February, 2015

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February, 2015

The Voice of the NBRSA


Precision Rifleman

Hydro Bullet Seater with extended base and interchangeable loading blocks Our New 21st Century Reloading Hydro Bullet Seater is designed for bullet seating with hand dies. Height adjustment is a simple twist of the knob with very little effort. With this press you will receive the feedback and data to help control neck tension. Unique design for the field or bench. No need to bolt or fasten to bench. Extended base also available with the New Generation Press.

Enter FBOOK10 and receive 10% off order

Click Head Stainless Steel Bench Rest Quality Primer Tool

The feel, the precision, the quality and the ease of adjustment of this tool are unique. Features include click head adjustments for precise primer seating and all stainless steel components with aluminum handle.

Concentricity Gauge with wheel

This device enables the user to rotate the case one complete revolution with about 1/8 of a turn on the wheel. Providing consistent pressure on the case. Easily retrofits in a snap to the 21st Century Shooting Concentricity Gauge (run out gauge - as shown). Features include canting to the left or right to keep the base of the case rotating against the stop. For unlimited setup scenarios. Simply amazing!

Neck Turning Lathe

The floating design of our neck turner and the universal floating case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric. Therefore allowing O.D. to be turned concentric with I.D. The tail-stock creates a horizontal inline support for the base of the case. Also allows the operator to keep both hands on the power screw driver or drill. This makes it very easy to control feed rate of the cutting operation, generating a very fine turned finish. Case holder drivers are designed to be the most gentle driver, yet providing an adequate hold. DOES NOT DRIVE OFF THE PRIMER POCKET NO PRIMER POCKET OR CASE DAMAGE. Driver shaft is hexed to use power screw driver or drill. 17cal. Fireball to a .416 Rigby. Also 50cal. www.21stcenturyshooting.com 260-273-9909

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman



Inspect chambers, leades, bores, gas ports, and crowns. Find tool marks, erosion, fouling, and flaws that affect accuracy. Image quality comparable to medical endoscopes. Upgraded to adjustable focus. 17” borescope and mirror tube, light source, batteries, cleaning kit in a box with die-cut foam. Adjustable Focus Box version. HS17-SHOT-AFB $745 MSRP.

Made in USA by Gradient Lens Corporation

PRECISION BORESCOPES Designed, made and sold by precision shooters!



Matches In This Issue...

My Old Friend Fatso, by Dick Wright Arizona State Championship, by Melesia Cisneros Sahuaro 1000-Yard Long Range Benchrest Oct & Nov Results, by Dale Arenson Minnetonka’s Final Group Match for 2014, by Jerry Lahr Sahuaro 1000-Yard Long Range Benchrest December Results Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club’s Heavy Varmint & VFS Match, by Ron Miller Desert Sportsman’s Long Range VFS, by Keith Myers Sheldon Turf Dominates the Silver State Shootout, by Keith Myers Desert Sportsman’s November VFS Match, by Keith Myers Jack Neary Wins Fall Finale at Shelby Cty Deer Hunters, by Jerry Jarrett Lawrence Weisdorn Wins Visalia Invitational, by Bill Mellor Lee Hachigian Wins WWCCA’s Fall Classic, by Dana Raven Mississippi Valley Regionals At Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis October Score Match Results New Group World Records Set in 2014

4 7 9 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 18 20 22 24 26

Organizational Information & Cover Shot Info... NBRSA Registered Matches 16 Ranges, Clubs & Contacts 28

Advertising Index Officer & Director Info

30 31

Cover: 2014 photo from Prairie Dog Target Club. R.Brown photo


Precision Rifleman

My Old Friend Fatso

I started hunting and fishing at an early age. Our home was in a rural area outside Saginaw, MI and was surrounded by forests and farms, excellent habitat for small game. Nearby was a state game refuge where two rivers met and formed the Saginaw River. There were several ponds near our house where we swam and fished in the summer and skated in cold weather. One summer we found a hawk’s nest in the woods behind our house. Before the young were old enough to fly we climbed the tree and took one baby hawk and put him in our chicken house. For the rest of the summer I used my Daisy Red Ryder BB gun to shoot frogs and birds to

by Dick Wright

feed the hawk. Somehow he survived and I became a falconer of sorts. I did manage to train him to fly from my glove and return. When fall and school came we took him to the Saginaw zoo since I would no longer have time to hunt and feed him. I spent most of my free time hunting, fishing and shooting till college came. Then there was a hiatus till I was done with school. As soon as I graduated and found a job, I started shooting on the Saginaw Gun Club smallbore rifle team. Weekly we shot four-position indoors from October till April. I worked very hard at learning to shoot well. Most weekday evenings and weekends

If you want to shoot like a champion, choose Lilja!

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Greg Swezey

would find me either playing basketball at the local YMCA or in Saginaw city league or shooting in rifle matches or practicing for same. By 1969 I managed to achieve one of my goals...an NRA Master card for four-position smallbore rifle. That old card is still in my wallet. In 1977 I heard of some local benchrest matches for hunting rifles. I had a little Sako .308 which I used for deer and elk hunting and which I thought was very accurate. Never totally lacking in self-confidence, this seemed to me to be a wonderful opportunity to teach the locals a lesson. Hey, I wuz a Master-class rifleman and had this wonderful gun that would put two or three shots pretty close at 100 yards. What could be better than that? Unusually, I kept my mouth shut and didn’t share these thoughts with the other competitors. I soon found out what could be better than that. The other competitors had big fat plastic guns with shiny barrels and big scopes. They were chambered in wimpy calibers. One fellow even had a 6 PPC, which I had never heard of but which was supposed to be the latest thing. “Those don’t look much like hunting rifles to me.” “Hunter Rifles, fool, not hunting rifles…” “Oh.” This was an IBS registered Hunter Rifle match. They shot five IBS fivebull targets for a possible 250 points. Ties were broken by counting “X’s”, hitting the little dot in the center of the ten ring. I soon found out why the other competitors were shooting light caliber rifles. After twentyfive record shots and a few sighters my shoulder hurt. Really hurt. My ego also took a beating that day; I shot a score of 175 points. The winner had around 240 points. I was in last place by a wide margin. It’s interesting that today it would take a 250 score with around 20 “X’s” to have a chance to win. Anyway, your scribe was not a happy camper. “They cheated. Them ain’t hunting rifles.” However, I didn’t go home, never to re-appear as I’ve seen so many do over the years. The next day when I got back to my office I

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman called Shilen Rifles with whom our company had done business for years. “Doug, I gotta problem…” In a few days I owned a brand new Shilen DGA rifle chambered in .222 Remington. I bought a Lyman 6X target scope, some 4198 powder, dies, cases and some Remington .22 match bullets. I loaded some rounds and took it out to the club and shot it. Then I repeated same…and repeated it till I was satisfied with the results. I won the next match. Thusly, in 1977, did the writer become a benchrest shooter. That was a long time, almost forty years ago and many guns and many matches have come and gone since those early days. In 1986 I met Glorya Jean Lyons and in 1987 she became Mrs. Wright. A few years later she became known to benchrest shooters as A. “The Child Bride” and B. for beating her husband in most matches in which they both shot. I became known as one who wrote about benchrest better than I could shoot benchrest. For years Glorya and I travelled to matches all over the country. We bought, shot and sold many guns, both for hunting and for competition. Now as old age attacks our bodies and abilities there are just a few of the guns left. Glorya no longer competes. I still shoot in some matches but can’t really say I compete. Most of the competition guns and the hunting rifles are gone and are just memories… FATSO Probably the gun I miss the most is Fatso. For some masochistic reason I have always been attracted to the old Heavy Bench guns, the predecessors of our modern rail guns. Developed for the Unlimited class they were invariably big and heavy. Most of them had wood stocks of which some were quite elegant in a massive way and some which looked like slightly modified railroad ties. My pal, Jeff Aberegg, had one he bought from Creighton Audette that has a stock, which really does look like a railroad tie, painted poorly. Jeff says it shoots like crazy. In contrast I have enjoyed watching George Kelbley and Stan Buchtel shoot their old heavy bench guns, both of which have attractive walnut stocks and

the elegant Unertl scopes of yesteryear. I have seen both Stan and George shoot these guns competitively against rail guns, which, to me, have all the aesthetic appeal of a lathe. I found Fatso at the Nationals held at Kelbly’s Range in 2001. There was a “For Sale” sign on the wall at the east end of the big barn. I knew the fellow selling it and watched him shoot. He was shooting a lot of tiny groups and seemed to be competitive against the rail guns. The price was very reasonable and I decided to take a closer look. I found the seller, told him I was interested and asked to see the rifle. He complied. Some guy I never heard of in the Midwest had built it years ago. It was based on a Remington 700 action that had the magazine mortise plugged and a huge steel sleeve. The stock was solid Fiberglas and needed some work to make it more beautiful. He said it would probably need a new barrel before long. “How come you are selling it? I watched you shoot and it looked great.” “Honestly, I’m just


tired of lugging this thing around. Every time I take it to a match my shoulder hurts for two weeks.” That made sense and I paid his asking price without quibbling. Thusly did Fatso come to live with the Wrights. Benchrest season was nearly over, which gave me the whole winter to work on it. The rifle was chambered for my favorite caliber, the .22 PPC, .100” short. I took the whole rifle down to my gunsmith, Dwight Scott, who lives a couple of hours south of me. I asked Dwight to set back the original barrel and re-chamber it, same caliber, his chamber, and to order me a new barrel from Douglas. I’ve shot a lot of their match barrels and have always been very satisfied. Dwight seemed to like the gun and spent quite a bit if time going thru the action completely. He set back the old barrel and called and said, “Come get it”. When I picked the gun up Dwight told me that it deserved a good paint job and the sleeve re-blued. I told him I would do so. I took it home and set to


Precision Rifleman

work on the stock. Some lines needed to be changed and straightened and some holes filled. This type of rifle will never make it to the Museum of Modern Art but I thought I could make it a lot more aesthetically pleasing. I set about doing so. First stop was an auto parts store. I have made stocks for years but have always worked in wood. It was now time for some Bondo. I spent most of the winter working on the stock and, when satisfied, glued it back together. I also made a 60-count box of new brass. When warm weather arrived I was ready but the rifle still needed a paint job. In a hurry to shoot, I quickly sprayed it with a few coats of black primer and a couple of coats of matte clear coat. During the winter I had adapted my Gary Hayes front rest to hold the special top that came with the rifle. Combined with a huge bag from Russ Haydon that was filled with heavy sand I had a set-up which, I guessed, weighed around a hundred pounds although I never weighed it. Fire forming went well and I was soon ready to shoot. Shortly thereafter we had a group match coming up at the local club. At that time I was the match director and Joe Krupa called me. Could we shoot an unlimited class? There was a Nationals coming up and a few competitors wanted to shoot a practice match. I agreed but stipulated that we shoot five shot unlimited so it meshed with the LV/HV competition. Match day, when it came, was very special for me. It was one of those rare days (very rare for me) when you can’t seem to do anything wrong. The wind that day was coming from over my right shoulder and seemed quite steady. Unusual for our range. The steady, light wind stayed and I concentrated on lining the gun up and waiting till the wind flags and my Wind Probe looked just exactly right and touching the trigger. Carefully, slowly picking my way, my first target was a .092”. The next was a .179”, which was followed by the best single target I have ever shot in competition, a .063”. There were three or four competitors that day shooting rail guns but at this stage

I was well ahead. This old gun was unbelievable. In the fourth group disaster struck. I missed a slight switch on my second shot. The Probe had moved from just right of twelve o’clock to just left; enough to have paper between the shots. I cursed vilely. My mother, God rest her soul, would never have understood or approved. Calming myself I waited till the Probe went back where it had been and shot three more times. They all went thru the first hole. This group measured .358” and your humble scribe was not happy. Relevant of absolutely nothing, the four-shot group measured .090”. I went into the scoring building and busied myself measuring targets. At that time I did the paperwork at our matches. It was time for introspection. In spite of one idiotic shot, I was still slightly ahead of the rail guns and could still win the unlimited class with a good last group. The gun was accurate beyond my experience. We had wind conditions that I could handle which is not a normal thing for me. All I had to do to win was calm down and get off five good shots. Come time to shoot I did all of the above and my last group was a .126” and the aggregate was just over .160”. I had won the unlimited class and beat the rail guns. At that time, the IBS world record for five-shot unlimited was .174” which, I thought, given our equipment, was artificially high. This was mostly because five-shot unlimited matches are rare. Anyway, our matches are unregistered and world records were not relevant. I went home with the targets, the winners badge and money and a picture of Krupa pretending to use a deburring tool on Fatso’s crown. Then, not being able to stop myself, I calculated the agg minus the dumb shot in the fourth group. It came to .108”. This is from memory but I think the world record for 100 yd. five-shot unlimited has now been reduced to a more realistic .125” and I think Bart Sauter did it. There are just very few matches. I do know that a few years later we had an unlimited

practice match at our club, again five shots, and Krupa shot an agg that was right around .125”. Our matches are in the Northwoods, two hundred miles from any population center, and fairly small. I think that in the twenty-three years we have had them that we have averaged between twenty and thirty competitors per match. However, as many hot dogs have found, this doesn’t make winning easy. There are almost always shooters here with Hall of Fame points and, occasionally, a Super Shoot winner. I guess that, in the grand scheme of things, winning a small match with Fatso against a few competitors didn’t amount to all that much. But I was soon to have a chance to see what I could do in a real match. Holton would be hosting the Eastern Regional Championships. A few weeks later, I went to Holton and competed Fatso against the best shooters in the area and their rail guns. I managed to take third place in the 100 yard match and had the second best target of the day; a ten-shot group well under .200”. The load I almost always used for the .22 PPC, .100” Short was 26.1 – 26.2 grains of Scottish 322 (This is 48 clicks, Jones.) and Bart’s .22 bullets which I moly coat. Here, in the cool Northwoods, this shoots well most of the time. If we get too much heat or humidity I have to go to Plan B. Alas, I don’t have a real good Plan B. Since that first year, Fatso has set on it’s rest here in my office almost all the time. Old age makes carting it around bothersome. I could sit here at the computer and see it and the targets I shot that day and get warm, fuzzy feelings. Just knowing what that old gun would do, even against the best shooters with modern equipment. A while back Fatso went to a friend, a real Southern gentleman who lives on the Mississippi delta and who genuinely appreciates what he has. I’m so glad it went to a good home. Still, I sit here and occasionally look where Fatso used to set on its rests on the bookshelves that cover the end of the office… I really do miss that old gun.

