Supporter’s Guide 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais
Cover Photos: Sylvio Coutinho – Reproduction (upper); Omar Freire – Imprensa MG (bottom)
MT Rota das Grutas Peter Lund Cordisburgo Gruta do Maquiné
Sete Lagoas Gruta Rei do Mato
Parque Estadual do Sumidouro Gruta da Lapinha
Matozinhos Pedro Leopoldo
Confins Lagoa Santa
Museu de Ciências Naturais PUC/Minas
Belo Horizonte
MS Host Cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™
Fortaleza Natal Recife Salvador
Belo Horizonte São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Curitiba Porto Alegre
BA Minas Gerais Diamantina
Belo Horizonte Brumadinho
Serra do Cipó Sabará Mariana Ouro Preto Congonhas
Tiradentes São João del Rei
RJ Oceano Atlântico
Photo Sylvio Coutinho – Reproduction
Supporter’s Guide 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais
How to Use this Guide
The 2014 Supporter’s Guide - Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais is edited by the State Department of Tourism and Sports (Setes-MG), Special Coordination Unit for the World Cup, published by Editora e Gráfica Stampato Ltda.
Besides information about how the city functions and the games to be played in the Mineirão stadium during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014™, this guide will help you discover the tourist and cultural attractions in Belo Horizonte, one of the competition’s 12 host cities. This publication is divided into sections identified by colors: Minas Gerais
State Department of Tourism and Sports (Setes-MG), Special Coordination Unit for World Cup. Cidade Administrativa Presidente Tancredo Neves, Rod. Prefeito Américo Gianetti, Edifício Gerais, 11th floor, Postal Code 31630-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. www.belo2014.com, www.belohorizonte.mg.gov.br, minasgerais.com.br
The Host City
Editor: Fábio Ávila Editorial Coordination: Sergio Simões Art Director/Design and Graphic Conception:
Presents the state, its principal features, economy and culture. Shows why Belo Horizonte is one of the hosts of the sporting event.
2014 © Marcello de Oliveira Text ReviseR: Maria Luiza Xavier Souto Translation: Marcela Cogo (Spanish); Vértice Translate (English) Final Art: Estúdio Marcello de Oliveira (Portuguese); Fernanda Eddino (Spanish); Caio Itri (English) Watercolors: Meire de Oliveira Maps: Sérgio Dieguez
The event
Information about the preparations and infrastructure for the games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™. Where to Go
The main tourist attractions of the capital city of Minas, with the location, opening hours among others.
Published by:
Editora e Gráfica Stampato Ltda Rua Anhanguera, 815 – Barra Funda Postal Code 01135-000, São Paulo, SP Tel + 55 (11) 3393-3535 stampato@stampato.com.br www.stampato.com.br www.brasilzao.com.br
Where to Stay
The main hospitality establishments in the different regions of the city. Where to eat
Gastronomic indications with tips on places that stay open until the small hours.
Printing and Finishing:
Night life
RR Donnelley
Shopping breaks
The information contained in this guide is the responsibility of Stampato Gráfica e Editora Ltda. Reproduction in whole or in part of the published texts is prohibited without the prior consent of the publishers.
Includes options for nighttime entertainment and leisure in Belo Horizonte. Tips for shopping tourism in BH. Suburbs and Personalized Itineraries
The main attractions of the tourist cities surrounding the capital of Minas. Useful information
Recommendations for your safety and stay during the event. Map inserts
Maps of the main attractions, tourist services and road system of BH.
Photo Diego Gazola
Key to the Symbols
Minas Gerais ................................. 6 The Host City ................................ 12 The Event ...................................... 20 Calendar of Games ..................... 28 Where to go ................................. 30 Where to Stay ............................. 86 Where to eat ............................... 92 Nightlife ........................................ 108 Shopping breaks ......................... 114 Nearest Itineraries .................... 118 Personalized Itineraries ........... 140 Useful information .................... 144
Minas Gerais 6
Other information, access www.belo2014.com, www.belohorizonte.mg.gov.br and www.minasgerais.com.br
Minas Gerais is one of the most important states in the national context for its culture whose trademark is parties, both religious and pagan, as well as other manifestations that take place all the year round. The cycles of gold and diamonds spurred on its economy, clearing the way for the appearance of some of the most beautiful and charming historical cities, which for a long time were the richest on the entire continent. The people of Minas put great store by their traditions and proudly preserve their historical and cultural heritage. The capital Belo Horizonte, in turn, is a modern dynamic city that was planned to be one of Brazil’s most important cultural, gastronomy and business centers.
Minas Gerais Brazil
In the Beginning At the outset the mountains were an obstacle. A natural frontier that not even the greed of the most determined colonizers was able to overcome. Avid for gold, the Europeans were unaware of the riches also unknown to the Caiapó Indians – natives of the territory for 11,000 years. And so it was that, thanks to destiny and nature, Cataguás, as Minas Gerais was called, remained dormant, forgotten, resigned to worthless land. Intact with its endless forests and mountains. The demarcated region in Minas included what is today Cachoeira do Campo, Ouro Preto and Mariana, and it remained that way for the entire 15th century, because the Crown did not appoint a nobleman to be the owner and take colonization forward. The occupation was neither official or clandestine, since not even the pirates 8
From the second half of the 17th century onward, all destinations converged to wherever gold was to be found – and this Eldorado was Minas Gerais. In 1775, it was already the most populous region in Brazil, with 3,300,000 inhabitants at the time, of which 319,739 in Minas, according to the official Court census.
thought it worth venturing beyond those frontiers. Indeed one could say that Minas Gerais was only born in the 17th century, thanks to the explorers from São Paulo who were hunting Indians and minerals. It was these bands of explorers in search of gold who created the three entry routes that would later lead to new population centers. These were the Caminho Velho de São Paulo – following the Paraíba River and crossing the Serra da Mantiqueira mountain range; the Caminho Velho da Bahia – also known as the Caminho dos Currais, winding along the São Francisco River until the Caminho Novo do Rio de Janeiro in the Paraibuna River Valley, clearing the path from Rio de Janeiro to the mines of Ouro Preto. Once the paths had been opened they quickly became the entry point for the men looking for gold: immigrants from Europe, explorers from São Paulo, traders from the Northeast and hundreds of slaves. Unlike the scattered occupation typical of the sugarcane plantations, the urbanization of Minas took place in a concentrated manner. The encampments located along the edges of the creeks that produced gold were quickly transformed. An altar was built to the saint of worship at the place where the first nugget was found, according to the “mineira” tradition, and a camp founded. With time, and the need to organize society, an entire contingent of public employees,
Ouro Preto
traders, artisans and intellectuals made their way to the location. This merger of personalities, cultures and social roles was the foundation for the “mineira” township that would later give rise to the cities. Thanks to this mixture of peculiar characteristics, which lasted through the 17th and 18th centuries, it is said that Minas Gerais was born urban, unlike other population centers in Brazil which were initially organized around farming. An activity relegated to a lower level, farming in Minas took off beginning in the 19th century thanks to coffee planting, primarily in the southeastern region of the state. However, livestock farming appears first on the economic scenario of the region, around the 18th century, according to historical documents that describe the farmers’ struggles
against indigenous tribes and quilombola communities created by fugitive slaves.
Cultural Heritage Following the discovery of gold and diamonds in the lands of Minas in the 18th and 19th centuries, churches and townships sprung up and grew to become historical cities like Ouro Preto, Mariana, Diamantina, Congonhas, Tiradentes, São João del Rei, Sabará, Caeté and Catas Altas. Ouro Preto was the first Brazilian historical city to be declared a Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 1980, by UNESCO. Even today, the downtown area of the city is home to a rich architectural complex that was established around 1750, an unparalleled example of Brazilian Baroque with works by Aleijadinho, Mestre Athayde and Francisco Xavier de Brito scattered around the streets, churches and houses. In 1714 the first diamond was discovered and Diamantina appeared, another city that is impressive for its architectural complex and which was also declared as a Historical and Culture Heritage by UNESCO in 1999. Sabará, originally called Sabarabuçu, is a city of step hills and narrow streets occupied by 18th century constructions listed by the National Institute of Artistic and Historical Heritage.
Minas Gerais Brazil
But Minas would not be the same without its mystical, religious and party-going people. There are parties all the year round. São João, in June, Folia de Reis, between December 24 and January 6 and Congado in October. There are also the processions at Corpus Christi as well as lots of other celebrations for almost every saint of the Catholic church.
Delicacies and greengrocer stores, cheeses and candy stores, fruits and jams, home-grown greens and vegetables – a territory the size of Minas could not have had a limited cuisine.
linary habits of Minas are the result of an ethnic mixture and the need to create dishes when ingredients were in short supply. It is said that in Minas in the 18th century, the explorers were rolling in gold in the rivers and streams, but died of hunger in the search for local fruit. Reports at the time described scenes of explorers feeding on insects and ants, such was the shortage of food. To feed the contingent that was deploying to the region it was necessary to import meat from the neighboring states of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. But between the troopers (caravan drivers) and the miners were the mountains… For a long time corn was the saving grace, eaten as curau, pamonha, couscous, canjica (sweet corn pudding) and aluá – a mixture of cornmeal and rapadura sugar consumed by slaves. Inherited from the Indians, food based on corn derivatives was one of the peculiarities of the colonization in Minas: while the rest of the colonial Brazil put bread made from manioc flour and rice on the table, the inhabitants of Minas survived on corn mash and grits.
Gastronomy in Minas
Juscelino Kubitschek
Juscelino Kubitschek
Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Just like religiousness and culture, eating habits in Minas go hand-in-hand with elements of local folklore, its legends and cases, superstitions and beliefs. Although currently not widely divulged, certain habits go to the heart of what it means to be a “mineiro”, and to discover its origins is undoubtedly s journey though the history of the state. The cuisine is rich in flavors and recipes that reflect the influence of the Portuguese, negroes and Indians. At breakfast the table groans under the weight of cheese bread, jams, milk fudge, pumpkin and guava fruits, cornmeal cake and other sweetmeats derived from corn. A cuisine with precise spices and family recipes, they say that the cu-
Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira was born in Diamantina, in 1902, and graduated in medicine in Belo Horizonte in 1927. As a captain and doctor in the Military Police he got to know the governor, Benedito Valadares which saw the start of a long friendship as well as his political career. In 1934 he was elected federal congressman, and mayor of Belo Horizonte in 1940, when he undertook several important construction projects to remodel the city, including Pampulha Architectural Complex, wich has become a milestone on modern architecture. In 1950 he was elected Governor of Minas Gerais and six years later, under a PSD-PTB coalition, he became president of Brazil. In 1956, after the political crisis sparked by the suicide of Getúlio, Juscelino
became the ruler of the country. Dynamic, enterprising, competent and astute, his optimism infected the nation. With a targets plan founded on the binomial “energy and transportation”, summarized in the slogan “50 years in 5”, the hallmark of his term in office was political stability. Among other positive points, he injected new impetus into the automotive industry and began the construction of Brasília, the central theme of his government, inaugurating the new capital city after 41 months of work. When he left the presidency he was elected senator for the state of Goiás in 1962, but his mandate was revoked by the Dictatorship and in 1964 his political rights were suspended. He abandoned politics and became a businessman in 1976, when he was killed in car accident on the Dutra highway.
Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
tion of cheese and sweet jams and a cafezinho at any time of the day. Such a wide range of soil and so many distant frontiers produced regional recipes within one and the same region. Thus, if the old miners left behind the legacy of feijão tropeiro (cooked beans mixed with cassava/manioc flour), the inhabitants of northeastern Minas introduced sun-dried meat with cassava flour, while the people on the São Francisco River taught us that for the meat to be really tender it has to be steeped in milk. Recipes of that people, handed down from generation to generation, as if they were a testament: the true heritage of the culture of Minas. Mineiros who were World Champions Minas Gerais is proud of its world champion footballers. We can mention names like the elegant center-back, Mauro Ramos, who was on the winning team in 1958 (Sweden) and 1962 (Chile). Center-back Roque Júnior and defensive midfielder Gilberto Silva helped win the fourth World Title in 2002 (Japan and South Korea). Another defensive midfielder, Wilson Piazza, was a member of the team that lifted the cup for the third time in1970 (Mexico). In that team the star Tostão stood out for his ability to read the game and his precision passing. However, none compares to the genius of Edson Arantes do Nascimento. Mineiro from the city of Três Corações, Pelé is the only footballer to have been part of three champion teams: 1958 (Sweden), 1962 (Chile) and 1970 (Mexico).
Minas Gerais Brazil
Little by little small vegetable gardens and corrals were organized. Very often the meeting point for the caravans – like the Curral Del Rei (the region currently occupied by Belo Horizonte). As these were small urban properties, in other words, there wasn’t much room, the plantations themselves were not that exciting: corn, cabbage, black beans, bananas, an orange tree and, when there was room, a mango tree. That is why pork also became a feature of the regional cuisine, as it was more practical to raise pigs in the back garden than to depend on grazing for cows. Only after Brazil’s independence in 1822 did the troopers begin selling wheat flour and sun-dried meat, which were then incorporated into the “mineira” diet, along with the habit of eating bread instead of manioc. The famous Minas Cheese was to appear only much later, at the close of the 19th century, with the expansion of dairy farms in the south of Minas. And the growth of coffee planting also dates from this time. In the case of towns and cities, flour houses and mills begin to appear, giving rise to new habits that then became a definitive feature of the regional cuisine, such as the combina-
The Host City 12
Photo Sérgio Mourão – Setes-MG Collection
Other information, access www.belo2014.com, www.belohorizonte.mg.gov.br and www.minasgerais.com.br
Belo Horizonte was born as the first capital city planned according to the republican script and is today one of Brazil’s main cities, with over 2.4 million inhabitants, having consolidated its role as an important business tourism destination. A renowned financial center, its economy is almost entirely services-focused and it is one of Brazil’s five richest cities. It is renowned for its culture, nightlife, gastronomy and quality of life. It offers an extensive choice of entertainment and is today considered the world bars capital, with over 12,000 options to suit all tastes. The parks, museums and cultural spaces are an invitation to discover the history of the state and the country. The metropolis enchants tourists from all over the world, thanks to its famous “belo-horizontine” hospitality and its friendly people, who are always waiting with open arms.
