December, 2014

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December, 2014

The Voice of the National Bench Rest Shooters Association


Precision Rifleman

Stainless Steel Click Head Hand Priming Tool The Feel The Precision The Quality The Ease of adjustment  The most unique feature:

The CLICK HEAD for Primer Seating

 Adjustment: Each click of the

head equals .0025 for precise seating depth.

 All stainless steel

components with aluminum handle.

Includes both large and small punch housing and spring assembly.

Concentricity Gauge This type of indicator was designed specifically for checking rotating diameters and in fact is exactly the type of gauge used in the machining industry for decades to measure run out; the very thing that we as hand loaders are striving to minimize or eliminate. At 21 Century Shooting it is our goal to modernize an industry that has seen little change over the years. Our concentricity gauge is a perfect example. st

Neck Turning Lathe

The floating design of our neck turner and the universal floating case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric. Therefore allowing O.D. to be turned concentric with I.D. The tail-stock creates a horizontal inline support


for the base of the case. Also allows the operator to keep both hands on the power screw driver or drill. This makes it very easy to control feed rate of the cutting operation, generating a very fine turned finish. Case holder drivers are designed to be the most gentle driver, yet providing an adequate hold.

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman


Concentric? During chambering, the barrel spins and the reamer remains stationary. Has a misaligned reamer left your chamber like this?

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Matches In This Issue... A Trip to the 2014 Group Nationals, by Dick Wright Gene Bukys Wins the 2014 Group Nationals, by Nancy Scarbrough Traveling Trophy Sponsors, Holton Sponsors, WBC-13 USA Team Rankings Tri-Cities Varmint For Score Match, by Rick DeGroat Yellowstone’s Montana State Championship, by Ryan Lienemann 2014 Buffalo Classic Results, by Mike Conry 2014 NBRSA Registered Match Schedule Boone Valley Iowa State Two Gun & VFS Championships, by Ronnie Berg Casper Score Shooters July Tournament Results, by Tim Naugle 2014 NBRSA Board & General Membership Meeting Minutes NBRSA Organizational Financial Information Mill Creek’s Mid-Continent LV Regional Championship, by Don Creach Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn’s 600-Yard Benchrest

Organizational Information & Cover Shot Info... NBRSA Registered Matches 16 Ranges, Clubs & Contacts 28

Advertising Index Officer & Director Info

30 31

4 6 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 21 24 26 30

Cover: 2014 Group Nationals at Holton. Photo by The Browns.


Precision Rifleman

A Trip to the 2014 Group Nationals by Dick Wright

It’s just after 10 A.M. when I turn into the Holton Gun & Bow club, just a mile or so South of beautiful downtown Holton, Michigan. It’s been a two-hour trip over here from home. It’s early fall, leaves are starting to turn, the sun is shining and the weatherman says there will be a high of seventyfive degrees today with low humidity and light winds. A perfect day for benchrest competition… I poke along on the driveway, not wanting to raise any dust. There is rifle fire coming from the range and soon I see the buildings appear thru the woods. There are a lot of memories here… Her Loveliness, Mrs. Wright, and I started shooting here twenty-five years ago at the very start of our benchrest careers. For the first year it seemed that, each match, one of us would be in last place, the other nextto-last. However, we persevered and eventually learned, Glorya faster than I. In three or four years she became a contender in some of the matches. It took me longer… I pull into a parking place and ask the first soul I see, “Where’s Bart and Billy?” He points, “Two trailers that way.” “Thanks.” I motor down to their trailer and park. They’re not there, “Where are the colonels?” “Shooting. They’ll be back shortly.” I get out of my car, park my butt in

one of their chairs and wait… I always look forward to seeing these guys… these two special guys. I met Billy at a National Championships at Fairchance around 1993 and, at the Cactus Classic a year later when he had Bart with him. At the time they were both chopper pilots for Uncle Sam and had just returned from Desert Storm. They are now both retired, Billy as a bird colonel, Bart as a light colonel and are now both full-time professional benchrest shooters and suppliers to the sport. Bart and his wife, Kim, make Bart’s Bullets and Billy owns Steven’s Accuracy and makes super accurate benchrest and sporting rifles. What makes this impressive… people win things using their products. Pretty soon the shooting stops and I see them coming in a golf cart loaded down with two rail guns. The competition today is 200 yard Unlimited. “Dick Wright… you’re in our parking place.” “Tough.” That’s one helluva greeting… at least I’m glad to see them. We talk briefly. They have to clean guns and load. The weather has been great for shooting… Some of the aggregates are incredible…It seems Gene Bukys shot two thirteen-aggs in a row in the bag guns. Another fellow actually had a twelveagg. I have a problem wrapping my mind around the fact that Gene shot a thirteen agg and was second. At that time both Bart and Billy are

shooting well enough to be in contention. We exchange a few more updates and I wander off. There are a lot of old friends here that I haven’t seen in a while. It’s a delightful day and I take some time to just wander around the encampment… at least as long as the ancient legs let me. Everything is familiar yet different. The rifle range is now longer, forty benches I am told. I’ve never seen so many people here. There is a full compliment of the gazillion dollar motor homes that I see down at Kelbley’s at the Super Shoot. It’s a Nationals and everybody seems occupied and purposeful… it’s one of two time s each year that one can win points toward the ultimate goal… a place in the Benchrest Hall of Fame. I meet a lot of people I have shot with for years. Bill Gammon smiles and shakes hands. Good to see Bill and I now know that, once the shooting is over, with Bill and his band of Canucks there, the encampment will, very likely, get noisier and adult beverages will be consumed. I take secret delight in the fact that many people I’ve known for years don’t recognize me. The writer has lost over 110 lbs. since I stopped shooting at big matches. (No health problem, I just had a bad doctor.) I find where Dwight Scott and Pat Canning are loading and park it. We go way back. There was a time when Pat and I travelled to

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Don’t miss the Berger 6mm BR Column Bullet!

The Berger 6mm BR Column Target bullet uses the physics of dispersion mitigation to provide BR Berger offers a full line of match grade rifle shooters with a reliable option that offers the widest and lowest tune valley. This means the bullet bullets for varmint, target, hunting and tactical shoots best in the widest variety of loads and seating depths. In this case, overall balance of the applications. Ask your dealer if they stock Berger bullet is more important than overall weight, so there is no listed weight. Rather, Bullets or visit our website for full details. the 6mm BR Column bullet achieves a specific internal lead column height, resulting in minor weight differences from lot to lot.

These bullets are being tested by top BR shooters, with great success. Lou Murdica has won matches in both Florida and California, Don Nielson won Two Gun Aggs three weekends in a row and Tony Boyer shot a 200 yard HV Agg of .1928 at the 2012 East/West match in Missouri.

4275 N. Palm St. Fullerton, CA 92835 PHONE (714) 447-5422 FAX (714) 447-5421

Match Grade Rifle Bullets

Varmint Target Hunting Tactical

Made Exclusively With J4 Precision Jackets


Lets hear it for the old guys when they beat young whippersnappers of a mere fifty or sixty years old. The food is good and the kitchen well organized. I finish eating and wander on… I just sit down by the “Wailing wall” for a while admiring some of the targets. People wander in and out… some happy, some not so much. A few are shooting consecutive groups in the “Three’s”… ten shot groups at 200 yds. on that “expletive deleted” range that always hated me. Whoda ever thunk? I move on and look for and find a pleasant fellow named Jay Lynn Gore. I need him to deliver a package for me to my pal, Jimmy Carpenter, down Mississippi way. He is happy to do so and says he is glad to meet me, having read many of my articles in the past. We chat and I move on. It’s getting close to time to go. The old body is getting tired and I’m a couple of hours from home. I look up Bart and Billy one last time. We chat briefly. They are still shooting and I don’t want to bother. Time to go. I climb into and fire up the old Porsche. The trip home is a delight. I was in a hurry to get there that morning and, not wanting to waste any time, took the main roads to Holton. Bad choice… Michigan has been out of money for years and the roads were rough which pleased neither the car’s suspension nor me. There was too much traffic. This is the sort of thing that makes me grouchy. Over the years we have learned many ways to go to Holton. This late afternoon I chose the back roads and it’s a good choice. They are in better shape than the highways and there is little traffic. The sun is in my back and illuminates the lovely early fall color. I let the old car run as Dr. Porsche intended and the Northern forests fly by… The trip home takes twenty minutes less than it had in the morning. Her Loveliness seems happy to see me and relieved that I didn’t manage to kill myself. Next morning I wake up and want to go back… I really love just hanging around matches. Alas, the old bod just isn’t up to it. I sleep most of the day. Maybe next year I can make it to the Super Shoot.

matches together and, since he lives a long way away, he used to drive up Friday and spend the night with us on days before we had a match in Harrison. Dwight’s been the Wright’s gunsmith from day one and is mostly responsible for any modest success that either of the Wright’s enjoyed when we were both shooting. Dwight could always be depended on to explain to me in the bluntest of terms just exactly what I was doing wrong… usually most everything. Dwight isn’t shooting today…it’s Unlimited 200 yds. and he vowed to quit shooting same and to quit lugging that heavy mutha of a gun around after he got his final Hall of Fame point. He did and he did. Now we have time to talk… Dwight says this has been the best Nationals he’s been to in some time. The weather is perfect and Bob and Nancy Scarborough seem to have everything perfectly organized. He says the competitors seem to be happy and that things have run smoothly all week. He also says, “Dickie, it’s a whole new world…” The improvement in accuracy the last few years has been nothing short of astounding. Whoever heard of a thirteen agg? Whoever heard of shooting a thirteen agg and getting beat? I ask him how this has come about. He says that equipment just keeps getting a little better as time goes by. Shooters keep learning just a little more every year about fine-tuning their guns. A seating depth change of just a couple of thousandths can make a massive difference in group size. Will we ever see an agg in the zeros? Shot outside in moving air? Don’t bet against it. There’s a young fellow representing Kreiger Barrels with Dwight. He seems to be happy. People are shooting very well and many of them are shooting his barrels. How could he not be having a good visit? Having taken enough abuse from Dwight I wander on. It’s lunchtime and it’s been a while since I was in the Holton Gun & Bow Club clubhouse. Walt Berger and Stan Buchtel are there, a couple of veterans who were longtime shooters way back when we started. Walt became my hero this week when I was checking results on my computer and found that he had won an agg early in the match.



Precision Rifleman

Gene Bukys Wins it All at the 2014 Group Nationals

written by Nancy Scarbrough, photos by Bill Greene

The 2014 NBRSA Nationals will be talked about throughout the region in the months and years to come. With over 150 contenders from all over the US and a fair contingent of Canadians as well as contenders from across the pond, it was truly a momentous event. If we went by the weather two weeks prior to the match, you would have had to hold on to your hats and bring your umbrellas; typical weather for Michigan this time of year. Rains were just about every day and winds were 15-30 mph. BUT…The gods were on the side of our competitive shooters and blessed them with six days of sun, 70⁰F weather and winds 6-10mph. You could NOT have asked for better weather than that for this prestigious event. Starting out the Match on Monday with the UNL100, the morning was a bitter cold 42⁰F and winds were 6mph. Just about everyone was bundled up in coats and had a cup of coffee in hand. Jeff Gaidos walked away with a .1834 win and Mike Conry (photo at right) won the 200yds with a .2175. Winning the Unlimited Grand by a long shot was Jeff Gaidos with a .2088. Small Group went to Joel Nader with a .098 in 100yds and Jeff Thompson with a .249 in 200. In the SP100, the “AGELESS WONDER” Walt Berger came out of nowhere to win the Sporter 100 with a .1710. Ed Adams won the SP200 with a .1754 and battling over the Sporter Grand was

Wayne Campbell and Andy Shifflett, both shooting teen Grand Aggregates. Wayne Campbell was victorious with a .1907. Small groups went to Arizona’s Lester Bruno with a .064 at 100 yards and to Texan Mike Conry with a .167 at 200. The LV held double the bounty since it garnered WBC points. This worked just fine for Mark Buettgen, who won handily the LV100 with a fine .1366. Not to be left behind, Larry Costa took his turn at the LV200 and won with a nice .1593. Taking no prisoners, however, Gene Bukys mastered the LV Grand with a .1661. The small group of .062 at 100 yards was also Gene’s and Wayne Campbell took it at 200 yards with a .174. Next up was the HV100 and once again, Gene Bukys ran away with it ending on a .1304 but make way for Mark Buettgen with a .1742 to claim his victory in the HV200. Taking no chances with the WBC World Team Point standings, Gene won the HV Grand with a .1666. Hugh Williams’ .035 took small group at 100 and Canadian George Carter took small group at 200 with a .146. In the past several years, Gene Bukys has proved to be one of the most consistent shooters in benchrest. Gene

demonstrated this again at this 2014 Group Nationals by winning the TwoGun with a .1849, Three-Gun with a .1788 and Four-Gun with a .2033. Outstanding shooting Gene. Congratulations. As mentioned earlier, the gods blessed us with great weather and wind conditions. As a result, there were several possible World Records submitted for review. Categories include HV100, HV Grand, UNL100, LV100, Small Group HV100, Small Group UNL100. Good luck to those who shot the possible new World Records. On behalf of the Holton Bow and Gun Club, we would like to say congratulations to all the winners and a heartfelt thank you to all the participants for coming and supporting our club. To my crew behind the scenes I send a BIG thank you. Without them an event this size would not have been possible. Holton is looking forward to hosting more Nationals in the future. Thank you everyone. Unlimited 100-Yards Jeff Gaidos .....................0.1834 Joel Nader....................... 0.2114 Mark Buettgen .................. 0.2311 Chris Harris ...................... 0.2434 Gary Ocock ...................... 0.2473 Jack Neary ...................... 0.2473 George Lozano .................. 0.2488 Lou Murdica ..................... 0.2514 Lester Bruno .................... 0.2515 Ken Hottenstein ................ 0.2553

