June, 2015

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June, 2015

The Voice of the NBRSA


Precision Rifleman

Hydro Bullet Seater with extended base and interchangeable loading blocks Our New 21st Century Reloading Hydro Bullet Seater is designed for bullet seating with hand dies. Height adjustment is a simple twist of the knob with very little effort. With this press you will receive the feedback and data to help control neck tension. Unique design for the field or bench. No need to bolt or fasten to bench. Extended base also available with the New Generation Press.

Enter FBOOK10 and receive 10% off order

Click Head Stainless Steel Bench Rest Quality Primer Tool

The feel, the precision, the quality and the ease of adjustment of this tool are unique. Features include click head adjustments for precise primer seating and all stainless steel components with aluminum handle.

Concentricity Gauge with wheel

This device enables the user to rotate the case one complete revolution with about 1/8 of a turn on the wheel. Providing consistent pressure on the case. Easily retrofits in a snap to the 21st Century Shooting Concentricity Gauge (run out gauge - as shown). Features include canting to the left or right to keep the base of the case rotating against the stop. For unlimited setup scenarios. Simply amazing!

Neck Turning Lathe

The floating design of our neck turner and the universal floating case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric. Therefore allowing O.D. to be turned concentric with I.D. The tail-stock creates a horizontal inline support for the base of the case. Also allows the operator to keep both hands on the power screw driver or drill. This makes it very easy to control feed rate of the cutting operation, generating a very fine turned finish. Case holder drivers are designed to be the most gentle driver, yet providing an adequate hold. DOES NOT DRIVE OFF THE PRIMER POCKET NO PRIMER POCKET OR CASE DAMAGE. Driver shaft is hexed to use power screw driver or drill. 17cal. Fireball to a .416 Rigby. Also 50cal. www.21stcenturyshooting.com 260-273-9909

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Accuracy. Accuracy suffers when you do a lot of shooting and not much cleaning. What’s in your bore? The Hawkeye knows! Hawkeye Borescopes ®

inspect firearms for defects that affect accuracy. Image rotation allows 360º examination of lands and grooves with the clarity of a medical endoscope. HS17-SHOT-KIT (Lockable metal case) $895 HS17-SHOT-AFB (In a box) $745.

View by eye, on a monitor, or computer.

PRECISION BORESCOPES Designed, made and sold by precision shooters!

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In This Issue...

Sahuaro: Tucson Declares Ross Herrick Day, by Dale Arenson.........................4 Short Stories About Benchrest Shooters, Part II, by Bill Griffith.....................6 Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Score Match, by Wayne Corley.....................8 Thunder & Lightening at Oak Hill Gun Club, by Cecil Peterson......................10 WWCCA’s Spring Tune-Up, by Bill Gammon..............................................12 Desert Sportsmans HBR & VFS Club Championship, by Keith Myers................14 2015 NBRSA Registered Match Schedule.............................................16 Billy Stevens Wins at River Bend’s Gene Mowell Memorial, by Bart Sauter.......18 John Horn Wins at Tomball Gun Club’s Crawfish, by the Pullum Brothers...........20 Shamrock XIV results from MGGOA, by Matt Walker...................................22 Desert Sportsman’s Hunter Match Results, by Howard Bloom........................25 Mill Creek Hunter & VFS Match, by Ron Shultz.........................................26 Dave Dowd Wins at Minnetonka, by Scott Moser.......................................27 Ranges, Clubs & Contacts...............................................................28 NBRSA News...............................................................................30 Officer, Regional Director & Business Contact Information.......................31 On the cover: NBRSA member and Council Bluffs Match Director, Ron Miller at the firing line during the 2014 Group Nationals at Holton, MIchigan. Photo from the Browns.


Precision Rifleman

Ross Herrick receiving all the trophy plaques from Match Director Karl Hunstiger

Headline reads: "City of Tucson declares Ross Herrick Day." I think the phrase most often heard later that day after the match was finished, is ''When I grow up, I want to be just like Ross''. Or, maybe that was just myself thinking it. One look at the stat's for this latest match, and for most of our matches, you can see why. Forget Superman, Batman or James Bond. Superman would just burn holes in the targets at 1,000 yards with his X-ray vision. Batman would have some sort of technical gadget to print small groups and high scores. And 007 would probably have some lovely Bond Girl laying at the 50 yard line in a desert camo Ghilli suit and a supressed rife,

neatly drilling the X ring of his target while sitting at the bench firing rounds harmlessly into the desert. (Not that Bond would cheat of course... Unless, it was for Queen and Country.) But Ross Herrick consistently shoots small groups and high scores...and has done so for years. There was a nonshooting visitor at this match who had seen the targets and was telling us excitedly, ''Who is this guy Ross? He is really good!'' We just looked at him sadly and said, tell us something we don't know. While talking to Ross, he made the comment, you are too good to me in your articles. I replied, ''Yeah, I'm working on that'', and that I was looking for excuses not to be. Perhaps if he would be more arrogant about winning all the time? Or maybe not being so

free with information to other shooters on how to do better? How to shoot like him? Then maybe I could come up with a reason to be a little bit critical or vindictive. But that is just not the case. In addition to holding several world records, and being one of the best long range shooters I have ever known, Ross is as humble as you can imagine. Couple that with his willingness to help other shooters in any way he can, there is no other way to explain it. Ross is a class act. We had a large turn out in April for a Sahuaro match. Fourteen shooters and twenty-five guns; including John Lazzaroni, famous gun builder and cartridge designer. Conditions seemed to be pretty good. Clear skies and temps in the 80's by 10:00 am, but those winds were trickier than they appeared. Only 5 to 10 mph most of the time. But the way they switched around or changed velocity was always frustrating. Even with that, the top seven shooters in light gun turned in sub-MOA aggregates, with the next two being just slightly above one MOA. There was a bunch of very nice groups shot in light gun. Dan Carey had a 6.18" and Bill Warner also shot a 6.18'', Jon Benz shot a 6.37", while Jeff Billotte of the infamous Billotte Gang turned in a 6.0". To no one's surprise, Ross Herrick had two 5's! (plus an 8.93"), but his 5.56" and a 5.25" helped him to win the aggregate with a 6.58". His aggregate was smaller than any of my individual groups on that day!

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest April 11, 2015 Equipment List Name Herrick J Billotte (L) J Billotte (H/35) P Billotte (H) P Billotte (L) M Billotte Benz Carey Arenson (L) Arenson (H/24) McDonald Warner

Caliber 30Patroit 7/270wsm 6.5x47Lazz 300wsm 6.5/284 7saum 6.5/284 6.5/284 6.5/284 30Patroit 6BR 6.5/284

Action Nesika Rem McMillian Nesika Bat Bat Savage Bat Nesika Bat Rem Bat

Barrel Krieger Classic PacNor Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Hart Krieger Broughton Krieger

Gunsmith Wells Pederson Lazzarini Carey Carey Carey Benz Carey Carey Burno Bryant Burno

Stock Tracker Tracker McMillian McMillian McMillian McMillian Savage McMillian McMillian McMillian Shehane McMillian

Scope Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce Niteforce

Case Lazz Norma Norma Norma Lapua Rem Lapua Lapua Norma Lazz Lapua Lapua

Powder H4831 RL25 H1000 H4831 H4831 H4831 H4831 H4831 RL22 H4831 Varget H4350

Bullet/wt JLK/210 Berger/180 Berger/140 Berger/210 Berger/140 Berger/180 JLK/140 Berger/140 Sierra/142 Berger/210 Berger/105 Sierra/140

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman Lon Persun was looking good with a 5.18 inch group, but John Lazzaroni did one better with a 5.12", shot with a hunting rifle! Then Mike Billotte beat that with a 4.43" and we thought he had won small group. Then along came Wayne McDonald shooting the small group of the match with a 4.0"! Ross also won the light gun score, leading the second place by a full ten points; only dropping four points for a 146-3X. The top two heavy gun shooters also had sub-MOA agg's, with numerous subMOA individual groups throughout the rest of the field. As the wind picked up in the later relays, there were a number of shots off paper. But once again Ross was on top, shooting two 6-inch groups and a 10.5" for a 7.71" aggregate. You'll never believe who won for heavy score...Ross prevailed with a 290-6X, beating the second place by a full 20 points. Just as an aside, the Billotte Gang was right on Ross's heels all day. Jeff and Pat swapped places for second and third in light gun group and score, while in heavy gun, Mike was second in aggregate and Jeff was second in score. Ross is having to keep a wary eye on his back trail with those hombres around. So Ross Herrick took it all that day, except... small group in light gun. And it is not the first time that has happened. While being a bit frustrating to the rest of us, it is nice to have someone lead the way and show us what is possible when you work at it. In addition to the fact that the guy who is able to do that kind of shooting, is more than willing to help you try to do it too. As you probably figured out, I was just kidding about the Tucson papers declaring ''Ross Herrick day''. But maybe they will name the 1,000 yard range after him? Also, I am told that there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that the bed cover on Ross's pickup truck hides literally hundreds of first place plaques from the Sahuaro matches. I didn't look of course, to confirm or deny that rumor, but that truck does ride awfully low in the back... --Dale Arenson


Wayne McDonald, who stopped Ross’ clean sweep with a 4.0” LG group. Light Gun Aggregate Ross Herrick......................6.58’’ Mike Billotte......................7.15’’ John Benz.........................7.44’’ Dale Arenson......................7.79’’ Bill Warner........................8.40’’ Jeff Billotte.......................9.06’’ Wayne McDonald.................9.17’’ Small Group Wayne McDonald.................4.00’’ Heavy Gun Aggregate Ross Herrick......................7.71’’ Pat Billotte........................9.71’’ Jeff Billotte...................... 10.58’’ Bill Warner....................... 10.90’’ Dale Arenson..................... 12.85’’ Small Group Ross Herrick..................... 6.1875”

Light Gun Total Score Ross Herrick.....................146-3X Jeff Billotte...................... 136-3X Dan Carey........................ 136-1X Dale Arenson..................... 132-1X Wayne McDonald................ 132-0X Bill Warner....................... 128-3X Pat Billotte....................... 128-2X High Score Ross Herrick....................... 49-2X Heavy Gun Total Score Ross Herrick.....................290-6X Jeff Billotte...................... 270-0X Pat Billotte....................... 266-1X Dale Arenson..................... 262-2X Bill Warner....................... 229-1X High Score Ross Herrick....................... 98-2X


Precision Rifleman

Short Stories about Benchrest Shooters, Part II Written by Bill Griffith with photos from Bill Griffith & Turk Takano

The stories below are about some of the folks I’ve met at matches who have done a little something to help this wanna-be shooter feel welcome. They are a continuation of a story that first appeared in the April issue of this magazine.

At the first Super Shoot I attended, I had a gun problem and wanted to send the gun back with Jim Andress for him to fix it; however, I couldn’t find Jim when I was ready to leave (which was two days before the shoot ended). Brady graciously agreed to “baby sit” my gun until Jim could take possession of it. That was nice of him. I’ve enjoyed reading some of Dick Wright’s tales in Precision Shooting about betting with Brady at past Super Shoots--sounds like good times.

Scotty Grimes

Brady Knight

These three guys are from Alabama. Brady and Jeff are NBRSA world-record holders. They are also among the lucky guys who are fortunate to have their wives travel with them to some of the matches. I met Brady in 2010 at one of the River Bend monthly club matches and it was easy to get acquainted with him. All I had to do was say “Roll Tide” when I saw his red crimson tide shirt. I’ve enjoyed seeing him at a few other such matches, but I’ve missed seeing him at those matches for a quite a while. Given some health problems he encountered in 2012, absences at club matches 250 miles away are understandable. Thankfully, he’s back on the line at the bigger matches. I’m not sure when I learned that Brady is a well-known bullet maker, but I’ve seen a lot of those little blue, “Knight Bullets” boxes on numerous reloading tables at various matches.