The Host City Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte
The protagonist behind the rise of BH was the explorer João Leite da Silva Ortiz, who decided to settle down near what would come to be known as Serra do Curral. The farm where he made a living planting and looking after cattle was to give rise to what would be the future capital of Minas Gerais, Arraial do Curral del Rei. During the mining era, the arraial grew in size and population, but it was only with the Proclamation of the Republic and the spread of revolutionary ideals that it came to be seen as an alternative seat of government, which up until then was entrenched in Ouro Preto. Naturally, the idea of change put the population of Ouro Preto on a war footing that led to nothing: in 1893, a state law ruled that the capital city was to be built in the place called Bello Horizonte – and allocated the task to the most prominent architects and engineers working in Brazil. In the 1920s, Belo Horizonte was famed for being the “garden city”, on account of its leafy trees to be found on both squares and avenues. Major structures, like the Santa Teresa viaduct and the Mercado Municipal were inaugurated to serve a growing population arriving from all corners of the state. This also marked the start of a period Avenida Amazonas
of enormous cultural effervescence, especially in the field of literature. It was during this decade that the city gave rise to a talented generation of modernist poets and writers who were to win nationwide notoriety – such as Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Cyro dos Anjos, Pedro Nava, Emilio Moura and Milton Campos, among others. In the 1940s and 1950s, the position of mayor, followed by that of state governor, were run by Juscelino Kubistchek – and the capital of Minas Gerais advanced towards modernity,
It is a city though out to offer quality of life ever since the start of its official history. Its urbanization model took inspiration from Paris and Washington, but the fact is that BH fought hard to earn its own semblance (and a style) that today gives it a high profile on the domestic scene.
Photo Diego Gazola
with the construction of buildings of unmistakable style (works of Oscar Niemeyer, embarking on his career at the time), the opening of avenues and the creation of a vibrant industrial park. Belo Horizonte achieved unprecedented economic development: banks, financial institutions and multinational companies set up head offices and plants in the capital and in Greater Belo Horizonte, the metropolitan region created in the 1970s. In 1981, to improve the traffic in the city, work began on implementing a surface metro system, while build-
Praça Raul Soares
The Host City Belo Horizonte
Rua da Bahia, the early decades of the 20th century
ings of historical importance were listed. The city gained leisure areas, such as Parque das Mangabeiras, inaugurated in 1982, and the Mineirinho indoor sports stadium. Growth was so fast that it became disorganized – and in the 1990s the Master Plan was approved to organize urban space, with the emphasis now on the quality of life. In 1992, the Deliberative Council for the Cultural Heritage of the Municipality was created to look after the listing of historical buildings. Praça da Liberdade, Praça da Assembleia and the Parque Municipal were all recovered in the same period. Thus it was no surprise, given the new mentality prevailing in everyday life, that the capital city of Minas was chosen in 2009 as one of the host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.™
Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Minas cuisine is varied and has a distinct flavor. To try out the delights of Minas cuisine, Belo Horizonte is the perfect place. The regional gastronomy, with its unmistakable aromas and flavors, is easy to find in the myriad of establishments spread across the city’s districts (find out more in the section on Where to Eat, page 92). Modern and cosmopolitan, BH follows the tradition of also appreciating the best international cuisine, especially in those restaurants located in hotels. But the art of cooking includes other recipes, many of them perfected throughout centuries. The delicious coffee, the award-winning craft beers, the cachaça and the famous homemade Minas cheese cannot be missed on this gastronomic itinerary, which includes the world-famous cheese bread, to be found in practically every establishment in the capital. Every year the city also holds the Comida di Buteco (Bar Food) festival, one of Brazil’s principal gastronomy festivals, nowadays organized in 16 cities distributed in eight Brazilian states.
Each city in Minas was a world on its own, proudly and zealously guarding its recipes. It was the caravan drivers who fetched and carried on the backs of their mules the culinary preferences throughout the hinterland.
In the 20th century, Minas literature began to take center stage, with the appearance of writers such as Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Guimarães Rosa and Fernando Sabino. They were the inspiration for generations to come, who experimented with genres such as prose, poetry, essays and fiction.
Music It’s almost impossible to talk about music in Minas without recalling the musical strength and the poetry of the Clube da Esquina (Corner Club) and its countless talented character like Milton Nascimento, Lô Borges, Beto Guedes, Toninho Horta and Flávio Venturini. This story begins back in the 1960s, when many young Brazilians were influenced by the innovations presented by the Bossa Nova, the improvisation of jazz and the knock-out strength of rock’n’roll. In Minas Gerais it was no different, and many musicians drank from that fountain. Over recent decades, revered names have appeared on the Brazilian music scene, with shows throughout Brazil that are usually sell-outs, including in large stadiums. This is the case of the band Sepultura, Pato Fu, Skank and Jota Quest, among other names.
Handcrafts To talk about handcrafts in Minas Gerais is to recall a huge, eclectically prodigious tradition. From sellers of statues of saints, to skilled potters, the state manufactures unique handcraft items recognized all over Brazil and abroad. Wood, clay, straw, stones and even paper are materials that come to life in the hands of the artisans of Minas. They use these to make tabernacles, saints and dolls, but also utilities like plates and bags, in addition to beautiful furniture from demolition
Shopping The handicraft fairs are well-known to residents and tourists. But the city has much more to offer, especially when it comes to fashion. Belo Horizonte has dozens of malls and shopping centers scattered citywide, where one can find variety and good taste. The talent of the designers has given the city’s name national projection. Many of the city’s store windows showcase items that can be considered works of design exhibited like works of art.
Photo Diego Gazola
Anyone thinking about partying in the capital of Minas immediately thinks of bars. It’s inevitable. Nothing happens at night in Belo Horizonte unless you’ve had a first, then a second and third glass of beer (and a snack) in your favorite bar: there are many ways to a night out in a cosmopolitan city where the last thing that is missing is entertainment Several of the city’s regions are wellknown for the high concentration of stores selling differentiated clothing, but always in tune with the latest trends, including sophisticated designer labels. More details on page 114.
Nightlife In the past, the downtown area used to be the center of the universe for nightlife in BH. This has changed dramatically. Today, the maps of the city include new and fashionable destinations. There is no shortage of options in Savassi, Funcionários, Castelo, Floresta, Barro Preto, Carmo, São Pedro, Santa Teresa, Lourdes and Serra, where one can find options to suit all tastes (and wallets). The most cult and traditional is Savassi, with its bars, beer gardens and cafeterias that share space with well thought-out bookshops. More recently Pampulha has also sprouted several new establishments, becoming a new mecca for those enjoying life and in search of fun. But it doesn’t stop there. Today, districts like Santo Antônio, with its bars, and São Pedro, with coffee shops, pubs and dance bars reveal a magical city where visitors are always welcome. Check out the options in nightclubs on page 108.
The Host City Belo Horizonte
wood. Production includes both religious and profane items – sometimes full of humor – refined from the Vale do Jequitinhonha region to the historical cities of Tiradentes and Ouro Preto. In Belo Horizonte it is no different. Clay is also worked to carve saints and modern rounded dolls; vegetable fiber adds life to the traits of human figures, while stone is used to model little houses inspired in the old constructions of Ouro Preto. When in Belo Horizonte, take the chance to appreciate this craftwork. It is on exhibition and for sale in a variety of stores, museums, street fairs and in the Central Market.
Photo Diego Gazola
The inhabitant of Belo Hori zonte enjoys all types of bars. Of course, one can find sophisticated bars, but in traditional neighborhoods such as Santa Teresa, on the east side of the city, and Prado, on the west side, corner bars is what you’ll find, mostly family-owned and managed, frequented by local folk.
Minas Gerais Traditions
an average height of 853 meters, it has a rough terrain with many hills and dales. This capital is the sixth most populous city in Brazil and the third largest metropolitan area. Founded in 1897 to be the new state capital, it has witnessed many waves of migration. It was in the 1920’s that the migration from countryside to the capital grew in intensity. The Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Federal University of Minas
Photo Diego Gazola
People from Belo Horizonte are only in their fourth or fifth generation, but even so they embody the traditions of Minas Gerais. On the other hand, they were born in a city that was invented and planned, with the hallmark of modernism. So they possess antagonistic characteristics of the new and the traditional, maybe justifying the qualities of a hospitable people. Belo Horizonte was occupied by immigrants, the majority of them from the country side of the state of Minas Gerais, but also from other states in Brazil and from around the world. Because of this, its population is multiracial. The population lives in the shadow of the Serra do Curral mountains that envelop the city. With
Photo Diego Gazola
Gerais), founded in 1927, opened its doors to the sons and daughters of rural families seeking to complete their studies, among them Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Guimarães Rosa and Tancredo Neves, among others. A whole generation of poets and politicians were drawn to the fast expanding capital. The traces of modernism can be found not only in the landscape and the constructions, but also in the personality of the people from Belo Horizonte, who live the city’s cultural life. The population gathers to demand and produce several art festivals that happen annually including cinema, circus, dance, music and theater. Culture in Belo Horizonte is boosted by its night life, which attracts adults of all ages. In certain streets there is literally one bar on every corner. There are approximately 12,000 establishments scattered the length and breadth of the city. Also, the gastronomical network offers the people
from Belo Horizonte options in international cuisine, with French, Arab, Italian and even Iranian food. But local food restaurants are still the most frequented. A typical city resident enjoys eating liver smothered in onions, with scarlet eggplant, at Mercado Central, a serving of crackling with sausage in the bars and will not say no to a good cachaça. Even appreciating good food and drink, the residents of Belo Horizonte have inherited religiousness and tradition from their fellow mineiros from the interiors. Having lunch at the grandparents’ home and going to church on Sundays are just as much a part of the routine of many families, regardless of the size. Around 850,000 people gathered at Praça Israel Pinheiro, when Pope John Paul II visited Belo Horizonte in the early 1980’s. On August 15th, a huge crowd turns out for the “Procissão Luminosa” (Procession of Light), in honor of the city’s patron saint, Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem.
The Host City Belo Horizonte
At the weekend and on long public holidays the “belo-horizontino” explores the surrounding areas rich in waterfalls, trails and outdoor living. The people of Minas are the adventurous type, enjoying radical sports like paragliding, mountain climbing, mountain biking and endurance races, among others, close to the city. And they excel in exploring the sea of mountains that surrounds them, just like the first explorers did.
The Event 20
Photo Sylvio Coutinho – Reproduction
Other information, access www.fifa.com and www.belo2014.com
The FIFA World Cuptm is the crowning moment of the world’s most popular sport, football. Every four years, the best national football teams from five continents face off in search of a single objective: to lift the cup, an achievement only eight national teams have managed, including Brazil, the greatest of world champions with five titles. In 2014 Brazil will host the twentieth edition of the tournament. After 64 years, the FIFA World CupTM is coming home. The first time, in 1950, Uruguay beat the hosts in the final in the Maracanã. In this World Cup, 12 host cities in Brazil’s five regions are gearing up to welcome the main sporting event on the planet. During the 2014 FIFA World Cup™, the Mineirão will host four games in the group phase, one game from the round of sixteen and a semi-final. Stars like Messi, Suárez, Rooney, Kompany, Hazard, Lampard and Cavani should put on a show of the best football in the “Gigante da Pampulha”.
The Event Belo Horizonte
Photo Omar Freire – Imprensa MG
The first FIFA World CupTM in Brazil The 1950 FIFA World CupTM began on 24, with Brazil overwhelming Mexico 4-nil in the Maracanã, and ended on July 16, with Uruguay beating Brazil 2 - 1. There were 22 games with 88 goals scored, an average of 4 per game. The winner of the golden boot was Brazilian striker, Ademir Marques de Menezes, known as Queixada (jawbone) who scored nine goals during the 1950 FIFA World Cup. One of the saddest moments for the Brazilian national team occurred on July 16, 1950. After earning the right to compete for first place in the World Cup, the entire national team and the supporters all over Brazil were certain that the Jules Rimet trophy would remain on Brazilian soil. Brazil opened the scoring with a goal by Friaca at the end of the first half. In the second half, Schiaffino leveled for Uruguay after 21 minutes. The draw would have handed Brazil the championship, but in the 34th minute Ghiggia
silenced the almost 200,000 people in the Maracanã. The blue-shirted striker found the net and gave Uruguay a double world championship. After the fatal goal in the final of the 1950 FIFA World CupTM, the Brazilian national team never lost another game to Uruguay in the Maracanã. The capital of Minas was the stage for football’s greatest shock result of all time in the history of the FIFA World CupTM. According to journalists at the time, the winning goal for the United States against England put Minas Gerais and its capital city firmly on the map. The stadium, known as Colosso do Horto, witnessed the unbelievable: a dishwasher called Joe Gaetjens scored the only goal of the game in the 38th minute of the first half, for the United States, on June 29. Three games were held in Belo Horizonte: Yugoslavia 3 x 0 Switzerland, Uruguay 8 x 0 Bolivia and England 0 x 1 USA.
Photo Sylvio Coutinho – Reproduction
Stars like Tostão, Dirceu Lopes, Piazza, Reinaldo and Dario, among others, enchanted the public and won important titles in front of thousands of supporters on the bleachers of the Mineirão.
For many years, the so-called “Gigante da Pampulha” was the second-largest stadium in Brazil, second only to the Maracanã, in Rio de Janeiro. To host the FIFA World CupTM, the arena was re-opened to the public on December 21, 2012, after having been totally modernized and refurbished. Today, its standards of safety, comfort, visibility and sustainability are considered to be of international level.
The football stage in Minas, the Governador Magalhães Pinto stadium known as the Mineirão has already hosted some memorable matches and major events in its 45-year history. Inaugurated in 1965 to meet the growing demand of the supporters at the games of the major teams in the capital, América Mineiro, Atlético Mineiro and Cruzeiro, the stadium was a contributory factor in the development of the sport in the state. Situated within the architectural and landscaped complex of Pampulha, this multiuse space has one of the country’s most agreeable and privileged surroundings amidst some of the most significant buildings designed by award-winning architect Oscar Niemayer (1907-2012), such as the Museu de Arte da Pampulha (formerly a casino), Igreja de São Francisco de Assis and the Casa do Baile. Besides its location in one of the city’s important green areas, with gardens designed by landscaper Burle Marx (1909-1994), the Mineirão has a continguos area of 80,000 m2, with capacity to host events with up to 65,000 people.