Unlimited 200-Yards Mike Conry ......................0.2175 Jeff Summers ................... 0.2267 Tony Boyer ...................... 0.2297 Jeff Gaidos ...................... 0.2341 Jack Neary....................... 0.2368

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman Jeff Thompson................... 0.2401 Joel Nader....................... 0.2411 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2453 Ken Hottenstein................. 0.2494 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2535

Unlimited Grand Jeff Gaidos......................0.2088 Joel Nader ....................... 0.2263 Mike Conry....................... 0.2370 Jack Neary....................... 0.2420 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2463 Mark Buettgen................... 0.2479 Ken Hottenstein................. 0.2523 George Lozano .................. 0.2575 Chris Harris...................... 0.2597 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2606

Sporter 100-Yards Walt Berger .....................0.1710 Andy Shifflett Jr................. 0.1766 Wayne Campbell ............... 0.1814 Dana English .................... 0.1828 Gene Bukys ...................... 0.1880 Lester Bruno .................... 0.1932 Charles Huckeba ............... 0.2046 Rex Reneau ...................... 0.2054 Jeff Summers ................... 0.2100 Jack Sutton ...................... 0.2102


Sporter 200-Yards Ed Adams ........................0.1754 Mark Buettgen .................. 0.1890 Wayne Campbell ............... 0.2000 Jeff Summers ................... 0.2009 Jack Sutton ...................... 0.2044 Andy Shifflett Jr................. 0.2086 Billy Stevens .................... 0.2102 Larry Scharnhorst .............. 0.2104 Tony Alexander ................. 0.2115 Gene Bukys ...................... 0.2197

Gene Bukys ...................... 0.1398 Larry Scharnhorst .............. 0.1944 Tony Boyer ...................... 0.1956 Mike Conry ...................... 0.1978 Dana English .................... 0.1996 Greg Walley ..................... 0.2096 Terry Meyer ..................... 0.2104 Ken Hottenstein ................ 0.2134 Gary Ocock ...................... 0.2136

Sporter Grand Wayne Campbell ...............0.1907 Andy Shifflett.................... 0.1926 Ed Adams......................... 0.2011 Dana English..................... 0.2038 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2039 Jeff Summers ................... 0.2055 Mark Buettgen................... 0.2071 Jack Sutton...................... 0.2073 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2160 Gary Ocock ...................... 0.2240

Light Varmint 200-Yards Larry Costa .....................0.1593 Wayne Campbell ............... 0.1598 Tony Boyer ...................... 0.1909 Gene Bukys ...................... 0.1923 Tony Alexander ................. 0.2099 Jeff Gaidos ...................... 0.2200 Ed Adams ........................ 0.2232 Gary Ocock ...................... 0.2262 Jeff Summers ................... 0.2294 Jeff Thompson .................. 0.2313 Light Varmint Grand Gene Bukys......................0.1661 Tony Boyer....................... 0.1933 Mark Buettgen................... 0.1947 Wayne Campbell................ 0.1965 Larry Costa....................... 0.2000 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2191 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2199 Mike Conry....................... 0.2256 Dana English..................... 0.2264 Bill Symons....................... 0.2307 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Gene Bukys .....................0.1304 Jeff Gaidos ...................... 0.1842 Jack Neary ...................... 0.1864 Jeff Summers ................... 0.1866 Dale Woolum .................... 0.1932 Wyatt Peinhardt ................ 0.1934 Jeff Thompson .................. 0.1968 Steve Lee ........................ 0.1990

Light Varmint 100-Yards Mark Buettgen .................0.1366


Precision Rifleman

Dwight Scott .................... 0.2142 Peter Smith ..................... 0.2142 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Mark Buettgen .................0.1742 Jack Neary ...................... 0.1867 Chris Harris ...................... 0.1925 Tony Boyer ...................... 0.1941 Gary Ocock ...................... 0.2009 Billy Stevens .................... 0.2028 Gene Bukys ...................... 0.2029 Dean Ekstrom ................... 0.2075 Lee Hachigian ................... 0.2089 George Lozano .................. 0.2111 Heavy Varmint Grand Gene Bukys .....................0.1667 Jack Neary....................... 0.1866 Chris Harris...................... 0.2094 Wyatt Peinhardt................. 0.2133 Peter Smith...................... 0.2135 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2139 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2149 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2170 Tony Boyer....................... 0.2173 Steve Theye...................... 0.2203 Two Gun (LV & SP) Gene Bukys......................0.1850 Wayne Campbell................ 0.1936 Mark Buettgen................... 0.2009 Dana English..................... 0.2151

Ed Adams......................... 0.2172 Tony Boyer....................... 0.2189 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2220 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2246 Jack Sutton...................... 0.2271 Larry Costa ...................... 0.2302 Jack Neary....................... 0.2329 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2394 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2401 Tony Alexander.................. 0.2402 Jeff Gaidos....................... 0.2431 Bob Hammack................... 0.2450 Greg Walley...................... 0.2467 Chris Harris...................... 0.2471 Bill Symons....................... 0.2475 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2492 Mike Conry....................... 0.2505 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2505 Andy Shifflett.................... 0.2520 Bill Greene....................... 0.2523 Lester Bruno..................... 0.2528 Rick Pollock...................... 0.2537 James Carstensen............... 0.2553 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2569 Ken Hottenstein................. 0.2579 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2599 Three Gun (LV, HV & SP) Gene Bukys......................0.1789 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2044

Mark Buettgen................... 0.2102 Jack Neary....................... 0.2175 Tony Boyer....................... 0.2184 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2203 Dana English..................... 0.2217 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2243 Ed Adams......................... 0.2247 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2309 Chris Harris...................... 0.2345 Tony Alexander.................. 0.2349 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2350 Jeff Gaidos....................... 0.2387 Larry Costa....................... 0.2399 Jack Sutton...................... 0.2421 Lester Bruno..................... 0.2449 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2461 Wyatt Peinhardt................. 0.2472 Rick Pollock...................... 0.2476 Bill Symons....................... 0.2478 James Carstensen............... 0.2486 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2494 Bob Hammack................... 0.2502 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2508 Andy Shifflett.................... 0.2526 George Carter................... 0.2561 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2568 Harley Baker..................... 0.2580 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2585 Four Gun Gene Bukys......................0.2033 Mark Buettgen................... 0.2196 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2225 Jack Neary....................... 0.2236 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2268 Tony Boyer....................... 0.2305 Jeff Gaidos....................... 0.2312 Dana English..................... 0.2324 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2388 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2396 Ed Adams......................... 0.2399 Chris Harris...................... 0.2408 Larry Costa....................... 0.2512 Tony Alexander.................. 0.2520 Lester Bruno..................... 0.2520 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2533 Mike Conry....................... 0.2533 James Carstensen............... 0.2560 Andy Shifflett.................... 0.2599 Ken Hottenstein................. 0.2600 Rick Pollock...................... 0.2633 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2639 Joel Nader....................... 0.2659 Bill Symons....................... 0.2667 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2672 Greg Walley...................... 0.2678 Harley Baker..................... 0.2687 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2704 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2723 Mike Ratigan..................... 0.2726

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Name Unlimited Class: Jeff Gaidos Joel Nader Mike Conry Jack Neary Gary Ocock Mark Buettgen George Lozano Chris Harris Jeff Thompson Sporter Class: Wayne Campbell Andy Shifflett Ed Adams Dana English Gene Bukys Jeff Summers Mark Buettgen Jack Sutton Billy Stevens Gary Ocock Light Varmint Class: Gene Bukys Tony Boyer Mark Buettgen Wayne Campbell Larry Costa Larry Scharnhorst Gary Ocock Mike Conry Dana English Bill Symons Heavy Varmint Class: Gene Bukys Jack Neary Chris Harris Wyatt Peinhardt Peter Smith Billy Stevens Lee Hachigian Gary Ocock Tony Boyer Steve Theye

Action Barrel

2014 Group Nationals Equipment List Stock Mfr Stocker Smith Bullet/Wt

Powder/Wt Scope/Pwr


Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein

Young n/a Conry Young Young Young Young Scarbrough Powell

Young n/a Conry Young Ocock Young Young Scarbrough Campbell

D Bruno Meyers Conry D Bruno Ocock Buettgen Ocock Harris Campbell

Gaidos/66 Nader/66 Conry/68 Bart's/68 Ocock/66 Buettgen/68 Miller/66 Hottenstein/68 JT3/68

V133/29 N133/29 8208/29 N133/29 V133 V133 LT32/28 V133 133/29

Leupold/45 Sightron/36 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 Nightforce/55 Leupold/36 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/45

Farley BAT-3L Farley BAT BAT BAT BAT Panda CST Marsh

Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Muller Bartlein Hart RB Bartlein Krieger

Borden Scarbrough Klub Scarbrough Scarbrough Leonard Leonard Six Scarbrough Bruno/McMillan

Campbell Scarbrough Adams English Scarbrough Leonard Leonard Hart RB Scarbrough Ocock

Campbell Scott Bartlein English Bukys Summer Buettgen Hart RB Stevens Ocock

Campbell Miller/65 Miller/66 Costa/68 Hottenstein/68 Summer/66 Buettgen/68 Ruby/66 Bart's/68 Ocock/66

133 LT32/29 V133/28 V133/29 V133/29 133/29 V133/30.3 H322/28 LT/29 V133

Leupold/36 March/50 Weaver/36 March/40 Leu-Bukys/56 March/40 Leupold/45 Leupold/40 Valda/36 Leupold/45


Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger

Scarbrough Scarbrough Leonard Borden Scoville Scharnhorst Bruno/McMillan Scarbrough Scarbrough Scoville

Scarbrough Scarbrough Leonard Campbell Scott Scharnhorst Ocock Scarbrough English Scoville

Bukys Scott Buettgen Campbell Costa Reneau Ocock Conry English Scott

Hottenstein/68 Lowell/68 Buettgen/68 Campbell Costa/68 n/a Ocock/66 Conry/68 Costa/68 Hottenstein/68

V133/29 N133 V133/30.3 133 133/30 LT32/30 V133 V133/29 V133/29 n/a

Leu-Bukys/56 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Leupold/36 March/50 March/60 Leupold/45 March/40 March/40 March/40


Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger Shilen Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger

Scarbrough Kelbly Scarbrough Hunter Scoville Scarbrough Scoville Bruno/McMillan Scarbrough Scarbrough

Scarbrough D Bruno Scarbrough Peinhardt Scott Scarbrough Scoville Ocock Scarbrough Scarbrough

Bukys D Bruno Harris Peinhardt Johans Stevens Scott Ocock Scott Scott

Hottenstein/68 Bart's/68 Hottenstein/68 Peinhardt/66 Mitchell/68 Bart's/68 Hottenstein/68 Ocock/66 Lowell/68 Generic

V133/29 N133 V133 LT32/28 N133/30 LT32/29 V133/29 V133 N133 133

Leu-Bukys/56 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Sightron/36 Mitchell/68 Valda/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Leupold/40 Leupold/45



Precision Rifleman

Traveling Trophy Sponsors

You may have noticed the beautiful bolivian rosewood Traveling Trophy (Plaques) that are now awarded at the Group Nationals along with a handy traveling case for each. These trophies were sponsored by some very wonderful supporters of NBRSA and ardent benchrest supporters. Please thank them when you see them for their kindness and financial backing that made these wonderful custom made pieces possible. Also, a heartfelt thank you to artisan and woodsmith, Paul Holland of Big Fork, Montana, who took the time to locate this special hardwood and hand crafted each plaque with sliding dovetails to form the appropriate width plaques. Laser-engraved rifle checkering outlines the plaque titles and NBRSA logo. Trophy sponsors are as follows:

Four Gun Shilen Rifles Three Gun Wayne Campbell Precision Rifles Two Gun BAT Machine Co Unlimited Grand Kelbly’s Inc. Unlimited 200-Yards Scott Hunter Unlimited 100-Yards Walt Berger & Berger Bullets Heavy Varmint Grand Dennis Thornbury Heavy Varmint 200-Yard March Scopes & Deon Optical Design Corp

Heavy Varmint 100-Yard Western Powders, Inc. Light Varmint Grand Lou & Connie Murdica Light Varmint 200-Yards Tom & Carolyn Libby Light Varmint 100-Yards Clay Spencer Sporter Grand Don Nielson Sporter 200-Yards John Horn Sporter 100-Yards Jim Erickson

2014 Holton Group Nationals Sponsors

NBRSA would also like to thank the supporters who donated gifts and items to this year’s Group National event. Your generosity and kindness is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

BAT Machine Bartlein Barrels Benchrite LLC Kelbly’s, Inc. Lyman Products-Butch’s Bore Shine PMA Tool Sinclair International

WBC13 USA Team A now a word from Wayne Campbell, NBRSA’s World Team Representative. Please see the attached list of the top 50 competitors to qualify for the 2015 (WBC-13) World Benchrest Championship to be held September 22-26, 2015 in St. Louis. This turned out to be quite a battle. The most impressive thing to me about this list is that in order to make the Top 12, a competitor had to

have an average finish of 14.67 and better in their respective Grands to qualify. This I believe would be the most hotly contested battle in our history. Congratulations to all... USA Team #1 Gene Bukys........................ 609 Tony Boyer........................ 600 Mark Buettgen.................... 555 Chris Harris........................ 547 USA Team #2 Lester Bruno...................... 542 Wayne Campbell................. 539 Billy Stevens...................... 539 Larry Costa........................ 532 USA Team #3 Bob Scarbrough, Jr.............. 531 Mike Ratigan...................... 528 Gary Ocock........................ 525 Jack Neary........................ 524 Placements Ranking from 13-47: Mike Conry......................... 518 Ed Adams........................... 517 Lee Hachigian..................... 515 Jeff Thompson..................... 507 Dean Ekstrom...................... 499 Tony Alexander.................... 493 Charles Huckeba.................. 491 Jeff Gaidos......................... 449 Bart Sauter......................... 445 Steve Lee........................... 444 Andy Shifflett...................... 443 Larry Scharnhorst................. 429 Joel Nader......................... 429 Bob Hamister...................... 428 Rex Reneau......................... 425 John Horn.......................... 421 Hugh Williamson.................. 414 Wyatt Pinehardt................... 410 Greg Walley........................ 409 Harley Baker....................... 398 George Lozano.................... 394 Bob Hammack..................... 393 Jim Carstensen.................... 382 Steve Theye........................ 363 Don Creach......................... 347 Jeff Graves......................... 335 Lou Murdica........................ 334 Dana English....................... 327 Joe Hargadine..................... 327 Tom Libby.......................... 325 Ted Heindselman.................. 322 Joe Krupa.......................... 321 Keith Cottrell...................... 316 Mike Bryant........................ 314 Lowell Frei......................... 301 Competitors are urged to check their point totals and contact Wayne if there are any discrepancies.

