October, 2014

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October, 2014


Precision Rifleman

Stainless Steel Click Head Hand Priming Tool The Feel The Precision The Quality The Ease of adjustment  The most unique feature:

The CLICK HEAD for Primer Seating

 Adjustment: Each click of the

head equals .0025 for precise seating depth.

 All stainless steel

components with aluminum handle.

Includes both large and small punch housing and spring assembly.

Concentricity Gauge This type of indicator was designed specifically for checking rotating diameters and in fact is exactly the type of gauge used in the machining industry for decades to measure run out; the very thing that we as hand loaders are striving to minimize or eliminate. At 21 Century Shooting it is our goal to modernize an industry that has seen little change over the years. Our concentricity gauge is a perfect example. st

Neck Turning Lathe

The floating design of our neck turner and the universal floating case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric. Therefore allowing O.D. to be turned concentric with I.D. The tail-stock creates a horizontal inline support


for the base of the case. Also allows the operator to keep both hands on the power screw driver or drill. This makes it very easy to control feed rate of the cutting operation, generating a very fine turned finish. Case holder drivers are designed to be the most gentle driver, yet providing an adequate hold.


October, 2014 Precision Rifleman


Kaboom. Case separation can occur in brass that has been reloaded once too often. Is that case about to go KABOOM?

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Matches In This Issue...

Mac Clark Memorial & Montana State Championship, by Ryan Lienemann Dean Thomas Wins Northern Colorado’s Two-Gun, by LuAnn Dill Battle of San Jacinto & Texas State Championship, by Pullum Brothers Michigan State Championship, by Nancy Scarbrough 2014 Muchas Gracias, by Mark Motsko Minnetonka’s Don Judd Memorial, by Bob Storbeck, Jr Midland’s Texas Shootout, by Mike Conry 2014 NBRSA Registered Match Schedule Wisconsin State Championship, by Dick Baier California State Championship, by Dan Lutke Mill Creek June Group Match, by Don Creach Eastern Regionals Championship, by Jack Neary Kane Fish & Game Results, by Steve Timpano Southwest Score Regionals, by Keith Myers Columbus Sportsman’s 600-Yd Match, Terry Balding

4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 26 27 30

Organizational Information & Cover Shot Info... Advertising Index 25 Ranges, Clubs & Contacts 28

NBRSA News 30 Officer & Director Info 31

Cover: Between Relays at Fairchance Gun Club. Photo from the Brown’s.


Precision Rifleman

Mac Clark Memorial & Montana State by Ryan Lienemann, Match Director

Tim Naugle Sweeps Both Hunter & Varmint-For-Score The Yellowstone Rifle Club hosted its annual Mac Clark Memorial benchrest match on June 28th and 29th. This match was also designated the Montana State 100/200yard short range HBR/VFS Championship with the 200/300-yard long range Championship being held earlier in May by the Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Club in Hamilton, Montana. We had a good turnout of shooters with 12 in the hunter class on Saturday and 15 on Sunday in varmint for score. Temperatures hovered in the 60s and 70s throughout the weekend. The 100-yard HBR match was the first order of business on Saturday morning. The early morning conditions were fairly mild with the winds starting to pick up during the last few targets. As a rule, the Yellowstone Rifle Club typically has quickly switching wind patterns and this day would not be an exception to the rule. Tim Naugle started off his reign of dominance for the weekend with a first place finish with a score of 250-19X. Bill Small took second place with a 250-13X and Greg Swezey came in third with a 250-10X. After a hearty lunch, the shooters rotated five benches, reset their flags and got ready for the 200yard HBR match. This was a challenging match with strong winds at times that caused more than a few wind flags to bite the dust. The rolling winds that sometimes come off of the western slope of the valley that we shoot in can be hard to predict and that proved to be the case for the competitors on that end of the range. Tim Naugle was still in his groove and finished

with a 243-2X that earned him the first place trophy. Greg Swezey took second with a 241-2X and Ray Becker’s 239-4X was good for third. After the dust temporarily settled, the grand aggregates were tallied and ended up being a repeat of the 200-yard victors. Tim Naugle came in first with a 493-21X followed again by Greg Swezey with a 49112X second place and Ray Becker with a third place finish of 487-14X. Tim Naugle won the prize for most X’s with a count of 21. As if to add insult to injury, Mother Nature had more in store for us that afternoon because while we were all sitting around in the clubhouse after the match, a nasty rain storm quickly blew in coupled with gale force winds that scattered and soaked some of the remaining gear left on the firing line. The shooters returned to their benches on Sunday morning, this time bringing with them their VFS rifles with more weight in the bags and higher-power scopes to try to better their odds, but the wind still wasn’t about to let the boys off easy. The morning activities commenced with the 200-yard VFS match. Switching classes from HBR to VFS didn’t slow down Tim Naugle at all with his score of 2482X taking first place, followed by Durwood Hansen in second with a 245-0X. Ryan Lienemann came in third with a 244-4X. Another tasty lunch and afternoon snacks were provided by Ginger Lienemann. We got the afternoon session started with rotating another five benches and then the 100-yard VFS match got underway to round out the weekend. The wind finally subsided a bit and some good scores were posted. Sam Small won first place with a 250-13X, followed closely by

Richard Lynn in second with a 25012X and Greg Swezey in third with 250-11X. Tim Naugle’s 200-yard performance gave him the edge in the VFS grand aggregate with a first place tally of 496-16X. Greg Swezey’s overall consistency gave him second place with a 493-16X and Sam Small’s 100-yard victory bumped him up to third place in the grand with a 492-18X. Sam Small also put up the most X’s in VFS with a count of 18. The scores for the weekend’s events follow. An asterisk (*) next to the name indicates out-of-class. I want to congratulate the winners and thank all of the competitors for attending the match and supporting our club. Many of the shooters came from our neighboring state of Wyoming, some from far eastern Montana, the Small’s and Greg Swezey from Washington, and Don Mulhall all the way up from Texas. I also want to give a big thanks to my wife Ginger Lienemann for putting on the lunches and also running the target crew along with Hailey Anderson and my two sons Kyle and Tyler Lienemann.

Hunter Benchrest 100-Yards Tim Naugle..................... 250-19X Bill Small........................ 250-13X Greg Swezey.................... 250-10X Sam Small....................... 248-15X Don Mulhall..................... 248-13X Russell Cree..................... 248-13X Raymond Becker............... 248-10X Ryan Lienemann................ 247-11X Durwood Hansen............... 246-11X Martin Cosat.................... 244-10X Bob Marostica.................... 243-6X Bob Lunder....................... 197-8X Dennis Prendergast*........... 248-18X Most X’s Tim Naugle......................... 19X Hunter Benchrest 200-Yards Tim Naugle......................243-2X Greg Swezey..................... 241-2X Raymond Becker................ 239-4X

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman Sam Small........................ 238-3X Don Mulhall...................... 238-3X Russell Cree...................... 237-3X Ryan Lienemann................. 237-1X Bill Small......................... 235-1X Durwood Hansen................ 235-0X Bob Lunder....................... 232-2X Bob Marostica.................... 220-1X Martin Cosat..................... 209-1x Dennis Prendergast*............ 226-2X Most X’s Raymond Becker...................4X Hunter Grand Aggregate Tim Naugle..................... 493-21X Greg Swezey.................... 491-12X Raymond Becker............... 487-14X Sam Small....................... 486-18X Don Mulhall..................... 486-16X Russell Cree..................... 485-16X Bill Small........................ 485-14X Ryan Lienemann................ 484-12X Durwood Hansen............... 481-11X Bob Marostica.................... 463-7X Martin Cosat.................... 453-11X Bob Lunder...................... 429-10X Dennis Prendergast*........... 474-20X Most X’s Tim Naugle......................... 21X Competitor Name Hunter Benchrest: Tim Naugle Greg Swezey Raymond Becker Sam Small Don Mulhall Russell Cree Bill Small Ryan Lienemann Durwood Hansen Bob Marostica Martin Cosat Bob Lunder Varmint For Score: Tim Naugle Greg Swezey Sam Small Durwood Hansen Richard Lynn Ryan Lienemann Russell Cree Raymond Becker Bill Small Dennis Prendergast Martin Cosat Zavier Sano Bob Lunder Bob Marostica

VFS 100-Yards Sam Small....................... 250-13X Richard Lynn.................... 250-12X Greg Swezey.................... 250-11X Bill Small........................ 250-10X Tim Naugle...................... 248-14X Russell Cree..................... 248-12X Durwood Hansen............... 247-12X Ryan Lienemann................. 247-7X Raymond Becker............... 246-13X Don Mulhall...................... 246-9X Dennis Prendergast............. 245-6X Martin Cosat..................... 244-6X Zavier Sano...................... 243-3X Bob Lunder....................... 237-4X Bob Marostica.................... 236-4X Most X’s Tim Naugle......................... 14X VFS 200-Yards Tim Naugle......................248-2X Durwood Hansen................ 245-0X Ryan Lienemann................. 244-4X Greg Swezey..................... 243-5X Raymond Becker................ 243-4X Sam Small........................ 242-5X Don Mulhall...................... 242-2X Russell Cree...................... 241-5X Richard Lynn..................... 241-1X


Bill Small......................... 239-2X Dennis Prendergast............. 239-2X Martin Cosat..................... 234-2x Bob Lunder....................... 234-1X Zavier Sano...................... 232-4X Bob Marostica.................... 232-1X Most X’s Russell Cree.........................5X VFS Grand Aggregate Tim Naugle..................... 496-16X Greg Swezey.................... 493-16X Sam Small....................... 492-18X Durwood Hansen............... 492-12X Richard Lynn.................... 491-13X Ryan Lienemann................ 491-11X Russell Cree..................... 489-17X Raymond Becker............... 489-17X Bill Small........................ 489-12X Don Mulhall..................... 488-11X Dennis Prendergast............. 484-8X Martin Cosat..................... 478-8X Zavier Sano...................... 475-7X Bob Lunder....................... 471-5X Bob Marostica.................... 468-5X Most X’s Sam Small.......................... 18X


Yellowstone's Mac Clark Memorial & Montana State Championship Equipment List Action Scope Power Barrel Gunsmith Stocker Primer Case



30x47 30x47 30BR 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x47 30 Longdog 30/84 30BR 30x47 30BR

BAT BAT Rattler Stolle Kodiak Kodiak BAT Kodiak Kodiak REM Kodiak Kodiak

Burris Weaver Weaver Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Weaver Burris Leupold Leupold

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Krieger Lilja Krieger Lilja Pacnor Lilja Lilja Lilja Lilja n/a Lilja Hart

Swezey Self Ware Swezey Self Carpenter Swezey Anderson Self Hansen Mulhall Carpenter

Swezey Self Ware Swezey Self n/a Swezey Anderson Self Hansen Mulhall n/a

FED 205 n/a REM 7 1/2 FED FED 205 FED FED FED 210M FED n/a Wolf CCI BR4

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua n/a Lapua Lapua

N135/43.0 N135 H4198/34.2 N135 LT-32 8208/44.0 N135 N135/41.0 N135/41.0 H4198 N135/42.0 H4198/34.1

ERB 119 BIB 127 BT BIB 112 ERB BIB ERB ERB Naugle 135 Carpenter 125 Carpenter 118 Carpenter ERB 112

30BR 30x47 30BR 30BR 6PPC 6PPC 30BR 30BR 30x47 30BR 6PPC 6PPC 30BR 30x47

Panda BAT BAT AMT Stolle Sako BAT Stiller BAT Witchita Teddy Panda Nesika n/a

NightForce Leupold Sightron Leupold Leupold Leupold NightForce NightForce Leupold March Leupold Leupold NightForce Weaver

15x55 36 n/a 36 40 40 n/a n/a n/a 50 36 n/a n/a 24

Krieger Krieger Krieger Lilja Shilen Hart Krieger Krieger Lilja Bartlein Shilen Krieger Krieger n/a

Swezey Self Swezey Self n/a Berger S. Carpenter R. Carpenter Swezey Self Mulhall Self S. Carpenter Hansen

Mulhall Self Swezey Cree Self Berger BAT Self Swezey Self Mulhall n/a n/a n/a

FED 205 n/a FED FED FED 205M FED 205M FED REM 7 1/2 FED FED Wolf FED FED 205M n/a

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua n/a

H4198/34.0 N135 H4198 H4198 n/a LT-32/28.0 H4198/34.7 H4198/33.0 N135 LT-32/31.0 N133/28.2 8208 H4198/34.1 N135

ERB 112 ERB 119 ERB BIB 112 Barts 65 Barts 68 ERB BIB 112 ERB Berger Sierra Woodward 65 Small 112 Carpenter 125


Precision Rifleman

Dean Thomas Wins Northern Colorado Two-Gun

by LuAnn Dill Standing L-R: Irv Sheldon, Roger Tillery, Ron Hensley, Cliff McNairy, Jack Duncan, Tom Evans, Al Johnson, Two Gun Champion, Dean Thomas, Michael Beard. Kneeling L-R: LuAnn Dill, Colt McNairy, Brandon McNairy Howdy all! Wile E Coyote reporting from Northern Colorado Benchrest Shooters. Our second match of the year was held June 7-8. Gorgeous weather which soon turned hot surrounded the range and 19 shooters. This was our first Varmint match for 2014. Sporter Varmint shooters lined up at the benches, rifles at the ready and bolts in hand. Everyone was eager to get started on the 100 yards target. Dean Thomas took the 1st place position with an Agg of 0.1552. Great shooting Dean! He was also doing his best to claim all the small groups for each target. He took the small group honors for four of the targets but the small group overall was awarded to Cliff McNairy with a group size of 0.0900 who also claimed the first Screamer of the season. Wow, what a group! While target frames were moved to 200 yards lots of laughs and back patting was going on in the loading barn. There were many tight groups and many pleased competitors. With lunch in our tummies we set out again to see who would shine in the 200 yard match. Al Johnson came in 1st place with an Agg of 0.2810. Way

to go Al! Small group was claimed by Jack Duncan with a 0.3110. Nice group Jack! We were joined by an out of class shooter testing out a rail gun. He shot a small group of 0.2900. Nice group, should we be worried about Unlimited matches? The 100/200 Grand Agg for the day went to Dean Thomas with a little Agg of 0.2843. Awesome shooting Dean! After the final call of the day to “Cease Fire” everyone hot and tired retired to either their campers for a cold drink or off to home to relax in the A/C. I was sporting a lobster look for the day. Sunday began with Heavy Varmint at 200 yards. Because we start a bit earlier on Sunday’s, the shooters enjoy the morning coolness longer making for nice groups. New shooter Al Johnson sat tall in his 1st place win with an Agg of 0.2394. Way to go Al! But small group went to Roger Tillery with his tiny little group of 0.1940. Not only did he claim the small group for the match, he took home a Screamer patch! Remarkable marksmanship Roger! After a quick lunch break to move the targets and settle down from the excitement we went to the line. Dean

Thomas was on a roll this weekend. He won 1st place with his 100 yard Agg of 0.2284. Outstanding Dean! Small group was won by Irv Sheldon with a 0.1050. Splendid shooting Irv! You gotta watch out for this guy. As the shooters begin packing up the scores were being finalized and trophies were set out. The 100/200 yard Grand Agg for the day went to Dean Thomas with his combined Agg of 0.2438. Dean also took the 2 day Agg 1st place win with a score of 0.2640. Splendid work Dean. He truly loves this sport! To all attending shooters I say “Great shooting!” None of this could happen without the shooters who come to play and the top notch staff, match director and target crew. We’ll post results soon for our 27th Annual Firewalker. Sporter 100-Yards Dean Thomas....................0.1552 Michael Beard................... 0.2332 Brandon McNairy................ 0.2654 LuAnn Dill........................ 0.2692 Tom Evans........................ 0.2698 Irv Sheldon....................... 0.2726 Cliff McNairy..................... 0.2758 Barry Benson..................... 0.2944 Roger Tillery..................... 0.3008

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Don’t miss the Berger 6mm BR Column Bullet!