During the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013, the Mineirão hosted three games. The most exciting game of the Brazilian national team was played in the Mineirão. Around 57,000 fans filled the stadium to watch Brazil beat Uruguay 2 – 1 in the semi-finals of the tournament. During the group stage of the com-
The Event Belo Horizonte
Photo Omar Freire – Imprensa MG
The Mineirão Stadium
petition, the first goal by Tahiti in an official FIFA competition was scored in the Mineirão. The Tahitian defensive midfielder, Jonathan Tehau, who had never played outside his own continent, scored the consolation goal of the friendly team from Polynesia in the game Tahiti 1 x 6 Nigeria. This achievement meant that the capital of Minas and the Mineirão went down in football history. The other game played in the stadium was the 0-0 draw between Japan and Mexico in the group stage. The final of the 2013 Taça Libertadores da América was played in the Mineirão in a game full of expectations and emotion. The 56,557 supporters watched the game in which Atlético Mineiro became South American champions for the first time. On the blue-shirted side, the Cruzeiro fans followed the team’s entire campaign until they lifted the 2013 Brazilian championship trophy in the stadium.
Fan Fest
Shows The renovation was also fundamental for placing the Minas stadium on the circuit of international shows in 2013. Singer Elton John took 40,000 people to the stadium in March. In a huge show, the former Beatle Paul McCartCentro de Convenções Expominas
Want to get to know Expominas from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada
Photo Henry Yu – Belotur Collection
ney enchanted 53,000 fans. In September 2013, pop diva Beyoncé took 30,000 people to the Mineirão. The stadium also hosted Axé Brasil and a show by the historic heavy metal band Black Sabbath on the esplanade.
FIFA Fan FestTM Belo Horizonte takes place in the Centro de Convenções Expominas during the six days when games are to be played in the city, during the games of the Brazilian team and also on Saturdays and Sundays when there are games involving other national teams. This mega event will broadcast the games live, as well as shows by major artistes, cultural presentations and entertainment activities. It’s easy to get to the event venue by public transport, with options in bus routes and the subway. During the six days when there are games in Belo Horizonte, fans can also use the special buses from the Terminal Copa, leaving the Mineirão stadium directly for the Fan Fest. As a new departure, the event will be the first to be held indoors, in this case a huge convention center with a safe, acclimatized ambience and complete infrastructure. Av. Amazonas, 6.030, Gameleira +55 (31) 3277-4174 (Press Office) belohorizonte2014@pbh.gov.br.
Infrastructure includes local parking and security arrangements specially assembled for the day of the event. Fan Fest is totally free and in addition to the schedule of shows, there will be stands with promotional actions for visitors. Further details at: www.belo2014.com.
Ticketing Center In Belo Horizonte the FIFA Ticketing Center for the World Cup will be at the Boulevard Shopping Mall, (Av. dos Andradas, 3.000, Santa Efigênia). Supporters can pick up their tickets against proof of having purchased the tickets and an identity document or even their passport.
Fans entitled to half-price tickets must present the necessary documentation at the Ticketing Center. Those with special needs must present a doctor’s certificate. Supporters also have the option of scheduling to pick up their tickets via FIFA.com. The business hours of the structure located on the G1 parking lot of the Boulevard Shopping Mall will be differentiated, depending on the date. Fans should pay attention to the business hours schedule: From April to May:
Monday to Friday, from noon to 8:00 pm* Saturdays and Sundays, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm June 1st onwards: Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. For further information about FIFA Ticketing Center business hours, access www.FIFA.com/ingressos 25
*Beginning May 2nd, the centers will remain open seven days a week during the opening hours shown above.
Note For security reasons, FIFA will not make tickets available for pick-up at the stadium on game days. You can also have your tickets delivered to your address against payment of a delivery charge. However, ticket delivery will not be available in the case of: Tickets purchased by customers entitled to discounts, according to Law 12.663/2012 (General Law of the FIFA World CupTM); Tickets for persons with disabilities; Ticket packages containing any tickets mentioned in items I and II;
Tickets purchase during the last selling stage; National selection books of tickets for the round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals or final. In Belo Horizonte, the FVTC will function in the G1 parking lot of the Boulevard Shopping Center: Av. dos Andradas, 3.000, close to the Santa Efigênia subway station, tel. +55 (31) 2571-7538 www.boulevardshopping.com.br.
Details about ticket delivery can be found at www.fifa.com/ingressos.
The Event Belo Horizonte
• Subway: Estação Gameleira • 19 municipal bus routes • 130 metropolitan routes INFORMATION: www.bhtrans.pbh.gov.br; www.belo2014.com CAPACITY: 21,000 people PARKING: 1,500 spaces, private parking lot. Dates: June 12, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28 and 29 and July 4, 5, 8, 12 and 13, from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm. ARTISTES EXPECTED: Skank, Cesar Menotti & Fabiano, Paula Fernandes, Tuca Fernandes, Arlindo Cruz and Thiaguinho*, as well as other major shows that are being scheduled together with TV Globo, the channel responsible for hiring the attractions. There will be over 40 cultural events, including musical shows. * Schedule subject to change.
Photo Sylvio Coutinho – Reproduction
Mineirão Stadium
The Training Camps (COT) in Minas Gerais selected as part of the FIFA catalog are the Arena Independência stadium and Sesc Venda Nova.
Arena Independência Built to host the 1950 FIFA World Cuptm in Belo Horizonte, the Arena Independência stadium was the stage for three games during the championship, one of which was considered the greatest upset in the history of the
FIFA World CupTM, the 1-nil victory by the USA over England. With an investment of R$ 149 million, the Raimundo Sampaio stadium was re-inaugurated on April 25, 2012. It is the home of América Futebol Clube and of Atlético Mineiro, Libertadores da América champions in 2013. As in the case of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013, the stadium will be a training camp during the World Cup. Rua Pitangui, 3.388, Horto
Sesc Venda Nova Located 17 km from downtown Belo Horizonte, Sesc has a training camp that meets the standards and size
Arena Independência
Photo Tarcisio de Paula
Photo Gil Leonardi – Imprensa MG
Sesc Venda Nova
The National Team training centers in Minas Gerais chosen by the national teams of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are the Cidade do Galo, Toca da Raposa II and the city of Sete Lagoas, respectively.
Cidade do Galo With an area of 250,000 m², the training center of Clube Atlético Mineiro in Vespasiano was elected the best TC in Brazil in a study by the Federal University of Viçosa-MG and by the subscriber TV channel, SporTv. The first national team that opted to stay in Minas was Argentina, in October of 2013. Double champions in 1978 and 1986, “los hermanos” chose Cidade do Galo to be their headquarters during the tournament. Rod. MG-424, Km 21, Jardim da Glória, Vespasiano
Toca da Raposa II The training center of Cruzeiro Esporte Clube, was already familiar to the national team coached by Argentine
coach Jorge Sampaoli. In the friendly between Brazil and Chile, in April 2013, the national team stayed at the venue and the manager was full of praise for the infrastructure of the TC, considered one of the world’s most modern. Operating since 2002, Toca II is located in an area of 83,000l m² in the Pampulha region. It has four training pitches, an 26-room hotel and modern dietary and medical departments. The differentiating feature of the venue is the Advanced Sports Rehabilitation Center, (Brazilian acronym, CARE) designed for the development of activities for preventing injuries. Rua Adolfo Lippi Fonseca, Trevo, Pampulha
Sete Lagoas Some 70 km from the capital, Sete Lagoas will host Uruguay, two-time World champions (1930 and 1950) and Brazil’s bogey team. The choice was announced in early 2104. The team consisting of Suárez, Cavani and Forlán will stay at the JN Resort and train in the Arena do Jacaré stadium that hosted games of the Brazilian championship and Copa Libertadores while the Mineirão and Arena Independência stadiums were being renovated. In 2009, the Arena do Jacaré stadium was refurbished to increase its capacity: new seats were installed as well as new press facilities, entrances and exit. Rua Bernardo Alves Costa, 478, Downtown, Sete Lagoas
The Event Belo Horizonte
required by FIFA, and provides accommodation in suites and chalets. During the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013, it hosted the Brazilian national team. Rua Maria Borboleta, s/nº, Venda Nova
Urugay National Team Hotel
Photo Aline Soares – SETES-MG Collection
Photo Gil Leonardi – Imprensa MG
Arena do Jacaré
Schedule of Games GROUP A Date
Time Venue
June 12 Thursday 17h São Paulo June 13 Friday 13h Natal June 17 Tuesday 16h Fortaleza Manaus June 18 Wednesday 18h* June 23 Monday 17h Brasília June 23 Monday 17h Recife
Brazil Mexico Brazil Croatia Brazil Croatia
x x x x x x
Croatia Cameroon Mexico Cameroon Cameroon Mexico
Colombia Ivory Coast Colombia Greece Colombia Greece
x x x x x x
Greece Japan Ivory Coast Japan Japan Ivory Coast
Switzerland France Switzerland Ecuador Switzerland Ecuador
x x x x x x
Ecuador Honduras France Honduras Honduras France
Germany Ghana Germany Portugal Germany Portugal
x x x x x x
Portugal United States Ghana United States United States Ghana
Time Venue
June 14 Saturday 13h June 14 Saturday 22h June 19 Thursday 13h June 19 Thursday 19h June 24 Tuesday 16h* June 24 Tuesday 17h
Belo Horizonte Recife Brasília Natal Cuiabá Fortaleza
Time Venue
June 15 Sunday 13h Brasília Porto Alegre June 15 Sunday 16h June 20 Friday 16h Salvador June 20 Friday 19h Curitiba Manaus June 25 Wednesday 16h* Rio de Janeiro June 25 Wednesday 17h
Time Venue
June 16 Monday 13h June 16 Monday 19h June 21 Saturday 16h June 22 Sunday 18h* June 26 Thursday 13h June 26 Thursday 13h
Salvador Natal Fortaleza Manaus Recife Brasília
1º A
June 28 | 13h | Saturday | Belo Horizonte
2º B
1º C
June 28 | 17h | Saturday | Rio de janeiro
2º D
1º E
June 30 | 13h | Monday | Brasília
2º F
1º G
June 30 | 17h | Monday | Porto Alegre
2º H
1º B
June 29 | 13h | Sunday | Fortaleza
2º A
A 1
July 4 | 17h | Friday | Fortaleza
July 4 | 13h | Friday | Rio de Janeiro
July 5 | 17h | Saturday | Salvador
July 5 | 13h | Saturday | Brasília
5 7
2 4 1º D
June 29 | 17h | Sunday | Recife
2º C
1º F
July 1 | 13h | Tuesday | São Paulo
2º E
1º H
July 1 | 17h | Tuesday | Salvador
2º G
6 8
Time Venue
June 13 Friday 16h Salvador 18h* Cuiabá June 13 Friday Porto Alegre June 18 Wednesday 13h Rio de Janeiro June 18 Wednesday 16h June 23 Monday 13h Curitiba São Paulo June 23 Monday 13h
Spain Chile Netherlands Spain Spain Netherlands
x x x x x x
Netherlands Australia Australia Chile Australia Chile
Uruguay England Uruguay Costa Rica Uruguay Costa Rica
x x x x x x
Costa Rica Italy England Italy Italy England
Argentina Iran Argentina Bosnia Argentina Bosnia
x x x x x x
Bosnia Nigeria Iran Nigeria Nigeria Iran
Belgium Russia Algeria Belgium Belgium Algeria
x x x x x x
Algeria Coreia do Sul Coreia do Sul Russia Coreia do Sul Russia
Time Venue
June 14 Saturday 16h Fortaleza Manaus June 14 Saturday 18h* São Paulo June 19 Thursday 16h June 20 Friday 13h Recife June 24 Tuesday 13h Natal June 24 Tuesday 13h Belo Horizonte
Time Venue
June 15 Sunday 19h June 16 Monday 16h June 21 Saturday 13h June 21 Saturday 18h* June 25 Wednesday 13h June 25 Wednesday 13h
Rio de Janeiro Curitiba Belo Horizonte Cuiabá Porto Alegre Salvador
Time Venue
June 17 Tuesday 13h June 17 Tuesday 18h* June 22 Sunday 16h June 22 Sunday 13h June 26 Thursday 17h June 26 Thursday 17h
Belo Horizonte Cuiabá Porto Alegre Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Curitiba
July 8 | 17h | Tuesday | Belo Horizonte
July 9 | 17h | Wednesday | São Paulo
Loser 1
July 12 | 17h | Saturday | Brasília
Loser 2
II Winner 1
July 13 | 16h | Sunday | Rio de Janeiro
Winner 2
Games 2014 FIFA World Cup BrazilTM
Manaus and Cuiabá: local kick-off time for the games is GMT -4; the times of the other games are GMT -3
2014 FIFA World Cup BrazilTM
Photo Diego Gazola
Opening hours and entry charges are subject to change. Other information, access: www.belohorizonte.mg.gov.br, www.belo2014.com and www.minasgerais.com.br For information about bus and subway schedules and itineraries access: www.bhtrans.pbh.gov.br
Venda Nova
Central Southern
Where to Go
Those visiting the city during the FIFA World CupTM will have the opportunity to get to know the downtown area that is home to several of the city’s most important tourist attractions, including the Circuito Cultural Praça da Liberdade, with its museums and cultural spaces close to other historical buildings, churches, parks and museums. Also, shops and the services sector are concentrated in this region, which means lots of people milling around during the week. Another region with countless attractions is Pampulha, the ultimate symbol of the elegant architecture bearing the signature of Oscar Niemeyer. The harmonious architectural complex includes a series of buildings surrounding Lagoa da Pampulha: The Igreja de São Francisco, famous for its composition of shapes and wall tiles by Cândido Portinari, the museum, the former casino, the Casa de Baile and the Iate Tênis Club.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte
Photo Henry Yu – Belotur Collection
Pampulha 32
A Candidate for the Cultural Heritage of Humanity
complex draws thousands of tourists to witness icons of modernity in the curves of the Igreja de São Francisco, Museu de Arte, Casa Kubitschek and Casa de Baile designed by Niemeyer under the developmentalist outlook of the mayor at the time, JK. Pampulha Airport, built in front of the lake, was added to the complex, followed by the campus of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), the ZooBotanical Garden Foundation and the Mineirão and Mineirinho stadiums.
