October, 2015

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October, 2015 The Voice of the NBRSA


Precision Rifleman

Hydro Bullet Seater with extended base and interchangeable loading blocks Our New 21st Century Reloading Hydro Bullet Seater is designed for bullet seating with hand dies. Height adjustment is a simple twist of the knob with very little effort. With this press you will receive the feedback and data to help control neck tension. Unique design for the field or bench. No need to bolt or fasten to bench. Extended base also available with the New Generation Press.

Enter FBOOK10 and receive 10% off order

Click Head Stainless Steel Bench Rest Quality Primer Tool

The feel, the precision, the quality and the ease of adjustment of this tool are unique. Features include click head adjustments for precise primer seating and all stainless steel components with aluminum handle.

Concentricity Gauge with wheel

This device enables the user to rotate the case one complete revolution with about 1/8 of a turn on the wheel. Providing consistent pressure on the case. Easily retrofits in a snap to the 21st Century Shooting Concentricity Gauge (run out gauge - as shown). Features include canting to the left or right to keep the base of the case rotating against the stop. For unlimited setup scenarios. Simply amazing!

Neck Turning Lathe

The floating design of our neck turner and the universal floating case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric. Therefore allowing O.D. to be turned concentric with I.D. The tail-stock creates a horizontal inline support for the base of the case. Also allows the operator to keep both hands on the power screw driver or drill. This makes it very easy to control feed rate of the cutting operation, generating a very fine turned finish. Case holder drivers are designed to be the most gentle driver, yet providing an adequate hold. DOES NOT DRIVE OFF THE PRIMER POCKET NO PRIMER POCKET OR CASE DAMAGE. Driver shaft is hexed to use power screw driver or drill. 17cal. Fireball to a .416 Rigby. Also 50cal. www.21stcenturyshooting.com 260-273-9909

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Designed, made and sold by precision shooters! Gradient Lens Corporation - 800.536.0790 www.hawkeyeshooting.com

The NEW AFB Hawkeye® Borescope costs $150 less because it is packaged in a laminated box instead of a lockable metal case. The borescope is identical to the one in the KIT configuration. HS17-SHOT-AFB $745 HS07-SHOT-AFB $695 GUNSMITH-AFB $1,425 (Both 17” & 7” scopes)

In This Issue...

Palomino Valley’s Nevada State Two Gun Championship, by Jan Sarras..........4 NTSA’s 200-Yard Four-Gun Challenge, by Glenn Chism...............................6 Oak Hill Gun Club’s June Repeat, by Cecil Peterson..................................7 Nevada State Four-Gun Championship, by Jan Sarras................................9 Mustafa Bilal Wins Tacoma’s Northwest Regional, by Dan Kjelland..............11 Dave Tunbridge Wins NC Regional Unlimited & Sporter, by Mel Klasi............12 Greg Wilson Wins Two Gun at Sloughhouse Benchrest, by Dan Lutke............14 St Louis June Hunter & VFS Match, by Wayne Corley................................15 NBRSA Registered Match Schedule.....................................................16 Bart Sauter Wins the East West Show Me Shootout, by Joe Fesi..................17 Jack Neary Wins WWCCA’s Wolverine Challenge, by Dana Raven.................20 Gene Bukys Wins the Texas Shootout at Midland, by Mike Conry.................22 Barry Benson Takes First Place at Northern Colorado, by LuAnn Dill............24 Visalia Sportsman’s California State Championship, Part 1, by Dan Lutke......26 Desert Sportsman’s Hunter Match, by Howard Bloom...............................27 Ranges, Clubs & Contacts................................................................28 NBRSA News, Advertising Index, Statement of Ownership.........................30 Officer, Regional Director & Business Contact Information........................31

On the cover: Bill Pond’s 22 Mongrel; a 22ppc with double shoulders reduces capacity to a Waldog.



Precision Rifleman

Nevada State Two Gun Championship

2015 Nevada State Championship Two Gun Equipment List Light Varmint: Name Steve Archibald Mark Ronchetti Pete Savage Jan Sarras Everet Smith Kelle Baitx Chris Baitx Don Archibald Travis Archibald Sarah Archibald Heavy Varmint: Mark Ronchetti Jan Sarras Pete Savage Everet Smith Kelle Baitx Steve Archibald Chris Baitx Travis Archibald Don Archibald Sarah Archibald


Action Panda Bruno RFD BAT BAT RFD Nesika Panda Nesika Panda

Barrel Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger

Gunsmith Sarras Sutton P. Savage Sarras O'Cock P. Savage Dowling Sutton Sarras Sarras

Stocker Edge Edge P. Savage Self O'Cock P. Savage Dowling Sutton Sarras Edge

Scope Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Weaver 36 Leupold 45 March 40X Weaver 36 Leupold 36 Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Leupold 45

Load 8208 29.0 N133 28.0 8208 8208 29.0 N133 29.0 N133 N133 8208 28.7 8208 29.0 8208 29.0

Primer 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M

Bullet Bart's 65 Berger 68 Miller 65 Fowler 66 Miller 67 Spencer 66 n/a Watson 65 FB Bart's 68 Bart's 68


Bruno BAT RFD BAT RFD Panda Nesika Nesika Panda Panda

Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger

Sutton Sarras P. Savage O'Cock P. Savage Sarras Dowling Sarras Sutton Sarras

Edge Robertson P. Savage O'Cock P. Savage Edge Dowling Edge Sutton Edge

Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Weaver 36 March 40X Weaver 36 Leupold 45 Leupold 36 Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Leupold 45

N133 28.0 8208 29.0 8208 N133 29.0 N133 8208 29.0 N133 8208 29.0 6165 28.7 8208 29.0

205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M

Berger 68 Fowler 66 Miller 65 Miller 67 Spencer 66 Bart's 68 n/a Bart's 68 Watson 65 F Bart's 68

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Made Exclusively With J4 Precision Jackets

“Her success is a direct result of training, a well built riie and the Berger BR Column bullet.”

Match Grade Rifle Bullets for

Varmint Target Hunting Tactical

...says Lou Murdica of Palm Springs, California. His granddaughter, Angelina Gonzalez, recently shot at Arizona Benchrest Shooters' Unl5-Unl5 Arizona State Invitational and earned 4th place out of 37 shooters in the 2nd 100 yard agg. Her 0.1612" agg was smaller than 2 benchrest hall of famers!

Load Specs: Cartridge: 6 PPC Powder: LT 32 Bullet: 6mm BR Column


Share your story with us at bergerbullets.com

Phone 714-441-7200

Made In America

Light Varmint 200-Yards Steve Archibald.................0.3737 Mark Ronchetti.................. 0.3966 Everet Smith..................... 0.4075 Small Group Steve Archibald................... 0.379 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Jan Sarras.......................0.3793 Everet Smith..................... 0.4146 Mark Ronchetti.................. 0.4268 Small Group Mark Ronchetti................... 0.356 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Mark Ronchetti.................0.2664 Pete Savage...................... 0.3002 Kelle Baitx....................... 0.3116 Small Group Steve Archibald................... 0.137 Light Varmint 100-Yards Steve Archibald.................. 0.2790 Sarah Archibald.................. 0.3088 Pete Savage....................... 0.310 Small Group Pete Savage....................... 0.181 Light Varmint Grand Steve Archibald.................0.3264 Mark Ronchetti.................. 0.3992 Pete Savage...................... 0.4080 Heavy Varmint Grand Mark Ronchetti.................0.3466 Jan Sarras........................ 0.3695 Pete Savage...................... 0.3710 Two Gun Steve Archibald.................0.3629 Mark Ronchetti.................. 0.3729 Pete Savage...................... 0.3895 Jan Sarras........................ 0.3947 Everet Smith..................... 0.4078 Kelle Baitx....................... 0.4385 Chris Baitx....................... 0.5063 Don Archibald.................... 0.5767 Travis Archibald................. 0.5798

Action: Panda Scope: 8-80 March

Savage rounded out the top three. Many thanks to our target pulling/scoring team of Kelly Marsh and Kerry Sarras who tromped through the mud to keep our match running smoothly. Also, thank you to Jan Sarras who crafted three beautiful ball point pens on his lathe to give the top three finishers in the Two Gun. In the photo: Kneeling L to R: Don, Travis and Sarah Archibald, Mark Ronchetti, and Chris Baitx. Standing L to R. Kelle Baitx, Steve Archibald, Jan Sarras, Pete Savage and Everett Smith.

Gear Specs: Barrel: Shilen Stock: Kensler

The first Northern Nevada benchrest match of the 2015 season was the LV/HV Two Gun Nevada State Championship held at the Washoe County Regional Shooting facility north of Reno on May 23rd and 24th. May brought much needed rain to our region that has been plagued with a four year drought and almost no snow over the last winter. The rain brought a lot of mud to contend with over the weekend of the match. Four out of state shooters joined six locals to compete at 200 on Saturday and 100 on Sunday. The first aggregate on Saturday was LV200 in 15-20 mph winds and the threat of rain. Steve Archibald placed first with a .3737, followed by Mark Ronchetti and Everet Smith. Steve also shot the small group of 0.379”. Next up was HV200 in similar conditions and Jan Sarras placed first with a .3793 agg followed by Everet Smith and Mark Ronchetti who shot the small group of the day with a 0.356”. Sunday brought much lighter but switching wind conditions as we started off with HV100. Steve Archibald shot the only two groups in the teens winning the aggregate with a .2664 and small group of 0.137”. Pete Savage of Arizona placed second and Kelle Baitx, a new benchrest shooter who made the trek all the way from Southern California, placed third. We finished up the weekend with LV100 and Steve Archibald just couldn’t be beaten. He won the aggregate with a .2790, followed by his daughter, Sarah, and in third was Pete Savage who shot the small group of 0.181”. The Light Varmint Grand winner was Steve Archibald, with Mark Ronchetti finishing second and Pete Savage placing third. The Heavy Varmint Grand winner was Mark Ronchetti followed by Jan Sarras in second place and Pete Savage in third. Our 2015 Nevada State Two Gun Champion was our match director Steve Archibald. Mark Ronchetti finished in second place, and Pete



Precision Rifleman

North Texas Shooters Assn’s Texas Showdown 200-Yard 4-Gun Challenge June 13-14, 2015

The Four Gun Winner is Dr Tim Oltersdorf. Glenn Chism writes that Tim had to navigate through some agg killing wind. The photo is of the good Doctor with his panda “Pinky”. Dr Tim says that “Pinky” was in the closet for a while but is out now. Tim did shoot a three lug BAT with a BAT stock called “Woody” for the LV & SP. Scott (GC Director for Life) Hunter won both the Unlimited and Heavy Varmint on Saturday. Richard Pullum won the Light Varmint. Mike Stinnett ran a fantastic match and passed

out some outstanding trophies. It is people like him who keep our sport alive. I tip my pink hat to him and all the match directors for their hard work and dedication to benchrest.

Heavy Varmint Scott Hunter....................0.2900 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.3140 Ken Terrell....................... 0.3245 Tommy Long..................... 0.3263 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.3318 Darryl Whitman................. 0.3548 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3750 Dickie Pustejovsky.............. 0.3802 Richard Pullum.................. 0.4509 Gary Walters..................... 0.4609 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.4672 Joe Kubon........................ 0.4983 Britt Robinson................... 0.5143 Wendell Rhodes................. 0.5616 Small Group Ken Terrell........................ 0.320 Unlimited Scott Hunter....................0.2346 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.2497 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2606 Dickie Pustejovsky.............. 0.2894 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.2995 Tommy Long..................... 0.3141 Wendell Rhodes................. 0.3171 Gary Walters..................... 0.3289 Richard Pullum.................. 0.3309 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3559 Britt Robinson................... 0.3597 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3685 Darryl Whitman................. 0.3965 Small Group Scott Hunter...................... 0.163 Light Varmint Richard Pullum.................0.3141 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.3238 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3535

Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.3739 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.3762 Tommy Long..................... 0.4089 Dickie Pustejovsky.............. 0.4143 Ken Terrell....................... 0.4361 Scott Hunter..................... 0.4389 Wendell Rhodes................. 0.5052 Gary Walters..................... 0.5053 Britt Robinson................... 0.5198 Joe Kubon........................ 0.5337 Darryl Whitman................. 0.5382 Small Group Gary Bristow...................... 0.233 Sporter Tim Oltersdorf..................0.2314 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.2412 Richard Pullum.................. 0.2449 Gary Bristow..................... 0.2657 Darryl Whitman................. 0.2696 Dickie Pustejovsky.............. 0.2880 Tommy Long..................... 0.2939 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3160 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.3551 Wendell Rhodes................. 0.3627 Ken Terrell....................... 0.3767 Gary Walters..................... 0.4370 Joe Kubon........................ 0.5614 Britt Robinson................... 0.6103 Small Group Jackie Schmidt................... 0.244 Four Gun Tim Oltersdorf..................0.2824 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3199 Dwayne Pullum.................. 0.3276 Richard Pullum.................. 0.3352 Tommy Long..................... 0.3358 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3375 Dickie Pustejovsky.............. 0.3430 Jackie Schmidt.................. 0.3460 Darryl Whitman................. 0.3898 Gary Walters..................... 0.4330 Wendell Rhodes................. 0.4367 Joe Kubon........................ 0.4905 Britt Robinson................... 0.5010