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Tri-Cities MSA

June Varmint For Score Match by Rick DeGroat

A pretty fair turn out showed up for our June Varmint for score match and for the desert part of the evergreen state the weather wasn’t too bad, not to windy, not too hot and not to much mirage until 200 yards. That’s when it got fun. Along with the fun with the conditions we had a small family feud with three generations of the Mayer family showing up, Dick Mayer his son David and his grandson Jared. Jared used to shoot with us as a teenager. Jared was a nice young man with good manners, his only fault was he liked to whoop us old men even at the young age of 13. Jared took a few years off from shooting to go to school and now at the age of 21 he came back to shoot with us. It is good to see Jared again and to see that he has grown up to be just as fine a young man that he was a few years ago. Still pleasant, polite and still likes to put a whooping to us;

Name Paul Gylling Dick Mayer Jared Mayer Tom Halecki Dan Zaccanti Mike Fowler


even beating his poor old grandpa out of second place at 100 yards. Grandpa came back to make us old guys proud by coming back at 200 yard to take second while Jared took third. Paul Gylling was the only one that could best the Mayer’s claiming first at both yardages. Welcome back Jared. . VFS 100-Yards Paul Gyilling.................... 250-18X Jared Mayer..................... 250-14X Dick Mayer...................... 249-10X Dan Zaccanti.................... 248-17X Mike Fowler..................... 248-13X VFS 200-Yards Paul Gylling......................246-4X Dick Mayer....................... 244-4X Jared Mayer...................... 241-3X Tom Halecki...................... 241-2X Glen Sampson................... 240-3X VFS Grand Aggregate Paul Gylling..................... 496-22X Dick Mayer...................... 493-14X Jared Mayer..................... 491-17X Tom Halecki..................... 488-15X Dan Zaccanti.................... 487-20X

Tri Cities MSA June VFS Match Equipment List Action Barrel Caliber Bullet/Wt Powder Primer Farley Rock Creek 30BR ERB112/34.6 H4198 Fed 205M Panda Lilja 30BR n/a H4198 Fed 205M Nesika Lilja 30BR ERB112 H4198 Fed 205M BAT Krieger 6PPC Bruno 68 N133 Fed 205M BAT Hart 30BR 112/34.5 H4198 Fed 205M Remington Krieger 308 Berger 115/33.0 H4198 BR-4

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Scope/Pwr Sightron 8x32 Sightron 8x32 Sightron 10x50 n/a Weaver/36X n/a

Gunsmith Swezey Swezey Swezey L Bruno Swezey Mar Parks


Precision Rifleman

Yellowstone Rifle Club’s Fall Group Match Richard Debick Wins the Two-Gun & HV; Rod Brown Takes LV by Ryan Lienemann, Match Director

The benchrest shooters who attended the August 23-24 Light and Heavy Varmint matches at Yellowstone Rifle Club in Billings Montana were expecting it to be hot and dry, as is typical for Billings in August. Old Mother Nature had a different plan in store for us that weekend. The high for the weekend was 58° and we got nearly 2” of rain dumped on us. It was a good thing that we had recently replaced the roof on the firing line so the shooters stayed nice and dry. The same couldn’t be said for the poor target crew however. They certainly earned their wages that weekend. Russell Cree did a great job scoring the targets, even though some of them had to be practically wrung-out before they could be measured. Considering the weather, we didn’t have too bad of a turnout with eleven shooters in the LV class on Saturday and ten on Sunday in HV. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention the 30 mph wind gusts that frequented the range throughout the match. Despite the poor conditions, everyone was in good spirits and we had a good match to finish up the 2014 benchrest season at the YRC. Richard Debick started the weekend off by winning the LV100 match with a .2546 aggregate. His .161 in match 1 and .179 in match 5 gave him the edge he was looking for. In fact, Richard’s .161 in the first match ended up winning him the LV100 small group award. Jane DeWiss came in second with a .2806 aggregate and was followed by Roger Schuppe in third with a .2936. After a warm lunch and a little drying off time, we all got our rain gear back on and moved our flags in preparation of the afternoon LV200 match. The wind and rain was tough that afternoon, but Rodney Brown was up for the challenge and ended up with a first place win for his efforts resulting in a .4776 aggregate. Richard Debick was still holding his own and finished with a .5516 that earned him the second place trophy. Roger Schuppe took third with a .6508 and Richard Debick claimed the LV200 small group award

with a .391 in match 3, which was some pretty darn good shooting considering there were only two competitors fired groups in match 3 that measured less than one inch. At the end of the day, the LV grand aggregates were tallied and Rodney Brown’s 200-yard win bumped him up to the top of the board with a .3989. Richard Debick took home the second place trophy with a .4031 and Roger Schuppe’s .4722 agg earned him third place. The top five was rounded out by Jack Foster, who shot a .5725 and Dave Hellekson with a .5919. We returned to the range on Sunday morning to commence with the HV200 match. The conditions were opposite of how we had left them the night before – more rain and less wind. Jack Foster came out of the gate with an early lead and never dropped out of first throughout the match. He ended up with a .3056 aggregate that no one else was able to come close. Second place went to Richard Debick with his .3704 posting. Rodney Brown came in third with a .3961 agg. Not surprisingly, Jack Foster also won the HV200 small group award with a .500 in match 3. We took a short break for another warm lunch and then the HV100 match got underway to finish out the weekend. Jack Foster was in the lead again after the first match, but from there on out Roger Schuppe took over and ended up winning first place with his .2318 agg. Roger shot a nice .170 in match 3, which also gave him the HV100 small group award. Richard Debick came in second with a .2752 and Rodney Brown took third with a .3546.

When it was all said and done, Richard Debick came out on top in the HV grand with a first place total of .3228. Roger Schuppe’s 100-yard win moved him up to second place in the grand with a .3281 and Jack Foster finished with a .3348 that was good for third. Finishing out the top five were Rodney Brown with a .3753 and Bob Lunder with a .4095. In the two-gun, Richard Debick’s numbers averaged the least and he was awarded the first place trophy for his .3629 aggregate. Rodney Brown was second overall with a .3871 and Roger Schuppe came in third place with a .4002. Jack Foster was fourth with his .4536 and Bob Lunder was fifth with a .5023. I want to congratulate the winners and thank all of the competitors for coming and sticking it out through the tough weather. I also want to give a big thanks to my wife Ginger for keeping us all fed and also for running the target crew along with Hailey Anderson and my two sons Kyle and Tyler. A big thanks also goes out to Russell Cree for doing such a fine job of scoring the targets. Light Varmint 100-Yards Richard Debick.................0.2546 Mary Jane DeWees.............. 0.2806 Roger Schuppe................... 0.2936 Rodney Brown................... 0.3202 Jack Foster....................... 0.3932 Dennis Prendergast............. 0.3990 Bob Lunder....................... 0.4136 Dave Hellekson.................. 0.4172 Mike Dockstader................. 0.4224 Paul Holland..................... 0.4570 Light Varmint 200-Yards Rodney Brown..................0.4776 Richard Debick.................. 0.5516

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman Roger Schuppe................... 0.6508 Jack Foster....................... 0.7518 Dave Hellekson.................. 0.7667 Bob Lunder....................... 0.7765 Mary Jane DeWees.............. 0.9341 Dennis Prendergast............. 1.3167 Paul Holland..................... 1.4863 Mike Dockstader................. 1.6006 Light Varmint Grand Rodney Brown..................0.3989 Richard Debick.................. 0.4031 Roger Schuppe................... 0.4722 Jack Foster....................... 0.5725 Dave Hellekson.................. 0.5919 Bob Lunder....................... 0.5950 Mary Jane DeWees.............. 0.6073 Dennis Prendergast............. 0.8578 Paul Holland..................... 0.9717 Mike Dockstader................. 1.0115 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Roger Schuppe..................0.2318 Richard Debick.................. 0.2752 Rodney Brown................... 0.3546 Jack Foster....................... 0.3640 Bob Lunder....................... 0.3750 Richard Lynn..................... 0.4176 Ryan Lienemann................. 0.4380 Paul Holland..................... 0.4506 Dennis Prendergast............. 0.4742 Mike Dockstader................. 0.6470 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jack Foster......................0.3056 Richard Debick.................. 0.3704 Rodney Brown................... 0.3961 Roger Schuppe................... 0.4244 Ryan Lienemann................. 0.4411

Bob Lunder....................... 0.4441 Dennis Prendergast............. 0.5590 Richard Lynn..................... 0.6303 Mike Dockstader................. 0.6850 Paul Holland..................... 0.8807 Heavy Varmint Grand Richard Debick.................0.3228 Roger Schuppe................... 0.3281 Jack Foster....................... 0.3348 Rodney Brown................... 0.3753 Bob Lunder....................... 0.4095 Ryan Lienemann................. 0.4395 Dennis Prendergast............. 0.5166


Richard Lynn..................... 0.5239 Paul Holland..................... 0.6657 Mike Dockstader................. 0.6660 Two Gun Richard Debick.................0.3629 Rodney Brown................... 0.3871 Roger Schuppe................... 0.4002 Jack Foster....................... 0.4536 Bob Lunder....................... 0.5023 Dennis Prendergast............. 0.6872 Paul Holland..................... 0.8187 Mike Dockstader................. 0.8388

Yellowstone Rifle Club August Match Equipment List Heavy Varmint: Competitor Name Richard Debick Roger Schuppe Jack Foster Rodney Brown Bob Lunder Ryan Lienemann Dennis Prendergast Richard Lynn Paul Holland Light Varmint: Rodney Brown Richard Debick Roger Schuppe Jack Foster Dave Hellekson Bob Lunder Mary Jane DeWees Dennis Prendergast Paul Holland Ryan Lienemann


Action Scope


Gunsmith Stocker Primer





BAT Stolle Viper BAT Nesika Sako Stolle Stolle BAT

Leupold Leupold Leup/Brack Leupold Nightforce Leupold Nightforce Nightforce Nightforce

Krieger Bartlein Krieger Bartlein n/a Hart Bartlein Shilen Bartlein

Bruno Seelye Self Leider n/a Berger Self Kelbly Dowling

Self Seelye Self Dickson n/a Berger Self Self n/a

FED FED 205 Wolf FED 205 FED FED 205M FED FED 205M n/a

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

N133/28.0 n/a LT-32/28.0 LT-32/27.1 N133/28.0 LT-32/28.0 LT-32 N133/28.5 N133

Barts 68 RLS Gentner BT Carpenter Barts 68 Barts Ultra 68 65 W-W Barts 65 Hottenstein


BAT BAT Stolle Cobra Stolle Nesika Panda Stolle BAT Sako

Leupold Leupold Leupold Leup/Brack Leupold Nightforce Leupold Nightforce Leupold Leupold

Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger n/a Shilen Bartlein Bartlein Hart

Leider Bruno Seelye Self Self n/a Goodling Self Dowling Berger

Dickson FED 205 Self FED 205 Seelye FED 205 Self Wolf Self FED n/a FED Goodling FED Self FED n/a n/a Berger FED 205M

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

LT-32/27.1 N133/28.0 n/a LT-32/27.6 n/a N133/28.0 8208/29.3 LT-32 N133 LT-32/28.0

Carpenter Barts 68 RLS Gentner BT RLS Barts 68 Barts Ultra 65 W-W Hottenstein Barts Ultra 68


Precision Rifleman

Midland Shooters Association Hosts the

BUFFALO CLASSIC 2014 August 30th and 31st, 2014

Twenty-eight shooters converged on Midland this Labor Day weekend to renew old friendships and test their skills at the bench, hoping for nice shooting conditions. Well, the mornings were somewhat nice, and the afternoons were somewhat testy, your normal Midland conditions for this time of year. Saturday morning, Gene Bukys showed the rest of us how it’s done, easily winning the L.V. 100 with a .1648 agg. Mike Conry (.2066) and Charles Huckeba (.2112) were second and third respectively, with Gene Bukys also shooting the small group, a tiny .090. After a short break for lunch, all of us returned to the line to vie for top honors in the H.V.100. Larry Baggett proceeded to beat us all, winning the H.V.100 with a .2228 aggregate. B.G. Lott (.2350) and Charles Huckeba (.2604) were second and third in the agg. Did I mention that Ken Terrell shot the small group for the yardage, a nice .093? Sunday morning, we started off with the H.V.200. Ken Terrell shot really steady, winning the aggregate with a .2008. Gene Bukys was second with a .2151 and Larry Baggett was third, .2392. New Shooter Scott Haywood shot the small group for the yardage, a .280. Needless to say, Scott sure was a happy guy, way to go!! After giving the wind a chance to pick up some, we shot the L.V.200. Charles Huckeba won the yardage shooting a .2730 aggregate. Larry Baggett was second,.2769 and coming in third was Mike Conry, .3158. Larry also shot the small group, a .245!! Charles Huckeba won the L.V. grand with a .2421 aggregate. Larry Baggett was second,.2517, Gene Bukys was third,.2558, Mike Conry was fourth,.2612 and B.G. Lott rounded out the top five,.302. Larry Baggett won the H.V.

