5/284 Nesika Hart Dale Arenson (H/23) 30Patriot BAT Krieger Pat Billotte (HG) 300wsm Nesika Krieger Pat Billotte (LG) 6.5/284 BAT Krieger Jerry Reisdorff (LG) 30/284 BAT Shilen Jerry Reisdorff (H/50) 30Patriot Nesika Hart Dave Osborn 300wsm Remington Krieger Bill Warner 6.5/284 BAT Krieger

The dust rising from the berm after bullet impacts would just hang in the air like a small localized fog until it dissipated and fell back to earth. Needless to say, there was a lot going on with those bullets in their long, but quick journey to the targets. Still, the Relay One gang did a nice job of shooting good scores and groups. In Light Gun, nine out of the twelve shooters all turned in sub-MOA aggregates, with nine groups being six inches or less. John Benz shot a 4.75’’ group which was the best of Relay One. Jerry Riesdorff had a 5.87’’, Mike Billotte posted a 5.0’’ and also won for score with a 142. The Bad.... Relay Two, first heavy gun. The high thin clouds burned off and the wind started to pick up. It wasn't too bad, but it still had a definite effect on the scores and groups. Heavy Gun score winner was Bill Warner with a 253-1X, while Pat Billotte shot the single high target score of 90, and Jerry Riesdorff won for Heavy Group Aggregate with a 12.22’’. Relay Three: After the pit change and the morning pit crew got their chance to step up to the benches and take on the conditions, it was still ''The Bad''. But hey, we can handle it! Well, sort of. Back to Light Gun again. The wind was having great fun with us, giv-

Benchrest Equipment List October 10, 2015 Gunsmith Stock Scope Case Carey Wood/Lam NightForce Remington Benz Leonard NightForce Nosler Brackney McMillan Leupold Lapua Wells McMillan NightForce Norma Carey McMillan NightForce Lapua Bruno McMillan NightForce Lazz Carey McMillan NightForce Norma Carey McMillan NightForce Lapua Reisdorff TM Leupold Norma Reisdorff McMillan Leupold Lazz Bruno McMillan Millet Nosler Bruno McMillan NightForce Lapua

Powder H4831 H4831 H4831 H4831 RL22 H4831 H4831 H4831 RL17 H4831 2895 H4350

Bullet/Wt Berger/180 Berger/180 Berger/180 Berger/210 Sierra/142 Berger/210 Berger/210 Berger/140 187 Berger/210 Sierra/200 Sierra/140

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

ing us one condition during sighters and another during record. Lon Persun had a nice 5.62’’ group, for a 7.65’’ aggregate and Dale Arenson somehow shot the smallest group of the match with a 3.56’’, winning for Light Gun Aggregate with a 5.5’’. But just to show how much the wind was changing on us, he also had the lowest score! Those nice small groups were all over the target. The Ugly.... Relay Four, Heavy Gun. Okay, we've seen worse, but compared to Relay One it seemed pretty ugly. Especially after we saw our results. More of the same of Relay Three, only higher wind speeds and some extreme direction changes. Frequently going from three o'clock to eight o'clock, then suddenly coming out of one o'clock. Constantly pulling tricks during record that we would not see during sighters. In spite of that, Steve Everson managed to shoot the smallest single Heavy Gun group during relay four, an 8.06’’. How did he do that? While at the same time, some shooters, who will remain nameless for the sake of pity, had as much as 8, 14 and 18 shots off paper! Dale Arenson may have set a new record by having a higher score in Light Gun then he did in Heavy. When the smoke cleared, we felt like we had been beaten up, but at least we learned something…Stay tuned for next month, maybe by then I will have figured out what we learned. In the photo from Left: Dale, Jerry Riesdorff, Steve Everson, Mike Billotte, Pat Billotte & Bill Warner. Light Gun Aggregate Dale Arenson................. 5.50” Mike Billotte.................. 7.06” Pat Billotte.................... 7.46” Lon Persun.................... 7.65” Jerry Reisdorff................ 7.92” Small Group Dale Arenson.................3.5625”

Heavy Gun Aggregate Jerry Reisdorff............. 12.23” Pat Billotte................... 13.48” Bill Warner................... 13.90” Steve Everson................ 14.52” John Benz.................... 20.54” Small Group Steve Everson................8.0625” Light Gun Total Score Mike Billotte................ 142-0X Jerry Reisdorff............... 131-0X Bill Warner................... 127-1X


Dave Osborn................. 127-0X Lon Persun................... 126-1X High Score Mike Billotte.................... 49 Heavy Gun Total Score Bill Warner.................. 253-1X Jerry Reisdorff............... 249-1X Pat Billotte................... 239-0X John Benz.................... 209-0X Steve Everson................ 184-0X High Score Pat Billotte...................... 90

If you want to shoot like a champion, choose Lilja!

2010 IBS Hunter Benchrest Nationals • 100-200 National Champion • 200 L-R National Champion • 100-200-300 National Champion • 200-300 Long Range National Champion • 4 Gun Top Gun National Champion

Lilja Precision Rifle Barrels, Inc. P.O. Box 372, Plains, MT 59859 Tel: 406-826-3084 • Fax: 406-826-3083

Greg Swezey


Precision Rifleman

Mill Creek Rifle Club’s Group Match

October 3-4, 2015 We held the last match of the season over the weekend. We had two shooters attending Mill Creek for the first time; Jim Shipley from Belton Missouri and Stefan Karlsson from Sweden. Stefan came home with me from St Louis to hunt deer with archery methods. Glad to have both gentlemen at our match. Richard Brensing was the winner of the LV100 aggregate. Randy Conrad, Dwayne Stafford, Kurtis Brown and Fred Martin were the top five. Small group .143 Randy Conrad. Ron Miller was the winner of the HV100. Richard Brensing, Jim Hemmert, Jim Gardner and Fred Martin where the top five. Small group .143 Richard Brensing. After the match, everyone was in-

Heavy Varmint Grand: Richard Brensing Ron Miller Jim Hemmert Dewayne Stafford Fred Martin Light Varmint Grand: Richard Brensing Dewayne Stafford Ron Miller Mike McFarland Don Creach

vited to a barbecue dinner of ribs, brisket, pulled pork and chicken. The meal was provided by Don and Juanita Creech and prepared by Cuz It’s Good BBQ. It was the highlight of the weekend. Enjoyed by all, ‘Cuz it was Good! Sunday morning was about the same weather as Saturday; chilly with wind in our face. Dee Myers was the winner of the HV200 yard aggregate. Dewayne Stafford, Richard Brensing, Kurtis Brown and Stefan Karlsson were the top five. Small group went of .272 went to Dee Myers. Richard Brensing was the winner of the LV200 yard aggregate. Ron Miller, Don Creach, Mike McFarland and Dewayne Stafford where the top five. Small group .359 went to Ron Miller. Richard Brensing won the HV Grand with Dewayne Stafford, Ron Miller, Mike McFarland and Don Creach as the top five.

Richard Brensing also won the LV Grand aggregate. Ron Miller, Jim Hemmert, Dewayne Stafford and Fred Martin were the top five. Thank you for attending our matches this year. I wish you all a happy and healthy off-season. I hope to see you all next May. Don Creach, Match Director In the photo are Mill Creek Winners from Left: Dee Myers, Randy Conrad, Dewayne Stafford, Ron Miller, Richard Brensing & Jim Hemmert.Pg 17 The BBQ! Light Varmint 100-Yards Richard Brensing...........0.2656 Rand Conrad................. 0.2816 Dewayne Stafford........... 0.2846 Kurtis Brown................. 0.2950 Fred Martin.................. 0.3016 Jim Gardner.................. 0.3070 Jim Hemmert................ 0.3214 Stefan Karlsson.............. 0.3270 TK Nollan..................... 0.3288 Sam Langhofer............... 0.3398 Small Group Rand Conrad..................0.143 Light Varmint 200-Yards Richard Brensing...........0.3300 Ron Miller.................... 0.3544 Don Creach................... 0.3766 Mike McFarland.............. 0.3935 Dewayne Stafford........... 0.4154 Jon Leu....................... 0.4307 Howard Cowher............. 0.4393 Stefan Karlsson.............. 0.4475 TK Nollan..................... 0.4526 Rand Conrad................. 0.4714

Action Viper BAT March BAT Panda

Barrel Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger Krieger

Mill Creek Rifle Club's October 3-4, 2015 Equipment List Stock Mfr Stocker Gunsmith Cartridge Bullet/Wt Rim Rock Brensing Brensing 6PPC C-Bar/65 JTR Miller Miller 6PPC Bart/68BT n/a n/a Bryant 6PPC Bart/68 Shehane Brensing Brensing 6PPC C-Bar/65 Scoville Scoville Whitebread 6PPC n/a

BAT 3L BAT BAT Panda Panda

Bartlein Krieger Lederer Krieger Bartlein

Robertson Shehane JTR n/a Six

Loker Brensing Miller n/a T-M

Brensing Brensing Miller Kuse Creach


C-Bar/65 C-Bar/65 Bart/68BT Levenson Bart/68FB

Powder/Wt 133/28 LT32/28 LT32/28 133 n/a

Primer 205M CCI Federal Federal 205M

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Scope/Pwr March/40 March/60 Leupold/36 Weaver/36 Leupold/58

133/28 n/a LT32/28 8208 133/29

205M Federal CCI 205 205M

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

March/40 Weaver/36 March/50 Leupold/36 March/50

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Made Exclusively With J4 Precision Jackets

“Her success is a direct result of training, a well built riie and the Berger BR Column bullet.�

Match Grade Rifle Bullets for

Varmint Target Hunting Tactical

Load Specs: Cartridge: 6 PPC Powder: LT 32 Bullet: 6mm BR Column

...says Lou Murdica of Palm Springs, California. His granddaughter, Angelina Gonzalez, recently shot at Arizona Benchrest Shooters' Unl5-Unl5 Arizona State Invitational and earned 4th place out of 37 shooters in the 2nd 100 yard agg. Her 0.1612" agg was smaller than 2 benchrest hall of famers!