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

REPEAT! Oak Hill Gun Club June 20, 2015

The word refers to the act of saying or doing something over again. It could also mean redo, duplication, repetition or replay. Some of those who don’t hear well are asking to repeat, so here it goes. Jerry Wick wins again. What don’t you understand about that? At 100 yards, Jim Carstensen was impressing his son, Ethan and showing him that the old man could still shoot. The Sheriff, Paul Whitmore, was pushing for recognition as a marksman and finished in second place. Jerry, fearing a shut-out, shot the small group at this yardage on his fifth target for third place. Newbie Frank Taucher rounded out the top four and Ethan Carstensen (it’s reported he never practices) was the apple of his father’s eye when he finished in fifth place. At 200 yards, Mister Jerry Wick was all business and proceeded to kick the rest of the field leaving

no doubt. He punctuated the win with another fifth target small group of the day. Keith Christianson gave him some competition, as did Frank Taucher, Jim Carstensen and Jerry King. The “Repeater” also known as Mister Jerry Wick, just cleaned Oak Hill Gun Club out of wood on this match. This was a challenge match, but there was no one to challenge the Repeater. Therefore, the Grand Agg standings showed Jerry Wick in first, followed by Jim Carstensen, Frank Taucher and Keith Christianson as the top five. We had many witnesses and fellow competitors which are listed on the stat sheets. Please look up your favorite shooter and see where they landed. As always, it takes many to put on this match and I wish to thank Jim Schmidt and Jerry King for their continued and unwavering support as well as Dave Lang, our statistician and Marvin Morgan for his target work. Watch out for the “Three-Peat!” --Cecil Peterson Match Director


In the photo from Left: Jim Carstensen, Jerry Wick, Keith Christianson, Frank Thacher & Cecil Peterson Light Varmint 100-Yards Jim Carstensen.................0.2256 Paul Whitmore................... 0.2300 Jerry Wick........................ 0.2366 Frank Taucher................... 0.2580 Ethan Carstensen............... 0.2848 Mike Bigelow..................... 0.2884 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3000 Keith Christianson.............. 0.3282 Jerry King........................ 0.3282 Cecil Peterson................... 0.3390 Wes Johnson..................... 0.3492 Joe Morgan....................... 0.3550 Carl Dillon........................ 0.3580 Jim Franzen...................... 0.3672 Bob Cotton....................... 0.3866 Larry Caston..................... 0.3944 Robert Jacobs................... 0.4172 Larry Rickertson................. 0.4582 Small Group Jerry Wick......................... 0.164 Light Varmint 200-Yards Jerry Wick.......................0.2604 Cecil Peterson................... 0.2820 Keith Christianson.............. 0.2875 Frank Taucher................... 0.3025 Jim Carstensen.................. 0.3171 Jerry King........................ 0.3290 Joe Morgan....................... 0.3303 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3776 Larry Caston..................... 0.3807


Precision Rifleman

Mike Bigelow..................... 0.3911 Robert Jacobs................... 0.4051 Bob Cotton....................... 0.4115 Ethan Carstensen............... 0.4281 Jim Franzen...................... 0.4283 Paul Whitmore................... 0.4414 Carl Dillon........................ 0.4757 Wes Johnson..................... 0.5440 Larry Rickertson................. 0.5602 Small Group Jerry Wick......................... 0.238 Name Jerry Wick Jim Carstensen Keith Christianson Cecil Peterson Jerry King Paul Whitmore Jim Schmidt Mike Bigelow Joe Morgan Ethan Carstensen Larry Caston Jim Franzen Bob Cotton Robert Jacobs Wes Johnson

Action Viper Panda BAT BAT BAT Stiller BAT BAT BAT Panda Hall Panda Panda Panda Marsh

Barrel Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Shilen Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Hart Bartlein Bartlein Hart Bartlein

Light Varmint Grand Jerry Wick.......................0.2485 Jim Carstensen.................. 0.2713 Frank Taucher................... 0.2802 Keith Christianson.............. 0.3078 Cecil Peterson................... 0.3105 Jerry King........................ 0.3286 Paul Whitmore................... 0.3357 Jim Schmidt...................... 0.3388 Mike Bigelow..................... 0.3397

Joe Morgan....................... 0.3426 Ethan Carstensen............... 0.3564 Larry Caston..................... 0.3875 Jim Franzen...................... 0.3977 Bob Cotton....................... 0.3990 Robert Jacobs................... 0.4112 Carl Dillon........................ 0.4168 Wes Johnson..................... 0.4466 Larry Ricertson.................. 0.5092

Oak Hill Gun Club June 20, 2015 Equipment List Stock Stocker Gunsmith Caliber Bullet/Wt Kelbly Wick Wick 6PPC Bart/68BT Scoville Scoville JLC 6PPC Bart/68BT Leonard Leonard Self 6PPC Self Scoville Scoville Self 6PPC Self/65FB Scoville Scoville JLC 6PPC Meyers McMillan Bigelow Bigelow 6PPC BIB/67 Scoville Scoville Self n/a Meyers McMillan Self Self 6PPC BIB/67 McMillan Self Self 6PPC Meyers/65 Adamovic JLC JLC 6PPC Bart/68BT TMBR Meredith Pierce 6PPC Column Larson Larson JLC 6PPC BIB/67 Larson Morris JLC n/a Meyer McMillan KC KC 6PPC KC McMillan Ocock Self 6PPC Docs Pills/65

Powder N133 T32/29 n/a LT32/29 N133 N133/28 N133 LT32/28 N133 N133/29 LT32 N133 N133 LT32 n/a

Primer 205M 205 205 205 205 CCI 205 205 205 205 205 Remington 205 205 205

Scope/Pwr Leupold/45 March/60 Leupold/36 March/50 Leupold/45 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 Weaver/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/45 March Leupold/45 Weaver/36 Leupold/45

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Steve Archibald Wins 2015 Nevada State Four-Gun Championship by Jan Sarras

The second leg of the 2015 Nevada State Short Range Benchrest Championship was held on June 6th and 7th with the Sporter and 5 shot Unlimited classes contested at the Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility north of Reno, Nevada. First up Saturday morning was the Sporter class at 200 yards. Marty Childers of Central California hadn’t competed at our range in a few years but easily shot the winning agg of .3760. Steve Archibald finished in second place and Arizona shooter Pete Savage took third. Pete also shot the small group of 0.667”. Next up was Unlimited 5-shot at 200 yards to finish up the first day of competition. Marty Childers used his Rail Gun to win with a .3283 agg and also shot the small group of 0.359”. Steve Archibald was second and Don Archibald finished third. Sunday morning we began with the Unlimited 5 shot at 100 yards and Pete Savage won with a .2050 aggregate, just shy of the very rare teen agg seen at our range. Marty Childers finished second, shooting the small group 0.133” and Steve Archibald finished third. Sporter class 100 at yards was the last up for the weekend and Sarah Archibald shot the winning agg of .3708 as well as the small group of 0.250”. Steve Archibald was second and Jan Sarras was third. Marty Childers won the Sporter

Grand and the Unlimited Grand. After averaging in the results from the Two Gun leg of our state shoot two weeks ago, Steve Archibald prevailed as both the Three and Four Gun 2015 Nevada State Champion. Thank you to our target pulling and scoring crew; Kelly Marsh and Kerry Sarras. Please visit our range over Labor Day weekend to compete in the 2015 NBRSA Long Range Varmint Nationals.

In the picture from Left: Marty Childers, Pete Savage, Sarah Archibald, Jan Sarras, Steve, Cody and Don Archibald. Sporter 200yds Marty Childers..................0.3760


Steve Archibald.................. 0.4318 Pete Savage...................... 0.4612 Everet Smith..................... 0.5236 Don Archibald.................... 0.6004 Jan Sarras........................ 0.6276 Small Group Pete Savage...................... 0.667 Unlimited 5 Shot 200yds Marty Childers..................0.3283 Steve Archibald.................. 0.3804 Don Archibald.................... 0.4497 Pete Savage...................... 0.5678 Everet Smith..................... 0.5903 Jan Sarras........................ 0.6685 Small Group Marty Childers ................... 0.359 Unlimited 5 Shot 100yds Pete Savage.....................0.2050 Marty Childers................... 0.2120 Steve Archibald.................. 0.2292 Everet Smith..................... 0.2356 Travis Archibald................. 0.3126 Jan Sarras........................ 0.3128 Don Archibald.................... 0.3200 Sarah Archibald................... 0.355 Small Group Marty Childers ................. 0.133” Sporter 100yds Sarah Archibald.................0.3708 Steve Archibald.................. 0.3718 Jan Sarras........................ 0.3736 Marty Childers................... 0.3874 Pete Savage...................... 0.4614 Everet Smith..................... 0.5454 Travis Archibald................. 0.6444 Don Archibald.................... 0.6620 Small Group Sarah Archibald.................. 0.250


Precision Rifleman

Sporter Grand Marty Childers..................0.3817 Steve Archibald.................. 0.4018 Pete Savage...................... 0.4613 Jan Sarras........................ 0.5006 Everet Smith..................... 0.5345 Don Archibald.................... 0.6312 Unlimited Grand Marty Childers..................0.2702

Steve Archibald.................. 0.3048 Don Archibald.................... 0.3848 Pete Savage...................... 0.3864 Everet Smith..................... 0.4130 Jan Sarras........................ 0.4906 Three Gun Steve Archibald.................0.3758 Pete Savage...................... 0.4134 Jan Sarras........................ 0.4300

Everet Smith..................... 0.4500 Don Archibald.................... 0.5948 Four Gun Steve Archibald.................0.3581 Pete Savage...................... 0.4067 Everet Smith..................... 0.4408 Jan Sarras........................ 0.4451 Don Archibald.................... 0.5423

2015 Nevada State Championship Four-Gun Equipment List Sporter Class: Name Marty Childers Steve Archibald Pete Savage Jan Sarras Everet Smith Don Archibald Sarah Archibald Travis Archibald Unlimited Class: Marty Childers Steve Archibald Don Archibald Pete Savage Everet Smith Jan Sarras Travis Archibald Sarah Archibald


Action Viper Panda RFD BAT BAT Panda Panda Nesika

Barrel Krieger Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger

Gunsmith O'Cock Sarras P. Savage Sarras O'Cock Sutton Sarras Sarras

Stocker Self Edge P. Savage Self O'Cock Sutton Edge Sarras

Scope Leupold 45 Nightforce 15-55 Weaver 36 Leupold 45 March 40X Leupold 45 Leupold 45 Leupold 45

Load 8208 29.0 8208 29.0 8208 8208 29.0 N133 28.8 8208 28.7 8208 29.0 8208 29.0

Primer Wolf 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M 205M

Bullet Self 66 BT Bart's 68 Miller 65 Fowler 66 Miller 67 BT Watson 65 FB Bart's 68 Bart's 68


BAT BAT BAT Farley BAT Nesika Nesika BAT

Krieger Hart Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger

O'Cock Sarras Sutton P. Savage O'Cock O'Cock Sarras Sarras

Young Rail Young Rail Young Rail n/a O'Cock Powell Rail Young Rail Young Rail

Weaver 45 Nightforce 12-42 Weaver 36 Leupold 36 March 40X Leupold 36 Weaver 36 Weaver 36

LT-32 29.0 8208 29.0 6165 28.7 n/a N133 28.8 8208 28.0 8208 29.0 8208 29.0

Wolf 205M 205M n/a 205M 205M 205M 205M

Self 66 BT Bart's 68 FB Watson 65 F Spencer 66 Miller 67 BT Fowler 66 Bart's 68 FB Bart's 68 FB

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Mustafa Bilal Wins NW Regional The NW Regional HV/UNL-5 tournament was held on June 6-7 at the Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club. The weather was perfect with temperatures ranging from the mid 50’s to the low 80’s. Winds were moderate with frequent switching and mirage was a factor in the afternoons. Competition in the HV100 got under way on Saturday morning with fifteen shooters at their benches. Mustafa Bilal set a blistering pace that would see him lead the pack through all 5 matches, finishing with an impressive .1574 agg. Larry Boers (.2136) saw his way to second and Jeff Lewis (.2330) took third. Mustafa also shot the small group at .119”. In the afternoon’s HV200, it was Don Carter who shot smallest in the 1st match. Larry Boers had the lead in the 2nd and 3rd, and Mustafa Bilal led in the 4th. By the 5th match it was Steve Kostanich who had shot steadiest, winning with a .2458. Mustafa (.2524) held on to second and Larry (.2526) grabbed third. Steve also scored the small group at .245”. With his sizeable lead in the HV100, Mustafa Bilal went on to win the HV Grand with a .2049 agg. Larry Boers (.2331) took second, and Steve Kostanich (.2634) was third. By Sunday’s Unlimited, the number of shooters had dropped to twelve, with 8 rail guns and 4 bag guns in the hunt. In contesting the morning’s UNL200, each match would see a dif-

ferent leader. Don Carter was best in the 1st match. John Parrish took over in the 2nd, Mustafa Bilal in the 3rd, Larry Boers in the 4th and finally Jeff Lewis emerged the victor with a .2411 agg. Larry Boers (.2463) took second place, and Dan Kjelland (.2490) took third. Larry also shot an impressive .208” small group. In the afternoon UNL100, Mustafa Bilal claimed the initial lead. Mark Walker took over in the 2nd match and held on through the 4th, but Mustafa’s small group in the 5th put him back on top with a winning .1958 agg. Mark Walker (.2148) came in second, and Steve Kostanich (.2152) took third place. Mustafa’s 5th group was indeed the small group at .109”. Pretty good timing too! Once again, Mustafa Bilal’s shooting carried the day as he won the UNL-5 Grand with a .2289 agg. Jeff Lewis (.2315) came in second and Steve Kostanich (.2396) took third. So congratulations go out to Mustafa Bilal for his fine weekend of shooting and winning the Northwest HV/UNL-5 Regional, with a grand agg of .2169. Earning second place was Larry Boers (.2386), while Jeff Lewis (.2512) shot his way to third. Next match to report is the Sam Wilson Memorial, Sniper King, Agg King and WA State Championships. --Dan Kjelland In the Tacoma photo are: Back Row from left: Dan Kjelland, Larry Boers, Steve Kostanich, Mark Walker, John Parrish, Jeff Lewis, Don Carter. Front Row: Mustafa Bilal, Bob Boldman, Jim Lynn. Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Mustafa Bilal....................0.1574