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Arizona State Championship

The Arizona Benchrest Shooters held the LV/HV 2-Gun Arizona State Championship on October 4-5, 2014. Shooters were thrilled to see the familiar faces of Eric Stecker and David Hamilton back to run the Arizona Benchrest Shooters matches. There were very gusty winds on the practice days, but luckily for the 22 competitors it calmed down by Saturday. The target crew kept the match flowing perfectly without any delays. Everyone took a welcome break for free lunches provided by the Arizona Benchrest Shooters. Gary Ocock finished on top in all the LV Aggs, which helped him secure the Two Gun Grand Agg win. Larry White took the 100 yard HV Agg while Doc Marsh took the 200 yard HV Agg and the HV Grand Agg. The Arizona Benchrest Shooters sur-

prised everyone by announcing the Ironman Award. This award will combine shooters 6 best 2 day Aggs over the season (Oct-April) with hall of famers not able to compete for the main prize. Instead, hall of famers will have their own division where they compete for a trophy. Thanks to everyone who attended and we hope to see you again. Pictured from left are Larry White, Chuck Miller, Tony DeBacco, Tom DeBacco, Lester Bruno, Gary Ocock, Gene DeLoney, Dana Andrus, Doc William Marsh, Tom Guisewhite and Joe Pipola. Light Varmint 100-Yards Gary Ocock...................... 0.2132 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2256 Ed Slagel.......................... 0.2850 Gene Deloney.................... 0.2856 Lester Bruno..................... 0.3220


by Melesia Cisneros

Stephen Everson................ 0.3288 Dana Andrus...................... 0.3386 William Marsh.................... 0.3422 Joe Pipola........................ 0.3442 Walt Berger...................... 0.3550 Light Varmint 200-Yards Gary Ocock......................0.2111 Gene Deloney.................... 0.2880 Lester Bruno..................... 0.3137 Chuck Miller..................... 0.3287 Larry White...................... 0.3492 William Marsh.................... 0.3597 Stephen Everson................ 0.3711 Earl Horgeshimer................ 0.3735 Tom Debacco.................... 0.3785 Walt Berger...................... 0.4092 Light Varmint Grand Gary Ocock......................0.2122 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2772 Gene DeLoney................... 0.2868 Lester Bruno..................... 0.3178 Stephen Everson................ 0.3499


Precision Rifleman

William Marsh.................... 0.3510 Larry White...................... 0.3600 Earl Horgeshimer................ 0.3721 Ed Slagel.......................... 0.3751 Walt Berger...................... 0.3821 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.3914 Dana Andrus...................... 0.4017 Tom Guisewhite................. 0.4108 Jim Folwell....................... 0.4243 Joe Pipola........................ 0.4281 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Larry White.....................0.1662 William Marsh.................... 0.2330 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2356 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2506 Max Maxwell..................... 0.2574 Joe Pipola........................ 0.2606 Randy Burgess................... 0.2608 Dana Andrus...................... 0.2638 Ron Lax........................... 0.2768 Walt Berger...................... 0.2790 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards William Marsh....................0.214 Gene Deloney.................... 0.2564 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2634 Ed Slagel.......................... 0.2721 Dana Andrus...................... 0.2996 Larry White...................... 0.3009 Jim Folwell....................... 0.3055 Stephen Everson................ 0.3149 Joe Pipola........................ 0.3264 Tony Debacco.................... 0.3292 Heavy Varmint Grand William Marsh...................0.2235

Arizona Benchrest Shooters L-R: Eric Stecker, Gary Ocock Gene DeLoney & Doc William Marsh Larry White...................... 0.2235 Gary Ocock....................... 0.2570 Gene DeLoney................... 0.2786 Dana Andrus...................... 0.2817 Joe Pipola........................ 0.2935 Max Maxwell..................... 0.2948 Jim Folwell....................... 0.2975 Ed Slagel.......................... 0.2989 Chuck Miller..................... 0.2991 Tony DeBacco.................... 0.3050 Stephen Everson................ 0.3108 Hector Elias Jr................... 0.3395 Tom DeBacco.................... 0.3462 Lester Bruno..................... 0.3605 Two Gun Gary Ocock......................0.2346 Gene Deloney.................... 0.2827 William Marsh.................... 0.2872

Chuck Miller..................... 0.2881 Larry White...................... 0.2968 Stephen Everson................ 0.3304 Ed Slagel.......................... 0.3370 Lester Bruno..................... 0.3392 Dana Andrus...................... 0.3417 Joe Pipola........................ 0.3608 Jim Folwell....................... 0.3609 Tom Debacco.................... 0.3688 Max Maxwell..................... 0.3698 Walt Berger...................... 0.3861 Hector Elias Jr................... 0.3956 Earl Horgeshimer................ 0.4121 Tony Debacco.................... 0.4287 Tom Guisewhite................. 0.4356 Ron Lax........................... 0.4671 Pete Savage...................... 0.4831 Randy Burgess................... 0.5002 Amanda Lax...................... 0.5373

Arizona Benchrest Shooters at Ben Avery October 4-5, 2014 LV/HV Equipment List Light Varmint: Name Walter Berger Lester Bruno Gene DeLoney Stephen Everson Earl Horgeshimer William Marsh Chuck Miller Gary Ocock Ed Slagel Larry White Heavy Varmint: Dana Andrus Gene DeLoney Jim Folwell William Marsh Edwin Maxwell Chuck Miller Gary Ocock Joseph Pipola Ed Slagel Larry White

Bullet & Weight

Caliber 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC

Action Marsh BAT BAT Panda BAT Marsh-Saguaro BAT Marsh BAT Marsh

Barrel Shilen Kreiger Kreiger Kreiger Kreiger Bartlien Bartlien Kreiger Kreiger Kreiger

Stock Mfg Bruno/McMillan Bruno/McMillan McMillan Borden McMillan Marsh/McMillan Kelbly Bruno/McMillan McMillan TM

Stocker Ocock Lester DeLoney Everson Ocock Marsh Miller Ocock Slagel TM

Gunsmith Berger Lester DeLoney Brackney Horgeshimer Marsh Miller Ocock Brackney Ocock

Scope & Power Nightforce 15-55 Leupold 45 March 50 Leupold 45 Leupold 46 March 50 Weaver 36 Leupold 45 Leupold 45 March 50

Powder & Weight T-32 28.2gr 8208 28.4gr 28.4 LT 32 H322 8208 133 30.2gr 133 8208 8208 28.4gr LT 32 27.5gr

Berger 65gr BT Bruno 7-S Berger Column Barts 65gr BT Horgeshimer 68gr Miller 68gr BT Miller 65gr Ocock 66gr Berger 65gr Martinez 65gr

6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6PPC 243 6 PPC 6 PPC

BAT BAT Nesika Marsh-Saguaro Teddy BAT Marsh BAT BAT Marsh

Kreiger Kreiger Kreiger Bartlien Bartlien Bartlien Kreiger Kreiger Kreiger Kreiger

BAT McMillan Leonaud Marsh/McMillan McMillan Kelbly Bruno/McMillan Bruno/McMillan McMillan TM

n/a DeLoney MPR Marsh n/a Miller Ocock Ocock Slagel TM

Ocock DeLoney MPR Marsh Maxwell Miller Ocock Ocock Brackney Brackney

Weaver 36 March 50 Leupold 36 Nightforce 15-55 Weaver Weaver 36 Leupold 45 Marsh 50 Leupold 45 Nightforce

LT 32 28.4 LT 32 N133 133 30.2gr 36 133 8208 8208 28.6gr 8208 28.4gr LT 32 29gr

Miller 65gr Berger Column 68gr Miller 68gr BT Berger 65gr FB Miller 65gr Ocock 66gr Pipola 66.5gr Berger 65gr Martinez 65gr

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman Sahuaro 1000-Yd Benchrest Results October 11, 2014 Light Gun Aggregate Ross Herrick...................... 6.19 Jeff Billotte........................7.63 Hal Byrd............................8.92 Steve Everson......................9.02 Lon Persun.........................9.10 Small Group Ross Herrick..................... 4.3125” Heavy Gun Aggregate Steve Everson....................10.96 Ross Herrick....................... 11.08 Jerry Reisdorff.................... 11.54 John Benz......................... 17.58 Small Group Ross Herrick..................... 6.8125” Light Gun Total Score Ross Herrick.....................139-1X Steve Everson.................... 129-1X Jeff Billotte...................... 128-1X Hal Byrd.......................... 128-0X Lon Persun....................... 128-0X High Score Ross, Hal & Jeff................... 49X Heavy Gun Total Score Jerry Reisdorff.................272-3X Ross Herrick...................... 271-4X Steve Everson.................... 260-2X John Benz........................ 203-0X High Score Ross Herrick....................... 98-3X Sahuaro 1000-Yd Benchrest Match Three Points Range, Tucson, AZ November 8, 2014 November 2014 and much of the United States is getting hit with an icy blast of arctic air, dropping large amounts of snow and temps into the single digits in many states. Of course we had to put up with some of that too. At the seven o’clock shooters meeting, the temperatures were in the low 60’s, but soon warmed into the low 80’s.

Name R Herrick J Billotte (L) Everson (L) Everson (H22) Byrd Persun Resdorff (L) Resdorff (H/50) Benz

Sorry to gloat, but hey, that’s why we live in Arizona. It is our opinion that, at least during the winter, we have the best shooting conditions in the country. Hawaii does not count because to my knowledge there are no 1,000 yard ranges there. The lucky competitors on hand today that got to shoot relays one and two had some pretty good conditions; a 9 o’clock wind out of the west of about 5 to 7 mph. Relays 3 and 4 were tougher, with winds first switching to a fishtail from six o’clock, then a 3 to 4 o’clock wind at 10 to 15 mph. Clear blue skys prevailed all day though. No clouds at all to cause those pesky “sunshine to shadow” conditions that always give long range shooters headaches. In the end, Bill Warner, shooting a 6.5-284, won the light gun aggregate which included the small group of 4”. Dale Arenson also with a 6.5-284, won the light gun score, and with a Lazzaroni 7.82 Patriot, he won heavy gun score and heavy gun aggregate. Ross Herrick did his usual stellar shooting with his 7.82 Patriot, even though he had to struggle with the afternoon winds, he still shot the smallest 10 shot group in heavy gun relay 4 with a 6.338”. Match Director Karl Hunstiger performed his usual efficient and organized job of running another fun match for everyone. As usual, everyone pitched in to put the equipment, targets, and wind flags away, then we were off to Cindy Lou’s for ice cold sodas, or ice teas, juicy hamburgers and exploding mustard bottles. An N.D. Actually. That’s another story, but I would just like to remind everyone of some of the rules of mustard bottle safety, like, “Always treat a mustard bottle as if it is load-


ed”, “never point a mustard bottle at anything you don’t plan to eat”, and “never squeeze off a burst unless you are sure of your target and what’s behind it”. Already preparing ourselves for the next match, in December, we will probably be bundling up to endure what will almost certainly be daytime temps in the mid 60’s. But you never know, it could always be in the 70’s too. Come and join us sometime! Light Gun Aggregate Bill Warner....................... 7.17 Dale Arenson.......................7.46 Ross Herrick........................7.60 John Benz......................... 10.04 Jerry Riesdorff................... 12.38 Small Group Bill Warner....................... 4.375” Heavy Gun Aggregate Dale Arenson..................... 8.21 Bill Warner.........................9.06 Ross Herrick........................9.81 Jerry Reisdorff.................... 14.21 John Benz......................... 27.86 Small Group Ross Herrick...................... 6.375” Light Gun Total Score Dale Arenson....................133-1X John Benz.......................... 131 Bill Warner......................... 127 Ross Herrick........................ 124 Lon Persun......................... 123 High Score Dale Arenson....................... 49X Heavy Gun Total Score Dale Arenson....................280-4X Bill Warner....................... 270-2X Ross Herrick...................... 270-2X Jerry Riesdorff.................. 234-0X John Benz........................ 226-0X High Score Dale Arenson...................... 99-2X Continued on page 10...