Action: Panda Scope: 8-80 March

Kurtis Brown................. 0.3204 Stefan Karlsson.............. 0.3219 Ron Miller.................... 0.3227 Jon Leu....................... 0.3228 Jim Hemmert................ 0.3259 Don Creach................... 0.3597 Small Group Dee Myers.....................0.272 Heavy Varmint Grand Richard Brensing...........0.2537 Ron Miller.................... 0.2562 Jim Hemmert................ 0.2961 Dewayne Stafford........... 0.3180 Fred Martin.................. 0.3242 Kurtis Brown................. 0.3257 Stefan Karlsson.............. 0.3433 Dee Myers.................... 0.3462 Don Creach................... 0.3546 TK Nollan..................... 0.3553 Howard Cowher............. 0.3586 Rand Conrad................. 0.3708 Jon Leu....................... 0.3772 Mike McFarland.............. 0.3890 Merlin Hubbard.............. 0.4059 Sam Langhofer............... 0.4600 Edward Collins............... 0.4702 Don Crunk.................... 0.5293 Doug Brooks.................. 0.7242 Jim Shipley................... 0.7890 Frank Ketchum.............. 2.7838

Gear Specs: Barrel: Shilen Stock: Kensler

Small Group Ron Miller.....................0.359 Light Varmint Grand Richard Brensing...........0.2978 Dewayne Stafford........... 0.3500 Ron Miller.................... 0.3547 Mike McFarland.............. 0.3686 Don Creach................... 0.3690 Rand Conrad................. 0.3765 Stefan Karlsson.............. 0.3873 TK Nollan..................... 0.3907 Jim Hemmert................ 0.4098 Jon Leu....................... 0.4191 Kurtis Brown................. 0.4238 Fred Martin.................. 0.4341 Howard Cowher............. 0.4496 Merlin Hubbard.............. 0.4834 Edward Collins............... 0.4841 Don Crunk.................... 0.4954 Sam Langhofer............... 0.5208 Dee Myers.................... 0.5218 Doug Brooks.................. 0.5243 Frank Ketchum.............. 0.9158 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Ron Miller....................0.1898 Richard Brensing............ 0.1966 Jim Hemmert................ 0.2664 Jim Gardner.................. 0.2718 Fred Martin.................. 0.2854 Rand Conrad................. 0.3064 Kurtis Brown................. 0.3310 Dewayne Stafford........... 0.3360 TK Nollan..................... 0.3362 Jim Shipley................... 0.3478 Small Group Richard Brensing.............0.143 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Dee Myers...................0.2604 Dewayne Stafford........... 0.3001 Richard Brensing............ 0.3108



Share your story with us at

Phone 714-441-7200

Made In America


Precision Rifleman

Oak Hill Gun Club Say What?!

What do you say when a shooter matches, ties or beats a present world record? After 19 fellow shooters stood in awe we all wanted to know his secrets. What the wind condition, kind of action, whose barrel manufacture, whose bullet, scope on the rifle, trigger, cleaning procedure and do you really have a rabbits foot in your pocket? These were some of the most frequent questions. Well, there was much backslapping, way to go, good groups and other niceties, but down deep we were all

a little envious. He just shot 5,5shot groups better than some of us dream of. Oak Hill Gun Club on September 27, 2015 held the last match of the year. It was a perfect day for shooting with light winds that were predictable, temps in the high 70's to low 80's with sun and clouds mixed. We had 2 new shooters: Travis Philips and Robert Rehse. One factory gun shooter and 3 unlimited shooters as well as 15 regulars. What a mix; but we were able to keep fighting, cussing and spitting down to a minimum. The HV100 yard aggregate of 0.1420 (possible record) was shot by Dean Ekstrom, followed by

28th Annual Hog Roast Fairchance Gun Club

Smithfield PA

April 30-May 1, 2016

GPS N39-48.704 W79-47.179

*World Benchrest Championship Qualifying Event* Motels with 7 miles: Facilities Include: Holiday Inn 724-437-2816 50 Covered Benches Blue Mountain 724-439-4880 Pavilion Loading Area Heritage Inn 724-437-7829 Camping $10/Day 724-437-9885 Large Camping Area with HopwoodKarlyn Motel 724-437-7591 Electricity, H2O, Showers Fairfield Inn 724-434-1800 Clean Restrooms Super 8 724-425-0261 *Pre-Registration is Hampton Inn 724-430-0100 Requested Comfort Suites 724 550-4700 Site of the 2016 IBS Group Nationals

Start Time 8AM! Contact Bill Reahard * 724-323-5044 or Jerry Van Sickle * 724-569-2216 LV & HV, 100 & 200 * Registration $50/day

Trophies Awarded for Yardages, Grands, 2 Gun, Small Groups

Breakfast and Lunch at the Clubhouse

Harry Rowold, Jim Schmidt, Jerry Wick and Larry Rickertsen. Small group was by Larry Rickertsen with a 0.088. The HV200 yard aggregate was won by Jim Schmidt with a 0.1922 followed by Larry Caston, Jerry Wick, Dean Ekstrom and Robert Jacobs. Small group was shot by Larry Caston with a 0.241. The HV Grand belonged by Dean Ekstrom followed by Jim Schmidt, Harry Rowold, Jerry Wick and Larry Caston. The Unlimited portion of this match was dominated by Jim Carstensen with a 100-yard agg of 0.1260 and 0.1796 at 200 yards. His grand was 0.1526. Jim als shot the smallest groups at both yardages for total domination. Not a bad showing for an “unproven” barrel. The above match completes our year of benchrest shooting for 2015. A special thanks to Marvin for the target crew duties, David, Bud and Dennis for their measuring/ statistical duties but the two people that make the match a success are Jerry King and Jim Schmidt. We hope you have a great relaxation between seasons. Let’s all plan on 2016 being our best year ever! See you then. --Doc Peterson Page 19 photo from Left: Dean Ekstrom, Jerry Wick, Jim Carstensen, Larry Caston, Jim Schmidt, Larry Rickertson & Mike Godman. Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Dean Ekstrom............... 0.1420 Harry Rowold................ 0.2044 Jim Schmidt.................. 0.2358 Jerry Wick.................... 0.2372 Larry Rickertson............. 0.2576 Larry Caston................. 0.2606 Jerry King.................... 0.2646 Frank Taucher............... 0.2878 Joe Morgan................... 0.2996 Robert Jacobs............... 0.3340 Wes Johnson................. 0.3562 Carl Dillon.................... 0.3628 Louis Kerhlikar............... 0.3782

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

JJ Coe......................... 0.4068 Travis Phillips................ 0.4150 Mike Godman................ 0.6076 Robert Rehse................. 0.6646 Small Group Larry Rickertson.............. 0.088 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jim Schmidt................. 0.1922 Larry Caston................. 0.2327 Jerry Wick.................... 0.2426 Dean Ekstrom................ 0.2523 Robert Jacobs............... 0.2526 Joe Morgan................... 0.2545 Harry Rowold................ 0.2707 Travis Phillips................ 0.3057

Heavy Varmint Grand: Dean Ekstrom Jim Schmidt Harry Rowold Jerry Wick Larry Caston Joe Morgan Jerry King Robert Jacobs Frank Taucher Larry Rickertsen Wes Johnson Carl Dillon Travis Phillips Louis Kerhlikar JJ Coe Mike Godman Unlimited Class: Jim Carstensen Keith Christianson Cecil Peterson

Frank Taucher............... 0.3064 Jerry King.................... 0.3207 Wes Johnson................. 0.3281 JJ Coe......................... 0.3316 Carl Dillon.................... 0.3428 Louis Kerhlikar............... 0.3594 Larry Rickertson............. 0.3894 Mike Godman................ 0.4042 Robert Rehse................. 0.4475 Small Group Larry Caston.................. 0.241 Heavy Varmint Grand Dean Ekstrom............... 0.1971 Jim Schmidt.................. 0.2140 Harry Rowold................ 0.2376

Jerry Wick.................... 0.2399 Larry Caston................. 0.2467 Joe Morgan................... 0.2771 Jerry King.................... 0.2926 Robert Jacobs............... 0.2933 Frank Taucher............... 0.2971 Larry Rickertsen............. 0.3235 Wes Johnson................. 0.3422 Carl Dillon.................... 0.3528 Travis Phillips................ 0.3604 Louis Kerhlikar............... 0.3688 JJ Coe......................... 0.3692 Mike Godman................ 0.5059 Robert Rehse................. 0.5561 Unlimited 100-Yard Jim Carstensen............. 0.1260 Keith Christianson.......... 0.1846 Cecil Peterson............... 0.2574 Small Group Jim Carstensen............... 0.104 Unlimited 200-Yard Jim Carstensen............. 0.1796 Cecil Peterson............... 0.2027 Keith Christianson.......... 0.2220 Small Group Jim Carstensen............... 0.251 Unlimited Grand Jim Carstensen............. 0.1528 Keith Christianson.......... 0.2033 Cecil Peterson............... 0.2300

Action BAT BAT Panda Viper BAT Remington BAT Panda Panda Stolle Marsh Panda Panda Panda Panda Remington

Oak Hill Gun Barrel Stock Mfr Bartlein Leonard Bartlein Scoville Shilen Edge Krieger Klub Krieger TMBR Krieger McMillan Bartlein Scoville Shilen McMillan n/a n/a Shilen Borden Bartlein McMillan Krieger n/a Hart n/a Bartlein Lee Six Bartlein Kelbly Bartlein H&S

Club Equipment List Stocker Gunsmith Leonard Self Scoville Self Morris JLC Wick Wick Meredith Bigelow Self Self Scoville JLC KC KC n/a n/a JLC JLC Ocock Self Self Self n/a n/a n/a Hoehn n/a n/a n/a Knapp



Krieger JLC Hart Larson Bartlein Young

JLC KC n/a

BR Tucker/52 Waldog KC 6PPC CLP/65

JLC KC n/a


Bullet Miller Meyers Miemi Bart Bart's Ultra Meyers Meyers Docs/65 n/a Bart's Ultra Watson Barts Barts Ultra Barts n/a

Powder N133 N133 LT30 N133 N133 N133 N133 N133 N133 N133 n/a LT32 N133 n/a LT32 N150

Scope/Pwr March/50 NightForce Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Weaver/36 Leupold/45 Weaver/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 n/a Weaver/36 B&L/36 Leupold/45 Weaver/36 Leupold/45

H322 n/a LT32

March/60 n/a Weaver/36


Precision Rifleman

2016 NBRSA Registered Matches SOUTHWEST REGION

Sept 24-25



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV Long Range Varmint Nationals

Sept 25



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Oct 1-2



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

Oct 8



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Oct 10-15



Arizona Benchrest Shooters 2016 Group Nationals

Oct 22-23



Desert Sportsman Two Gun Southwest Regional Championship

Mar 5-6



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

Mar 12



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Mar 19-20



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Cactus Classic

Mar 20



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

Apr 2-3



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

Apr 9



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Apr 9-10



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Season Ender

Oct 22-23



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV NV State Long Range 2nd Half

Apr 16-17



Visalia Sportsman Assn

Oct 23



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Apr 23-24



Desert Sportsman’s Hunter & VFS Two Gun Club Championship

Oct 29-30



Visalia Sportsman Assn Visalia Invitational

Apr 30May 1



Central Utah Benchrest Shooters Utah State Championship Leg 1

Nov 5-6



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

May 2



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Nov 5-6



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Group match

May 7



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Nov 12



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

May 14-15



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

Nov 20



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

May 14-15



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV State

Nov 26-27



Desert Sportsman Score Match

May 15



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

Nov 27



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

May 21-22



Visalia Sportsman Assn Visalia Unlimited Challenge

Dec 3-4



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Unlimited Invitational

May 28



Desert Sportsman VFS Match

Dec 10



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

May 29



Desert Sportsman Hunter Match

May 29



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest


June 4-5



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest California State Championship #1

Mar 12-13



North Cascades Sportsman Club

March 20



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA

June 4-5



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV State

March 26

June 11



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Apr 2-3



June 18-19



Visalia Sportsman Assn SW Regional Championship (UNL)