Larry Boers....................... 0.2136 Jeff Lewis........................ 0.2330 Ira Gross.......................... 0.2542 Steve Kostanich................. 0.2810 Mark Walker...................... 0.2858 Richard Jette.................... 0.3098 Jim Lynn.......................... 0.3200 Daniel Kjelland.................. 0.3224 Don Carter....................... 0.3540 John Parrish...................... 0.3544 Matt Spradlin.................... 0.3756 Bob Boldman..................... 0.3926 Doug Schwind.................... 0.4022 Larry Muller...................... 0.4530 Small Group Mustafa Bilal...................... 0.119 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Steve Kostanich................0.2458 Mustafa Bilal..................... 0.2524 Larry Boers....................... 0.2526 Mark Walker...................... 0.2918 Jeff Lewis........................ 0.3086 Jim Lynn.......................... 0.3389 Don Carter....................... 0.3619 Bob Boldman..................... 0.4039 Ira Gross.......................... 0.4247 Daniel Kjelland.................. 0.4590 Doug Schwind.................... 0.4720 John Parrish...................... 0.4936 Matt Spradlin.................... 0.4964 Richard Jette.................... 0.5012 Larry Muller...................... 0.5468 Small Group Steve Kostanich.................. 0.245 Heavy Varmint Grand Mustafa Bilal....................0.2049 Larry Boers....................... 0.2331 Steve Kostanich................. 0.2634 Jeff Lewis........................ 0.2708 Mark Walker...................... 0.2888 Jim Lynn.......................... 0.3295 Ira Gross.......................... 0.3395 Don Carter....................... 0.3580

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club Northwest Regional Equipment List Name Heavy Varmint Grand Mustafa Bilal HV/UNL Larry Boers Steve Kostanich Jeff Lewis Mark Walker Unlimited Class Jeff Lewis Steve Kostanich Mark Walker Larry Boers John Parrish

Caliber Action


Stock Mfr


Gunsmith Bullet

Powder Scope



Bartlein Krieger Shilen Krieger Krieger

Dickson BAT Six Kostanich Scoville

Dickson Boers Self Kostanich n/a

Dickson Boers Self Kostanich Kostanich

Bishop Bishop SKN Berger Condiff

N133 N133 N133 LT32 n/a

Leupold Leupold Leupold March Leupold



Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger

Kensler Hasecuster Kensler Young Fisher

Kensler Self n/a n/a n/a

Self Self Kostanich Self Kostanich

Bishop SKN Condiff Self Self

LT32 N133 LT32 N133 LT32

n/a Leupold NightForce Leupold Mitchell


Precision Rifleman

Daniel Kjelland.................. 0.3907 Bob Boldman..................... 0.3983 Richard Jette.................... 0.4055 John Parrish...................... 0.4240 Matt Spradlin.................... 0.4360 Doug Schwind.................... 0.4371 Larry Muller ...................... .4999 Unlimited 100-Yards Mustafa Bilal....................0.1958 Mark Walker...................... 0.2148 Steve Kostanich................. 0.2152 Jeff Lewis........................ 0.2220 John Parrish...................... 0.2300 Larry Boers....................... 0.2420 Allen Condiff..................... 0.2432 Daniel Kjelland.................. 0.3166 Don Carter....................... 0.3262 Doug Schwind.................... 0.3298 Jim Lynn.......................... 0.4164 Bob Boldman..................... 1.1926

Small Group Mustafa Bilal...................... 0.109 Unlimited 200-Yards Jeff Lewis.......................0.2411 Larry Boers....................... 0.2463 Daniel Kjelland.................. 0.2490 Mustafa Bilal..................... 0.2620 Steve Kostanich................. 0.2640 Doug Schwind.................... 0.2715 Mark Walker...................... 0.2724 John Parrish...................... 0.2875 Don Carter....................... 0.3520 Allen Condiff..................... 0.3750 Jim Lynn.......................... 0.5439 Bob Boldman..................... 0.6767 Small Group Larry Boers........................ 0.208 Unlimited Grand Mustafa Bilal....................0.2289 Jeff Lewis........................ 0.2315 Steve Kostanich................. 0.2396

Mark Walker...................... 0.2436 Larry Boers....................... 0.2441 John Parrish...................... 0.2587 Daniel Kjelland.................. 0.2828 Doug Schwind.................... 0.3007 Allen Condiff..................... 0.3091 Don Carter....................... 0.3391 Jim Lynn.......................... 0.4802 Bob Boldman..................... 0.9347 Two Gun Mustafa Bilal....................0.2169 Larry Boers....................... 0.2386 Jeff Lewis........................ 0.2512 Steve Kostanich................. 0.2515 Mark Walker...................... 0.2662 Daniel Kjelland.................. 0.3368 John Parrish...................... 0.3414 Don Carter....................... 0.3485 Doug Schwind.................... 0.3689 Jim Lynn.......................... 0.4048 Bob Boldman..................... 0.6665

Dave Tunbridge Wins North Central Regional Unlimited and Sporter

We had a cool weekend for our first match of the year at Prairie Dog Target Club, (June 6-7). Temperatures were in the 60s and low 70s. The match had been postponed by one week due to heavy rains in western South Dakota and northeast Wyoming. Many of us had to take a roundabout way to the match because of the numerous roads that were washed out. We had a little rain during the weekend but it did not interrupt any of the matches. As we were leaving on Sunday the rain was starting again. Winds for the weekend were mostly at our backs from the south. On Saturday we shot 10 shot Unlimited, the first leg of the 4 gun. The rail guns ruled at 100 yards, Rodney Brown winning by a wide margin with a 0.2382 agg and Dave Tunbridge taking second place. Rodney had small group in 4 of the 5 matches with his 0.176 taking small group honors. At 200 yards the rail guns took the top 3 places with Rodney Brown again winning by a wide margin with Dave Tunbridge and Bud Schalles at second and third. Rodney was starting to slip as he only had small group in 3 of the 5 matches. Small group honors went to Bud Schalles with a 0.488. The 10 shot Unlimited grand aggregate champion

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

was Rodney Brown with a 0.2886 aggregate followed by Dave Tunbridge and Bud Schalles. On Sunday we started the Sporter match at 200 yards in the 2nd leg of the 4 gun. Dave Tunbridge was the 200 yard winner at 0.2307 edging out Terry Hettich and Keith Hakeman. Small group was a 0.232 by Rodney Brown. At 100 yards Bud Schalles was the winner with a 0.2496 agg followed by Bill Pond shooting the 20 caliber RezDog and third was Terry Hettich. There were two 20 caliber guns shooting in the Sporter class both based on the 220 Russian case. Small group at 100 yards was a 0.074 by Tom Evans. The Sporter class grand agg winner was Terry Hettich at 0.2601 with Bud Schalles second and Keith Hakeman third. The Sporter class grand aggregate winner was Terry Hettich. Bud Schalles was second and Keith Hakeman third. The two-gun winner for the weekend was Dave Tunbridge whose 0.3147 just edged out Rodney Brown’s 0.3181 and Bud Schalles’ 0.3234. Don Deckert did the scoring, Dave Tunbridge ran the computer, Bud Schalles was match director, and Kristen Pippert was the target crew. --Mel Klasi Unlimited 100-Yards Rodney Brown..................0.2382 Dave Tunbridge.................. 0.2776 Bill Pond.......................... 0.2926 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3026

Keith Hakeman.................. 0.3144 Terry Hettich.................... 0.3548 Mel Klasi.......................... 0.3990 Heath Ferguson.................. 0.4096 Tom Evans........................ 0.5096 Paul Hilgedick................... 0.8300 Small Group Rodney Brown.................... 0.176 Unlimited 200-Yards Rodney Brown..................0.3390 Dave Tunbridge.................. 0.4186 Bud Schalles..................... 0.4569 Tom Evans........................ 0.4826 Heath Ferguson.................. 0.5396 Keith Hakeman.................. 0.5425 Terry Hettich.................... 0.5586 Bill Pond.......................... 0.5662 Mel Klasi.......................... 0.5743 Paul Hilgedick................... 0.7896 Small Group Bud Schalles...................... 0.488 Unlimited Grand Rodney Brown..................0.2886 Dave Tunbridge.................. 0.3481 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3798 Keith Hakeman.................. 0.4284 Bill Pond.......................... 0.4294 Terry Hettich.................... 0.4567 Heath Ferguson.................. 0.4733 Mel Klasi.......................... 0.4866 Tom Evans........................ 0.4961 Paul Hilgdick..................... 0.8098 Sporter 100-Yards Bud Schalles.....................0.2496 Bill Pond.......................... 0.2680 Terry Hettich.................... 0.2868 Keith Hakeman.................. 0.3128 Tom Evans........................ 0.3168


Dave Tunbridge.................. 0.3318 Mel Klasi.......................... 0.3362 Rodney Brown................... 0.3556 Heath Ferguson.................. 0.4170 Small Group Tom Evans......................... 0.074 Sporter 200-Yards Dave Tunbridge.................0.2307 Terry Hettich.................... 0.2335 Keith Hakeman.................. 0.2481 Tom Evans........................ 0.2657 Bud Schalles..................... 0.2845 Mel Klasi.......................... 0.2851 Bill Pond.......................... 0.3109 Rodney Brown................... 0.3397 Heath Ferguson.................. 0.4069 Small Group Rodney Brown.................... 0.232 Sporter Grand Terry Hettich....................0.2601 Bud Schalles..................... 0.2670 Keith Hakeman.................. 0.2804 Dave Tunbridge.................. 0.2813 Bill Pond.......................... 0.2894 Tom Evans........................ 0.2912 Mel Klasi.......................... 0.3106 Rodney Brown................... 0.3476 Heath Ferguson.................. 0.4119 Two Gun Dave Tunbridge.................0.3147 Rodney Brown................... 0.3181 Bud Schalles..................... 0.3234 Keith Hakeman.................. 0.3544 Terry Hettich.................... 0.3584 Bill Pond.......................... 0.3594 Tom Evans........................ 0.3937 Mel Klasi.......................... 0.3986 Heath Ferguson.................. 0.4426

Prairie Dog Target Club Equipment List Name Unlimited Class: Rod Brown Dave Tunbridge Bud Schalles Keith Hakeman Bill Pond Terry Hettich Heath Ferguson Melvin Klasi Paul Hilgedick Sporter Class: Terry Hettich Bud Schalles Keith Hakeman Dave Tunbridge Bill Pond Melvin Klasi Rod Brown Heath Ferguson


Action Barrel

Gunsmith Scope/Pwr





Powder Bullet/Wt

6PPC 22sPPC 6PPC 22Mongrel 22WD 22WD 22RezDog 22WD 30BR

BAT Panda BAT Panda Hall B Panda BAT BAT Stolle

Bartlein Lilja Krieger Shilen Krieger Krieger Hart Krieger Shilen

Leider Brackney Schalles Pond self Pond Pond Pond self

Leupold/45 March/50 LTA/36 Leupold/36 Leupold/30 NightForce/42 Leupold/45 Leupold/36 NightForce/55

Powell Davidson Schalles n/a n/a Larson Scoville n/a self

Powell Davidson Schalles self self Larson Pond BAT self

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Federal LT32 205M V133 Federal N133 Federal 130 205 133 205 LT130 205 133 205 133 205 4198

Carpenter/65 Berger/52 Berger web Remington/52 Tucker/52 Remington/52 BIB/40 Tucker/52 Berger/105fb

6PPC 6PPC 22Mongrel 22sPPC 20WallRD 6PPC 6PPC 20RezDog

Marsh Marsh Panda Panda Panda Grizzly Marsh BAT

Krieger Lilja Shilen Lilja K&P Brux Bartlein Hart

Pond Schalles Pond Brackney Self Pond self Pond

NightForce/55 LTA/40 Leupold/36 March/40 Leupold/36 Leupold/45 Leupold/40 Leupold/45

Larson Schalles n/a Speedy n/a Larson self n/a

Larson Schalles Pond Kimmell self Larson self Pond

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

205 205 205 205M 205 205 205M 205

Berger Col/64 Berger WEB Remington/52 Berger/52 BIB/40 Berger/64 Larry Harris/66 BIB/40

LT130 N133 130 N133 133 133 LT32 133


Precision Rifleman

Greg Wilson Wins Two Gun at Sloughhouse Benchrest by Dan Lutke

On June 6-7, at Sacramento Valley Shooting Facility, both 200 yardages

were shot on Saturday and both 100 were shot on Sunday. There were

ten shooters present and the weather was warm with highs around 95F. Here are the results. Congratulations to Greg Wilson for winning the HV Grand and Two Gun. Thank you everyone for coming to the match. Pictured from left are Michael Taner, Steve Epstein, Greg Wilson, Francis Lee, Bob Dorton & Bill Mellor.