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest October 11, 2014 Equipment List Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith Stock Scope Case 30Patriot Nesika Krieger Wells Tracker Nightforce Lazz 6.5x57 McMillan PacNor Peterson McMillan Nightforce Remington 6.5/57 Panda Krieger Brackney Borden Leupold Lapua 284 Nesika Krieger Brackney McMillan Leupold Lapua 6.5/284 Remington Krieger Beginski Tracker Leupold Lapua 30wsm McMillan Classic Reisdorff McMillan Nightforce Norma 30/284 BAT Shilen Reisdorff TM Leupold Norma 30Patriot Nesika Hart Reisdorff McMillan Leupold Lazz 6.5/284 Savage Criterion Savage Savage Nightforce Lapua

Powder H4831 H1000 LR17 H4831 H4831 H4831 RL17 H4831 H4831

Bullet/Wt JLK/210 Berger/140 Berger/130 Sierra/168 Sierra/142 Berger/210 BIB/187 Berger/210 Lapua/139


Precision Rifleman

Sahuaro Long Range Winners from November pictured L-R: Ross Herrick, Dale Arenson & Bill Warner

Name R Herrick Billotte Persun Warner Arenson (L) Arenson (H/24) Resdorff (L) Resdorff (H/50) Benz

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest November 8, 2014 Equipment List Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith Stock Scope Case 30Patriot Nesika Krieger Wells Tracker Nightforce Lazz 7saum Pierce Krieger Pierce McMillan Nightforce Remington 300wsm McMillan Classic Reisdorff McMillan Nightforce Norma 6.5/284 BAT Krieger Bruno McMillan Nightforce Lapua 6.5/284 Nesika Krieger Carey McMillan Nightforce Lapua 30Patriot BAT Krieger Bruno McMillan Nightforce Lazz 30/284 BAT Shilen Reisdorff TM Leupold Norma 30Patriot Nesika Hart Reisdorff McMillan Leupold Lazz 6.5/284 Savage Criterion Savage Savage Nightforce Lapua

Powder H4831 H4831 H4831 H4350 RL22 RL19 RL17 H4831 H4831

Bullet/Wt JLK/210 Berger/168 Berger/210 Sierra/140 Sierra/142 Sierra/190 BIB/187 Berger/210 Lapua/139

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman Minnetonka’s Final Group Match Sept 15-16, 2014

Minnetonka hosted a LV and HV match on September 15 and 16. It was a perfect weekend for a benchrest match. With temperatures in the 70s that is about as good as it gets in Minnesota. Jay Sperry was the big winner this weekend with Dave Dowd hot on his heels all weekend long. Ken Hanson won the HV100 shooting a 6br.

Light Varmint 100-Yards Dave Dowd......................0.2664 Jay Sperry........................ 0.2684 Mark Buettgen................... 0.2738 Small Group Van Schmeichel................... 0.141 Light Varmint 200-Yards Jay Sperry.......................0.2382 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2922 Mark Herschlip................... 0.3090 Small Group Jay Sperry......................... 0.364 Light Varmint Grand Jay Sperry.......................0.2533 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2793 Mark Buettgen................... 0.2976 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Ken Hanson......................0.2800 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2868 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.2878 Small Group Dave Dowd........................ 0.122 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jay Sperry........................ 0.2421 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.2457 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2548 Heavy Varmint Grand Jay Sperry.......................0.2658 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.2668 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2708 Two Gun Jay Sperry.......................0.2595 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2751 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.2852

This was the last match of the year for Minnetonka so Janet Moser

Name R Herrick Billotte (L) Billotte (H) Everson (L) Everson (H)





Magnum Metal 940.631.4545 shunter@nts-online.net

had a very nice BBQ for everyone on Saturday night. I got to say she sure can cook. Thanks Janet. I also want to thank the target crew Dan and Jennet. They have been with us for 15 years and are the very best. See you all next year.

--Jerry Lahr

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest December 13, 2014 Light Gun Aggregate Steve Everson....................7.21” Jeff Billotte .......................9.13 Ross Herrick........................9.23 Small Group Steve Everson.................... 5.375”

Heavy Gun Aggregate Jeff Billotte......................8.21” Steve Everson......................9.06 Ross Herrick........................9.81 Small Group Steve Everson.................... 6.750” Light Gun Total Score Steve Everson...................145-3X Jeff Billotte...................... 139-2X Ross Herrick...................... 125-0X High Score Steve Everson...................... 50X Heavy Gun Total Score Ross Herrick.....................265-4X Steve Everson.................... 258-0X Jeff Billotte...................... 247-0X High Score Ross Herrick....................... 91-3X

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest December 13, 2014 Equipment List Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith Stock Scope Case 30Patriot Nesika Krieger Wells Tracker Nightforce Lazz 6.5x47 LazzMcMillan PacNor Pederson McMillan Nightforce Remington 6.5x47 LazzMcMillan PacNor Pederson McMillan Nightforce Norma 6.5x47 Panda Krieger Brackney Borden Leupold Lapua 284win Nesika Krieger Brackney McMillan Leupold Lapua

Powder H4831 H1000 H1000 RL17 H4831

Bullet/Wt JLK/210 Berger/140 Berger/140 Berger/130 Berger/180


Precision Rifleman

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club Heavy Varmint & VFS September 6-7, 2014 Thirteen shooters enjoyed near perfect weather Sept 6 and 7 to compete in the Nebraska State Heavy Varmint and VFS Championships held at the Council Bluffs, Iowa, Rifle and Pistol Club range. The Heavy Varmint group state championship was held on Saturday. In the 100-yard competition, Jon Leu was first with a .2750, followed by Jeff Shultz with a .2776. Sam Langhofer was third with a .2794, Jason Stanley was fourth with .2876, and Dave Brooks was fifth with .2934. Jeff Shultz, shooting a 30BR, had the small group at 100 yards with a .148. When the targets were moved out to 200 yards, Jon Leu was first with a .2695 followed by Dave Brooks in second place with a .2948. Rounding out the top five were Ron Miller with a .2968, Jeff Shultz with a .3025, and Howard Cowher with a .3207. Howard Cowher had the small group for the yardage with a .323. With wins at both 100 and 200 yards, Jon Leu won the Nebraska State Heavy Varmint Championship with a .2722. Coming in second was Jeff Shultz with a .2900, and Dave Brooks was third with a .2941. Rounding out the top ten in the Heavy Varmint Championship were Ron Miller, .3059; Chet Whitebread, .3255; Jason Stanley, .3473;

Howard Cowher, .3586; Mike Toby, .3847; Sam Langhofer, .3850; and Neil Bickley, .3918. Shooters had to contend with a little more wind on Sunday as 13 competitors contested the Nebraska State Varmint For Score Championship. Jason Stanley won the 100-yard stage in the morning with a 250-20X followed by Jeff Shultz, who also fired a 250-20X. Stanley won the yardage by virtue of a 50-5X first match while Shultz had a 50-4X on the first target. Howard Cowher was third with a 250-19X, Ron Miller was fourth with a 250-16X, and Mike Shapoval was fifth with a250-14X.

With the targets moved out to 200 yards, Ron Miller was first with a 2496X, followed by Sam Langhofer with a 249-5X. Rounding out the top five at 200 yards were Chet Whitebread with a 248-7X, Jeff Shultz with a 248-5X, and Tony Levenson with a 247-6X. When the yardages were combined, Ron Miller won the Nebraska State Varmint For Score Championship with a 499-22X. Second place in the championship went to Sam Langhofer with a 499-18X, and Jeff Shultz was third with a 498-25X. Rounding out the top ten were Chet Whitebread, 497-11X; Howard Cowher, 496-21X; Neil Bickley, 496-16X; Tony Levinson, 495-24X; Mike Toby, 495-18X; Jason Stanley, 494-27; and Doug Brooks, 493-12X. Pictured left to right: Howard Cowher, Sam Langhofer, Jason Stanley, Jeff Shultz, Ron Miller, Zach Miller (Jr winner) and Jon Leu. Thank you all for coming. --Ron Miller

Council Bluffs Group Match for September 6-7, 2014 Equipment List Heavy Varmint: Shooter Jon Leu Jeff Shultz Dave Brooks Ron Miller Chet Whitebread Varmint For Score: Ron Miller Sam Langhofer Jeff Shultz Chet Whitebread Howard Cowher

Cartridge 6PPC 30 BR 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC

Action Bat 3-L Panda Bat 3-L Bat 2-L Panda

Barrel Bartlein Krieger Shilen Bartlein Krieger

Stocker Larson Kelbly Self Self Kelbly

6PPC 30BR 30BR 6PPC 30BR

Bat 2-L Rem 700 Panda Panda Stiller

Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Kreiger Bartlein

Self Self Kelbly Kelbly Lawson

Stock Mfg Larson Kelbly Scoville n/a Kelbly

Gunsmith Miller Kelbly Miller Self Self

Bullet Barts Bib Barts Barts Berger

Weight 68 n/a 68 68 64


Powder LT-32 4198 LT-32 LT-32 LT-32

Weight 28.8 34.4 28 28 28.3

Primer 205M 205M CCI BR4 205M 205M

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Scope Leupold Leupold Leupold March Leupold

Power 36 45 45 50 45

Kelbly Kelbly Kelbly Lawson

Self Brensing Kelbly Self Kuse

Barts Berger Bib Berger Berger

68 115 n/a 64 n/a


LT-32 4198 4198 LT-32 4198

28 34 34.4 28.3 33.9

205M 205M 205M 205M 205M

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

March Leupold Leupold Leupold NightForce

50 45 45 45 n/a

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Congratulations to Sheldon Turf for his clean sweep of the Silver State Shootout. If you have not noticed Sheldon's 100-200 winning aggregate was a 500-35X. That's the same score shot for the current NBRSA VFS 100-200 world record. His targets will be submitted and rescored by the world record's committee. Good luck on the possible world records. The equipment list for both of these matches follows on the next page. Thank you to everyone for coming out and supporting our range.

Desert Sportsman’s Nevada State Long-Range VFS Sept 6, 2014

We had nice weather for the Nevada State Long Range VFS Championship. We shot 300 yards first then after lunch finished off with 200 yards. At 300 yards, Keith Myers took first with Brian Jones with a very close second. At 200 yards, Ron Carter took first with Brian Jones once again in second. One interesting tidbit is both Ron Carter and Keith Myers both shot 30 BRXs at 300. The jury is still out if it will replace the 30 BR here in Las Vegas. Now for the drum roll...Congratulations to Brian Jones for winning the Nevada State Long Range VFS Championship! Pictured above are Keith Myers, Brian Jones & Ron Carter. 200 Yards Ron Carter........................ 248-2X Brian Jones....................... 246-8X Keith Myers...................... 245-2X Randy Burgess................... 241-4X John Crissman................... 240-3X 300 Yards Keith Myers...................... 246-6X Brian Jones....................... 245-6X John Crissman................... 240-6X Ron Carter........................ 240-3X Randy Burgess................... 234-2X 200/300 Aggregate Brian Jones...................... 491-15X Keith Myers...................... 491-8X Ron Carter........................ 488-5X John Crissman................... 480-9X Randy Burgess................... 475-6X

Sheldon Turf Dominates the Silver State Shootout October 4, 2014

Sunny skies and lighter than normal winds were the conditions for the 100200 VFS match at Desert Sportsmans in Las Vegas. Starting at 100 yards, Sheldon Turf came in first scoring a 25022X shooting his 30BR. Second place went to Brian Jones scoring a 250-18X. And in third was Scott Smith from Utah shooting a 250-17X. Next up was the 200 yard match. Sheldon switched rifles for 200 yards and shot his new BAT 3-lug chambered in 30BRX. Well let me tell you it sure was a good move. Scoring a 250-13X Sheldon once again took first place. Second place went to Keith Myers scoring a 249-3X. And in third was Doc Smith shooting a 247-11X with his 6BR.