I met Scotty in 2011 at one of the River Bend monthly club matches and enjoyed seeing him at a few other such matches. As with Brady, I’ve missed seeing Scotty at the monthly club matches for a quite a while; but unlike Brady, Scotty lives only about 100 miles from River Bend. I think he’s been working on his golf game. Scotty has always been easy to talk with, friendly and helpful. I remember asking him, at the first registered match in which I shot (River Bend, November, 2012), where he was spending the night. He said, “In there” pointing to the cab of his truck. I like to see folks “rough it.” It’s an inspiration. At another registered match, I noticed that Scotty had befriended a new shooter and had obviously made a special effort to make the new shooter feel welcome. Good for him!

Jeff Graves

I met Jeff in 2012 at a practice day prior to the above-mentioned registered match. I had gotten to the range

a couple of days prior to practice with my factory gun which I planned to shoot in the match. (I didn’t have, as Bart Sauter says, a “real” gun at the time.) Jeff and I were the only two on the line early that day and it wasn’t long before he offered to let me try his gun. That was the first time I had ever touched a two-ounce trigger--and it was memorable. Every time I’ve seen Jeff since that day he has greeted me warmly, with that big smile of his-–as though I’m his friend.

Joe Bougard

I met Joe at one of the River Bend monthly club matches in 2012 and have shot with him several times since. Prior to moving to the Atlanta area a few years ago, he lived in Louisiana and was active in running matches and shooting. He’s got plenty of trophies to show for his shooting skills. Joe is more than willing to help a wannabe shooter like myself. Shortly after I got a 6PPC, he invited me over to his house and showed me how to expand and turn necks. He gave me a list of stuff I needed to buy to do it on my own and gave instructions on fireforming brass. Later, after hearing me inquire about barrel life, he invited me back to his house to inspect some of my barrels with his borescope. Another time, upon hearing a mutual friend ask questions about shooting, reloading, etc., he invited the friend to meet him (as his guest) at the range a couple of times for a handson equipment and shooting evaluation and instruction. That strikes me as a good way to attract new benchrest shooters.

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Keith Hansley

I met Keith in 2012 at the abovementioned practice day and met Matthew the day the match started. On the practice day, I was shooting my gun with a scope that did not have lens covers. Keith (who’s from the Raleigh, NC area) walked up behind me and offered me a set of lens covers for the scope -- what a nice gesture.

Matthew Keller

When the match started, I found myself sharing a bench with Matthew (who’s from the Johnson City, TN area); I didn’t have any bolt grease and he told me to feel free to use his . Again, what a nice gesture. At one (maybe both) of the first two shoots I saw Matthew, I remember him singing the national anthem as part of the opening ceremonies. That boy can sing! Anyone who thinks benchrest is just for old men has not met Matthew. He’s one of the “young guns” on the circuit and he’s in the Southeast Region Hall of Fame. He also runs the benchrest matches at Unaka Rod & Gun Club, having “inherited” the job from his late grandfather Norman Jones.

Wayne Campbell I met Wayne at the River Bend Fall Classic in November, 2011, where I had gone just to see what was happening. Wayne was the first NBRSA Hall of

Fame member whom I met who took time to engage in any meaningful conversation. I’m not sure how much he appreciated a wannabe shooter pestering him with questions; however, he graciously invited me to join him in his motor home while he loaded and talked to me about shooting and reloading. At the first registered match in which I shot, his wife, Pam, was with him at the match, and my wife came with me also. They were both very gracious in taking time to make both of us feel welcome. At all the other matches where Wayne and I were both there he went out of his way to greet me (and my wife also, if she was there). That made this “bottom-of-the-list” shooter feel good. At another match, he demonstrated a “one- and two-hour lift” of the wind flags and explained the effects on the POI. I think he would be a good benchrest teacher. Wayne encountered some problems last year at the first qualifying match for the US World Team and was unable to finish; however, he didn’t let those problems prevent him from qualifying, again, for the world team. He simply went to all the subsequent qualifying matches and shot “lights out”. After all, “It’s not just a game!” as his company moto says. In coming months, I hope enough of you will submit stories of your own about some of the folks you’ve met in your benchrest journey so that such stories will become a regular feature of the magazine. I would enjoy reading each of them.



Precision Rifleman

Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis April 19, 2015 VFS and Hunter Score Match Bud Mundy wins VFS Joe Hemkens wins Hunter We really had a great day for a match with one wet exception; the rain started just before the end of the match. The wind started the day as a very light left to right wind but increased as the day progressed. There were few let ups and a lot of pickups which made it a tough day. We had a total of fifteen competitors and a new shooter, Ed Rankin, who shot a really good 100 yard aggregate. In the VFS class at 100 yards the winner was Mike Schneidman with a very good 250-23X, second was Ron Hoehn with 250-20X and our new shooter Ed Rankin placed third with 250-19X. At 200 yards Bill Haynes was the winner with 249-5X, with Bud Mundy in second with 249-4X and third was Brad Hawkey with 248-8X. In the grand agg the winner was Bud Mundy with 49922X, with Bill Haynes in second with 499-22X (the tie-break rule was used here) and third was Ron Hoehn with 498-27X. In the Hunter class the 100 yard the winner was Joe Hemkens with 2507X, Clark Greene was second with

249-14X and Mathew Hon placed third with 249-12X. At 200 yards the winner was Joe Hemkens with 245-2X, Jerry Kloeppel was second with 243-3X and third was Clark Greene with 241-5X. In the grand agg the winner was Joe Hemkens with 495-9X, second was Jerry Kloeppel with 491-12X and rounding out the top three shooters was Clark Greene with 490-19X. Thanks to all for coming out and we hope you come again. Pictured above from left to right are: Mike Schneidman, Clark Greene, Jerry Kloeppel, Bill Haynes, Joe Hemkens, Ron Hoehn and Bud Mundy. --Wayne Corley Varmint for Score 100-Yards Mike Schneidman............. 250-23X Ron Hoehn....................... 250-20X Ed Rankin........................ 250-19X Bud Mundy...................... 250-18X Brad Hawkey.................... 250-18X Bill Haynes...................... 250-17X Dennis Boyet.................... 250-16X Galen DeRousse................ 250-13X 200-Yards Bill Haynes.......................249-5X Bud Mundy....................... 249-4X Brad Hawkey..................... 248-8X Ron Hoehn........................ 248-7X Dennis Boyet..................... 247-9X Mike Schneidman................ 246-7X Ed Rankin......................... 244-3X

Galen DeRousse................. 194-4X Grand Aggregate Bud Mundy...................... 499-22X Bill Haynes...................... 499-22X Ron Hoehn....................... 498-27X Brad Hawkey.................... 498-26X Dennis Boyet.................... 497-25X Mike Schneidman............... 496-30X Ed Rankin........................ 494-22X Galen DeRousse................ 444-17X Hunter Benchrest 100-Yards Joe Hemkens....................250-7X Clark Greene.................... 249-14X Mathew Hon..................... 249-12X Wayne Corley................... 249-12X Thomas Sisler................... 248-15X Jerry Kloeppel................... 248-9X Paul Hon......................... 245-12X 200-Yards Joe Hemkens....................245-2X Jerry Kloeppel................... 243-3X Clark Greene..................... 241-5X Mathew Hon...................... 241-2X Thomas Sisler.................... 240-4X Wayne Corley.................... 239-1X Paul Hon.......................... 234-1X Grand Aggregate Joe Hemkens....................495-9X Jerry Kloeppel.................. 491-12X Clark Greene.................... 490-19X Mathew Hon..................... 490-14X Thomas Sisler................... 488-19X Wayne Corley................... 488-13X Paul Hon......................... 479-13X

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis April 19, 2015 Score Match Equipment List Competitor Varmint For Score: Brad Hawkey Ed Rankin Dennis Boyet Bud Mundy @100 Bud Mundy @200 Ron Hoehn Mike Schneidman Bill Haynes Galen DeRousse @100 Galen DeRousse @200 Custom Hunter: Joe Hemkens Clark Greene Wayne Corley Jerry Kloeppel @100 Jerry Kloeppel @200 Paul Hon Thomas Sisler Matthew Hon


Action Barrel

Gunsmith Stocker




Load Primer Bullet

30 BR 6PPC 30 BR 30 BR 6 PPC 30 BR 30 BR 30 BR 30 BR 6 BR

Farley BAT Panda Stolle BAT Polar BAT Stolle Stolle Stolle

Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Shilen Krieger Krieger

n/a n/a Hoehn Downey Self Hoehn Self Haynes Haynes Haynes

Leonard Meredith McMillan Self Self Meredith Self Meredith n/a n/a

Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Leupold Leupold March March Leu Weaver 36 Leupold Leupold

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

LT-32 N-133 H-4198 H-4198 N-133 H-4198 H-4198 LT-32 H-4198 8208

35.3 29.6 34.2 n/a n/a 34.2 n/a 35 n/a n/a

205 M 205 M 205 205 205 205 M CCI 205 n/a n/a

Berger 115 Hottenstein 68gr 10X-115 Ulrich Miller Fowler 117 Berger 118 Cheeks Cheek Griffin

30x47 HBR 308S 30x48 HBR 30 BR 30X47 30x47 30x47 30X47

Kodiak Rem Stolle Stolle Stolle Kreiger Kodiak Smart

Kreiger Krieger Lederer Krieger Krieger n/a Rock Shilen

Smart Smart Hoehn Self Self n/a Rock n/a

Smart Smart Self Self Self Sightron n/a Edge

Leu-Pre Leu Sightron Leupold Leupold n/a Leupold Sightron

Lapua Lapua Winchester Lapua Lapua n/a Lapua n/a

SRB-118 V-135 8208 XBR LT-32 V-135 N-133 V-135 V-135

45 42 40 34 42 39.5 41.2 42.5

210 M Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal

Chism-150 150-10X 142 HiScore 115 10x 150-10X 150 Berger 150-10X 150 Berger



Precision Rifleman

Thunder & Lightening at Oak Hill Gun Club Is it coincidence or do the “Benchrest Gods” really get upset with some benchrest shooters winning? We had a balmy, sunny day with temperatures in the 80’s and 5mph winds. Bright sunshine. Just a perfect day. Well, once the match winners were announced, the skies became overcast, ceiling lowered, strong cold wind from the north with dropping temperatures rapidly, “Thunder & Lightening” followed with driving rain. Coincidence—I think naught! Well, the “Rock Crusher” aka “Cootsie”, “Big-Boy”, “D.C.” and “Mister David” showed up at our match at Oak Hill Gun Club on April 19, 2015 and started “a whippin’ up on us”. Before we knew what had happened, we were a long distance behind at the 100 yard venue. He was a smiling on matches four and five and let up a little, just to keep us from leaving after starting with three ones. Small groups at 100 yards were Jim Schmidt, 0.107, D.C. 0.182, D.C. again, 0.163, Dean Ekstrom, 0.240 and Jerry Wick 0.195. At 200 yards, a familiar face surfaced. Dean Ekstrom rose up and pushed D.C.

aside to claim this prize. Small group honors for this yardage went to D.C. 0.322, Robert Jacobs, 0.444, Jerry Wick 0.472, Dean Ekstrom 0.341 and Louis Kerhlikar 0.418. The light varmint grand aggregate winner was “Mister David” followed by Jerry Wick, Dean Ekstrom, Louis Kerhlikar and Jerry King. Well, the Benchrest Gods had seen enough. They congratulated Dave Coots and swore never to call him by any of his alias names again. Then the Thunder and Lightening started. Coincidence? You decide. Please read the following for your favorite shooter. Light Varmint 100-Yards Dave Coots......................0.2188 Jerry Wick........................ 0.2346 Louis Kerhlikar................... 0.2610 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2756 Jim Carstensen.................. 0.2848 Larry Caston..................... 0.3018 Cecil Peterson................... 0.3030 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3032 Jerry King........................ 0.3040 Bob Cotton....................... 0.3706 Robert Jacobs................... 0.3714 Keith Christianson.............. 0.3718 Joe Morgan....................... 0.4052 J.J. Coe........................... 1.4264 Small Group Jim Schmidt....................... 0.107