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Light Varmint 100-Yards Art Kawai........................0.2414 Bill Mellor........................ 0.2636 Steve Epstein.................... 0.2946 Small Group Francis Lee........................ 0.122 Light Varmint 200-Yards Greg Wilson.....................0.2895 Steve Epstein.................... 0.3146 Michael Taner.................... 0.3900 Small Group Greg Wilson....................... 0.358 Light Varmint Grand Steve Epstein...................0.3046 Greg Wilson...................... 0.3225 Michael Taner.................... 0.3712 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Bob Dorton......................0.2586 Greg Wilson...................... 0.2620 Dan Lutke........................ 0.2686 Small Group Dan Lutke......................... 0.130 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Greg Wilson.....................0.3273 Francis Lee....................... 0.3903 Henry Pinkney................... 0.3938 Small Group Greg Wilson....................... 0.376 Heavy Varmint Grand Greg Wilson.....................0.2946 Bob Dorton....................... 0.3327 Dan Lutke........................ 0.3395 Two Gun Greg Wilson.....................0.3086 Steve Epstein.................... 0.3386 Francis Lee....................... 0.3683

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Name Light Varmint: Art Kawai Greg Wilson Steve Epstein Heavy Varmint: Michael Taner Greg Wilson Dan Lutke

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Equipment List Caliber Action Barrel Stock Gunsmith Scope




Stolle BAT BAT

Bartlein McMillan Ocock Bartlein Borden Wilson Krieger Scarbrough Scott

Leupold/45 Iwatsubo Leupold/45 Berger Leupold/45 Hottenstein

V 133 LT32 V 133


BAT BAT Stolle

Bartlein Leonard Bartlein Borden Krieger McMillan

March Leupold Leupold

LT 32 LT32 V 133

Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis’ Hunter & VFS Match Mike Schneidman wins VFS Clark Greene wins Hunter

On June 14, we has a really nice day for a score match. We were lucky that the rain held off and started within 5 minutes of calling cease fire for the last target of the day. We had a total of 16 competitors who had a great time. The wind of the day was pretty much from the southwest most of the day with some tail winds mixed in to keep it exciting. In the Varmint for Score class at 100 yards the winner was Dennis Boyet with 250-18X. Second place was Mike Schneidman and Ron Hoehn held third. At 200 yards it was a battle between father and son with son, Mike Schneidman beating out the “Ole Man”with 250-7X and the father, Bud Schnei-

Harvey Wilson Iwatsubo

dman placed second with Ron Hoehn in third. In the Grand, Mike Schneidman was the winner with 500-22X and dad landed second with Ron Hoehn in third. In the Hunter class the 100 yard winner was Joe Hemkens with 25014X. Second went to Clark Greene with Jerry Kloeppel holding third. At 200 yards the Clark Greene took the win with 248-3X. Paul Hon was in second with Jerry Kloeppel placing third. The Grand winner was Clark Greene with 498-13X and Joe Hemkens placed second with Jerry Kloeppel placing third. A very special welcome to new shooters Albert and Stanley Clark who traveled all the way from Indiana! Thanks to all of our competitors that show up at the matches and to our match workers that make it all possible. The next score match honors Buford Seabolt. If you didn’t know Buford you missed one of the finest men we have all known. This is also our Missouri State and Mississippi Valley regional. --Wayne Corley Equipment listed on page 17.

VFS 100-Yards Dennis Boyet................... 250-18X Mike Schneidman............... 250-15X Ron Hoehn....................... 250-14X Bud Scneidman................. 249-16X Jeff Conover.................... 249-14X Rick McKee....................... 249-7X Harry Ward...................... 248-14X Stanley Clark ................... 247-12X Albert Clark..................... 247-11X

Harvey Berger Lee


VFS 200-Yards Mike Schneidman..............250-7X Bud Scneidman.................. 248-8X Ron Hoehn........................ 247-4X Dennis Boyet..................... 245-5X Harry Ward....................... 245-5X Jeff Conover..................... 245-2X Albert Clark...................... 242-6X Rick McKee....................... 241-4X Stanley Clark.................... 240-1X VFS Grand Aggregate Mike Schneidman............. 500-22X Bud Scneidman................. 497-24X Ron Hoehn....................... 297-18X Dennis Boyet.................... 495-23X Jeff Conover.................... 494-16X Harry Ward...................... 493-19X Rick McKee...................... 490-11X Albert Clark..................... 489-17X Stanley Clark................... 487-13X Hunter 100-Yards Joe Hemkens................... 250-14X Clark Greene.................... 250-10X Jerry Kloeppel.................. 246-10X Wayne Corley.................... 246-9X Leon Domigan................... 245-2X Paul Hon.......................... 241-5X Matthew Hon.................... 241-4X Hunter 200-Yards Clark Greene....................248-3X Jerry Kloeppel................... 242-2X Paul Hon.......................... 242-2X Joe Hemkens.................... 240-4X Matthew Hon.................... 239-5X Wayne Corley.................... 239-3X Leon Domijan.................... 233-2X Hunter Grand Aggregate Clark Greene................... 498-13X Joe Hemkens................... 490-18X Jerry Kloeppel.................. 488-12X Wayne Corley................... 485-12X Paul Hon.......................... 483-7X Matthew Hon.................... 480-9X Leon Domijan.................... 478-4X


Precision Rifleman

2015 NBRSA Registered Matches SOUTHWEST REGION


Oct 3



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Short Range VFS Championship

Oct 3-4



Lands End Benchrest Shooters Purple Haze & LV Leg of 4Gun

Oct 3-4



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Oct 3-4



Oct 3-4



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 1

Mill Creek Rifle Club Group Match




Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

Oct 17-18


Oct 10

Rio Grande Benchrest Shooters, NM Tumbleweed

Oct 11



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Turkey Shoot

Oct 17-18



Visalia Sportsman Assn California Unlimited Invitational

Oct 24-25



Palomino Valley Gun Club

Nov 7-8



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club SW Regional Championship

Nov 7-8



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona State Championship Leg 2

Nov 7-8



Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Nov 14



Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

Nov 29



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Dec 5



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club Long Range Benchrest Match

Dec 5-6



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Arizona Invitational

Dec 12



Sahuaro 1000-yard Benchrest, AZ

Dec 13



Desert Sportsman Rifle Club




River Bend Gun Club *Format subject to change




Rogue Valley Shooting Sports

Nov 17-22



Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Northwest Regional




Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club




WWCCA Fall Classic

Oct 17-18



Shelby Cty Deer Hunters Assn Fall Finale



Oct 4



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

Oct 17-18



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Mississippi Valley Regionals

Oct 10-11


100/200 meters

Club de Tir du Castellas La Fare Les Oliviers, France

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis June Score Match Equipment List Competitor Varmint for Score: Mike Schneidman Dennis Boyet Rick McKee Stanley Clark Albert Clark Bud Schneidman Harry Ward Jeff Conover@100 Jeff Conover@200 Ron Hoehn Custom Hunter: Wayne Corley Clark Greene Joe Hemkens Leon Domijan Jerry Kloeppel Paul Hon









Load Primer


30 BR 30 BR 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC 30 BR 30 BR 30 BR 6 BR 30 BR

BAT Panda BAT BAT Nesika CPS BAT Surgeon Viper Polar

Bartlien Bartlien Bartlien Lilja Lilja Krieger Bartlien Shilen Krieger Shilen

Self Hoehn n/a Al Clark Al Clark Schneidman Stevens Self Self Hoehn

Self McMillan n/a Scarbrough Al Clark Self Stevens Self Self Six

Leupold/45 Leupold/36 Leupold/40 March Leupold/45 Leupold/45 March Weaver/36 Sightron March

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

H-4198 H-4198 LT-32 N-133 N-133 H-4198 H-4198 H-4895 Varget H-4198

34 34.2 n/a n/a 29.3 33.7 34 33 32.5 34.4

CC1 Fed Fed 205 M 205 Fed BR Fed Fed 205 Fed 205 205M

115 Berger n/a Bart 68 66 gr Bart 115 Berger Barts Cheeks 118 Berget 90 Fowler 117

30x48HBR 308S 30x47HBR 308S 30 BR 30x47HBR

Stolle Rem Rem 700 Rem Stolle Stolle

n/a Bartlien Krieger Bartlien Krieger Krieger

Hoehn Self Smart Hoehn Self n/a

Self Self Corley Corley Self n/a

Sightron Leupold Leu-Pre Burris Leupold Weaver

Winchester WW Lapua Remington Lapua Winchester

XBR-8208 Win-748 SRB-118 N-135 LT-32 N-135

40 46 45 42.5 35 42

Fed Fed 210 M Fed BR Fed Fed

142-HiScore 10-x Chism 150 125 BKout 115 10x 150-10x

East-West Show Me Shootout

by Joe Fesi We had a fantastic turnout for the East West this year despite the terrible forecast. It rained for the entire week leading up to the match, but the weather cleared up for the weekend. Fifty nine shooters made the competition. We started Saturday with LV100. We were blessed with light winds, but a little light rain also. Dave Dowd won the aggregate with a .2062. He was

followed close behind by Bob Scarbrough Jr. with a .2068. Rounding out the top three was Wayne Cambell with a .2092. That’s .0030� between first and third place! Small group went to Matt Owens who shot a .107 on the last target of the aggregate. In the afternoon we shot HV100. Chris Harris started out hot with a .096 which was the small group of the aggregate. Dean Ekstrom won the aggregate with a .1938, Bob Scarbrough Jr. was second again with a .1948, and Chris Harris was third with a .2104.

Sunday morning was dry with cooler temperatures just to make sure whatever shot good the day before was sure not shoot that day. We started with HV200. Bart Sauter had it all dialed in. He won the aggregate with a .1780. Jeff Graves was close behind with a .1912, and Dean Ekstrom finished third with a .2263. Matt Owens shot the small group again with a .099. We submitted this target to the World Record committee for further review. We finished with LV200 and again Bart Sauter was on fire. He won


Precision Rifleman

the aggregate with a .1734. Second place was Scott Smallwood with a .2090, and Charles Huckeba finished third with a .2182. Bart won the small group also with a .219 on the fourth target. LV Grand Agg winner was Bart Sauter. He finished with an aggregate of .2040. Second place was Scott Smallwood with a .2146, and third place in the LV Grand Aggregate was Bob Scarbrough Jr. with a .2168. HV Grand Agg winner was again Bart Sauter with a .1996. Dean Ekstrom was second with a .2101, and Bob Scarbrough Jr. finished third with a .2128. The winner of the 2015 East-West Show Me Shoot Out was Bart Sauter with a .2018 grand aggregate. Second place was Bob Scarbrough Jr. with a .2148, third place was Dean Ekstrom with a .2205, fourth was Dusty Stevens with a .2327, and fifth place went to Chris Harris with a .2342. I want to thank everyone for mak-

ing out to this match! We really appreciate everyone that made it. I would also like to thank the target crew for doing a terrific job of keeping the match running smoothly, and the BRRC staff for keeping the range in such terrific condition.