The Berger 6mm BR Column Target bullet uses the physics of dispersion mitigation to provide BR Berger offers a full line of match grade rifle shooters with a reliable option that offers the widest and lowest tune valley. This means the bullet bullets for varmint, target, hunting and tactical shoots best in the widest variety of loads and seating depths. In this case, overall balance of the applications. Ask your dealer if they stock Berger bullet is more important than overall weight, so there is no listed weight. Rather, Bullets or visit our website for full details. the 6mm BR Column bullet achieves a specific internal lead column height, resulting in minor weight differences from lot to lot.

These bullets are being tested by top BR shooters, with great success. Lou Murdica has won matches in both Florida and California, Don Nielson won Two Gun Aggs three weekends in a row and Tony Boyer shot a 200 yard HV Agg of .1928 at the 2012 East/West match in Missouri.

4275 N. Palm St. Fullerton, CA 92835 PHONE (714) 447-5422 FAX (714) 447-5421

Match Grade Rifle Bullets

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Made Exclusively With J4 Precision Jackets


Irv Sheldon....................... 0.3523 Rodney Brown................... 0.3541 Todd Jensen...................... 0.3755 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3920 Phillip Sheldon................... 0.4916 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Dean Thomas....................0.2284 Jack Duncan..................... 0.2308 Irv Sheldon....................... 0.2408 Ron Hensley...................... 0.2748 Michael Beard................... 0.2828 Tom Evans........................ 0.2862 Al Johnson....................... 0.2866 Rodney Brown................... 0.2918 LuAnn Dill........................ 0.3036 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3218 Cliff McNairy..................... 0.3246 Roger Tillery..................... 0.3294 Todd Jensen...................... 0.3376 Phillip Sheldon................... 0.3668 Norm Wills....................... 0.3982 Barry Benson..................... 0.4130 Brandon McNairy................ 0.6150 Heavy Varmint Grand Dean Thomas....................0.2438 Al Johnson....................... 0.2630 Ron Hensley...................... 0.2681 Jack Duncan..................... 0.2758 Tom Evans........................ 0.2776 Cliff McNairy..................... 0.2825 Irv Sheldon....................... 0.2966 Roger Tillery..................... 0.3057 Michael Beard................... 0.3069 LuAnn Dill........................ 0.3119 Rodney Brown................... 0.3230 Todd Jensen...................... 0.3566 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3569 Norm Wills....................... 0.3574 Barry Benson..................... 0.3805 Phillip Sheldon................... 0.4292 Brandon McNairy................ 0.4565 Two Gun Dean Thomas....................0.2640 Al Johnson....................... 0.2871 Jack Duncan..................... 0.2872 Tom Evans........................ 0.2904 Cliff McNairy..................... 0.2912 Irv Sheldon....................... 0.2917 Michael Beard................... 0.2997 Roger Tillery..................... 0.3070 LuAnn Dill........................ 0.3277 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3583 Ron Hensley...................... 0.3584 Barry Benson..................... 0.3603 Rodney Brown................... 0.3615 Todd Jensen...................... 0.3752 Brandon McNairy................ 0.3870 Phillip Sheldon................... 0.3968 Norm Wills....................... 0.4253 Betty Sheldon.................... 3.9604


Norm Wills....................... 0.3102 Jack Duncan..................... 0.3136 Rodney Brown................... 0.3364 Al Johnson....................... 0.3414 Phillip Sheldon................... 0.3532 Betty Sheldon.................... 0.3542 Ron Hensley...................... 0.3590 Bud Schalles..................... 0.4208 Todd Jensen...................... 0.4320 Sporter 200-Yards Al Johnson.......................0.2810 Jack Duncan..................... 0.2836 Bud Schalles..................... 0.2987 Irv Sheldon....................... 0.3009 Roger Tillery..................... 0.3159 Cliff McNairy..................... 0.3239 Tom Evans........................ 0.3365 Michael Beard................... 0.3517 Todd Jensen...................... 0.3557 Brandon McNairy................ 0.3697 Phillip Sheldon................... 0.3754 Barry Benson..................... 0.3856 Dean Thomas.................... 0.4133 LuAnn Dill........................ 0.4178 Rodney Brown................... 0.4636 Betty Sheldon.................... 0.4872 Ron Hensley...................... 0.5383 Norm Wills....................... 0.6763 Sporter Grand Dean Thomas....................0.2843 Irv Sheldon....................... 0.2868 Michael Beard................... 0.2925 Jack Duncan..................... 0.2986 Cliff McNairy..................... 0.2999 Tom Evans........................ 0.3032 Roger Tillery..................... 0.3084 Al Johnson....................... 0.3112 Brandon McNairy................ 0.3176 Berry Benson..................... 0.3400 LuAnn Dill........................ 0.3435 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3598 Phillip Sheldon................... 0.3643 Todd Jensen...................... 0.3939 Rodney Brown................... 0.4000 Betty Sheldon.................... 0.4207 Ron Hensley...................... 0.4487 Norm Wills....................... 0.4933 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Al Johnson...................... 0.2394 Cliff McNairy..................... 0.2404 Dean Thomas.................... 0.2592 Ron Hensley...................... 0.2613 Tom Evans........................ 0.2690 Roger Tillery..................... 0.2819 Brandon McNairy................ 0.2980 Norm Wills....................... 0.3166 LuAnn Dill........................ 0.3201 Jack Duncan..................... 0.3208 Michael Beard................... 0.3310 Barry Benson..................... 0.3480



Precision Rifleman

Northern Colorado June 7-8 Two Gun Equipment List Name Norm Wills Roger Tillery Phillip Sheldon Rodney Brown Cliff McNairy Dean Thomas Irv Sheldon Bud Schalles Barry Benson Brandon McNairy Ron Hensley Mike Beard Todd Jensen


Action BAT BAT Sheldon BAT BAT Panda Sheldon BAT Hart Viper BAT Panda BAT

Scope/Power Leupold/45 Leupold/36 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/36 Weaver/36 Leupold/36 Leupold/40 Leupold/36 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/36 March/50

Barrel Kreibel Bartlein Krieger Broughton Shilen Hart Krieger Lilja Hart Shilen Krieger Hart Krieger

Gunsmith Lieder R.Tillery Sheldon n/a AA Mulhall Self Self Hart n/a Bruno Dowling Panter

Stocker Lieder R.Tillery Sheldon Dickson AA Thomas Self Self McMillan n/a Self Self Scoulle

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Bullet Carpenter Zeros Collen Tucker Evans Berger

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua n/a Lapua

Berger Barts Evans Berger RC Woodwarp

The Texas State & Battle of San Jacinto by the Pullum Brothers

Battle of San Jacinto Shooters L-R: Tommy Long, Al Elliott, Mike Wall, Richard Pullum, James Giles, Dale Metzger Eddie Carter, Bill Brown & Ray Perry Tomball Gun Club Battle of San Jacinto The Battle of San Jacinto was held on Saturday and the Texas State Championship was held on Sunday. The weather was hot. There wasn’t a whole lot of wind. We had Tomball BBQ cater for lunch both days. James Giles did real well for a new shooter and won the San Jacinto VFS Grand Aggregate. Tommy Long has been shooting very well this year and took the 200-yard wins both Saturday & Sunday. Eddie and Zana (local shooters) both shoot very well. Eddie won the Texas State VFS Grand Aggregate on Sunday. We had a light turnout for the hunter shooters. Ray Perry won the 100-yard event both days but it was Al Elliott who took both 200-yards and the San

Jacinto Grand Aggregate in hunter benchrest this year. Sunday Bob Maedgen took center stage and won the 200-yardage and the Texas State Championship for the hunters. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all the participants. We hope you enjoyed the match. Heartfelt thanks go to Vic Smith for helping to get the awards for this weekend. Varmint For Score 100-Yards Eddie Carter.................... 250-20X Bill Brown....................... 250-18X Richard Pullum................. 250-18X Lynn Gibson..................... 250-18X Gary Walters.................... 250-17X Ron Parker...................... 250-17X Zana Carter..................... 250-17X Ed Bernabeo.................... 250-17X James Giles..................... 250-16X

Renard Alexander.............. 250-15X 200-Yards Tommy Long.................... 250-11X James Giles...................... 250-8X Dale Metzger..................... 249-9X Eddie Carter..................... 249-8X Dwayne Pullum.................. 249-7X Joe Duke......................... 249-6X Gary Walters..................... 249-4X Ed Bernabeo..................... 248-7X Larry Saavedra.................. 247-7X Bill Brown........................ 247-6X Grand Aggregate James Giles..................... 500-24X Tommy Long.................... 500-24X Eddie Carter.................... 499-28X Gary Walters.................... 499-21X Dwayne Pullum................. 499-21X Joe Duke........................ 499-19X Dale Metzger.................... 498-25X Ed Bernabeo.................... 498-24X

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman Bill Brown....................... 497-24X Zana Carter..................... 496-22X Renard Alexander.............. 496-18X Larry Saavedra................. 496-16X Richard Pullum................. 495-21X Ron Sewell...................... 495-18X Lynn Gibson..................... 494-22X Mark Wheatley................. 492-16X Dickie Pustejovsky............. 490-20X Larry Diese...................... 488-10X Ron Parker...................... 484-19X Hunter Benchrest 100-Yards Ray Perry....................... 250-12X Jim Hostetler................... 248-10X Bob Madgen...................... 247-8X Albert Elliott..................... 246-9X Rodney Landry................... 236-2X Mike Wall........................ 198-12X 200-Yards Albert Elliott....................248-6X Mike Wall......................... 243-5X Bob Maedgen.................... 243-3X Ray Perry......................... 241-2X Jim Hostetler.................... 240-3X Rodney Landry................... 235-4X Grand Aggregate Albert Elliott................... 494-15X Ray Perry........................ 491-14X Bob Maedgen................... 490-11X Jim Hostetler................... 488-13X Rodney Landry................... 471-6X Mike Wall........................ 441-17X Texas State Championship Varmint For Score 100-Yards Dwayne Pullum................ 250-23X Ed Bernabeo.................... 250-22X Richard Pullum................. 250-21X Zana Carter..................... 250-20X Eddie Carter.................... 250-18X Kenny Kuperman............... 250-16X Michael Louwien................ 250-5X Tommy Long.................... 250-14X Dale Metzger.................... 250-13X Joe E Duke...................... 250-13X 200-Yards Tommy Long.....................250-9X Eddie Carter..................... 250-7X Kenny Kuperman................ 249-9X Dwayne Pullum.................. 248-5X Gary Walters..................... 248-4X Dale Metzger..................... 247-7X Zana Carter...................... 247-7X Joe E Duke....................... 247-7X Lynn Gibson...................... 247-4X Ed Bernabeo..................... 246-5X Grand Aggregate Eddie Carter.................... 500-25X Tommy Long.................... 500-23X

Kenny Kuperman............... 499-25X Dwayne Pullum................. 498-28X Zana Carter..................... 497-27X Dale Metzger.................... 497-20X Joe E Duke...................... 497-16X Gary Walters.................... 496-27X Ed Bernabeo.................... 496-27X Lynn Gibson..................... 496-12X Richard Pullum................. 495-28X Renard Alexander.............. 494-16X Ron Sewell...................... 493-21X Michael Louwien............... 493-16X Larry Saavedra................. 491-16X Mark Wheatley................. 489-17X James Giles..................... 464-18X Hunter Benchrest 100-Yards Ray Perry....................... 250-12X


Mike Wall......................... 248-6X Bob Maedgen.................... 247-9X Albert Elliott.................... 245-11X Rodney Landry................... 223-5X 200-Yards Bob Maedgen....................245-5X Albert Elliott..................... 243-5X Mike Wall......................... 243-1X Ray Perry......................... 237-2X Rodney Landry................... 129-0X Grand Aggregate Bob Maedgen................... 492-14X Mike Wall......................... 491-7X Albert Elliott.................... 488-16X Ray Perry........................ 487-14X Rodney Landry................... 352-5X *Equipment Listed on page 10.