Light Varmint 200-Yards Dean Ekstrom...................0.2503 Dave Coots....................... 0.2561 Jerry Wick........................ 0.2649 Louis Kerhlikar................... 0.3005 Jerry King........................ 0.3139 Joe Morgan....................... 0.3141 Jim Carstensen.................. 0.3390 Larry Caston..................... 0.3480 Keith Christianson.............. 0.3616 Cecil Peterson................... 0.3639 Robert Jacobs................... 0.3702 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3918 Bob Cotton....................... 0.4046 J.J. Coe........................... 0.7157 Small Group Dave Coots........................ 0.322 Light Varmint Grand Aggregate Dave Coots......................0.2375 Jerry Wick........................ 0.2497 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2629 Louis Kerhlikar................... 0.2808 Jerry King........................ 0.3089 Jim Carstensen.................. 0.3119 Larry Caston..................... 0.3249 Cecil Peterson................... 0.3334 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3475 Joe Morgan....................... 0.3596 Keith Christianson.............. 0.3667 Robert Jacobs................... 0.3708 Bob Cotton....................... 0.3876 J.J. Coe........................... 1.0711

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Oak Hill Gun Club's April 19, 2015 Equipment List Shooter Dave Coots Jerry Wick Dean Ekstrom Louis Kerhlikar Jerry King Jim Carstensen Larry Caston Cecil Peterson Jim Schmidt Joe Morgan Keith Christianson Robert Jacobs Bob Cotton J.J. Coe

Action BAT Viper BAT BAT BAT Panda BAT BAT BAT 40X BAT Panda Panda Marlin

Barrel Bartlein Krieger Krieger Krieger n/a Brux Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Shilen Krieger Hart Bartlein Marlin

Stock Mfr Leonard Kelbly Leonard Leonard Scoville Scoville TMBR Scoville Scoville McMillan Leonard n/a Larson n/a

Stocker Meredith Wick n/a Meredith Scoville Scoville Meredith Scoville Scoville Self n/a n/a n/a Morris

Gunsmith Stevens Wick Self Siminson JLC JLC Bigelow CLP Self Self Self KC JLC n/a


Bullet Mfr Miller Bart/68BT Bart Barts Ultra/66 Meyers Hottenstein Barts Ultra CLP/65FB Meyer Meyer KC n/a Meyer n/a

Powder N133 N133 N133 n/a N133 H322 LT32 LT32 N133 N133 8208 n/a V133 Varget

Scope/Pwr March Leupold/45 March Leupold Leupold/45 March/60 Leupold/45 March/50 NightForce Weaver/36 Leupold n/a Leupold/45 Weaver

Pictured on page 10 from Left are Oak Hill Shooters: Dean Ekstrom, Dave Coots, Jim Schmidt, Jerry Wick, Robert Jacobs and Louis Kerhlikar

Advertising Index 21st Century Shooting ������2 Gradient Lens Corp..........3 Marsh Industries..............5 Benchrite, LLC................7 Shadetree Engineering �����9 Shilen Rifles.................. 11 Hoehn Sales.................. 12 PMA Tool...................... 15 Anneal-Rite.................. 18 BAT Machine Co............. 19 Lilja Rifle Barrels............ 20 Edgewood Bags ............. 21 Butch’s Reloading .......... 22 Magnum Metal............... 23 Boone Valley Ikes........... 25 McMillan USA Stocks........ 26 Berger Bullets............... 27 Accugauge/6mmPPC........ 27 Sharp Shoot R................ 30 Kelbly’s................back page *Contact NBRSA Office for advertising information.


Precision Rifleman

Jeff Gaidos Wins WWCCA’s Spring Tune-Up April 18-19, 2015

Western Wayne County Conservation Association had our first match of the Eastern Region with thirty brave souls turning up to be greeted by bright sun and warm temperatures. Now it may not be considered warm by a lot on the Southern clans, but when you get temperatures in the high 60’s and the sun shining, everyone was wearing Tshirts. We tried to get Margaret and Vera to wear them, but they declined. Sunday the wind came up and the temperature dropped a bit, but still warm. All in all, a very good week-end. In the first segment, LV100, Lee Hachigian led the way with a very re-

spectable .2090, followed by Steve Theye, of “BENCHRITE”, (see advertisement on page 7) with a .2270 and then that Canadian Barrel maker, Rob MacLennan with a .2282. Small group victory was a fantastic .057 shot by Vic “MF” Potts. Someday I will find out what the “MF” stands for, so if you get a chance, ask him, and then tell me so as I can put it into the story line. On to the show. Joey Krupa won the LV200 segment on Sunday, with a .2471, followed with my good friend, until I asked her to wear the T-shirt, Canadian Vera Carter with a .2525 and then that Indiana boy Ted Heindselman was third with a .2705. The Grand shaped up to Joey Krupa first .2569, Lee Hachigian in second place with a .2782, and third was Vera Carter at a

.2847. I got to sit beside George Carter on the week-end and I have to admit to giving George all of the encouragement as I could. Stuff like; she is really making you look bad George, and other things which I cannot say here, but onward to the HV100... Saturday, the local Mel Newransky won that stage with a .2184, followed by another local, Linwood “Butch” Lipscomb with a .2280 and then Canadian George Carter at a .2330. Must have been the encouragement I so graciously gave him. Mel also had the small group at .079. The HV200 was won by ‘Mr. Jeff Gaidos’ at a .2617, followed by Ted Heindselman with a .2638 and then another Canadian, Peter Smith at a .3386. The HV Grand shaped to the HV200 finish; Jeff Gaidos in first place at .2477, Ted Heindselman in second with .2776 and Peter Smith third with .3005. The Two-Gun was all contributed to just overall good shooting, Jeff Gaidos took the win with .2680 with Lee Hachigian in second position at .2955 and Ted Heindselman placed third with .3012. Thanks to the people who showed up to make this one of our best matches. Thanks also to the target crew, Brooke Newman, Wayne Holiday, the measuring people Connie Wyatt and Fay Lummen and to Dana Raven for putting on a very good match. Dana has a 3½ hour drive to come here but thanks to Brooke Newman, who is Dana’s daughter, it all works out. --Bill Gammon Pictured above are HV Top Guns: Mel Newransky, Ted Heindselman, Linwood Lipscomb, Jeff Gaidos, Jerry Jarrett & George Carter. Page 13 LV Top Shots: Vic Potts, Vera Carter, Ted Heindselman, Joe Krupa, Steve Theye & Lee Hachigian. Light Varmint 100-Yards Lee Hachigian...................0.2090 Steve Theye...................... 0.2270 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.2282 Mel Newransky.................. 0.2352 Vic Potts.......................... 0.2366 Small Group Vic Potts........................... 0.057 Light Varmint 200-Yards Joe Krupa........................0.2471 Vera Carter....................... 0.2525 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2705

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman Jeff Gaidos....................... 0.2945 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.3184 Small Group Joe Krupa......................... 0.245 Light Varmint Grand Joe Krupa........................0.2569 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2782 Vera Carter....................... 0.2847 Jeff Gaidos....................... 0.2883 Steve Theye...................... 0.2989 Vic Potts.......................... 0.3047 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.3120 Dave Abbott...................... 0.3184 Pat Reagan....................... 0.3239 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3240 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Mel Newransky..................0.2184 Linwood Lipscomb.............. 0.2280 George Carter................... 0.2330 Jeff Gaidos....................... 0.2336 Joe Krupa........................ 0.2376 Small Group Mel Newransky................... 0.079 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jeff Gaidos......................0.2617 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2638 Peter Smith...................... 0.3383 Tim Bassham..................... 0.3463 Lee Hachigian................... 0.3704 Small Group Jerry Jarrett...................... 0.346

Heavy Varmint Grand Jeff Gaidos......................0.2477 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2776 Peter Smith...................... 0.3005 Lee Hachigian................... 0.3128 Steve Theye...................... 0.3172 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3201 Linwood Lipscomb.............. 0.3283 Tim Bassham..................... 0.3489 Vera Carter........................ 0.359 George Carter................... 0.3604


Two Gun Jeff Gaidos......................0.2680 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2955 Ted Heindselman................ 0.3012 Steve Theye...................... 0.3081 Vera Carter....................... 0.3218 Rob MacLennan.................. 0.3220 Peter Smith...................... 0.3272 Joe Krupa........................ 0.3343 Pat Reagan....................... 0.3461 Chuck Green..................... 0.3476

WWCCA's Spring Tune-Up Equipment List Name Light Varmint: Joe Krupa Lee Hachigian Vera Carter Jeff Gaidos Steve Theye Vic Potts Lowell Hottenstein Dave Abbott Pat Reagan Rob MacLennan Heavy Varmint: Jeff Gaidos Ted Heindselman Peter Smith Lee Hachigian Steve Theye Rob MacLennan Linwood Lipscomb Tim Bassham Vera Carter George Carter

Caliber Action Barrel





Load Bullet




Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlein MacLennan Bartlein MacLennan

Johanson Scott Scott Bruno Scott Heindselman Scott MacLennan n/a MacLennan

Scoville Scoville Scoville Scoville Scarbrough Scarbrough TM TM Scarbrough Self

Leupold March March Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold March Leupold March

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

V133 V133 V133 V133 V133 V133 V133 8208 V133 8208

Hottenstein Hottenstein Self Self Generic Generic Self Gary Bart Self

Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal



Krieger Krieger MacLennan Krieger Krieger MacLennan Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger

Bruno Self Johanson Scott Scott Self Scott Scott Self Self

Scoville Scarbrough Scoville Scoville Scarbrough Self Scoville Metric Scoville Scoville

Leupold Leupold Leupold March Leupold March Leupold Leupold March Leupold

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

V133 V133 8208 V133 V133 8208 V133 LT32 V133 8208

Self Mitchell Mitchell Hottenstein Generic Self Hottenstein Self Self Self

Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal


Precision Rifleman

Desert Sportsman Club Two-Gun Score Club Championship

Carter, and Howard Bloom for coming out early to help with the match. Thanks also to the rest of the shooters who helped March 7-8, 2015 make this event a success. Good Beautiful weather and temper- Shooting! atures welcomed shooters west Hunter Benchrest 100-Yards of the Mississippi to our first John Seines.....................249-8X match of 2015. Day one we shot Hunter first at 100 yards then Howard Bloom.................. 246-10X Keith Myers...................... 246-8X VFS in the afternoon. Day two Tom Guisewhite................. 244-6X was the same but moved out to Tom Debacco.................... 243-7X Gary Vanlier...................... 242-6X 200 yards. Ron Orton........................ 241-8X John Seines dominated day Scott Smith...................... 236-1X one winning the 100 yard two David Smith...................... 228-4X gun aggregate. Day two Keith Tony Debacco.................... 219-2X Myers dominated at 200 yards 200-Yards winning the 200 yard two-gun Keith Myers......................248-5X aggregate. After all the Mojave Tom Guisewhite................. 242-2X dust settled and numbers were John Seines...................... 240-2X David Reymore.................. 240-2X crunched, Keith Myers took first Ron Orton........................ 240-1X place for the 100-200 two-gun Tony Debacco.................... 239-2X aggregate. John Seines over- Scott Smith...................... 238-1X came scope issues and held in Tom Debacco.................... 237-4X there for second place, while Howard Bloom................... 233-2X Gary Vanlier...................... 228-1X Tom Guisewhite shadowed John David Smith...................... 206-0X for third. Grand Aggregate Thank you to Sheldon Turf, Ron Keith Myers..................... 494-13X