Light Varmint 100-Yards Dave Dowd......................0.2062 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2068 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2092 Scott Smallwood................ 0.2202 John Fowler...................... 0.2240 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2256 Steve Lee......................... 0.2260 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2274 Dave Coots....................... 0.2280 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2300 Pat Canning...................... 0.2302 Dave Brooks...................... 0.2320 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2346 Matthew Owens................. 0.2360 Garry Cox........................ 0.2364 Small Group Matthew Owens.................. 0.107 Light Varmint 200-Yards Bart Sauter......................0.1734 Scott Smallwood................ 0.2090

Charles Huckeba................ 0.2182 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2267 Dusty Stevens.................... 0.2297 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.2308 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2326 Chris Harris...................... 0.2340 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2345 Joe Fesi........................... 0.2370 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2377 Greg King......................... 0.2464 Hugh Williamson................ 0.2487 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2572 Jim Chaney...................... 0.2604 Small Group Bart Sauter........................ 0.219 Light Varmint Grand Bart Sauter......................0.2040 Scott Smallwood................ 0.2146 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2167 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2209 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2219 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2309 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2309 Dusty Stevens.................... 0.2336 Chris Harris...................... 0.2384 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2414 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2467 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.2467 Jim Chaney...................... 0.2505 John Fowler...................... 0.2523 Matthew Owens................. 0.2618 Joe Fesi........................... 0.2628 Steve Lee......................... 0.2720 Pat Canning...................... 0.2740 Dave Coots....................... 0.2765 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2788 Jim Hart.......................... 0.2789 Tim Courtney.................... 0.2809 Hugh Williamson................ 0.2851 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Dean Ekstrom...................0.1938 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.1948 Chris Harris...................... 0.2104 Scott Smallwood................ 0.2114 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2198 Bart Sauter....................... 0.2212 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.2274 Greg King......................... 0.2280 Dusty Stevens.................... 0.2320 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2400 Steve Lee......................... 0.2408 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2472 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2484 Jim Chaney...................... 0.2536 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2544 Small Group Chris Harris....................... 0.096 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Bart Sauter......................0.1780 Jeff Graves....................... 0.1912

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2263 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2308 Dusty Stevens.................... 0.2314 Mike Schneidman................ 0.2404 Chris Harris...................... 0.2497 Steve Lee......................... 0.2502 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.2513 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2522 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.2532 Dave Coots....................... 0.2546 Jim Chaney...................... 0.2577 Hugh Williamson................ 0.2607 Joe Fesi........................... 0.2709 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2710 Small Group Matthew Owens.................. 0.099 Heavy Varmint Grand Bart Sauter......................0.1996 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2101 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2128 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2156 Chris Harris...................... 0.2300 Dusty Stevens.................... 0.2317 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.2403 Larry Scharnhorst............... 0.2454 Steve Lee......................... 0.2455 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2503 Greg King......................... 0.2522 Jim Chaney...................... 0.2556 Hugh Williamson................ 0.2591 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2732 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2745 Name Light Varmint Bart Sauter Scott Smallwood Bob Scarbrough, Jr Wayne Campbell Dave Dowd Charles Huckeba Dean Ekstrom Dusty Stevens Chris Harris Ron Hoehn Heavy Varmint Bart Sauter Dean Ekstrom Bob Scarbrough, Jr Jeff Graves Chris Harris Dusty Stevens Lowell Hottenstein Larry Scharnhorst Steve Lee Wayne Campbell

Bob Hammack................... 0.2764 Mike Schneidman................ 0.2791 Scott Smallwood................ 0.2805 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2810 Dwight Scott..................... 0.2817 Billy Stevens..................... 0.2890 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2894 Buddy Ross....................... 0.2947 Two Gun Bart Sauter......................0.2018 Bob Scarbrough, Jr............. 0.2148 Dean Ekstrom.................... 0.2205 Dusty Stevens.................... 0.2327 Chris Harris...................... 0.2342 Wayne Campbell................ 0.2356 Lowell Hottenstein............. 0.2435 Scott Smallwood................ 0.2475 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2527 Jim Chaney...................... 0.2531 Dave Dowd....................... 0.2556 Jeff Graves....................... 0.2568 Steve Lee......................... 0.2587 Bud Mundy....................... 0.2599 Ron Hoehn........................ 0.2612 Hugh Williamson................ 0.2721 Greg King......................... 0.2758 John Fowler...................... 0.2779 Joe Fesi........................... 0.2809 Bob Hammack................... 0.2880 Tim Courtney.................... 0.2887 Wayne Corley.................... 0.2899 Dwight Scott..................... 0.2916 East West Show Me Shootout Equipment List Cartridge Action Barrel Gunsmith Stock Mfr Stocker Trigger


Matthew Owens................. 0.2943 Dave Coots....................... 0.2952 Pat Canning...................... 0.2957 Dave Brooks...................... 0.3009 Jerry Kloeppel................... 0.3018 Robert Seemann................. 0.3020 Jim Hart.......................... 0.3048 Billy Stevens..................... 0.3102 Ron Miller........................ 0.3105 Mike Schneidman................ 0.3113 Buddy Ross....................... 0.3121 Chet Whitebread................ 0.3140 Richard Watson.................. 0.3156 Fred Martin...................... 0.3187 Dustin Martin.................... 0.3257 Ray Porter........................ 0.3290 Chuck MacCluer................. 0.3300 Mark Harpenau.................. 0.3308 Joe McNeil....................... 0.3309 Jon Leu........................... 0.3433 Andy Laidlaw.................... 0.3493 Dan Opel......................... 0.3503 William Green................... 0.3579 Johnny Tijoe..................... 0.3623 Steve Turner..................... 0.3633 Dean Stroud...................... 0.3717 Brett Stroud...................... 0.3826 Harry Ward....................... 0.3863 Dennis Boyet..................... 0.4017 Sam Langhofer................... 0.4176 Dean Weston..................... 0.4200 John Ross......................... 0.4266 Bullet

Powder/Load Scope/Pwr



Shilen Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Shilen

Stevens Scott Scott Campbell KC Scarbrough Self Stevens Self Hoehn

Scarbrough Scoville Scarbrough Borden Leonard Scarbrough Leonard Scarbrough Scarbrough Scarbrough

Stevens Scoville Scarbrough Campbell Leonard Scarbrough Leonard Scarbrough Scarbrough Scarbrough

Jewell n/a Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Jewell Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy

Bart 68BT Hottenstein 68 Bart 68BT WC 68 Self 68 Bart 68BT Bart 68BT Miller/65 Conaway/68

133/29.6 133/29.6 133/30 133 133/29.1 133/30 133 133/31.2 133/30.3 133/29.5

Valdada/36 March/50 Leupold/45 Leupold/36 March/50 March/40 March/50 Leupold/35 T36 March/40



Shilen Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Bartlein

Stevens Self Scott Stevens Self Stevens Scott Reneau Stevens Campbell

Scarbrough Leonard Scarbrough Scarbrough Scarbrough Scarbrough Meredith Scoville Scarbrough Borden

Stevens Leonard Scarbrough Scarbrough Scarbrough Scarbrough Meredith Scoville Scarbrough Borden

Jewell Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Bix'Nandy Jewell Jewell Bix'Nandy

Bart 68BT Bart 68BT Bart 68BT 68 Miller/65 Bart 68BT Bart 68BT Conaway/68 Bart 68BT WC

133/29.6 133 133/30 LT32/29.1 133/30.3 133/31.2 133/29.2 133/30.5 LT32/29.4 133

Valdada/36 March/50 Leupold/45 March/40 T36 Leupold/35 Leupold/45 March/60 Valdada/36 Leupold/36


Precision Rifleman

WWCCA’s Wolverine Challenge June 5-6, 2015

Well, we got to the range about four days before the match and the weather was good; nice and comfortable. I am telling you all the good things first. We, Dana, Tim, Dominic, and Bill, got the targets, moving backers, paper work ready for the coming match and 22 shooters showed up. Now that is a good thing. The bad thing is the skies opened up on Saturday, and then “really” opened up on Sunday. Of course the rain brought out the mosquito population in clouds. This match should have been “THE MOSQUITO CHALLENGE”. I have been a member of the WWCCA since about 1996 and have been shooting for a long time and I can never remember it being this different. And once in all of these years, well I can say that is not a bad thing. Anyway enough of ranting, and let’s get to the chase. I apologize for the pictures. They had to be taken inside and I am not comfortable with the camera and a whole bunch of other things. That is my excuse. Also, six Canadians showed up to do battle. Outside of one they were all good shooters, EH! Jack Neary marched off with the first segment of LV100 with a .1846 agg followed by Ted Heindselman. To say that Jack showed us the way home would be an understatement. Third was that Canadian Peter Smith, who seems to get in everyone’s face, with a .2450. Small group was a .117 by Jack Neary. At the HV100 on Saturday afternoon, Peter Smith won

with a .1976 agg followed by Stan (the man) Buchtel and Jack Neary in third. The small group in HV was a .106 by Chuck Green. It was obvious that the weather was not a hindrance to these guys. Sunday morning, in the HV200, first place was none other than Rich Quigley with a .1926. Good shooting Rich. Second was Lee Hachigian and that pesky Canadian, Peter Smith was third. Small group was Melvin Newransky at a .165. Now we come to the final stage, the LV200. Jack Neary place first at .1940, with Butch Lipscomb second and Randy

Johansen, another Canadian, in third. Small group was a .221 by Randy Johansen. The Grand’s were interesting to say the least, LV Grand was Jack Neary .1983, with Tim Bassham .second and last but not least, Butch Lipscomb in third. The HV Grand winner was Rich Quigley, along with Peter Smith in second and Lee Hachigian in third. The Two Gun winner was Jack Neary with a .2141, followed by Peter Smith and Lee Hachigian. Butch Lipscomb placed fourth and rounding out the top five was Tim Bassham.

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Thanks to all that showed up and we hope to see you at the Fall Classic on Oct 3-4, 2015. --Dana Raven & Crew

In the photo from Left: Chuck Green, Peter Smith, Ted Heindselman, StanBuchtel, Jack Neary, Randy Johansen, Tim Bassham & Rich Quigley. Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Peter Smith......................0.1976 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.1984 Jack Neary....................... 0.2238 Chuck Green..................... 0.2286 Randy Johansen................. 0.2400 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2406 Rich Quigley..................... 0.2436 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2484 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2530 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2586 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Rich Quigley.....................0.1926 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2243 Peter Smith...................... 0.2386 Jack Neary....................... 0.2538 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.2593 Bill Gammon..................... 0.2658 Rob MacClennan................. 0.2825 Chuck Green..................... 0.2869 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2881 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2962 Heavy Varmint Grand Rich Quigley.....................0.2181 Peter Smith...................... 0.2181 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2325 Jack Neary....................... 0.2388 Chuck Green..................... 0.2578 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2596 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2734 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2746 Randy Johansen................. 0.2786 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2793 Light Varmint 100-Yards Jack Neary......................0.1846 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2056 Peter Smith...................... 0.2450 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.2528

Dominic Grunas................. 0.2612 Tim Bassham..................... 0.2690 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2694 Rich Quigley..................... 0.2706 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.2798 Larry Feusse..................... 0.2830 Light Varmint 200-Yards Jack Neary......................0.1940 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2295 Randy Johansen................. 0.2473 Tim Bassham..................... 0.2530 Larry Feusse..................... 0.2862 Chuck MacCluer................. 0.2930 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2936 Lee Hachigian................... 0.3315 Dave Abbott...................... 0.3325 Melvin Newransky............... 0.3387 Light Varmint Grand Jack Neary......................0.1893 Tim Bassham..................... 0.2610 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2625 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2737 Randy Johansen................. 0.2748 Larry Feusse..................... 0.2846 Chuck MacCluer................. 0.2924


Lee Hachigian................... 0.3005 Peter Smith...................... 0.3017 Dominic Grunas................. 0.3052 Two Gun Jack Neary......................0.2141 Peter Smith...................... 0.2599 Lee Hachigian................... 0.2665 Butch Lipscomb................. 0.2679 Tim Bassham..................... 0.2749 Ted Heindselman................ 0.2765 Randy Johansen................. 0.2767 Rich Quigley..................... 0.2824 Larry Feusse..................... 0.2834 Stan Buchtel..................... 0.2863 Dominic Grunas................. 0.2899 Chuck Green..................... 0.2953 Chuck MacCluer................. 0.3129 Bill Gammon..................... 0.3151 Jerry Jarrett..................... 0.3177 Dave Holmes..................... 0.3316 Ron Robovitsky.................. 0.3343 Rob MacClennan................. 0.3360 Melvin Newransky............... 0.3424 Margaret Jarrett................ 0.4278 Pat Metcalf....................... 0.4575

WWCCA's Wolverine Challenge Two Gun Equipment List Name Jack Neary Peter Smith Lee Hachigian Butch Lipscomb Tim Bassham Ted Heindselman LV) Ted Heindselman (HV) Randy Johansen Rich Quigley Larry Feusse



Barrel Bartlein MacLennan Bartlein Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger MacLennan Krieger MacLennan

Gunsmith Bruno Johansen Scott Scott Scott Self Johansen Self Scott Self

Stocker Bruno Scoville Scoville Scoville Scoville Scarbrough Scoville Self Scoville Self

Scope Leupold Leupold March Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Weaver

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Load N133 N133 V133 N133 LT32 N133 N133 8208 N133 8208

Bullet Conaway Mitchell Hottenstein Hottenstein Self Woodman Mitchell Self Arnett Self

Primer Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal


Precision Rifleman

Midland’s Texas Shootout June 27-28, 2015

Well…the weather was nice for Midland in June; light winds in the mornings followed by typical switchy/ gusty winds in the afternoon. The temperatures stayed in the low 90s for the afternoon highs. An item to take note of is Aaron French shot his first teen aggregate in a registered match. A .1947 in the HV200.