grand, .2310, Gene Bukys was second,.2412, Ken Terrell was third,.2504, Charles Huckeba was fourth,.2720 and Rick Ellison was fifth with a .2926 agg. After the dust cleared, fights were settled and bribes were paid, Larry Baggett came out on top in the Two-Gun with a .2414 aggregate. Congratulations Larry! Gene Bukys was second, .2485, Charles Huckeba was third,.2571, Mike Conry was fourth,.2843 and B.G. Lott was fifth,.3098. As this was the last group match for 2014 in the Gulf Coast Region, tabulations for this region’s shooter of the year could be made. Coming out on top (again!) for the honor of being crowned Gulf Coast Region Shooter of the Year was Gary Bristow with 593 points. The rest of the top ten are as follows in order, Chrales Huckeba, Larry Baggett, Dickie Pustejovsky, Gene Bukys, Tommy Long, John Horn, Scott Hunter, Mike Conry and Gary Walters. Thanks to all the folks that helped to make this such a fun, well run match, especially the OlympicClass target crew who were soooo good the they also handled the food preparation and clean-up, and still had time to visit to their hearts’ content, along with all the guys that helped to set up and tear down the target frames! We sure hope to see all of ya’ll next year. Light Varmint 100-Yards Gene Bukys......................0.1648 Mike Conry....................... 0.2066 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2112 BG Lott........................... 0.2234 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2266 Steve Murphy.................... 0.2298 Tommy Long..................... 0.2678 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.2704 Aaron French.................... 0.2738 Gary Bristow..................... 0.2800 Small Group Gene Bukys........................ 0.090 Light Varmint 200-Yards

Charles Huckeba...............0.2730 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2769 Mike Conry....................... 0.3158 Gene Bukys....................... 0.3469 Roy Damron...................... 0.3692 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3761 BG Lott........................... 0.3805 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3980 Kenneth Terrell.................. 0.3989 Aaron French.................... 0.4156 Small Group Larry Baggett..................... 0.245 Light Varmint Grand Charles Huckeba...............0.2421 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2517 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2558 Mike Conry....................... 0.2612 BG Lott........................... 0.3020 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3029 Roy Damron...................... 0.3290 Aaron French.................... 0.3447 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3685 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3701 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Larry Baggett...................0.2228 BG Lott........................... 0.2350 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2604 Rick Ellison....................... 0.2616 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2674 Ron Sewell....................... 0.2770 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2926 Kenneth Terrell.................. 0.3000 Mike Conry....................... 0.3022 Roy Damron...................... 0.3042 Small Group Kenneth Terrell................... 0.093 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Kenneth Terrell.................0.2008 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2151 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2392 Gary Bristow..................... 0.2819 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2836 Roy Damron...................... 0.3123 Mike Conry....................... 0.3125 Mike McWhorter................. 0.3191 Rick Ellison....................... 0.3236 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3338 Small Group Scott Haywood................... 0.280 Heavy Varmint Grand Larry Baggett...................0.2310 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2412 Kenneth Terrell.................. 0.2504

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman Charles Huckeba................ 0.2720 Rick Ellison....................... 0.2926 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3054 Mike Conry....................... 0.3073 Roy Damron...................... 0.3082 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3100 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.3164 Two Gun Larry Baggett...................0.2414 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2485 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2571 Mike Conry....................... 0.2843

BG Lott........................... 0.3098 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3136 Roy Damron...................... 0.3186 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3392 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.3435 Rick Ellison....................... 0.3524 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3613 Aaron French.................... 0.3621 Rusty Morman.................... 0.3764 Tommy Long..................... 0.3802 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3838 Mark Hatfield.................... 0.3860


Britt Robinson................... 0.3950 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.3959 Ron Sewell....................... 0.4004 Scott Haywood.................. 0.4034 BF Pustejovsky.................. 0.4254 Lynn Gibson...................... 0.4371 Michael McWhorter............. 0.4587 Ron Lax........................... 0.4961 Joe Kubon........................ 0.5050 Amanda Lax...................... 0.5920 Tom Brown....................... 0.5997

2014 Buffalo Classic Equipment List Light Varmint: Shooter C Huckeba L Baggett G Bukys M Conry BG Lott Heavy Varmint: L Baggett G Bukys K Terrell C Huckeba R Ellison

Cartridge 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC

Action BAT BAT BAT Conry Stolle

Scope March Weaver Leu/Bukys March Leupold

Barrel Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger

Gunsmith Self Baggett Bukys Self K Whitman

Stocker Scoville Scoville Scoville Scarbrough Six

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Powder V133 8208 133 8208 133

Bullet Primer 67BT 205 Baggett BT 205 Self 68 205 67BT 205 Cheek 205



Weaver Leu/Bukys Leupold March Leupold

Krieger Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Krieger

Self Self Scott Self Self

Kelbly Scoville Scoville Scoville McMillan

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

8208 133 133 133 133

Baggett BT Bukys 68 Baggett 67 BT Berger

205 205 205 205 205


Precision Rifleman

2014-2015 NBRSA Registered Matches SOUTHWEST REGION Dec 6-7



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona Invitational Unlimited

Dec 13



Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest

Dec 28



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Jan 3-4 2015



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Southwest Regional Leg 1

Feb 7-8



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Southwest Regional Leg 2

Feb 8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Feb 21-22



Visalia Sportsman Assn

Mar 7-8



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Mar 7-8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Club Championship

Mar 14-15



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Berger Cactus Classic

Apr 4



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Long Range Benchrest Match

Apr 11-12



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Season Ender

Apr 12



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Apr 18-19



Visalia Sportsman Assn

May 2



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Glitter Gulch

May 2-3



Central Utah Benchrest Utah State Championship Leg 1

May 2-3



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

May 10



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

May 16-17



Visalia Sportsman Assn

June 6



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Silver State Shoot-Out

June 6-7



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

June 14



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

June 20-21



Visalia Sportsman Assn California State Championship #1

July 4-5



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Sloughhouse 200

July 12



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Aug 1-2



Central Utah Benchrest Utah State Championship Leg 2

Aug 1-2



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Aug 9



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Aug 29-30



Visalia Sportsman Assn California State Championship #2

Sept 13



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Nevada State Championship

Oct 3



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Short Range VFS Championship

Oct 3-4



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Oct 3-4



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 1

Oct 11



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Turkey Shoot

Oct 17-18



Visalia Sportsman Assn California Unlimited Invitational

Nov 7-8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club SW Regional Championship

Nov 7-8



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 2

Nov 7-8



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Dec 5



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Long Range Benchrest Match

Dec 5-6



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona Invitational

Dec 13



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club




Bench Rest Rifle Club St Louis 2015 Group Nationals

Sept 22-26



Bench Rest Rifle Club St Louis WBC-13



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December, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Attention Match Directors! It’s time to begin making arrangements for 2015 Registered Matches at your club. If you need any forms, please contact the Business Office or check for a Memorandum of Agreement online at Remember to have your Regional Director sign this form and the Director will send the signed copies to the Business Office. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the NBRSA Business Office or your friendly Regional Director. Thank you in advance for your assistance in promoting benchrest.



Precision Rifleman

Boone Valley Ikes’ Iowa State Score Championship by Ronnie Berg We had a good turnout for our State Two Gun Score Championship held June 28-29, 2014. Fourteen Hunter shooters put there skills to the test for the Iowa State Hunter Championship. On Saturday we shot 100-yards and first place went to Neil Bickley, second was Craig Nagel, and third Wade Hunnewell. Moving on to 200 yards, the winner was Wade Hunnewell. Second was Randy Robinett (25 cal) and third place went to Terry Meyer (6PPC). Top three in the Hunter Grand were Wade Hunnewell, Neil Bickley held second and third went to Randy Robinett (25 cal). We also shot VFS on Saturday for shooters that don’t have a Hunter gun. There were eleven VFS shooters in that match. At 100-yards, Brett Stiner took a first place finish with Dave Brooks second and Ron Miller third. Competing at 200 yards and taking first was Thomas Gollob. Second was Russ Stiner and third place went to Dave Brooks. Saturday’s VFS Grand winner was Thomas Gollob, holding second was Dave Brooks and in third was Bevan Everett. On Sunday we had twenty-six shooters to contest the Iowa State VFS Championship. Here’s how the 100 yard event came down; in first place was Wade Hunnewell, second went to Terry Meyer and third was Ron Miller. There

were ten 250’s shot at 100 yards. Now at 200 yard VFS, first went to Richard Hunnewell, Craig Nagel placed second and Randy Robinett held third. For the Iowa State VFS Grand Agg, Craig Nagel placed first and Richard Hunnewell was second. Randy Robinett (25 cal.) rounded out the top three. Fourteen shooters vied for the Iowa State Two Gun Championship. Top Five placements were Randy (25 cal) Robinett second was Craig Nagel, third place went to Wade Hunnewell, fourth was Neil Bickley and Richard Hunnewell held fifth position. The results are all posted here for you to view. We were very lucky with the weather, soon after we all left the range Sunday afternoon Webster City had in excess of 3” rain dumped. I would like to thank everyone who came to support us and all who helped with the match. We would be lost without our target crew. Be safe and shoot well. Varmint for Score June 28th 100-Yards Brett Stiner..................... 250-18X Dave Brooks......................250-15X Ron Miller........................250-13X Bevan Everett...................250-13X Thomas Gollob..................250-10X Jason Meyer......................249-12X Kevin Moelke..................... 249-7X

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Greg Swezey

Paul Whitmore................... 248-9X Russ Stiner....................... 248-9X William VanOsdel............... 247-9X 200-Yards Thomas Gollob..................247-8X Russ Stiner....................... 247-4X Dave Brooks...................... 246-4X Bevan Everett................... 246-4X Jason Meyer...................... 245-3X Brett Stiner...................... 244-5X Paul Whitmore................... 244-2X Kevin Moelke..................... 242-2X Ron Miller........................ 241-1X William VanOsdel............... 240-6X Grand Aggregate Thomas Gollob................. 497-18X Dave Brooks..................... 496-19X Bevan Everett.................. 496-17X Russ Stiner...................... 495-13X Brett Stiner..................... 494-23X Jason Meyer..................... 494-15X Paul Whitmore.................. 492-11X Ron Miller....................... 491-14X Kevin Moelke..................... 491-9X William VanOsdel.............. 487-15X Hunter Class June 28th 100-Yards Neil Bickley..................... 250-11X Craig Nagel...................... 250-10X Wade Hunnewell............... 249-14X Randy Robinett.................. 249-8X Don Crunk........................ 248-8X Mike Bigelow.................... 247-13X Richard Hunnewell............. 247-12X Bruce Hansen................... 246-10X Jason Stanley.................... 246-9X James Lederer.................. 245-11X Mark Thompson.................. 245-7X Terry Meyer...................... 244-9X Steve Grosvenor................. 244-4X Dean Walther.................... 242-5X 200-Yards Wade Hunnewell...............244-3X Randy Robinett.................. 244-2X Terry Meyer...................... 244-1X Dean Walther.................... 244-1X Neil Bickley...................... 243-5X Craig Nagel....................... 242-6X Bruce Hansen.................... 242-2X Richard Hunnewell.............. 240-5X Don Crunk........................ 239-2X Mike Bigelow..................... 237-3X James Lederer................... 237-3X Jason Stanley.................... 237-2X Steve Grosvenor................. 236-3X Mark Thompson.................. 231-1X

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman Grand Aggregate Wade Hunnewell.............. 493-17X Neil Bickley..................... 493-16X Randy Robinett................. 493-10X Craig Nagel...................... 492-16X Bruce Hansen................... 488-12X Terry Meyer..................... 488-10X Richard Hunnewell............. 487-17X Don Crunk....................... 487-10X Dean Walther.................... 486-6X Mike Bigelow.................... 484-16X Jason Stanley................... 483-11X James Lederer.................. 482-14X Steve Grosvenor................. 480-7X Mark Thompson.................. 476-8X Iowa State VFS Championship June 29th 100-Yards Wade Hunnewell.............. 250-19X Terry Meyer..................... 250-16X Ron. Miller...................... 250-16X Dean Walther................... 250-15X Dan Williams.................... 250-15X Randy Robinett................. 250-14X Neil Bickley..................... 250-13X Russ Stiner...................... 250-12X Jason Stanley................... 250-12X Paul Whitmore.................. 250-11X

200-Yards Richard Hunnewell............249-6X Craig Nagel....................... 249-4X Randy Robinett.................. 248-1X Brett Stiner...................... 247-8X Dan Williams..................... 247-6X James Lederer................... 246-6X Wade Hunnewell................ 246-1X Neil Bickley...................... 245-8X Jason Meyer...................... 245-6X Ron Miller........................ 245-5X Grand Aggregate Craig Nagel..................... 498-18X Richard Hunnewell............. 498-18X Randy Robinett................. 498-15X Dan Williams.................... 497-21X Brett Stiner..................... 496-24X Wade Hunnewell............... 496-20X Ron Miller....................... 495-21X Neil Bickley..................... 495-21X James Lederer.................. 495-17X Dean Walther................... 495-16X Jason Stanley................... 494-16X Mike Bigelow.................... 493-15X Thomas Gollob................. 492-17X Jason Meyer..................... 492-17X Russ Stiner...................... 492-15X