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA Allen Bench Memorial Trophy

Apr 3



Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club, ID

Apr 9-10



North Cascades Sportsman Club

Apr 1722


600 & 1000

2016 Long Range Nationals Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

April 23



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA



Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club, ID

June 26



Desert Sportsman Hunter Match

June 26



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

July 2-3



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest California State Championship #2

July 9



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Apr 24

July 17



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

May 7-8



July 24



Desert Sportsman Hunter Match

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA Manley Oakley Memorial Trophy

July 24



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

May 14-15



North Cascades Sportsman Club Washington State Hunter 5/15

Aug 6-7



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

May 28-29



Yellowstone Rifle Club, MT

Aug 6-7



Central Utah Benchrest Shooters Utah State Championship Leg 2

May 29



Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club, ID Idaho State VFS Championship

Aug 13



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

June 4-5



Aug 28



Desert Sportsman Hunter Match

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA Northwest Regional (HV)

Aug 28



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest


Sept 3-5



Visalia Sportsman Assn SW Regional Championship

June 11-12

100/200 & 300

North Cascades Sportsman Club Bob Miller Memorial Match

June 19



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

Sept 3-4



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV NV State Long Range 1st Half

June 25



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA



Yellowstone Rifle Club, MT Mac Clark Memorial

Sept 10



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

June 25-26

Sept 18



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

June 26



Sept 24-25



Desert Sportsman Hunter & VFS Two Gun NV State Championship

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club, ID Idaho State Hunter Championship

July 2-4



Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA WA State, Sniper King & Sam Wilson

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman


2016 NBRSA Registered Matches June 11-12



Northern Colorado Benchrest Sporter Leg of NorCo 4-Gun

June 18-19



Whittington Center, Raton, NM

July 9-10


Yellowstone Rifle Club, MT Montana State Championship


Northern Colorado Benchrest Unlimited Leg of NorCo 4-Gun

July 16-17




Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA Northwest SP & LV Regionals

Whittington Center, Raton, NM Muchas Gracias

July 23-24





North Cascades Sportsman Club

Land’s End Benchrest Shooters Legs 2 & 3 of Land’s End 4-Gun

Aug 21



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

Aug 6-7



Northern Colorado Benchrest

Aug 27



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA



Aug 27-28



Yellowstone Rifle Club, MT

Aug 2021

Whittington Center, Raton, NM Rattlesnake *WBC Qualifier*




Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA WA State 3Gun & Ed Frombach

Sept 10-11


Sept 3-5

Northern Colorado Benchrest Firewalker & Final Legs of 4-Gun

Oct 1-2



Sept 10-11


100/200 & 300

North Cascades Sportsman Club Money $hoot

Land’s End Benchrest Shooters Purple Haze & Final Leg of 4-Gun

Sept 18



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

Sept 24



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA Washington State Championship

Oct 16



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

Nov 8-12



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn Northwest Regional

July 9-10



North Cascades Sportsman Club

July 1617



2016 Long Range Score Nationals LaGrande Rifle & Pistol Club

July 23



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA

July 23-24



Aug 6-7


Aug 13-14





Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

Apr 9-10



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Missouri State 4-Gun, Part 1

April 17



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

May 1



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

June 19



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

June 25-26



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis East West Show Me Shootout

July 9-10



Holmen Rod & Gun Club, WI Wisconsin State Championship

April 3



Pine Valley Benchrest, Huntsville

Apr 16-17



North Texas Shooters Assn Texas Showdown

April 17



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol

April 24



Tomball Gun Club’s: Texas State

July 10



Columbus Sportsman Assn, WI

Apr 30May 1



Hill Country Shooters Assn Texas State Championship

July 16-17



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Chuck Hearn Mem, MO State, MVR

May 14-15



Seymour Stool Shooters:Texas State

July 23-24



May 22



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Louisiana State Hunter Champ.

Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Missouri State 4-Gun, Part 2

Aug 6-7



Columbus Sportsman Assn, WI

May 28-29



North Texas Shooters Assn Gulf Coast Regional Leg 1

Aug 6-7



June 7-10



2016 Short Range Score Nationals Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club

Holmen Rod & Gun Club, WI Roy Oines Memorial Match



Columbus Sportsman Assn, WI

June 18-19


100/200 & 300 yds

Pine Valley Benchrest Club

Sept 17-18 Oct 2



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis



Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis Mississippi Valley Regional

July 2-3



Midland Shooters Assn

Nov 5-6

July 16-17



Seymour Stool Shooters Gulf Coast Regional Leg 2


July 17



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol

Aug 28



Pine Valley Benchrest Club

Sept 10-11



Midland Shooters Association The Buffalo

Sept 18



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol

Sept 25



Pine Valley Benchrest Club

Oct 16



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol




Northern Colorado Benchrest Score Match

May 21-22



Land’s End Benchrest Shooters HV Leg of Land’s End 4-Gun

May 28-29



Whittington Center, Raton, NM

April 16-17



Western Wayne CCA, Detroit, MI Spring Tune-Up

April 30May 1



Fairchance Gun Club, PA Hog Roast *WBC Qualifier*

May 7-8



Holton Gun Club, MI President’s Cup

June 11-12



Western Wayne CCA, Detroit, MI Wolverine Challenge

June 25-26



Shelby County Deer Hunters, OH Briar Hail Memorial

July 2-4



Holton Gun Club, MI Michigan State 3-Gun Championship

July 9-10



Fairchance Gun Club, PA Roye Lackembe Challenge


Precision Rifleman

2016 NBRSA Registered Matches July 16-17



Kane Fish & Game Club, PA Pennsylvania State Championship

July 30-31



Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA Iowa State Group Championship

Sept 3-5



Holton Gun Club, MI Eastern Region Championship

Aug 14



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

Aug 21



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

Aug 20-21



Council Bluffs, IA Mid-State #2

Aug 27-28



Lincoln Izaak Walton League, NE

Aug 28



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

Sept 3-4



Prairie Dog Target Club, SD NC Region #2 & Butch Kimmell

Sept 11



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

Sept 10-11



Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA Two Gun Score Championship

Sept 18



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

Sept 17-18



Western Wayne CCA, Detroit, MI Fall Classic

Oct 22-23



Shelby County Deer Hunters, OH Fall Finale




Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

Apr 23-24



Council Bluffs, IA Mid-State #1

May 8



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

May 15



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

May 21-22



Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA

May 22



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

June 4-5



Prairie Dog Target Club, SD North Central Region Championship

June 12



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

June 18



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

June 25-26



Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA Iowa State Score Championship

June 26



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

July 2-3


100/200 & 300 (HV)

July 10


July 17 July 24




River Bend Gun Club Gene Mowell Memorial

Apr 2-3



Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn Shamrock

June 11-12



Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club Two Gun *NEW club*

Sept 8-11



River Bend Gun Club Southeast Region Championship

Prairie Dog Target Club, SD South Dakota State & Prairie Dog

Sept 24-25



Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club Two Gun *NEW club*


Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club




Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

March 4-6



Club de Tir du Castellas, France



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

Oct 8-9



Club de Tir du Castellas, France

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman


Hydro Bullet Seater with extended base and interchangeable loading blocks Our New 21st Century Reloading Hydro Bullet Seater is designed for bullet seating with hand dies. Height adjustment is a simple twist of the knob with very little effort. With this press you will receive the feedback and data to help control neck tension. Unique design for the field or bench. No need to bolt or fasten to bench. Extended base also available with the New Generation Press.

Enter FBOOK10 and receive 10% off order

Click Head Stainless Steel Bench Rest Quality Primer Tool

The feel, the precision, the quality and the ease of adjustment of this tool are unique. Features include click head adjustments for precise primer seating and all stainless steel components with aluminum handle.

Concentricity Gauge with wheel

This device enables the user to rotate the case one complete revolution with about 1/8 of a turn on the wheel. Providing consistent pressure on the case. Easily retrofits in a snap to the 21st Century Shooting Concentricity Gauge (run out gauge - as shown). Features include canting to the left or right to keep the base of the case rotating against the stop. For unlimited setup scenarios. Simply amazing!

Neck Turning Lathe

The floating design of our neck turner and the universal floating case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric. Therefore allowing O.D. to be turned concentric with I.D. The tail-stock creates a horizontal inline support for the base of the case. Also allows the operator to keep both hands on the power screw driver or drill. This makes it very easy to control feed rate of the cutting operation, generating a very fine turned finish. Case holder drivers are designed to be the most gentle driver, yet providing an adequate hold. DOES NOT DRIVE OFF THE PRIMER POCKET NO PRIMER POCKET OR CASE DAMAGE. Driver shaft is hexed to use power screw driver or drill. 17cal. Fireball to a .416 Rigby. Also 50cal. 260-273-9909


Precision Rifleman

South Dakota State &

Butch Kimmell Memorial

Prairie Dog Target Club August 29-30, 2015 by Mel Klasi Seventeen competitors were present for the South Dakota State and Butch Kimmell Memorial. The temperature went from 70 to the mid 90’s on Saturday and reached 100 on Sunday as we finished shooting. We had southerly winds and smoke from Oregon fires all weekend. Jeff Anderson from Montana won the LV100 with Bill Pond second and Justin Young third. Bill Pond shot a 0.053 group but couldn’t beat Justin Young’s 0.049 for small group.

There were lots of small groups shot at 100 yards; the five smallest groups that were shot in the LV100 by various people agged 0.0842. For the LV200 the winds picked up so no screamers were shot. Paul Holland edged out Dan Dowling for the 200 yard agg with Rod Brown taking third. Small group was Terry Hettich’s 0.300. Jeff Anderson won the LV grand with Bill Pond second and Paul Holland third. In the evening we enjoyed Don Deckert’s famous Cream Can Stew which he always serves at the last match of the summer. Sunday we started with the HV200. Bud Schalles was the HV200 winner with Rod Brown taking second and

Dave Tunbridge third. Small group at 200 yards was Bill Pond’s 0.313. The HV100 was won by Rod Brown with Bill Pond second and Heath Ferguson third. Small group at 100 yards was Bill Pond’s 0.130. The HV grand agg winner was Rod Brown with Bill Pond second and Bud Schalles third. The Heavy Varmint completed the four gun for the year. The winner of the two gun and of the Butch Kimmell Memorial trophy was Rodney Brown with a 0.3000 agg. Second place went to Bill Pond and Jeff Anderson was third. The Prairie Dog Target Club three gun for 2015 was won by Rodney Brown with Bill Pond second and Bud Schalles third. Rod Brown made it a sweep winning the four gun as well with Bud Schalles second and Bill Pond third. Don Deckert did the scoring, Dave Tunbridge ran the computer, Bud Schalles was range officer and Vereen Forster and Kristen Pippert made up the target crew. Hope to see you all next spring for another great year of shooting. In the photo from Left: Terry Hettich, Janet Goulett, Paul Holland, Heath Ferguson, Mel Klasi, Dave Tunbridge, Jeff Anderson, Justin Young. In Front: Bud Schalles, Rod Brown, Bill Pond. Light Varmint 100-Yards Jeff Anderson................0.1986 Bill Pond....................... 0.2150 Justin Young.................. 0.2230 Heath Ferguson............... 0.2498 Janet Boulett................. 0.2654 Paul Holland.................. 0.2672 Rod Brown..................... 0.2754 Keith Hakeman............... 0.2832 Bud Schalles.................. 0.2850 Terry Hettich................. 0.2988 Light Varmint 200-Yards Paul Holland..................0.3302 Dan Dowling.................. 0.3353 Rod Brown..................... 0.3522 Terry Hettich................. 0.3587 Bill Pond....................... 0.3791 Justin Young.................. 0.3891 Tom Evans..................... 0.3897 Jeff Anderson................. 0.3918