Precision Rifleman Tomball Gun Club's Battle of San Jacinto & Texas State Championship Equipment List

Varmint For Score: Name Zana Carter Eddie Carter Tommy Long Dwayne Pullum Dale Metzger Ed Bernabeo Joe E Duke Gary Walters Bill Brown James Giles Lynn Gibson Kenny Kuperman Hunter Benchrest: Al Elliott Ray Perry Bob Maedgen Mike Wall Rodney Landry Jim Hostetler

Caliber 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 6PPC 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR

Action Farley Farley BAT Farley BAT BAT Stiller Stolle Stolle Farley Stolle BAT

Barrel Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein

Gunsmith Byrne Byrne Wilson Peiper R.Long Evelio Self Dale H Peiper n/a Wilson Roscoe

Stocker Byrne Byrne Robertson Robertson R.Long Robertson Self Stick Peiper n/a Wilson n/a

Scope/Power Leupold/36X Sightron/36X March/40X Leupold/45X March Leupold/45X Lyman/36X March/50X Leupold/45X Weaver/36X Weaver/36X n/a

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Powder n/a n/a H4198/34.0 H4198/35.0 H4198 H4198/33.7 H4198 V133 H4198/34.3 n/a H4198/33.8 H4198/34.1

Bullet n/a n/a Cheek/112 BIB/112 Cheek/112 BIB/112 Cheek/112 Hottenstein 68BT BIB/118 n/a Cheek/112 10X/115

Primer Federal Federal n/a Federal Federal Federal Wolf Federal Federal BR4 Remington Federal

30x46 30x47 30x47 30x47 30 cal 30 cal

Stolle Stolle Stolle Remington Stolle Stolle

Lilja Krieger Shilen Krieger Krieger Shilen

Fajkus Self Self Fite Peiper Fajkus

Anderson Self Mulhall Fite Peiper Self

Burris/6X Leupold n/a Weaver n/a Burris/6X

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

V133 n/a Winchester/748 H322/43.1 V133/37.0 V133/40.9

BIB/125 10X/125 Self/135 BIB/118 n/a 10X/125

Wolf Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal

Holton’s Michigan State Championship

by Nancy Scarbrough Ted Heindselman Wins the 2014 Michigan State Championship July 26-27, 2014

Greetings from Holton Gun & Bow Club and home of this year’s NBRSA Group Nationals (scheduled September 22-27, 2014), and the final point match to qualify for the 2015 USA Benchrest Team. Benchrest shooters from all over the country were here to begin their journey to understand this range in preparation for the Group Nationals and Team USA qualifier. Don Creach (2013 Team USA member) drove 9 hours from Missouri and Chuck Miller from Arizona drove way too many hours to get a taste of Holton’s famous mirage and friendly accommodations.

Saturday morning greeted 50 shooters with 65° temperatures which quickly warmer to the mid-80s. Winds were shifty as they tend to be, but not too much to be unpleasant. Definitely enough to give most shooters fits. The LV100 was won by Joe Hynes with a fine teen agg of .1904. Past National Champion Ken Hottenstein was second with at .1956 agg, and Chuck MacCluer was third with a .2036 agg. The 5-shot small group was recorded by Vic Halverson shooting a .133. Saturday afternoon brought a little more mirage with light but switching winds. I can tell you there were many of us scratching our heads trying to figure out the conditions. Just one wind flag turning would double the

size of the group. The HV100 winners were Chuck Miller with a .1848, Ted Heindselman with .1850, and Melvyn (Mr. Tuner) Newransky with a teen agg of .1922. Small group was shot by John Anderson with a fine .064. Conditions on Sunday morning were settling, to say the least. After evening rains a heavy fog settled upon the range. When 8:00 came to start the HV200, only half the field could see their targets. After a 1-1/2 hour delay, relay 1 was called to the line and we began shooting in calm conditions. Joe Krupa was ready to commence firing and blasted down a fine .166 group in match 1 (most likely the small group, or that’s what he thought). However, in the fourth match after the

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman wind had picked up, Ted Heindselman fired another .166, to split the honors with Joe. The fine screamers by Joe and Ted positioned both of them for chance to win the yardage. After the smoke cleared, Joe Krupa won the HV200 with a tiny .1841, Ted Heindselman was second with a .2060 and Jeff Aberegg shot a well-deserved .2419. Sunday afternoon brought the mirage and the switchy winds, plus a thunderstorm for the LV200. You can say goodbye to those teen aggs. The winning agg was shot by local shooter Troy Emery with a hard-earned .2707. Vic Potts shot a .2723 for second place and local Kevin Barnhard shot a richly deserved .2732 for third. The Light Varmint Grand was won by Vic Potts 0.2411. Joe Hynes was second at .2571 and Troy Emery third at .2630. Ted Heindselman won the Heavy Varmint Grand with a nice teen agg of .1955. Dale Dillingham was second with a .2263 and Chuck Miller third with a .2271. When the final tally was made, Ted Heindselman won the Two-Gun Aggregate with a sweet little .2385. Ted shot very consistently, but he really hammered the HV Grand, with a brilliant .1955 Agg. Joe Krupa was second in the Two-Gun with a solid .2506. Victor Potts finished third overall with a nice .2545. Just behind the top three shooters were Dale Dillingham .2592, Chuck Miller .2603, Bill Symons .2604, Troy Emery .2633, Joe Hynes .2669, Bob Scarbrough Jr .2672, and Lloyd Miller .2756. On behalf of the Holton Gun Club range master, scoring officials and target crew, thank you to all of the shooters that traveled hours to get Holton. We hope Name Ted Heindselman Dale Dillingham Chuck Miller Mel Newransky Bill Symons Bob Scarbrough, Jr Larry Feusse Dave Abbott Troy Emery Vic Potts Joe Hynes Kevin Barnhard Pat Metcalf


you enjoyed the match and hope to see you again at the NBRSA Group Nationals on September 22-27. The picture on page 10 shows match participants Mel Newransky, Chuck MacClure, Chuck Miller, Kevin Barnhard, Jerry Jarrett, Victor Potts, Ted Heindselman, Joe Krupa, Joe Hynes, Dale Dillingham, Jeff Aberegg and Troy Emery. Light Varmint 100-Yards Joe Hynes.......................0.1904 Ken Hottenstein................. 0.1956 Chuck MacCluer................. 0.2036 Vic Potts.......................... 0.2098 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2098 Light Varmint 200-Yards Troy Emery......................0.2707 Vic Potts.......................... 0.2723 Kevin Barnhard.................. 0.2732 Don Creach....................... 0.2779 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2938 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Chuck Miller.....................0.1848 Ted Heindselman................ 0.1850 Mel Newransky.................. 0.1922 Dale Dillingham................. 0.2066 Troy Emery....................... 0.2260 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Joe Krupa........................0.1841 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2060 Jeff Aberegg..................... 0.2419 Bill Symons....................... 0.2428 Dale Dillingham................. 0.2461 Light Varmint Grand Victor Potts......................0.2411 Joe Hynes........................ 0.2571 Troy Emery....................... 0.2630 Don Creach....................... 0.2634 Joe Krupa........................ 0.2682 Kevin Barnhard.................. 0.2687 Bill Symons....................... 0.2692 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2790 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2800


Ted Heindselman................ 0.2815 Greg Reed........................ 0.2854 Lloyd Miller...................... 0.2865 Dale Dillingham................. 0.2920 Vic Halverson.................... 0.2928 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2934 Dave Abbott...................... 0.2960 Jim Hole.......................... 0.3002 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3016 James Morris..................... 0.3069 Peter Smith...................... 0.3099 Heavy Varmint Grand Ted Heindselman...............0.1955 Dale Dillingham................. 0.2263 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2271 Melvin Newransky............... 0.2276 Joe Krupa........................ 0.2331 Bill Symons....................... 0.2516 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2544 Larry Feusse..................... 0.2567 Dave Abbott...................... 0.2578 Troy Emery....................... 0.2635 Lloyd Miller...................... 0.2646 Steve Theye...................... 0.2652 Woody Wood..................... 0.2653 Peter Smith...................... 0.2660 Victor Potts...................... 0.2679 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2730 Joe Hynes........................ 0.2767 Jeff Aberegg..................... 0.2773 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.2778 Randy Johansen................. 0.2809 Two Gun Ted Heindselman...............0.2385 Joe Krupa........................ 0.2506 Vic Potts.......................... 0.2545 Dale Dillingham................. 0.2592 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2603 Bill Symons....................... 0.2604 Troy Emery....................... 0.2633 Joe Hynes........................ 0.2669 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2672 Lloyd Miller...................... 0.2756

Holton's Michigan State Championship Equipment List Barrel Stock Stocker Gunsmith Bullet Krieger Scarbrough Scarbrough self Wood Krieger TM TM self self/66 Bartlein Kelbly Miller Miller Miller Krieger Scoville Scoville Scott Hottenstein Krieger n/a Scoville Scott n/a Krieger Scarbrough Scarbrough Scott Conway Krieger Feusse Feusse Feusse Feusse MacLennan Kelbly MacLennan MacLennan Generic Krieger McMillan n/a n/a Hottenstein Krieger Metric Metric TH JD Krieger Scarbrough Scarbrough Self Generic Krieger Scarbrough Scarbrough Scar Bart 68 Shilen Scoville Scoville Scott Generic

Powder N133 8208 8208 N133 N133 N133 LT32 8208 N133 N133 N133 N133 N133

Primer Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Scope Leupold Leupold Weaver Leupold March Leupold Weaver March Leupold Leupold March Leupold Leupold


Precision Rifleman

Muchas Gracias 2014

Larry Baggett Beats the Field Like Rented Mules

written by Mark Motsko photo by Turk Takano Warm and humid (for New Mexico) weather greeted twenty-five shooters at the Whittington Center for the July Muchas Gracias. While there were no storms during the shoots, there was significant rain Friday evening, making the range muddy and difficult to traverse. Some even joked Saturday morning they could have used a pack mule to move their flags. It was a good thing they didn’t, because Larry Baggett might have beaten those mules as badly as he did the competition that weekend. WBC-13 beater Charles Huckeba, took aim at the very first target frame on the line, started the LV100 off with a .156. Todd Tyler from Rio Rancho, New Mexico was right behind him with a .162 and Gerald Adams, from Fort Worth, Texas was statistically tied with Tyler with a .163 for third place. Late Friday afternoon Adams was

overheard saying Tyler and ‘Uncle’ Larry Baggett gave him enough tips where he felt comfortable he was going to shoot well for the weekend. Whatever tips he got must have been enough, because Adams led the field after the second match, following up his .163 with a .194. Jim Hemmert, out of Kalvesta, Kansas followed his .183 in the first match with a .187 to take second. Todd Tyler’s .227 dropped him to third, while Huckeba’s .249 dropped him to fourth. ‘Uncle’ Larry Baggett rounded out the top five. Usually, when people talk about someone named, “Adams” shooting well at Whittington, it’s WBC-12 USA Team Member Ed Adams they’re talking about. But on Saturday morning it was Gerald Adams who was shooting well. His .096 in the third match kept him in the top spot and earned him a trophy for small group for the

light varmint. Tyler’s .229 kept him in second, while Huckeba, Tom DeBacco, from Glendale, Arizona and Baggett rounded out the top five. A small hiccup in the fourth match, a .289 from Adams couldn’t knock him out of the top spot, but it may have indicated the pressure getting to him. Hemmert retook second place with a match small group of .129, while Baggett was right behind in third with a .142. Huckeba and Ed Adams rounded out the top five. Whatever advice Baggett gave to Gerald Adams on Friday, Baggett must have taken it to heart, because when the scorekeeper’s caliper was set down, Baggett’s .156 in the fifth match propelled him to victory with a .1914 aggregate. Jim Hemmert’s .1950 aggregate after a .187, was just enough to edge out Gerald Adams’ .1960 aggregate after shooting a .238

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman in the fifth match for second. Charles Huckeba, from Odessa, Texas came in fourth with a .1978 and Ed Adams rounded out the top five. Usually in Raton, the breezes start to pick up after lunch. Saturday afternoon was a little different as the shooters were given a rare westerly tailwind. NBRSA Mid Continent regional director Butch Fjoser, from Woodward, Oklahoma started the HV100 match off with a .141, with Ed Adams right behind him at .144. Delta, Colorado’s Larry Leser was third with a .157, while Roy Damron and Charles Huckeba rounded out the top five. Larry Baggett was the first shooter with a score larger than .200. His .208 had him in tenth place, but he wouldn’t stay there for long. After the second match, it was Adams and Adams in first and second place. Ed, from Albuquerque, shot a match small .173, while Gerald’s .238 following a .194 had him in second. Huckeba, Damron, and Baggett rounded out the top five, as Baggett jumped four shooters. Roy Damron is from appropriately named Rifle, Colorado. His .099 in the third match gave him the lead, as well as a trophy for small group for the HV100. Baggett’s hot hand (and that good advice) continued, as his .209 moved him into second place nudging the Adams’ into third (Ed) and fourth (Gerald). Durward Wofford, coming off his Heavy Varmint Grand Aggregate win in June here in Raton was in fifth place. “I blew up.” That’s how Damron explained his .487 in the fourth match, dropping him to fifth place. Ed Adams’ .177 gave him the lead while Baggett’s .203 kept him in the hunt going into the fifth and final match for the day. Huckeba was in fourth, and Tom DeBacco’s match small .138 moved him into fourth. Baggett’s barely sub .200 at .199 gave him his second win for the day with a .2116 aggregate. When asked what advice he gave Gerald Adams the day before, which he obviously followed himself, the wily old veteran pretended not to hear and walked away. Ed Adams’ .254 gave him a .2204 aggregate, good enough for second place. Huckeba’s match small group of .177 earned him a third place trophy. Bob Brackney of Wickenburg, Arizona and Roy Damron rounded out the top five.