John Seines..................... 489-10X Tom Guisewhite................. 486-8X Ron Orton........................ 481-9X Tom Debacco................... 480-11X Howard Bloom.................. 479-12X Scott Smith...................... 474-0X Gary Vanlier...................... 470-7X Tony Debacco.................... 458-4X David Smith...................... 434-4X David Reymore.................. 240-0X Varmint For Score 100-Yards Sheldon Turf................... 250-21X Brian Jones...................... 250-17X Scott Smith..................... 250-16X Tom Guisewhite................ 250-16X Keith Myers..................... 250-14X Howard Bloom.................. 250-14X John Seines..................... 250-12X Gary Vanlier..................... 246-10X Tom Debacco.................... 245-9X David Smith...................... 243-3X Tony Debacco.................... 240-7X 200-Yards Keith Myers......................250-6X Sheldon Turf..................... 250-6X Brian Jones....................... 247-7X John Seines...................... 247-6X Tom Debacco.................... 247-6X Scott Smith...................... 245-3X Tom Guisewhite................. 244-6X Gary Vanlier...................... 242-5X David Reymore.................. 242-3X David Smith...................... 241-1X Howard Bloom................... 240-3X Tony Debacco.................... 240-1X Grand Aggregate Sheldon Turf................... 500-27X Keith Myers..................... 500-20X Brian Jones...................... 497-24X John Seines..................... 497-18X Scott Smith..................... 495-19X Tom Guisewhite................ 494-22X Tom Debacco................... 492-15X Howard Bloom.................. 490-17X Gary Vanlier..................... 488-15X David Smith...................... 484-4X Tony Debacco.................... 480-8X David Reymore.................. 242-3X Two Gun Keith Myers..................... 994-33X John Seines..................... 986-28X Tom Guisewhite................ 980-30X Tom Debacco................... 972-26X Howard Bloom.................. 969-29X Scott Smith..................... 969-21X Gary Vanlier..................... 958-22X Tony Debacco................... 938-12X David Smith...................... 918-8X

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Desert Sportsman HBR & VFS Club Championship Equipment List Competitor Varmint Class: Sheldon Turf-200 Keith Myers-VFS Brian Jones John Seines Scott Smith Tom Guisewhite Tom Debacco Howard Bloom Gary Vanlier-VFS David Smith-200 Tony Debacco Dave Reymore Hunter Class: Keith Myers John Seines Tom Guisewhite Ron Orton Tom Debacco Howard Bloom Scott Smith Gary Vanlier Tony Debacco David Smith Dave Reymore

Caliber Action Barrel


Gunsmith Scope

Power Powder Bullet

Weight Primer

30BRX 30BRX 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 30BR 6.5x47 30BR 30BR

Bat Stolle Bat Marsh Stolle Borden Marsh Stolle Stolle Marsh Marsh Stiller

Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Rock Creek Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger

Franklin TMBR TMBR McMillan Kelbly n/a McMillan McMillan Lee Six McMillan McMillan McMillan

Self Turf Turf O'Cock Frei Turf RDB Turf Self Turf RDB Turf

NightForce NightForce NightForce Leupold Weaver Weaver NightForce NightForce Weaver NightForce Leupold Sightron

12-42x 15x55 15x55 35x 46x 36x 15x55 12-42x 46x 12-42x 36x 36x

H4198 H4198 H4198 H4198 H4198 H322 H4198 H4198 H4198 RE-15 H4198 n/a

Bib Bib Berger Conley Berger Debacco Debacco Berger Berger Berger Debacco Berger

118 118 115 116 115 125 125 115 115 120 125 115

Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m

30BR 30x47 30x47 30x44 30x47 30x47 30BR 30BR 30BR 308 30BR

Kodiak Stiller Kodiak Rem Bat Kodiak Rem Kodiak Stiller Rem Kodiak

Lilja Krieger Shilen Shilen Rock Creek Krieger Krieger Krieger Rock Creek Factory Krieger

McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan Shehane McMillan Factory McMillan

Turf Turf RDB ~ RDB Turf Parker Lindley RDB Factory Turf

Weaver Leupold Leupold Weaver Leupold Leupold Lyman Burris Leupold Leupold Leupold

6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x

H4198 N133 N135 N133 N133 N133 H4198 H4198 H4198 N140 H4198

Conley Knight Debacco Bib Debacco Cheek Berger Sierra Berger Berger Berger

116 n/a n/a n/a 125 125 n/a n/a 115 n/a 115

Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Rem 7.5 Fed 205m CCI 450 Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m Fed 205m

Pictured on page 14 are Desert Sportsman Winners L-R: John Seines, winner of HBR100, Sheldon Turf, winner of VFS100 and VFS Grand Aggregate & Keith Myers, winner HBR200, Hunter Grand Aggregate, VFS200 and Two Gun winner.


Precision Rifleman

2015 NBRSA Registered Matches SOUTHWEST REGION June 6



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Silver State Shoot-Out

June 6-7



Palomino Valley Gun Club Nevada State Championship Leg 2

June 6-7



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

June 13



Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

June 14



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

June 20-21



Visalia Sportsman Assn California State Championship #1

July 4-5



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Sloughhouse 200

July 11



Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

July 12



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Aug 1-2



Central Utah Benchrest Utah State Championship Leg 2

Aug 1-2



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Aug 8



Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

Aug 9



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

Aug 23



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Aug 29-30



Visalia Sportsman Assn California State Championship #2

Sept 5-6



Palomino Valley Gun Club 2015 LR Varmint Nationals

Sept 12



Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

Sept 13



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Nevada State Championship

Sept 26-27



Palomino Valley Gun Club

Oct 3



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Short Range VFS Championship

Oct 3-4



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Oct 3-4



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 1

Oct 10



Oct 11


Oct 17-18

Dec 13



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club




Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

June 14



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

June 20



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

June 20-21



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis East-West Show-Me Shootout

July 4



Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

July 11-12



Holmen Rod & Gun Club, WI Wisconsin State Hunter Champ.

July 18-19



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Buford Seabolt Memorial

July 25-26



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Missouri State 4-Gun (Part 2)

Aug 29-30



Holmen Rod & Gun Club, WI Roy Oines Memorial Match

Sept 14-19



Bench Rest Rifle Club St Louis 2015 NBRSA Group Nationals

Sept 22-26



Bench Rest Rifle Club St Louis WBSF Championship

Oct 4



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

Oct 17-18



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Mississippi Valley Regionals




Okie Shooters Leg 2 OK State

June 8-12


600 & 1000-yds

Colorado Rifle Club 2015 Long Range Nationals

June 13-14



Mill Creek Rifle Club Group Match HV Regional

June 13-14



Northern CO Benchrest Shooters SP Leg of NorCo 4Gun

Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

June 20-21



Whittington Center Benchrest New Mexico State 1st Half


Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Turkey Shoot

July 11-12



Northern CO Benchrest Shooters UNL is 4th Leg of NorCo 4Gun



Visalia Sportsman Assn California Unlimited Invitational

July 11-12



Mill Creek Rifle Club Group Match

Oct 24-25



Palomino Valley Gun Club

July 18-19



Lands End Benchrest Shooters 2nd & 3rd Leg of 4Gun

Nov 7-8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club SW Regional Championship

July 18-19



Whittington Center Benchrest Muchas Gracias

Nov 7-8



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 2

Aug 1-2



Northern CO Benchrest Shooters

Aug 1-2



Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn, AR

Nov 7-8



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters




Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

Aug 22-23


Nov 14

Whittington Center Benchrest The Rattlesnake

Nov 29



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Sept 5-6



Dec 5



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Long Range Benchrest Match

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters Firewalker & 2nd & 3rd Legs of 4Gun

Sept 5-6



Dec 5-6



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona Invitational

Mill Creek Rifle Club Kansas State Championship

Oct 3-4



Dec 12



Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

Lands End Benchrest Shooters Purple Haze & LV Leg of 4Gun

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman


2015 NBRSA Registered Matches Oct 3-4



Mill Creek Rifle Club Group Match

Oct 17-18



Rio Grande Benchrest Shooters, NM Tumbleweed





Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club Northwest HV Regional

June 13-14



North Cascades Sportsmans Club Washington State VFS Championship

June 14



Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Club

June 6-7



Casper Score Shooters, Casper, WY 2015 Long-Range Score Nationals

June 20-21



LeGrande Rifle & Pistol Club Oregon State Championship

June 13-14



Minnetonka Game & Fish Club Minnesota State Championship Leg 1

June 27



Tri Cities Metallic Silhouette Club

June 14



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

June 28



Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn

June 20



Oak Hill Gun Club

June 28



Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club Idaho State

June 27-28



Boone Valley Ikes Iowa State Hunter & Iowa State VFS

June 27-28



Yellowstone Rifle Club Mac Clark Memorial

June 28



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

July 3-5



Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club WA State UNL Champ & Sniper King

July 4-5


100/200 & 300

Prairie Dog Target Club, SD NC Region Champ Leg 2 & Prairie Dog

July 4-5



Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Club

July 11-12


100/200 & 300

North Cascades Sportsmans Club Bob Miller Memorial Match

July 18-19



LeGrande Rifle & Pistol Club Northwest Score Regional

July 25



Tri Cities Metallic Silhouette Club

July 11-12



Minnetonka Game & Fish Club Don Judd Memorial Championship

July 11-12



Lincoln Izaak Walton Club, NE Two Gun Score

July 12



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

July 19



Oak Hill Gun Club

July 25-26



Yellowstone Rifle Club Montana State Championship

July 25-26



Boone Valley Ikes Iowa State Group Championship

Aug 1-2



Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club Northwest SP & LV Regionals

July 26



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

Aug 16



Rogue Valley Shooting Sports

Aug 4-7



2015 Short-Range Score Nationals Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA

Aug 22-23



Yellowstone Rifle Club

Aug 8-9



Minnetonka Game & Fish Club Minnesota State Championship Leg 2

Sept 5-7



Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club WA State 3Gun & Ed Frombach

Aug 9



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

Sept 27



Rogue Valley Shooting Sports

Aug 16



Oak Hill Gun Club

Oct 18



Rogue Valley Shooting Sports

Aug 23



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY




Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club Midstates Shootout Top Gun Final Leg

Nov 17-22


Aug 29-30

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Northwest Regional

Aug 29-30



Prairie Dog Target Club, SD South Dakota State & Butch Kimmel Memorial

Sept 12-13



Boone Valley Ikes Two Gun Score Grand Championship

Sept 26-27



Minnetonka Game & Fish Club Jerry Simison Memorial Match

Sept 27



Oak Hill Gun Club




Unaka Rod & Gun Club Tennessee State Championship

Aug 15-16



Unaka Rod & Gun Club SE Regional 200-yard 4-Gun

Oct 10-11



River Bend Gun Club *Format subject to change




North Texas Shooters Assn Texas Showdown

June 27-28



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club HTR GCR & GC Championship

June 27-28



Midland Shooters Association Texas Shootout

July 11-12



Seymour Stool Shooters Gulf Coast Regional Championship

July 19



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club Louisiana State Hunter Championship

July 26



North Texas Shooters Association Margarita Challenge

Aug 29-30



Midland Shooters Association The Buffalo

Sept 20



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club Louisiana State Championship

Oct 18



Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club


Precision Rifleman




Holton Gun Club MI State Champ.

June 13-14



WWCCA Wolverine Challenge

June 27-28



Shelby Cty Deer Hunters Assn Briar Hail Memorial Match

Aug 8-9



Fairchance Gun Club Two-Gun

Aug 15-16



Kane Fish & Game Club Pennsylvania State Championship

Sept 5-7



Fairchance Gun Club Eastern Region 3-Gun Champ.

Oct 3-4



WWCCA Fall Classic

Oct 17-18



Shelby Cty Deer Hunters Assn Fall Finale



100/200 meters

Club de Tir du Castellas La Fare Les Oliviers, France

River Bend Gun Club Billy Stevens Wins the 2015 Gene Mowell Memorial

April 11-12, 2015 Billy was in top form at River Bend Gun Club this weekend after a rough start winning three yardages. There were 30 contenders present. A special congratulations goes out to Scotty Grimes (aka Grimey) for his LV100 win as well as Don Hardeman (aka the Hartebeest aka the Beast) for his LV Grand win. Don would have placed very high in the Two Gun if not for an errant shot caused by a patch hiding in his tuner.