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Heath Ferguson............... 0.3947 Mel Klasi....................... 0.3949 Light Varmint Grand Jeff Anderson................0.2951 Bill Pond....................... 0.3126 Paul Holland.................. 0.3613 Justin Young.................. 0.3655 Rod Brown..................... 0.3686 Heath Ferguson............... 0.3790 Terry Hettich................. 0.3812 Dan Dowling.................. 0.3853 Bud Schalles.................. 0.4390 Janet Goulett................. 0.4512 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Rod Brown....................0.2092 Bill Pond....................... 0.2224 Heath Ferguson............... 0.2642 Mel Klasi....................... 0.2646 Jeff Anderson................. 0.2898 Paul Holland.................. 0.2950 Norm Wills.................... 0.3208 Bud Schalles.................. 0.3314 Keith Hakeman............... 0.3558 Tom Evans..................... 0.3792 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Bud Schalles..................0.3388 Rod Brown..................... 0.3631 Dave Tunbridge............... 0.3741 Terry Hettich................. 0.3813 Jeff Anderson................. 0.3883 Norm Wills.................... 0.3888 Dan Dowling.................. 0.4029 Janet Goulett................. 0.4348 Heath Ferguson............... 0.4420 Bill Pond....................... 0.4475 Heavy Varmint Grand Rod Brown....................0.2862 Bill Pond....................... 0.3350 Bud Schalles.................. 0.3351 Jeff Anderson................. 0.3390 Heath Ferguson............... 0.3531 Norm Wills.................... 0.3548


Mel Klasi....................... 0.3757 Dave Tunbridge............... 0.3853 Terry Hettich................. 0.3884 Dan Dowling.................. 0.4017 Two Gun Rod Brown....................0.3000 Bill Pond....................... 0.3160 Jeff Anderson................. 0.3171 Heath Ferguson............... 0.3377 Bud Schalles.................. 0.3440 Paul Holland.................. 0.3571 Terry Hettich................. 0.3586 Mel Klasi....................... 0.3699 Dan Dowling.................. 0.3711 Norm Wills.................... 0.3769 Janet Goulett................. 0.3912 Justin Young.................. 0.3932 Tom Evans..................... 0.4130 Keith Hakeman............... 0.4220 JD Goulett.................... 0.4252 Dave Tunbridge............... 0.4255 Three Gun Rodney Brown...............0.3006 Bill Pond....................... 0.3042 Bud Schalles.................. 0.3137 Terry Hettich................. 0.3183 Mel Klasi....................... 0.3185 Dave Tunbridge............... 0.3550 Tom Evans..................... 0.3608 Keith Hakeman............... 0.3648 Heath Ferguson............... 0.4017 Four Gun Rodney Brown...............0.2976 Bud Schalles.................. 0.3302 Bill Pond....................... 0.3355 Terry Hettich................. 0.3529 Dave Tunbridge............... 0.3532 Mel Klasi....................... 0.3606 Keith Hakeman............... 0.3807 Tom Evans..................... 0.3946 Heath Ferguson............... 0.4196

Prairie Dog Target Club's South Dakota State & Butch Kimmell Memorial Equipment List Light Varmint: Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith Scope Stocker Primer Powder Bullet Jeff Anderson (HV) 6PPC Farley Bartlein Schmetz NightForce/55 n/a 205m 27.4 Berger/64Col Bill Pond (HV) 22Mongrel Panda K&P Pond Leupold/30 Pond 205 N133 Tucker/52 Paul Holland 6PPC BAT Bartlein Dowling Leupold/40 Larson 205 LT-31 Hottenstein/68BT Justin Young 6PPC BAT Krieger RS March/40 Self 205M LT31 Miller Rodney Brown (HV) 6PPC BAT Krieger Scott March/50 Dickson 205 LT31 Berger Heavy Varmint: Heath Ferguson 22Waldog Panda Krieger Pond Leupold/36 Pond 450 133 Kimmell/52 Norm Wills 6PPC BAT Krieger Self Leupold/45 Self 205 27.4 Carpenter Melvin Klasi 6PPC BAT Brux Pond Leupold/45 Larson 205 133 Berger/64 Dave Tunbridge 22100S Panda Lilja Brackney March/40 Kimmell 205M 133 Barts/52 Terry Hettich 6PPC Panda Krieger Pond NightForce/42 Larson 205 8208 Watson/65 *All shooters listed used Lapua cases.


Precision Rifleman

Fall Finale at

Shelby County Deer Hunters

October 17–18, 2015 It was a great weekend at the Shelby County Deer Hunters Association range for the end of the Eastern Region season. Twentyseven shooters came together to test their skill--and tested they were. Several arrived on Thursday to set up their campers and ready themselves for the task ahead. By Friday afternoon friendships were renewed, tables drawn and the range was made ready for competition. Saturday started with light winds and an overcast sky. The weatherman predicted 10 to 15 mph winds, but that would come in the afternoon.The Light Varmint 100 ended with Dale Dillingham winning the yardage shooting a .1974. Ted Heindselman came in second with a .2060 and Harley Baker third at .2290. Small group went to Dave Abbott with a blistering .066. The Heavy Varmint 100 opened with a partly sunny sky and 10+ mph winds with gusts. The flags were going in several directions at once but when it was all done, Dale Dillingham led the charge by winning the yardage with a .2270. Following Dale was Jack Neary with a .2420 and Melvyn Newransky with a .2616. Pat Metcalf took small group with a hot .107.

Sunday morning was a beautiful sunny day with winds around 10 mph with the occasional gust of only the Good Lord knows how much. The range, with its fall colors in full parade, took the shooters on a roller coaster ride of change throughout the day. When the Heavy Varmint 200 was over, Dale Dillingham once again won the yardage with a .2349. If you have not been paying attention, Dale now has 3 yardages under his belt. Dale was followed by Harley Baker with a .2451 and Dominic Grunas with a .2572. Small group honors with to Dale Dillingham with a .229. Dale’s luck ran out in the final yardage of the day when Steve Theye of Benchright, LLC (see ad on page ???), won by shooting a .3244. Dale Dillingham took second with a .3303. Tim Humphreys came in third with a .3421. Small group went to Dale Dillingham with a .332. When the numbers where added up the weekend ended with Dale Dillingham as the winner. Shelby County Deer Hunters thanks everyone for making the Fall Finale a great event. Not only to the shooters, but all the other workers in the background who put a lot of effort and time into this weekend. Special thanks to Dave Simons for managing the back room operations. Please plan to attend the Briar Hail Memorial next June.

In the photo above from Left: Ted Heindselman, Jack Neary, Harley Baker, Dominic Grunas, Steve Theye, Dale Dillingham, Tim Humphreys, Melvin Newransky & Pat Metcalf. Opposite page are Two Gun Winners from Left: Ted Heindselman, Dale Dillingham & Steve Theye (Benchrest, LLC). Light Varmint 100-Yards Dale Dillingham............. 0.1974 Ted Heindselman............ 0.2060 Harley Baker................. 0.2290 Tom Shumar.................. 0.2504 Greg Walley.................. 0.2520 Dominic Grunas............. 0.2606 Steve Theye.................. 0.2608 Carl Thompson.............. 0.2614 Melvyn Newransky.......... 0.2656 John Grice................... 0.2668 Light Varmint 200-Yards Steve Theye................. 0.3244 Dale Dillingham............. 0.3303 Tim Humphreys.............. 0.3421 Carl Thompson.............. 0.3609 Harley Baker................. 0.3663 Dominic Grunas............. 0.3692 Dave Abbott.................. 0.3773 Jack Neary................... 0.3805 Victor Potts.................. 0.3883 Ted Heindselman............ 0.3906 Light Varmint Grand Dale Dillingham............. 0.2639 Steve Theye.................. 0.2926 Harley Baker................. 0.2977 Ted Heindselman............ 0.2983 Carl Thompson.............. 0.3112 Tim Humphreys.............. 0.3115

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Dominic Grunas............. 0.3149 Greg Walley.................. 0.3249 Victor Potts.................. 0.3293 Pat Metcalf................... 0.3360 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Dale Dillingham............. 0.2270 Jack Neary................... 0.2420 Melvyn Newransky.......... 0.2616 Steve Theye.................. 0.2620 Ted Heindselman............ 0.2690 Greg Walley.................. 0.2824 Carl Thompson.............. 0.2944 Jerry Jarrett................. 0.2966 Tim Humphreys.............. 0.3186 Lacy Tilley.................... 0.3252 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Dale Dillingham............. 0.2349 Harley Baker................. 0.2451 Dominic Grunas............. 0.2572 Ted Heindselman............ 0.2650 Jim Hole...................... 0.2673 Paul Whitt.................... 0.2772 Steve Theye.................. 0.2783 Victor Potts.................. 0.2826 Tim Humphreys.............. 0.2833 Greg Walley.................. 0.2923 Heavy Varmint Grand Dale Dillingham............. 0.2310 Ted Heindselman............ 0.2670 Steve Theye.................. 0.2702 Jack Neary................... 0.2776 Greg Walley.................. 0.2874 Harley Baker................. 0.2886 Tim Humphreys.............. 0.3010 Paul Whitt.................... 0.3020 Victor Potts.................. 0.3066 Jim Hole...................... 0.3070 Two Gun Aggregate Dale Dillingham.............0 .2474 Steve Theye.................. 0.2814 Ted Heindselman............ 0.2827

Name Dale Dillignham (LV) Dale Dillignham (HV) Steve Theye (LV&HV) Ted Heindselman (LV&HV) Harley Baker (LV&HV) Greg Walley (LV&HV) Tim Humphreys (LV&HV) Jack Neary (LV&HV) Carl Thompson (LV&HV) Victor Potts (LV&HV) Dominic Grunas (LV&HV)


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Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn's Fall Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith 6mmDAD BAT Bartlein Self 6mmDAD BAT Krieger Self 6PPC BAT Krieger Scott 6PPC BAT Krieger Heindselman 6PPC BAT Krieger Reinhardt 6PPC Panda Brux Kelbly 6PPC BAT Krieger Goodling 6PPC BAT Bartlein Dave Bruno 6PPC BAT Krieger Goodling 6PPC BAT Krieger Heindselman 6PPC BAT Krieger Scott

Finale Two Gun Equipment List Stocker Scope Load TM Leupold/45 8208 TM Leupold/40 8208 Scarbrough Leupold N133 Scarbrough Leupold N133 Campbell Leupold N133 Kelbly March 8208 Self Leupold LT Dave Bruno Leupold N133 Goodling Leupold N133 Metric Leupold N133 Scoville Leupold/45 N133


Bullet self/65BT self/63BT Generic/66 Woodman/68 Sta/Moly65 Barts/68 Hottenstein/65FB Sta-Moly 68grain Hottenstein/68BT Hottenstein/68BT

Primer Fed 205 Fed 205 205 Fed 205M Fed Fed 205M Fed Fed 205M Fed 205


Precision Rifleman

Sahuaro: Déjà vu all over again!