Lagoa da Pampulha
Avenida Otacílio Negrão de Lima, s/nº
The picture postcard of Belo Horizonte, Lagoa da Pampulha, skirted by 18 kilometers of avenues, globally represents what the modernists had to offer in the 1940s. Tourists and city dwellers can experience the complex of urbanistic interventions and constructions that reveal the interaction between architecture, plastic arts and landscaping.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Pampulha
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Juscelino Kubitschek’s inspiration to build the Complex arose out of his desire to create in Belo Horizonte an area that would be a reference in leisure and fun. Today, Lagoa da Pampulha and its surroundings make it easy for people to mix, primarily those who enjoy open-air sports. There are many options: you can take a bike ride on the cycle path, go for walks, take part in street races (the highlight is the International Lap of Pampulha, among other activities. The wealth of the
The most famous request by the mayor at the time, Juscelino Kubitschek, to Niemeyer, Pampulha is the crowning symbol of the city’s elegant architecture. JK hired the architect to build a series of buildings around the artificial lake at Pampulha: the Igreja de São Francisco, famous for its composition of shapes and tiles by Cândido Portinari, the casino, the Casa de Baile, the club and the hotel, the latter being the only one that didn’t get off the drawing board. The other four buildings were inaugurated in 1943, with the exception of the Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, concluded in 1945.
Iate Tênis Clube Photo Diego Gazola
Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 1.350
Photo Diego Gazola
The club, when seen from outside, reminds us of a boat about to take to sea. Designed in 1942, it was an architectural innovation with broken pitch-roofs sloping in the opposite direction to traditional roofs, like butterfly wings. This type of roof became a fashion in Belo Horizonte and featured on constructions in Minas and Brazil of the period. The side walls surrounded by glass afford a feeling of freedom. The main hall houses a painting by Portinari, known as “O Jogo” (The Game). This can only be observed from the outside.
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Don’t miss the phrases written by Oscar Niemeyer on the lower righthand side of the panel.
Casa do Baile
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 751 Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-7443 www.pbh.gov.br/cultura Entrance is free
It was designed in 1943 to be a popular dance venue. It is currently a Center for Architecture and Urbanism, with a beautiful view of Lagoa da Pampulha and the Museu de Arte da Pampulha. It shows movies about the construction of the Pampulha Complex and maintains an intense schedule of cultural exhibitions. Its internal area houses a huge panel with drawings by Oscar Niemeyer himself.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Pampulha
Photo Diego Gazola
The “Igrejinha da Pampulha” was Niemeyer’s last construction in the complex. In 1943, the modern visual had an impact on a society unable to comprehend the building as a religious temple, which meant the church remained closed until 1959, when it was finally consecrated. Note the gardens by Burle Marx and the pastilles by Luiz Pedrosa. Inside, the highlights are the paintings of the Way of the Cross and a panel on the wall of the main altar painted by Portinari and the bronze bas-reliefs of the baptistery by sculptor Alfredo Ceschiatti.
Igreja São Francisco de Assis Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 3.000 Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Sundays, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm +55 (31) 3427-1644 There is a visitor’s fee Want to get to know Igreja São Francisco de Assis from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada 36
Photo Diego Gazola
Igreja de São Francisco de Assis is the highlight of the Pampulha Complex. Designed in the form of an arch, it has 14 exquisite canvases relating the Way of the Cross, and a modern mural showing Saint Francis of Assisi, in addition to beautiful external tiles painted by Cândido Portinari. At least in the early days the project raised some controversy and criticism.
Mineirão Stadium and Museu Brasileiro de Futebol Av. Antônio Abrahão Caram, 1.001 Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday, from 09:00 am to 01:00 pm +55 (31) 3499-4300 www.minasarena.com.br Entrance is free The Mineirão and the museum will be closed during the World Cup event. Want to get to know Mineirão from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada
The Governador Magalhães Pinto Stadium, known as the Mineirão, was completely modernized and converted into an international-standard multiuse arena. The stadium, located along with the works of Oscar Niemeyer in the Pampulha Complex, holds 65,000 supporters and will host six games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014™. Like the world’s major stadiums, the Mineirão houses a museum dedicated to football, as a differential and additional attraction for the sporting public. A visit here is a way of tracing the history of the sport and living the emotions and experiences that only football can provide.
Photo Sylvio Coutinho – Reproduction
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Pampulha
Construction of the stadium began in 1959, and when it was finally completed in 1965 it became a benchmark in the civil construction industry because of its bold design. On December 21, 2012, the new stadium was re-opened after having being modernized, but retaining its façade which is listed by the Historical Heritage of Belo Horizonte. Since its re-inauguration, the arena has hosted historic international football decisions, as well as world-famous musical stars.
Photo Nathália Turcheti – PBH Collection
Landscapist Roberto Burle Marx and the architect Oscar Niemeyer created a life-long partnership in which architecture went hand in hand with the richness of the Brazilian fauna. Here we have yet another fine example. The gardens occupying the front and the rear of the house are worthy of special attention.
Casa Kubitschek Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 4.188 Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-1586 Entrance is free
The house was designed in 1943 to be the weekend residence of the mayor at the time, Juscelino Kubitschek. Recently renovated, with the assistance of Niemeyer, it retains its original design with its butterfly wing roof in the same style as the Iate Tênis Clube. Inside the house, the organization of space and the details of the decoration incremented by the panels by Alfredo Volpi and Paulo Werneck reveal the traits of the modern architecture of Oscar Niemeyer. The idea is to enhance the visitor’s experience in regard to the ways of living in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, a unique period for the consolidation of modernist thought in Minas Gerais and its manifestations in architecture, urbanism, landscaping and the arts.
Photos Diego Gazola
Photo Adão de Souza – PBH Collection
Be sure to take a walk through the gardens by Burle Marx, visit the sculptures of Ceschiatti, Zamoinsk and José Pedrosa, and have a coffee and cheese bread in the coffee bar inside where you can buy souvenirs of the city.
Museu de Arte da Pampulha (MAP) Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 16.585 Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Thursdays from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-7996 www.pbh.gov.br/cultura Entrance is free
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Pampulha
The former Cassino da Pampulha, founded in 1942, was the first project prepared by Niemeyer in the Pampulha Architectural Complex. The casino used to attract gamblers from all over Brazil, transforming the nightlife, which included major musical shows. In 1946 gambling was banned in Brazil and the so-called Crystal Palace, because of its mirrors of crystal that covered the walls of the building, became a museum in 1957. The MAP has a small theater with an illuminated glass dance floor, a novelty at the time. The first and second floors are dedicated to occasional cultural exhibitions. The venue consists of a combination of free and stage areas, with the use of perspectives on the mirrored walls and an original set of curves and ramps in addition to its marbles and stainless steel columns.
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
The first of its kind in Brazil, the Aquarium is considered the largest freshwater aquarium in Brazil. Located inside the Belo Horizonte Zoo, it has an area of around 3,000 m² and reflects the fauna of the São Francisco river basin, including 1,200 fish of 50 different species, including white piranha, three-spot leporinus, ornate pim, catfish and surubim. The São Francisco Aquarium, with a capacity of 450,000 liters of water, represents an “arm” of the Velho Chico (Old Chico), with scenery representing both the margins and the bottom of the river.
Aquário da Bacia do Rio São Francisco Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 8.000 Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-8489 www.pbh.gov.br/fundacaozoobotanica There is a visitor’s fee
Photo Diego Gazola
The foundation studies biology and the creation and maintenance of fish in captivity. The idea is to focus on environmental education in order to preserve the São Francisco river. In the tanks one can see surubim, dourados, brycon and several other species from this river that rises in the Serra da Canastra National Park and crosses six large Brazilian states, running through the Cerrado, the Caatinga and the Atlantic Forest biomes.
Parque Ecológico da Pampulha Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 6.061 Tuesdays to Thursdays for group bookings; Fridays to Sundays, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-7439 www.pbh.gov.br/fundacaozoobotanica Entrance is free
With 30 hectares of green area, the park is a privileged space for leisure, entertainment and quality of life amidst the agitation of life in the metropolis. The venue has several options for playing sports, such as gymnastics equipment, walking tracks and bicycles. Located inside the park, the famous Memorial to the Japanese immigration between Minas and Japan, and is one of the largest monuments reflecting the Japanese culture outside that country. The Ecology Park is part of the Pampulha Architectural and Landscape Complex.
Photo Carlos Avelin – PBH Collection
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Pampulha
The heritage of Belo Horizonte, this park has the capacity to receive no less than five thousand people at weekends. It is also a stage for musical shows, dance spectacles, theatrical plays and educational events.
Jardim Zoológico Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 8.000 Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-8489 www.pbh.gov.br/fundacaozoobotanica There is a visitor’s fee
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
endemic species and those threatened with extinction, as well as greenhouses and thematic gardens, squares, lakes, fountains and an amphitheater. Photo Diego Gazola
The Zoological Garden is home to around 3,000 animals, including reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals representing the 5 continents, and is one of the most complete in Latin America. The various environmental projects include the Animal Welfare project that seeks to reduce the stress that animals experience in captivity, including environmental enrichment to reproduce the animal’s habitat in the enclosure. The Zoo also has 10 hectares of Botanic Gardens, consisting of an extensive variety of flora, the highlights being rare and
such as pine trees, cherry trees, azaleas and bamboo. Decorative bridges and lanterns, lakes of colored carp and cascades complete the scene.
Jardim Japonês Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 8.000 Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-8489 www.pbh.gov.br/fundacaozoobotanica There is a visitor’s fee
The Japanese Garden occupies an area of 5,000 m2 with a landscape inspired in the beautiful gardens back in Japan. There you can admire artificial cascades, trees like the oriental pine, cherry trees, azaleas and bamboo in their habitat. The highlights are the entrance gate (Torii), two stone lanterns (Torôs), the bridge (Taiko Bashi) and the traditional tea house (Sukiya).
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Pampulha
Photo Diego Gazola
Located in the Zoo, close to the main entrance, the garden was created by Japanese landscape artists Haruho Ieda. He planted trees typical of Japan,
Belotur Collection
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Central Southern
Praça do Papa
Av. Agulhas Negras, s/n°, Mangabeiras
“What a beautiful horizon!” So said Pope John Paul II when commenting on the view from Praça Israel Pinheiro, high up in the Mangabeiras district. Following the open-air mass in 1980, the square came to be called Praça do Papa, where a monument was also raised.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Photo Miguel Aun – Belotur Collection
Surrounded by the Serra do Curral mountains, Praça Governador Israel Pinheiro became known as the Praça do Papa in 1980, when Pope John Paul II visited Belo Horizonte. At the time, a stage was set up so that he could bless the city. A monument was erected to commemorate the historic visit of an ecclesiastical authority with enormous popular charisma. Since then, Praça do Papa has become a privileged stage for large religious gatherings and musical shows. Located in the Mangabeiras district, close to the foot of the Serra do Curral mountains at an altitude of over 1,100 meters, the square is a lovely place to go for a stroll and take in the panorama of the city.
Elected by the population in 1997 as the symbol of the city, the Serra do Curral mountains represent an important part of the history of Minas Gerais. The Park covers an area of approximately 400,000 m², with trails of varying difficulty, viewing points and places for hanging out. An excellent venue for walking, leisure, rest and contemplation. For longer walks it is necessary to make bookings: www.parqueserradocurral.com.br.
Parque Serra do Curral Praça Estado de Israel, Av. José do Patrocínio Pontes, 1.951, Mangabeiras Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-8120 Entrance is free
Photo Breno Pataro – PBH Collection
Parque das Mangabeiras
The park is considered one of Latin America’s largest urban parks. It has three entrances leading to signed trails, with various samples of vegetation, including the large trees.
Photo Henry Yu – Belotur Collection
Av. José do Patrocínio Pontes, 580, Mangabeiras Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-8277 Entrance is free Want to get to know Parque das Mangabeiras from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Etched into the Serra do Curral, part of the cultural heritage of Belo Horizonte, Parque das Mangabeiras was designed by landscape artist, Roberto Burle Marx. It is one of the most beautiful ecological redoubts in Belo Horizonte, with the city’s largest green area, 2,3 million m² of native woods where one can do trail walking and other outdoor sports. It also has kiosks, multipurpose sports courts, a playground for kids and arenas for shows and theater, with a diversified cultural agenda.
The viewing point offers visitors a beautiful panorama of the city and Parque das Mangabeiras. There are two wooden decks on different levels, so as to afford comfort and a better view of the landscape of the capital of Minas.
Belo Horizonte has been called the “garden city” because of its extensive green areas. The parks and squares help to maintain the quality of life of its inhabitants.
Mirante do Mangabeiras Rua Pedro José Pardo, 1.000, Mangabeiras Daily, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm +55 (31) 3246-5030 Entrance is free
Photo Celso Santa Rosa – FMP Collection
though it’s heavy, it seems to go up instead of down. Folklore, an optical illusion or a physical phenomenon? Science explains that the illusion is based on the topography: what appears to be an upward gradient is in fact a downward one.
Photo Diego Gazola
The official name of Rua do Amendoim is Rua Professor Otávio Coelho Magalhães, in the Mangabeiras. When water is thrown on the ground, instead of running down it runs up. The more common experiment is to leave the car in neutral gear, and even
Photo Diego Gazola
Rua Professor Otávio Coelho Magalhães, 910, Mangabeiras It is recommended taking a car in order to experience the phenomenon
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Rua do Amendoim
About 70 years ago, Savassi was just the name of a bread shop founded by the brothers Hugo and Juca Savassi. It stood on the corner of Avenida Getúlio Vargas and Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, in the middle of Praça 13 de Maio, later renamed Praça Diogo de Vasconcelos. But the people referred to it as Praça da Savassi. The bread shop has long since disappeared, but the name stayed and has become one of the capital’s most frequented regions. Not even the explosion of shopping malls in the 1990s diverted attention from Savassi, which got a new lease of life with the arrival of the bookshop cafeterias. It is there that different tendencies meet and exist in perfect harmony, with no rush. A huge variety of stores mixes with charming restaurants and nightclubs, attracting a wide range of publics.
Photos Diego Gazola
The Savassi neighborhood’s attractions include bookshops that deserve a visit. These are establishments that go beyond the habitual recipe, with multiple services, coffee shops, restaurants, art galleries and ambient music, so that selling books is just a pretext for a small cultural center to function. The first bookshop of this type opened in 1996 and was attached to a chocolate factory. The factory closed, but the idea of cultural enrichment took root, and today there are several such addresses.