The SP100 was won by Gene Bukys with a .1808 followed by Brad Calhoun and Tom Brown. Gene also shot the small group, a .098. The HV100 winner was Gary Bristow with a .2288 followed by Charles Huckeba and Larry Baggett. Aaron French shot the small group for the yardage, a .133. Sunday morning, as previously noted, Aaron French, in shooting his first teen aggregate, edged out Gene Bukys for the win in the HV200, with Scott Haywood in third. Britt Robinson shot the small group, a .247. Tim Oltersdorf won the SP200 with a .2412 aggregate, followed by Charles Huckeba and Larry Baggett. Tim also shot the small Group, a .290. Tim came out on top in the Sporter Grand while Gene Bukys won the HV Grand. Gene Bukys won the two-gun with a .2586 aggregate, followed in order by Larry Baggett, Tim Oltersdorf, Charles Huckeba and Aaron French. A special thanks to Charles Huckeba, John Krenik, Pam Black and all the folks who so willingly helped with the set up and tear down in my absence. I was unable to be there due to an illness…Way to step in and help! --Mike Conry In the photo from Left: Tom Brown, Gene Bukys, Aaron French, Charles Huckeba, Larry Baggett, Tim Oltersdorf, Scott Haywood & Brad Calhoun. Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Gary Bristow....................0.2288 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2606 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2750 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2932 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2986 Aaron French.................... 0.3116 Rusty Morman.................... 0.3226 Gene Beggs....................... 0.3390 Tom Brown....................... 0.3460 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3560 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3712 Scott Haywood.................. 0.3774 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3820 Britt Robinson................... 0.4018 Rick Ellison....................... 0.4098

Steve Murphy.................... 0.4498 Mike McWhorter................. 0.4838 Scott Hunter..................... 0.5156 Ronnie Cheek.................... 0.5322 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.5454 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.6458 Small Group Aaron French..................... 0.133 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Aaron French...................0.1947 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2005 Scott Haywood.................. 0.2290 Steve Murphy.................... 0.2343 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2364 Tom Brown....................... 0.2425 Rusty Morman.................... 0.2570 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2731 Britt Robinson................... 0.2832 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.2884 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2962 Gene Beggs....................... 0.2973 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3033 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3408 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.3471 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.3622 Rick Ellison....................... 0n3748 Scott Hunter..................... 0.3830 Ronnie Cheek.................... 0.4181 Joe Kubon........................ 1.1376 Small Group Britt Robinson.................... 0.247 Heavy Varmint Grand Gene Buksy......................0.2468 Aaron French.................... 0.2531 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2557 Gary Bristow..................... 0.2661 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2668 Rusty Morman.................... 0.2898 Tom Brown....................... 0.2943 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2974 Scott Haywood.................. 0.3032 George Beggs.................... 0.3181 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3298 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3420 Britt Robinson................... 0.3425 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3484 Rick Ellison....................... 0.3923 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.4463 Scott Hunter..................... 0.4493 Ronnie Cheek.................... 0.4751 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.5040 Joe Kubon........................ 0.7598 Sporter 100-Yards Gene Bukys......................0.1808 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.2298 Tom Brown....................... 0.2316 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2542 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2560 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2658 Ron Sewell....................... 0.2880

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman Rusty Morman.................... 0.2882 Britt Robinson................... 0.2940 Aaron French.................... 0.3100 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.3106 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3182 Scott Haywood.................. 0.3202 Ronnie Cheek.................... 0.3342 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3604 Rick Ellison....................... 0.3648 Joe Kubon........................ 0.3798 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.4154 Mike McWhorter................. 0.4216 Scott Hunter..................... 0.4262 Small Group Gene Buksy........................ 0.098 Sporter 200-Yards Tim Oltersdorf..................0.2412 Charles Huckeba................ 0.3021 Larry Baggett.................... 0.3043 Aaron French.................... 0.3232 Gene Buksy....................... 0.3599 Scott Haywood.................. 0.3606 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3643 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3825 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.2917 Britt Robinson................... 0.3941

Rick Ellison....................... 0.4020 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.4223 Ronnie Cheek.................... 0.4256 Tom Brown....................... 0.4620 Ron Sewell....................... 0.4705 Gary Bristow..................... 0.5013 Rusty Morman.................... 0.5092 Joe Kubon........................ 0.5564 Scott Hunter..................... 0.5818 Small Group Tim Oltersdorf.................... 0.290 Sporter Grand Tim Oltersdorf..................0.2477 Gene Bukys....................... 0.2704 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2801 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2840 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3061 Aaron French.................... 0.3166 Scott Haywood.................. 0.3404 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3413 Britt Robinson................... 0.3440 Tom Brown....................... 0.3468 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.3512 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3792 Ronnie Cheek.................... 0.3799 Rick Ellison....................... 0.3834


Rusty Morman.................... 0.3987 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.4189 Gary Bristow..................... 0.4308 Joe Kubon........................ 0.4681 Scott Hunter..................... 0.5040 Two Gun Gene Bukys......................0.2586 Larry Baggett.................... 0.2679 Tim Oltersdorf................... 0.2726 Charles Huckeba................ 0.2754 Aaron French.................... 0.2849 Brad Calhoun.................... 0.3180 Tom Brown....................... 0.3205 Scott Haywood.................. 0.3218 Steve Murphy.................... 0.3416 Britt Robinson................... 0.3433 Rusty Morman.................... 0.3442 Gary Bristow..................... 0.3485 Ron Sewell....................... 0.3638 Rick Ellison....................... 0.3878 Ronnie Cheek.................... 0.4275 Cecil Tucker...................... 0.4276 Randy Pumphrey................ 0.4326 Scott Hunter..................... 0.4766 Joe Kubon........................ 0.6140

Midland Shooters Association's 2015 Texas Shootout Equipment List Heavy Varmint: Competitor Gene Bukys Aaron French Larry Baggett Gary Bristow Sporter: Tim Oltersdorf Gene Bukys Larry Baggett Charles Huckeba Brad Calhoun

Cartridge 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC

Action BAT Hall BAT BAT

Scope Leu-Bukys Weaver Weaver Leupold

Barrel Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein

Gunsmith Bukys Baggett Self Bristow

Stocker Scoville Edge Scoville Scoville

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Powder 133 133 T-32 8208

Bullet Bukys Cheek Baggett Cheek

Primer 205 205 205 205



Leupold Leu-Bukys Weaver March Leupold

Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Shilen

Self Bukys Self Self Calhoun

McMillan Scoville Scoville Scoville Calhoun

Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

8208 133 T-32 133 N201

Generic Bukys Baggett Self/68 Tucker

205M 205 205 205 205M


Precision Rifleman

Northern Colorado’s Hunter & VFS Howdy all! Wiley E Coyote reporting from Northern Colorado Benchrest Shooters. Our first match of the year was held May 2-3. Gorgeous weather for shooting graced 13 shooters who came out for Hunter and Varmint for Score matches. Hunter and Varmint shooters lined up at the benches, rifles at the ready and bolts in hand. Everyone was eager to get started on the 100 yards target. Yours truly took the 1st place position with a Score of 250-16X. I was quite shocked and happy with my performance to start the season off. The first highest X-count went to our very own Norm Wills with 17X. Great shooting Norm! After target frames were moved to 200 yards we all lined up again with bolts raised to the sky. Barry

Benson was our afternoon trophy taker with an awesome score of 250-9X. Barry also took the high X-count for 200 yards. Way to go Barry! The Grand Agg for the day went to Barry as well with a score of 50021X. He is definitely out to win it! What a great score Barry! Sunday’s 200 yard match was dominated by one of our regular lady shooters; Muriel Hensley, who shot a beautiful score of 250-11X. Even though Ron Hensley tried to overtake the win, Muriel claimed the high X-count too! Beautiful shooting Muriel! After a quick lunch break to move the targets and settle down from the excitement of the morning, we went to the line. With five shooters all sporting 250 aggs, Don Carter was the top dog with his score of 250-19X and highest X-count. Great shooting Don! As the shooters began packing

up, the scores were being finalized and trophies were set out. The 100-200 yard win for the day went to Don Carter with his combined Agg of 500-28X. Now a score of 500 is a coveted score by shooters all around, but I haven’t seen the winning score Barry Benson took for the 2 day Agg 1st place position very often. Barry blew our hats off with a winning score of 1000-40X. You couldn’t have pulled Barry from the clouds with a 10 ton weight. Congratulations Barry! As always, none of this could happen without the shooters who come to play and the top notch staff, match director and target crew. We hope you come to join us at any of our matches. --LuAnn Dill Day 1: 100-Yards LuAnn Dill...................... 250-16X Phillip Sheldon.................. 250-15X Ronald Hensley................. 250-13X Irv Sheldon...................... 250-12X Barry Benson.................... 250-12X Dean Thomas................... 250-11X Tom Evans....................... 250-10X Bud Schalles.................... 249-13X Muriel Hensley.................. 249-13X Cliff McNairy..................... 249-8X Norm Willis...................... 248-17X Al Johnson...................... 247-13X Don Carter...................... 240-14X Day 1: 200-Yards Barry Benson....................250-9X Muriel Hensley................... 249-7X Phillip Sheldon................... 249-6X Dean Thomas.................... 249-6X Ronald Hensley.................. 249-3X Don Carter....................... 248-8X Norm Willis....................... 246-8X Cliff McNairy..................... 246-5X Tom Evans........................ 246-4X LuAnn Dill........................ 245-6X Bud Schalles..................... 245-6X Irv Sheldon....................... 245-4X Al Johnson....................... 235-4X Day 1: Grand Aggregate Barry Benson................... 500-21X Phillip Sheldon.................. 499-21X Dean Thomas................... 499-17X Ronald Hensley................. 499-16X Muriel Hensley.................. 498-20X Tom Evans....................... 496-14X LuAnn Dill....................... 495-22X

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman Irv Sheldon...................... 495-16X Cliff McNairy.................... 495-13X Norm Willis...................... 494-25X Bud Schalles.................... 494-19X Don Carter...................... 488-22X Al Johnson...................... 482-17X Day 2: 100-Yards Don Carter...................... 250-19X Cliff McNairy.................... 250-16X Bud Schalles.................... 250-16X Barry Benson.................... 250-12X Muriel Hensley.................. 250-10X Dean Thomas................... 249-16X LuAnn Dill....................... 249-14X Phillip Sheldon.................. 249-14X Tom Evans....................... 249-13X Ronald Hensley................. 249-13X Norm Willis...................... 248-11X Irv Sheldon...................... 247-12X Day 2: 200-Yards Muriel Hensley................. 250-11X Don Carter....................... 250-9X Barry Benson..................... 250-7X Phillip Sheldon................... 250-7X LuAnn Dill........................ 250-5X Ronald Hensley................. 249-11X Bud Schalles..................... 249-9X Tom Evans........................ 248-6X Norm Willis....................... 247-5X Cliff McNairy..................... 247-5X Irv Sheldon....................... 245-6X Dean Thomas.................... 241-2X Day 2: Grand Aggregate Don Carter...................... 500-28X Muriel Hensley.................. 500-21X Barry Benson.................... 500-19X Bud Schalles.................... 499-25X Phillip Sheldon.................. 499-21X LuAnn Dill....................... 499-19X Ronald Hensley................. 498-24X Cliff McNairy.................... 497-21X


Tom Evans....................... 497-19X Norm Willis...................... 495-16X Irv Sheldon...................... 492-18X Dean Thomas................... 490-18X Two Day Grand Aggregate Barry Benson.................. 1000-40X Phillip Sheldon.................. 998-42X Muriel Hensley.................. 998-41X Ronald Hensley................. 997-40X LuAnn Dill....................... 994-41X Bud Schalles.................... 993-44X Tom Evans....................... 993-33X Cliff McNairy.................... 992-34X Norm Willis...................... 989-41X Dean Thomas................... 989-35X Don Carter...................... 988-50X Irv Sheldon...................... 987-34X Al Johnson...................... 482-17X

In the top photo is NorCo Score match winner, Barry Benson. In the group photo from left: Irv Sheldon, Philip Sheldon, Muriel Hensley, Ron Hensley, LuAnn Dill, Dean Thomas, Norm Wills, Barry Benson & Don Carter.

Northern Colorado's Hunter/VFS Equipment List Name Phillip Sheldon Irv Sheldon Muriel Hensley Ronald Hensley Al Johnson Barry Benson Tom Evans Bud Schalles Cliff McNairy Norm Wills Don Carter LuAnn Dill Dean Thomas


Action Sheldon Sheldon BAT BAT Panda Panda Panda n/a B&T Kodiak Panda Panda Farley

Scope Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold Leupold n/a Leupold n/a Leupold n/a n/a Leupold Weaver

Barrel Krieger Krieger Bartlein Krieger n/a Krieger Bartlein n/a Shilen Bartlein Krieger Shilen Rock Creek

Gunsmith Sheldon Sheldon Schalles Bruno n/a D Scott Evans n/a McNairy Leider Ocock Cook BB Machine

Stocker Sheldon Sheldon BAT Hensley n/a Scoville Evans n/a McNairy Wills n/a Cook Thomas

Primer Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 n/a Federal 205 Federal 205 n/a Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205 Federal 205

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua n/a Lapua Lapua n/a n/a Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

Powder N133 N133 N133 N133 LT32 LT32 N133 n/a n/a n/a LT30 LT32 n/a

Bullet Berger Martinez Berger Berger n/a RAM Evans n/a n/a Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter


Precision Rifleman

Visalia’s California State Championship Part 1: Don Nielson Wins HV Dennis Thornbury Wins Unlimited June 20-21, 2015 There were eighteen shooters in attendance and the weather was hot; 99F on Saturday and 95F on Sunday. Mirage was a huge factor in the afternoon matches. We shot both 100 yards on Saturday beginning with the Unlimited and contending the Heavy Varmint in the afternoon. On Sunday we shot both 200 yard matches beginning with Heavy Varmint and ending the weekend with Unlimited. First time shooter at Visalia, Barry Bloom shot a second place finish in the HV100 right behind Don Nielson’s 0.2488 win for the match. Don also won the Heavy Varmint Grand Aggregate and the title of California State Heavy Varmint Champion for 2015. Dennis Thornbury won the HV200 yardage with his 0.2270 and also held the small group for that match. John Verhagen took first place in the UNL200 with a 0.2371 and George Pizzillo shot the small group of 0.238. Dennis hadn’t yet finished his winning ways, however, as he captured the UNL 100 with a 0.1564 and the small group with a 0.091 as well as winning the UNL Grand with a 0.2076 and claiming the title of California State Unlimited Champion for 2015. The results follow and we thank everyone for attending. Congratulations to the winners! Dan Lutke Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Don Nielson.....................0.2488