By Dale Arenson After leaving the monthly Sahuaro NBRSA 1,000 yard match in Tucson, Arizona, I was reminded of the recent passing of baseball legend Yogi Berra and all of his funny sayings. Mostly, Déjà vu all over again, feeling like, I know I have been here before! I wanted to think, hey, it ain’t over till it’s over, but… It was over so, as far as my shooting was concerned, I just had to figure that I had made too many wrong mistakes, as Yogi would say. It was a good match with nice weather and a turnout of ten shooters and 18 guns. November temperatures were in the ‘70’s by noon, though it was a little chilly in the morning at our 7:00 A.M. start time. Winds didn’t get over about 12 mph for pretty much the whole match. Name Ross Herrick Mike Billotte John Benz (LG) John Benz (HG) Steve Everson (LG) Steve Everson (HG) Dave Osborn Dale Arenson (LG) Dale Arenson (HG/23) Wayne McDonald Pat Billotte (LG) Pat Billotte (HG)

We paired up five at a time on the shooting line, I was happy that I ended up on a bench next to Ross Herrick, since you can observe a lot just by watching. Out of ten shooters in light gun, our top five shooters of the day all put in sub-MOA aggregates. I thought my 5.75’’ agg was pretty good, but Ross stepped up to the plate and hit a 4.58’’ aggregate, with groups of 3.87’’, 5.37’’ and a 4.50’’! Not only did Ross shoot the smallest group in light gun, but also the highest single target scores with two 50’s in a row. His final score was 146-4x, only dropping four points. Yogi used to say that “the future ain’t what it used to be”, I was beginning to wonder if that went for the present too, at least when you are shooting against Ross Herrick! The first three shooters in heavy had respectable sub-MOA agg’s, But once again, heavy gun had a

similar result with Ross taking the aggregate group with a 7.89’’, with his smallest group being a 6.0’’. Remember, that’s ten shoots per target in heavy gun. His heavy gun score prevailed as well, only dropping 15 points for a 285-3x. Jon Benz however came flying in from left field and shot the highest single target score in heavy with a 993x. Nice shooting Jon. That’ll keep Ross in his place! Now you see the reason for the déjà vu. Ross Herrick wins it all, (almost) again. We all felt like… no, we knew we had been here before. But we tried to take it with a ‘’Grin’’ of salt. (another Yogi-ism). It gets late early out here, so we all pitched in to put things away, drove down to the fork in the road and took it… To Cindy Lou’s for hamburgers and cold drinks. Looking forward to next month when we each know (in our own minds) that we are really going to give Ross a run for his money. In the photo: Match winner Ross Herrick with rifle maker and cartridge designer John Lazzaroni and accompanied by, all of the trophies. Light Gun Aggregate Ross Herrick.................. 4.58” Dale Arenson.................. 5.70” Mike Billotte.................. 9.15” Steve Everson................. 9.25” Pat Billotte.................... 9.45”

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest November 14, 2015 Equipment List Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith Stock Scope Case 30Patriot Nesika Krieger Wells Tracker NightForce Lazzeroni 7saum BAT Krieger Carey Wood/lam NightForce Remington 6.5/284 Savage Krieger Benz Savage NightForce Lapua 7saum BAT Krieger Benz Leonard NightForce Nosler 6.5/47 Panda Krieger Brackney Borden Leupold Lapua 7mm/284 Nesika Krieger Brackney McMillan Leupold Lapua 30wsm Remington Krieger Bruno McMillan Millet Nosler 6.5/284 Nesika Hart Carey McMillan NightForce Lapua 30Patriot BAT Krieger Bruno McMillan NightForce Lazzeroni 243win Remington Krieger Craig McMillan Burris Remington 6.5/284 BAT Krieger Carey McMillan NightForce Lapua 300wsm Nesika Krieger Carey McMillan NightForce Norma

Powder H4831 H4831 H4831 H4831 RL17 H4831 2895 RL22 H4831 H1000 H4831 H4831

Bullet/Wt JLK/210 Berger/180 JLK/140 Berger/180 Berger/130 Berger/180 Sierra/200 Sierra/142 Berger/210 Berger/105 Berger/140 Berger/210

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Small Group Ross Herrick.................. 3.875” Heavy Gun Aggregate Ross Herrick.................. 7.90” Steve Everson................. 9.50” Dale Arenson.................. 9.81” Pat Billotte................... 14.90” John Benz.................... 15.71” Small Group Ross Herrick.................... 6.0” Light Gun Total Score Ross Herrick................. 146-4X Steve Everson................ 136-1X Wayne McDonald.............. 135 Mike Billotte................. 128-1X John Benz...................... 128 High Score Ross Herrick................... 50-2X Heavy Gun Total Score Ross Herrick................. 285-3X Steve Everson................ 270-3X John Benz.................... 269-3X Dale Arenson................... 255 Dave Osborn................... 219 High Score John Benz..................... 99-3X

Sloughhouse 600-Yard Benchrest

The following are the results from the November, 29, 2015 600-yard benchrest match at Sloughhouse in Sacramento, CA. Light Gun 3-Target Agg Michael Scadden............ 2.511 Dan Roberson................. 2.812 Bob Dorton.................... 2.840 Keith Faller................... 2.885 Bob Landis.................... 3.181 Larry Mather.................. 3.200 Ken Shroeder................. 3.513 Louie Tamagni................ 3.579 Ron Chisick.................... 3.745 Wally Laurson................. 3.864

John McGaughey............. 4.653 Mike Noumov................. 5.465 Norm Matzen................. 5.468 Marek Kuiee-Zawadzki..... 15.444 Peggy Ringer................. 30.000 Small Group Dan Roberson................. 1.419 Light Gun 3-Target Score Bob Dorton.................. 140-2X Michael Scadden............ 137-1X Louie Tamagni............... 135-1X Bob Landis................... 133-0X Ron Chisick................... 132-2X Keith Faller.................. 132-1X Dan Roberson................ 131-0X Larry Mather................. 130-1X Ken Schroeder............... 129-1X Wally Laurson................ 129-0X John McGaughey............ 124-0X Norm Matzen................ 115-0X Marek Kuiee-Zawadzki...... 72-0X High Score Bob Dorton.................... 49-1X Heavy Gun 3-Target Agg Louie Tamagni............... 4.008 Wally Laurson................. 4.069 Mike Noumov................. 4.713 Bob Dorton.................... 4.796 Michael Scadden............. 4.961 Keith Faller................... 5.230 Bob Landis.................... 5.238 Peggy Ringer.................. 5.427 Ron Chisick.................... 6.356 Larry Mather.................. 6.740 John McGaughey............. 6.929 Norm Matzen................. 8.563 Ken Shroeder................. 9.045 Marek Kuiee-Zawadzki..... 21.014 Small Group Louie Tamagni................ 2.948 Heavy Gun 3-Target Score Michael Scadden........... 274-5X Wally Laurson................ 260-1X Bob Landis................... 258-1X


Larry Mather................. 257-1X Louie Tamagni............... 255-0X Mike Noumov................ 246-1X John McGaughey............ 2450-X Ron Chisick................... 242-0X Bob Dorton................... 241-1X Keith Faller.................. 240-4X Ken Schroeder............... 224-2X Peggy Ringer................. 222-0X Norm Matzen................ 212-0X Marek Kuiee-Zawadzki..... 111-0X High Score Bob Dorton.................... 97-1X Two Gun 6-Target Group Michael Scadden............ 3.736 Louie Tamagni................ 3.794 Bob Dorton.................... 3.818 Wally Laurson................. 3.967 Keith Faller................... 4.058 Bob Landis.................... 4.210 Larry Mather.................. 4.970 Ron Chisick.................... 5.051 Mike Noumov................. 5.089 John McGaughey............. 5.791 Ken Shroeder................. 6.279 Norm Matzen................. 7.016 Peggy Ringer................. 17.714 Marek Kuiee-Zawadzki..... 18.229 Dan Roberson................ 31.406 Two Gun 6-Target Score Michael Scadden........... 411-6X Bob Landis................... 391-1X Louie Tamagni............... 390-1X Wally Laurson................ 389-1X Larry Mather................. 387-2X Bob Dorton................... 381-3X Ron Chisick................... 374-2X Keith Faller.................. 372-5X John McGaughey............ 369-0X Ken Shroeder................ 353-3X Mike Noumov................ 346-2X Norm Matzen................ 327-0X Peggy Ringer................. 222-0X Louie Tamagni............... 183-0X Dan Roberson................ 131-1X

Sloughhouse 600-Yard Benchrest Equipment List Name Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith Stock Scope/Pwr Case Powder Mike Noumov 6 Dasher BAT Krieger Childs Sitman Sightron Lapua Varget John McGaughey 6BR Stiller Bartlein Matt Huston McMillan NightForce n/a n/a Norm Matzen 6BRX Savage Bartlein Shehane McMillan n/a n/a Varget Michael Scadden 6BR Savage Criterian n/a Kelbly March Lapua Varget/Secret Bob Landis 6BR Savage Criterian n/a Savage Millett/25 Lapua Varget/30.5 Gr Wally Laursen 6BR Remington Brux Self n/a NightForce n/a n/a

Bullet Berger 105vld n/a A Max Stus 105 Berger 105vld n/a

Primer Br4 n/a Cci 450 Wolf Cci 450 n/a

Trigger Jewel Jewel Jewel Kelby Savage Jewel


Precision Rifleman

NBRSA Hunter Hall of Fame as of Feb 1, 2016 Points 50 35 24 17 16 12 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9

Competitor Greg Swezey Wayne Corley Cody Haslett Leroy Nethercott R.G. Robinett Rich Carpenter Mike Bigelow Bill Small Elzie Scott Tim Naugle Carroll Green Marcey Lyons (D) Roland Potter (D) Richard LeBlanc T.K. Nollan Rod Bertrand Guy Chism (D) Joe Hemkens Tom Hencken Bob Miller (Honorary) (D) Bob Pease (Honorary) (D) Frank Phillips (Honorary) (D) Richard Baier (Honorary) Don Mullhall (Honorary) Bob Maedgen (Honorary)

Year Inducted 2010 1999 2000 2003 2008 2004 2014 1999 2008 2015 1999 1999 2002 1999 2009 2013 2001 2010 2012 2000 2000 2000 2003 2004 2004

This information on the Hunter Hall of Fame is presented by Dick Baier or Chad Schmidt. Thank you.