Sunday’s matches started bright and early at 8AM with the HV200. Ed Adams started hot out of the gate with a .252. The recently retired Baggett, from Lubbock, TX and Jim Hemmert were on Adams’ tail with a .309 and .317 respectively. Hemmert grabbed the lead, and trophy for small group in the second match with a screaming .153, knocking Adams into second who shot a .357. Baggett remained in third with a .328. Charles Huckeba and Todd Tyler rounded out the top five. Hemmert continued to lead after the third match with a .413. Baggett and Adams traded second and third place, while Tyler moved into fourth, and Larry Lesser coming in fifth. The winds started to pick up a little, as Huckeba’s small group of the fourth match was a .323, but Hemmert continued to hold off the field with a .383, maintaining his lead going into the final heavy match of the weekend. Hemmert’s aggregate of .1583 had him leading Baggett who had moved into second place with a .1940 agg, after shooting a .453 in the fourth match. Adams, Tyler and Huckeba rounded out the top five. In the fifth match, it was another Kansan who shot the small group. John Grantham from Ulysses, put five in a hole that measured .297. But it was Grantham’s fellow Jayhawker Hemmert who took home the first place trophy for the HV200 Grand Aggregate. His .570 in the final match gave him a .1836 agg, followed by Baggett, with a .2016, Adams’ .2169, Huckeba’s .2261, and Tyler’s .2362. The shooters voted to skip lunch and immediately began the last match of the weekend, the LV200. Larry Leser started things off on the right foot by shooting a .242, earning him a trophy for small group. The switching winds wouldn’t give the competitors a better condition for the rest of the afternoon. Grantham continued his hot hand from the heavy match, coming in second place with a .362, followed by Baggett, Huckeba, and Bob Martinez from Lakewood, CO. Aaron French bounced back from a .706 in the first match shooting a second match small group of .315 to take second place, not quite enough to take the lead, as Baggett shot a .407. Huckeba, Brackney, and Adams rounded out the top five. French, out


of Lubbock Texas, did take the lead after the third match. His .363 moved him past Baggett, who dropped to second with a .551. Adams, Huckeba and Brackney were all right behind the two Texans. Tom DeBacco shot a match small .343. Baggett regained the lead after the fourth match, his .429 was the small group. Adams moved into second, bumping French into third. Brackney and Huckeba traded places for fourth and fifth. Adams finished the weekend with an exclamation point shooting a .336 in very tough conditions. It was the small group for the fifth match. That, combined with Baggett’s .820 gave Adams the victory with a .2503 aggregate. Baggett took second with a .2651, while Brackney’s .462 gave him a .2674 aggregate and the third place trophy. French and Huckeba rounded out the top five. At the awards ceremony, it was a clean sweep for Larry Baggett. In the Heavy Varmint Grand, Baggett’s .2066 beat Ed Adams’ .2186, Charles Huckeba’s .2298, Jim Hemmert’s .2377, and Roy Damron’s .2643. In the Light Varmint Grand, it was a little closer. Baggett beat Adams .2282 to .2283, a mere ten thousands of an inch. Huckeba came in third with a .2457, Tom DeBacco finished fourth at .2570, and Bob Brackney took fifth shooting a .2583 aggregate. In the Two Gun, the top five were Baggett with a .2174, Adams .2235, Huckeba .2378, Brackney .2682, and DeBacco .2711. The shooters again were nothing but complimentary to the target crew, John Harms and Aaron Snyder. The match ran flawlessly as usual. Everyone was talking about the excitement for the points shoot in August. Light Varmint 100-Yards Larry Baggett...................0.1914 Jim Hemmert.................... 0.1950 Gerald Adams.................... 0.1960 Charles Huckeba................ 0.1978 Ed Adams......................... 0.2064 Todd Tyler........................ 0.2096 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.2196 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2394 John Reiss........................ 0.2478 Bob Brackney.................... 0.2492 Light Varmint 200-Yards Ed Adams........................0.2503 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2651 Bob Brackney.................... 0.2674


Precision Rifleman

Aaron French.................... 0.2829 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2937 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.2944 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3278 Larry Leser....................... 0.3450 Todd Tyler........................ 0.3633 Jack Duncan..................... 0.3640 Light Varmint Grand Larry Baggett...................0.2282 Ed Adams......................... 0.2283 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2457 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.2570 Bob Brackney.................... 0.2583 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2836 Todd Tyler........................ 0.2864 Aaron French.................... 0.2975 Gerald Adams.................... 0.3085 Larry Leser....................... 0.3148 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Larry Baggett...................0.2116 Ed Adams......................... 0.2204 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2336 Bob Brackney.................... 0.2694 Roy Damron...................... 0.2714

Durward Wofford................ 0.2732 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.2766 Randy Burgess................... 0.2786 Gerald Adams.................... 0.2786 Jim Hemmert.................... 0.2918 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jim Hemmert...................0.1836 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2016 Ed Adams......................... 0.2169 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2261 Todd Tyler........................ 0.2362 Roy Damron...................... 0.2572 Jack Duncan..................... 0.2577 John Grantham.................. 0.2728 Bob Brackney.................... 0.2868 Randy Burgess................... 0.2911 Heavy Varmint Grand Larry Baggett...................0.2066 Ed Adams......................... 0.2186 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2298 Jim Hemmert.................... 0.2377 Roy Damron...................... 0.2643 Todd Tyler........................ 0.2747 Bob Brackney.................... 0.2781

Randy Burgess................... 0.2849 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.2851 Gerald Adams.................... 0.2905 Two Gun Larry Baggett...................0.2174 Ed Adams......................... 0.2235 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2378 Bob Brackney.................... 0.2682 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.2711 Jim Hemmert.................... 0.2767 Todd Tyler........................ 0.2806 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2892 Gerald Adams.................... 0.2995 Roy Damron...................... 0.3133 Jack Duncan..................... 0.3190 Randy Burgess................... 0.3199 Larry Leser....................... 0.3240 Butch Fjoser..................... 0.3267 John Grantham.................. 0.3274 John Reiss........................ 0.3341 Aaron French.................... 0.3393 Bob Martinez..................... 0.3412 Greg Smith....................... 0.3523 Sam Arnett....................... 0.3598

2014 Muchas Gracias Equipment List Name Larry Baggett (LV) Ed Adams (LV) Charles Huckeba (LV) Tom DeBacco (LV) Bob Brackney (LV) Jim Hemmert (HV) Roy Damron (HV)

Action Stiller Cobra Bat Bat 3 L Marsh Panda Bat


Barrel Bartlein Bartlein Gain Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger

Gunsmith Baggett Adams Huckeba RDB Brackney Bryant Brackney

Stock Baggett Klub Scoville MCM/Bruno Brackney Kelby Scarbrough

Bullet/Weight Baggett BT Miller 66 68 BT Miller 66 Miller Tucker 68 Miller 65

Powder/Charge 8208 V-133/28.3 V-133/29.7 8208 8208/29 V-133/28.8 V133/29

Dean Ekstrom Wins the Don Judd Memorial

Minnetonka Game & Fish Club hosted the Don Judd memorial match July 1213. The weather man had predicted a mixed bag for the weekend and Mother Nature did not let us down. Nineteen shooters came to the line on Saturday morning and were greeted with overcast skies along with very light somewhat stable winds. Rain did threaten with big storms just south of the range

but we were spared the torrential down pours that have plagued the region. The Iowa boys came up ready to shoot and Chuck Miller from Arizona stopped by to have a go. We started Saturday morning with the LV100, the light winds and over cast skies set the stage for good agg’s. Mark Buettgen and Dean Ekstrom both shot very well and battled it out all

Scope/Power Weaver Sightrun 36 March 40 Leupold 36x Leupold 35 Leupold 36 Marsh 40

Primer Federal Federal Federal Federal n/a Federal Federal

by Bill Storbeck, Jr

morning exchanging the lead on occasion. The last cease fire was called, the targets scored and Dean came out on top with a great agg .1850, Mark finished second with another great agg at .194, Dave Dowd captured third, Chuck miller was fourth and Terry Hettich rounded out the top five. Chuck Miller had the small group; a .093 screamer.

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman After lunch all the shooters got settled in for the HV100. The range still held the same conditions as the morning matches. Mark continued his fine shooting, however Dave Dowd put some pressure on him by shooting 3 straight one’s to make it very close going into the last match. Mark shot a good target in the last match and took first with .186 agg. Dave finished out with a .206 agg to claim second place, Jay Sperry in third, Dave Coots was fourth and new shooter Dennis Kecker finished fifth. Dave Dowd shot a .110 in match 4 for the small group. After the days matches were over, Scott grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and polish sausage along with potato salad, chips and drinks it was a perfect way to end a great day of shooting. We all had full bellies and spent the next few hours chewing the fat. A few of us decide to shoot some more and the rest headed off for some well deserved rest. Special thanks to Scott and Janet for putting on such a nice meal. Sunday morning the HV200 was contested. The shooters faced gusty tail winds and bright sunshine. The weather did a complete 180. Gone were the favorable conditions that we had enjoyed the previous day; the only thing missing was the threat of rain. Chuck Miller shot very well and was top dog with a .227 agg. Mr Coots came in second with a .246 agg, Dean “The Rock” Ekstrom placed third, Scott Moser was in fourth and Jerry Lahr took fifth

place. Dean took small group honors with a great .256 group. The LV200 started in the afternoon, wind intensity had picked up throughout the morning and mirage was now becoming a factor; at times the target rings could not be seen. “The Rock” took control right out of the gate and proceeded to whoop up on everyone. Dean shot a .240 agg and claimed first place, Scott finished in second, Chuck Miller in third, Dave Dowd in fourth and Bill Storbeck in fifth. Dean’s .365 in match 2 was small group. Dean shot very consistent all weekend and deservedly won the Don Judd memorial match. Congratulations Dean! Thank you to our target crew, Dan and Jeanette. Your hard work is much appreciated by all. In the picture on page 14 from left to right are Minnetonka shooters Dave Dowd, Dean Ekstrom (winner), Dave Coots, Scott Moser and Chuck Miller. Light Varmint 100-Yards Dean Ekstrom.................. .0.1850 Mark Buettgen....................0.1944 Dave Dowd........................0.2402 Chuck Miller......................0.2558 Terry Hettich.....................0.2626 Light Varmint 200-Yards Dean Ekstrom.................. .0.2406 Scott Moser.......................0.3403 Chuck Miller......................0.3456 Dave Dowd........................0.3653 Bill Storbeck..................... 0.3771 Light Varmint Grand Dean Ekstrom...................0.2128


Chuck Miller..................... 0.3007 Dave Dowd....................... 0.3028 Scott Moser...................... 0.3122 Terry Hettich.................... 0.3220 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Mark Buettgen..................0.1866 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2060 Jay Sperry........................ 0.2158 Dave Coots....................... 0.2212 Dennis Kecker................... 0.2366 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Chuck Miller.....................0.2227 Dave Coots....................... 0.2462 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2478 Scott Moser...................... 0.2699 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.2804 Heavy Varmint Grand Dave Coots......................0.2337 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2350 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2427 Scott Moser...................... 0.2578 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2713 Two Gun Dean Ekstrom...................0.2278 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2678 Dave Coots....................... 0.2799 Scott Moser...................... 0.2850 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2870 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3141 Dennis Kecker................... 0.3151 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.3163 Terry Hettich.................... 0.3323 Bill Storbeck..................... 0.3585 John Hansen..................... 0.3681 Stan Durda....................... 0.3690 Dave Birch........................ 0.4461 John Hall......................... 0.4964 Mark Ramsey..................... 0.5228

Mike Conry Wins Two-Gun at Midland’s Texas Shootout

See next page for details...


Precision Rifleman

July 5-6, 2014 Midland Texas

The conditions the twenty-three shooters faced the weekend were somewhat challenging all weekend. Moderate winds and abrupt switches...usual July conditions for Midland, Texas. In the Sporter 100, Larry Baggett easily got the win with a .2002 agg. Mike Conry was second, .2562 and Brad Calhoun finished third with a .274 aggregate. The small group for the yardage was a .121, shot by Mark Hatfield. That afternoon, in the HV100, Mike Conry won shooting a .2012 aggregate, edging out Larry Baggett who shot a nice .2214. Randy Pumphrey was third with a .3022 aggregate. Larry Baggett also had the small group for the yardage, a nice (for the afternoon).155. Sunday morning in the HV200, Larry Baggett continued his good shooting, winning the aggregate with a .2469. Mike Conry was second, .2570, and rounding out the top three was Mike Bryant with a .2872. Mike Bryant also shot the small group, a .321. Sunday afternoon in the Sporter 200, Mike Conry easily got the win with a .2243 aggregate. Larry Baggett was second, .3234 and Charles Huckeba was third, .3715. Mike Conry also shot the small group, a .211. Mike Conry won the Sporter Grand with a .2403. Larry Baggett was second, .2618, Charles Huckeba was third, .3300, Steve Murphy was fourth, .3311 and Brad Calhoun was fifth with a .3632. Mike Conry also won the Heavy Varmint Grand with a .2291, Larry Baggett was second, .2342, John Horn was third, .3269, Aaron French was fourth, .3353 and Mike Bryant was fifth with a .3389. In the Two-Gun, Mike Conry won, .2347, just edging out Larry Baggett, Name Mike Conry Larry Baggett Charles Huckeba Steve Murphy Brad Calhoun John Horn Aaron French Mike Bryant

.2480. Third was Charles Huckeba, .3388, Steve Murphy was fourth, .3426 and Mike Bryant was fifth, .3523. Special thanks go to all the folks that helped to make this match run like a well-oiled machine! Sporter 100-Yards Larry Baggett...................0.2002 Mike Conry....................... 0.2562 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.2740 Steve Murphy.................... 0.2882 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2884 Tom Brown....................... 0.3116 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.3128 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3180 John Horn........................ 0.3274 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.3320 Sporter 200-Yards Mike Conry......................0.2243 Larry Baggett.................... 0.3234 Charles Huckeba................ 0.3715 Mike Bryant...................... 0.3735 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3741 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3812 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3921 Mark Hatfield.................... 0.4371 Jacob Gottfredson.............. 0.4414 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.4423 Sporter Grand Mike Conry......................0.2403 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2618 Charles Huckeba................ 0.3300 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3311 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3632 Mike Bryant...................... 0.3658 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.3871 Mark Hatfield.................... 0.3896 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3939 Mike McWhorter................. 0.4092 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Mike Conry......................0.2012 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2214 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.3022 Britt Robinson................... 0.3200 John Horn........................ 0.3496 Tom Brown....................... 0.3630 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3688

2014 Texas Shootout Equipment List Cartridge Action Scope Barrel Gunsmith Stock 6PPC Conry March Krieger self Scarbrough 6PPC Stiller Weaver Bartlein self Baggett 6PPC BAT March Bartlein self Scoville 6PPC Farley Leupold Bartlein R.Morman Kelbly's 6PPC BAT SV Leupold Shilen self Speedy 6PPC Viper Leupold Krieger self McMillan 22PPC Hall Leupold Bartlein Baggett Edge 6PPC Stolle March Bartlein self Scoville

Cecil Tucker...................... 0.3724 Mike McWhorter................. 0.3726 Charles Huckeba................ 0.3758 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Larry Baggett...................0.2469 Mike Conry....................... 0.2570 Mike Bryant...................... 0.2872 Aaron French.................... 0.2922 John Horn........................ 0.3041 Charles Huckeba................ 0.3196 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3250 Tom Brown....................... 0.3306 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3394 Jacob Gottfredson.............. 0.3753 Heavy Varmint Grand Mike Conry......................0.2291 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2342 John Horn........................ 0.3269 Aaron French.................... 0.3353 Mike Byrant...................... 0.3389 Tom Brown....................... 0.3468 Charles Huckeba................ 0.3477 Britt Robinson................... 0.3505 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.3532 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3541 Two Gun Mike Conry......................0.2347 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2480 Charles Huckeba................ 0.3388 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3426 Mike Bryant...................... 0.3523 John Horn........................ 0.3737 Aaron French.................... 0.3898 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.3923 Mike McWhorter................. 0.3934 Scott Hunter..................... 0.4039 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.4049 Mark Hatfield.................... 0.4107 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.4142 Tom Brown....................... 0.4167 Gary Bristow..................... 0.4189 Britt Robinson................... 0.4307 Rick Ellison....................... 0.4380 Jacob Gottfredson.............. 0.4467 Lynn Gibson...................... 0.4876 Scott Haywood.................. 0.4893

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Powder 8208 8208 V133 V133 V133 V133 B-Mark V133

Bullet Self BT BT/66.4 Self BT Cheek 67 Cheek Cheek 67 Cheek 52 Cheek

Primer 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman


2014 NBRSA Registered Match Schedule NORTH CENTRAL REGION




Desert Sportsman’s Rifle Club Silver State Shootout

Oct 11



Columbus Sportsmen Assn, WI

Nov 8



Columbus Sportsmen Assn, WI

Oct 4-5



Sloughhouse Group Benchrest

Oct 4-5



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship #1


Oct 11



Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest Three Points Range, Tucson, AZ


Oct 18-19



Visalia Sportsmen Association Visalia Invitational

Oct 11-12

Oct 25-26



Palomino Valley Gun Club Palomino Valley 4-Gun Challenge

Oct 18-19

Oct 26



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest


Nov 1



Desert Sportsman’s Rifle Club Glitter Gulch LR Championship

Oct 5



Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis

Oct 11



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

Nov 1-2



Sloughhouse Group Benchrest



Nov 8



Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest Three Points Range, Tucson, AZ

Oct 18-19

Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis Mississippi Valley Regionals

Nov 8



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

Nov 8-9



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship #2

Nov 23



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Dec 6-7



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona Invitational Unlimited

Dec 13



Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest Three Points Range, Tucson, AZ

Dec 28



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Oct 26



Southwest LA Rifle & Pistol ClubVFS & Gulf Coast HTR Regionals



WWCCA Fall Classic



Shelby County Deer Hunters Fall Finale




Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn

Nov 16



Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn




Mill Creek Group Benchrest, KS

Oct 18-19



Rio Grande Benchrest, NM The Tumbleweed




River Bend Gun Club, GA

Attention Shooters! Remember Marsh Industries has changed their phone number. Please see below...