Small groups were shot by Jeff Summers .086 in LV100, Billy Stevens .112 in HV100, Terry Leonard .167 in HV200 and Matt Owens .247 in LV200 A big thanks to Bill Dittman, Scott Dittman and Jim Andress for putting on an outstanding match and for putting up with us! Pictured above is Billy Stevens with his new American Eagle rifle, CST action, Scarbrough Stock with custom paint, Jewell trigger, Bartlein barrel, shooting LT32 with Bart's 68 grain BTs. Page 19: The rest of the Wood Winners. That very pretty young lady is Jamie Hood; Charlie & Cheryl Hood's granddaughter. She has been coming

to benchrest matches since she was knee high. Jamie presented the trophies to the winners. Getting your picture with taken Jamie is way better than Jim Andress' mug! --Bart Sauter Light Varmint 100-Yards Scotty Grimes...................0.1832 Jeff Summers.................... 0.1856 Don Hardeman................... 0.1868 Bart Sauter....................... 0.1978 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.2214 Terry Leonard.................... 0.2218 Brady Knight..................... 0.2234 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2254 Roger Avery...................... 0.2282 Joe Bougard...................... 0.2304 Light Varmint 200-Yards Billy Stevens....................0.2402 Matt Owens...................... 0.2501 Joe Bougard...................... 0.2578 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2599 Don Hardeman................... 0.2700 Steve Lee......................... 0.2723 Danny Morgan.................... 0.2764 Tim Singleton.................... 0.2768 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2873 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2959 Light Varmint Grand Don Hardeman..................0.2284 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2289 Joe Bougard...................... 0.2441 Scotty Grimes.................... 0.2487 Steve Lee......................... 0.2539 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2585 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2607 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2607 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2645

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman Tim Singleton.................... 0.2676 Brady Knight..................... 0.2763 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.2770 Brian Padgett.................... 0.2872 Danny Morgan.................... 0.2881 Dickie Land...................... 0.2910 Terry Leonard.................... 0.2914 Roger Avery...................... 0.2968 Matt Owens...................... 0.3032 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Billy Stevens....................0.1716 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2054 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2506 Charlie Hood..................... 0.2554 Steve Lee......................... 0.2556 Don Hardeman................... 0.2594 Dickie Land...................... 0.2594 Bill Greene....................... 0.2616 Mark Roper....................... 0.2660 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2664 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Billy Stevens....................0.2205 Matt Owens...................... 0.2363 Terry Leonard.................... 0.2420 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2471 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.2602 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2605 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2624 Charlie Hood..................... 0.2651 Bill Greene....................... 0.2656 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2734 Heavy Varmint Grand Billy Stevens....................0.1961 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2339 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2556 Charlie Hood..................... 0.2603 Matt Owens...................... 0.2618 Bill Greene....................... 0.2636 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2695 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2699 Terry Leonard.................... 0.2708 Mark Roper....................... 0.2744 James Casey..................... 0.2807 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.2900 Joe Bougard...................... 0.2911 Scotty Grimes.................... 0.2912 Greg Ellis......................... 0.2956 Dave Rabin....................... 0.3033 Steve Lee......................... 0.3040 Dickie Land...................... 0.3080 Tim Singleton.................... 0.3371 Danny Morgan.................... 0.3414 Two Gun Billy Stevens....................0.2273 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2314 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2600 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2651 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2653 Joe Bougard...................... 0.2676 Scotty Grimes.................... 0.2699

Steve Lee......................... 0.2789 Terry Leonard.................... 0.2811 Matt Owens...................... 0.2825 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.2835 Bill Greene....................... 0.2854 Charlie Hood..................... 0.2913 Mark Roper....................... 0.2964 Dickie Land...................... 0.2995 Tim Singleton.................... 0.3024 Danny Morgan.................... 0.3147


Brian Padgett.................... 0.3185 Brady Knight..................... 0.3206 Dave Rabin....................... 0.3219 Roger Avery...................... 0.3342 John Fowler...................... 0.3451 Don Hardeman................... 0.3456 Greg Ellis......................... 0.3522 Johnnie Webb................... 0.3702 Tom Suswal....................... 0.3801 Kenny Housh..................... 0.4370


Precision Rifleman

Tomball Gun Club John Horn Wins Crawfish

We had thirty-four shooters who came out to join the 2015 Crawfish. It was a wash out on Saturday for the LV and HV 100, but the target crew was able to get it done. The range was covered in red mud and puddles of water, it gave us a good work out setting our flags and walking to and from the benches in the pea gravel. The sun finally made an appearance for our Sunday afternoon LV 200. It brought out the usual mirage that made it sometimes difficult to see the bullet holes on the target. Shooters took turns winning at the yardages beginning with Gene Bukys in the LV100 followed by Glenn Chism in the LV200. Wade Hull won the LV Grand. Next, Gary Walters won the HV100 followed by Richard Pullum in the HV200 and Grand. After the numbers were crunched, it was John Horn that rose to the top to win the 2015 Crawfish. Congratulations to John on a tidy win and a great start to this years’ benchrest season. Special thanks goes out to the Match Directors, Dwayne and Richard Pullum as well as the crew that helps out for these matches. It is always great to reunite with these great shooters and catch up and listen to all the new jokes for the season! Light Varmint 100-Yards Gene Bukys......................0.2038 Gardner Rose.................... 0.2342 Wade Hull........................ 0.2538 John Horn........................ 0.2570 Vic Smith......................... 0.2584 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.2626 Matt Wilkinson................... 0.2630 Ron Sewell....................... 0.2844 Renard Alexander............... 0.2848 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2884 Gary Walters..................... 0.2996 Richard Pullum.................. 0.3030 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3032 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3060 Larry Saavedra.................. 0.3100 Richard Milton................... 0.3134 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3160 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3276 Tommy Long..................... 0.3290 Larry Welch...................... 0.3346 Small Group Gene Bukys........................ 0.146

Light Varmint 200-Yards Glenn Chism.....................0.2446 Larry Welch...................... 0.2499 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.2764 Wade Hull........................ 0.2849 John Horn........................ 0.2872 Gary Walters..................... 0.2996 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3085 Richard Pullum.................. 0.3281 Gene Bukys....................... 0.3569 Joe Duke......................... 0.3593 Gardner Rose.................... 0.3623 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.3752 Mike Wickizer.................... 0.3760 Larry Saavedra.................. 0.3842 Matt Wilkinson................... 0.3847 Jay Lynn.......................... 0.3854 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3963 Richard Milton................... 0.4119 William Duffey................... 0.4236 Lynn Gibson...................... 0.4257 Small Group Glenn Chism...................... 0.225 Light Varmint Grand Wade Hull........................0.2693 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.2695 John Horn........................ 0.2721 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2803 Larry Welch...................... 0.2923 Gardner Rose.................... 0.2982 Gary Walters..................... 0.2996 Glenn Chism..................... 0.3104 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3123 Richard Pullum.................. 0.3155 Matt Wilkinson................... 0.3239

Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.3318 Larry Saavedra.................. 0.3471 Vic Smith......................... 0.3483 Mike Wickizer.................... 0.3608 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3620 Richard Milton................... 0.3626 Joe Duke......................... 0.3635 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3705 Renard Alexander............... 0.3762 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Gary Walters....................0.2124 Matt Wilkinson................... 0.2164 Richard Pullum.................. 0.2374 Gary Bristow..................... 0.2492 Richard Milton................... 0.2596 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2644 Lynn Gibson...................... 0.2704 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2764 John Horn........................ 0.2770 Darryl Whitman................. 0.2832 Vic Smith......................... 0.2946 Wade Hull........................ 0.3028 Tommy Long..................... 0.3066 Larry Saavedra.................. 0.3094 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.3094 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.3112 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3136 Larry Welch...................... 0.3214 Turk Takano...................... 0.3246 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3288 Small Group Gene Bukys........................ 0.086 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Richard Pullum.................0.2595 Gary Bristow..................... 0.2760

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June, 2015 Precision Rifleman Tommy Long..................... 0.2845 William Duffey................... 0.2855 John Horn........................ 0.2885 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2899 Dale Metzger..................... 0.2910 Mike Wickizer.................... 0.3048 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.3064 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.3112 Gene Bukys....................... 0.3149 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3229 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3272 Lynn Gibson...................... 0.3364 Larry Saavedra.................. 0.3384 Richard Milton................... 0.3388 Wade Hull........................ 0.3424 Glenn Chism..................... 0.3480 Daryl Whitman................... 0.3562 Matt Wilkinson................... 0.3646 Heavy Varmint Grand Richard Pullum.................0.2484 Gary Bristow..................... 0.2626 John Horn........................ 0.2828 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2832 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2897 Matt Wilkinson................... 0.2905 Tommy Long..................... 0.2955 Richard Milton................... 0.2992 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3023 Lynn Gibson...................... 0.3034 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.3088 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.3103 William Duffey................... 0.3164 Daryl Whitman................... 0.3197 Gary Walters..................... 0.3214 Wade Hull........................ 0.3226 Larry Saavedra.................. 0.3239 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3259 Mike Wickizer.................... 0.3264 Vic Smith......................... 0.3307 Two Gun John Horn.......................0.2774 Richard Pullum.................. 0.2820 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2850 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.2891 Wade Hull........................ 0.2960 Matt Wilkinson................... 0.3072 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.3075 Gary Walters..................... 0.3105 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3165 Larry Welch...................... 0.3201 Gardner Rose.................... 0.3256 Richard Milton................... 0.3309 Glenn Chism..................... 0.3331 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3332 Larry Saavedra.................. 0.3355 Vic Smith......................... 0.3395 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3405 Mike Wickizer.................... 0.3436 William Duffey................... 0.3492 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.3518


2015 Crawfish Invitational Two-Gun Top 10 Equipment List Shooter John Horn Richard Pullum Gene Bukys Dwayne Pullum Wade Hull Matt Wilkinson Tim Oltersdorf Gary Walters Gary Bristow Larry Welch

Action Viper BAT BAT Farley BAT-3L Panda Panda Panda BAT Panda

Barrel Kreiger Kreiger Bartlein Kreiger Shilen Bartlien Shillen Kreiger Barteien Kreiger

Stock Maker Scoville Scarborough Scarborough Scoville Larson Kelblys Scoville BRX Scarborough n/a

Gunsmith Self Scott Bukys Bukys Hull R Milton Self Dale H Self n/a

Scope & Power March March Leupold/Bukys Leupold/40 Leupold/45 Leupold Leupold/45 March Leupold Leupold

Powder & Wt na/ 133 133 133 133 LT 32 133 2015 BR 8208 133

Bullet & Wt Cheek Bart 68 Bukys 68 Hott BT Column Barts Berger Hott BT Miller 65 66.5


Precision Rifleman

Wayne Campbell Wins the Shamrock XIV March 28-29, 2015

Another great match (as always) was held at Middle Georgia Gun Owner’s Assoc’s range in Dublin, GA. There were 85 shooters on Saturday and 86 on Sunday. This made for a very quick running 3 relays. Conditions were peaceful but challenging. The spinning sunflowers would not settle down and point in one direction. The fishtailing lasted most of the shoot. That didn’t keep Pat Canning from winning the LV100 small group with a

.073” group and Bob Scarbrough, Jr had a .97” group in HV100. On Sunday morning we awoke to frost on the ground. The day warmed up quickly. Mirage at 200 yards was terrible. This was more apparent through the scope because the range added new mirage lines on the target frames. Small groups on Sunday went to Richard Watson in HV200 for .206” and Terry Leonard in LV200 for .273”. The LV Grand was won by Andy Shifflett Jr. with an agg of .2560”. Bob Scarbrough Jr won the HV Grand with an agg of .2562”. Of the 85 shooters who came to compete, there were some from nearby states and from as far as Ohio. We were also glad to see our