NBRSA Financial Statements December 31, 2015 Cremeens, Harris & Co., LLP Certified Public Accountants Accountants’ Compilation Report

To the NBRSA Board of Directors: Management is responsible for the accompanying financial statements of National Benchrest Shooters Association, Inc. (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014, and the related statements of activities for the twelve months then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We have performed a compilation engagement in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA. We did not audit or review the financial statements, nor were we required to perform any procedures to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by management. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion, a conclusion, nor provide any form of assurance on these financial statements. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Organization's financial position and/or changes in net assets. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

who are not informed about such matters. A statement of cash flows for the twelve months ended December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014, has not been presented. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that such a statement be presented when financial statements purport to present financial position and results of operations. We are not independent with respect to National Benchrest Shooters Association, Inc. Cremeens, Harris & Co., LLP January 18, 2016 Member AICPA & Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants

NATIONAL BENCHREST SHOOTERS ASSOC., Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2015 and 2014 Assets 12/31/2015 CURRENT ASSETS Cash in Checking $ 118,701.00 Other Current Assets $ 4,384.00 Total Current Assets $ 123,085.00 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL ASSETS $ 123,085.00

Membership Information The following membership information is presented to the membership in accordance with the By-Laws. To be consistent, the data has been captured as of December 31 of each of the previous four (4) years to coordinate with the end of year Financial Statements provided herein. Current membership information is located at the NBRSA Business Office in Sheridan, Wyoming. For questions, call 307 655-7415. December 31, 2015 Domestic Membership: �� 1,428 International Members:. 55 Total at year end:......... 1,483 December 31, 2014 Domestic Membership: �� 1,403 International Members:. 57 Total at year end:......... 1,460 December 31, 2013 Domestic Membership: �� 1,467 International Members:. 56 Total at year end:......... 1,523 December 31, 2012 Domestic Membership: �� 1,424 International Members:. 62 Total at year end:......... 1,486




12/31/2014 $ 96,294.00 $ 6,627.00 $ 102,921.00 $ 102,921.00

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity CURRENT LIABILITIES 12/31/2015 Payroll Taxes Payable $ Total Current Liabilities $ Total Liabilities $ -

$ $ $

12/31/2014 728.00 728.00 728.00

STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Unrestricted Net Assets Prior Period Adjustment Net Income

$ $ $

85,009.00 13,673.00 3,511.00

$ $ $

102,193.00 20,892.00

$ 123,085.00

$ 102,193.00

$ 123,085.00

$ 102,921.00

See Accountants' Compilation Report

NATIONAL BENCHREST SHOOTERS ASSOC., INC. Statement of Activities For the Twelve Months Ended Dec. 31, 2015 & Dec. 31, 2014 Twelve Months Twelve Months Dec. 31, 2015 Dec. 31, 2014 Income Membership Dues $ 75,459.00 $ 72,443.00 Match Fees $ 23,888.00 $ 20,459.00 Targets $ 20,102.00 $ 15,968.00 Advertising $ 32,895.00 $ 32,015.00 Other Income $ 8,931.00 $ 15,096.00 Total Income $ 161,275.00 $ 155,981.00 Operations Director & Officers Magazine Costs Payroll Expense Payroll Tax Expense Postage & Delivery Targets & Rulebooks Printed Trophies & Awards General & Admin Expenses Total Operations Operating Income (Loss) Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Total Other Income (Expense) Net Income (Loss)

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

7,220.00 29,652.00 63,337.00 5,235.00 15,339.00 4,170.00 4,223.00 11,237.00 140,413.00 20,862.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

8,751.00 28,638.00 60,890.00 11,743.00 17,585.00 7,693.00 9,106.00 8,216.00 152,622.00 3,359.00

$ $ $

30.00 30.00 20,892.00

$ $ $

152.00 152.00 3,511.00

See Accountants' Compilation Report


Precision Rifleman

A Tribute to Lowell Hottenstein

by Joe Krupa It is with a heavy heart that we celebrate the life of Lowell James Hottenstein. Lowell was a hardworking man from small town Michigan with a farming background. He also spent nearly 40 years working in the GM plant in Toledo as a millwright. Both are physically hard and took a heavy toll on his body. I got to know Lowell about 17 years ago; actually I knew Kenny first. But, in shooting where Kenny was, so was Lowell. It was about more than just Shooting with Lowell; Benchrest was his “extended family”. Both Families were extremely important to him. And he made friends throughout the World because of this. Lowell would always say that Benchrest was good to him. I would contend that Lowell was better for Benchrest. You never heard the man say one bad thing about anyone; even when he should have. And he was always very humble about what he did. Lowell didn’t like to talk about himself and down-played his accomplishments. When I interviewed Lowell for an article that I wrote about him and Kenny in Precision Shooting magazine a few years ago, he talked more about Kenny and his accomplishments than his own. Kenny winning the Super Shoot in 2000 was one of the proudest moments in Lowell’s shooting career. Many of you may remember the 2007 Super Shoot; Lowell dueled it out with Steve Robbins and Kent Harshman; eventually finishing second to Steve; Lowell told me that he was just happy that his bullets won. This was just after his grandson Max succumbed to cancer. Some of you may remember that Lowell won the first day at LV100 (along with LV Grand). We were loading

together and when he was told that the finishes were posted and he won, he started crying and said that “he knew that Max was up in Heaven watching over him and that is why he won”. That was the kind of family man he was. Lowell was a great shooting competitor. He was a two-time medalist with the US World Team (gold in New Zealand and Bronze in Sweden) and 2nd in the 2007 S/S. He won countless Eastern Region Two-guns and was also inducted in the ER Hall of Fame in 2008. He was a “force to be reckoned with” any time he went to the firing line. Lowell would talk about the “scratch and claw” mentality about shooting. Don’t quit, even when things looked bleak. It’s never over until it’s over. You want to talk about “winning ugly”. Once at a match at Holton, Lowell shot four shots on a target at HV100 and took a one-inch penalty. I remember him coming back to the loading area and saying “I think I just messed up. I got to try harder.” So his idea of “trying harder” was to shoot a World Record in LV and actually winning the two-gun; with a one-inch penalty! And even after he got the news of the cancer, he was making plans and looking forward to the 2016 shooting season. Heck, as recent as a week before he passed he was talking about shooting the Shamrock and the Hog Roast, and trying to make the US Team again to go back to New Zealand. Lowell was known not only as a great competitor, but also arguably the World’s best bullet maker for the Benchrest sport. With deference to the Eubers, Bart and all the others out there pulling the handle, Lowell’s’ bullets are most likely the most prolific and successful that Benchrest has known in recent years, if not in the history of the sport. I can speak for how using these bullets could take a shooter to the next level

and get them competitive enough to compete at the Nationals. It is unfathomable to count how many World Records, Hall of Fame points and, National and World Championships that were won with these. I know that some of us here today wouldn’t have gotten into the Hall of Fame without shooting them. I would contend that Lowell spent more effort getting others into the Hall of Fame than he did trying to get himself in. Many shooters thought it was that magic die, but I can tell you that it was more the man’s experience and touch and his attention to detail that made them shoot. And he did this well for decades throughout his career. Once Lowell and I were helping Phil Sauer’s widow clean out Phil’s basement shop after he passed. I found a box of Lowell’s boattails that were made in 1988. I took them with me to Worlds in South Africa in 2009 to have something to practice with. At the end of that week during the 300-meter event on Saturday I gave a handful to New Zealander Ian Owen; who proceeded to shoot a four-tenths group at 300-meters, a World record that still stands to this day with 21 year old bullets! One thing that continued to amaze me about Lowell and his bullet making, and contrary to what some people may think, was that Lowell put the best of what he made into his customers’ boxes. What he shot at most of the matches were the culls. And yet he still shot extremely well. When I asked him about this, all he told me was that his customers deserve the best chance they can to win. Lowell was very optimistic about his new die and the jackets that he was now using; this combination was just starting to take off. I know that L’ll Joe Hynes got four points with them at St. Louis this past Nationals and Canadian Pete Smith shot two back-to back ones

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

at 200 yards this Fall at WWCCA (a .195 and .143). Lowell was very proud of that. He handed me a handful a few weeks after his first run and I used them to shoot 19X’s at 200 yards! These things fueled his optimism. Besides just the bullet-making and the shooting, there was much more to the man. I talked to Lowell almost every week; and often several times a week for that last 15 years. I was fortunate enough to have traveled with him. You get to know a little about someone when you spend time doing that. Here are a few things that many of you may not have known…Lowell was also a farmer; doing work on the family farm after work hours for many years. Lowell liked 1960’s muscle cars. He talked fondly about his 1961 Oldsmobile Starfire; something we had in common since I had a 1962 Starfire. Many miles were passed on trips talking about what were the best muscle cars of the 1960’s. I was a “Ford Guy” and of course, Lowell was a “GM man”. Before Benchrest, Lowell was a very accomplished trap shooter. I know this sounds like blasphemy, but I still run into trapshooters in the area who still remember his good shooting. Lowell also liked colt 1911 .45’s. In fact, he told me he often “relaxed” when he wanted to get away from making bullets by reloading .45’s and we’d split them. He was a big Red Wings

and Detroit Tigers fan. He also suffered through the Detroit Lions like all of us around here. Lowell was the greatest example of a TRUE FAMILY MAN. I learned more about how to be a good husband and father from him than anyone else in my life. Lowell was a Vietnam combat veteran; I mean a “true combat veteran”; you could tell because he never really talked about it. 199th light infantry and later 1st Air Cavalry. One of the things he liked about going to the Shamrock was that he could stop at Ft. Benning, GA and look around. One time when he did talk about his time in Combat, all he said was that he was a really scared 21-year old and thought he wasn’t going to make it out of a bad situation when he was in Cambodia. He said in so many words that he made a promise to the Man Upstairs to live a Christian life and try to do the best he could for his family. Those who knew him know that he kept that promise. I searched hard for words to sum up how this man lived his life. Finally, the only thing that seemed appropriate is something attributed to Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Now, it may seem a little odd to think of “Lowell” and “Mother Theresa” in the same sentence, but somehow it just made sense to me. I would like to read this now and please see


if you have the same thoughts on how Lowell lived his life. Some of you may recognize the Martina McBride rendition. Maybe we can all take something from this: 1. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. 2. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. 3. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. 4. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. 5. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. 6. People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. 7. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do “good” anyway. 8. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. Lowell’s “Final Analysis” came last week. He gave more than he took in every aspect of his life. Lowell would want us all to be joyful in celebrating not only his life, but every aspect of our own lives. We can be assured that he is up there hanging out with his little buddy Max and smiling down on all of us today. We should all take some happiness in that.