Barry Bloom...................... 0.2518 Gary Sinclair..................... 0.2624 George Pizzillo.................. 0.2656 John Pierce...................... 0.2720 Norm Jeffery.................... 0.2758 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.2814 John Verhagen................... 0.3160 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.3180 Dennis Thornbury............... 0.3216 George Pizzillo.................. 0.3256 Mike Sosenko.................... 0.3312 Dan Lutke........................ 0.3476 Duke Rovarino................... 0.3696 Keith Cottrell.................... 0.3704 Jack Childers.................... 0.3850 Francis Lee....................... 0.3858 Dan Capps........................ 0.3878 Small Group Norm Jeffrey..................... 0.085 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Dennis Thornbury..............0.2270 Don Nielson...................... 0.2366 Norm Jeffrey.................... 0.2402 George Lozano.................. 0.2718 Keith Cottrell.................... 0.2803 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.2946 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.2954 Dan Lutke........................ 0.3022 Gary Sinclair..................... 0.3058 Duke Rovarino................... 0.3075 Mike Sosenko.................... 0.3330 John Verhagen................... 0.3489 George Pizzillo.................. 0.3636 Francis Lee....................... 0.3687 Henry Pinkney................... 0.4150 Jack Childers.................... 0.4345 Dan Capps........................ 0.4371 John Pierce...................... 0.4726 Barry Bloom...................... 0.4976 Small Group Dennis Thornbury................ 0.304 Heavy Varmint Grand Don Nielson.....................0.2427 Norm Jeffrey.................... 0.2580 George Lozano.................. 0.2687 Dennis Thornbury............... 0.2743 Gary Sinclair..................... 0.2841 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.2884 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.3063 Dan Lutke........................ 0.3249 Keith Cottrell.................... 0.3253 Mike Sosenko.................... 0.3321 John Verhagen................... 0.3325 Duke Rovarino................... 0.3386 George Pizzillo.................. 0.3446 John Pierce...................... 0.3723 Barry Bloom...................... 0.3747 Francis Lee....................... 0.3772 Jack Childers.................... 0.4098 Dan Capps........................ 0.4124

Unlimted 100-Yards Dennis Thornbury..............0.1564 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.1764 Jack Childers.................... 0.1850 George Pizzillo.................. 0.1924 Dan Capps........................ 0.2050 Duke Rovarino................... 0.2128 Mike Sosenko.................... 0.2142 Don Nielson...................... 0.2144 John Verhagen................... 0.2208 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.2236 Norm Jeffery.................... 0.2324 Barry Bloom...................... 0.2512 Dan Lutke........................ 0.2706 Keith Cottrell.................... 0.2724 George Lozano.................. 0.2734 Gary Sinclair..................... 0.2840 Francis Lee....................... 0.2868 John Pierce...................... 0.3614 Small Group Dennis Thornbury................ 0.091 Unlimited 200-Yards John Verhagen..................0.2371 Jack Childers.................... 0.2549 Dennis Thornbury............... 0.2587 Duke Rovarino................... 0.2638 George Lozano.................. 0.2648 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.2655 Keith Cottrell.................... 0.2711 Dan Lutke........................ 0.2999 George Pizzillo.................. 0.3077 Francis Lee....................... 0.3139 Mike Sosenko.................... 0.3228 Don Nielson...................... 0.3252 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.3361 Dan Capps........................ 0.3683 Gary Sinclair..................... 0.3875 John Pierce...................... 0.3937 Henry Pinkney................... 0.4016 Barry Bluhm...................... 0.4354 Small Group George Pizzillo................... 0.238 Unlimited Grand Dennis Thornbury..............0.2076 Jack Childers.................... 0.2200 Lawrence Weisdorn............. 0.2210 John Verhagen................... 0.2289 Duke Rovarino................... 0.2383 George Pizzillo.................. 0.2501 Mike Sosenko.................... 0.2685 George Lozano.................. 0.2691 Don Nielson...................... 0.2698 Keith Cottrell.................... 0.2718 Joe Stanovich.................... 0.2799 Dan Lutke........................ 0.2853 Dan Capps........................ 0.2867 Francis Lee....................... 0.3004 Gary Sinclair..................... 0.3358 Barry Bloom...................... 0.3433 John Pierce...................... 0.3776

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Sheldon Turf Wins Desert Sportsman’s Hunter Match

Sunday July 12, 2015 started off great but after the 100 yd. match the wind and mirage began and some of the shooters couldn't even see the holes on the target. All the same, any day at the range is a great day. --Howard Bloom

Tony Debacco.................... 284-6X Tom Guisewhite................. 245-8X John Seines...................... 244-8X Tom Debacco.................... 243-5X Ron Orton........................ 241-6X Hunter 200-Yards John Seines.....................245-0X Sheldon Turf..................... 243-6X Tom Guisewhite................. 236-1X Tom Debacco.................... 233-0X Pete Savage...................... 233-0X Ron Orton........................ 229-2X


Howard Bloom................... 227-0X Tony Debacco.................... 221-2X Hunter Grand Sheldon Turf ................... 493-17X John Seines...................... 489-7X Pete Savage..................... 482-13X Tom Guisewhite................. 481-6X Tom Debacco.................... 476-5X Howard Bloom................... 476-3X Ron Orton........................ 470-8X Tony Debacco.................... 469-6X

Hunter 100-Yards Sheldon Turf................... 250-11X Pete Savage..................... 249-13X Howard Bloom................... 249-9X

Anneal Cartridge Cases... $98.00

Ultimate Cartridge Check System


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Greg Swezey


Precision Rifleman

Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts ER—Eastern Region Chippewa Rifle Club

www.chippewarifleclub.com GPS: N40 56.820 W81 44.583 Contact: Bob Denk 440 596-7238 7728 E Linden Ln, Parma, OH 44130 robertsdenk66@gmail.com Contact: Pat Metcalf 419 886-3467 528 Alexander Rd, Bellville, OH 44813 plmohio@aol.com

Fairchance Rod & Gun Club

GPS: N39 48.704 W79 47.179 Contact: Bill Reahard 724 323-5044 PO Box 156, McClellandtown, PA 15458 reahard@verizon.net Contact: Jerry Van Sickle 724 569-2216 181 Guthrie Rd, Smithfield, PA 15478

Holton Gun & Bow Club

6201 Crystal Lake Rd, Holton, MI 49425 PO Box 128, Holton, MI 49425 www.holtongunandbowclub.com 231 821-9608 GPS: N43 23.742 W86 05.2566 Contact: Bruce Torrey, 231 288-4769 3951 Molly Blvd, Muskegon, MI 49444 Alternate: Nancy Scarbrough 231 638-6775 544 N Buys Rd, Muskegon, MI 49445 stocksunlimited@comcast.net

Kane Fish & Game

Dwight Rd, 1 mile N of Kane on SR 321 www.kanefishandgameclub.org Steve Timpano – Group 814 837-9644 stimpano@verizon.net Ed Hanes - Group 814 837-9868 hanes329@comcast.net

Kelbly’s Rifle Range

7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd N Lawrence, OH 44666 www.kelbly.com GPS: N40 52.9836 W81 40.6218 Contact: Jim Kelbly 330 683-4674 jim@kelbly.com

Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn

7988 Johnston-Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 937 492-2972 Contact: John Petteruti 937 654-7950 jpetteruti@woh.rr.com


6700 Napier Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 734 453-9843 http://wwcca.com Contact: Dana Raven 734 748-5394 10930 Old 27N, Frederic, MI 49733-9734 dana_raven@yahoo.com Contact: Bill Gammon 519 453-6734 387 Speight Blvd, London, ONT N5V 3J8 Canada Bill.gammon@rogers.com

GC—Gulf Coast Region Austin Rifle Club

www.austinrifleclub.org PO Box 141399, Austin, TX 78714 Contact: Virgil Howarth 512 447-8968 2704 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745 vhowarth@sbcglobal.net

Hill County Shooters Assn

Minnetonka Benchrest Assn

Midland Shooters Association

Oak Hill Gun Club

GPS: N29 44.695 W098 14.141 421 Range Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132 Contact: Cody Engel 210 535 2170 PO Box 1423, Blanco, TX 78606 codyvp@satx.rr.com 4108 East County Rd 160, Midland, TX 79706 432 682-2332 www.midlandshooters.com Contact: Mike Conry 3212 E County Rd 136, Midland, TX 79706 432 528-8718 or 432 683-1332 MEConry@suddenlink.net

North Texas Shooters Association

www.shootntsa.com GPS: N33 19.351 W97 08.938 Contact: Michael Stinnett 214 794-8006 6651 Blackjack Oaks Rd, Aubrey, TX 76227 mkstinnett@gmail.com

Seymour Stool Shooters

448 Hwy 283 South, Seymour, TX 76380 Contact: John Horn 940 636-9984 924 Peterson Rd S, Iowa Park, TX 76367 John.Horn44@gmail.com

SW Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Club

www.swla-rifleandpistol.org Contact: Mike Guillot 337 249-3712 1600 Cappy Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605 Guillot4555@suddenlink.net

Tomball Gun Club

Contact: Dwayne Pullum: 281 684-9004 Richard Pullum by email: richardpullum@embarqmail.com

NC—North Central Region Boone Valley Ikes

Contact: Ronnie Berg 515 210-7772 104 S Dalander St, Madrid, IA 50156 mrberg@iowatelecom.net

Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

462 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY 82834 Contact Pete Eisele 307 217- 1155

Casper Score Shooters

2330 N Station Rd, Casper, WY 82601 307 265-2535 www.stuckenhoffshooterscomplex.net Contact: Tim Naugle 307 237-7185 1926 S Walnut St, Casper WY 82601 tnaugle@bresnan.net

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club

www.cbr-pc.org GPS: N41.39083 W95.37891 Contact: Gary Flury 712 328-0301 PO Box 1042, Council Bluffs, IA 50502 garysflury@gmail.com Contact: Ron Lee Miller 402 393-4536 8081 Dupont St. Omaha NE 68124 ncnbrsa@cox.net

Lincoln Izaak Walton League

10801 S 134th St, Bennet, NE 68317 Contact: Mike Shapoval 402 420-5763 mike10shapoval@windstream.net

8310 Hill n Dale Dr, St Francis, MN 55330 www.mgfc.org GPS: N45 23.42 W93 29.29 Contact: Scott Moser 612 961-6761 10412 Abbott Dr, Brooklyn Park MN 55443 samoser@comcast.net 12364 Coon Hunters Rd, Blue Grass, IA 52726 563 381-2677 Contact: Cecil Peterson 563 359-1988 2260 Cromwell Cir, Davenport IA 52807 peterson1@mchsi.com

Prairie Dog Target Club

Contact: Don Deckert 605 288-1919 HC 54, Box 3, Porcupine SD 57772 pdtc57772@yahoo.com

MV—Mississippi Valley

Bench Rest Rifle Club Of St Louis 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City, MO 63390 www.shootingstl.com GPS: N38 53.353 W091 04.763 Scott Pieper - Group 636 745-2454 2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City MO 63390 pieper@shootingstl.com Wayne Corley - HTR/VFS 636 928-0882 2 Sheffield Ct, St Charles, MO 63304 waynecorley@sbcglobal.net

Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

W10924 Bryer Road, Columbus, WI 53925 www.csa12.com tabalding@gmail.com Contact Terry Balding 608 577-5193 1777 W Main St #203, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Holmen Rod & Gun Club

W7503 County Road T, Holmen, WI 54636 www.holmenrodandgunclub.com Contact Jim Knower, 608 526-3151

Van Dyne Sportsmen’s Club

www.vdsc.org or info@vdsc.org Contact: Steve Owen 920 688-2433 PO Box 8, Van Dyne WI 54979

NW—Northwest Region Wenatchee Benchrest Club

2800 #2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA www.wenrrc.org, zaccs@televar.com Contact: Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn 6900 Kershaw Blvd, White City, OR 97502 Contact: Phil Grammatica 714 749-7216 philgrammatica@yahoo.com

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club

27007 South Tom Beall Rd, Lapwai, ID 83540 280 843-2987 www.lcwildlife.org Contact: Paul Gylling - HTR/VFS 40102 State Route 195, Colfax WA 99111 PGylling@gmail.com 509 553-1118 Denny Andrews - Group andrewslaw1@gmail.com

North Cascades Sportsman’s Club PO Box 1721, Chelan, WA 98816

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman


Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts http://www.chelangunclub.com Contact Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club

8503 Chambers Creek Rd W University Place, WA 98467 www.tacomarifle.org Contact: Jeff Lewis 206 407-8299 32310 6th Ave SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 varminthunter1@comcast.net

Tri-Cities Metallic Silhouette Assn Hwy 12 to Pasco-Kahlotus Rd www.tcmsa.org Contact: Rick DeGroat 509 308-7213 or 509 396-3166 rem10x308@aol.com

Whittecar Rifle & Pistol Range

578 Blodgett View Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 www.whittecarrange.com 406 363-7078 Contact: Jeff Jetter 406 777-5326 4168 Foxy Ridge Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870 JLJ4HBR@msn.com

Yellowstone Rifle Club

7212 Molt Rd, Billings, MT 406 656-2775 www.yrc.org Contact: Ryan Lienemann 406 245-4056 1124 Horn St, Billings, MT 59101 lienemannbr@gmail.com