Don Crunk....................... 492-10X William VanOsdel.............. 491-10X Steve Grosvenor................ 490-15X Paul Whitmore.................. 490-14X Terry Meyer..................... 489-17X Dave Brooks..................... 489-11X Kevin Moelke.................... 488-14X Mark Thompson................. 488-11X Zach Miller....................... 484-9X Bruce Hansen................... 483-17X Jim Franzen...................... 481-7X Iowa State Two Gun Randy Robinett................ 991-25X Craig Nagel...................... 990-34X Wade Hunnewell............... 989-37X Neil Bickley..................... 988-37X Richard Hunnewell............. 985-35X Dean Walther................... 981-22X Don Crunk....................... 979-20X Mike Bigelow.................... 977-31X James Lederer.................. 977-31X Terry Meyer..................... 977-27X Jason Stanley................... 977-27X Bruce Hansen................... 971-29X Steve Grosvenor................ 970-22X Mark Thompson................. 964-19X

Boone Valley Ikes July Score Match Equipment List

Class Name

Caliber Action Trigger Barrel











Mike Bigelow Richard Hunnewell Brett Stiner Randy Robinett Bruce Hansen Dean Walther Mark Thompson Paul Whitmore Steve Grosvenor Ron Miller Zach Miller Neil Bickley Terry Meyer Wade Hunnewell Russ Stiner Craig Nagel Don Crunk Kevin Moelke Dave Brooks Jason Stanley Bevan Everett James Lederer Jason Meyer

30X47 30x47 30BR 25x47 30X47 30X47 30X47 6PPC 30WWP 6PPC 6PPC 30X47 6PPC 30X47 30BR 30X47 30X44 30BR 6PPC 30X47 30BR 30BR 6PPC

Stiller Nesika Bat Bat Stolle Stiller Kelbly Stiller Rem RFD RFD Borden Rattler Nesika Bat Kodiak Grizzly Bat Bat Bat Bat Stiller Stolle

Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Timney Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Timney Jewell

Rock Kreiger Lilja Bartlein MWB Pac Nor n/a Shilon Kreiger Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Kreiger Kreiger Lilja MWB Kreiger Kreiger Bartlein Kreiger Kreiger Lederer Bart

Self SGR Stiner T.Meyer CJ Customs Bigelow S.Hansen Bigelow Ware Self R.Miller BIRDEB T.Meyer SGR Stiner CJ Custom Davis Wahlstrom Miller Bigelow R.Long Lederer Meyer

McMillan Speedy Robertson Lee 6 Lee 6 Kelbly McMillan McMillan Kelbly Borden Borden McMillan McMillan McMillan Kelbly Lee 6 Kelbly Kelbly Schoville Kelbly Borden McMillan McMillan

Self SGR Stiner Self REO Bigelow n/a Bigelow Self Self R.Miller Borden Bigelow REO Stiner REO n/a n/a Brooks Bigelow n/a Lederer n/a

Burris/6 Weaver/6 Leupold/45 Burris/6 Lyman/6 Leupold/6 Weaver/6 Leupold/36 Sightron/6 n/a n/a Leupold/6 Leupold/6 Weaver/6 Leupold/45 Weaver/6 Burris/6 n/a Leupold/45 Burris/6 Leupold/45 Weaver/6 n/a

Bigelow 10X BIB BIB 10X BIB n/a BIB Self Generic Generic BIB Meyer 10X BIB BIB 10X n/a Bart BIB BIB BIB Meyer

114 10X 118 110 10X 118 112 67 117 66 66 118 68 115 118 112 115 118 68 118 118 118 68

N-135 N-135 H-4198 IMR4007 N-135 N-135 VV-135 N-133 n/a 8208 8208 N-135 N-133 N-135 H-4198 N-135 B-Mark n/a LT-32 N-135 H-4198 n/a N-133

42,2 43.2 34.8 n/a 42.2 42.6 n/a 28 38.2 28 28 41.5 n/a 43 34.8 42.5 n/a 34.6 n/a 42.5 33.6 n/a n/a

Fed Fed Fed CCI Fed Fed Fed CCI CCI Fed Fed Fed Win Fed Fed CCI Fed Fed CCI CCI Fed CCI Fed


Mike Bigelow Richard Hunnewell Brett Stiner Randy Robinett Bruce Hansen Dean Walther Mark Thompson Paul Whitmore Steve Grosvenor Ron Miller Zach Miller Neil Bickley

30BR 30BR 30BR 25BR 30BR 30BR 6PPC 6PPC 30BRX 6PPC 6PPC 30BR

Stiller Borden Bat Borden Rem Bat n/a Stiller Borden RFD RFD Panda

Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Timney Jewel Jewel Jewel

Kreiger Bartlein Lilja Broughton Pac Nor Broughton n/a Shilon Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Panda

NightForce NightForce/55 Leupold/45 Leupold/40 Leupold/36 NightForce Leupold/36 Leupold/36 Sightron/36 n/a n/a Leupold/45

Bigelow 10X BIB BIB 10X BIB n/a BIB Self Generic Generic BIB

112 115 118 88BT 115 118 68 67 117 66 66 118

H-4198 H-4198 H-4198 3032 H-4198 H-4198 W-133 N-133 n/a 8208 8208 T-2000

34.7 35.2 34.8 n/a 34 34.2 n/a 28 37 28 28 32.5

Fed Fed Fed CCI Fed Fed BR4 CCI CCI Fed Fed Fed

SCORE Equipment List VFS Bigelow SGR Stiner H.Rivers REO Bigelow S.Hansen Bigelow Ware Self R.Miller n/a

Borden McMillan Robertson Shehane Lee 6 McMillan McMillan McMillan Robertson Borden Borden McMillan

Bigelow SGR Stiner Self REO Bigelow n/a Bigelow Self Self R.Miller n/a


Precision Rifleman

Casper Score Shooters Tournament Results, Following are the results from the July score shooting match held in Casper, Wyoming. There were twelve hunter and fifteen VFS shooters in attendance. In Hunter class, there was a tie for most X’s at 100-yards between Russell Cree and Durwood Hansen. Each had 13. At 200 it was Tim Naugle with 6. Leonard Hensley took the win in the Hunter 100 and Grand Aggregate with Dean Thomas winning the 200-yard competition. In VFS Leonard again won the 100-yard aggregate and tied with Jack Foster for the most X’s with 17 a piece. At 200, Durwood Hansen took first place but Leonard held on to most X’s with 11. In the VFS Grand, Tim Naugle won with Durwood holding second and Leonard Hensley in third. The results follow and thank you to everyone for attending our match. Hunter Benchrest 100-Yards Leonard Hensley.............. 250-10X Durwood Hansen............... 249-13X Russell Cree..................... 249-13X Rick Carpenter................. 249-11X Ryan Lienemann................. 249-5X Gary Evans...................... 247-10X Tim Naugle....................... 247-9X Jack Foster....................... 247-7X Jerry Schilling.................. 246-11X Dean Thomas.................... 246-3X Raymond Becker............... 244-12X Welden Yoder.................... 242-7X 200-Yards Dean Thomas....................246-3X Tim Naugle....................... 244-6X Jack Foster....................... 244-2X Leonard Hensley................ 242-4X Gary Evans....................... 241-3X Welden Yoder.................... 241-1X Rich Carpenter.................. 239-4X Russell Cree...................... 239-1X Raymond Becker................ 237-4X Ryan Lienemann................ 237-10X Durwood Hansen............... 235-11X Jerry Schilling................... 228-1X Hunter Grand Leonard Hensley.............. 492-14X Dean Thomas.................... 492-6X Tim Naugle...................... 491-15X Jack Foster....................... 491-9X Rich Carpenter................. 488-15X Russell Cree..................... 488-14X Gary Evans...................... 488-13X

Ryan Lienemann................. 486-6X Durwood Hansen............... 484-13X Welden Yoder.................... 483-8X Raymond Becker............... 481-16X Jerry Schilling.................. 474-12X Varmint For Score 100-Yards Leonard Hensley.............. 250-17X Jack Foster...................... 250-17X Tim Naugle...................... 250-14X Rich Carpenter................. 250-12X Russell Cree..................... 249-13X Ryan Lienemann................ 249-13X Ron Powell...................... 249-13X Welden Yoder................... 249-11X Durwood Hansen............... 249-10X Raymond Becker............... 247-12X Norm Wills....................... 247-5X Dean Thomas................... 246-12X Gary Evans...................... 246-11X Jerry Schilling................... 245-8X Billy Mills......................... 240-6X 200-Yards Durwood Hansen...............250-3X Dean Thomas.................... 249-7X Tim Naugle....................... 249-5X Leonard Hensley............... 248-11X

by Tim Naugle

Rich Carpenter.................. 248-6X Gary Evans....................... 248-3X Jerry Schilling................... 248-2X Russell Cree...................... 247-7X Ron Powell...................... 245-10X Jack Foster....................... 244-7X Welden Yoder.................... 244-3X Ryan Lienemann................. 243-4X Raymond Becker................ 242-3X Norm Wills....................... 240-2X Billy Mills......................... 238-1X VFS Grand Aggregate Tim Naugle..................... 499-19X Durwood Hansen............... 499-13X Leonard Hensley............... 498-28X Rich Carpenter................. 498-18X Russell Cree..................... 496-20X Dean Thomas................... 495-19X Jack Foster...................... 494-24X Ron Powell...................... 494-23X Gary Evans...................... 494-14X Welden Yoder................... 493-14X Jerry Schilling.................. 493-10X Ryan Lienemann................ 492-17X Raymond Becker............... 489-15X Norm Wills....................... 487-7X Billy Mills......................... 478-7X

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman NBRSA 2014 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Saturday, September 14, 2014 The annual meeting of the NBRSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Dennis Thornbury at 9:20am on Saturday, September 20, 2014 at the North Shores Library in Muskegon, Michigan. In attendance: Dennis Thornbury, President Don Nielson, Vice President John Horn, Financial Officer Audrey Brown, Board Secretary Jack Neary, Eastern Regional Director Scott Hunter, Gulf Coast Director Butch Fjoser, Mid-Continent Director Bud Mundy, Mississippi Valley Director Terry Meyer, North Central Director Wayne Campbell, Southeast Director & International Representative Dan Zaccanti, Northwest Director Tom Libby, Southwest Director Gene Bukys, World Records Chairman David Halblom, Score Records Chairman RE: Gene Bukys, World Records Report: Mr Bukys asked to post committee forms on the NBRSA website. He will send these forms to the Business Manager who will then post them online. He stated he has three groups of targets that have been submitted and that it has been a slow year for group world record submissions. RE: David Halblom, Score Records: Mr Halblom stated it was a slow year for score world record submissions as well. There had been three records submitted for consideration. He submitted a match statistics report which displayed the shooter days including the 2014 Score Nationals attendance. He said score shooting is growing quickly but small in comparison to the overall match attendance. He suggested the Board begin referring to the “HTR/VFS Nationals” as the “Score Nationals” to demonstrate that it is one national event with two entities; a long and short range format. He said that words are important especially for the general public so they understand what we are doing. RE: Wayne Campbell, WBC-13 Review: Mr Campbell said there is not much going on presently and that Scott Pieper (from Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis) has things under control and is very detail oriented. Mr Campbell

said the point totals are set. At present, the top 30-35 group shooters are still in the running. One question he has is since the 2015 NBRSA Group Nationals will be held one week prior to the WBC13, international participants are asking whether they must pay the full $120 to participate in the NBRSA Group Nationals and would the Board consider waiving the membership fee? After Board discussion, Mr Meyer made a motion to charge the US fee $60 with no magazine subscription for these international participants. They can opt to pay for full membership of $120 if they want to subscribe to the magazine. Motion seconded by Mr Libby and approved unanimously. RE: John Horn, Target Report: Mr Horn said NBRSA has sufficient target paper quantities on hand for 2014 but in 2015 the inventory levels will need to be reviewed. He said the Board can defer a decision until 2015 at which time he feels they will probably convert to purchase as needed. Mr Libby suggested gathering a few shooters to test target paper options and report back to the Board on their findings. Mr Libby asked Mr Meyer to look further into the target paper options along with Mr Bukys. Mr Mundy said he foresaw two problems with the targets; how they are cut and the fuzzy rings. Mr Neary said how the paper responds in rain is also an issue. Mr Meyer said the reprocessed paper will be absorbent but a shellac coating will help to slow this process down. The clarity of the lines is determined in the printing process. Discussion ensued about shipping costs, vendor selection and paper quality. RE: John Horn, Financial Report: Mr Horn reviewed the Profit & Loss Statement. He said there is a new shooter in Texas, Matt Harris, who is a CPA and has reviewed the NBRSA books at no charge. Mr Horn said one problem is that the organization has dropped sixty members this year which affects revenue; however, shooter attendance at matches has increased, which is encouraging. Advertising revenues and percentages is the same as last year. Trophies and awards are up substantially. Payroll is the same as last year. He said the CPA projects a net income of $6000 for 2014. Mr Horn said we have stopped the financial losses but


need to gain more members. Mr Mundy noted expenses in trophies and awards increased due to the onetime purchase of group national traveling plaques. These plaques were sponsored to replace the traveling trophies which are now housed at Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis. Sponsorship donations were reported as income. Mr Horn said the Balance Sheet Assets were up and Liabilities are primarily payroll taxes. He said there is nothing wrong with the finances that 500 new members would not fix. RE: Audrey Brown,Business Report: Mrs Brown had passed out company information, national event attendance historical and membership data for Board review. The Board requested a format change in the monthly membership renewals to include only active and non-Renewal members in their report. The Board also asked to have a cell phone app which reveals current NBRSA individual membership status. Mrs Brown said she will ask Mr Brown, NBRSA’s technical advisor to do this. The Board requested the Manager to email Membership Contact Information quarterly to the Regional Directors which should include member addresses, phone and email. Mrs Brown reviewed attendance levels at different national events; LR Varmint Nationals had 10 participants for the last 2 years; LR Nationals had 38/39 participants. She inquired whether the title of “National” event should apply when numbers are so low and the Board felt the title was not delegated based on attendance levels. Mr Libby displayed a certificate to be designed by Mrs Brown that can be accessed online and allow match directors to personalize a certificate and save money in club event recognition. Club delinquencies and target inventory levels were discussed. RE: Scott Hunter, Rulebook Committee: Mr Hunter said printer issues caused lengthy delays and eventually the printer vendor was changed. Mr Hunter reviewed the revisions to the rulebook and bylaws. RE: Score Rules Discrepancies: Mr Mundy and Mr Meyer will pursue resolving these. Mr Meyer made a motion to table the Score Rules for two weeks pending re-