Precision Rifleman

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Group Match & Shooter of the Year is Declared Sacramento, CA November 7-8, 2015

This was our last match of the year for Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters. The weather was cold and we got a huge rain storm on Sunday afternoon. Ray Garric began this match for us by taking the LV100 with a 0.2816. Art Kawai decided it was his turn and won the LV200 with a 0.2832 and the LV

Grand with a 0.2955. Along came Bob Dorton to win the HV100 with 0.2246 and Dan Lutke then claimed the HV200 with a 0.3553. The HV Grand belonged to Greg Wilson with a 0.3122. When the points were tallied, it was Art Kawai from Sunnyvale, CA who won the Two Gun for this match. Congratulations Art! By sweeping last month’s match with 24 out of 25 points and collecting 11 points in November, Greg Wilson wins the Shooter of the Year

for 2015. Congratulations to Greg Wilson and to Art Kawai and thank you to everyone for participating in our matches. We’ll begin our short-range group matches again in March, 2016 and look forward to seeing you all there again. Dan Lutke, Match Director In the photo from Left: Francis Lee, Bob Dorton, Steve Epstein, Stu Harvey, Greg Wilson, Art Kawai and in front is Larry Mather & Ray Garric. Photo from Dan Lutke. Thank you.

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Light Varmint 100-Yards Ray Garric.................. 0.2816 Dan Lutke.................... 0.2954 Art Kawai..................... 0.3078 Bob Dorton................... 0.3176 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3336 Steve Epstein................ 0.3420 Ronald Chisick............... 0.3434 Larry Mather................. 0.3528 Stu Harvey................... 0.3560 Bill Mellor.................... 0.3884 Francis Lee................... 0.4056 Robert Wademan............ 0.4110 Small Group Dan Lutke.....................0.176 Light Varmint 200-Yards Art Kawai................... 0.2832 Francis Lee................... 0.3731 Bob Dorton................... 0.3737 Steve Epstein................ 0.3761 Henry Pinkney............... 0.3870 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3943 Dan Lutke.................... 0.4175 Stu Harvey................... 0.4670 Larry Mather................. 0.5002 Bill Mellor.................... 0.5777 Ronald Chisick............... 0.6059 Small Group Stu Harvey....................0.363 Light Varmint Grand Art Kawai................... 0.2955 Bob Dorton................... 0.3456 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3564 Steve Epstein................ 0.3591 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3640 Francis Lee................... 0.3893 Stu Harvey................... 0.4115 Larry Mather................. 0.4265 Ronald Chisick............... 0.4746 Bill Mellor.................... 0.4830 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Bob Dorton................. 0.2246 Stu Harvey................... 0.2326 Greg Wilson.................. 0.2616 Steve Epstein................ 0.2814 Ronald Chisick............... 0.2948 Raymond Garric............. 0.3132 Francis Lee................... 0.3144 Arthur Kawai................. 0.3156 Larry Mather................. 0.3276 Robert Wademan............ 0.3294 Bill Mellor.................... 0.3348 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3556


Greg Wilson 2015 Sloughhouse Benchrest’s Shooter of the Year Congratulations, Greg.

Small Group Art Kawai......................0.132 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Dan Lutke................... 0.3553 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3629 Art Kawai..................... 0.3920 Steve Epstein................ 0.3973 Henry Pinkney............... 0.4109 Larry Mather................. 0.4197 Stu Harvey................... 0.4542 Ronald Chisick............... 0.4560 Francis Lee................... 0.4660 Bill Mellor.................... 0.5412 Bob Dorton................... 1.3657 Small Group Henry Pinkney................0.397 Heavy Varmint Grand Greg Wilson................ 0.3122 Steve Epstein................ 0.3993 Stu Harvey................... 0.3434 Arthur Kawai................. 0.3538 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3555 Larry Mather................. 0.3737 Ronald Chisick............... 0.3754 Francis Lee................... 0.3902 Bill Mellor.................... 0.4380 Bob Dorton................... 0.7951 Two Gun Art Kawai................... 0.3246 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3381 Steve Epstein................ 0.3492 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3559 Stu Harvey................... 0.3774 Francis Lee................... 0.3898 Larry Mather................. 0.4001 Ronald Chisick............... 0.4250 Bill Mellor.................... 0.4605 Bob Dorton................... 0.5704

Desert Sportsman Club Hunter Match

December 13, 2015 Again we lucked out with the weather on Sunday. It called for wind and cold temps but it turned out to be cool with a little swishing wind. Beginning in 2016, we now have Hunter matches on the 4th week of the month. We had a new shooter, Lou Meiss join us for this match. Welcome Lou and congratulations to John Seines on placing first in both yardages to make an easy win in the hunter grand. Thank you to everyone for coming. Howard Bloom, Match Director Hunter 100-Yards John Seines................. 250-6X Dave Raymore...............249-10X Howard Bloom............... 248-9X Tom Guisewhite............. 239-Xx Brian Jones................... 236-5X Lou Meiss.................... 171-0X Hunter 200-Yards John Seines................. 246-4X Tom Guisewhite............. 246-4X Dave Raymore............... 243-1X Howard Bloom............... 236-0X Lou Meiss...................... 83-0X Hunter Grand John Seines................ 496-20X Tom Guisewhite.............485-10X Dave Raymore...............492-11X Howard Bloom............... 484-9X Lou Meiss..................... 254-0X


Precision Rifleman

Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts ER—Eastern Region Chippewa Rifle Club GPS: N40 56.820 W81 44.583 Contact: Bob Denk 440 596-7238 7728 E Linden Ln, Parma, OH 44130 Contact: Pat Metcalf 419 886-3467 528 Alexander Rd, Bellville, OH 44813

Fairchance Rod & Gun Club

GPS: N39 48.704 W79 47.179 Contact: Bill Reahard 724 323-5044 PO Box 156, McClellandtown, PA 15458 Contact: Jerry Van Sickle 724 569-2216 181 Guthrie Rd, Smithfield, PA 15478

Holton Gun & Bow Club

6201 Crystal Lake Rd, Holton, MI 49425 PO Box 128, Holton, MI 49425 231 821-9608 GPS: N43 23.742 W86 05.2566 Contact: Bruce Torrey, 231 288-4769 3951 Molly Blvd, Muskegon, MI 49444

Kane Fish & Game

Dwight Rd, 1 mile N of Kane on SR 321 Steve Timpano – Group 814 837-9644

Kelbly’s Rifle Range

7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd N Lawrence, OH 44666 GPS: N40 52.9836 W81 40.6218 Contact: Jim Kelbly 330 683-4674

Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn

7988 Johnston-Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 937 492-2972 Contact: John Petteruti 937 654-7950


6700 Napier Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 734 453-9843 Contact: Dana Raven 734 748-5394 10930 Old 27N, Frederic, MI 49733-9734 Contact: Bill Gammon 519 453-6734 387 Speight Blvd, London, ONT N5V 3J8 Canada

GC—Gulf Coast Region Austin Rifle Club PO Box 141399, Austin, TX 78714 Contact: Virgil Howarth 512 447-8968 2704 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745

Hill Country Shooters Assn

GPS: N29 44.695 W098 14.141 421 Range Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132 Contact: Cody Engel 210 535 2170

PO Box 1423, Blanco, TX 78606

Midland Shooters Association

4108 East County Rd 160, Midland, TX 79706 432 682-2332 Contact: Mike Conry 3212 E County Rd 136, Midland, TX 79706 432 528-8718 or 432 683-1332

North Texas Shooters Association GPS: N33 19.351 W97 08.938 Contact: Michael Stinnett 214 794-8006 6651 Blackjack Oaks Rd, Aubrey, TX 76227

Seymour Stool Shooters

448 Hwy 283 South, Seymour, TX 76380 Contact: John Horn 940 636-9984 924 Peterson Rd S, Iowa Park, TX 76367

SW Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Club Contact: Mike Guillot 337 249-3712 1600 Cappy Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605

Tomball Gun Club

Contact: Dwayne Pullum: 281 684-9004 Richard Pullum by email:

NC—North Central Region Boone Valley Ikes

Contact: Ronnie Berg 515 210-7772 104 S Dalander St, Madrid, IA 50156

Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

462 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY 82834 Contact Pete Eisele 307 217- 1155

Casper Score Shooters

2330 N Station Rd, Casper, WY 82601 307 265-2535 Contact: Tim Naugle 307 237-7185 1926 S Walnut St, Casper WY 82601

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club GPS: N41.39083 W95.37891 Contact: Gary Flury 712 328-0301 PO Box 1042, Council Bluffs, IA 50502 Contact: Ron Lee Miller 402 393-4536 8081 Dupont St. Omaha NE 68124

Lincoln Izaak Walton League

10801 S 134th St, Bennet, NE 68317 Contact: Mike Shapoval 402 420-5763

Minnetonka Benchrest Assn

8310 Hill n Dale Dr, St Francis, MN 55330 GPS: N45 23.42 W93 29.29 Contact: Scott Moser 612 961-6761

10412 Abbott Dr, Brooklyn Park MN 55443

Oak Hill Gun Club

12364 Coon Hunters Rd, Blue Grass, IA 52726 563 381-2677 Contact: Cecil Peterson 563 359-1988 2260 Cromwell Cir, Davenport IA 52807

Prairie Dog Target Club

Contact: Don Deckert 605 288-1919 HC 54, Box 3, Porcupine SD 57772

MV—Mississippi Valley

Bench Rest Rifle Club Of St Louis

2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City, MO 63390 GPS: N38 53.353 W091 04.763 Joe Fesi - Group 314 283-4085 206 Colonial Xing, Wentzville, MO 63390 jfesi@americanaircharter.comWayne Corley - HTR/VFS 636 928-0882 2 Sheffield Ct, St Charles, MO 63304

Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

W10924 Bryer Road, Columbus, WI 53925 Contact Terry Balding 608 577-5193 1777 W Main St #203, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Holmen Rod & Gun Club

W7503 County Road T, Holmen, WI 54636 Contact Craig Nagel 608 783-5522

Van Dyne Sportsmen’s Club or Contact: Steve Owen 920 688-2433 PO Box 8, Van Dyne WI 54979

NW—Northwest Region Wenatchee Benchrest Club

2800 #2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA, Contact: Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn 6900 Kershaw Blvd, White City, OR 97502 Contact: Phil Grammatica 714 749-7216

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club

27007 South Tom Beall Rd, Lapwai, ID 83540 280 843-2987 Contact: Paul Gylling - HTR/VFS 40102 State Route 195, Colfax WA 99111 509 553-1118 Denny Andrews - Group

North Cascades Sportsman’s Club PO Box 1721, Chelan, WA 98816 Contact Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman


Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club

8503 Chambers Creek Rd W University Place, WA 98467 Contact: Jeff Lewis 206 407-8299 32310 6th Ave SW, Federal Way, WA 98023

Tri-Cities Metallic Silhouette Assn Hwy 12 to Pasco-Kahlotus Rd Contact: Rick DeGroat 509 308-7213 or 509 396-3166

Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Range

578 Blodgett View Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 406 363-7078 Contact: Jeff Jetter 406 777-5326 4168 Foxy Ridge Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870

Yellowstone Rifle Club

7212 Molt Rd, Billings, MT 406 656-2775 Contact: Ryan Lienemann 406 245-4056 1124 Horn St, Billings, MT 59101

Unaka Rod & Gun Club

90 Furnace Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601 423 926-0221 Contact: Matthew Keller 423 202-6932 Limestone, TN 37681