Photo Diego Gazola
The region is a meeting point with extensive and varied options for shopping, a generous offering of cultural events, and a vibrant night life. What could be nicer than having a coffee with traditional cheese bread, taking advantage of the end of the afternoon and watching the world go by. If you feel like a full, typically “mineiro” breakfast, be sure to enjoy the most delicious delicacies made from local produce in charming and differentiated surroundings.
Praça da Savassi
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Popularly known as Praça da Savassi, Praça Diogo de Vasconcelos is located in the Funcionários, a regions that has also come to be called Savassi. Today, the district is full of bars, restaurants and commercial establishments. During the day it is a transit route for students and workers, but at night it takes on new contours and become the perfect destination for those looking for fun.
Photo Diego Gazola
Av. Cristóvão Colombo at Av. Getúlio Vargas, Savassi
Photo Marcelo Rosa – Belotur Collection
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Praรงa da Liberdade
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Praça da Liberdade, the former seat of power of the state executive, is today a cultural circuit full of museums of art and culture, installed in buildings dating from the late 19th century in eclectic and neoclassical style that create a beautiful complex. Located in the downtown area, the Circuit is currently Brazil’s largest cultural complex. There are ten spaces and museums in all: Arquivo Público Mineiro, Biblioteca Pública Estadual Luiz de Bessa, Centro de Arte Popular Cemig, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Espaço do Conhecimento UFMG, Memorial Minas Gerais Vale, Museu das Minas e do Metal, Museu Mineiro, Palácio da Liberdade and Casa da Economia Criativa.
Praça da Liberdade
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Circuito Cultural Praça da Liberdade Praça da Liberdade, s/n° Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm; Thursdays from 9:00 am to 9:30 pm (Visitors Information Center) +55 (31) 3272-9584 and 3239-2000 www.circuitoculturalliberdade.mg.gov.br
Other information, access www.circuitoculturalliberdade.com.br Praça da Liberdade is today a cultural and architectural complex that marks the historical center of Belo Horizonte. Its construction began at the same time as the city’s, to be the seat of government in Minas. In 2010, with the conclusion of the new government offices at Cidade Administrativa, the offices of various government departments gave way to the Circuito Cultural Praça da Liberdade.
Praça da Liberdade 55
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Photo Isabel Baldoni – PBH Collection
The Circuit was created to emphasize cultural diversity – with interactive options that are open to the public – in an area of huge symbolic, historical and architectural value. The itinerary located in downtown Belo Horizonte enables visitors to visit the modern attractions housed in the historical buildings.
Photo Gil Leonardi – Imprensa MG Collection
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB) Praça da Liberdade, 450, Funcionários Wednesday to Monday, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm (closed on Tuesdays) +55 (31) 3431-9400 www.bb.com.br/cultura Entrance is free 56
When visiting the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil in Belo Horizonte, don’t miss the majestic stairway in the building’s entrance hall. Built from granite, it attracts attention thanks to its metal structure with stained glass at the back. A visit to the patio is also a must – from there you can see every internal window of the building and catch a glimpse of the stained glass window from the outside.
The CCBB in Belo Horizonte organizes activities in the fields of plastic arts, scenic arts, music and educational itineraries. With its comfortable facilities and regular diversified itineraries, the Centro Cultural provides space for temporary exhibitions; a theater with
a 270-seat capacity; multiuse rooms for audiovisual activities, debates, conferences, lectures and interactive and educational activities, in addition to inviting surrounding for get-togethers, leisure, a food court and a store selling cultural products.
Praça da Liberdade
Photo Diego Gazola
visitors to discover a little more about the history and characteristics of the state. A not-to-be missed attraction of the Minas Gerais – Vale Memorial is the “História de Belo Horizonte” room that tells the story of the construction of the city and some of its urban legends.
Memorial Minas Gerais Vale
Photo Diego Gazola
Praça da Liberdade, s/n°, Funcionários Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm; Thursdays, from 10:00 am to 9:30 pm; Sundays, from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm +55 (31) 3308-4000 www.memorialvale.com.br Entrance is free
The “Panteão da Política Mineira” room is yet another highlight that tells the story of the “Inconfidência Mineira”, (Translators Note: the rebellion in Minas against the Portuguese Crown) through its principal characters brought to life in interactive sets.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
To draw attention to the cultural and historical heritage of Minas as an important source of experiences and emotions – this is the intention of the Memorial Minas Gerais. The space brings together contemporary, popular and folkloric manifestations that encourage
The Museum houses an important collection of two of the principal economic activities of Minas Gerais: mining and metallurgy. Putting metallurgy and mining into an historical perspective, the Museum’s 18 rooms
present a creative and fascinating universe of metals, mineral ores and their components. There are 44 attractions on the subject, of which 11 are dedicated to the principal mines in the state.
In the Museum, be sure not to miss the trip to the Morro Velho mine, which is only possible thanks to technology: a virtual elevator simulates the descent to a depth of 2,450 meters, in the company of the illustrious monarchs D. Pedro II and the Empress Teresa Cristina.
Museu das Minas e do Metal Praça da Liberdade, s/n°, Funcionários Tuesday to Sunday, from noon to 5:00 pm; Thursdays from noon to 9:00 pm +55 (31) 3516-7200 www.mmm.org.br Entrance is free
Photo Jomar Bragança
Praça da Liberdade
Photo Miguel Aun – Belotur Collection
Rua Gonçalves Dias, 1.608, Funcionários Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm; Thursdays, from noon to 9:00 pm; Saturdays and Sundays, from noon to 7:00 pm +55 (31) 3222-3231 www.circuitoculturalliberdade.com.br Entrance is free
A privileged area for divulging and appreciating popular art from all over the state of Minas Gerais, the museum’s collection leads visitors into the imagination of different artists. Their works connect us with the origins, history and beliefs of a people whose very hands bear reference to the “mineira” culture. Visitors can study a collection consisting of sculptures in wooden and ceramics, among other materials.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Centro de Arte Popular Cemig
Photo Diego Gazola
The Arquivo Público Mineiro, the public records office, is an icon in the state and its oldest cultural institution. Its premises offer visitors access to thousands of documents that take us back to the colonial, imperial and republican periods. Worthy of special note are the photographic collections, the collection of maps produced in the 18th century, the records of the routines of the different characters of the “Inconfidência Mineira” and a collection of movies that include shorts, documentaries and solemnities that were milestones in the history of Minas Gerais during the 20th century.
Arquivo Público Mineiro Rua João Pinheiro, 372, Funcionários Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm +55 (31) 3269-1167 Entrance is free
Photo FlÁvio de Paula – APM Collection
Biblioteca Pública Luiz de Bessa Praça da Liberdade, 21, Funcionários From 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (Books for loan, reference and periodic studies); from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (Braille, kids and youths, newspaper library and special collections); Saturdays, from 8:00 am to noon (Books for loan, reference, periodic studies, Braille and kids and youths) +55 (31) 3269-1166 Entrance is free
The library building has a curved format with large windows and characteristic columns. However, in what is the city’s largest public library, the original project of Niemeyer was never totally completed. His plans were for a six-storey building, but once again, because of financial considerations three of these were eliminated. Thus the building was partially concluded in 1961.
Praça da Liberdade 61
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Photo Diego Gazola Photo Diego Gazola
It was created in 1954 by Oscar Niemeyer, during the government of Juscelino Kubitscheck. It is a democratic area with free access to informative and literary reading. Its primary objective is to collate, preserve and make available the library heritage of Minas Gerais. With over 300,000 titles available, its collection has been fully digitalized. It receives around 1,500 visitors every day, while the highlight is also the architecture designed on the drawing boards of Niemeyer.
Photo Diego Gazola
With a diversity and a itinerary that respects cultural multiplicity while explaining the dialog between science and other aspects of everyday life, it is a dynamic museum that uses technological and audiovisual resources with an entertaining and interactive approach. One of its highlights is the Astronomy terrace and its digital facade. Images are projected at night, bringing together art, science and experimentation to create an interface between the museum and the public space.
Espaço do Conhecimento UFMG Praça da Liberdade, s/n°, Funcionários Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; Thursdays from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm +55 (31) 3409-8350 www.espacodoconhecimento.org.br Entrance is free
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Praça da Liberdade
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Museu Mineiro
The collection reflects the different stages of the cultural formation of the state. There are over 2,600 objects collated in 36 collections originating from different sources. These include historical paintings, archeological discoveries, furniture, collections of guns and weapons, sacred statues and liturgical equipment dating from the 18th and 19th centuries. It also houses the Pinacotheca collection of paintings, engravings and sculptures.
Photo Diego Gazola
Av. João Pinheiro, 342, Funcionários Tuedays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9: am to 7:00 pm; Thursdays, from noon to 9:00 pm; Saturdays and Sundays, from noon to 7:00 pm +55 (31) 3269-1109 www.cultura.mg.gov.br Entrance is free
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Occupying a former house, the museum revisits the culture and history of the time it was built (1910), giving us a glimpse of the experiences and the popular dwellings of the time by exhibiting extracts from works by contemporary authors. A cozy place where the public can feel at home to interact and obtain all kinds of information about entrepreneurship in the creative economy, it is also an ideal place for generating new ideas, where creative people can exchange ideas and for engaging in initiatives that foster the creative economy in the state.
Casa da Economia Criativa Rua Santa Rita DurĂŁo, 1.275, FuncionĂĄrios Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3379-9275 Entrance is free
Arquivo Sebrae
Palácio da Liberdade Praça da Liberdade, Funcionários Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm +55 (31) 3217-9538 Entrance is free Want to get to know Praça da Liberdade from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada
Restoration work on Palácio da Liberdade revealed several surprises, including works of art and even an internal patio. Visitors to the Palace can visit its rooms, study the candelabra in gilded bronze, the parquet flooring, the crystal chandeliers, the allegorical panels, the turrets, the beautiful main staircase from Belgium, the sumptuous furniture and its beautiful garden.
Praça da Liberdade 65
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Photo Diego Gazola
Historical headquarters of the State Government, the Palácio da Liberdade is one the major picture postcards of Belo Horizonte. One of the principal works of the architectural complex on Praça da Liberdade, the building was the stage for political and social decisions that were milestones in the history of the people of Minas and Brazil. The architecture of Palácio da Liberdade reflects the strong European influence at the time when Belo Horizonte was inaugurated, and can be seen in the eclectic style in which neoclassicism predominates. With regard to the decoration, the styles range from Louis XV, to Moorish to art nouveau.
Photo Diego Gazola
Inaugurated in 1971, Palácio das Artes is managed by Fundação Clóvis Salgado, which is responsible for three traditional artistic entities: the Symphony Orchestra of Minas Gerais, the Lyrical Choir of Minas Gerais and the Palácio das Artes Dance Company. These groups reflect the value given to culture in Minas.
Palácio das Artes Av. Afonso Pena, 1.537, Downtown Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm; Sundays and public holidays, from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm +55 (31) 3236-7400 www.fcs.mg.gov.br Entrance is free
Photo Paulo Lacerda – Fundação Clóvis Salgado Collection
In the Teatro Grande, luxuriously decorated, there are always music, theatrical and dance spectacles, as well as other manifestations. It also has two additional theaters, three art galleries, a cinema, a bookshop and a cafeteria, in addition to the Centro de Artesanato Mineiro (CEART) that promotes regional handcrafts and encourages production through different projects and related activities.
Photo Diego Gazola
Museu Inimá de Paula
Photo Diego Gazola
Rua da Bahia, 1.201, Downtown Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm; Thursdays, from noon to 9:00 pm; Sundays, from noon to 7:00 pm +55 (31) 3213-4320 www.museuinimadepaula.org.br Entrance is free
The Museu Inimá de Paula houses a permanent collection dedicated to the painter, Inimá, providing full coverage of his life and works. Around 80 of the artist’s works are on show, in constant rotation, along with the refurbishment of his atelier, Self-portrait room and Virtual Gallery. Inaugurated in 2008.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Photo Diego Gazola
Centro de Cultura de Belo Horizonte (CCBH) occupies one of the city’s most elegant buildings in a privileged location. The neo-gothic, Manueline-style building was built in 1914, and during its more than 100 years’ existence it has housed important historical and cultural institutions of Belo Horizonte. Today, it also has a Fashion Reference Center and houses an extensive and diversified collection, from luxurious ball gowns, tail coats and fine lingerie, to extravagant hats, trusses, gloves and other accessories.
Centro de Cultura e Centro de Referência da Moda
Photo Carlos Avelim – PBH Collection
Rua da Bahia, 1.149, Downtown Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-4384 www.pbh.gov.br/cultura Entrance is free
Photo Diego Gazola
Under management of Fundação Clóvis Salgado, the fruit of a partnership between the Minas Gerais State Department of Culture and Instituto Moreira Salles, it helps to promote discussions and the study of the visual arts. It houses projects for integrating young people with the artistic universe, in addition to exhibitions by Brazilian and international artists.
Photo Diego Gazola
Av. Afonso Pena, 734, Downtown Tuesday to Saturday, from 9:30 to 10:00pm; Sundays from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm +55 (31) 3222-6917 www.fcs.mg.gov.br Entrance is free
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Centro de Arte Contemporânea e Fotografia
Photo Divino Advincula – PBH Collection
Conceived by a local group of artists and art critics, this fair first appeared on Praça da Liberdade in 1969. It soon became a meeting point and drew the attention of visitors and tourists to the wealth and diversity of the work on show. The fair expanded beyond the limits of the square and was transferred to Avenida Afonso Pena in 1991.
Feira de Arte e Artesanato da Afonso Pena Av. Afonso Pena, 1.060, Downtown Sundays, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-4914 Entrance is free 70
Photo Divino Advincula – PBH Collection
Those is in BH at weekends can purchase handcrafted products from several regions around the state. The colors of the awnings separate the different sectors of the fair, which includes food courts, decorations, furniture, cloths and footwear, toys, handcrafts, tapestries, embroidery and plastic arts. The fair receives around 75,000 visitors from Brazil and around the world, always on Sundays. Today there are around 3,000 exhibitors.
Photo Celso Santa Rosa – PBH Collection
The city’s first area for leisure and meditation, the Parque Municipal was inaugurated in 1897. The extensive green area hosts more than 50 species of trees where different items of leisure equipment can be found. Today, the area also serves as an environmental education center, with room for engaging in sports and an extensive cultural itinerary. It also has a bust of Anita Garibaldi and the Monument to the founders and builders of Belo Horizonte – busts of Aarão Reis, Afonso Pena, Augusto de Lima and Bias Fortes.