100 Yards Sheldon Turf................... 250-22X Brian Jones...................... 250-18X Scott Smith..................... 250-17X Keith Myers..................... 250-16X Ron Carter....................... 250-14X Doc Smith....................... 247-11X John Seines...................... 247-9X Dave Beck (F-cls)................ 230-3X 200 Yards Sheldon Turf................... 250-13X Keith Myers...................... 249-3X Doc Smith........................ 245-3X John Seines...................... 244-3X Brian Jones....................... 243-9X Ron Carter........................ 243-5X Scott Smith...................... 241-4X Dave Beck (F-cls)................ 227-2X 100-200 Aggregate Sheldon Turf................... 500-34X Keith Myers..................... 499-19X Brian Jones...................... 493-27X Ron Carter....................... 493-19X Doc Smith....................... 492-15X Scott Smith..................... 491-21X John Seines..................... 491-12X Dave Beck (F-cls)................ 457-5X


Precision Rifleman

Competitors Keith Myers Brian Jones Randy Burgess John Crissman Ron Carter-100

Desert Sportsmans September Long Range VFS Championship Caliber Action Barrel Stock Gunsmith Scope Power Powder 30BR Stolle Krieger TMBR Turf NightForce 12-42X H4198 30BR BAT Krieger TMBR Turf NightForce 8x55X H4198 30BR RDB Lilja RDB RDB Leupold 36X H4198 30BR Kodiak Krieger McMillan Turf Leupold 36X N135 30BR Stolle Krieger McMillan Turf NightForce 12-42X H4198

Shooter Howard Bloom John Seines David Smith (100) Keith Myers David Smith (200) Brian Jones Ron Carter (100) Scott Smith Sheldon Turf (100) Sheldon Turf (200)

Caliber 30BR 30BR 6PPC 30BR 6.5x47 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BRX

Desert Sportsman's Silver State Shootout Equipment List Action Barrel Stock Gunsmith Scope/Pwr Powder Stolle Krieger McMillan Turf NightForce/42X H4198 Marsh Krieger McMillan Ocock Leupold/35X H4198 Stiller Krieger McMillan Turf Weaver/36X N133 Stolle Krieger TMBR Turf NightForce/55X H4198 Marsh Krieger McMillan Turf NightForce/42X RE-15 BAT Krieger TMBR Turf NightForce/55X H4198 Stolle Krieger McMillan Turf NightForce/42X H4198 Kelbly Krieger Kelbly Frei Weaver/45X H4198 Stolle Krieger TMBR Turf NightForce/42X H4198 BAT Krieger Franklin Self NightForce/42X H4198

Desert Sportsman’s Varmint For Score Match November 1, 2014 “The wind is my friend” is a famous quote from the best bench rest shooter in history. Today we kept repeating that same quote to ourselves as if it were a mantra; the winds were a steady 25 mph gusting to 35 mph at times. Anything that was not tied, staked, or weighted down was sure to topple over. Shooters came up with creative ways to keep their wind flags upright for the day. The wind flags survived but not one shooters reloading box survived. They ended up flying off benches into the desert sand. The match was originally suppose to start at 200 yards but we ended up shooting both matches at 100 yards. I subscribe to the idea to give what the shooters want within reason or watch them go home. I would rather encourage then discourage the faithful who showed up with the best of intentions and had to endure such crappy conditions. Keith Myers took the win in Match 1 and Tom Guisewhite took the win in Match 2. Congratulations to Tom Guisewhite who managed to eek out a win with gusto despite all the challenges. Thanks to everyone for coming. Pictured at right is Keith Myers & Tom Guisewhite.

100 Yards Match 1 Keith Myers..................... 250-12X Tom Guisewhite................ 248-14X Scott Smith..................... 247-10X Tom Debacco.................... 245-7X Tony Debacco................... 245-5X Gary Vanlier...................... 244-9X David Smith...................... 239-8X 100 Yards Match 2 Tom Guisewhite............... 247-10X Tom Debacco.................... 246-7X Scott Smith..................... 244-11X

Bullet BIB Berger DeBacco E Scott Eazor

Weight 118 115 125 119 118

Bullet Berger/115 Conley/116 Barts/68 BIB/118 Berger/120 Berger/115 Eazor/118 Berger/115 Conley/118 BIB/118

Primer Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M Fed 205M

Primer Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M Federal 205M

Gary Vanlier...................... 244-5X Keith Myers..................... 243-10X Tony Debacco................... 242-3X David Smith..................... 236-10X Total Aggregate 100/100 Tom Guisewhite............... 495-24X Keith Myers..................... 493-22X Scott Smith..................... 491-21X Tom Debacco................... 491-14X Gary Vanlier..................... 488-14X Tony Debacco.................... 487-8X David Smith..................... 475-18X

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman

2014 Fall Finale Shelby County Deer Hunters Association October 18-19, 2014

There were 17 shooters attending the annual Fall Finale at the Shelby County Deer Hunters Association. This has, for the last several years, been the final match for shooters in the Eastern Region. The weather was, to say the least, mixed. Saturday was wind and rain. Sunday was sunny and a little less windy. These conditions were generally problematic for the shooters. Saturday morning’s 100 Light Varmint started with rain and 10 mph plus winds. As the morning wore on, conditions got worse. This did not stop Pat Metcalf from shooting a very respectable .2326 for first place. He was followed by Vic Potts with a .2565 and Jack Neary with a .2654. Small Group went to Steve Theye with a .149. Remember, I said it was windy. After a great lunch prepared by the Club, the shooters were greeted with 15 mph winds and gusts to who knows what velocity. The flags were waving like it was a Veterans Day parade on Main Street. The 100 Heavy Varmint ended with Jack Neary coming in first shooting a blistering .1916. He was followed by Dale Dillingham with a .2698 and Steve Theye with a .2852. Small Group went to Jack Neary with a near record breaking .098. Overnight the skies cleared and the sun broke through. Winds and guests would be less aggressive than Saturday. However, when shooting the 200 yard distance at Shelby County, never take for granted that the day will turn out well.

Stan Buchtel took top honors for the 200 yd. Heavy Varmint with a .2266. He was followed by Vic Potts with a .2341 and Jack Neary with .2349. The range actually looked like it should have been a trigger pull, but that was not the case. After the above mentioned shooters, scores jump considerably. Small group was won by Vic Potts with a .256. The 200 yd. Light Varmint continued much the same as the morning with the shooter contending with ever switching winds and conditions. Jack Neary stayed the course and took first place with a .2514 followed by Ted Heindselman with a .2523 and Steve Theye with a .2934. Jack shot the small group for the afternoon with a .171. When the final results were complied the Light Varmint Aggregate winner was Jack Neary with a .2584, followed by Ted Heindselman with a .2651 and Pat Metcalf with a .2657. Heavy Varmint Aggregate honors went to Jack Neary with a .2133 followed by Vic Potts with a .2833 and Steve Theye with a .2838. Everyone seemed to have a good time. The range is always a challenge, especially at 200 yards. We at Shelby County thank everyone for coming and hope to see you again in June for the Briar Hail Memorial. --Jerry Jarrett Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Jack Neary......................0.1916 Dale Dillingham................. 0.2698 Steve Theye...................... 0.2852 DeWayne Wood.................. 0.2854 Ted Heindselman................ 0.3136 Vic Potts.......................... 0.3324 Randy Perkowski................ 0.3368


John Petteruti................... 0.3378 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.3382 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.3462 Small Group Jack Neary........................ 0.098 Light Varmint 100-Yards Pat Metcalf......................0.2326 Vic Potts.......................... 0.2564 Jack Neary....................... 0.2654 DeWayne Wood.................. 0.2658 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2778 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.3078 Steve Theye...................... 0.3354 Dale Dillingham................. 0.3408 Jim Hold.......................... 0.3444 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3456 Small Group Steve Theye....................... 0.149 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Stan Buchtel....................0.2266 Vic Potts.......................... 0.2341 Jack Neary....................... 0.2349 Steve Theye...................... 0.2823 Jim Hold.......................... 0.2893 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2928 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2938 Dale Dillingham................. 0.3150 John Petteruti................... 0.3331 John Grice....................... 0.3389 Small Group Vic Potts........................... 0.256 Light Varmint 200-Yards Jack Neary......................0.2514 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2523 Steve Theye...................... 0.2934 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2987 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.3083 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3306 Vic Potts.......................... 0.3349 John Grice....................... 0.3538 David Holblom................... 0.3606 Dale Dillingham................. 0.3957 Small Group Jack Neary........................ 0.171 Two Gun Jack Neary..................... 0 .2358 Ted Heindselman................0 .2841 Vic Potts......................... 0.2895 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2908 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2972 Steve Theye...................... 0.2991 Dale Dillingham................. 0.3303 DeWayne Wood.................. 0.3353 Jim Hold.......................... 0.3581 Margaret Jarrett................ 0.3871 John Petteruti................... 0.3924 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3999 Randy Perkowski................ 0.4026 David Holblom................... 0.4089 John Grice....................... 0.4153


Precision Rifleman

2015 NBRSA Registered Matches SOUTHWEST REGION

Oct 11



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Turkey Shoot

Oct 17-18



Visalia Sportsman Assn California Unlimited Invitational

Nov 7-8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club SW Regional Championship

Nov 7-8



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 2

Feb 7-8



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Southwest Regional Leg 2

Feb 8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Feb 21-22



Visalia Sportsman Assn

Mar 1



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Mar 7-8



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Nov 7-8



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Mar 7-8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Club Championship

Nov 29



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Mar 14-15



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Cactus Classic

Dec 5



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Long Range Benchrest Match

Apr 4



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Long Range Benchrest Match

Dec 5-6



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona Invitational

Apr 11-12



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Season Ender

Dec 13



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Apr 12



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Apr 18-19



Visalia Sportsman Assn

Apr 23-24



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest Sloughhouse 600 *4/22 sign in

Apr 25-26



May 2


May 2-3




Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Larry Kuse Memorial Match

Mar 15



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

April 11-12



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Missouri State 4-Gun (Part 1)

Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest Sloughhouse 1000 *4/27 rain date

Apr 19



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

May 3



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis


Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Glitter Gulch

May 9



Van Dyne Sportsmens Club



Central Utah Benchrest Utah State Championship Leg 1

May 16



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

June 6



Van Dyne Sportsmens Club

May 2-3



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

June 6



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

May 10



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

June 14



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

May 16-17



Visalia Sportsman Assn Visalia Unlimited Challenge

June 20



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn



May 24



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

June 20-21

Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis East-West Show-Me Shootout

June 6



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Silver State Shoot-Out

July 4



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

July 11-12



Van Dyne Sportsmens Club Wisconsin State Championship

July 18-19



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Buford Seabolt Memorial

July 25-26



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Missouri State 4-Gun (Part 2)

Aug 29-30



Holmen Rod & Gun Club, WI Roy Oines Memorial Match

Sept 14-19



Bench Rest Rifle Club St Louis 2015 NBRSA Group Nationals

June 6-7



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

June 14



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

June 20-21



Visalia Sportsman Assn California State Championship #1

July 4-5



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Sloughhouse 200

July 12



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Aug 1-2



Central Utah Benchrest Utah State Championship Leg 2

Aug 1-2



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Sept 22-26



Bench Rest Rifle Club St Louis WBSF Championship

Aug 9



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Oct 4



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

Aug 23



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest



Sept 5-7



Visalia Sportsman Assn California State Championship #2

Oct 17-18

Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Mississippi Valley Regionals

Sept 13



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Nevada State Championship

Oct 3



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Short Range VFS Championship

Oct 3-4



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Oct 3-4



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 1




Colorado Rifle Club

April 25-26



Colorado Rifle Club

May 16-17



Colorado Rifle Club

May 2-3



Northern CO Benchrest Shooters

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman


2015 NBRSA Registered Matches May 30-31



Lands End Benchrest Shooters Leg #1 of 4Gun

June 6-7



Northern CO Benchrest Shooters SP is 1st Leg of NorCo 4Gun

June 8-12


600 & 1000-yds

July 11-12



July 18-19



Lands End Benchrest Shooters 2nd & 3rd Leg of 4Gun

Aug 1-2



Northern CO Benchrest Shooters

Sept 5-6



Northern CO Benchrest Shooters Firewalker & 2nd & 3rd Legs of 4Gun

Oct 3-4



Lands End Benchrest Shooters Purple Haze & LV Leg of 4Gun

July 25



Tri Cities Metallic Silhouette Club




Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club

Colorado Rifle Club 2015 Long Range Nationals

March 21-22



Tomball Gun Club Crawfish Invitational

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters UNL is 4th Leg of NorCo 4Gun

Mar 29



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club

April 18-19



Tomball Gun Club San Jacinto & Texas State Championship

May 2-3



Central Texas Benchrest Shooters Texas State Championship Leg 1

May 16-17



Seymour Stool Shooters Texas State Championship Leg 2

May 24



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club

May 30-31



North Texas Shooters Assn Gulf Coast Regional Championship

June 13-14



North Texas Shooters Assn Texas Showdown

June 27-28



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club HTR GCR & GC Championship




Oak Hill Gun Club

April 25-26



Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club Midstates Shootout Top Gun Leg 1

May 16-17



Boone Valley Ikes Two Gun Score Match

May 17



Oak Hill Gun Club

June 27-28



Midland Shooters Association Texas Shootout

June 6-7



2015 Long-Range Score Nationals Casper Score Shooters, Casper, WY

July 11-12



Seymour Stool Shooters Gulf Coast Regional Championship

June 20



Oak Hill Gun Club

July 19



June 27-28



Boone Valley Ikes Iowa State Hunter & Iowa State VFS

Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club Louisiana State Hunter Championship

July 26



July 19



Oak Hill Gun Club

North Texas Shooters Association Margarita Challenge

July 25-26



Boone Valley Ikes Iowa State Group Championship

Aug 29-30



Midland Shooters Association The Buffalo

Aug 4-7



2015 Short-Range Score Nationals Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA

Sept 20



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club Louisiana State Championship

Aug 16



Oak Hill Gun Club

Oct 18



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club

Aug 29-30



Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club Midstates Shootout Top Gun Final Leg

Sept 12-13



Boone Valley Ikes Two Gun Score Grand Championship

Sept 27



Oak Hill Gun Club





WWCCA Spring Tune-Up

Apr 25-26



Holton Gun Club President’s Cup

May 2-3



Fairchance Gun Club Hog Roast

May 16-17



Chippewa Rifle Club Super Shoot Warm-Up

March 28-29



Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assoc SHAMROCK

May 20-23



43rd Annual Super Shoot Kelbly’s Rifle Range

April 11-12



River Bend Gun Club

June 6-7



Holton Gun Club MI State Champ.