MC—Mid-Continent Region Colorado Rifle Club

76099 E 96th Ave, Byers, CO 80103 303 238-5696 Contact: Nick Hoier 719 499-0246 or Nate Miller 719 648-5334 524 E McCullough Blvd, Pueblo West, CO 81007

Land’s End Benchrest Shooters

4 mi East of Hwy 50 on Reeder Mesa Rd Contact: Tom Stiner 970 257-9160 1521 Divide Rd, Whitewater CO 81527

Mill Creek Rifle Club

7215 Gardner Rd, DeSoto, KS 66018 Contact: Don Creach - Group 816 586-9475 Contact:Ronald Shultz - Hunter/VFS 913 557-9879

La Grande Rifle & Pistol Club Contact Gary Vanlier 208 965-1992 or 208 461-0315

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters

SE—Southeast Region

Okie Shooters Range

Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn GPS: N32 24.3732 W82 53.0574 PO Box 4096, Dublin, GA 31040 Contact: Matt Walker 478 304-2749

River Bend Gun Club

588 River Bend Gun Club Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 770 893-3502 GPS: N34 20.198 W84 14.819 Contact: Jim Andress Group/Score PO Box 7, Marble Hill, GA 30148, 770 876-2351 or 770 893-3319

Rockingham County Gun Club

572 Long Branch Road, Reidsville, NC 27320 GPS: N36 25.536 W79 31.864 Contact: Roy Darnell 336 595-9110 4811 Camp Betty Hastings Rd Walkertown, NC 27051

Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club 1305 Gun Club Dr, Hardy, VA 24101 Contact: Gil Gross 540 721-3015

38967 CR 51, Eaton, CO 80615 Contact: Bud Schalles 970 224-3740 PO Box 83, La Porte CO 80535

Contact: Rex Reneau 405 787-8529 7409 NW 28th Terrace, Bethany OK 73008 405 623-6019 or

Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn

Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Whittington Center

34025 US 64, Raton, NM 87740 575 445-3615 Contact: Ed Adams 505 401-5071 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque NM 87120

SW—Southwest Region Arizona Benchrest Shooters

4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85086 GPS: N33 27 12.22 W112 37 12.20 Contact: Melesia Cisneros 714-441-7220 4275 N Palm St, Fullerton, CA 92835

Central Utah Benchrest

Contact: Dave Tunbridge 801 571-6755 966 Stacie Ave, Sandy UT 84094

Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

12201 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702 642-9928

GPS: N36.1498 W115.3653 Contact: Keith Myers - VFS or 702 217-3591 Contact: Howard Bloom - HTR or 702 368-0568

Ojai Valley Gun Club Contact: Barry Bluhm 805 798-2473 608 E Oak St, Ojai CA 93023

Palomino Valley Gun Club

Washoe County Shooting Facility 21555 Pyramid Lake Hwy, Reno NV 80502 GPS: N39 51.374 W119 40.046 Contact: Robert Hoppe - Long Range PO BOX 4251, Sparks NV 89432 775 827-8679 or 775 397-3358 Contact: Steve Archibald - Varmint 5017 Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434 775 356-5850 (h) or 775 742-1153 (c)

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest Contact: Karl Hunstiger 602 971-4400 2901 E Cortez St, Phoenix AZ 85028

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Contact: Craig St Claire - Long Range or 209 744-2274 Contact: Dan Lutke - Short Range 408 241-9759 Contact: Bill Mellor - Short Range 916 354-1782

Visalia Sportsman Association

7398 Avenue 328, Visalia, CA 93291 599 651-3063 Contact: Dennis Thornbury 559 432-4401 PO Box 105, Visalia, CA 93279 559 280-6243

EU-European Region Club de Tir du Castellas

Route de Vautubiere, La Fare les Oliviers, France 13580 Contact Jean-Marie Deletang at or Andre Feraud at


Precision Rifleman

New Group World Record

Congratulations are in order to Mr Dave Dowd on setting a new Group World Record in the Unlimited Grand. Dave shot a tiny .1330 in Unlimited Class 5, 5-shot groups at 100200 yards. The previous record of .1486 reigned for over 3 years and was set by Eric Stanton. Dave’s new World Record was set on August 8, 2015 at Minnetonka Benchrest in Minnesota. Dave began shooting benchrest back in 1997. For this world record, he used a Tony Larson rail gun; one of three in existence. Scope was a Bausch & Lomb 36, Chuck Miller bullets with 65 grains, Federal 205 primer, BAT action, Krieger barrel that was smithed by Gary Ocock and a Jewell trigger. Dave said the conditions were moderate at the range that day with a little switch. Very nicely done, Dave. Congratulations again on your fine achievement.

Seymour Stool Shooters

In January’s issue on page 17 the Gulf Coast Championship was stated as authored by Larry Baggett. This article was actually written by Glenn Chism .

NBRSA Targets

Some changes are coming with regard to the group and score paper used by our member clubs for sanctioned matches. Orders will continue to be placed through the Business Office as usual. As we transition to Targets Online, your

target orders may appear different than what have traditionally come to expect. The paper you receive may be from Orrville Printing or it may be from Targets Online, our new vendor. The paper you receive, from either company has been tested and approved by both NBRSA shooters and the Board. In addition to benchrest paper, Targets Online is offering our members an additional 15% discount on their other products by using the code NBRSA2016. Details are on their website at


CH Trade.......................2 Gradient Lens.................3 Shilen Rifle Barrels...........4 Magnum Metal................5 Sharp Shoot R.................6 Graf & Sons...................7 BAT Actions....................8 Redding Reloading.......... 13 Edgewood Bags.............. 15 Lilja Rifle Barrels............ 15 Berger Bullets............... 17 Accugauge/6mmPPC........ 17 Hog Roast..................... 18 LR Score Nationals.......... 22 21st Century................. 23 Marsh Industries............. 24 Benchrite, LLC............... 25 McMillan...................... 27 Butch’s Reloading........... 33 PMA Tool...................... 34 Anneal-Rite.................. 38 Kelbly’s..............back page

New Range for Southeast! The southeast region has a new club for 2016. The NBRSA welcomes Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club in Hardy, Virginia. The club boasts Black Powder Silhouette, Bullseye, Cowboy Action, Egg Shoots, Modern Silhouette, High Power, IDPA,

Anneal Cartridge Cases... $98.00

Ultimate Cartridge Check System


USPSA in addition to competition benchrest sanctioned by NBRSA. The dates for the matches scheduled this year are June 11-12, 2016 and September 24-25. Both matches will have a Light & Heavy Varmint competition at 100 and 200 yards. For match information and to register to attend, please contact Gill Gross. See pages 36-37 for information.

March, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Regional Directors Eastern Region

Staff Exp 2016

Jack Neary 6204 Wild Oak Dr, North Olmstead, OH 44070 H: 440 716-0600 C: 336 542-8711

Officers Dennis Thornbury, President 1114 S McAuliff St Visalia, CA 93292 H: 559 732-4401 C: 559 280 6243 Term Expires 2016 Don Nielson, Vice President 20456 Hart St, Winnetka, CA 91306 H: 818 883-5866 Term Expires 2016 John Horn, Financial Officer 924 Peterson Rd South Iowa Park, TX 76367-7237 C: 940 636-9984 Term Exp 2016

Committees World Records Committee: Group Gene Bukys, Chairman 2111 Silver Moon Trl, Crosby, TX 77532 281 324-2605 Kent Harshman, Committee Member Ron Hoehn, Committee Member Lowell Frei, Committee Member World Records Committee: Long Range Bill Johnston, Chairman 7425 SE Madison Ave, Prineville, OR 503 568-5199 Karl Hunstiger, Committee Member Bruce Bangeman, Committee Member Richard Schatz, Committee Member Gary Childs, Alternate Member World Records Committee: Score Rich Carpenter, Chairman 307 265-8667 60 2nd St, Evansville, WY 82636 box425@bresnannet Wayne Corley, Committee Member Mike Guillot, Committee Member Dan Zaccanti, Committee Member Ron Powell, Committee Member International Representative Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 Varmint For Score Rep (SW Region) Keith Myers 702 217-3591

Gulf Coast Region

Mississippi Valley Region Exp 2016

Bud Mundy 5956 Old Hickory Trail Hillsboro, MO 63050 C: 314 805-1313

Exp 2017

Terry Meyer PO Box 52, Thornton, IA 50479 H: 641 998-2860 C: 641 425-3397 North Central Alternate Rodney Brown PO Box 7218, Sheridan, WY 82801 C: 303 378-6085

Mid-Continent Region

Exp 2017

Butch Fjoser 7 Summerfield St, Woodward, OK 73801 C: 580 334-2643 W: 580 254-9764

North West Region

Business Manager, NBRSA Editor, Precision Rifleman Magazine Advertising Sales Contact Audrey Brown PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 W: 307 655-7415 C: 307 217-1966

Exp 2017

Scott Hunter 1612 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 H: 940 723-5147 C: 940 631-4545 Gulf Coast Alternate Mike Bryant 7761 FM 592, Wheeler, TX 79096 806 826-5958,

North Central Region


Exp 2017

Dan Zaccanti 1542 Tacoma Ave, Bridgeport, WA 98813 C: 509 733-1003 North West Alternate Paul Holland PO Box 1498, Big Fork, MT 59911 406 837-5583

South East Region

Exp 2016

South West Region

Exp 2016

European Region

Exp 2016

Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066

Tom Libby 74056 Aster Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 774-5256 South West Alternate David Woodward 34 W Dessert Knoll Pl, Oro Valley, AZ C: 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 Jean-Marie Deletang 15 Rue des Martyrs, Beausoleil, 06240 France

Legal Representation

Elliot Law Office Al Elliott, 325 387-3529

Change of Address: To change your address or report a damaged or undelivered magazine, write: NBRSA, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 828017105. Do not return damaged copies. Change of address should include both new address and a mailing label bearing the old one. In case of duplication send both labels. Contributors: The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Advertisers: Rate cards and terms are available online at We appreciate your support! Safety Disclaimer: The publication, writers, organization officers, staff, and directors explicitly advise the readers that they make no representation of safety for any loads, techniques, and procedures if reported herein. The nature of participating in a shooting sport automatically requires caution at all times. Given the many variables present—weather, equipment, and components— the information presented is for your reading enjoyment.

Printed in the USA Publisher: NBRSA, Inc. Printed By: Lithotech, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Advertising, Classifieds & Membership: Audrey Brown, Editor 307 655-7415 Precision Rifleman (ISSN 1061950X) is published monthly by NBRSA Inc PO Box 6770 3647 US Hwy 87 Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307 655-7415 Email: for the benefit of its members. Membership dues is $60 per year US of which $40 is designated for a magazine subscription. Canadian postage add $25/ year. All other International postage add $60/year. For Membership inquiries call 307 655-7415. Copyright 2013, National Bench Rest Shooters Association. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. Periodicals Class Postage paid at Sheridan, WY & additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Precision Rifleman, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801.


Precision Rifleman

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