Precision Rifleman

ceipt of the current score rules that Mr Mundy will provide. Second by Mr Libby. President Thornbury stated action item will be submitted by email and the Regional Directors will vote for approval upon receipt. Motion passed unanimously. RE: Audrey Brown, Traveling Trophies: Mrs Brown said the traveling plaques are completed and on display at Holton Gun Club. The original traveling trophies have been retired at Bench Rest Rifle Club in St Louis. 2013 Open Item Minutes 1. F-Class Benchrest. Mr Libby said Sloughhouse Benchrest was the only club to hold an F-class benchrest match. The number of shooters who attended was around thirty. Sloughhouse did not submit for the 2015 LR Nationals. Mr Neary said there are few ranges that have both pits and covered concrete benches to accommodate this type of shooting. Mr Libby made a motion to disband the Fclass committee due to lack of traction. Second by Mr Mundy and passed unanimously. 2. Alternate director motion. Item was completed last year and progress is being made to accomplish this goal. 3. The 2013 Hunter Nationals case capacity review is still ongoing. The Board will review this next year at the completion of the 2-year trial period. 4. Certificate for matches is in process and when complete will be placed on the NBRSA website. 5. Clarify stock dimensions. Mr Nielson and Mr Libby have a plan in place to be used at the Group Nationals at Referee’s discretion. Mr Hunter made a motion that we have the Australian stock checker available to the referees to use at their discretion at the Group Nationals only. Mr Zaccanti seconded and motion passed unanimously. Mr Mundy will be responsible for getting one made by commencement of WBC13. 6. BR101 Clinics. Mr Neary said there is a lot of interest but no one to step up and run these. Holton Gun Club is a prospect for a clinic in 2015. Mr Mundy stated an “Intoduction to Benchrest” has been held the last two years at the open house at Ben Avery range in Phoenix and participation is strong but has not resulted in new members. Mr Neary said money is part of the con-

cern and youngsters seek the 50 calibers. No further action was pursued by the Board on this item. Mr Neary said that Holton’s Group Nationals will not rotate relays as was previously decided by Board vote in the 2013 approved minutes. Mr Fjoser made a motion that the Board grant a variance to the relay rotation for the 2014 Holton Nationals. Second by Mr Libby and unanimously passed. The Board discussed the feasibility of this mandatory rotation. Mr Neary made a motion to make the relay rotation at the discretion of the Regional Director at the Group National event. This will amend the 2013 approval. Motion failed for lack of a second. North Central Agenda Items: 1-2. Review trophy/national fee structure and recognition for National Events. Mr Meyer made a motion to initiate a committee to find alternatives to existing recognition items for all national events. This committee will determine which recognition items to provide; which placements receive recognition and the fee structure for all ranges holding National events with the goal of achieving at least a breakeven status. Second by Mr Libby. All in favor except Mr Neary who said his region likes the bolo ties and wants it to remain the same. Motion passed. 3. Lower International and Canadian dues and obtain magazine online. Item died due to lack of a motion. 4. Email membership cards and have members print these themselves. Item died due to lack of a motion. 5. Clarify quorum needs and how Alternate Directors are elected. Should they be added to the membership ballot that is mailed to members or at the regional meeting? After discussion, it was determined that both processes are used and therefore acceptable. 6. Mr Meyer said there is conflict of interest concern raised in the NC region because the Board Secretary’s husband is the Alternate Director for the NC region. Mr Meyer asked the Board to determine whether this is a conflict or not. President Thornbury noted that in years past, Mr Buchtel was a Director while his wife was Secretary of the

NBRSA. He felt this was no different. The Board determined there was no conflict. 7. Mr Meyer asked about quorum requirements and how to meet these according to NBRSA By-Laws. At general membership meetings, there may not be sufficient participants to meet the quorum. This is a concern across all disciplines. The Board decided that meetings held with lower numbers will be conducted as opinion polls by member shooters. Their decisions and wishes will then be forwarded to the Board to consider. Mississippi Valley Agenda Item: 1. Group Nationals Format Change. Mr Mundy made a motion to change format of 2015 Group Nationals to Unlimited Monday and Tuesday, remaining format is unchanged. This would apply to 2015 year only. Second by Mr Fjoser. Motion failed. Break for lunch at 12:10pm Reconvene 1:50pm Eastern Region Agenda Items: 1-8. These items were not considered by the Board because the submitter was not a current member. 9. No late fee for National events imposed. Died due to lack of a motion. 10. No smoking in the loading area. The Board stated it is in the new rulebook. 11. New rule targets must be hung before the next group. Motion made by Mr Neary. Motion died with no second. 12. Rifles should be weighed before beginning match. Should it be range officer or referee? After discussion, no motion was made. 13. Referee for disqualification. Mr Neary made a motion to ensure Referees are consulted when a DQ is considered with the exception of a safety violation, which is solely at the discretion of the Range Officer. Second by Mr Zaccanti and unanimously passed. 14-15. Yardage wins and recognition at regional and national matches. No motion made. 16. Bolo ties handed after each group. No motion presented. 17. Support caliber neutral scoring for score shooting. Mr Neary made a motion to approve this. No second. Motion failed. 18. Revert to old course of fire for Group Nationals.

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman No motion. 19. Cartridge feeding p8 (g) addresses. No motion. Northwest Items: 1. Discuss options when rules are not followed. Board discussed and decided the Directors need to determine the rules are followed, especially at national events. 2. Score Nationals can be separated by long or short yardages but not separate as Hunter or Varmint For Score. The Board decided the above is correct and so stated in the rules. 3. Recognize Score Nationals 100-200300 yardage for Hunter and Varmint For Score. Mr Zaccanti made a motion to recognize the 100-200-300. Motion died due to lack of a second. 4. Add Long Range Rules to NBRSA Rules & ByLaws as a separate section. At the Long Range Nationals, Mr Zaccanti said the members were in favor of this. After Board discussion regarding the size of the Long Range Rules and likely need to order a thicker binder to accommodate the increase in size, it was determined it is not cost effective to do this at this time. 5. Allow cell phones at the bench (on silent mode only) so they can use the stopwatch function. The Board decided this is okay if used as a timer only but if there is a discrepancy, the Referee has the final decision. Gulf Coast Items: 1. Electronic instruments round off after certain decimal places. There was an incident in the region where the two gun winner did not have the smallest aggregate due to rounding. Mr Hunter made a motion that for the Group Nationals only, if two people appear to be tied for multi-gun aggregates, the scorer will do an add-up with the lowest total to determine the winner. Second by Mr Neary and unanimously passed. Southwest Items: 1. Mr Libby discussed letters received by members regarding rules. The Board decided the rules in place are sufficient at this time. Other Items: 1. Screamer patches will be mailed to the Regional Directors requesting them along with qualifications.

2. The “250 Club” patches. The Board did not authorize the purchase of these patches because of the great number of shooters that have attained this score. The recognition appeared superfluous. 3. Eastern Region Ranges: Mr Neary stated Camillus Range was shut down but that Canistota Range may return to NBRSA with Bob Hamister as Match Director. 4. Mr Neary would like a section on the NBRSA website for mentoring volunteers at various ranges. Mrs Brown will consult the Technical Advisor, Mr Brown regarding this. 5. Mrs Brown will send out Non-Renewal lists of members for each director with contact information. National Events: Mr Campbell noted in qualifying years, the Group National should be the last qualifying event of the year. The Board made the following selections for upcoming National and major Events: 2016 Group Nationals: Ben Avery Range, Phoenix, Arizona October, 2016 *Cactus will be March 14-15, 2015. The Rattlesnake & Cactus will again be a point matches. 2015 Long Range Nationals: Colorado Rifle Club, Byers, CO* 2015 Score Nationals: Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA. (Short Range Only) 1st week of August, 2015 2015 Long Range Varmint Nationals: Palomino Valley Gun Club, September, 2015 Executive Nominations: Mr Fjoser nominated Mr Nielson for Vice President for another two-year term. Second by Mr Libby and unanimously passed. Mr Thornbury was nominated for another two-year term as President by Mr Hunter. Second by Mr Neary and unanimously passed. Mr Meyer made a motion to recess at 4pm until the conclusion of the the General Membership meeting on September 24th. Second by Mr Hunter and unanimously passed.

General Membership Meeting

The 2014 General Membership meeting was called to order at 1:46pm on Wednesday, September 24, 2014. President Thornbury discussed the


relay rotation at Holton and why this was not done in accordance with the 2013 Board decision. He said the Board voted to leave relay rotation to the Regional Director. Member Dennis Wagner said the membership voted to have the relays rotated and was disappointed that this was not done in this National event. Tom Libby said he voted against this as this was the vote his region wanted him to make. Jack Neary said it was his decision to keep the relays standard. His direction from the Eastern Region members was concern that members would miss their rotation and that it would cause too much confusion. He said there will be issues at future Nationals if relay rotations occur. He wanted this in the minutes. He stands by his decision and feels it would be going down the wrong direction to make relay rotation mandatory. Don Creach said he is okay with anything in the rulebook but doesn’t agree with arbitrary changes to the rules that are not as stated. He said this is not keeping the business intact. He said he’s opposed. Rod Brown stated the purpose of rotating is that each person has a fair shot. Conditions change during the day and it is not fair for the person stuck on the third relay that is always getting poor conditions. He has shot over ten years and says traditionally conditions deteriorate as the day progresses. Jack Neary said he referred to Bill Gammon’s research that showed the facts did not support that you have to be on first relay in order to have favorable conditions. Mr Gammon said he did the stats at WWCCA and the most wins were at bench 1, however, he only checked one range. He said he would need to do the same at other ranges to develop their statistics. Ron Miller asked why everyone wants to be on relay one if there is no benefit? Mr Ocock said everyone is right. He said when we spend as much money as we do to compete, you want the fairest opportunities that are available. Dennis Thornbury said the members need to tell their Directors what they want. He said if the members are feeling strongly about this, we can go to a traditional vote but for now he will take an opinion poll of the members present. President Dennis Thornbury discussed the Board’s decisions to member agen-


Precision Rifleman

da items and the 2015 scheduled National events and locations. Rex Reneaux discussed the Hall Of Fame program and presented the members present with a raffle opportunity for two rifles donated by Dave Kiff of Pacific Precision Tool. Ferris Pindell made both actions. The Hall Of Fame is funded by these donations. When someone is inducted, it costs about $300 per person. He challenged the existing members to contribute. Vera Carter from the Canadian World Team said Vickie Holmes has a raffle for a quilt and an afghan to support the Canadian World Team. Regarding the NBRSA finances, Don Creach said we are obligated to print the financial data in the magazine. He wants a full accounting. President Thornbury said Mr Horn has had a CPA oversee our accounting and he provides the statements. He audits the books and has changed the forms. Business Manager Audrey Brown said as the documents are presented and approved by the Board, they will be published by year end. John Horn said the books were downloaded to the CPA. He compiled it to current and projections for 2014 and 2013 comparative. He said our cash balances are holding. In the last few years we slid financially but this has now stabilized. A question was raised about target paper acquisition. It is unlikely NBRSA will continue to participate in a bulk purchase partnership with the printer. He said once existing inventory levels are depleted, the targets will probably shift to direct-purchase. Manny Garcia said one of the reasons the clubs do not keep holding matches is they cannot get enough help. He wants to know if some people would want to help Lakeland Club to hold matches. He said there are also very few junior shooters who pursue benchrest. He said over the years he has seen some medical conditions that can wreak havoc during a shoot at a range. He suggests the ranges become equipped with a defibrillator. Ron Miller said respect the ranges by tidying up your area. Chris Harris said he wanted to compliment Bob & Nancy Scarbrough on a well run shoot to which there was a show of applause. He said everyone knows the rules. He suggested limit-

ing the taped rules to the beginning of the day to save time during the match. He also asked whether the members would consider a “handicap system”. He said with a couple smart minds together that it might work. He also said marketing would bring more shooters into the game. He said there are cheaper forms of marketing available to enlighten others as to the benchrest sport. There are free advertising opportunities and perhaps this may increase membership. President Thornbury asked if someone wants to form a committee to examine social media opportunities for the NBRSA. Chris Harris agreed to do this. Wayne Campbell said WBC13 donations are down because the event is in the states and the perception is it will not cost as much. He said it is still not a cheap venture. Corporate sponsors have been great but for the members to help the brothers out if you can. The team will appreciate your help. Walt Berger said he will sponsor the shirts for the USA team again. Motion to adjourn by Ed Adams; second by Wayne Campbell and passed at 2:45pm.