Canadian contingent who traveled from afar to join the fun. Camaraderie seemed to be the name of the game at this Shamrock event, (just like it is in most benchrest matches). Dale Metzger was saved from a 10-inch penalty by Dave Coots for helping him when his trigger went haywire in one of the LV200 matches. Dave loaned Dale his rifle to start and finish that group. What a guy! One of our Canadian friends, Hugh Williamson, who placed 7th in the Two Gun at his first time at the Shamrock was helped by TwoGun Winner, Wayne Campbell, who set him up with great equipment and kept him from hitting the ditch throughout the weekend, (which Hugh says he may be prone to do.) In the end, when the dust settled, it was Wayne Campbell who claimed the Shamrock victory and won the weekend with a Two Gun agg of 0.2668”. Wayne’s great shooting on Saturday helped make up for being fifteenth in both LV200 and HV200 on Sunday. His Saturday scores were third in LV100 at 0.2142” and first place in LV100 with 0.2292”. Congratulations to Wayne on a job well done and thank you everyone for attending and making this match something to remember. --Matt Walker *Pictured above are Matt Walker & Wayne Campbell. Pg 24 shows the 30 bench range of MGGOA. Light Varmint 100-Yards Pat Canning......................0.1916 George Pariso.................... 0.2062 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2142 Terry Leonard.................... 0.2174 Andy Shifflett J.................. 0.2210 Jim Carmichel................... 0.2262 George Waldrep Jr.............. 0.2284 Charlie Hood Jr.................. 0.2408 Hugh Williamson................ 0.2418 Dana English..................... 0.2424 Jack Neary....................... 0.2524 Harley Baker..................... 0.2534 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2544 Bill Symons....................... 0.2588

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman Kenneth Pritt.................... 0.2628 Bob Scarbrough Jr.............. 0.2630 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2638 Danny Morgan.................... 0.2654 Scott Dittman.................... 0.2708 Dale Metzger Ii.................. 0.2712 Small Group Pat Canning....................... 0.073 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Wayne Campbell...............0.2292 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2490 Bob Scarbrough Jr.............. 0.2506 Terry Leonard.................... 0.2588 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2626 George Waldrep Jr.............. 0.2628 Danny Morgan.................... 0.2690 Scott Dittman.................... 0.2736 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2766 Hugh Williamson................ 0.2810 David Halblom Sr................ 0.2852 Pat Canning...................... 0.2886 Andy Shifflett Jr................. 0.2934 Harley Baker..................... 0.2940 Dwight Scott..................... 0.2958 Bob Hammack................... 0.3036 Donald Rosette.................. 0.3048 Al Auman Sr...................... 0.3082 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3084 Jack Neary....................... 0.3112 Small Group Bob Scarbrough, Jr.............. 0.097 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Scott Mims.......................0.2559 Bob Scarbrough Jr.............. 0.2618 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2774 Jack Neary....................... 0.2786 Dickie Land...................... 0.2807 Gary Conaway................... 0.2847 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2902 Matt Owens..................... 0.2905 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2908 Steve Lee......................... 0.2925 Al Auman Sr...................... 0.2961 James Casey..................... 0.2990 Jeff Thompson................... 0.3011 Andy Shifflett Jr................. 0.3012 Wayne Campbell................ 0.3044 Dana English..................... 0.3096 John Fowler...................... 0.3100 Jerry Lashower.................. 0.3130 Richard Watson.................. 0.3206 Mark Roper....................... 0.3222 Small Group Richard Watson................... 0.206 Light Varmint 200-Yards Gary Conaway..................0.2501 Bill Symons....................... 0.2625 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2704 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.2890

Gene Bukys....................... 0.2895 Cecil Peterson................... 0.2898 Andy Shifflett Jr................. 0.2909 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2955 Jerry Lashower.................. 0.2957 Kip Jones......................... 0.2976 John Fowler...................... 0.3043 Richard Watson.................. 0.3076 Dave Coots....................... 0.3172 Bob Hammack................... 0.3194 Wayne Campbell................ 0.3195 Dana English..................... 0.3223 Eddie Harris...................... 0.3251 Dave Abbott...................... 0.3254 Don Hardeman................... 0.3354 Joe Hynes........................ 0.3365 Small Group Terry Leonard..................... 0.273 Light Varmint Grand Andy Shifflett...................0.2560 Bill Symons....................... 0.2607 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2669 Jeff Summers.................... 0.2671 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2720 Dana English..................... 0.2824 Jerry Lashower.................. 0.2863 Gary Conaway................... 0.2892 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2976


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George Pariso.................... 0.2993 Dave Coots....................... 0.2995 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3054 Hugh Williamson................ 0.3064 Eddie Harris...................... 0.3082 Scott Mims....................... 0.3082 John Fowler...................... 0.3100 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.3102 Joe Hynes........................ 0.3103 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.3112 Pat Canning...................... 0.3175 Heavy Varmint Grand Bob Scarbrough, Jr............0.2562 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2668 Jeff Thompson................... 0.2889 Jack Neary....................... 0.2949 Andy Shifflett.................... 0.2973 Scott Mims....................... 0.2989 Al Auman, Sr..................... 0.3022 Steve Lee......................... 0.3022 Billy Stevens..................... 0.3031 Hugh Williamson................ 0.3044 Terry Leonard.................... 0.3070 Pat Canning...................... 0.3106 Dana English..................... 0.3129 David Halblom, Sr............... 0.3156 Bart Sauter....................... 0.3179 Donald Rosette.................. 0.3202




Precision Rifleman

Harley Baker..................... 0.3242 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3244 Bob Hammack................... 0.3267 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.3277 Jeff Graves....................... 0.3238 Gene Bukys....................... 0.3770 Two Gun Wayne Campbell...............0.2668 Andy Shifflett.................... 0.2766 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2837 Dana English..................... 0.2976 Gene Bukys....................... 0.3028 Scott Mims....................... 0.3035 Hugh Williamson................ 0.3054 Bart Sauter....................... 0.3077 Jack Neary....................... 0.3090 Jeff Thompson................... 0.3116 Jeff Summers.................... 0.3123 Terry Leonard.................... 0.3138 Pat Canning...................... 0.3140 Gary Conaway................... 0.3146 Dale Metzger..................... 0.3149 Al Auman, Sr..................... 0.3207 Billy Stevens..................... 0.3253 Dave Coots....................... 0.3256 Bob Hammack................... 0.3260 Jerry Lashower.................. 0.3271 Donald Rosette.................. 0.3284 Mark Engle....................... 0.3305

David Halblom, Sr............... 0.3325 Danny Morgan.................... 0.3353 Richard Watson.................. 0.3354 Eddit Harris...................... 0.3364 John Fowler...................... 0.3370 Steve Lee......................... 0.3402 Dwight Scott..................... 0.3411 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.3467

Buddy Ross....................... 0.3469 Joe Bougard, Jr................. 0.3479 Bill Symons....................... 0.3485 Gary Sullivan..................... 0.3503 Mark Roper....................... 0.3542 Charlie Hood, Jr................. 0.3582 Kenneth Pritt.................... 0.3613 Joe Hynes........................ 0.3613

Shamrock XIV Top 20 Two Gun Equipment List Name Wayne Campbell Andy Shifflett Bob Scarbrough, Jr Dana English Gene Bukys Scott Mims Hugh Williamson Bart Sauter Jack Neary Jeff Thompson Jeff Summers Terry Leonard Pat Canning Gary Conaway Gary Conaway Dale Metzger Al Auman, Sr Billy Stevens Dave Coots Bob Hammack Bob Hammack Jerry Lashower


Caliber 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC 6 PPC


Barrel Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Muller Bartlein Krieger Krieger Brux Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Krieger

Gunsmith Campbell Campbell Scott English Bukys Stevens Campbell Stevens D Bruno Campbell Summers Leonard Scott Scott Bruno Bruno Goodling Stevens Stevens Self Self Stevens

Stock Scarbrough Scoville Scarbrough Scarbrough Scarbrough Leonard Scoville Scarbrough Kelbly Scoville Leonard Leonard Scoville Scarbrough Scoville Scoville McMillan Scarbrough Leonard Scarbrough Leonard Lee Six

Stocker Campbell Scoville Scarbrough English Scarbrough Leonard Campbell Stevens D Bruno Campbell Leonard Leonard Scoville Scarbrough Scoville Scoville Goddling Scarbrough n/a Self Self Hall

Scope Leupold March Leupold March Bukys Leu/Bukys March Valdada Leupold Leupold March Leupold Leupold Leupold Weaver Leupold Leupold Leupold March March March Leupold

Powder/Wt n/a LT32/28.8 V133/30 133/29.2 133/29 n/a N133/30+ LT32/28.6 N133/30+ N133/29.7 V133/29.5 V133/FC 133/29 VV-N133/29.8 VV-N133/29.3 VV133/29 LT32/28 V133/29.5 LT32/29.4 n/a n/a 8208/29

Primer CCI Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 n/a Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Bullet Mfr Wayne Campbell Cheek Conaway Dana's Darts Bukys/68 Bart's Ultra Killer Bee Bart's 65BT Conaway JT3 Summers Leonard Generic Generic Lapua Generic Lapua Generic 220 Russian Self 66G BT Lapua Bart's n/a Miller Lapua Bart's Lapua Bart's Lapua Hottenstein 68BT

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Desert Sportsman Hunter Match February 8, 2015

Sunday started out okay and then the Vegas winds blew in and made the wind flags go every which way but loose. This is where we separate the shooters from the ones that can read the flags and those who are still learning. Maybe one day I'll figure it out. Following are the results of this first hunter match of the year at Desert Sportsman. Thank you to everyone for helping change the targets. Come and join us at our matches. We’d like to see you drop on by.

--Howard Bloom

Hunter 100-Yards Dave Reymore.............. 249-4X Keith Myers.................. 248-5X Ron Orton.................... 247-7X Howard Bloom............... 245-9X John Seines.................. 245-7X

Dave Smith................... 196-1X* Hunter 200-Yards Dave Reymore.............. 241-1X Ron Orton.................... 236-4X Keith Myers.................. 235-3X John Seines.................. 235-0X Howard Bloom............... 229-0X Dave Smith................... 188-0X*

Hunter Grand Dave Reymore.............. 490-5X Ron Orton....................483-11X Keith Myers.................. 483-6X John Seines.................. 478-7X Howard Bloom............... 474-9X Dave Smith................... 384-1X* *Factory class


Precision Rifleman

Mill Creek Rifle Club Hunter & VFS Match April 18-19, 2015

It was a pretty typical April day; hard rain before we got started and off and on rain for the rest of the day. Switchy wind also. TK Nollan shot a very nice 500-25X in VFS with a 6PPC. It was the first 500 not shot with a 30BR. TK, Howard Cowher and Dave Brooks battled clear to the very end with Dave coming out on top. The hunter boys all struggled with at least one yardage and some of us with every yardage. Jason Stanley did not win a single yardage but stayed close enough in all of them and wound up winning the Grand. --Ron Shultz Hunter 100-Yards Don Crunk.......................250-9X Mike Toby........................ 249-10X Tim Henderson.................. 249-9X Dave Halblom.................... 247-9X Jason Stanley................... 246-12X Ronnie Berg..................... 246-11X Ron Shultz........................ 246-7X Mike McFarland.................. 237-6X Hunter 200-Yards Ron Shultz.......................246-5X Ronnie Berg...................... 245-4X Mike McFarland.................. 245-1X Jason Stanley.................... 243-7X Mike Toby......................... 243-6X Tim Henderson.................. 243-1X Don Crunk........................ 241-1X Dave Halblom.................... 237-5X Hunter 300-Yards Mike McFarland.................242-7X Jason Stanley.................... 240-2X Ronnie Berg...................... 238-0X Tim Henderson.................. 236-3X Mike Toby......................... 236-2X Dave Halblom.................... 234-3X Ron Shultz........................ 234-2X Don Crunk........................ 232-0X Hunter 100-200 Aggregate Mike Toby....................... 492-16X Ron Shultz....................... 492-12X Tim Henderson................. 492-10X Ronnie Berg..................... 491-15X Don Crunk....................... 491-10X Jason Stanley................... 489-19X Dave Halblom................... 484-14X Mike McFarland.................. 482-7X

Hunter 200-300 Aggregate Mike McFarland.................487-8X Jason Stanley.................... 483-9X Ronnie Berg...................... 483-4X Ron Shultz........................ 480-7X Mike Toby......................... 479-8X Tim Henderson.................. 479-4X Don Crunk........................ 473-1X Dave Halblom.................... 471-8X Hunter 100-200-300 Grand Jason Stanely.................. 729-21X Ronnie Berg..................... 729-15X Mike Toby........................ 728-18X Tim Henderson................. 728-13X Ron Shultz....................... 726-14X Mike McFarland................. 724-14X Don Crunk....................... 723-10X Dave Halblom................... 718-17X VFS 100-Yards TK Nollan....................... 250-17X Howard Cowher................ 250-14X Terry Tholen.................... 250-12X Dave Brooks..................... 249-14X Don Hansen...................... 249-9X Sam Langhofer................... 248-9X Doug Brooks...................... 247-7X Chet Whitebread................. 50-1X VFS 200-Yards TK Nollan........................250-8X Howard Cowher................. 249-9X Dave Brooks...................... 249-6X Don Hansen...................... 248-9X

Terry Tholen..................... 248-4X Chet Whitebread................ 248-4X Doug Brooks...................... 245-3X Sam Langhofer................... 234-5X VFS 300-Yards Dave Brooks.....................247-4X TK Nollan......................... 244-7X Howard Cowher................. 244-2X Sam Langhofer................... 235-3X Doug Brooks...................... 223-0X VFS 100-200 Aggregate TK Nollan....................... 500-25X Howard Cowher................ 499-23X Dave Brooks..................... 498-20X Terry Tholen.................... 498-16X Don Hansen..................... 497-17X Doug Brooks..................... 492-10X Sam Langhofer.................. 491-14X Chet Whitebread................ 298-5X VFS 200-300 Aggregate Dave Brooks.................... 496-10X TK Nollan........................ 494-15X Howard Cowher................ 493-11X Sam Langhofer................... 478-8X Doug Brooks...................... 468-3X VFS 100-200-300 Grand Dave Brooks.................... 745-24X TK Nollan........................ 744-32X Howard Cowher................ 743-25X Sam Langhofer.................. 726-17X Doug Brooks..................... 715-10X

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June, 2015 Precision Rifleman

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“Her success is a direct result of training, a well built riie and the Berger BR Column bullet.”