June 13-14



Unaka Rod & Gun Club

June 13-14



WWCCA Wolverine Challenge



July 18-19



Unaka Rod & Gun Club *Format may be changed

June 27-28

Shelby Cty Deer Hunters Assn Briar Hail Memorial Match

Aug 8-9



Fairchance Gun Club Two-Gun

Oct 10-11


Aug 15-16



Kane Fish & Game Club Pennsylvania State Championship

Sept 5-7



Fairchance Gun Club Three-Gun Championship

Oct 3-4



WWCCA Fall Classic

Oct 17-18



Shelby Cty Deer Hunters Assn Fall Finale


River Bend Gun Club *Format subject to change




Tri Cities Metallic Silhouette Club

Apr 25



Tri Cities Metallic Silhouette Club

May 30



Tri Cities Metallic Silhouette Club

June 27



Tri Cities Metallic Silhouette Club

Match Directors: Please double-check these dates and formats & contact the office for changes. Thanks!


Precision Rifleman

Lawrence Weisdorn Wins Visalia Invitational October 18-19, 2014 Lawrence Weisdorn Wins Visalia Invitational October 18-19, 2014 The Visalia 2-day Unlimited Invitational match held in October is the final match of the year. This year some of the competitors from Washington who really like to shoot rail guns made the trip. They made a good choice. The weather and conditions were good to very good for the weekend with the temperature staying around 70F and light winds. There was a good turnout with thirty competitors on the firing line. We shot the 100 yard matches on Saturday and the 200 yard matches on Sunday. The first day, 100 yard match was won by Gary Ocock shooting a .1510 aggregate for the first place trophy.

Taking the second place trophy was Lawrence Weisdorn with a .1562 agg. Henry Pinkney won the third place trophy with a .1584 agg. The small group trophy was Paul Garin’s who shot a .088 screamer. The competition got even tougher for the 200-yard matches. Lawrence Weisdorn shot two groups in the low two's and three groups in the three's to win the two hundred yard first place trophy with a .1559 aggregate. Lou Murdica took second with a .1604 agg. Lou also won the small group trophy with a .129 screamer. George Lozano shot a .1612 agg. for the third place trophy. The day 1 Grand Aggregate first place trophy was awarded to Lawrence Weisdorn who shot very steady all day. Lawrence shot a fifteen aggregate in the 100 and 200 yard match for a grand aggregate of .1560 for the win.

George Lozano placed second shooting a .1610 aggregate. Gary Ocock took the third with a .1658 aggregate. Jack Childers placed fourth shooting a .1919 agg. and Larry Boers shot a .1923 for fifth place. The day-2 100 yard match was won by Gary Ocock shooting all five groups in the one's for a .1330 aggregate to win the first place trophy. Larry Boers placed second with a .1528 aggregate. Dan Capps shot a .1676 for third place. Larry Boers shot a real nice .058 screamer for the small group trophy, Norm Jeffery shot an .089 with a bag gun for honorable mention. Lawrence Weisdorn had the right load for the 200-yard match and shot two groups in the two's and three in the three's to win the 200-yard match for the second time. Lou Murdica took the second place trophy with a .1596. A .1783 .agg won the third place for Marty Childers. George Lozano won the small group trophy with a .120. The day-2 winner of the first place Grand aggregate trophy was Lawrence Weisdorn again in a close finish among the first three places. Lawrence shot a .1724 aggregate for the win. Larry Boers placed second with a .1795 agg. Marty Childers shot a .1796 agg. in a very close finish for third place. Dan Capps shot a .1814 agg. for fourth place and Gary Ocock came in fifth place with a .1830 aggregate. The Visalia Invitational Grand Aggregate two-day first place award was won by Lawrence Weisdorn with a two day aggregate of .1642. Gary Ocock place second with a .1744 aggregate, George Lozano shot a .1759 aggregate to win the third place trophy, Larry Boers placed fourth with a .1859 and Marty Childers shot a .1860 for fifth place. In the photo above shooters are as follows, L-R: Dan Capps, George Lozano, Lawrence Weisdorn, Larry Boers, Tom Libby, Marty Childers, Jack Childers, and Paul Garin. Thank you everyone for sharing the benchrest fun with us and we look forward to 2015’s matches. --Bill Mellor Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Gary Ocock......................0.1510 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.1562

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman

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These bullets are being tested by top BR shooters, with great success. Lou Murdica has won matches in both Florida and California, Don Nielson won Two Gun Aggs three weekends in a row and Tony Boyer shot a 200 yard HV Agg of .1928 at the 2012 East/West match in Missouri.

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Marty Childers................... 0.1783 Steve Kostanich................. 0.1820 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.1851 Francis Lee....................... 0.1925 Dan Capps........................ 0.1953 Jack Childers.................... 0.1979 George Lozano.................. 0.2025 Larry Boers....................... 0.2061 Small Group George Lozano................... 0.120 Unlimited Grand Lawrence Weisdorn...........0.1724 Larry Boers....................... 0.1795 Martty Childers.................. 0.1796 Dan Capps........................ 0.1814 Gary Ocock....................... 0.1830 Lou Murdica...................... 0.1851 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.1872 Steve Kostanich................. 0.1874 George Lozano.................. 0.1909 Jack Childers.................... 0.1977 Francis Lee....................... 0.2144 George Pizzillo.................. 0.2291 Tom Libby........................ 0.2340 Dennis Thornbury............... 0.2342 Norm Jeffery.................... 0.2347 Dan Lutke........................ 0.2382 Henry Pinkney................... 0.2432 Don Nielson...................... 0.2461 Paul Garin........................ 0.2519 Duke Rovarino................... 0.2543 Two Gun Lawrence Weisdorn...........0.1642 Gary Ocock....................... 0.1744 George Lozano.................. 0.1759 Larry Boers....................... 0.1859 Marty Childers................... 0.1860 Dan Capps........................ 0.1887 Lou Murdica...................... 0.1907 Jack Childers.................... 0.1948 Steve Kostanich................. 0.1955 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.1967 Francis Lee....................... 0.2103 George Pizzillo.................. 0.2112 Don Nielson...................... 0.2260 Paul Garin........................ 0.2268 Tom Libby........................ 0.2319 Dennis Thornbury............... 0.2333 Jim Nicolas....................... 0.2364 Gary Sinclair..................... 0.2443 John Verhagen................... 0.2471 Dan Lutke........................ 0.2477 Duke Rovarino................... 0.2561 Russ Hessey...................... 0.2605 Norm Jeffery.................... 0.2615 Jim Folwell....................... 0.2635 Bill Mellor........................ 0.2652 Mike Sosenko.................... 0.2722 John Pierce...................... 0.2949


Henry Pinkney................... 0.1584 George Lozano.................. 0.1608 Larry Boers....................... 0.1652 Francis Lee....................... 0.1666 Marty Childers................... 0.1718 Paul Garin........................ 0.1864 George Pizzillo.................. 0.1906 Don Nielson...................... 0.1968 Small Group Paul Garin......................... 0.088 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Lawrence Weisdorn...........0.1559 Lou Murdica...................... 0.1604 George Lozano.................. 0.1612 Jack Childers.................... 0.1734 Steve Kostanich................. 0.1753 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.1803 Gary Ocock....................... 0.1806 Jim Nicolas....................... 0.1898 Russ Hessey...................... 0.1908 John Verhagen................... 0.1914 Small Group Lou Murdica....................... 0.129 Heavy Varmint Grand Lawrence Weisdorn...........0.1560 George Lozano.................. 0.1610 Gary Ocock....................... 0.1658 Jack Childers.................... 0.1919 Larry Boers....................... 0.1923 Marty Childers................... 0.1924 George Pizzillo.................. 0.1931 Russ Hessey...................... 0.1949 Dan Capps........................ 0.1959 Lou Murdica...................... 0.1962 Paul Garin........................ 0.2017 Steve Kostanich................. 0.2035 Don Nielson...................... 0.2060 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.2062 Francis Lee....................... 0.2062 Jim Nicolas....................... 0.2115 Bill Mellor........................ 0.2213 Tom Libby........................ 0.2299 John Verhagen................... 0.2310 Dennis Thornbury............... 0.2324 Unlimited 5-Shot 100-Yards Gary Ocock......................0.1330 Larry Boers....................... 0.1528 Dan Capps........................ 0.1676 George Lozano.................. 0.1792 Marty Childers................... 0.1808 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.1892 Paul Garin........................ 0.1910 Steve Kostanich................. 0.1928 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.1930 Marge Garin...................... 0.1960 Small Group Larry Boers........................ 0.058 Unlimited 5-Shot 200-Yards Lawrence Weisdorn...........0.1517 Lou Murdica...................... 0.1596



Precision Rifleman

WWCCA’s Fall Classic October 11-12, 2014

Well I got here on the Tuesday before the match with my trusty four footed sidekick, Sandy. Set up camp and went shopping for food. I happen to love Michigan in the fall with all the leaves turning color. The weather was a balmy 43F at night and about 60F in the daytime. No rain. Now WWCCA (short for Western Wayne County Conservation Association) is just on the outskirts of Plymouth MI, which is just on the outskirts of Detroit. The club consists of about 100 acres with a place for all shooting disciplines. They have skeet and trap fields, a 50yd, 100yd, and 200yd range, along with a world class air gun range, a turning target pistol range, complete archery and a complete black powder range. They also have walk throughs and camping facilities. The club can be viewed at www.wwcca.com. But the thing that amazes me about this place is the wildlife. I have yet to walk on this property and not see deer and there are two groups of wild turkeys with about 50 birds per group, along with other wildlife. I have seen lots of turkeys before, but never this many with feathers. The weather could not have been better with the sun at its best through both days. On to the match, Butch Lipscomb showed us with a starting .2112 in the LV 100yd, I think the next was Lee Hachigian with a .2344 and Canadian Peter Smith at a .3118.

As you can see there was quite a spread between 1st and 3rd. In the HV 100yd stage it was Lee Hachigian in the lead with a .2414 followed by that pesky Canadian, Peter Smith with a .2436, third was Butch Lipscomb at .2556. The HV 200yd stage was won by Jerry Jarrett, .2925, in second was WWCCA’s own Tim Bassham at a .2960 and third was Ted Heindselman with a .3137. That left the LV 200yd stage for all of the marbles to Lee with a .2474, Dominic (The Dominator), Grunas with a .3024 and that pesky Peter Smith at .3118. The Two Gun went to Lee Hachigian with a .2712, Peter Smith at a .2778 and Ted Heindselman at .2926. This was the last group match at WWCCA for this year and Dana Raven wants to wish everyone lots of luck until next year.