Board of Directors Meeting Pt II:

The Board reconvened 6:30pm at Holton Gun Club. All Regional Directors were present except for Mr Hunter. The main topic from the General Membership Meeting discussion was relay rotation. The Board decided to let stand the 2013 Board decision as written in the 2013 minutes stating that relays must rotate at the Group Nationals. Regarding 2015’s Group Nationals, the Board decided to convene the meeting the morning of the Sporter competition, which is traditionally Tuesday the week of the Group Nationals and then recess until the General Membership Meeting to ensure a quorum is achieved. Rod Brown, North Central Alternate Director discussed internet security. Audrey Brown, Board Secretary suggested including the two existing individual books for Long Range Rules and Score Rules to be included in the current binder for By-Laws and Group Rules. She said everything could fit inside the existing binder by changing to double-sided paper inserts. The Board decided not to pursue this due to costs

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December, 2014 Precision Rifleman and noted that all the NBRSA rules for each discipline are on the website and members can download these at will, so the need to print these again would likely pose an unnecessary expenditure at this time. The Trophy Committee timeline was discussed with Terry Meyer to see if he can obtain the needed information to present options to the Board by November 1, 2014 in order to ensure time to purchase recognition for the 2015 National events. He said it is aggressive, but he will try to meet this timeline. Long Range Nationals for 2015 were discussed. Colorado Rifle Club would like to hold the 600 & 1000 yard Nationals. Butch Fjoser asked if the Board wanted him to continue discussions and decide in the next month.* Dan Zaccanti said Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn in Oregon was very interested in holding 600 & 1000 yard

Nationals in 2015 as well. Butch Fjoser and Dan Zaccanti will work together to select the best range for this event.* Terry Meyer said Casper Score Shooters changed their bid date for the 2015 Long Range Score Nationals to June. He said he has concerns the event will not generate enough trophy fee money to offset the cost of procurement; however, he asked the Board to award the Long Range Score Nationals to Casper Score Shooters June 6-7, 2014. Motion passed unanimously. Butch Fjoser made a motion to adjourn. Second by Dan Zaccanti and passed unanimously.


*The Board voted to allow Colorado Rifle Club to host the 2015 Long Range Nationals on October 23, 2014. Respectfully Submitted: Audrey Brown, Board Secretary

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Precision Rifleman

Mill Creek Mid-Continent LV Regional by Don Creach

DeSoto, Kansas

We held the Mid-Continent Regional Light Varmint Championship and Unlimited 5-shot or Heavy Varmint match at Bruce Hodgdon Range July 12-13. We had thirty shooters on Saturday and twenty-nine on Sunday. We began with 100-yard aggregates on Saturday and contested the 200 yard event on Sunday. Temperatures were hovering around 95F with high humidity and southwest winds 12-18mph on Saturday. Sunday morning we had a rain delay of 45 minutes and heavy clouds until noon when the winds were 8-12mph. We started with Light Varmint class and Dennis Tinkham took the win with Greg King, Larry Scharnhorst, Dan Sutton and Bud Mundy holds second through fifth positions. Small group was shot by Dewayne Stafford; his first zero group. Congratulations Dewayne. Dennis again won at 100 shooting the Heavy Varmint option with Dan Sutton, Mike McFarland, Jim Gardner and Dave Brooks completing the top five. Mike McFarland also took the .131 small group. Greg King won the Unlimited 5-shot followed by Kurtis Brown, Don Creach, Bud Mundy and Richard Brensing for second through fifth. He also shot the small group of .135. Sunday morning we started with Unlimited 5 at 200 and Don Creach won with Bud Mundy, Dwayne Edelman, Kurtis Brown and Richard Brensing completing second through fifth. Small group fired by Kurtis Brown was .306.

Shooting Heavy Varmint at 200, Sam Langhofer took the win. Sam has not been shooting very long, so a special contratulations to him. Completing top five were Jim Gardner, Dennis Tinkham, Dan Sutton and Donald Hansen. Jon Leu shot .217 for small group. In Light Varmint 200, Greg King won again with Mark Harpenau, Richard Brensing, Don Creach and Henry Collins second through fifth. Henry also shot the small group at .280. Dennis Tinkham won the Heavy Varmint Grand followed by Dan Sutton, Jim Gardner, Mike McFarland and Dave Brooks second through fifth. Greg King won both the Unlimited Grand and Light Varmint Grand. In the Heavy, Greg was followed by Don

Creach, Bud Mundy, Kurtis Brown and Dwayne Edelman. In Light Varmint, it was Dennis Tinkham, Richard Brensing, Don Creach and Mark Harpenau rounding out the top five. Thank you to everyone for attending. We had several shooters who had not been here this season. We’re glad you came back. Congratulations to Sam on winning his first aggregate. In the photo above from left to right is Jim Gardner, Greg King, Dennis Tinkham, Richard Brensing and Sam Langhofer. Special thank you to Ron Shultz for being our range officer for the weekend.We hope you had a good time and look forward to shooting with you again.

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman Light Varmint 100-Yards Dennis Tinkham................0.2362 Greg King......................... 0.2446 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2586 Dan Sutton....................... 0.2770 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2848 Rand Conrad..................... 0.2892 Merlin Hubbard.................. 0.2898 Kurtis Brown..................... 0.3006 Richard Brensing................ 0.3012 Don Creach....................... 0.3032 Light Varmint 200-Yards Greg King........................0.2238 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.2613 Richard Brensing................ 0.2710 Don Creach....................... 0.2759 Edward Collins................... 0.2902 Dennis Tinkham................. 0.2938 Donald Hansen................... 0.2948 Howard Cowher................. 0.3064 Chet Whitebread................ 0.3092 Rex Reneau....................... 0.3210 Light Varmint Grand Greg King........................0.2342 Dennis Tinkham................. 0.2650 Richard Brensing................ 0.2861 Don Creach....................... 0.2896 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.2943 Dan Sutton....................... 0.2998 Donald Hansen................... 0.3160 Merlin Hubbard.................. 0.3172 Jim Gardner..................... 0.3359 Rand Conrad..................... 0.3373 Darrel Loker..................... 0.3383 Fred Martin...................... 0.3390 Chet Whitebread................ 0.3413 Rex Reneau....................... 0.3454 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3512

Ray Barnes....................... 0.3537 Jon Leu........................... 0.3545 Mike McFarland.................. 0.3579 Howard Cowher................. 0.3633 Dee Myers........................ 0.3647 Sam Langhofer................... 0.3655 Dwayne Edelman................ 0.3841 Dewayne Stafford............... 0.3846 Ed Slagel.......................... 0.3941 Brian Cook....................... 0.4182 Kurtis Brown..................... 0.4187 Doug Brooks...................... 0.4379 Unlimited 100-Yards Greg King........................0.1560 Kurtis Brown..................... 0.2806 Don Creach....................... 0.2964 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3058 Richard Brensing................ 0.3092 Dwayne Edelman................ 0.3106 Unlimited 200-Yards Don Creach......................0.2393 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2418 Dwayne Edelman................ 0.2579 Kurtis Brown..................... 0.2700 Richard Brensing................ 0.3171 Greg King......................... 0.3645 Unlimited Grand Greg King........................0.2603 Don Creach....................... 0.2679 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2738 Kurtis Brown..................... 0.2753 Dwayne Edelman................ 0.2842 Richard Brensing................ 0.3131 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Dennis Tinkham................0.2362 Greg King......................... 0.2446 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2586 Dan Sutton....................... 0.2770


Bud Mundy....................... 0.2848 Rand Conrad..................... 0.2892 Merlin Hubbard.................. 0.2898 Kurtis Brown..................... 0.3006 Richard Brensing................ 0.3012 Don Creach....................... 0.3032 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Sam Langhofer..................0.2411 Jim Gardner..................... 0.2438 Dennis Tinkham................. 0.2534 Dan Sutton....................... 0.2570 Donald Hansen................... 0.2699 Dave Brooks...................... 0.2905 Rand Conrad..................... 0.2913 Rex Reneau....................... 0.2927 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.2963 Brian Cook....................... 0.2975 Heavy Varmint Grand Dennis Tinkham................0.2422 Dan Sutton....................... 0.2507 Jim Gardner..................... 0.2522 Mike McFarland.................. 0.2763 Dave Brooks...................... 0.2849 Rand Conrad..................... 0.2869 Merlin Hubbard.................. 0.2896 Sam Langhofer................... 0.2918 Chet Whitebread................ 0.2928 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.3135 Jon Leu........................... 0.3163 Donald Hansen................... 0.3165 Brian Cook....................... 0.3169 Rex Reneau....................... 0.3223 Dee Myers........................ 0.3349 Fred Martin...................... 0.3438 Dewayne Stafford............... 0.3808 Howard Cowher................. 0.4029 Ed Slagel.......................... 0.4379 Ray Barnes....................... 0.5120 Doug Brooks...................... 0.7714

Mill Creek Light Varmint Regional Championship Equipment List Name Heavy Varmint: Dennis Tinkham Dan Sutton Jim Gardner Mike McFarland Dave Brooks Unlimited: Greg King Don Creach Bud Mundy Kurtis Brown Dwayne Edelman Light Varmint: Greg King Dennis Tinkham Richard Brensing Don Creach Mark Harpenau



Stock Mfr


Gunsmith Cartridge Bullet/Wt

Pwdr/Wt Primer



Viper Panda Viper Panda BAT

Krieger Krieger Krieger n/a Bartlein

Edge McMillan n/a Robertson Scoville

Hammond Sutton Kuse Kuse Self

Kuse Sutton Kuse Kuse Miller


Fowler/66 Gass/66 Berger/64 Levenson Barts/68

133/29 135/65 133/29 133 LT32

205 205M 205 205 CCI

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

March/40 Leupold/45 March/50 Leupold/42 March/45

BAT BAT T/L BAT Stiller DB Nesika

Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger n/a

Powell Powell Powell Hasecuster Powell

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Skeeter Bryant Self Brensing Self


Rubright/66 Berger/64 Miller/66 Edelman/67 Big Ditch/66

8208 133/29 133/28 133/28 n/a

205 205 205M Winchester n/a

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua n/a

Leupold/45 Leupold/36 March/40 Sightron/36 Weaver/36

Farley Viper BAT BAT Farley

Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein

Scoville Edge n/a Scarbrough n/a

Scoville Hammond Loker Scarbrough Scarbrough

Skeeter Kuse Brensing Creach Brensing


Rubright/66 Fowler/66 Gentner/65 Berger/64 Self/68

8208 133/29 133/28 133/29 LT32

205 205 205 205 n/a

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Leupold/45 March/40 March/40 Leupold/45 March/50


Precision Rifleman

Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts ER—Eastern Region Chippewa Rifle Club GPS: N40 56.820 W81 44.583 Contact: Bob Denk 440 596-7238 1728 E Linden Ln, Parma, OH 44130 Contact: Randy Perkowski 330 472-0856 1259 Curtis Ave, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221

Fairchance Rod & Gun Club

GPS: N39 48.704 W79 47.179 Contact: Bill Reahard 724 323-5044 PO Box 156, McClellandtown, PA 15458 Contact: Jerry Van Sickle 724 569-2216 181 Guthrie Rd, Smithfield, PA 15478

Holton Gun & Bow Club

6201 Crystal Lake Rd, Holton, MI 49425 PO Box 128, Holton, MI 49425 231 821-9608 GPS: N43 23.742 W86 05.2566 Contact: Bruce Torrey, 231 288-4769 3951 Molly Blvd, Muskegon, MI 49444 Alternate: Nancy Scarbrough 231 638-6775 544 N Buys Rd, Muskegon, MI 49445

Kane Fish & Game

Dwight Rd, 1 mile N of Kane on SR 321 Steve Timpano – Group 814 837-9644 Ed Hanes - Group 814 837-9868

Kelbly’s Rifle Range

7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd N Lawrence, OH 44666 GPS: N40 52.9836 W81 40.6218 Contact: Jim Kelbly 330 683-4674

Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn

7988 Johnston-Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 937 492-2972 Contact: John Petteruti 937 654-7950


6700 Napier Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 734 453-9843 Contact: Dana Raven 734 748-5394 10930 Old 27N, Frederic, MI 49733-9734 Contact: Bill Gammon 519 453-6734 387 Speight Blvd, London, ONT N5V 3J8 Canada

GC—Gulf Coast Region Austin Rifle Club PO Box 141399, Austin, TX 78714 Contact: Virgil Howarth 512 447-8968 2704 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745

Central Texas Benchrest

GPS: N29 44.695 W098 14.141 Contact:Sammye Dietz 830 885-4662 421 Range Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132 Contact: Wayne Young 210 288-3063 391 Berry Oaks Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163 830 612-1277 or 67

Midland Shooters Association

4108 East County Rd 160, Midland, TX 79706 432 682-2332 Contact: Mike Conry 3212 E County Rd 136, Midland, TX 79706 432 528-8718 or 432 683-1332

North TX Shooters Association GPS: N33 19.351 W97 08.938 Contact: Michael Stinnett 214 794-8006 6651 Blackjack Oaks Rd, Aubrey, TX 76227

Seymour Stool Shooters

448 Hwy 283 South, Seymour, TX 76380 Contact: John Horn 940 636-9984 924 Peterson Rd S, Iowa Park, TX 76367

SW Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Club Contact: Mike Guillot 337 249-3712 1600 Cappy Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605

Tomball Gun Club

Contact: Dwayne Pullum: 281 684-9004 Richard Pullum by email:

NC—North Central Region Boone Valley Ikes

Contact: Ronnie Berg 515 210-7772 104 S Dalander St, Madrid, IA 50156

Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

462 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY 82834 Contact Pete Eisele 307 217- 1155

Casper Score Shooters

2330 N Station Rd, Casper, WY 82601 307 265-2535 Contact: Tim Naugle 307 237-7185 1926 S Walnut St, Casper WY 82601

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club GPS: N41.39083 W95.37891 Contact: Gary Flury 712 328-0301 PO Box 1042, Council Bluffs, IA 50502 Contact: Ron Lee Miller 402 393-4536 8081 Dupont St. Omaha NE 68124

Lincoln Izaak Walton League

10801 S 134th St, Bennet, NE 68317 Contact: Mike Shapoval 402 420-5763

Minnetonka Benchrest Assn

8310 Hill n Dale Dr, St Francis, MN 55330 GPS: N45 23.42 W93 29.29 Contact: Scott Moser 612 961-6761 10412 Abbott Dr, Brooklyn Park MN 55443

Oak Hill Gun Club

12364 Coon Hunters Rd, Blue Grass, IA 52726 563 381-2677 Contact: Cecil Peterson 563 359-1988 2260 Cromwell Cir, Davenport IA 52807