Match Grade Rifle Bullets for

Varmint Target Hunting Tactical

Load Specs: Cartridge: 6 PPC Powder: LT 32 Bullet: 6mm BR Column

...says Lou Murdica of Palm Springs, California. His granddaughter, Angelina Gonzalez, recently shot at Arizona Benchrest Shooters' Unl5-Unl5 Arizona State Invitational and earned 4th place out of 37 shooters in the 2nd 100 yard agg. Her 0.1612" agg was smaller than 2 benchrest hall of famers!

Action: Panda Scope: 8-80 March

On April 18-19 Minnetonka held a group match with around ten competitors attending. David Dowd took down the win for the Two Gun with 0.2905. He also won the HV Grand with 0.2631. Bill Storbeck won the LV Grand with 0.3012. John Hansen won the HV100 with 0.2480. Congratulations to David Dowd and thank you to everyone for attending. Light Varmint 100-Yards David Dowd......................0.2736 Bill Storbeck..................... 0.2784 Mark Buettgen................... 0.2848 Heather Birch.................... 0.3386 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3850 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.4140 John Hansen..................... 0.4298 Scott Moser...................... 0.4424 Ken Hansen...................... 0.6570 Dave Birch........................ 1.1394 Small Group David Dowd....................... 0.139 Light Varmint 200-Yards Bill Storbeck....................0.3239 Ken Hansen...................... 0.3241 Mark Buettgen................... 0.3315 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3447 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.3550 David Dowd...................... 0.3622 John Hansen..................... 0.3942 Dave Birch........................ 0.4307 Small Group Jay Sperry......................... 0.332 Light Varmint Grand Bill Storbeck....................0.3012 Mark Buettgen................... 0.3082 David Dowd...................... 0.3179 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3649 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.3845 John Hansen..................... 0.4120

Ken Hansen...................... 0.4906 Dave Birch........................ 0.7851 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards John Hansen....................0.2480 David Dowd...................... 0.2920 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3024 Mark Buettgen................... 0.3430 Bill Storbeck..................... 0.3778 Heather Birch.................... 0.4132 Dave Birch........................ 0.4506 Scott Moser...................... 0.4752 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.5106 Ken Hansen...................... 1.9236 Small Group Bill Storbeck...................... 0.175 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards David Dowd......................0.2341 John Hansen..................... 0.3213 Bill Storbeck..................... 0.3295 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.3406 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3515 Mark Buettgen................... 0.3684 Dave Birch........................ 0.4424 Ken Hansen...................... 0.6918 Small Group Dave Birch......................... 0.337 Heavy Varmint Grand David Dowd......................0.2631 John Hansen..................... 0.2847 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3270 Bill Storbeck..................... 0.3537 Mark Buettgen................... 0.3557 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.4256 Dave Birch........................ 0.4465 Ken Hansen...................... 1.3077 Two Gun David Dowd......................0.2905 Bill Storbeck..................... 0.3274 Mark Buettgen................... 0.3319 Jay Sperry........................ 0.3459 John Hansen..................... 0.3483 Jerry Lahr........................ 0.4051 Dave Birch........................ 0.6158 Ken Hansen...................... 0.8991

Gear Specs: Barrel: Shilen Stock: Kensler

David Dowd Wins at Minnetonka



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Precision Rifleman

Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts ER—Eastern Region Chippewa Rifle Club

www.chippewarifleclub.com GPS: N40 56.820 W81 44.583 Contact: Bob Denk 440 596-7238 7728 E Linden Ln, Parma, OH 44130 robertsdenk66@gmail.com Contact: Pat Metcalf 419 886-3467 528 Alexander Rd, Bellville, OH 44813 plmohio@aol.com

Fairchance Rod & Gun Club

GPS: N39 48.704 W79 47.179 Contact: Bill Reahard 724 323-5044 PO Box 156, McClellandtown, PA 15458 reahard@verizon.net Contact: Jerry Van Sickle 724 569-2216 181 Guthrie Rd, Smithfield, PA 15478

Holton Gun & Bow Club

6201 Crystal Lake Rd, Holton, MI 49425 PO Box 128, Holton, MI 49425 www.holtongunandbowclub.com 231 821-9608 GPS: N43 23.742 W86 05.2566 Contact: Bruce Torrey, 231 288-4769 3951 Molly Blvd, Muskegon, MI 49444 Alternate: Nancy Scarbrough 231 638-6775 544 N Buys Rd, Muskegon, MI 49445 stocksunlimited@comcast.net

Kane Fish & Game

Dwight Rd, 1 mile N of Kane on SR 321 www.kanefishandgameclub.org Steve Timpano – Group 814 837-9644 stimpano@verizon.net Ed Hanes - Group 814 837-9868 hanes329@comcast.net

Kelbly’s Rifle Range

7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd N Lawrence, OH 44666 www.kelbly.com GPS: N40 52.9836 W81 40.6218 Contact: Jim Kelbly 330 683-4674 jim@kelbly.com

Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn

7988 Johnston-Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 937 492-2972 Contact: John Petteruti 937 654-7950 jpetteruti@woh.rr.com


6700 Napier Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 734 453-9843 http://wwcca.com Contact: Dana Raven 734 748-5394 10930 Old 27N, Frederic, MI 49733-9734 dana_raven@yahoo.com Contact: Bill Gammon 519 453-6734 387 Speight Blvd, London, ONT N5V 3J8 Canada Bill.gammon@rogers.com

GC—Gulf Coast Region Austin Rifle Club

www.austinrifleclub.org PO Box 141399, Austin, TX 78714 Contact: Virgil Howarth 512 447-8968 2704 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745 vhowarth@sbcglobal.net

Hill County Shooters Assn

Minnetonka Benchrest Assn

Midland Shooters Association

Oak Hill Gun Club

GPS: N29 44.695 W098 14.141 421 Range Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132 Contact: Cody Engel 210 535 2170 PO Box 1423, Blanco, TX 78606 codyvp@satx.rr.com 4108 East County Rd 160, Midland, TX 79706 432 682-2332 www.midlandshooters.com Contact: Mike Conry 3212 E County Rd 136, Midland, TX 79706 432 528-8718 or 432 683-1332 MEConry@suddenlink.net

North Texas Shooters Association

www.shootntsa.com GPS: N33 19.351 W97 08.938 Contact: Michael Stinnett 214 794-8006 6651 Blackjack Oaks Rd, Aubrey, TX 76227 mkstinnett@gmail.com

Seymour Stool Shooters

448 Hwy 283 South, Seymour, TX 76380 Contact: John Horn 940 636-9984 924 Peterson Rd S, Iowa Park, TX 76367 John.Horn44@gmail.com

SW Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Club

www.swla-rifleandpistol.org Contact: Mike Guillot 337 249-3712 1600 Cappy Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605 Guillot4555@suddenlink.net

Tomball Gun Club

Contact: Dwayne Pullum: 281 684-9004 Richard Pullum by email: richardpullum@embarqmail.com

NC—North Central Region Boone Valley Ikes

Contact: Ronnie Berg 515 210-7772 104 S Dalander St, Madrid, IA 50156 mrberg@iowatelecom.net

Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

462 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY 82834 Contact Pete Eisele 307 217- 1155

Casper Score Shooters

2330 N Station Rd, Casper, WY 82601 307 265-2535 www.stuckenhoffshooterscomplex.net Contact: Tim Naugle 307 237-7185 1926 S Walnut St, Casper WY 82601 tnaugle@bresnan.net

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club

www.cbr-pc.org GPS: N41.39083 W95.37891 Contact: Gary Flury 712 328-0301 PO Box 1042, Council Bluffs, IA 50502 garysflury@gmail.com Contact: Ron Lee Miller 402 393-4536 8081 Dupont St. Omaha NE 68124 ncnbrsa@cox.net

Lincoln Izaak Walton League

10801 S 134th St, Bennet, NE 68317 Contact: Mike Shapoval 402 420-5763 mike10shapoval@windstream.net

8310 Hill n Dale Dr, St Francis, MN 55330 www.mgfc.org GPS: N45 23.42 W93 29.29 Contact: Scott Moser 612 961-6761 10412 Abbott Dr, Brooklyn Park MN 55443 samoser@comcast.net 12364 Coon Hunters Rd, Blue Grass, IA 52726 563 381-2677 Contact: Cecil Peterson 563 359-1988 2260 Cromwell Cir, Davenport IA 52807 peterson1@mchsi.com

Prairie Dog Target Club

Contact: Don Deckert 605 288-1919 HC 54, Box 3, Porcupine SD 57772 pdtc57772@yahoo.com

MV—Mississippi Valley

Bench Rest Rifle Club Of St Louis 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City, MO 63390 www.shootingstl.com GPS: N38 53.353 W091 04.763 Scott Pieper - Group 636 745-2454 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City MO 63390 pieper@shootingstl.com Wayne Corley - HTR/VFS 636 928-0882 2 Sheffield Ct, St Charles, MO 63304 waynecorley@sbcglobal.net

Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

W10924 Bryer Road, Columbus, WI 53925 www.csa12.com tabalding@gmail.com Contact Terry Balding 608 577-5193 1777 W Main St #203, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Holmen Rod & Gun Club

W7503 County Road T, Holmen, WI 54636 www.holmenrodandgunclub.com Contact Jim Knower, 608 526-3151

Van Dyne Sportsmen’s Club

www.vdsc.org or info@vdsc.org Contact: Steve Owen 920 688-2433 PO Box 8, Van Dyne WI 54979

NW—Northwest Region Wenatchee Benchrest Club

2800 #2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA www.wenrrc.org, zaccs@televar.com Contact: Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn 6900 Kershaw Blvd, White City, OR 97502 Contact: Phil Grammatica 714 749-7216 philgrammatica@yahoo.com

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club

27007 South Tom Beall Rd, Lapwai, ID 83540 280 843-2987 www.lcwildlife.org Contact: Paul Gylling - HTR/VFS 40102 State Route 195, Colfax WA 99111 PGylling@gmail.com 509 553-1118 Denny Andrews - Group andrewslaw1@gmail.com 509 243-7039

North Cascades Sportsman’s Club PO Box 1721, Chelan, WA 98816

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts http://www.chelangunclub.com Contact Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club

8503 Chambers Creek Rd W University Place, WA 98467 www.tacomarifle.org Contact: Jeff Lewis 206 407-8299 32310 6th Ave SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 varminthunter1@comcast.net