Light Varmint 100-Yards Butch Lipscomb................0.2112 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2344 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.2366 Peter Smith...................... 0.2392 Victor Potts...................... 0.2408 Pet Metcalf....................... 0.2552

Ted Heindselman................ 0.2708 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.2826 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2856 Bill Gammon..................... 0.2892 Small Group Butch Lipscomb.................. 0.137 Light Varmint 200-Yards Lee Hachigian...................0.2474 Dominic Grunas................. 0.3024 Peter Smith...................... 0.3118 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2979 Bill Gammon..................... 0.3293 Tim Bassham..................... 0.3528 John Petteruti................... 0.3593 Victor Potts...................... 0.3771 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.3996 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.4103 Small Group Peter Smith....................... 0.277 Light Varmint Grand Lee Hachigian...................0.2409 Peter Smith...................... 0.2755 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2940 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2979 Victor Potts...................... 0.3090 Bill Gammon..................... 0.3093 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.3108 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3413 John Petteruti................... 0.3479 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.3642 Dave Abbott...................... 0.3816 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3959

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February, 2015 Precision Rifleman


WWCCA’s Winner’s Circle L-R: Pat Metcalf, Butch Lipscomb, Peter Smith, Ron Robovitsky, Ted Heindselman, Lee Hachigian, Tim Bassham & Jerry Jarrett Ron Robovitsky.................. 0.4051 Margaret Jarrett................ 0.4162 Tim Bassham..................... 0.8235 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Lee Hachigian...................0.2414 Peter Smith...................... 0.2436 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2556 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2608 Tim Bassham..................... 0.2624 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2838 John Petteruti................... 0.2858 Victor Potts...................... 0.2898 Chuck Green..................... 0.3010 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3190 Small Group Pat Metcalf........................ 0.087 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jerry Jarrett....................0.2925 Tim Bassham..................... 0.2960 Ted Heindselman................ 0.3137

Peter Smith...................... 0.3165 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.3309 Ron Robovitsky.................. 0.3405 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.3458 Dave Abbott...................... 0.3570 Lee Hachigian................... 0.3617 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3696 Small Group Ron Bobovitsky................... 0.309 Heavy Varmint Grand Tim Bassham....................0.2792 Peter Smith...................... 0.2801 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2873 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.3007 Lee Hachigian................... 0.3016 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3058 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.3287 John Petteruti................... 0.3332 Victor Potts...................... 0.3362 Dave Abbott...................... 0.3460

Dominic Grunas................. 0.3497 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3599 Bill Gammon..................... 0.3756 Ron Robovitsky.................. 0.3806 Margaret Jarrett................. 0.451 Two Gun Lee Hachigian...................0.2712 Peter Smith...................... 0.2778 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2926 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.3057 Dominic Grunas................. 0.3219 Victor Potts...................... 0.3226 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3235 John Petteruti................... 0.3405 Bill Gammon..................... 0.3424 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.3465 Dae Abbott....................... 0.3638 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3779 Ron Robovitsky.................. 0.3928 Margaret Jarrett................ 0.4336 Tim Bassham..................... 0.5514

WWCCA's 2014 Fall Classic Equipment List Name Lee Hachigian Peter Smith Ted Heindselman Butch Lipscomb Dominic Grunas Victor Potts Tim Bassham Pat Metcalf Dave Abbott John Petteruti Bill Gammon Jerry Jarrett


Action BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT Swindlehurst BAT Stolle BAT BAT Stolle

Barrel Krieger MacLennan Krieger Krieger Spencer Krieger Krieger Shilen Hart Krieger MacLennan Hart

Gunsmith Scott Johansen Self Scott Scott Heindselman MacLennan Scott Kelbly Bruno Johansen Piechota

Stocker Scoville Scoville Scarbrough Scoville Scoville Metric TM Scoville Kelbly Scoville Scoville n/a

Scope Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Load V133 8208 N133 LT32 N133 N133 LT32 V133 H322 8208 8208 N133

Bullet/Wt Hottenstein Mitchell Mitchell Bassham Hottenstein JDS Hottenstein Generic Bart's Hottenstein Mitchell Bart's

Primer Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal


Precision Rifleman

was assured a great time. Congratulations again to all of our winners, and thanks to everyone for showing up to the match. The results follow.

Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis Mississippi Valley Regional October 18-19, 2014

We held the 2014 Mississippi Valley Regional group match at Benchrest Rifle Club in St. Louis October 1819, 2014 and had 32 shooters in attendance. Most have traveled a long way to be here, and we really appreciate you guys making this a great shoot. We had some great weather. The winds proved to be a little challenging, but we still had several shooters post some great aggs. Most noticeable was Jim Hart (aka CrazyHart) and his reign of domination. He whooped up on the whole lot of shooters and won the LV100, HV100 and LV200

along with both Grands and the Two Gun. He let his guard down one time during the match, and big Joe Fesi took advantage and won the HV200. The only part of our weekend shoot that Jim did not dominate was our Friday fly shoot. Steve Turner was our master fly hunter killing 9 out of 10 of our little flies and went home with quite a bit of cash and a new nickname, “the Exterminator�. Honorable mention and gratitude goes out to newly minted Match Director, Joe Fesi for putting on a great shoot that ran flawlessly. Between the good food, great friends and fierce competition, everyone

Light Varmint 100-Yards Jim Hart..........................0.2568 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2658 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2672 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.2788 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.2876 Bob Hammack................... 0.2890 Lou Kerhliker.................... 0.3274 Lee Gardner..................... 0.3390 Ron Miller........................ 0.3434 Harry Ward....................... 0.3484 Joe Fesi........................... 0.3516 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3640 Chuck Hearn..................... 0.3646 Jon Leu........................... 0.3738 Jerry Wick........................ 0.3870 Small Group Jim Gardner...................... 0.148 Light Varmint 200-Yards Jim Hart..........................0.2332 Jon Leu........................... 0.2676 Don Crunk........................ 0.2731 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2945 Joe Fesi........................... 0.3033 Lee Gardner..................... 0.3104 Ron Miller........................ 0.3106 Wayne Corley.................... 0.3417 Dave Coots....................... 0.3436 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3474 Bob Hammack................... 0.3501 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.3536 Steve Turner..................... 0.3621 Jerry Wick........................ 0.3663 Jim Gardner..................... 0.3922 Small Group Jon Leu............................ 0.232 Light Varmint Grand Jim Hart..........................0.2450 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2808 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.3162 Bob Hammack................... 0.3196 Jon Leu........................... 0.3207 Lee Gardner..................... 0.3247 Ron Miller........................ 0.3270 Joe Fesi........................... 0.3275 Don Crunk........................ 0.3539 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3557 Wayne Corley.................... 0.3722 Jerry Wick........................ 0.3767 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3780 Dave Dowd....................... 0.3789 Steve Turner..................... 0.3943

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman Jim Gardner..................... 0.3967 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.4005 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Jim Hart..........................0.2306 Jon Leu........................... 0.2450 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2562 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2704 Chuck Hearn..................... 0.2734 Jerry Wick........................ 0.2784 Dave Coots....................... 0.2812 Bob Hammack................... 0.2994 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.3016 Dave Dowd....................... 0.3024 Sam Langhofer................... 0.3218 Ron Miller........................ 0.3220 Joe Fesi........................... 0.3260 Scott Pieper...................... 0.3286 Wayne Corley.................... 0.3314 Small Group Jim Hart........................... 0.139 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Joe Fesi..........................0.2527 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2596 Jim Hart.......................... 0.2596 Jim Gardner..................... 0.2603 Jerry Wick........................ 0.2640 Dave Coots....................... 0.2762 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2869 Bob Hammack................... 0.2908 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.2968

Dave Dowd....................... 0.2977 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2978 Sam Langhofer................... 0.3065 Lee Gardner..................... 0.3119 Wayne Corley.................... 0.3191 Ron Miller........................ 0.3240 Small Group Sam Langhofer.................... 0.232 Heavy Varmint Grand Jim Hart..........................0.2451 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2650 Jerry Wick........................ 0.2712 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2716 Dave Coots....................... 0.2787 Joe Fesi........................... 0.2894 Bob Hammack................... 0.2951 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.2992 Dave Dowd....................... 0.3000 Sam Langhofer................... 0.3142 Jim Gardner..................... 0.3144 Jon Leu........................... 0.3179 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3206 Chuck Hearn..................... 0.3224 Ron Miller........................ 0.3230 Wayne Corley.................... 0.3252 Lee Gardner..................... 0.3385 Two Gun Jim Hart..........................0.2450 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2762 Bob Hammack................... 0.3073


Mark Harpenau.................. 0.3077 Joe Fesi........................... 0.3084 Jon Leu........................... 0.3193 Jerry Wick........................ 0.3239 Ron Miller........................ 0.3250 Lee Gardner..................... 0.3316 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.3327 Bud Mundy....................... 0.3381 Dave Dowd....................... 0.3395 Wayne Corley.................... 0.3487 Don Crunk........................ 0.3553 Jim Gardner..................... 0.3555 Chuck Hearn..................... 0.3730 Harry Ward....................... 0.3799 Sam Langhofer................... 0.3848 Dave Coots....................... 0.3903 Dennis Boyet..................... 0.3929 Steve Turner..................... 0.3932 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3956 Lou Kerhliker.................... 0.4031 Scott Pieper...................... 0.4107 John Hutchins................... 0.4313 James Lederer................... 0.4355 Daryl Dudley..................... 0.4666 Dean Stroud...................... 0.4726 Jesse Williams................... 0.4831 Wes Johnson..................... 0.4989 Doug Brooks...................... 0.5207 Dave Brooks...................... 0.7094

Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis October 18-19, 2014 Mississippi Valley Regional Equipment List Light Varmint: Name Jim Hart Larry Scharnhorst Mark Harpenau Bob Hammack Jon Leu Lee Gardner Ron Miller Joe Fesi Don Crunk Bud Mundy Heavy Varmint: Jim Hart Ron Hoehn Jerry Wick Larry Scharnhorst Dave Coots Joe Fesi Bob Hammack Mark Harpenau Dave Dowd Sam Langhofer


Action BAT BAT Farley BAT BAT Farley BAT BAT Farley BAT

Barrel Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Shilen Krieger Krieger

Gunsmith Skeetlee Reneau Brensing Self Miller Skeetlee Self Skeetlee Scott Self

Tuner n/a Loker Loker n/a n/a Skeetlee n/a Bukys n/a n/a

Stock Green Scoville Scarbrough Scarbrough Larson Scoville JTR Scoville Borden BAT

Stocker Green Self Scarbrough Scarbrough Larson Scoville Self Scoville TM Self

Trigger Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell B&A Jewell Jewell

Bullet Conaway/66 Conaway/63 Self Barts/68 Barts/68 Barts/68 Barts/68 Griffin/67 Fowler/66 Miller/62

Powder/Load 133/29.8 133/30.5 8208/29 133/29 LT32/28.8 LT32/29 LT32/28 LT32/27.7 133/28.0 133/28.9

Scope/Pwr Sightron/36 March/60 Leupold/45 March/50 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 March/50 March/40 Leupold/36 March/40



Bartlein Shilen Krieger Bartlein Krieger Shilen Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Bartlein

Skeetlee Hoehn Wick Reneau Ocock Skeetlee Self Brensing n/a Brensing

n/a n/a Wick Loker n/a Bukys n/a Loker n/a n/a

Green TM Wick Scoville Leonard Scoville Leonard Scarbrough Leonard Lee Six

Green TM Wick Self TM Scoville Leonard Scarbrough Leonard Self

Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell B&A Jewell Jewell B&A Jewell

Conaway/66 Hottenstein/68 Barts/68 Conaway/63 Miller/65 Griffin/67 Barts/68 Self n/a Levenson/68

133/29.8 8208/27.8 133/29 133/30.5 LT32/29.5 LT32/27.7 133/29 8208/29 8208/300 133/29

Sightron/36 March/40 Leupold/45 March/60 March/40 March/40 March/50 NightForce 55 March/50 Weaver/36


Precision Rifleman

Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis October,5 2014 Score Match Dennis Boyet wins Varmint for Score Jerry Kloeppel wins Hunter Class

Our score shooting season has came to an end. We had a total of 17 competitors who had a great time and a really nice October day. Great temperatures but a very strong wind from the west that was

fun and definitely challenging as it increased as the day progressed. In the Varmint for Score class at 100 yards the winner was Dennis Boyet with 250-20X, second was Wayne Corley with 250-18X and third was Dean Weston with 25015X. At 200 yards the winner was Dennis Boyet with 246-3X, second was Wayne Corley with 244-1X and

third Mike Schneidman 243-2X. In the grand agg Dennis Boyet was clearly the winner with 496-23X, second was Wayne Corley with 494-19X and third was Mike Schneidman with 491-10X. In the Hunter class the 100 yard winner was Matthew Hon with 24811X, second Paul Hon 248-10X and third Leon Domijan with 247-9X. At 200 yards the winner was Jerry Kloeppel with 242-3X, second was Joe Hemkens with 238-3X and third was Clark Greene with 235-2X. The winner in the grand agg was Jerry Kloeppel with 488-12X, second Joe Hemkens with 485-12X and third Matthew Hon with 478-13X. A very special welcome to new shooter Brett Stroud. Brett was doing just fine until he dumped powder in the action -- since we have all done that at least one time we know how frustrating this can be! Pictured above are St Louis Score Shooters from Left, Matthew Hon, Mike Schneidman, Joe Hemkens, Dennis Boyet, Jerry Kloeppel and Wayne Corley. Thanks to all of our competitors that show up at the matches and to our match workers that make it all possible. Special thanks to those that travel a long distance to compete. Our first score match next year will likely be mid-March and we hope to see you all then. Varmint for Score 100-Yards Dennis Boyet................... 250-20X Wayne Corley................... 250-18X Dean Weston.................... 250-15X Tom Hencken................... 250-14X Galen DeRousse................ 250-14X Mike Schneidman................ 248-8X Jeff Conover.................... 246-12X Brett Stroud..................... 239-12X Frank Mancuso.................. 236-11X Varmint for Score 200-Yards Dennis Boyet....................246-3X Wayne Corley.................... 244-1X Mike Schneidman................ 243-2X Jeff Conover..................... 239-4X Dean Weston..................... 236-3X Frank Mancuso................... 233-2X Galen DeRousse................. 230-1X