Come and Shoot the

2014 Tumbleweed at

Rio Grande Benchrest LV/HV 100/200 match


Precision Rifleman

Van Dyne’s 2014 Wisconsin State Championship July 12-13, 2014

As in years past, the Wisconsin State Hunter shoot has somehow managed to draw some of the best shooters in the country. Many attend year after year trying to win a championship that seems to elude the best of the shooters. Practice on Friday made most think they were ready for the 100 yard event on Saturday until they looked down range on Saturday morning. The flags were hanging with not a hint of

any wind at all. That condition stayed that way most of the day. Many of the shooters were hoping that the wind would pick up but it was not to be. The 100-yard event still had 13-250’s posted at the end of the event. The Xcount was somewhat lower than usual, but Rick Allen, a local shooter, posted a 250-21X to win the event. Excellent shooting considering that many of the shooters were somewhat baffled by the conditions. Second at 100 yards

by Dick Baier

was Wayne Corley; a Missouri shooter and three-time National Hunter Champion with a 250-18X. As a side note, it took Wayne sixteen years to win a state championship in Wisconsin. Third place went to Richard Hunnewell with a 250-18X. Richard hails from just across the Mississippi river on the edge of Minnesota. Rounding out the top five was Jim Dowling with a 250-16X and Ron Bertrand with a 250-16X; both Wisconsin shooters. The 200-yard event was to be another interesting day of shooting as the winds decided they would make up for Saturdays’ lull. There were no 250’s shot at 200-yards on Sunday. The best anyone could do was a 248-5X from Richard Hunnewell; an excellent score considering the conditions all day long. In second with a 248-4X was a Missouri shooter, Tom Hencken. Tom is a four-time Wisconsin State Champion. Rounding out the top five at 200 was Keith Reinhard with a 247-5X, (another Green Bay shooter), ad in fifth was Wayne Corley with 246-9X. Richard Hunnewell won the Grand Aggregate with a 498-23X; excellent shooting, Richard. Second place went to Tom Hencken with a 498-19X. Third Brian Miller with 498-16X. Rounding out the Grand Agg in fourth was Wayne Corley with 496-27X and fifth place was Ron Bertrand with 496-20X. The traveling team trophy was won by a group of shooters called, “The Wannabe’s”. Two shooters were from Missouri, two from Holmen, Wisconsin and one from Minnesota. They were Tom Hencken, Clark Greene, Bruce Hansen, Craig Nagel and Richard Hunnewell. Their scores for the 100 were

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman Name Richard Hunnewell Tom Hencken Brian Miller Wayne Corley Ron Bertrand Keith Reinhard Rick Allen Craig Nagel Jim Dowling Dean Walther Bruce Hansen Joe Hemckens Paul Weihe Jim Koffman Phil Verville TK Nollan Steve Rosendale Wade Hunnewell Tom Esser David Halblom

Caliber 30x47 30x47 30x44 30x48 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x46 30BR 30x47 30-30 30x47 30x47 30x47 30x44

Action Nesika Stolle Remington Stolle Remington Stolle Stolle Kodiak Stiller Stiller Stiller Stolle Stolle Kodiak Kelbly Farley Stiller Nesika Stolle Rattler

Van Dyne's Wisconsin State Championship Equipment List Barrel Gunsmith Stocker Scope/Power Case Krieger SGC SGC Weaver/6X Norma Hart Smart Smart Weaver/6X W-W Broughton Feucht Gonzalez Weaver/6X W-W Krieger Hoehn Corley Sightron/6X W-W Bartlein Bertrand L.Smart Weaver/6X W-W Shilen Bertrand Kinnem Weaver/6X Winchester Broughton Feucht Feucht Leupold/6X Lapua MWB CJC REO Weaver/6X W-W Krieger Bigelow Bigelow Leupold/6X Lapua PacNor Bigelow Bigelow Leupold/6X Lapua MWB CJC REO Lyman/6X W-W Krieger Smart Smart Leupold/6X Lapua Krieger Self Self Leupold/6X Lapua Broughton Self Self Weaver/6X Lapua Hart Self Meredith Leupold/6X Winchester Krieger TK BAT March/6X Norma Rock Creek Robbi Robbi Weaver/6X Lapua Krieger SGR SGR Weaver/6X Norma JL Barrels Stummeier Stummeier Leupold/6X Lapua Rock Creek Bigelow Self Weaver/6X Lapua

1246-67X, 1227-23X and the total was 2473-90X. After the 100-yard event on Saturday, the donations from the manufacturers were given out to the shooters. Many thanks to everyone that generously donated for the twenty-three years that we have had this match. Your support over the years has been appreciated by all that have attended. Thanks to the many people behind the scenes that should get the thanks they deserve. Range Officer, Target Crew, Scoring, Computer entry and all the help from the people that served food both days. Hunter 100-Yards Rick Allen....................... 250-21X Wayne Corley................... 250-18X Richard Hunnewell............. 250-18X Jim Dowling..................... 250-15X Ron Bertrand.................... 250-16X Tom Hencken................... 250-15X TK Nollan........................ 250-15X Wade Hunnewell............... 250-15X Brian Miller...................... 250-13X Jim Koffman.................... 250-13X Hunter 200-Yards Richard Hunnewell............248-5X Tom Hencken.................... 248-4X Brian Miller....................... 248-3X Keith Reinhard................... 247-5X Wayne Corley.................... 246-9X Ron Bertrand..................... 246-4X Craig Nagel....................... 245-7X Dean Walther.................... 245-5X Rick Allen......................... 244-6X Jim Dowling...................... 244-5X Hunter Grand Aggregate Richard Hunnewell........... 498-23X

Tom Hencken................... Brian Miller...................... Wayne Corley................... Ron Bertrand.................... Keith Reinhard.................. Rick Allen........................ Craig Nagel...................... Jim Dowling..................... Dean Walther................... Bruce Hansen................... Joe Hemkens................... Paul Weihe...................... Jim Koffman.................... Phil Verville..................... TK Nollan........................ Steve Rosendale................

498-19X 498-16X 496-27X 496-20X 496-20X 494-27X 494-23X 494-21X 494-21X 494-17X 493-16X 492-19X 492-18X 492-18X 492-17X 492-17X

Powder/Wt N135/43.6 SRB-118/44.5 H322/39.0 N135/42 N135/41.5 N135/41.5 SRB-118/44.0 N135/42.5 N133 N135/42.6 N135/42.2 SRB-118/45.0 Benchmark N135/42.7 SRB118/44 N135 H4198 N135/43 H4198/34.4 4197


Bullet 10X/115 Chism/150 10X/125 HiScore/142 Ron-Al/130 10X/130 10X/150 BIB/112 10X/115 BIB/118 10X/115 10X/150 10X/135 10X/115 Chism/150 BIB/125 10X115 10X/115 10X/115 BIB/118

Wade Hunnewell............... 491-19X Tom Esser........................ 491-15X David Halblom.................. 490-15X Hank Kulhawick................ 490-15X Jim Larson...................... 489-15X Jerry Kloeppel.................. 489-11X Clark Greene..................... 489-8X Don Crunk....................... 487-15X John Puhl........................ 487-14X Bill Koffman..................... 487-12X Mike Paluda..................... 487-12X Dave Reeder.................... 486-16X James Lederer.................. 486-13X Chad Schmidt................... 484-17X Richard Frank................... 484-14X Robert Sandretto............... 480-11X

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Greg Swezey


Precision Rifleman

Congratulations to 2014 California State Champion

Steve Epstein

Sacramento, CA

Part Two of the California State Championship Heavy Varmint & Unlimited had twelve shooters on June 7-8, 2014. The weather was warm at 90째Saturday and 100째Sunday. Mirage was a big problem. Despite the mirage, Francis Lee pulled through to become the Heavy Varmint California State Champion for 2014 and Unlimited Cal State Champion went to Marty Childers. Steve Epstein now holds the title of 2014 California State Two, Three & Four Gun Champion. A big congratulations to all the winners. Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Bob Dorton......................0.2882 Francis Lee....................... 0.2910 Art Kawai......................... 0.3054 Greg Wilson...................... 0.3098 Name Heavy Varmint: Bob Dorton Francis Lee Steve Epstein Bill Mellor Art Kawai Unlimited: Marty Childers Francis Lee Greg Wilson Steve Epstein Bill Mellor


Dan Lutke........................ 0.3246 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Francis Lee......................0.3113 Steve Epstein.................... 0.3114 Bill Mellor........................ 0.3344 Bob Dorton....................... 0.3636 Arthur Kawai..................... 0.3700 Heavy Varmint Grand Francis Lee......................0.3011 Steve Epstein.................... 0.3245 Bob Dorton....................... 0.3344 Bill Mellor........................ 0.3319 Arthur Kawai..................... 0.3377 Unlimited 100-Yards Marty Childers..................0.1710 Henry Pinkney................... 0.2166 Greg Wilson...................... 0.2264 Bill Mellor........................ 0.2318 Francis Lee....................... 0.2450 Unlimited 200-Yards Marty Childers..................0.2228 Francis Lee....................... 0.2754 Steve Epstein.................... 0.3751 Ron Chisick....................... 0.3889 Greg Wilson...................... 0.3921 Unlimited Grand Marty Childers..................0.1969 Francis Lee....................... 0.2602

Greg Wilson...................... 0.3092 Steve Epstein.................... 0.3268 Bill Mellor........................ 0.3311 Henry Pinkney................... 0.3345 Bob Dorton....................... 0.3497 Dan Lutke........................ 0.3517 Ron Chisick....................... 0.3523 Arthur Kawai..................... 0.4548 Three Gun Steve Epstein...................0.3007 Greg Wilson...................... 0.3123 Dan Lutke........................ 0.3239 Bill Mellor........................ 0.3347 Francis Lee....................... 0.3478 Arthur Kawai..................... 0.3780 Marty Childers................... 0.3859 Raymond Garric................. 0.4154 Henry Pinkney................... 0.4363 Four Gun Steve Epstein...................0.3072 Greg Wilson...................... 0.3115 Francis Lee....................... 0.3259 Dan Lutke........................ 0.3308 Bill Mellor........................ 0.3338 Marty Childers................... 0.3386 Arthur Kawai..................... 0.3972 Henry Pinkney................... 0.4109 Raymond Garric................. 0.4319

Sloughhouse California State Championship Equipment List Barrel Caliber Stock Gunsmith Scope Bullet


Borden Stolle BAT BAT Hall

n/a Krieger Krieger Krieger Shilen


Borden Six Scarbrough Six Six

Borden Iwatsubo Scott Iwatsubo Iwatsubo

n/a B&L Leupold Leupold Sightron

n/a Lee 66 Hottenstein 68 Bishop n/a

n/a 8208 V133 8208 LT32


Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger


Young Hasecuster Borden Scarbrough Young

Ocock Iwatsubo Wilson Scott Iwatsubo

Leupold B&L Leupold Leupold Leupold

Childers Lee 62 Berger Hottenstein 68 Bishop

8208 8208 LT32 V133 8208

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Smiling Faces of Mill Creek

Bruce Hodgdon Range

On Saturday, June 7, we held our Heavy Varmint match and the MidContinent Sporter 100 with twentysix shooters competing. There were three new shooters; Tim Henderson, Larry Caston and Neil Bickley. We’re happy you came and hope you enjoyed yourselves. We also had three former shooters who have not been present for some time; Daryl Dudley, Joel Gard and Ron Shultz. Chuck Miller, the owner and CEO of the not-so-famous Miller Mining Corporation in Wickenberg, Arizona also attended. We were unable to start the match on time because of a very heavy storm in the area. We had about a one hour delay. The rest of the day the weath-

er was cool and windy. Sunday was overcast skies with light and variable winds. TK Nollan is the Mid-Continent 100yard Sporter Champion with a nice .1974 aggregate, who also took the small group with a .095. Jim Gardner won the HV100 with a .2542 aggregate and Chuck Miller had the small group of .149. Sunday we began the HV200 and Keith Christianson won with an agg of .2606. TK won the small group again with a .291. Don Creach is the Mid-Continent Region 200-Yard Sporter Champion with a nice .1972 aggregate and once again, TK Nollan shot the small group of .215. Keith Christianson came for a repeat


by Don Creach

and won the Heavy Varmint Grand agg with a nice .2225. Pictured above are L-R: Chuck Miller, Keith Christianson, Jim Gardner, Darrel Loker, Dean Ekstrom and TK Nollan. Match results follow and the equipment list is on page 24. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who attended our match. We hope you enjoyed it. Sporter 100-Yards TK Nollan........................0.1946 Jim Gardner..................... 0.2158 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2422 Darrel Loker..................... 0.2474 Ron Shultz........................ 0.2602 Sporter 200-Yards Don Creach......................0.1972 Jim Gardner..................... 0.2292