Conceived by engineer Aarão Reis and designed by French architect, Paul Villond, it was the capital’s first public garden, a kind of “lung” for BH. Its promenades are full of runners enjoying the 180,000 m² of green area.
Photo Celso Santa Rosa – PBH Collection
Av. Afonso Pena, 1.377, Downtown Tuesday to Sunday, from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-4161 Entrance is free
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Parque Municipal Américo Renné Gianetti
Photo Diego Gazola
The Cine Theatro Brasil located on Praça Sete, was built in 1932 by architect Ângelo Murgel in art deco style. At that time it attained the status of the largest cinema in Latin America. It currently functions as a cultural center and has two theaters, one with a seating capacity of 1000 and another with 200 seats, as well as two galleries, a multiuse area and a bistro coffee shop.
Cine Theatro Brasil Vallourec Rua dos Carijós, 258, Downtown Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3222-4389 www.vmcentrodecultura.com.br Entrance charges according to the schedule
Photo Diego Gazola
Praça Rui Barbosa (da Estação)
It was an old railroad branch line that brought all the material needed for building the new capital. In 1888, Belo Horizonte got its first public clock, placed high up in the station tower. Rapid growth led to the need to build a new railroad station, inaugurated in 1922, in neoclassic style. The square is also home to the Monumento da Terra Mineira, a bronze statue in honor of the heroes of the rebellion against the Portuguese, and a rectangular building that served as the dormitories and offices of the Rede Ferroviária Federal S/A (Translator’s Note: the former Brazilian Federal Railroad Company). It is currently one of the major public spaces for holding shows and cultural events.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
Avenida dos Andradas, 201, Downtown
Photo Diego Gazola
Most of the items in the collection were donated by Ângela Gutierrez, a cultural entrepreneur, daughter of Flávio Gutierrez, the businessman who started the collection 50 years ago. The museum occupies buildings of the old station that justify the visit. The collection is currently being listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN).
Museu de Artes e Ofícios Praça Rui Barbosa, s/n°, Downtown Tuesday to Friday, from noon to 7:00 pm; Wednesdays and Thursdays, from noon to 9:00 pm; Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm +55 (31) 3248-8600 There is a visitor’s fee
Photo Diego Gazola
A fascinating travel through time. More than two thousand items from the 18th to the 20th century, used in the most diverse professions, where one can get to understand the total richness of work and how it has evolved. Inaugurated in 2005, it is the first museum in Latin America wholly dedicated to the theme. Its area of 9,000 m2 occupies the historical buildings on Praça da Estação. With the installation of the Museu de Artes e Ofícios, Praça Estação is now close to conclusion, contributing to the process of revitalizing the entire downtown area of the city which has already established itself as a cultural center.
Sesc Palladium
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Rua Rio de Janeiro, 1.046, Downtown daily, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm +55 (31) 3214-5350 www.sescmg.com.br Entrance charges according to the schedule
Inaugurated in 2011, it operates on the former Cine Palladium which around 1963 was considered a reference for the elite in Belo Horizonte. Re-inaugurated following an extensive refurbishment that took six years, the theater has retained its luxurious style, including a foyer and coffee shop.
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
galleries, rooms for courses, multiuse spaces and a parking lot, in addition to the Grande Teatro that seats 1,321 people. The schedule is an eclectic one, including theater, music, dancing and plastic arts and, maintaining the tradition, movie exhibitions.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central Southern
The meeting point with culture has a pocket theater and cinema, with productions that prioritize movies outside the commercial circuit, both with 82 seats, a coffee shop and literary artistic collection – with the most important books on art – handcraft stores, art
A museum dedicated to the city’s history exists since 1943 in the former main building of the Fazenda do Leitão farmhouse, a nineteenth-century mansion that today gives us an idea of how people used to build and live in the lands of Minas Gerais at that time. That same year, construction was concluded to house the Museum. In 1998 a side building in steel and glass was inaugurated (the first to be conceived for this purpose in Belo Horizonte) for temporary exhibitions, a store, coffee shop and administration office. Besides paintings and sculptures, the collection also houses decorative objects, furniture, clothing items, domestic utensils, items of equipment and work instruments, among others, all of them linked to the evolution of the capital of the state of Minas Gerais. During the event it will house the exhibition Belo Horizonte F. C.: the history of football in the capital of Minas.
Museu Histórico Abílio Barreto
Photo Marcelo Rosa – Belotur Collection
Av. Prudente de Morais, 202, Cidade Jardim Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm , Open air area, Tuesday to Sunday, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-8573 www.amigosdomhab.com.br Entrance is free Want to get to know the Abílio Barreto History Museum from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada
Housed in a modern building, the museum is equipped with an outside area consisting of gardens and an open-air stage that harmoniously blend in with the mansion, a building left over from the times of the arraial of Curral Del Rei.
Mercado Central Av. Augusto de Lima, 744 Monday to Saturday, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sundays and public holidays, from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm +55 (31) 3274-9434 Entrance is free Want to get to know Mercado Central from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada
Pinga, aguardente, marvada, cachaça. It has many names, but this typically Brazilian drink has left the past behind, to become increasingly sophisticated. It is produced in almost every region of Minas, but it is in the Mercado Central in Belo Horizonte that you will find almost all of them. Perdition with a capital “P”.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Central
Photo Diego Gazola
Inaugurated in 1929, it occupies a privileged area in the downtown region. It is considered one of the top tourist attractions, a highly important business center and meeting point for the inhabitants of Belo Horizonte. There are 400 stores that sell quality horticultural produce and typical foods such as Minas cheese and candies, handcraft items, cachaça, herbs and roots. There is also a huge variety of bars and restaurants offering residents and visitors traditional “mineiro” dishes at a price that is always accessible. One can try out delicacies like traditional sausage, a variety of tit-bits and beer that is always cold, as well as delicious cheese bread from Minas. In the bars, try out the traditional ox liver and onions, as well as lots of other delicacies only to be found in Minas Gerais.
78 Photo Diego Gazola
Photo Diego Gazola
Can any kid resist the detailed reproductions of caves and jungles? Older kids will also find the visit interesting, both because of the collections of Brazilian fauna, and one of the most important fossil collections in South America.
Av. Dom José Gaspar, 290, Coração Eucarístico, Prédio 40 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm; Thursdays, from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm; Saturdays and public holidays, from 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m. +55 (31) 3319-4152 www.pucminas.br/museu There is a visitor’s fee
Fossils of mammals, shells of giant armadillos and replicas of extinct dinosaurs are some of the attractions on show in the museum’s rich paleontology collection. Among other diversions, you can explore the replica of a cave and accompany the early excavations in the caves of Minas in the 19th century, in the exhibition about the Danish researcher Peter Lund, considered the father of Brazilian paleontology. Other highlights: exhibitions about the Cerrado and water life. Created in 1983, the Museum is located on the university campus.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Western
Museu de Ciências Naturais PUC/Minas
80 Photo Diego Gazola
Photo Diego Gazola
The Museu Giramundo is the guardian of the largest puppet theater collection in the Americas. Its collection differs from those of its peers because it is “live”, where many of the original shows are still in activity. Around 400 dolls and puppets decorate this curious museum, which is the history of the Giramundo, Brazil’s most important puppet theater group and winner of several national and international awards. The collection is also famous for the large collection of technical drawings and designs of Álvaro Apocalypse, one of the world’s top creators of puppet theaters.
Rua Varginha, 245, Floresta Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am, from 10:30 am to 11:30 am and from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm; Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am and from 10:00 am to 11:00 am (visits must be booked) +55 (31) 3446-0686 www.giramundo.org There is a visitor’s fee
In existence for almost 40 years, the award-winning Giramundo group puts on a respectable show when it comes to puppet theater, an average of one major spectacle a year. The dolls and puppets whose grace and lightness enchant audiences can be seen in the museum. A mixture of ingenuity and creativity, they take us to the imaginary and quite often dream world of this traditional art.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Eastern
Museu Giramundo
Photo Diego Gazola
Built by Raimundo Machado, the Pipiripau Crib surprises us for its ingenuity. A true spectacle, supplemented by the Pipiripin little crib, which is a little smaller and driven by an electric motor. Both them are very gracious, but the premises are temporarily closed for refurbishment.
Museu de História Natural e Jardim Botânico da UFMG
Photo Diego Gazola
Rua Gustavo da Silveira, 1.035, Santa Inês Tuesday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm; +55 (31) 3461-4204 www.ufmg.br/mhnjb/index.html There is a visitor’s fee
Photo Diego Gazola
A shop window of Brazil’s biodiversity: 600,000 m2 of green area, with examples of our fauna and flora. Maintained by the UFMG, its collection includes over 70,000 items covering the fields of archeology, paleontology, geology, zoology, botany, indigenous ethnology and popular art. The space hosts permanent
and temporary exhibitions about art, culture and the sciences, as well as the Pipiripau Crib. The Museu de História Natural and the Jardim Botânico are located on the former Boa Vista Farmstead, the latter occupying an area of 10 ha where one can visit greenhouses, gardens, pergolas, races and lakes.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Eastern
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Venda Nova
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
The Palácio Tiradentes in the Cidade Administrativa is considered one of the world’s largest suspended concrete buildings, with a free span 147 meters in length by 26 meters in width, making it one of Oscar Niemeyer’s boldest works. There are 1,080 steel cables supporting the four-storey construction.
Rod. Pref. Américo Gianetti, s/n°, Serra Verde Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; Wednesdays, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (guided tours on Wednesdays for groups of at least 5 people; book in advance) +55 (31) 3915-0977 www.cidadeadministrativa.mg.gov.br Entrance is free
Niemeyer’s most recent work in BH, it was built in 2010 to be the administrative headquarters of the state government. The highlight is the Palácio Tiradentes, in two buildings with identical curves: Minas and Gerais. Both house the state departments, the auditorium and the Centro de Convivência. Connected to them by a tunnel is
the Centro de Convivência, with three service floors. The Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira Auditorium holds 500 people and is 20 m high. The five buildings of the complex occupy only a part of the land area, the remainder being home to 350,000 examples of flora. It is not a tourist attraction, but there is a guided tour service.
Where to Go Belo Horizonte Venda Nova
Cidade Administrativa Presidente Tancredo Neves
Where to Stay
Photo Diego Gazola
Source: Brazilian Hotel Industry Associations (ABIH). Other information, access www.abihmg.com.br Information about alternative accommodation, access www.belo2014.com and www.belohorizonte.mg.gov.br
The city has done its homework in order to be a host city of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™, and the same applies to the hospitality industry. The private sector has invested in refurbishing and modernizing hotel facilities, in addition to building new hotel premises. .
Where to Stay Belo Horizonte
Since it was designated as one of the host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™, the private sector has invested in modernizing and building new hotels. This will be one of the legacies of this great sporting event.
Hotels Adágio Belo Horizonte Minascentro Rua Guajajaras, 885, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 2111-7000 www.accorhotels.com Belo Horizonte Plaza Hotel Rua Timbiras, 1.660, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3247-4700 www.bhplaza.com.br
Tel. +55 (31) 3057-0330 www.bristolhotels.com.br Bristol Jaraguá Hotel Alameda Boaventura, 987, Jaraguá Tel. +55 (31) 3232-9700 www.bristolhotels.com.br Bristol La Place Av. Cristiano Machado, 1.587, Cidade Nova Tel. +55 (31) 3481-5122 www.bristolhotels.com.br Bristol Merit Rua Tamoios, 341, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3508-8500 www.bristolhotels.com.br Bristol Metropolitan Av. Getúlio Vargas, 286, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3057-1200 www.bristolhotels.com.br
Brasil Palace Hotel Rua dos Carijós, 269, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3273-3811 www.brasilpalacehotel.com.br
Bristol Pampulha Lieu Rua Desembargador Paulo Mota, 187, Ouro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 3490-3500 www.bristolhotels.com.br
Bristol Golden Plaza Rua Rio de Janeiro, 1.436, Downtown
Caesar Business Belvedere Av. Luiz Paulo Franco, 421, Belvedere
Photo Diego Gazola
Tel. +55 (31) 3064-6555 www.holidayinnbrasil.com.br
Clan Le Flamboyant Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 1.007, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3261-5233 www.clan.com.br
Hotel Amazonas Palace Av. Amazonas, 120, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3207-4644 www.amazonaspalace.com.br
Clarion Lourdes Rua Bernardo Guimarães, 2.032, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3290-0933 www.clarionhotel.com Dayrell Hotel e Convenções Rua Espírito Santo, 901, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3248-1000 www.dayrell.com.br E. Suítes Sion Rua Uruguai, 1.010, Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3517-2700 www.verthoteis.com.br Go Inn Del Rey Avenida Del Rey, 233, Caiçara. Tel. +55 (31) 3064-5960 www.atlanticahotels.com.br Holiday Inn Belo Horizonte Rua Prof. Moraes, 600, Funcionários.