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman Tom Hencken.................... 225-1X Brett Stroud...................... 218-2X Varmint For Score Grand Aggregate Dennis Boyet................... 496-23X Wayne Corley................... 494-19X Mike Schneidman............... 491-10X Dean Weston.................... 486-18X Jeff Conover.................... 485-16X Galen DeRousse................ 480-15X Tom Hencken................... 475-15X Frank Mancuso.................. 469-13X Brett Stroud..................... 457-14X Hunter Class 100-Yards Matthew Hon................... 249-11X Paul Hon......................... 248-10X Leon Domijan.................... 247-9X Joe Hemkens.................... 247-9X Chuck Hearn..................... 24611X Jerry Kloeppel................... 246-9X Ron Hoehn....................... 244-10X Clark Greene..................... 242-4X Hunter Class 200-Yards Jerry Kloeppel..................242-3X Joe Hemkens.................... 238-3X Clark Greene..................... 235-2X Ron Hoehn........................ 234-1X Chuck Hearn..................... 230-2X Matthew Hon.................... 229-2X Leon Domijan.................... 225-0X Hunter Grand Aggregate Jerry Kloeppel................. 488-12X

Competitor Varmint for Score: Frank Mancuso@100 Frank Mancuso@200 Tom Hencken Dennis Boyet Wayne Corley Mike Schneidman Dean Weston Jeff Conover@100 Jeff Conover@200 Galen DeRousse Brett Stroud Custom Hunter Class: Jerry Kloeppel Ron Hoehn Clark Greene Joe Hemkens Chuck Hearn Paul Hon Matthew Hon Leon Domijan

Joe Hemkens................... 485-12X Matthew Hon................... 478-13X Ron Hoehn....................... 478-11X


Clark Greene..................... 477-6X Chuck Hearn.................... 476-13X Leon Domijan.................... 472-9X

Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis October 5, 2014 Score Match Equipment List Caliber Action Barrel Gunsmith Stocker Scope Case Powder Load Primer


30 BR 6 BR 30 BR 30 BR 30 BR 6PPC 6PPC 30 BR 6BR 30 BR 6PPC

Shilen Savage Shilen Panda BAT Hall BAT Surgeon Viper Stolle Panda

Shilen Shilen Rock Bartlen Lederer Lilja Bartlein Shilen Krieger Shilen Shilen

Self Self Smart Hoehn Hoehn Self Hoehn Self Self Haynes n/a

Self Self n/a MCMillan Self n/a Hoehn Self Self n/a n/a

Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold March Leu 36 March Weaver Sightron Leupold Leupold

Lupua Lapua Rem Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

H-4198 n/a H-4198 H-4198 H-4198 8208 LT-32 H-4198 Varget H-4198 N-133

28.0 33.0 32.5 32.0 28.7

Br 4 n/a Rem Fed Fed Fed 205 205M 205M Rem BR Fed

Cheeks 117 n/a 10X 10X HiScore 117 Berger Bart 68 Cheeks 118 Cheeks 80 Cheeks 118 Bart 68

30 BR 30 BR 30x47 30x47 HBR 30x48 30x44 30X47 308S

Stolle Kodiak Rem Rem 700 Stolle Stolle Rem Rem

Krieger Lederer Broughton Kreiger Bartlein Hart Shilen Bartlein

Self Hoehn Smart Smart Hearn n/a Smart Smart

Self TM Smart Corley Meredith n/a Smart Corley

Myer Weaver Leu Leu-Pre Weaver Leupold n/a Weaver

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua WW Lapua n/a Rem

LT-32 H-4198 SBR-118 SBR-118 N-135 H-322 VV-135 N-135

35.0 34.2 45.0 45.0 n/a 39.5 42.5 42.0

Fed 205 Fed F210M Fed Fed Fed Fed BR

115-10X Fowler 117 10X 150 Chism 150 130 gr 10X 118 Bib Burger 15.0 135 10X

34.4 n/a Full 34.1 34.0


Precision Rifleman

Announcing New Group World Records for 2014 Congratulations to the following shooters who bested the best to become the new world record holders based on their stellar performance during the 2014 NBRSA Group Nationals at Holton, Michigan.

Jeff Gaidos

8, 10-Shot Groups UNL 100-Yards 0.1899” set on September 22, 2014

Gene Bukys

Gene Bukys

5, 5-Shot HV 100&200 Yds 0.1688” set on September 26, 2014

Gene Bukys

5, 5-Shot LV 100&200 Yds 0.1702” set on September 25, 2014

Gene Bukys

5, 5-Shot HV 100-Yards 0.1340” set on September 24, 2014

The record Jeff Gaidos set replaces that established by Tony Boyer in September, 21, 2009 which was 0.1941. The Heavy Varmint 100 & 200 yard record Gene Bukys set replaces the 0.1773 set by Clarence Hammonds on July 2, 1995 and Gene’s new 0.1702 Light Varmint 100 & 200 yard record supercedes Tony Boyer’s 0.1719 shot on September 25, 2009. His new Heavy Varmint 100-

Gary Ocock

Jeff Gaidos

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman

yard record replaces that set by Rex Reneau on September 6, 1982, which was 0.1399. Congratulations to the following shooters who set new world records at the Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club’s Sniper King match.

Gary Ocock

5, 10-Shot Groups UNL 100&200 Yds 0.2097” set on July 4, 2014

Eric Stanton

5, 10-Shot Groups UNL 200-Yards 0.1988” set on July 5, 2014


Gary Ocock replaces Tony Boyer’s 0.2238 set on April 18, 2009 and Eric Stanton‘s new 0.1988 Unlimited at 100-yards supercedes Rick Graham’s 0.1990 set on July 3, 2009; most likely set at the same range during the same Sniper King match. Congratulations to those new World Record Holders for raising the bar yet higher in benchrest precision and accuracy. Well done gentlemen.


Precision Rifleman

Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts ER—Eastern Region Chippewa Rifle Club

www.chippewarifleclub.com GPS: N40 56.820 W81 44.583 Contact: Bob Denk 440 596-7238 7728 E Linden Ln, Parma, OH 44130 robertsdenk66@gmail.com Contact: Pat Metcalf 419 886-3467 528 Alexander Rd, Bellville, OH 44813 plmohio@aol.com

Fairchance Rod & Gun Club

GPS: N39 48.704 W79 47.179 Contact: Bill Reahard 724 323-5044 PO Box 156, McClellandtown, PA 15458 reahard@verizon.net Contact: Jerry Van Sickle 724 569-2216 181 Guthrie Rd, Smithfield, PA 15478

Holton Gun & Bow Club

6201 Crystal Lake Rd, Holton, MI 49425 PO Box 128, Holton, MI 49425 www.holtongunandbowclub.com 231 821-9608 GPS: N43 23.742 W86 05.2566 Contact: Bruce Torrey, 231 288-4769 3951 Molly Blvd, Muskegon, MI 49444 Alternate: Nancy Scarbrough 231 638-6775 544 N Buys Rd, Muskegon, MI 49445 stocksunlimited@comcast.net

Kane Fish & Game

Dwight Rd, 1 mile N of Kane on SR 321 www.kanefishandgameclub.org Steve Timpano – Group 814 837-9644 stimpano@verizon.net Ed Hanes - Group 814 837-9868 hanes329@comcast.net

Kelbly’s Rifle Range

7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd N Lawrence, OH 44666 www.kelbly.com GPS: N40 52.9836 W81 40.6218 Contact: Jim Kelbly 330 683-4674 jim@kelbly.com

Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn

7988 Johnston-Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 937 492-2972 Contact: John Petteruti 937 654-7950 jpetteruti@woh.rr.com


6700 Napier Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 734 453-9843 http://wwcca.com Contact: Dana Raven 734 748-5394 10930 Old 27N, Frederic, MI 49733-9734 dana_raven@yahoo.com Contact: Bill Gammon 519 453-6734 387 Speight Blvd, London, ONT N5V 3J8 Canada Bill.gammon@rogers.com

GC—Gulf Coast Region Austin Rifle Club

www.austinrifleclub.org PO Box 141399, Austin, TX 78714 Contact: Virgil Howarth 512 447-8968 2704 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745 vhowarth@sbcglobal.net

Central Texas Benchrest

GPS: N29 44.695 W098 14.141 Contact:Sammye Dietz 830 885-4662 421 Range Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132 Contact: Wayne Young 210 288-3063 391 Berry Oaks Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163 830 612-1277 or 67 wayne@swmco.com

Midland Shooters Association

4108 East County Rd 160, Midland, TX 79706 432 682-2332 www.midlandshooters.com Contact: Mike Conry 3212 E County Rd 136, Midland, TX 79706 432 528-8718 or 432 683-1332 MEConry@suddenlink.net

North TX Shooters Association

www.shootntsa.com GPS: N33 19.351 W97 08.938 Contact: Michael Stinnett 214 794-8006 6651 Blackjack Oaks Rd, Aubrey, TX 76227 mkstinnett@gmail.com

Seymour Stool Shooters

448 Hwy 283 South, Seymour, TX 76380 Contact: John Horn 940 636-9984 924 Peterson Rd S, Iowa Park, TX 76367 John.Horn44@gmail.com

SW Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Club

www.swla-rifleandpistol.org Contact: Mike Guillot 337 249-3712 1600 Cappy Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605 Guillot4555@suddenlink.net

Tomball Gun Club

Contact: Dwayne Pullum: 281 684-9004 Richard Pullum by email: richardpullum@embarqmail.com

NC—North Central Region Boone Valley Ikes

Contact: Ronnie Berg 515 210-7772 104 S Dalander St, Madrid, IA 50156 mrberg@iowatelecom.net

Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

462 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY 82834 Contact Pete Eisele 307 217- 1155

Casper Score Shooters

2330 N Station Rd, Casper, WY 82601 307 265-2535 www.stuckenhoffshooterscomplex.net Contact: Tim Naugle 307 237-7185 1926 S Walnut St, Casper WY 82601 tnaugle@bresnan.net

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club

www.cbr-pc.org GPS: N41.39083 W95.37891 Contact: Gary Flury 712 328-0301 PO Box 1042, Council Bluffs, IA 50502 garysflury@gmail.com Contact: Ron Lee Miller 402 393-4536 8081 Dupont St. Omaha NE 68124 ncnbrsa@cox.net

Lincoln Izaak Walton League

10801 S 134th St, Bennet, NE 68317 Contact: Mike Shapoval 402 420-5763 mike10shapoval@windstream.net

Minnetonka Benchrest Assn

8310 Hill n Dale Dr, St Francis, MN 55330 www.mgfc.org GPS: N45 23.42 W93 29.29 Contact: Scott Moser 612 961-6761 10412 Abbott Dr, Brooklyn Park MN 55443 samoser@comcast.net

Oak Hill Gun Club

12364 Coon Hunters Rd, Blue Grass, IA 52726 563 381-2677 Contact: Cecil Peterson 563 359-1988 2260 Cromwell Cir, Davenport IA 52807 peterson1@mchsi.com

Prairie Dog Target Club

Contact: Don Deckert 605 288-1919 HC 54, Box 3, Porcupine SD 57772 pdtc57772@yahoo.com

MV—Mississippi Valley

Bench Rest Rifle Club Of St Louis 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City, MO 63390 www.shootingstl.com GPS: N38 53.353 W091 04.763 Scott Pieper - Group 636 745-2454 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City MO 63390 pieper@shootingstl.com Wayne Corley - HTR/VFS 636 928-0882 2 Sheffield Ct, St Charles, MO 63304 waynecorley@sbcglobal.net

Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

W10924 Bryer Road, Columbus, WI 53925 www.csa12.com tabalding@gmail.com Contact Terry Balding 608 577-5193 1777 W Main St #203, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Holmen Rod & Gun Club

W7503 County Road T, Holmen, WI 54636 www.holmenrodandgunclub.com Contact Jim Knower, 608 526-3151

Van Dyne Sportsmen’s Club

www.vdsc.org or info@vdsc.org Contact: Dick Baier 920 688-2433 PO Box 8, Van Dyne WI 54979

NW—Northwest Region Wenatchee Benchrest Club

2800 #2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA www.wenrrc.org, zaccs@televar.com Contact: Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn 6900 Kershaw Blvd, White City, OR 97502 Contact: Phil Grammatica 714 749-7216 philgrammatica@yahoo.com

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club

27007 South Tom Beall Rd, Lapwai, ID 83540 280 843-2987 www.lcwildlife.org Contact: Paul Gylling - HTR/VFS 40102 State Route 195, Colfax WA 99111 PGylling@gmail.com 509 553-1118 Denny Andrews - Group 13263 Snake River Rd, Asotin WA 99402 andrewslaw1@gmail.com 509 243-7039

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club

8503 Chambers Creek Rd W University Place, WA 98467 www.tacomarifle.org Contact: Jeff Lewis 206 407-8299 32310 6th Ave SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 varminthunter1@comcast.net

Tri-Cities Metallic Silhouette Assn Hwy 12 to Pasco-Kahlotus Rd www.tcmsa.org Contact: Rick DeGroat 509 308-7213 or 509 396-3166 rem10x308@aol.com

Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Range

578 Blodgett View Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 www.whittecarrange.com 406 363-7078 Contact: Jeff Jetter 406 777-5326 4168 Foxy Ridge Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870 JLJ4HBR@msn.com