Prairie Dog Target Club

Contact: Don Deckert 605 288-1919 HC 54, Box 3, Porcupine SD 57772

MV—Mississippi Valley

Bench Rest Rifle Club Of St Louis 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City, MO 63390 GPS: N38 53.353 W091 04.763 Scott Pieper - Group 636 745-2454 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City MO 63390 Wayne Corley - HTR/VFS 636 928-0882 2 Sheffield Ct, St Charles, MO 63304

Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

W10924 Bryer Road, Columbus, WI 53925 Contact Terry Balding 608 577-5193 1777 W Main St #203, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Holmen Rod & Gun Club

W7503 County Road T, Holmen, WI 54636 Contact Jim Knower, 608 526-3151

Van Dyne Sportsmen’s Club or Contact: Dick Baier 920 688-2433 PO Box 8, Van Dyne WI 54979

NW—Northwest Region Wenatchee Benchrest Club

2800 #2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA, Contact: Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn 6900 Kershaw Blvd, White City, OR 97502 Contact: Phil Grammatica 714 749-7216

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club

27007 South Tom Beall Rd, Lapwai, ID 83540 280 843-2987 Contact: Paul Gylling - HTR/VFS 40102 State Route 195, Colfax WA 99111 509 553-1118 Denny Andrews - Group 13263 Snake River Rd, Asotin WA 99402 509 243-7039

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman


Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club

8503 Chambers Creek Rd W University Place, WA 98467 Contact: Jeff Lewis 206 407-8299 32310 6th Ave SW, Federal Way, WA 98023

Tri-Cities Metallic Silhouette Assn Hwy 12 to Pasco-Kahlotus Rd Contact: Rick DeGroat 509 308-7213 or 509 396-3166

Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Range

578 Blodgett View Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 406 363-7078 Contact: Jeff Jetter 406 777-5326 4168 Foxy Ridge Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870

Yellowstone Rifle Club

7212 Molt Rd, Billings, MT 406 656-2775 Contact: Ryan Lienemann 406 245-4056 1124 Horn St, Billings, MT 59101

SE—Southeast Region

Brock’s Gap Training Center GPS: N33 20 19.25 W86 52 28.00 3721 South Shades Crest Rd Birmingham, AL 35244 Contact: Steve Lee 205 428-2191

Manatee Gun & Archery Club

1805 Logue Rd, Myakka City, FL 34251 775 358-5014 GPS: N27 29.3610 W82 09.2448 Contact: Buddy Ross 407 448-8393 1845 Coronado Rd, Ft Myers, FL 33901

Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn GPS: N32 24.3732 W82 53.0574 PO Box 4096, Dublin, GA 31040 Contact: Matt Walker 478 304-2749

River Bend Gun Club

588 River Bend Gun Club Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 770 893-3502 GPS: N34 20.198 W84 14.819 Contact: Jim Andress Group/Score PO Box 7, Marble Hill, GA 30148, 770 876-2351 or 770 893-3319

Rockingham County Gun Club

572 Long Branch Road, Reidsville, NC 27320 GPS: N36 25.536 W79 31.864 Contact: Roy Darnell 336 595-9110 4811 Camp Betty Hastings Rd

Walkertown, NC 27051

Unaka Rod & Gun Club

90 Furnace Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601 423 926-0221 Contact: Matthew Keller 423 202-6932 1013 Washington College Station Rd Limestone, TN 37681

MC—Mid-Continent Region Land’s End Benchrest Shooters

4 mi East of Hwy 50 on Reeder Mesa Rd Contact: Tom Stiner 970 257-9160 1521 Divide Rd, Whitewater CO 81527

Mill Creek Rifle Club

7215 Gardner Rd, DeSoto, KS 66018 Contact: Don Creach - Group 816 586-9475 Contact:Ronald Shultz - Hunter/VFS 913 557-9879

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters 38967 CR 51, Eaton, CO 80615 Contact: Bud Schalles 970 224-3740 PO Box 83, La Porte CO 80535

Okie Shooters Range

Contact: Rex Reneau 405 787-8529 7409 NW 28th Terrace, Bethany OK 73008 405 623-6019 or Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn

Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Whittington Center

34025 US 64, Raton, NM 87740 575 445-3615 Contact: Ed Adams 505 401-5071 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque NM 87120

SW—Southwest Region Arizona Benchrest Shooters

4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85086 GPS: N33 27 12.22 W112 37 12.20 Contact: Melesia Cisneros 714-441-7220 4275 N Palm St, Fullerton, CA 92835

Central Utah Benchrest

Contact: Dave Tunbridge 801 571-6755 966 Stacie Ave, Sandy UT 84094

Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

12201 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702 642-9928 GPS: N36.1498 W115.3653 Contact: Keith Myers - VFS or 702 217-3591

Contact: Howard Bloom - HTR or 702 368-0568

Ojai Valley Gun Club Contact: Barry Bluhm 805 798-2473 608 E Oak St, Ojai CA 93023

Palomino Valley Gun Club

Washoe County Shooting Facility 21555 Pyramid Lake Hwy, Reno NV 80502 GPS: N39 51.374 W119 40.046 Contact: Robert Hoppe - Long Range PO BOX 4251, Sparks NV 89432 775 827-8679 or 775 397-3358 Contact: Steve Archibald - Varmint 5017 Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434 775 356-5850 (h) or 775 742-1153 (c)

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest Contact: Karl Hunstiger 602 971-4400 2901 E Cortez St, Phoenix AZ 85028

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Contact: Craig St Claire - Long Range or 209 744-2274 Contact: Dan Lutke - Short Range 408 241-9759 Contact: Bill Mellor - Short Range 916 354-1782

Visalia Sportsman Association

7398 Avenue 328, Visalia, CA 93291 599 651-3063 Contact: Dennis Thornbury 559 432-4401 PO Box 105, Visalia, CA 93279 559 280-6243

EU—European Region Benchrest Dolomiti

Via Alemagna 1/a, Dobbiaco, Italy 39034 Contact: Americo Angaran


Precision Rifleman

Rogue Valley

We had a nice 600-yard benchrest match on September 14 at Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Association. There were twelve shooters who turned out to compete, but due to equipment issues one shooter pulled out and we ultimately had eleven in the match. Canada Cummins, Bruce Bangeman and Bob Dorton did very well in the match and collected some nice wood. We had some returning new shooters come back out and it was nice to see the new faces returning and hope we see them at upcoming matches. The overall winner was John Crawford. Light Gun Score Canada Cummins...............146-4X Everet Smith..................... 146-1X John Crawford................... 143-2X Bruce Bangeman................ 140-1X Bob Dorton....................... 140-0X Regina Hoffman................. 135-1X Richard Heison.................. 134-3X Richard Sulffridge............... 128-1X Katlin Sulffridge..................90-0X Chris Warren......................72-0X

Advertising Index

21st Century Shooting ��������2 Gradient Lens...................3 Berger Bullets...................5 BAT Machine Company ��������8 Butch’s Reloading............. 10 Accugauge/6mmPPC.......... 11 Benchrite, LLC................. 11 Marsh Industries............... 13 Western Powders.............. 15 Darton International.......... 16 Sharp Shoot R.................. 17 PMA Tool........................ 17 Lilja Rifle Barrels.............. 18 Shilen Rifle Barrels............ 20 Anneal Rite..................... 25 Edgewood Bags................ 26 Hoehn Sales.................... 30 Kelbly’s......................... 32

High Score Canada Cummins................. 50-2X Light Gun Group John Crawford..................2.1270 Bruce Bangeman................ 2.7022 Canada Cummins................ 2.8510 Richard Heison.................. 3.6045 Katlin Sulffridge................. 3.8982 Everet Smith..................... 3.8993 Richard Sulffridge............... 4.3552 Bob Dorton....................... 5.0778 Regina Hoffman................. 7.0472 Chris Warren.................... 15.7500 Small Group John Crawford................... 1.8400 Heavy Gun Score Bob Dorton......................281-5X John Crawford................... 280-4X Canada Cummins................ 278-5X Bruce Bangeman................ 271-4X Richard Sulffridge............... 267-1X Regina Hoffman................. 260-2X Richard Heison.................. 260-2X Everet Smith..................... 260-1X Herb Herman.................... 243-1X Katlin Sulffridge.................. 88-1X

High Score Bruce Bangeman................. 97-2X Heavy Gun Group John Crawford..................3.3033 Canada Cummins................ 4.7897 Bruce Bangeman................ 4.7897 Bob Dorton....................... 4.8643 Everet Smith..................... 5.8540 Regina Hoffman................. 6.5275 Richard Sulffridge............... 6.7198 Richard Heison.................. 6.8940 Herb Herman.................... 7.7500 Katlin Sulffridge................ 42.0817 Small Group John Crawford.................... 2.673 Two Gun Score Canada Cummins...............424-9X John Crawford................... 423-6X Bob Dorton....................... 421-5X Bruce Bangeman................ 411-5X Everet Smith..................... 406-2X Regina Hoffman................. 395-3X Richard Sulffridge............... 395-2X Richard Heison.................. 394-5X Herb Herman.................... 243-4X Katlin Sulffridge................. 178-1X Two Gun Group John Crawford..................2.7152 Canada Cummins................ 3.2505 Bruce Bangeman................ 3.7459 Everet Smith..................... 3.7459 Bob Dorton....................... 4.9711 Richard Heison.................. 5.2493 Richard Sulffridge............... 5.5375 Regina Hoffman................. 6.7873 Herb Herman................... 18.8750 Katlin Sulffridge................ 22.9899

December, 2014 Precision Rifleman

Regional Directors Eastern Region

Staff Exp 2016

Jack Neary 6204 Wild Oak Dr, North Olmstead, OH 44070 H: 440 716-0600 C: 336 542-8711

Gulf Coast Region

Officers Dennis Thornbury, President 1114 S McAuliff St Visalia, CA 93292 H: 559 732-4401 C: 559 280 6243 Term Expires 2014 Don Nielson, Vice President 20456 Hart St, Winnetka, CA 91306 H: 818 883-5866 Term Expires 2014 John Horn, Financial Officer 924 Peterson Rd South Iowa Park, TX 76367-7237 C: 940 636-9984 Term Expires 2014

Committees World Records Committee: Group Gene Bukys, Chairman 2111 Silver Moon Trail Crosby, TX 77532 281 324-2605 Kent Harshman, Committee Member Ron Hoehn, Committee Member Lowell Frei, Committee Member World Records Committee: Score David Halblom, Chairman 515 556-5833 4315 Ashby Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310 Dan Zaccanti, Committee Member Rich Carpenter, Committee Member Randy Perkowski, Committee Member Tom McPhee, Committee Member International Representative Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 Varmint For Score Representative (Southwest Region) Keith Myers 702 217-3591 Long Range Measuring Committee Karl Hunstiger, Chairman 602 971-4400

Mississippi Valley Region Exp 2016

Bud Mundy 5956 Old Hickory Trail Hillsboro, MO 63050 C: 314 805-1313

Exp 2015

Terry Meyer PO Box 52, Thornton, IA 50479 H: 641 998-2860 C: 641 425-3397 North Central Alternate Rodney Brown PO Box 7218, Sheridan, WY 82801 C: 303 378-6085

Mid-Continent Region

Exp 2015

Butch Fjoser 7 Summerfield St, Woodward, OK 73801 C: 580 334-2643 W: 580 254-9764

North West Region

Business Manager, NBRSA Editor, Precision Rifleman Magazine Advertising Sales Contact Audrey Brown PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 W: 307 655-7415 C: 307 217-1966

Exp 2015

Scott Hunter 1612 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 H: 940 723-5147 C: 940 631-4545 Gulf Coast Alternate Mike Bryant 7761 FM 592, Wheeler, TX 79096 806 826-5958,

North Central Region


Exp 2015

Dan Zaccanti 1542 Tacoma Ave, Bridgeport, WA 98813 C: 509 733-1003 North West Alternate Paul Holland PO Box 1498, Big Fork, MT 59911 406 837-5583

South East Region

Exp 2016

South West Region

Exp 2016

European Region

Exp 2016

Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066

Tom Libby 74056 Aster Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 774-5256 South West Alternate David Woodward 34 W Dessert Knoll Pl, Oro Valley, AZ C: 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 Jean-Marie Deletang 15 Rue des Martyrs, Beausoleil, 06240 France

Legal Representation

Elliot Law Office Al Elliott, 325 387-3529

Change of Address: To change your address or report a damaged or undelivered magazine, write: NBRSA, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 828017105. Do not return damaged copies. Change of address should include both new address and a mailing label bearing the old one. In case of duplication send both labels. Contributors: The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Advertisers: Rate cards and terms are available online at We appreciate your support! Safety Disclaimer: The publication, writers, organization officers, staff, and directors explicitly advise the readers that they make no representation of safety for any loads, techniques, and procedures if reported herein. The nature of participating in a shooting sport automatically requires caution at all times. Given the many variables present—weather, equipment, and components— the information presented is for your reading enjoyment.

Printed in the USA Publisher: NBRSA, Inc. Printed By: Lithotech, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Advertising, Classifieds & Membership: Audrey Brown, Editor 307 655-7415 Precision Rifleman (ISSN 1061950X) is published monthly by NBRSA Inc PO Box 6770 3647 US Hwy 87 Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307 655-7415 Email: for the benefit of its members. Membership dues is $60 per year US of which $40 is designated for a magazine subscription. Canadian postage add $25/ year. All other International postage add $60/year. For Membership inquiries call 307 655-7415. Copyright 2013, National Bench Rest Shooters Association. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. Periodicals Class Postage paid at Sheridan, WY & additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Precision Rifleman, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801.


Precision Rifleman

New KLP BR stock is a lot like a Scoville stock. The KLP features 1" forearm sidewalls, carbon fiber material and 24 ounces.

New Sako ejector ready Panda action. Available in micro port or standard port.

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