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Precision Rifleman

Darrel Loker..................... 0.2325 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2406 Larry Caston..................... 0.2533 Sporter Grand Jim Gardner.....................0.2225 TK Nollan......................... 0.2772 Darrel Loker..................... 0.2325 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2617 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2406 Ray Barnes....................... 0.3071 Don Creach....................... 0.1972 Larry Caston..................... 0.2533 Lelan Kirk........................ 0.2958 Keith Christianson.............. 0.3186 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2966 Brian Cook....................... 0.2655 Donald Hansen................... 0.3194 Don Crunk........................ 0.3017 Gary Twitchel.................... 0.3613 Name Jim Gardner (SP) TK Nollan (SP) Darrel Loker (SP) Dean Ekstrom (SP) Chuck Miller (SP) Keith Christianson (HV) Larry Scharnhorst (HV)

Dwayne Edelman................ 0.3504 Sam Langhofer................... 0.3584 Howard Cowher................. 0.3683 Dewayne Stafford............... 0.3789 Dave Brooks...................... 0.3848 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Jim Gardner.....................0.2542 Keith Christianson.............. 0.2672 Gary Twitchel.................... 0.2678 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2718 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2918 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Keith Christianson.............0.2606 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2706 TK Nollan......................... 0.2895 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2982 Jim Gardner..................... 0.3030 Heavy Varmint Grand Keith Christianson.............0.2639

Jim Gardner..................... 0.2786 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2824 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2850 TK Nollan......................... 0.3009 Darrel Loker..................... 0.3110 Don Creach....................... 0.3210 Gary Twitchel.................... 0.3259 Dewayne Stafford............... 0.3428 Brian Cook....................... 0.3460 Don Crunk........................ 0.3516 Chuck Miller..................... 0.3535 Lelan Kirk........................ 0.3613 Dwayne Ekelman................ 0.3819 Neil Bickley...................... 0.3820 Larry Caston..................... 0.3829 Ray Barnes....................... 0.3882 Don Hansen...................... 0.3954 Dave Brooks...................... 0.4061 Sam Langhofer................... 0.4252

Mill Creek Mid-Continent Regional Equipment List Cartridge Action Barrel Stock Mfr Stocker Gunsmith Bullet/Wt Powder Primer Case 6PPC Viper Krieger n/a Kuse Kuse Berger/64 133 Federal Lapua 6PPC BAT Krieger BAT BAT TK Berger/64 133 Federal Lapua 6PPC Farley Krieger SGY Self Self n/a 133 Federal Norma 6PPC BAT Krieger Leonard Leonard Self Bart/68 133 Federal Lapua 6PPC Panda Krieger Kelbly Miller Miller Miller/66 133 Federal n/a 6PPC BAT Krieger Green n/a Self own/64 LT32 Federal n/a 6PPC BAT Krieger Kelbly Self Reneau Conaway/65 LT32 Federal Lapua

Scope/Power March/50 March/50 Nightforce/55 March/40 Weaver/36 Leupold/45 March/80

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman


2014 Eastern Region Championship by Jack Neary, Eastern Region Director

Fourty-five shooters arrived at the Fairchance Gun Club on July 4-5 to find the range and grounds in immaculate condition ready for this year’s 2014 Eastern Region 3-Gun Championship. As always, we enjoyed a great turnout of shooters from all regions. It was great to have our very good friends, Clayton Martin, Alex Calder and Bill

Mitchell from Canada! Never a dull moment or dry eye with these guys around…sadly, no sight of Bill Gammon or George & Vera Carter. We enjoyed mild temperatures and manageable winds all weekend long to put our light varmint, heavy varmint and rail guns through their paces to try and capture the 3-Gun winning title! It was great to get our rail guns out again in preparation of both upcoming IBS and NBRSA Nationals. Here’s the recap from our match. We started off Friday morning with the HV100 aggregate and once again we enjoyed some very benign conditions. The light conditions agreed with Wayne Campbell as he took the first place win with a .2048 agg! Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Wayne Campbell............... 0.2048 Charlie Gough................... 0.2078 Joel Nader....................... 0.2170 Al Auman Sr ..................... 0.2366 Dale Woolum Jr................. 0.2408 The calm winds disappeared on Friday afternoon and was replaced by a hard Mr. 9 o’clock condition with some diabolical angle changes for the LV100 aggregate. Danny Pritt rose to the occasion in mastering the hard crosswind conditions in winning the LV100 with a .2526 agg. Light Varmint 100-Yards Danny Pritt...................... 0.2526 Floyd Cline....................... 0.2758 Jeff Peinhardt................... 0.2772 Joel Nader....................... 0.2824 Paul Whitt........................ 0.2870 On Friday evening, the Fairchance Gun Club provided the shooters a spaghetti dinner with all the fixings. As it always happens at Fairchance, many shooters stay late at the range sharing stories of shooters and matches gone by. The evening parties at Fairchance are something to behold as no one ever wishes them to end. On to the LV 200yd stage. Saturday morning greeted us with some warm temperatures and mild winds for the start of the LV200. Fresh off his (rocker) 95th Birthday, Stan Buchtel displayed some of his talented shooting skills and won the LV200 with a fine

.2212 agg using his own freshly baked bullets! Well done, Stan! We were all very happy for you with your LV200 agg win! Always glad to have you at the matches to show us all how to shoot! Light Varmint 200-Yards Stan Buchtel....................0.2212 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2361 Charlie Gough................... 0.2453 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2481 Dan Shelhamer.................. 0.2495 Light Varmint Grand Wayne Campbell...............0.2659 Joel Nader....................... 0.2747 Jeff Peinhardt................... 0.2801 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2826 Dan Shelhamer.................. 0.2849 Harley Baker..................... 0.2874 Paul Whitt........................ 0.2881 Floyd Cline....................... 0.2886 Mark Shepler..................... 0.2904 Bill Mitchell...................... 0.2912 On to our final 2-Gun aggregate, the HV200 aggregate. The winds returned Saturday afternoon making all of us pay very close attention to the pickups. We were all very proud to see Paul Whitt break through with his very first agg win amongst some very strong competition. Well done, Paul! Congratulations to Wayne Campbell for winning both Grand Aggregates! Well done, Wayne! Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Paul Whitt.......................0.2492 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2600 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2609 Charlie Gough................... 0.2616 Bill Mitchell...................... 0.2661 Heavy Varmint Grand Wayne Campbell...............0.2329 Charlie Gough................... 0.2347 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2537 Wyatt Peinhardt................. 0.2601 Dale Woolum Jr................. 0.2698 Bill Mitchell...................... 0.2708 Joel Nader....................... 0.2717 Paul Whitt........................ 0.2748 Al Auman, Sr..................... 0.2792 Jeff Peinhardt................... 0.2909 Two Gun Wayne Campbell...............0.2494 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2682 Joel Nader....................... 0.2732 Dale Woolum, Jr................ 0.2810


Precision Rifleman

Bill Mitchell...................... 0.2810 Paul Whitt........................ 0.2815 Wyatt Peinhardt................. 0.2827 Jeff Peinhardt................... 0.2855 Al Auman, Sr..................... 0.2863 Charlie Gough................... 0.2864 Harley Baker..................... 0.2908 Dan Shelhamer.................. 0.3010 Kenneth Pritt.................... 0.3010 Floyd Cline....................... 0.3099 Dominic Grunas................. 0.3119 Jack Neary....................... 0.3161 Bob Brushingham................ 0.3169 Mark Shepler..................... 0.3186 Pando Valilovski................. 0.3229 Andy Laidlaw.................... 0.3243 Mel Newransky.................. 0.3390 Patrick Metcalf.................. 0.3412 Greg Walley...................... 0.3416

I forgot I had from a a trigger. -quote BR competitor

Competitors using Bix’n Andy triggers won 2014’s Cactus, HogRoast and Super Shoot! Bix’n Andy triggers are taking the shooting world by storm. Made in Austria by a master gunsmith using the latest in patented technology. Chuck Hearn Firearms 8425 Hwy 13 West, Carrier Mills IL 62917 shootsabunch@yahoo.com

Stan Buchtel..................... 0.3444 Peter Smith...................... 0.3451 Kevin Nichol..................... 0.3458 Donald Jones.................... 0.3467 Moving along to Sunday with our final 3-Gun Grand Aggregate; the Unlimited class. Sunday brought mild temperatures and manageable wind conditions for the start of the UNL200. The shooters elected to start Sunday’s Unlimited competition with the 200 yard agg first, as everyone’s flags were already set from Saturday’s LV and HV 200. Jeff Thompson showed he could tune his Rail Gun and hit the conditions better than the 17 shooter’s who stayed to shoot their Rail and/or Heavy Cruiser guns with his winning .2417 agg. Here are the top 5 places in the Unlimited 200yd aggregate. Unlimited 200-Yards Jeff Thompson..................0.2417 Jack Neary....................... 0.2577 Joel Nader....................... 0.2849 Jeff Peinhardt................... 0.2888 Al Auman, Sr..................... 0.2908 On to the final 100yd Unlimited aggregate where Jeff Peinhardt showied that all his hard work is beginning to pay off by winning the Unlimited 100yd agg. He mastered very switchy winds on Sunday afternoon with a .2722 agg. Unlimited 100-Yards Jeff Peinhardt..................0.2722 Jack Neary....................... 0.3024 Wayne Campbell................ 0.3088 Jeff Thompson................... 0.3120 Harley Baker..................... 0.3260 Unlimited Grand Aggregate Jeff Thompson..................0.2769 Jack Neary....................... 0.2800 Jeff Peinhardt................... 0.2805 Wayne Campbell................ 0.3034


Precision Made American Reloading Tools PMA Micro Die Adjuster

Al Auman, Sr..................... 0.3133 Joel Nader....................... 0.3194 Harley Baker..................... 0.3279 Danny Pritt....................... 0.3353 Andy Laidlaw.................... 0.3446 Frank Marks...................... 0.3563 The final crescendo please. Wayne Campbell wins the Eastern Region Three Gun with his .2674. Three Gun Wayne Campbell...............0.2674 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2711 Jeff Peinhardt................... 0.2838 Joel Nader....................... 0.2886 Al Auman, Sr..................... 0.2953 Harley Baker..................... 0.3032 Jack Neary....................... 0.3041 Danny Pritt....................... 0.3125 Andy Laidlaw.................... 0.3311 Pando Vasilovski................. 0.3553 Dominic Grunas................. 0.3640 Bill Brawand..................... 0.3689 Frank Marks...................... 0.3835 Jerry Masker..................... 0.3839 Steve Turner..................... 0.3989 Barry Sullenberger.............. 0.4424 I would like to congratulate Wayne Campbell and all the winners and also thank all the NBRSA shooters who attended and supported our annual Eastern Region Championship Match. A very special thanks to Match Director, Bill Reahard and Jerry Van Sickle and the entire membership of the Fairchance Gun Club for their Scoring, Kitchen and Target crews and all their tireless efforts in hosting this annual match. I would also like to thank Dr. Marsh of Marsh Industries, LLC for his generous donation of one of his fine Saguaro actions. Congratulations to Clayton Martin for winning the Saguaro Action!

Innovative Reloading Equipment for the Accurate Rifleman!


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October, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Name Wayne Campbell (HV) Charlie Gough (HV) Jeff Thompson (HV) Wyatt Peinhardt (HV) Dale Woolum, Jr (HV) Bill Mitchell (HV) Joel Nader (HV) Paul Whitt (HV) Al Auman, Sr (HV) Jeff Peinhardt (HV) Joel Nader (LV) Dan Shelhamer (LV) Harley Baker (LV) Floyd Cline (LV) Mark Shepler (LV) Jack Neary (UNL) Harley Baker (UNL) Kenneth Pritt (UNL) Andy Laidlaw (UNL) Frank Marks (UNL)

Action Farley Stolle BAT BAT BAT BAT Panda BAT BAT Borden Panda BAT BAT BAT Panda BAT BAT BAT Panda Hall

Fairchance Gun Club's Eastern Regionals Equipment List Barrel Stock Mfr Stocker Gunsmith Bullet/Wgt Bartlein Borden Campbell Campbell Hottenstein/68 Hart McMillan Hurst Gough Hottenstein/68 Bartlein Scoville Campbell Campbell JT3/68 Krieger Hunter Peinhardt Peinhardt Peinhardt/66 Hart Scarbrough Woolum Woolum Miller/65 McLennan Scoville Scoville Long Mitchell/67 Krieger Kelbly Kelbly Laidlaw Nader/68 Krieger McMillan Whitt Whitt Bart/68 Krieger McMillan n/a n/a n/a Krieger Hunter Peinhardt Peinhardt Peinhardt/65 Krieger Leonard Leonard Laidlaw Nader/68 Bartlein Scoville Bruno Bruno n/a Krieger Leonard Campbell Campbell Nader/68 Krieger Arnett Arnett Arnett Arnett/68 Krieger Kelbly Kelbly Arnett Barts/68 Bartlein Young Bruno Bruno Barts/68 Krieger YOung n/a Peinhardt Gentner/65 Shilen Young Young Bruno Hottenstein/68 Krieger n/a Laidlaw Laidlaw Nader/68 Krieger n/a Young Spence Marks/65

Powder n/a LT32/28 133/28 LT32/29 133 133/29 N133/29 n/a LT/28 V133/29 N133/29 133/29 N133/29 n/a 133/29 N133/29 N133/29 VV/29 N133/29 N133/29


Scope/Pwr Leupold/36 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 Sightron/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/40 March/40 Weaver/36 Leupold/28 Leupold/45 Leupold/40 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Weaver/36 Leupold/45 Sightron/36 Leupold/40 B&L/50 Leupold/36

Advertising Index Gradient Lens..................... 3 Berger Bullets..................... 5 Butch’s Reloading................13 BAT Machine Company...........15 Accugauge/6mmPPC.............16 Darton International.............17 2014 Tumbleweed................19 Marsh Industries..................19 Holton Group Nationals ��������21 Lilja Rifle Barrels.................22 Sharp Shoot R.....................25 Chuck Hearn Firearms...........26 Benchrite, LLC....................27 21st Century Shooting...........28 Shilen Rifles.......................33 PMA Tool...........................34 Western Powder..................35 Hoehn Sales.......................38 Kelbly’s......................... back page