Tri-Cities Metallic Silhouette Assn Hwy 12 to Pasco-Kahlotus Rd www.tcmsa.org Contact: Rick DeGroat 509 308-7213 or 509 396-3166 rem10x308@aol.com

Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Range

578 Blodgett View Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 www.whittecarrange.com 406 363-7078 Contact: Jeff Jetter 406 777-5326 4168 Foxy Ridge Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870 JLJ4HBR@msn.com

Yellowstone Rifle Club

7212 Molt Rd, Billings, MT 406 656-2775 www.yrc.org Contact: Ryan Lienemann 406 245-4056 1124 Horn St, Billings, MT 59101 lienemannbr@gmail.com

Le Grande Rifle & Pistol Club www.lgrpc.com Contact Gary Vanlier 208 965-1992 or 208 461-0315 gwvjake1@msn.com

SE—Southeast Region

Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn www.mggoa.com GPS: N32 24.3732 W82 53.0574 PO Box 4096, Dublin, GA 31040 Contact: Matt Walker 478 304-2749 mggoa1@gmail.com

River Bend Gun Club

588 River Bend Gun Club Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 770 893-3502 www.rbgc.org GPS: N34 20.198 W84 14.819 Contact: Jim Andress Group/Score PO Box 7, Marble Hill, GA 30148 benchrest@rbgc.org, jim@precisionrifles.co 770 876-2351 or 770 893-3319

Rockingham County Gun Club

572 Long Branch Road, Reidsville, NC 27320 www.rockinghamcountygunclub.com GPS: N36 25.536 W79 31.864 Contact: Roy Darnell 336 595-9110 4811 Camp Betty Hastings Rd Walkertown, NC 27051 DarnellRM@embarqmail.com

Unaka Rod & Gun Club

90 Furnace Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601 423 926-0221 www.unakarodandgun.com Contact: Matthew Keller 423 202-6932

1013 Washington College Station Rd Limestone, TN 37681 mk6ppc4@yahoo.com

MC—Mid-Continent Region Colorado Rifle Club

76099 E 96th Ave, Byers, CO 80103 303 238-5696 http://crci.org Contact: Nick Hoier 719 499-0246 or Nate Miller 719 648-5334 524 E McCullough Blvd, Pueblo West, CO 81007 namiller1979@gmail.com

Land’s End Benchrest Shooters

4 mi East of Hwy 50 on Reeder Mesa Rd Contact: Tom Stiner 970 257-9160 1521 Divide Rd, Whitewater CO 81527 TSTooling@hotmail.com

Mill Creek Rifle Club

7215 Gardner Rd, DeSoto, KS 66018 www.millcreekrc.org Contact: Don Creach - Group 816 586-9475 dcjcreach@aol.com Contact:Ronald Shultz - Hunter/VFS 913 557-9879

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters 38967 CR 51, Eaton, CO 80615 www.wcfw.org Contact: Bud Schalles 970 224-3740 PO Box 83, La Porte CO 80535 budschalles@aol.com

Okie Shooters Range

Contact: Rex Reneau 405 787-8529 7409 NW 28th Terrace, Bethany OK 73008 405 623-6019 or rreneau1@cox.net

Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn

Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Whittington Center

34025 US 64, Raton, NM 87740 575 445-3615 www.nrawc.org Contact: Ed Adams 505 401-5071 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque NM 87120 trished5@comcast.net

SW—Southwest Region Arizona Benchrest Shooters

4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85086 GPS: N33 27 12.22 W112 37 12.20 http://azbrs.com Contact: Melesia Cisneros 714-441-7220 4275 N Palm St, Fullerton, CA 92835 melesia.cisneros@bergerbullets.com

Central Utah Benchrest

Contact: Dave Tunbridge 801 571-6755 966 Stacie Ave, Sandy UT 84094 drtunbridge@gmail.com

Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

12201 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702 642-9928 www.dsrpc.net GPS: N36.1498 W115.3653 Contact: Keith Myers - VFS keithmyers@yahoo.com or 702 217-3591 Contact: Howard Bloom - HTR

1964.usmc@att.net or 702 368-0568

Ojai Valley Gun Club

www.dock.net/ovgc Contact: Barry Bluhm 805 798-2473 608 E Oak St, Ojai CA 93023 TwiLiteZ585@hotmail.com

Palomino Valley Gun Club

Washoe County Shooting Facility 21555 Pyramid Lake Hwy, Reno NV 80502 palominovalleygunclub.homestead.com GPS: N39 51.374 W119 40.046 Contact: Robert Hoppe - Long Range PO BOX 4251, Sparks NV 89432 RobH@saturnnet.com 775 827-8679 or 775 397-3358 Contact: Steve Archibald - Varmint 5017 Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434 775 356-5850 (h) or 775 742-1153 (c) nevadaswa@aol.com

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest

www.tucsonrifleclub.org Contact: Karl Hunstiger 602 971-4400 2901 E Cortez St, Phoenix AZ 85028 wfo13@aol.com

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters www.sloughhousebenchrest.com Contact: Craig St Claire - Long Range galtshtr@gmx.com or 209 744-2274 Contact: Dan Lutke - Short Range 408 241-9759 lutke5@sbcglobal.net Contact: Bill Mellor - Short Range 916 354-1782 rollem11@att.net

Visalia Sportsman Association

7398 Avenue 328, Visalia, CA 93291 599 651-3063 www.visaliasportsmans.com Contact: Dennis Thornbury 559 432-4401 PO Box 105, Visalia, CA 93279 559 280-6243 gunhandler@gmail.com

EU-European Region Benchrest Dolomiti

Via Alemagna 1/a, Dobbiaco, Italy 39034 info@alpenfuchs.it Contact: Americo Angaran americo.angaran@gmail.com

Club de Tir du Castellas

Route de Vautubiere, La Fare les Oliviers, France 13580 bench-rest@ctcastellas.com Contact Jean-Marie Deletang at redneckbr@neuf.fr or Andre Feraud at nagemar@vanadoo.fr


Precision Rifleman

and say hello to Sammye at the Gun Shop while you’re there.

Daniele Tincani

JC Braconi from EuroBenchrest News shares that Daniele Tincani from Reggio Emilia Italy passed away in April after battling cancer. Daniele was an active shooter in the 80’s and

A Toast to Clayton Martin During the April President’s Cup match at Holton Gun Club, Lee Hachigian presented a plaque toasting our late friend. Apparently, Capt. Clayton was in the habit of enjoying a beverage after the matches and always consumed these in a red solo cup, which was his trademark. The plaque reads, “In memory of Clayton Martin 1925-2015. His friendship started with a smile & a toast to good life.”

Central Texas Benchrest Shooters

With the recent passing of Howard Dietz, there are some changes afoot at the Dietz Rifle Range in New Braunfels, Texas. First, we have a name change to Hill Country Shooters Assn, which more accurately reflects the beautiful country in which this range is located. Second, there’s a new sheriff in town; Cody Engel has stepped up to help Sammye and the other great shooters run the benchrest matches smoothly. When you visit, don’t forget to drop by

won the HV100 at the XIII Super Shoot in 1985. He will be missed by his family and many friends. We are diminished.

April Issue

The Arizona Benchrest’s SW Regional Championship Unlimited Equipment list should have stated Lester Bruno used a BAT action.

June, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Regional Directors Eastern Region

Staff Exp 2016

Jack Neary 6204 Wild Oak Dr, North Olmstead, OH 44070 H: 440 716-0600 C: 336 542-8711 jrneary@hotmail.com

Gulf Coast Region

Officers Dennis Thornbury, President 1114 S McAuliff St Visalia, CA 93292 H: 559 732-4401 C: 559 280 6243 gunhandler@gmail.com Term Expires 2014 Don Nielson, Vice President 20456 Hart St, Winnetka, CA 91306 H: 818 883-5866 pkin@sbcglobal.net Term Expires 2014 John Horn, Financial Officer 924 Peterson Rd South Iowa Park, TX 76367-7237 C: 940 636-9984 Term Expires 2014 John.Horn44@gmail.com

Committees World Records Committee: Group Gene Bukys, Chairman 2111 Silver Moon Trail Crosby, TX 77532 281 324-2605 egb243@msn.com Kent Harshman, Committee Member Ron Hoehn, Committee Member Lowell Frei, Committee Member World Records Committee: Score David Halblom, Chairman 515 556-5833 4315 Ashby Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310 DavidHalblom-BugTyer@att.net Dan Zaccanti, Committee Member Rich Carpenter, Committee Member Randy Perkowski, Committee Member Tom McPhee, Committee Member International Representative Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com Varmint For Score Representative (Southwest Region) Keith Myers 702 217-3591 keithmyers@yahoo.com Long Range Measuring Committee Karl Hunstiger, Chairman 602 971-4400 wfo13@aol.com

Mississippi Valley Region Exp 2016

Bud Mundy 5956 Old Hickory Trail Hillsboro, MO 63050 C: 314 805-1313 bcmundy@earthlink.net

Exp 2015

Terry Meyer PO Box 52, Thornton, IA 50479 H: 641 998-2860 C: 641 425-3397 tdmeyer6ppc@gmail.com North Central Alternate Rodney Brown PO Box 7218, Sheridan, WY 82801 C: 303 378-6085 rbrown@vanaire.net

Mid-Continent Region

Exp 2015

Butch Fjoser 7 Summerfield St, Woodward, OK 73801 C: 580 334-2643 W: 580 254-9764 butchsguns@yahoo.com

North West Region

Business Manager, NBRSA Editor, Precision Rifleman Magazine Advertising Sales Contact Audrey Brown PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 W: 307 655-7415 C: 307 217-1966 nbrsa.manager@gmail.com

Exp 2015

Scott Hunter 1612 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 H: 940 723-5147 C: 940 631-4545 Shunter@NTS-online.net Gulf Coast Alternate Mike Bryant 7761 FM 592, Wheeler, TX 79096 806 826-5958, mike@bryantcustom.com

North Central Region


Exp 2015

Dan Zaccanti 1542 Tacoma Ave, Bridgeport, WA 98813 C: 509 733-1003 zaccs@televar.com North West Alternate Paul Holland PO Box 1498, Big Fork, MT 59911 406 837-5583 plumbing@centurytel.net

South East Region

Exp 2016

South West Region

Exp 2016

European Region

Exp 2016

Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com

Tom Libby 74056 Aster Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 774-5256 tomnbrsa@outlook.com South West Alternate David Woodward 34 W Dessert Knoll Pl, Oro Valley, AZ C: 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 dwoodward@dteworld.com Jean-Marie Deletang 15 Rue des Martyrs, Beausoleil, 06240 France redneckbr@neuf.fr

Legal Representation

Elliot Law Office Al Elliott, 325 387-3529 albertelliott@mail.com

Change of Address: To change your address or report a damaged or undelivered magazine, write: NBRSA, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 828017105. Do not return damaged copies. Change of address should include both new address and a mailing label bearing the old one. In case of duplication send both labels. Contributors: The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Advertisers: Rate cards and terms are available online at www.nbrsa.org/membership-info. We appreciate your support! Safety Disclaimer: The publication, writers, organization officers, staff, and directors explicitly advise the readers that they make no representation of safety for any loads, techniques, and procedures if reported herein. The nature of participating in a shooting sport automatically requires caution at all times. Given the many variables present—weather, equipment, and components— the information presented is for your reading enjoyment.

Printed in the USA Publisher: NBRSA, Inc. Printed By: Lithotech, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Advertising, Classifieds & Membership: Audrey Brown, Editor 307 655-7415 Precision Rifleman (ISSN 1061950X) is published monthly by NBRSA Inc PO Box 6770 3647 US Hwy 87 Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307 655-7415 Email: nbrsa.manager@gmail.com for the benefit of its members. Membership dues is $60 per year US of which $40 is designated for a magazine subscription. Canadian postage add $25/ year. All other International postage add $60/year. For Membership inquiries call 307 655-7415. Copyright 2013, National Bench Rest Shooters Association. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. Periodicals Class Postage paid at Sheridan, WY & additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Precision Rifleman, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801.


Precision Rifleman

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