Hotel Classic Rua da Bahia, 2.727, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3282-3366 www.hotelclassic.com.br Hotel Estoril Rua dos Carijós, 454, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3025-9322 www.estorilhotelbh.com.br Hotel Pampulha Al. das Latânias, 1.207, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3491-8080 www.pampulhaflat.com Hotel Rio Jordão Rua Rio de Janeiro, 147, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3214-2911 www.hotelriojordao.com.br Hotel & SPA Toscanini R. Arturo Toscanini, 61, Savassi. Tel. +55 (31) 3225-7424 www.hotelspatoscanini.com.br
Where to Stay Belo Horizonte
Tel. +55 (31) 2123-9898 www.accorhotels.com
Hotel São Bento Rua dos Guaranis, 438, Downtown Tel. +55 ( 31) 3025-3371 www.hotelsaobento.com.br Hotel Wimbledon Av. Afonso Pena, 772, Downtown Tel. +55 ( 31) 3222-6160 www.wimbledon.com.br Ibis Afonso Pena Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 784, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 2108-4750 www.ibis.com Ibis Budget BH Afonso Pena Rua Gonçalves Dias, 720, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 2108-2950 www.ibis.com Ibis BH Liberdade Rua João Pinheiro, 602, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2111-1500 www.ibis.com 90
Ibis BH Savassi Av. do Contorno, 6.180, Savassi Tels. +55 (31) 3888-4300/4301 www.ibis.com Ibis Budget Belo Horizonte Afonso Pena Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 784, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 2108-4750 www.ibisbudget.com Ibis Styles BH Minascentro Rua dos Guajajaras, 849, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3343-5500 www.ibis.com Ibis Styles BH Pampulha Av. Prof. Magalhães Penido, 378, São Luís Tel. +55 (31) 3888-6100 www.ibis.com
Santo Agostinho Tel. +55 ( 31) 3337-6797 Lavras 150 Rua Lavras, 150, Savassi Tel. 0800-892-0170 www.promenade.com.br Liberty Palace Hotel Rua Paraíba, 1.465, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 2121-0900 www.libertypalace.com.br Max Savassi Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 335, Funcionários/Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 2101-6466 www.maxsavassi.com.br Mercure BH Lifecenter Rua Cícero Ferreira, 10, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3280-3700 www.accorhotels.com/Mercure Mercure BH Lourdes Av. do Contorno, 7.315, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3298-4100 www.accorhotels.com/Mercure My Place Savassi Rua Professor Morais, 674, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3311-2191 www.myplacesavassi.com.br Normandy Hotel Rua dos Tamoios, 212, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3201-6166 www.normandyhotel.com Othon Palace Hotel Av. Afonso Pena, 1.050, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 2126-0000 www.othon.com.br Ouro Minas Palace Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.001, Ipiranga Tel. +55 (31) 3429-4000 www.ourominas.com.br
Ímpar Suítes Cidade Nova Rua Arthur de Sá, 309, União Tel. +55 (31) 2533-2300 www.imparhoteis.com.br
Promenade BH Platinum Rua Olegário Maciel, 1.748, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31 ) 2125-3800 www.promenadebhplatinumhotel.com
Kit Hotel Rua Rodrigues Caldas, 529,
Quality Hotel Afonso Pena Av. Afonso Pena, 3.761, Serra
Quality Hotel Pampulha Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 7.456, São Luís Tel. +55 (31) 3505-9200 www.atlanticahotels.com.br Ramada Encore Av. Cristiano Machado, 3.411, Ipiranga. Tel. +55 (31) 3517-0202 Royal Golden Hotel R. Rio Grande do Norte, 1.015, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 2101-0000 www.royalgolden.com.br Royal Savassi Boutique Hotel Rua Alagoas, 699, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3247-6999 www.royalsavassi.com.br Royal Savassi Express Hotel Rua Bernardo Guimarães, 1.045, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3768-0000 www.royalhoteis.com.br San Diego Suítes BH Lourdes Av. Álvares Cabral, 1.181, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3339-3000 www.hoteisarco.com.br/pt/sandiegosuites-lourdes-belo-horizonte.php
Photo Diego Gazola
San Diego Suites Pampulha Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 1.624, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3614-6500 www.hoteisarco.com.br/pt/sandiegosuites-hotel-pampulha.php
Tulip Inn Savassi Hotel Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 54, Savassi. www.goldentulip.com Via Contorno Hotel Av. do Contorno, 9.661, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3349-4100 www.viacontorno.com.br
Flats Campus Liberdade Flat Rua Boaventura, 1.003, Liberdade Tel. +55 (31) 2125-8900 www.campusliberdade.com.br Niagara Apart Hotel Rua Timbiras, 3.134, Barro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 3515-8000 www.hoteisarco.com.br/pt/ hotel-niagara-flat.php San Francisco Flat Av. Álvares Cabral, 967, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3330-5600 www.sanfranciscoflat.com.br Single Flat Pousada Pampulha Rua Maestro Francisco Flores, 17, Aeroporto Tel. +55 (31) 3491-7931 www.singleflat.com.br Toronto Tower Residence Rua Ceará, 2.001, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3288-2001 www.torontotower.com.br
Where to Stay Belo Horizonte
Tel. +55 (31) 2111-8900 www.qualityinn.com
Where to Eat 92
Photo Diego Gazola
Primary source: Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants MG (ABRASEL) www.mg.abrasel.com.br
A cosmopolitan city, Belo Horizonte is today home to some of the most important international cuisine, such as French, Italian and Arab, to mention but a few. You’ll find excellent examples of regional cuisine all over the city. Almost always cooked in earthenware pots and pans and on log fires, Minas food is rich in flavors and aromas. You can also sample the delicacies created in Minas, such as authentic cheese bread, which can be accompanied by some delicious milk fudge
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Snacks and Popular Dishes
Bem Natural Av. Afonso Pena, 941, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3224-1385 www.bemnatural.net 94
Casa do Pão de Queijo Rua Juiz de Fora, 1.426, Santo Agostinho Tel. +55 (31) 3291-9758 www.casadopaodequeijo.com.br Casa do Pão de Queijo Rua Rodrigues Caldas, 166, Santo Agostinho Tel. +55 (31) 3292-5775 There are different versions across the state about the origin of cheese bread (pão de queijo). The fact is that its appearance goes hand in hand with the history of Minas cuisine. It is from the middle of the 18th century, when cheese production was intense and there were lots of leftovers that it started to come into its own. The inventive cooks tried different combinations and ingredients, such as the gum extracted from cassava, sweet and sour starch, lard, salt, eggs, milk, cream, butter and, lastly, the cheese. These blended and tested ingredients resulted in the cheese bread we know today. It goes perfectly with a coffee or as a snack during the day.
Néctar da Serra Av. Bandeirantes, 1.839, Mangabeiras Tel. +55 (31) 3281-1466 Néctar da Serra Rua Santa Rita Durão, 929, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3261-2969 Pão de Queijaria R. Álvares Maciel, 441, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3241-5761 www.paodequeijaria.com.br Pão de Queijeria Rua Pium-I, 354, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 2510-0534 www.facebook.com/Paodequeijeria Pão de Queijo Luciana R. Álvares Maciel, 670, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3241-1889
Photo Henry Yu – Belotur Collection
A Pão de Queijaria Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 856, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3244-2738 www.facebook.com/APaoDeQueijaria
Adega & Churrasco Rua Maura, 120, Palmares Tel. +55 (31) 3088-1555 Adriano, Imperador da Cerveja Rua Cristina, 1.270, Santo Antônio Tel. +55 (31) 3586-9066 www.adrianoimperadordacerveja.com.br Agosto Butiquim Rua Esmeralda, 298, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3337-6825 www.agostobutiquim.com.br Alfândega Bar Rua Viçosa, 250, São Pedro Tel. +55 (31) 3223-1987 Almanaque Bar e Restaurante Rua Pium I, 675, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 32879044 www.choperiaalmanaque.com.br Amarelim Cidade Jardim Av. Prudente de Moraes, 920, Cidade Jardim Tel. +55 (31) 3344-7288 Armazém do Árabe Rua Luz, 230, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3223-1410 Autêntico’s Bar Rua Mário Werneck, 2.275, Buritis Tel. +55 (31) 9847-6640 Bar Aqui Tudo é Bom Rua Aniri, 15, Guarani Tel. +55 (31) 3433-3500 Bar da Cida Rua Numa Nogueira, 297, Floramar Tel. +55 (31) 3434-8715 Bar da Claudinha Rua Santa Cruz, 282, Barroca Tel. +55 (31) 9622-4768 Bar da Lora Av. Augusto de Lima, 744, Mercado Central Tel. +55 (31) 3274-9409
There are over 12,000 bars: an average of one for every 20 inhabitants. From the simple “used glass” (copo sujo) bar, to slick beer gardens. To explore the soul of the city, be sure to get to know them and discover the enchantment of these lively happy hours. There’s always a good reason to “have one” with good friends. Add to this the taste for good food. For company, how about a portion of something: crackling, mash or sausage with cassava and skewered meat… What does it matter if it’s Monday or Friday. But as the weekend approaches, these establishments become even fuller. Rain or shine, every day you’ll see the people of Belo Horizonte around the tables in the bars, carrying on the city’s tradition of having a beer or some good cachaça and talking away the hours. Bar da Neca Rua Pium-I, 690, Carmo Tel. +55 (31) 2555-9132 Bar do Carmo Rua Rio Verde, 393, Carmo Tel. +55 (31) 3024-4768 Bar do Doca Rua Cuiabá, 960, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3291-6594 Bar do Júnior Rua Ouro Fino, 452, Lj. 7 and 8, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 3223-5822 Bar do Magal Rua Alberto Cintra, 322, Cidade Nova Tel. +55 (31) 2515-6490 Bar do Salomão Rua do Ouro, 895, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3022-0000 Bar do Walmir Rua Quimberlita, 301, Santa Tereza Tel. +55 (31) 4131-0031 Bar e Petisqueira Peixe Frito Rua Juiz de Fora, 1.242, Santa Tereza Tel. +55 (31) 3291-1046
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Bar Estabelecimento Rua Monte Alegre, 160, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3223-2124 Bar Ideal Rua Sergipe, 1.187, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3889-1187 www.barideal.com.br
Butiquim do Seu Jorge Av. Fleming, 175, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3498-4373 www.butiquimseujorge.com.br
Barbazul Av. Getúlio Vargas, 216, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 2535-3527
Butiquim Medalhão Rua das Melancias, 25, Laranjeiras Tel. +55 (31) 3454-1052 www.espetinhosfile.com.br
Barção Moreira Rua Mombaça, 493, São Gabriel Tel. +55 (31) 3493-2078
Butiquim Quintiliano R. Cons. Quintiliano Silva, 55, S. Antônio Tel. +55 (31) 3344-8008
Barra Beer Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, 7.585, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3497-3133 www.barrabeer.com.br
Café Viena Beer Av. do Contorno, 3.968, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3221-9555 www.cafeviena.com.br
Bartiquim Rua Silvianópolis, 74, Santa Tereza Tel. +55 (31) 3466-8263 96
Tel. +55 (31) 3225-9237 www.butiquimdaesquina.com.br
Bazin Bar e Restaurante Rua Ministro Orozimbo Nonato, 1.053, Dona Clara Tel. +55 (31) 2552-9083 Bhar Savassi Rua Sergipe, 1.211, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3582-3999 www.bhar.com.br Boteco da Carne Rua Bicas, 106, Sagrada Família Tel. +55 (31) 2555-8480 Brasa’s Spetin Rua Oliveira, 479, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 2515-4037 Butecão do Leão Rua David Alves do Vale, 25, Jaraguá Tel. +55 (31) 3497-8527 Buteco do Maranhão Av. Bias Fortes, 541, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3291-6874 www.valdezmaranhao.com Butiquim da Esquina Rua Vitório Marçola, 158, Anchieta
Café Nice Av. Afonso Pena, 727, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3222-6924 Cantina da Ana Av. Silviano Brandão, 2.109, Horto Tel. +55 (31) 3463-6991 Carlão Rei do Churrasco Rua D. Joaquim Silvério, 859, Coração Eucarístico Tel. +55 (31) 3375-3839 Casa Velha Rua Além Paraíba, 400, Lagoinha Tel. +55 (31) 2551-1953 CCCP Rua Levindo Lopes, 358, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3658-2156 Cervejaria Loop Rua Rio Grande do Sul, 1.179, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3291-6819 www.cervejarialoop.com.br Chef Tulio International Butikin Praça Estêvão Lunarde, 24, Horto Tel. +55 (31) 3481-7724 Chico do Peixe Av. Joaquim Clemente, 320, Floramar Tel. +55 (31) 3435-8026
Photo Henry Yu – Belotur Collection
The people of Minas know better than anyone else the value of their cuisine and their bars. That is why several gastronomy festivals have been created in recent years. One of the first, the Comida di Buteco Festival, began in the year 2000, and usually takes place between April and May. It was an instant success and the people took to it. During the year, the city organizes several events where you can sample the best of cooking Minas can offer. January • Gastronomy Circuit at Mercado Central February • Gourmet Cachaça Gastronomic Cultural Festival March • Restaurant Week April • Botecar May • Brasil Sabor (the Taste of Brazil) May and June • Motel Gourmet Gastronomy Circuit June • Gastronomia na Praça (open-air gastronomy) September • Pampulha Gastronomy Circuit November • Bar em Bar
Choperia Albano’s Rua Rio de Janeiro, 2.076, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3292-6221 Churrascaria do Manoel Av. do Contorno, 6.749, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3267-2100 Churrasquinhos do Luizinho Av. Francisco Sá, 197, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 2511-9651 www.churrasquinhosdoluizinho.com.br Clube da Esquina Rua Sergipe, 146, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3222-5712 Clube do Chalezinho Av. Prof. Mário Werneck, 520/530, Estoril Tel. +55 (31) 3286-3155 Dalva Botequim Musical Rua Ceará, 1.568, Funcionários
Tel. +55 (31) 3282-2343 www.dalvabotequim.com.br Escritório da Cerveja Av. General Olímpio Mourão Filho, 800B, Planalto Tel. +55 (31) 3491-2258 Espetinho Savassi Rua Pernambuco, 1.172, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 8471-1079 www.espetinhosavassi.com.br Estação do Petisco Rua Dr. Júlio Otaviano Ferreira, 219, Cidade Nova Tel. +55 (31) 3357-8190 Exclusivo Choperia Av. do Contorno, 8.863, Gutierrez Tel. +55 (31) 2512-0551 www.exclusivochoperia.com.br Gabiroba Butiquim Av. Padre Vieira, 319, Coração Eucarístico Tel. +55 (31) 3088-4687
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Choperia Albano’s Rua Pium-i, 611, Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3281-2644
Geraldim da Cida Rua Contria, 1.459, Grajaú Tel. +55 (31) 3334-9355
Petisqueira do Jacaré Av. Francisco Negrão de Lima, 61, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3497-2669
Gonzaga Butiquim Rua Tomaz Gonzaga, 578, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2512-8578
Pimenta com Cachaça Av. do Contorno, 8.699, Gutierrez Tel. +55 (31) 3087-6822
Haus Rua Juiz de Fora, 1.257, Santo Agostinho Tel. +55 (31) 3291-6900 www.hausmunchen.com.br
Pinguim Choperia e Restaurante Rua Grão Mogol, 157, Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3282-2007 www.pinguimochopp.com.br
Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Rei do Torresmo Av. Augusto de Lima, 744, Mercado Central, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 9302-9552
Kobes Bar Rua Professor Raimundo Nonato, 31, Horto Tel. +55 (31) 3467-6661 Lanikai Tiki Bar Rua Pium I, 772, Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3227-2907 www.lanikai.com.br Mixido Bar e Restaurante Av. do Contorno, 5.602, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3221-0886 www.mixido.com.br O Rei Espetinhos Av. Franciso Sá, 383, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3372-2759 O Rei Espetinhos e Cervejas Rua Jacuí, 539, Floresta Tel. +55 (31) 3297-2188 Oficina de Ideias Rua Congonhas, 539, Santo Antônio Tel. +55 (31) 3296-5432 Patorroco Rua Turquesa, 865, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3372-6293
Photo Henry Yu – Belotur Collection
Minas Gerais produces some of Brazil’s best handmade cheeses. The highlights ate the cheeses from Serro, Serra da Canastra and Serra do Salitre (Alto Paranaíba region), all of which are made from fresh cow’s milk. In 2008 the Institute for the National Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) recognized the typical method of preparing these cheeses, declaring it an intangible heritage of Brazil. It goes well with traditional milk fudge, which the people of Minas relish.