Precision Rifleman

Kane Fish & Game Two Gun Results July 19-20, 2014

The good folks at Kane hosted another great group match at their fine facility. They may be shy on words for the magazine but they are still one of my favorite clubs as they consistently bring in 10+ renewals with each match they hold. Thank you Kane Match Directors Steve Timpano & Ed Hanes for keeping benchrest going strong. Light Varmint 100-Yards Kent Harshman.................0.1726 Barney Small..................... 0.1870 Milt Craven....................... 0.2004 Roy Hunter....................... 0.2040 Mark Engle....................... 0.2120 Clayton Martin................... 0.2134 Tim Reed......................... 0.2156 Jack Neary....................... 0.2160 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2242 Al Auman......................... 0.2288 Light Varmint 200-Yards Al Auman.........................0.1750 George Carter................... 0.1953 Mark Shepler..................... 0.2091 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2174 Dale Boop........................ 0.2176 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2258 Gary Conaway................... 0.2353 Jack Neary....................... 0.2364 Bill McIntyre..................... 0.2430 Kent Harshman.................. 0.2514 Light Varmint Grand Al Auman.........................0.2019 Kent Harshman.................. 0.2120 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2250 Jack Neary....................... 0.2262 Barney Small..................... 0.2343 Milt Craven....................... 0.2366 Tim Reed......................... 0.2369 Bill McIntyre..................... 0.2397 George Carter................... 0.2406 Roy Hunter....................... 0.2413 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Dale Boop........................0.1794 Name Dale Boop Al Auman Kent Harshman Jack Neary George Carter Bill McIntyre Mark Engle Roy Hunter Stan Buchtel


Action BAT BAT Borden Rimrock BAT BAT BAT 3L BAT Rimrock Stolle

Guy Grabiec...................... 0.2034 Jack Neary....................... 0.2040 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.2052 George Carter................... 0.2054 Mike Gamble..................... 0.2216 Al Auman......................... 0.2258 Mark Engle....................... 0.2382 Bob Brushingham................ 0.2446 Chuck Green..................... 0.2494 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Dale Boop........................0.1984 Mark Shepler..................... 0.2021 Dave Bruno....................... 0.2063 Dave Abbott...................... 0.2183 Kent Harshman.................. 0.2188 Mark Engle....................... 0.2147 Daniel Shelhamer............... 0.2469 Bill McIntyre..................... 0.2471 Al Auman......................... 0.2494 Al Weaver........................ 0.2517 Heavy Varmint Grand Dale Boop........................0.1889 George Carter................... 0.2316 Kent Harshman.................. 0.2354 Jack Neary....................... 0.2364 Al Auman......................... 0.2376 Mark Engle....................... 0.2400 Guy Grabiec...................... 0.2512 Bill McIntyre..................... 0.2527 Mike Gamble..................... 0.2543 Mark Shepler..................... 0.2556 Two Gun Dale Boop........................0.2158 Al Auman......................... 0.2198 Kent Harshman.................. 0.2237 Jack Neary....................... 0.2313 George Carter................... 0.2361 Bill McIntyre..................... 0.2462 Mark Engle....................... 0.2463 Mark Shepler..................... 0.2516 Roy Hunter....................... 0.2537 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2558 Barney Small..................... 0.2576 Milt Craven....................... 0.2604 Mike Gamble..................... 0.2609

Kane Fish & Game Two-Gun Equipment List Barrel Gunsmith Stocker Scope Krieger Goodling Trutt Leupold Krieger Goodling Goodling Leupold Bartlein GT Goodling Goodling LCS Bartlein Dave Bruno Dave Bruno March Krieger Self Scoville Leupold Krieger Peinhardt Leonard Leupold Bartlein Self Scoville March Krieger Goodling Hunter Leupold Krieger Dave Bruno Self March

Clayton Martin................... 0.2645 Guy Grabiec...................... 0.2648 Howard Levy..................... 0.2715 Lloyd Miller...................... 0.2718 Gary Conaway................... 0.2743 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2757 Daniel Shelhamer............... 0.2759 Al Weaver........................ 0.2778 Dave Abbott...................... 0.2817 Tim Reed......................... 0.2887 Dave Bruno....................... 0.2893 Ron Burdick...................... 0.2900 Hal Drake......................... 0.2918 Donald Powell................... 0.2928 Vera Carter....................... 0.2973 Paul Beaver...................... 0.2979 Bob Brushingham................ 0.3032 Floyd Cline....................... 0.3036 Robert MacLennan.............. 0.3043 Bob Hamister.................... 0.3083 Richard Lockwood.............. 0.3114 Terry Osborne.................... 0.3127 Chuck Green..................... 0.3168 Dave Holmes..................... 0.3241 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3250 Sid Goodling..................... 0.3277 Andy Laidlaw.................... 0.3303 Chris Hooks...................... 0.3318 Dave Krieger..................... 0.3322 Peter Smith...................... 0.3350 Jeff Briggs........................ 0.3361 Randy Johansen................. 0.3361 Lester Bruno..................... 0.3405 Martin Zuck...................... 0.3459 Don Jeffers....................... 0.3543 Margaret Jarrett................ 0.3552 Don Beaver....................... 0.3555 Alex Calder...................... 0.3696 Jim Smith........................ 0.3735 Trevor Jeffers.................... 0.3764 Robert Elcan..................... 0.3934 William Cook..................... 0.3966 Heidi Zuck........................ 0.3990 Neil Jones........................ 0.4091 Chuck Beaver.................... 0.4290 Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Load V133 LT32 8208 N133 8208 LT32 N133 V133 N133

Bullet Barts Self BT Hottenstein 68BT Hottenstein 68BT Carter Nader BT Generic Toad Conaway

Primer Federal Federal 205 Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205M Federal Federal 205

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman

at 300 yards. A big thank you to Ron Carter who did an astounding job scoring all the targets for three days and Tony Debacco who helped change all the targets without any complaints. Pictured above from left is Raymond Becker, Keith Myers, Howard Bloom, Tony Debacco & Brian Jones. --Keith Myers

June 6-8, 2014

The hotly contested Hunter/VFS TwoGun 100/200/300 Southwest Regionals was held in Las Vegas. At the foot hills of the Red Rock mountains the temperatures soared above the century mark and shooters tried to keep hydrated while dealing with mirage, quick switches and sometimes disappearing bullet holes. The first day we shot both Hunter and VFS at 100 yards. Raymond Becker from Wyoming took first scoring a 24812X in Hunter. Twelve-year old Tony Debacco from Phoenix won the VFS scoring a 250-18X. Day two we shot 200 yards. In Hunter, Keith Myers scored a 246-4X to take first. Local tinkerer Ron Carter shot a 248-6X to win the VFS. The third and final day was all at 300 yards. Shooting a 237-2X in Hunter was Keith Myers taking first. New shooter Brian Jones won VFS scoring a 244-4X

Hunter Benchrest 100-Yards Raymond Becker.............. 248-12X Tom Debacco.................... 247-9X Keith Myers...................... 246-5X Howard Bloom................... 244-7X Tony Debacco.................... 243-4X 200-Yards Keith Myers......................246-4X Tony Debacco.................... 244-2X Tom Debacco.................... 241-3X Tom Guisewhite................. 241-2X Raymond Becker................ 238-1X 300-Yards Keith Myers......................237-2X Howard Bloom................... 236-2X David Reymore.................. 234-4X Raymond Becker................ 231-1X Tom Debacco.................... 230-0X Grand Aggregate Keith Myers..................... 729-11X Tom Debacco................... 718-12X


Raymond Becker............... 717-15X Tony Debacco.................... 711-6X Howard Bloom.................. 706-10X David Reymore.................. 490-8X Tom Guisewhite................. 482-8X Varmint For Score 100-Yards Tony Debacco.................. 250-18X Sheldon Turf.................... 250-17X Keith Myers..................... 250-15X Tom Debacco................... 250-11X Brian Jones...................... 249-17X 200-Yards Ron Carter.......................248-6X Sheldon Turf..................... 248-3X Brian Jones....................... 247-4X Raymond Becker................ 247-4X Tom Debacco................... 246-11X 300-Yards Brian Jones......................244-4X Keith Myers...................... 237-3X Sheldon Turf..................... 233-2X Howard Bloom................... 229-1X Raymond Becker................ 224-8X Grand Aggregate Brian Jones..................... 740-25X Keith Myers..................... 732-21X Sheldon Turf.................... 731-22X Raymond Becker............... 720-22X Howard Bloom.................. 715-14X Ron Levesque................... 663-17X Ron Carter....................... 662-19X Tom Debacco................... 627-19X Tony Debacco................... 592-21X Tom Guisewhite................. 478-5X Two Gun Keith Myers.................... 1461-32X Raymond Becker...............1448-31X Howard Bloom..................1421-24X Tom Debacco...................1345-31X Tony Debacco...................1303-27X Tom Guisewhite................ 960-13X


Precision Rifleman

Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts ER—Eastern Region Chippewa Rifle Club

www.chippewarifleclub.com GPS: N40 56.820 W81 44.583 Contact: Bob Denk 440 596-7238 1728 E Linden Ln, Parma, OH 44130 robertsdenk66@gmail.com Contact: Randy Perkowski 330 472-0856 1259 Curtis Ave, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 perkosrk@sbcglobal.net

Fairchance Rod & Gun Club

GPS: N39 48.704 W79 47.179 Contact: Bill Reahard 724 323-5044 PO Box 156, McClellandtown, PA 15458 reahard@verizon.net Contact: Jerry Van Sickle 724 569-2216 181 Guthrie Rd, Smithfield, PA 15478

Holton Gun & Bow Club

6201 Crystal Lake Rd, Holton, MI 49425 PO Box 128, Holton, MI 49425 www.holtongunandbowclub.com 231 821-9608 GPS: N43 23.742 W86 05.2566 Contact: Bruce Torrey, 231 288-4769 3951 Molly Blvd, Muskegon, MI 49444 Alternate: Nancy Scarbrough 231 638-6775 544 N Buys Rd, Muskegon, MI 49445 stocksunlimited@comcast.net

Isabella County Sportsmans Club

Corner of Winn & Millbrook Roads PO Box 383, Winn, MI 48896 www.isabellacountysportsmansclub.com Contact: Harry Ross 989 239-2738 3625 South Summerton Rd Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 heross@charter.net

Kane Fish & Game

Dwight Rd, 1 mile N of Kane on SR 321 www.kanefishandgameclub.org Steve Timpano – Group 814 837-9644 stimpano@verizon.net Ed Hanes - Group 814 837-9868 hanes329@comcast.net

Kelbly’s Rifle Range

7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd N Lawrence, OH 44666 www.kelbly.com GPS: N40 52.9836 W81 40.6218 Contact: Jim Kelbly 330 683-4674 jim@kelbly.com

Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn

7988 Johnston-Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 937 492-2972 Contact: John Petteruti 937 654-7950 jpetteruti@woh.rr.com


6700 Napier Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 734 453-9843 http://wwcca.com Contact: Dana Raven 734 748-5394 10930 Old 27N, Frederic, MI 49733-9734 dana_raven@yahoo.com Contact: Bill Gammon 519 453-6734 387 Speight Blvd, London, ONT N5V 3J8 Canada Bill.gammon@rogers.com

GC—Gulf Coast Region Austin Rifle Club

www.austinrifleclub.org PO Box 141399, Austin, TX 78714 Contact: Virgil Howarth 512 447-8968 2704 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745 vhowarth@sbcglobal.net

Central Texas Benchrest

GPS: N29 44.695 W098 14.141 Contact:Sammye Dietz 830 885-4662 421 Range Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132 Contact: Wayne Young 210 288-3063 391 Berry Oaks Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163 830 612-1277 or 67 wayne@swmco.com

Midland Shooters Association

4108 East County Rd 160, Midland, TX 79706 432 682-2332 www.midlandshooters.com Contact: Mike Conry 3212 E County Rd 136, Midland, TX 79706 432 528-8718 or 432 683-1332 MEConry@suddenlink.net

North TX Shooters Association

www.shootntsa.com GPS: N33 19.351 W97 08.938 Contact: Michael Stinnett 214 794-8006 6651 Blackjack Oaks Rd, Aubrey, TX 76227 mkstinnett@gmail.com

Seymour Stool Shooters

448 Hwy 283 South, Seymour, TX 76380 Contact: John Horn 940 636-9984 924 Peterson Rd S, Iowa Park, TX 76367 John.Horn44@gmail.com

Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol

Contact: Ron Lee Miller 402 393-4536 8081 Dupont St. Omaha NE 68124 ncnbrsa@cox.net

Lincoln Izaak Walton League

10801 S 134th St, Bennet, NE 68317 Contact: Mike Shapoval 402 420-5763 mike10shapoval@windstream.net

Minnetonka Benchrest Association

8310 Hill n Dale Dr, St Francis, MN 55330 www.mgfc.org GPS: N45 23.42 W93 29.29 Contact: Scott Moser 612 961-6761 10412 Abbott Dr, Brooklyn Park MN 55443 samoser@comcast.net

Oak Hill Gun Club

12364 Coon Hunters Rd, Blue Grass, IA 52726 563 381-2677 Contact: Cecil Peterson 563 359-1988 2260 Cromwell Cir, Davenport IA 52807 peterson1@mchsi.com

Prairie Dog Target Club

Contact: Don Deckert 605 288-1919 HC 54, Box 3, Porcupine SD 57772 pdtc57772@yahoo.com

MV—Mississippi Valley

Bench Rest Rifle Club Of St Louis

2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City, MO 63390 www.shootingstl.com GPS: N38 53.353 W091 04.763 Scott Pieper - Group 636 745-2454 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City MO 63390 pieper@shootingstl.com Wayne Corley - HTR/VFS 636 928-0882 2 Sheffield Ct, St Charles, MO 63304 waynecorley@sbcglobal.net

www.swla-rifleandpistol.org Contact: Mike Guillot 337 249-3712 1600 Cappy Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605 Guillot4555@suddenlink.net

Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

Contact: Dwayne Pullum: 281 684-9004 Richard Pullum by email: richardpullum@embarqmail.com

Holmen Rod & Gun Club

Tomball Gun Club

NC—North Central Region Boone Valley Ikes

Contact: Ronnie Berg 515 210-7772 104 S Dalander St, Madrid, IA 50156 mrberg@iowatelecom.net

Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

462 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY 82834 Contact Pete Eisele 307 217- 1155

Casper Score Shooters

2330 N Station Rd, Casper, WY 82601 307 265-2535 www.stuckenhoffshooterscomplex.net Contact: Tim Naugle 307 237-7185 1926 S Walnut St, Casper WY 82601 tnaugle@bresnan.net

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club

www.cbr-pc.org GPS: N41.39083 W95.37891 Contact: Gary Flury 712 328-0301 PO Box 1042, Council Bluffs, IA 50502 garysflury@gmail.com

W10924 Bryer Road, Columbus, WI 53925 www.csa12.com tabalding@gmail.com Contact Terry Balding 608 577-5193 1777 W Main St #203, Sun Prairie, WI 53590 W7503 County Road T, Holmen, WI 54636 www.holmenrodandgunclub.com Contact Jim Knower, 608 526-3151