La Grande Rifle & Pistol Club www.lgrpc.com Contact Gary Vanlier 208 965-1992 or 208 461-0315 gwvjake1@msn.com

SE—Southeast Region

Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn www.mggoa.com GPS: N32 24.3732 W82 53.0574 PO Box 4096, Dublin, GA 31040 Contact: Matt Walker 478 304-2749 mggoa1@gmail.com

River Bend Gun Club

588 River Bend Gun Club Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 770 893-3502 www.rbgc.org GPS: N34 20.198 W84 14.819 Contact: Jim Andress Group/Score PO Box 7, Marble Hill, GA 30148 benchrest@rbgc.org, jim@precisionrifles.co 770 876-2351 or 770 893-3319

Rockingham County Gun Club

572 Long Branch Road, Reidsville, NC 27320 www.rockinghamcountygunclub.com GPS: N36 25.536 W79 31.864 Contact: Roy Darnell 336 595-9110 4811 Camp Betty Hastings Rd Walkertown, NC 27051 DarnellRM@embarqmail.com

Unaka Rod & Gun Club

90 Furnace Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601 423 926-0221 www.unakarodandgun.com Contact: Matthew Keller 423 202-6932

1013 Washington College Station Rd Limestone, TN 37681 mk6ppc4@yahoo.com

MC—Mid-Continent Region Colorado Rifle Club

76099 E 96th Ave, Byers, CO 80103 303 238-5696 http://crci.org Contact: Nick Hoier 719 499-0246 or Nate Miller 719 648-5334 524 E McCullough Blvd, Pueblo West, CO 81007 namiller1979@gmail.com

Land’s End Benchrest Shooters

4 mi East of Hwy 50 on Reeder Mesa Rd Contact: Tom Stiner 970 257-9160 1521 Divide Rd, Whitewater CO 81527 TSTooling@hotmail.com

Mill Creek Rifle Club

7215 Gardner Rd, DeSoto, KS 66018 www.millcreekrc.org Contact: Don Creach - Group 816 586-9475 dcjcreach@aol.com Contact:Ronald Shultz - Hunter/VFS 913 557-9879

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters 38967 CR 51, Eaton, CO 80615 www.wcfw.org Contact: Bud Schalles 970 224-3740 PO Box 83, La Porte CO 80535 budschalles@aol.com

Okie Shooters Range

Contact: Rex Reneau 405 787-8529 7409 NW 28th Terrace, Bethany OK 73008 405 623-6019 or rreneau1@cox.net

Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn

Contact: John Henry 870 326-5509 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Whittington Center

34025 US 64, Raton, NM 87740 575 445-3615 www.nrawc.org Contact: Ed Adams 505 401-5071 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque NM 87120 trished5@comcast.net

SW—Southwest Region Arizona Benchrest Shooters

4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85086 GPS: N33 27 12.22 W112 37 12.20 http://azbrs.com Contact: Melesia Cisneros 714-441-7220 4275 N Palm St, Fullerton, CA 92835 melesia.cisneros@bergerbullets.com

Central Utah Benchrest

Contact: Dave Tunbridge 801 571-6755 966 Stacie Ave, Sandy UT 84094 drtunbridge@gmail.com

Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

12201 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702 642-9928 www.dsrpc.net GPS: N36.1498 W115.3653 Contact: Keith Myers - VFS keithmyers@yahoo.com or 702 217-3591 Contact: Howard Bloom - HTR

1964.usmc@att.net or 702 368-0568

Ojai Valley Gun Club

www.dock.net/ovgc Contact: Barry Bluhm 805 798-2473 608 E Oak St, Ojai CA 93023 TwiLiteZ585@hotmail.com

Palomino Valley Gun Club

Washoe County Shooting Facility 21555 Pyramid Lake Hwy, Reno NV 80502 palominovalleygunclub.homestead.com GPS: N39 51.374 W119 40.046 Contact: Robert Hoppe - Long Range PO BOX 4251, Sparks NV 89432 RobH@saturnnet.com 775 827-8679 or 775 397-3358 Contact: Steve Archibald - Varmint 5017 Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434 775 356-5850 (h) or 775 742-1153 (c) nevadaswa@aol.com

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest

www.tucsonrifleclub.org Contact: Karl Hunstiger 602 971-4400 2901 E Cortez St, Phoenix AZ 85028 wfo13@aol.com

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters www.sloughhousebenchrest.com Contact: Craig St Claire - Long Range galtshtr@gmx.com or 209 744-2274 Contact: Dan Lutke - Short Range 408 241-9759 lutke5@sbcglobal.net Contact: Bill Mellor - Short Range 916 354-1782 rollem11@att.net

Visalia Sportsman Association

7398 Avenue 328, Visalia, CA 93291 599 651-3063 www.visaliasportsmans.com Contact: Dennis Thornbury 559 432-4401 PO Box 105, Visalia, CA 93279 559 280-6243 gunhandler@gmail.com

EU-European Region Benchrest Dolomiti

Via Alemagna 1/a, Dobbiaco, Italy 39034 info@alpenfuchs.it Contact: Americo Angaran americo.angaran@gmail.com

Club de Tir du Castellas

Route de Vautubiere, La Fare les Oliviers, France 13580 bench-rest@ctcastellas.com Contact Jean-Marie Deletang at redneckbr@neuf.fr or Andre Feraud at nagemar@vanadoo.fr


Precision Rifleman

Don Gentner

Longtime benchrest enthusiast, Don Gentner has passed away after a long illness. He hailed from Pennsylvania and was well known as a premier bullet maker and a strong competitor nearly reaching Hall of Fame Status with 8 National competition wins. There will be a tribute to Don Gentner published in an upcoming issue by his good friend, Gary Ocock. Our condolences to Don’s surviving family.

battle with cancer at the age of 59. He is survived by 2 daughters, 1 son, and 5 grand children. He was an avid long range NBRSA competitor for many years and set the NBRSA 600 yard World Record for highest 3-Target 5-Shot Score with a 147-5X. This is a total of 15 shots for this record. He also won the very first match held at Rogue Valley Sport Shooters Association, at that time, a new club addition to the NBRSA long range benchrest competition scene in White City, Oregon. Our condolences to the Crawford family. --Phil Gramatica

John Crawford

September 9, 1955 – July 23, 2015 Friend and competitor John Crawford passed away after a valiant


Magnum Metal 940.631.4545 shunter@nts-online.net



Statement of Ownership Publication Title: Precision Rifleman Publication: 018-717 Filing Date: 8/31/2015 Frequency: Monthly 12 annual print issues Annual Subscription Price: $45 ($60 dues) Editor/Owner, Publisher, Publication Office Address: Audrey Brown, NBRSA (Owner & Publisher) PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and other Security Holders owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages or Other Securities: None Publication Title: Precision Rifleman Circulation Data Issue Date: September, 2015 Total Number of Copies: 1350/1350 Paid Circulation & Subscriptions Mailed Outside County Paid:1266/1261 Mailed In-Couinty Paid: 6/6 Paid Distribution Outside USPS: 0/0 Paid Distrib Other Classes by USPS: 54/54 Total Paid Distribution: 1326/1321 Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County: 0/0 Free or Nominal Rate In-County: 0/0 Free or Nominal Rate Other Classes: 0/0 Free or Nominal Rate Distrib Outside Mail: 0/0 Total Free or Nominal Rate Distrib: 0/0 Total Distribution: 1326/1321 Copies not Distributed: 24/29 Total: 1350/1350 Percent Paid: 100%/100% Publication of Statement of Ownership Printed in this October, 2015 issue. Signature & Title: Audrey Brown Business Manager & Editor, Sept 1, 2015

Advertising Index

21st Century Shooting �������2 Gradient Lens Corp...........3 Berger Bullets..................5 Butch’s Reloading .............6 Shadetree Engineering ������8 Hoehn Sales....................9 Accugauge/6mmPPC......... 12 McMillan USA Stocks......... 14 PMA Tool....................... 16 Sharp Shoot R................. 18 BAT Machine Co............... 20 Edgewood Bags .............. 21 Benchrite, LLC................ 22 Shilen Rifles................... 24 Marsh Industries.............. 27 Enterprise Services........... 27 Lilja Rifle Barrels............. 27 Magnum Metal................ 30 Kelbly’s...................back page

Contact the NBRSA Office at 307 655-7415 for a current rate sheet and advertise your products & services in Precision Rifleman. Annual special: prepay 11 issues and the 12th issue is free!

Graphic services available.

October, 2015 Precision Rifleman

Regional Directors Eastern Region

Staff Exp 2016

Jack Neary 6204 Wild Oak Dr, North Olmstead, OH 44070 H: 440 716-0600 C: 336 542-8711 jrneary@hotmail.com

Gulf Coast Region

Officers Dennis Thornbury, President 1114 S McAuliff St Visalia, CA 93292 H: 559 732-4401 C: 559 280 6243 gunhandler@gmail.com Term Expires 2014 Don Nielson, Vice President 20456 Hart St, Winnetka, CA 91306 H: 818 883-5866 pkin@sbcglobal.net Term Expires 2014 John Horn, Financial Officer 924 Peterson Rd South Iowa Park, TX 76367-7237 C: 940 636-9984 Term Expires 2014 John.Horn44@gmail.com

Committees World Records Committee: Group Gene Bukys, Chairman 2111 Silver Moon Trail Crosby, TX 77532 281 324-2605 egb243@msn.com Kent Harshman, Committee Member Ron Hoehn, Committee Member Lowell Frei, Committee Member World Records Committee: Score David Halblom, Chairman 515 556-5833 4315 Ashby Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310 DavidHalblom-BugTyer@att.net Dan Zaccanti, Committee Member Rich Carpenter, Committee Member Randy Perkowski, Committee Member Tom McPhee, Committee Member International Representative Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com Varmint For Score Representative (Southwest Region) Keith Myers 702 217-3591 keithmyers@yahoo.com Long Range Measuring Committee Karl Hunstiger, Chairman 602 971-4400 wfo13@aol.com

Mississippi Valley Region Exp 2016

Bud Mundy 5956 Old Hickory Trail Hillsboro, MO 63050 C: 314 805-1313 bcmundy@earthlink.net

Exp 2015

Terry Meyer PO Box 52, Thornton, IA 50479 H: 641 998-2860 C: 641 425-3397 tdmeyer6ppc@gmail.com North Central Alternate Rodney Brown PO Box 7218, Sheridan, WY 82801 C: 303 378-6085 rbrown@vanaire.net

Mid-Continent Region

Exp 2015

Butch Fjoser 7 Summerfield St, Woodward, OK 73801 C: 580 334-2643 W: 580 254-9764 butchsguns@yahoo.com Mid-Continent Alternate Ed Adams C: 505 831-4121 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 butchsreloading@gmail.com

North West Region

Exp 2015

Dan Zaccanti 1542 Tacoma Ave, Bridgeport, WA 98813 C: 509 733-1003 zaccs@televar.com North West Alternate Paul Holland PO Box 1498, Big Fork, MT 59911 406 837-5583 plumbing@centurytel.net

South East Region

Exp 2016

South West Region

Exp 2016

European Region

Exp 2016

Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com

Tom Libby 74056 Aster Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 774-5256 tomnbrsa@outlook.com South West Alternate David Woodward 34 W Dessert Knoll Pl, Oro Valley, AZ C: 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 dwoodward@dteworld.com Jean-Marie Deletang redneckbr@neuf.fr

Business Manager, NBRSA Editor, Precision Rifleman Magazine Advertising Sales Contact Audrey Brown PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 W: 307 655-7415 C: 307 217-1966 nbrsa.manager@gmail.com

Exp 2015

Scott Hunter 1612 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 H: 940 723-5147 C: 940 631-4545 Shunter@NTS-online.net Gulf Coast Alternate Mike Bryant 7761 FM 592, Wheeler, TX 79096 806 826-5958, bryantcustom@gmail.com

North Central Region


Legal Representation

Elliot Law Office Al Elliott, 325 387-3529 albertelliott@mail.com

Change of Address: To change your address or report a damaged or undelivered magazine, write: NBRSA, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 828017105. Do not return damaged copies. Change of address should include both new address and a mailing label bearing the old one. In case of duplication send both labels. Contributors: The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Advertisers: Rate cards and terms are available online at www.nbrsa.org/membership-info. We appreciate your support! Safety Disclaimer: The publication, writers, organization officers, staff, and directors explicitly advise the readers that they make no representation of safety for any loads, techniques, and procedures if reported herein. The nature of participating in a shooting sport automatically requires caution at all times. Given the many variables present—weather, equipment, and components— the information presented is for your reading enjoyment.

Printed in the USA Publisher: NBRSA, Inc. Printed By: Lithotech, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Advertising, Classifieds & Membership: Audrey Brown, Editor 307 655-7415 Precision Rifleman (ISSN 1061950X) is published monthly by NBRSA Inc PO Box 6770 3647 US Hwy 87 Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307 655-7415 Email: nbrsa.manager@gmail.com for the benefit of its members. Membership dues is $60 per year US of which $40 is designated for a magazine subscription. Canadian postage add $25/ year. All other International postage add $60/year. For Membership inquiries call 307 655-7415. Copyright 2013, National Bench Rest Shooters Association. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. Periodicals Class Postage paid at Sheridan, WY & additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Precision Rifleman, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801.


Precision Rifleman

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