Yellowstone Rifle Club

7212 Molt Rd, Billings, MT 406 656-2775 www.yrc.org Contact: Ryan Lienemann 406 245-4056 1124 Horn St, Billings, MT 59101 lienemannbr@gmail.com

SE—Southeast Region

Brock’s Gap Training Center www.scssa.org GPS: N33 20 19.25 W86 52 28.00 3721 South Shades Crest Rd Birmingham, AL 35244 Contact: Steve Lee 205 428-2191 Lee.Steven@att.net

Manatee Gun & Archery Club

1805 Logue Rd, Myakka City, FL 34251 775 358-5014 www.manateegunclub.com GPS: N27 29.3610 W82 09.2448 Contact: Buddy Ross 407 448-8393 1845 Coronado Rd, Ft Myers, FL 33901 bross6mm@hotmail.com

Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn www.mggoa.com GPS: N32 24.3732 W82 53.0574 PO Box 4096, Dublin, GA 31040 Contact: Matt Walker 478 304-2749 mggoa1@gmail.com

River Bend Gun Club

588 River Bend Gun Club Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 770 893-3502 www.rbgc.org GPS: N34 20.198 W84 14.819 Contact: Jim Andress Group/Score PO Box 7, Marble Hill, GA 30148 benchrest@rbgc.org, jim@precisionrifles.co 770 876-2351 or 770 893-3319

Rockingham County Gun Club

572 Long Branch Road, Reidsville, NC 27320 www.rockinghamcountygunclub.com GPS: N36 25.536 W79 31.864 Contact: Roy Darnell 336 595-9110 4811 Camp Betty Hastings Rd

Walkertown, NC 27051 DarnellRM@embarqmail.com

Unaka Rod & Gun Club

90 Furnace Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601 423 926-0221 www.unakarodandgun.com Contact: Matthew Keller 423 202-6932 1013 Washington College Station Rd Limestone, TN 37681 mk6ppc4@yahoo.com

MC—Mid-Continent Region Colorado Rifle Club

76099 E 96th Ave, Byers, CO 80103 303 238-5696 http://crci.org Contact: Nick Hoier 719 499-0246 or Nate Miller 719 648-5334 524 E McCullough Blvd, Pueblo West, CO 81007 namiller1979@gmail.com

Land’s End Benchrest Shooters

4 mi East of Hwy 50 on Reeder Mesa Rd Contact: Tom Stiner 970 257-9160 1521 Divide Rd, Whitewater CO 81527 TSTooling@hotmail.com

Mill Creek Rifle Club

7215 Gardner Rd, DeSoto, KS 66018 www.millcreekrc.org Contact: Don Creach - Group 816 586-9475 dcjcreach@aol.com Contact:Ronald Shultz - Hunter/VFS 913 557-9879

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters 38967 CR 51, Eaton, CO 80615 www.wcfw.org Contact: Bud Schalles 970 224-3740 PO Box 83, La Porte CO 80535 budschalles@aol.com

Okie Shooters Range

Contact: Rex Reneau 405 787-8529 7409 NW 28th Terrace, Bethany OK 73008 405 623-6019 or rreneau1@cox.net Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn

Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Whittington Center

34025 US 64, Raton, NM 87740 575 445-3615 www.nrawc.org Contact: Ed Adams 505 401-5071 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque NM 87120 trished5@comcast.net

SW—Southwest Region Arizona Benchrest Shooters

4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85086 GPS: N33 27 12.22 W112 37 12.20 http://azbrs.com Contact: Melesia Cisneros 714-441-7220 4275 N Palm St, Fullerton, CA 92835 melesia.cisneros@bergerbullets.com

Central Utah Benchrest

Contact: Dave Tunbridge 801 571-6755

966 Stacie Ave, Sandy UT 84094 drtunbridge@gmail.com

Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

12201 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702 642-9928 www.dsrpc.net GPS: N36.1498 W115.3653 Contact: Keith Myers - VFS keithmyers@yahoo.com or 702 217-3591 Contact: Howard Bloom - HTR 1964.usmc@att.net or 702 368-0568

Ojai Valley Gun Club

www.dock.net/ovgc Contact: Barry Bluhm 805 798-2473 608 E Oak St, Ojai CA 93023 TwiLiteZ585@hotmail.com

Palomino Valley Gun Club

Washoe County Shooting Facility 21555 Pyramid Lake Hwy, Reno NV 80502 palominovalleygunclub.homestead.com GPS: N39 51.374 W119 40.046 Contact: Robert Hoppe - Long Range PO BOX 4251, Sparks NV 89432 RobH@saturnnet.com 775 827-8679 or 775 397-3358 Contact: Steve Archibald - Varmint 5017 Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434 775 356-5850 (h) or 775 742-1153 (c) nevadaswa@aol.com

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest

www.tucsonrifleclub.org Contact: Karl Hunstiger 602 971-4400 2901 E Cortez St, Phoenix AZ 85028 wfo13@aol.com

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters www.sloughhousebenchrest.com Contact: Craig St Claire - Long Range galtshtr@gmx.com or 209 744-2274 Contact: Dan Lutke - Short Range 408 241-9759 lutke5@sbcglobal.net Contact: Bill Mellor - Short Range 916 354-1782 rollem11@att.net

Visalia Sportsman Association

7398 Avenue 328, Visalia, CA 93291 599 651-3063 www.visaliasportsmans.com Contact: Dennis Thornbury 559 432-4401 PO Box 105, Visalia, CA 93279 559 280-6243 gunhandler@gmail.com

EU—European Region Benchrest Dolomiti

Via Alemagna 1/a, Dobbiaco, Italy 39034 info@alpenfuchs.it Contact: Americo Angaran americo.angaran@gmail.com


Precision Rifleman

Mickey Coleman Passes Dorothy Coleman, Mickey’s wife writes “He loved all of you so much. I don’t think any of you really do know how deeply he cared for all of you. If you could make sure Tony and Faye, Billy Stevens and Bart Sauter know about his passing I will appreciate it so much. Also Wilbur Harris. I am going to miss him so much. George Ulrich shares that he spent a week with Mickey, Bart and Billy in one of the cabins at Raton in 99. Mickey had decided that to make it interesting between the four of us that who ever shot best got to wear a tee shirt that said rooster on it and who ever shot worst wore a tee shirt that said hen on it. He had them made up and airbrushed pictures and rooster and hen on back. After about four days Newick comes up and wants to know what a rooser is, they misspelled it. I never made it to rooster or hen, but after the first couple of days I really wasn’t interested in wearing a tee shirt that had been worn and passed around anyway. It was all great fun and one of the better memories with him. This is a true loss.

Buford Seabolt Passed Away Buford was born on December 21, 1941 and passed away on Monday, October 6, 2014. He was an avid benchrest shooter from the Mississippi Valley Region and a resident of Saint Charles, Missouri at the time of his passing. He is survived by his wife Laura. As a tribute, Match Director Wayne Corley from the Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis will hold the Buford Seabolt Memorial match on July 18-19, 2015. He will be greatly missed. Paul Thornbury Passed Away It is with deep regret I must inform you of the passing of Dennis Thornbury’s father. Paul Thornbury was 95 years old. Pops, as he was affectionately referred to, was not a competitor, but he traveled to many shoots with Dennis, I am sure a lot of the traveling shooters met him over the years. Besides being President of the NBRSA and Visalia CA Match Director, Dennis is a good friend to a lot of the Benchrest community. Our deepest prayers and condolences go out the Dennis at this time. --Dan Lutke

Advertising Index

21st Century Shooting ��������2 Gradient Lens Corp............3 Lilja Rifle Barrels...............4 Shilen Rifle Barrels.............5 PMA Tool.........................7 Western Powders.............. 10 Magnum Metal................. 11 Hoehn Sales.................... 12 Butch’s Reloading............. 15 Marsh Industries............... 18 Berger Bullets.................. 19 McMillan USA................... 20 Accugauge/6mmPPC.......... 22 BAT Machine Company ������� 24 Anneal Rite..................... 25 Edgewood Bags................ 27 Sharp Shoot R.................. 27 Benchrite, LLC................. 27 Shadetree Engineering ������ 30 Kelbly’s......................... 32

February, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Regional Directors Eastern Region

Staff Exp 2016

Jack Neary 6204 Wild Oak Dr, North Olmstead, OH 44070 H: 440 716-0600 C: 336 542-8711 jrneary@hotmail.com

Gulf Coast Region

Officers Dennis Thornbury, President 1114 S McAuliff St Visalia, CA 93292 H: 559 732-4401 C: 559 280 6243 gunhandler@gmail.com Term Expires 2014 Don Nielson, Vice President 20456 Hart St, Winnetka, CA 91306 H: 818 883-5866 pkin@sbcglobal.net Term Expires 2014 John Horn, Financial Officer 924 Peterson Rd South Iowa Park, TX 76367-7237 C: 940 636-9984 Term Expires 2014 John.Horn44@gmail.com

Committees World Records Committee: Group Gene Bukys, Chairman 2111 Silver Moon Trail Crosby, TX 77532 281 324-2605 egb243@msn.com Kent Harshman, Committee Member Ron Hoehn, Committee Member Lowell Frei, Committee Member World Records Committee: Score David Halblom, Chairman 515 556-5833 4315 Ashby Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310 DavidHalblom-BugTyer@att.net Dan Zaccanti, Committee Member Rich Carpenter, Committee Member Randy Perkowski, Committee Member Tom McPhee, Committee Member International Representative Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com Varmint For Score Representative (Southwest Region) Keith Myers 702 217-3591 keithmyers@yahoo.com Long Range Measuring Committee Karl Hunstiger, Chairman 602 971-4400 wfo13@aol.com

Mississippi Valley Region Exp 2016

Bud Mundy 5956 Old Hickory Trail Hillsboro, MO 63050 C: 314 805-1313 bcmundy@earthlink.net

Exp 2015

Terry Meyer PO Box 52, Thornton, IA 50479 H: 641 998-2860 C: 641 425-3397 tdmeyer6ppc@gmail.com North Central Alternate Rodney Brown PO Box 7218, Sheridan, WY 82801 C: 303 378-6085 rbrown@vanaire.net

Mid-Continent Region

Exp 2015

Butch Fjoser 7 Summerfield St, Woodward, OK 73801 C: 580 334-2643 W: 580 254-9764 butchsguns@yahoo.com

North West Region

Business Manager, NBRSA Editor, Precision Rifleman Magazine Advertising Sales Contact Audrey Brown PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 W: 307 655-7415 C: 307 217-1966 nbrsa.manager@gmail.com

Exp 2015

Scott Hunter 1612 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 H: 940 723-5147 C: 940 631-4545 Shunter@NTS-online.net Gulf Coast Alternate Mike Bryant 7761 FM 592, Wheeler, TX 79096 806 826-5958, mike@bryantcustom.com

North Central Region


Exp 2015

Dan Zaccanti 1542 Tacoma Ave, Bridgeport, WA 98813 C: 509 733-1003 zaccs@televar.com North West Alternate Paul Holland PO Box 1498, Big Fork, MT 59911 406 837-5583 plumbing@centurytel.net

South East Region

Exp 2016

South West Region

Exp 2016

European Region

Exp 2016

Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com

Tom Libby 74056 Aster Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 774-5256 tomnbrsa@outlook.com South West Alternate David Woodward 34 W Dessert Knoll Pl, Oro Valley, AZ C: 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 dwoodward@dteworld.com Jean-Marie Deletang 15 Rue des Martyrs, Beausoleil, 06240 France redneckbr@neuf.fr

Legal Representation

Elliot Law Office Al Elliott, 325 387-3529 albertelliott@mail.com

Change of Address: To change your address or report a damaged or undelivered magazine, write: NBRSA, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 828017105. Do not return damaged copies. Change of address should include both new address and a mailing label bearing the old one. In case of duplication send both labels. Contributors: The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Advertisers: Rate cards and terms are available online at www.nbrsa.org/membership-info. We appreciate your support! Safety Disclaimer: The publication, writers, organization officers, staff, and directors explicitly advise the readers that they make no representation of safety for any loads, techniques, and procedures if reported herein. The nature of participating in a shooting sport automatically requires caution at all times. Given the many variables present—weather, equipment, and components— the information presented is for your reading enjoyment.

Printed in the USA Publisher: NBRSA, Inc. Printed By: Lithotech, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Advertising, Classifieds & Membership: Audrey Brown, Editor 307 655-7415 Precision Rifleman (ISSN 1061950X) is published monthly by NBRSA Inc PO Box 6770 3647 US Hwy 87 Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307 655-7415 Email: nbrsa.manager@gmail.com for the benefit of its members. Membership dues is $60 per year US of which $40 is designated for a magazine subscription. Canadian postage add $25/ year. All other International postage add $60/year. For Membership inquiries call 307 655-7415. Copyright 2013, National Bench Rest Shooters Association. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. Periodicals Class Postage paid at Sheridan, WY & additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Precision Rifleman, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801.


Precision Rifleman

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