Van Dyne Sportsmen’s Club

www.vdsc.org or info@vdsc.org Contact: Dick Baier 920 688-2433 PO Box 8, Van Dyne WI 54979

NW—Northwest Region Wenatchee Benchrest Club

2800 #2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA www.wenrrc.org, zaccs@televar.com Contact: Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn

6900 Kershaw Blvd, White City, OR 97502 Contact: Phil Grammatica 714 749-7216 philgrammatica@yahoo.com

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club

27007 South Tom Beall Rd, Lapwai, ID 83540 280 843-2987 www.lcwildlife.org Contact: Paul Gylling - HTR/VFS 40102 State Route 195, Colfax WA 99111

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman


Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts PGylling@gmail.com 509 553-1118 Denny Andrews - Group 13263 Snake River Rd, Asotin WA 99402 andrewslaw1@gmail.com 509 243-7039

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club

8503 Chambers Creek Rd W University Place, WA 98467 www.tacomarifle.org Contact: Jeff Lewis 206 407-8299 32310 6th Ave SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 varminthunter1@comcast.net

Tri-Cities Metallic Silhouette Assn

Hwy 12 to Pasco-Kahlotus Rd www.tcmsa.org Contact: Rick DeGroat 509 308-7213 or 509 396-3166 rem10x308@aol.com

Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Range

578 Blodgett View Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 www.whittecarrange.com 406 363-7078 Contact: Jeff Jetter 406 777-5326 4168 Foxy Ridge Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870 JLJ4HBR@msn.com

Yellowstone Rifle Club

7212 Molt Rd, Billings, MT 406 656-2775 www.yrc.org Contact: Ryan Lienemann 406 245-4056 1124 Horn St, Billings, MT 59101 lienemannbr@gmail.com

SE—Southeast Region Brock’s Gap Training Center

www.rockinghamcountygunclub.com GPS: N36 25.536 W79 31.864 Contact: Roy Darnell 336 595-9110 4811 Camp Betty Hastings Rd Walkertown, NC 27051 DarnellRM@embarqmail.com

Unaka Rod & Gun Club

90 Furnace Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601 423 926-0221 www.unakarodandgun.com Contact: Matthew Keller 423 202-6932 1013 Washington College Station Rd Limestone, TN 37681 mk6ppc4@yahoo.com

MC—Mid-Continent Region Land’s End Benchrest Shooters

4 mi East of Hwy 50 on Reeder Mesa Rd Contact: Tom Stiner 970 257-9160 1521 Divide Rd, Whitewater CO 81527 TSTooling@hotmail.com

Mill Creek Rifle Club

7215 Gardner Rd, DeSoto, KS 66018 www.millcreekrc.org Contact: Don Creach - Group 816 586-9475 dcjcreach@aol.com Contact:Ronald Shultz - Hunter/VFS 913 557-9879

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters

38967 CR 51, Eaton, CO 80615 www.wcfw.org Contact: Bud Schalles 970 224-3740 PO Box 83, La Porte CO 80535 budschalles@aol.com

www.scssa.org GPS: N33 20 19.25 W86 52 28.00 3721 South Shades Crest Rd Birmingham, AL 35244 Contact: Steve Lee 205 428-2191 Lee.Steven@att.net

Okie Shooters Range

1805 Logue Rd, Myakka City, FL 34251 775 358-5014 www.manateegunclub.com GPS: N27 29.3610 W82 09.2448 Contact: Buddy Ross 407 448-8393 1845 Coronado Rd, Ft Myers, FL 33901 bross6mm@hotmail.com

Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn

Manatee Gun & Archery Club

Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn

Contact: Rex Reneau 405 787-8529 7409 NW 28th Terrace, Bethany OK 73008 405 623-6019 or rreneau1@cox.net Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965 Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Whittington Center

34025 US 64, Raton, NM 87740 575 445-3615 www.nrawc.org Contact: Ed Adams 505 401-5071 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque NM 87120 trished5@comcast.net

www.mggoa.com GPS: N32 24.3732 W82 53.0574 PO Box 4096, Dublin, GA 31040 Contact: Matt Walker 478 304-2749 mggoa1@gmail.com

SW—Southwest Region

588 River Bend Gun Club Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 770 893-3502 www.rbgc.org GPS: N34 20.198 W84 14.819 Contact: Jim Andress Group/Score PO Box 7, Marble Hill, GA 30148 benchrest@rbgc.org, jim@precisionrifles.co 770 876-2351 or 770 893-3319

Central Utah Benchrest

River Bend Gun Club

Rockingham County Gun Club

572 Long Branch Road, Reidsville, NC 27320

Arizona Benchrest Shooters

4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85086 GPS: N33 27 12.22 W112 37 12.20 Contact: Art Clegg 623 878-4979 6210 W Mescal St, Glendale, AZ 85304 ahclegg@cox.net Contact: Dave Tunbridge 801 571-6755 966 Stacie Ave, Sandy UT 84094 drtunbridge@gmail.com

Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

12201 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702 642-9928 www.dsrpc.net

GPS: N36.1498 W115.3653 Contact: Keith Myers - VFS keithmyers@yahoo.com or 702 217-3591

Ojai Valley Gun Club

www.dock.net/ovgc Contact: Barry Bluhm 805 798-2473 608 E Oak St, Ojai CA 93023 TwiLiteZ585@hotmail.com

Palomino Valley Gun Club

Washoe County Shooting Facility 21555 Pyramid Lake Hwy, Reno NV 80502 palominovalleygunclub.homestead.com GPS: N39 51.374 W119 40.046 Contact: Robert Hoppe - Long Range PO BOX 4251, Sparks NV 89432 RobH@saturnnet.com 775 827-8679 or 775 397-3358 Contact: Steve Archibald - Varmint 5017 Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434 775 356-5850 (h) or 775 742-1153 (c) nevadaswa@aol.com

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest

www.tucsonrifleclub.org Contact: Karl Hunstiger 602 971-4400 2901 E Cortez St, Phoenix AZ 85028 wfo13@aol.com

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

www.sloughhousebenchrest.com Contact: Craig St Claire - Long Range galtshtr@gmx.com or 209 744-2274 Contact: Dan Lutke - Short Range 408 241-9759 lutke5@sbcglobal.net Contact: Bill Mellor - Short Range 916 354-1782 rollem11@att.net

Visalia Sportsman Association

7398 Avenue 328, Visalia, CA 93291 599 651-3063 www.visaliasportsmans.com Contact: Dennis Thornbury 559 432-4401 PO Box 105, Visalia, CA 93279 559 280-6243 gunhandler@gmail.com

EU—European Region Benchrest Dolomiti

Via Alemagna 1/a, Dobbiaco, Italy 39034 info@alpenfuchs.it Contact: Americo Angaran americo.angaran@gmail.com


Precision Rifleman

Columbus Sportsman’s 600-Yard Benchrest Name Dennis Klemm Terry Balding (LG) Terry Balding (HG)

Caliber 6BR 6Dasher .284 Shen

Columbus Sportsman's Action Barrel Remington n/a BAT Bartlein Savage Bartlein

Association 600-Yard Equipment List Stock Gunsmith Scope/Pwr Shehane n/a Leupold/45 McMillan Wahlstrom Night Force/50 ST1000 Cutright Weaver/36

Bullet Powder Primer Sierra Varget CCI 105BHB RL15 CCI450 168BVLD 4832sc BR2

July 13, 2014

Light Gun 3-Target Score Terry Balding...................... 139 Dennis Klemm...................... 93 Light Gun 3-Target Group Terry Balding.....................2.884 Dennis Klemm.................... 8.338 Heavy Gun 3-Target Score Terry Balding...................... 243 Dennis Klemm..................... 244 Heavy Gun 3-Target Group Dennis Klemm...................6.384 Terry Balding...................... 9.180

August 17, 2014

Light Gun 3-Target Score Jeffrey Tomaro................... 136 Tom Esser........................... 130 David Meyer........................ 128 Terry Balding....................... 123 Charles Kostichka................. 125 Rob Gascoigne..................... 121 Dennis Klemm..................... 113 Don Bucholtz....................... 112 Light Gun 3-Target Group Rob Gascoigne...................2.350 Charles Kostichka................ 3.094 Don Bucholtz...................... 3.098 David Meyer....................... 3.428 Jeffrey Tomaro................... 3.917 Dennis Klemm.................... 4.035 Tom Esser.......................... 4.098 Terry Balding...................... 4.299 Heavy Gun 3-Target Score David Meyer....................... 264 Don Bucholtz....................... 252 Rob Gascoigne..................... 242 Tom Esser........................... 230 Charles Kostichka................. 226 Terry Balding....................... 220 Jeffrey Tomaro.................... 215 Dennis Klemm..................... 145 Heavy Gun 3-Target Group Terry Balding.....................3.368 Rob Gascoigne.................... 4.905 Tom Esser.......................... 4.993 David Meyer....................... 5.148 Jeffrey Tomaro................... 6.104 Don Bucholtz...................... 6.975 Charles Kostichka................ 7.959 Dennis Klemm................... 14.033

* Flash * NBRSA News * Flash * NBRSA News * 2015 March Scope Tour

Here at Kelbly's we are starting a new way to advertise both March Scopes and Kelbly's Inc products. We are cutting way back on print advertising and going on the road with our advertising. I will be traveling the USA in 2015 going to gun shows and rifle matches. My question to you the shooters is, what shoots would be good for us to attend? We are doing this to get the March Scopes in front of you the shooters so you can get a good look at the March Scopes. I would like to go to bigger shoots, but tell me of your local shoots as well so if we are traveling by, we could stop by and show you our goods.

New App for Shooters CamScanner Phone PDF Creator

The CamScanner in one of several apps that helps you scan, store, sync

and collaborate on various contents across smartphones, iPads, tablets and computers. It digitizes documents through your phone camera, scans and optimizes quality on all kinds of paper documents, crops and auto enhances texts and graphics for a clearer image. Imagine how quickly you could upload the match stats as a .jpg or .pdf document to your favorite website or post it on social media or send an attachment link through email. In the paid version you can send the text through to other software, ie: excel and monitor your personal match performance progress over time. There’s a free version you can download at www.camscanner.com but be aware it is ad-supported and documents are generated with a watermark on them. Also, be aware the paid version self-renews unless you cancel.

October, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Regional Directors Eastern Region

Staff Exp 2016

Jack Neary 6204 Wild Oak Dr, North Olmstead, OH 44070 H: 440 716-0600 C: 336 542-8711 jrneary@hotmail.com

Gulf Coast Region

Officers Dennis Thornbury, President 1114 S McAuliff St Visalia, CA 93292 H: 559 732-4401 C: 559 280 6243 gunhandler@gmail.com Term Expires 2014 Don Nielson, Vice President 20456 Hart St, Winnetka, CA 91306 H: 818 883-5866 pkin@sbcglobal.net Term Expires 2014 John Horn, Financial Officer 924 Peterson Rd South Iowa Park, TX 76367-7237 C: 940 636-9984 Term Expires 2014 John.Horn44@gmail.com

Committees World Records Committee: Group Gene Bukys, Chairman 2111 Silver Moon Trail Crosby, TX 77532 281 324-2605 egb243@msn.com Kent Harshman, Committee Member Ron Hoehn, Committee Member Lowell Frei, Committee Member World Records Committee: Score David Halblom, Chairman 515 556-5833 4315 Ashby Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310 DavidHalblom-BugTyer@att.net Dan Zaccanti, Committee Member Rich Carpenter, Committee Member Randy Perkowski, Committee Member Tom McPhee, Committee Member International Representative Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com Varmint For Score Representative (Southwest Region) Keith Myers 702 217-3591 keithmyers@yahoo.com Long Range Measuring Committee Karl Hunstiger, Chairman 602 971-4400 wfo13@aol.com

Mississippi Valley Region Exp 2016

Bud Mundy 5956 Old Hickory Trail Hillsboro, MO 63050 C: 314 805-1313 bcmundy@earthlink.net

Exp 2015

Terry Meyer PO Box 52, Thornton, IA 50479 H: 641 998-2860 C: 641 425-3397 tdmeyer6ppc@gmail.com North Central Alternate Rodney Brown PO Box 7218, Sheridan, WY 82801 C: 303 378-6085 rbrown@vanaire.net

Mid-Continent Region

Exp 2015

Butch Fjoser 7 Summerfield St, Woodward, OK 73801 C: 580 334-2643 W: 580 254-9764 butchsguns@yahoo.com

North West Region

Business Manager, NBRSA Editor, Precision Rifleman Magazine Advertising Sales Contact Audrey Brown PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 W: 307 655-7415 C: 307 217-1966 nbrsa.manager@gmail.com

Exp 2015

Scott Hunter 1612 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 H: 940 723-5147 C: 940 631-4545 Shunter@NTS-online.net Gulf Coast Alternate Mike Bryant 7761 FM 592, Wheeler, TX 79096 806 826-5958, mike@bryantcustom.com

North Central Region


Exp 2015

Dan Zaccanti 1542 Tacoma Ave, Bridgeport, WA 98813 C: 509 733-1003 zaccs@televar.com North West Alternate Paul Holland PO Box 1498, Big Fork, MT 59911 406 837-5583 plumbing@centurytel.net

South East Region

Exp 2016

South West Region

Exp 2016

European Region

Exp 2016

Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com

Tom Libby 74056 Aster Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 774-5256 tomnbrsa@outlook.com South West Alternate David Woodward PO Box 1465, Dubois, WY 82513 C: 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 dwoodward@dteworld.com Jean-Marie Deletang 15 Rue des Martyrs, Beausoleil, 06240 France redneckbr@neuf.fr

Legal Representation

Elliot Law Office Al Elliott, 325 387-3529 albertelliott@mail.com

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Printed in the USA Publisher: NBRSA, Inc. Printed By: Lithotech, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Advertising, Classifieds & Membership: Audrey Brown, Editor 307 655-7415 Precision Rifleman (ISSN 1061950X) is published monthly by NBRSA Inc PO Box 6770 3647 US Hwy 87 Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307 655-7415 Email: nbrsa.manager@gmail.com for the benefit of its members. Membership dues is $60 per year US of which $40 is designated for a magazine subscription. Canadian postage add $25/ year. All other International postage add $60/year. For Membership inquiries call 307 655-7415. Copyright 2013, National Bench Rest Shooters Association. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. Periodicals Class Postage paid at Sheridan, WY & additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Precision Rifleman, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801.


Precision Rifleman

New KLP BR stock is a lot like a Scoville stock. The KLP features 1" forearm sidewalls, carbon fiber material and 24 ounces.

New Sako ejector ready Panda action. Available in micro port or standard port.

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