Rima dos Sabores Rua Esmeralda, 522, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3243-7120 www.rimadossabores.com.br Seu Romão Rua São Romão, 192, Santo Antônio Tel. +55 (31) 3296-4929
Xico da Carne (Barro Preto) Rua dos Guajajaras, 1.436, Barro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 3337-1437
Boca do Forno (Coração Eucarístico) Rua Coração Eucaristico de Jesus, 315, Coração Euscaristico Tel. +55 (31) 3375-5861
Xico da Carne (Cidade Nova) Rua Dr. Júlio Otaviano Ferreira, 772, Cidade Nova Tel. +55 (31) 3484-0038
Boca do Forno (Gutierrez) Av. André Cavalcanti, 571, Gutierrez Tel. +55 (31) 3334-6377
Xico da Carne (Santa Inês) Av. Contagem, 1,966, Santa Inês Tel. +55 (31) 3485-3478 www.xicodacarne.com.br
Cafeteria da Fazenda Rua Montes Claros, 752, Anchieta Tel. +55 (31) 3324-7774
Zoo Bar Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 7.844, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3491-7455
Snack Bars Banana Pastel Av. Francisco Sales, 898, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3415-8490 Bendita Gula (Contorno) Av. de Contorno, 4.721, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3282-7484 Bendita Gula (Lourdes) Rua Marília de Dirceu, 94, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3491-5143
Hot Pastel Rua Visconde de Ibituruna, 150, Barreiro Tel. +55 (31) 3381-5103 Subway (Shopping Cidade) Rua São Paulo, 1.106, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3201-1607 Subway (Minas Shopping) Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.000, União Tel. +55 (31) 3273-5690 Subway (Funcionários) Av. Getúlio Vargas, 610, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3317-4049 Subway (Savassi) Av. Cristóvão Colombo, 474, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 2127-4049
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Tip Top Rua Rio de Janeiro, 1.770, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3337-9713 www.bartiptop.com.br
Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Silvio’s Bar Rua Begônia, 199, Esplanada Tel. +55 (31) 3482-3001 www.silviosbar.com.br
Subway (Lourdes) Av. Álvares Cabral, 780, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2514-5503
Kinoko R. José Rodrigues Pereira, 1.274, Buritis Tel. +55 (31) 2535-2550
Subway (Gutierrez) Rua André Cavalcanti, 602, Gutierrez Tel. +55 (31) 3332-6354
Sakê Rua Marília de Dirceu, 170, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3292-4030
Hamburger Joints Eddie Burger Rua da Bahia, 2.562, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3281-5804 Ouro Burguer Rua Monteiro Lobato, 123, Barro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 2102-4657
Restaurants 100
Arab Alidarábia Av. Olegário Maciel, 1.600, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3330-8787 www.alidarabia.com.br
Tatame Rua Grão Mogol, 872, Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3227-2069
Brazilian Alguidares Rua Pium-I, 1.037, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 3221-8877 www.alguidares.com.br Café Paddock Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 7.400, Bandeirantes Tel. +55 (31) 3427-7329 www.cafepaddock.com Via Geraes Av. Contagem, 567, Santa Inês Tel. +55 (31) 3467-2052
Meat dishes
K-Bab Av. Afonso Pena, 2.483, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3224-6654
Assacabrasa (Bahia) Rua da Bahia, 1.759, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3226-2187 www.assacabrasa.com.br
Vila Árabe Rua Pernambuco, 781, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3262-1600 www.vilaarabe.com.br
Assacabrasa (Savassi) Rua Paraíba, 1.332, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3284-1608 www.assacabrasa.com.br
Asian Hokkaido BR-356, 2.500, Ponteio Lar Shopping, Santa Lúcia Tel. +55 (31) 3286-4020 www.hokkaido.com.br Kei Rua Barbara Heliodora, 54, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3337-4000 www.keicozinhajaponesa.com.br
Boi Lourdes Rua Curitiba, 2.069, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3318-9865 www.boilourdes.com.br Boivindo Rua Petrolina, 875, Sagrada Família Tel. +55 (31) 2512-5555 www.boivindo.com.br Brasano Av. Brasil, 1.505, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3227-6004
Monjardim Rua Curitiba, 2.076, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2555-2076 Parrilla del Mercado Rua Ouro Fino, 452, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 3225-5507 Parrilla São Bento Av. Cons. Antônio Cadar, 117, São Bento Tel. +55 (31) 2511-9580 parrillasaobento.com.br Parrillero Av. Portugal, 180, Jardim Atlântico Tel. +55 (31) 3496-9966 www.parrillero.com.br
Barbecue joints Adega do Sul Av. do Contorno, 8.835, Gutierrez Tel. +55 (31) 3292-6333 www.adegadosul.com.br Baby Beef Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.000, União Tel. +55 (31) 3426-1100 www.babybeefbh.com.br Porcão Av. Raja Gabaglia, 2.671, São Bento Tel. +55 (31) 3293-8787 www.grupomeet.net.br Tudo na Brasa Av. dos Engenheiros, 1.104, Alípio de Melo Tel. +55 (31) 3471-3715 www.tudonabrasa.com.br
Contemporary Ah! Bon Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 801, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3281-6260 www.ahbon.com.br Enoteca Decanter Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 503,
Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3287-3618 Hermengarda Rua Outono, 314, Carmo Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3225-3268 www.hermengarda.com.br Liberty Palace Hotel Rua Paraíba, 1.465, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 2121-0900 www.libertypalace.com.br O Conde Rua Conde de Linhares, 345, Cidade Jardim Tel. +55 (31) 2531-6964 www.oconde.com.br Patuscada Av. Bernardo Monteiro, 1.548, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3213-9296 Portilho R. Bernardo Guimarães, 2.044, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3291-6815 www.portilhoaeb.com.br Quinto do Ouro Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.001, Ouro Minas Palace Hotel, Ipiranga Tel. +55 (31) 3429-4001 www.ourominas.com.br As the exploration of gold and diamonds came to an end, Minas Gerais discovered coffee as the product that was to sustain the local economy. Important colonial farms planted it and sent it to the ports of Paraty (RJ) and Santos (SP), from where it was exported to the rest of the world. According to tradition, Minas is an important producer, primarily in the region known as the Zona da Mata, where almost half of Brazilian production is concentrated. Don’t miss the opportunity to have a tasty “mineiro” coffee in the bars along Avenida Afonso Pena. A mandatory stop-off is at number 727 on the avenue, where the Café Nice has functioned since 1939. An historical location that sums up the importance of this beverage for the people of Minas.
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Enzo Steak House Rua Rio de Janeiro, 910, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3274-3015
Santafé Rua Santa Rita Durão, 1.000, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3261-6446 www.redegourmetbh.com.br
French Mes Amis Rua Rio de Janeiro, 1.973, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2526-4888 / 2516-8666 Taste Vin Rua Curitiba, 2.105, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3292-5423
Indian Maharaj Rua Paraíba, 523, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3055-3836 www.maharaj.com.br
Italian 102
Anella Av. Ministro Guilhermino Oliveira, 325, Santa Amélia Tel. +55 (31) 3441-8748 Dom Pasquale Rua Bernardo Guimarães, 577, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3222-4050
Saatore Ristorante Av. Álvares Cabral, 1.171, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3339-3184 Sorrento Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 1.624, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3339-3184 Spoleto Av. Presidente Carlos Luz, 3.001, Caiçaras Tel. +55 (31) 3415-6919 Un’Altra Volta Rua Grão Mogol, 715, Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3225-0403 www.unaltravolta.com.br Vecchio Sogno Ristorante Rua Martim de Carvalho, 75, Santo Agostinho Tel. +55 (31) 3292-5251 www.vecchiosogno.com.br
Mediterranean Baldaratti Gourmet Rua Santa Rita Durão, 999, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3262-3631 www.baldaratti.com.br
Est!! Est!! Est!! Av. Getúlio Vargas, 107, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 2526-5852
Armazém Dona Lucinha Av. do Contorno, 6.283, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3281-9526 www.donalucinha.com.br
Maurizio Gallo Rua dos Aimorés, 2.305, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2514-3020
Celeiro de Minas Av. Sinfrônio Brochado, 1.210, Barreiro Tel. +55 (31) 3384-2882 www.celeirodeminas.com.br
Maurizio Gallo Av. Nossa Senhora do Carmo, 860, Carmo Sion Tel. +55 (31) 2555-5432
Chalé da Mata Av. Engenheiro Carlos Goulart, 1.123, Buritis Tel. +55 (31) 3378-7272 www.chaledamata.com.br
Nonna Carmela Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 1.607, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3243-6754
Dona Lucinha (Unidade I) Rua Padre Odorico, 38, São Pedro Tel. +55 (31) 3227-0562
Emporium Armazém Mineiro Avenida Afonso Pena, 4.034, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 3281-1277 Matusalém Av. General Olímpio Mourão Filho, 169, Planalto Tel. +55 (31) 3447-9973 www.restaurantematusalem.com.br Rancho Fundo Rua Professor Mário Werneck, 1.160, Buritis Tel. +55 (31) 3378-7300 Xapuri Rua Mandacaru, 260, Trevo Tel. +55 (31) 3496-6198 www.restaurantexapuri.com.br
Pizza parlors 68 La Pizzeria Rua Felipe dos Santos, 68, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3291-7466 Leno’s Gourmet Av. Abílio Machado, 1.600, Alípio de Melo Tel. +55 (31) 3474-3432 www.lenos.com.br Marília Pizzeria Rua Marília de Dirceu, 149, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3275-2027 www.mariliapizzeria.com.br Massima Av. Presidente Carlos Luz, 3.001, PA-13. Shopping del Rey, Caiçara Tel. +55 (31) 3415-6164
Pizza Pazza Rod. BR-356, 3.049, Belvedere (31) 3286-2177 Pizzarella São Bento Av. Consul Antônio Cadar, 122, São Bento Tel. +55 (31) 3344-0022 Pizzarella Av. Olegário Maciel, 2.280, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3292-3000 www.pizzarella.com.br Pizza Scuola Av. Silviano Brandão, 2.222, Horto Tel. +55 (31) 3521-3521 Pizza Sur Rua Vitório Marçola, 146, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 3285-4203 www.pizzasur.com.br Pizzaria do Índio R. Olivia Maria de Jesus, 1.757, Floramar Tel. +55 (31) 3434-6000 www.pizzariadoindio.com.br Pizzaria Est. Parada do Cardoso Rua Dores do Indaiá, 409, Santa Tereza Tel. +55 (31) 34614798 Pizzaria Mangabeiras Av. Afonso Pena, 4.200, Mangabeiras Tel. +55 (31) 3281-3815 www.mangabeiras.com.br Provincia di Fiori Av. Cristiano Machado, 1.315, Graça Tel. +55 (31) 3423-0008 Speciali Pizza Bar Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 805, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3284-7060 www.specialipizzabar.com.br
Olegário Pizza e Forneria Av. Olegário Maciel, 1.748, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3337-4446
Tia Penha Av. Contagem, 1.760, Santa Inês Tel. +55 (31) 3485-2083 www.pizzariatiapenha.com.br
Olegário Savassi Rua Pernambuco, 1.041, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3261-1552 www.redegourmetbh.com.br
Tom Maior R. Cel. Pedro Paulo Penido, 212, Cidade Nova Tel. +55 (31) 3484-4266
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Dona Lucinha (Unidade II) Rua Sergipe, 811, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3261-5930 www.donalucinha.com.br
Viva Pizza Rua dos Tupis, 337, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 2535-8316 www.vivapizza.com.br
Fish and Sea Food O Barco Av. Presidente Carlos Luz, 3.001, Caiçara Tel. +55 (31) 3415-8490 Xanadu Delícias do Mar Rua Aimorés, 2.474, Santo Agostinho Tel. +55 (31) 3261-1757
Portuguese Taberna Baltazar Rua Oriente, 571, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3221-7361
Miscellaneous 104
A Favorita Rua Santa Catarina, 1.235, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3275-2352 www.afavorita.com.br Aguiar Avenida Afonso Pena, 3.160A, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3227-4702 Aromi Funcionários Avenida Afonso Pena, 3.112, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3281-3009
Boca do Forno – Coração Eucarístico Rua Coração Eucarístico de Jesus, 315, Coração Eucarístico Tel. +55 (31) 3375-5861 Cantina do Ferreira Rua Joaquim de Figueiredo, 56, Barreiro de Baixo Tel. +55 (31) 3384-4095 Cantina do Lucas Av. Augusto de Lima, 233, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3626-7153 www.cantinadolucas.com.br Cantina Mariana Rua Muzambinho, 578, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3264-9799 Carpaccio Savassi Av. Getúlio Vargas, 823, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 2531-4242 Casa dos Contos Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 1.065, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3261-5853 www.restaurantecasadoscontos.com.br Cortina d’Água Estação Rodoviária, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3201-7233 Dona Dora Rua Rio de Janeiro, 1.186, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3226-5303 Família Daniel Rua Erê, 206, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3291-3513
Aromi Mangabeiras Av. Afonso Pena, 4.020, Mangabeiras Tel. +55 (31) 3889-3009
Grelhados e Cia. Av. Professor Mário Werneck, 1.360, Buritis Tel. +55 (31) 3377-1227, ramal 7 www.redesabor.com.br
Banana Pastel Av. Francisco Sales, 898, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3415-8490 www.redesabor.com.brsite
Jardim de Minas Rua Noraldino de Lima, 581, Aeroporto Tel. +55 (31) 3441-4957 www.jardimdeminas.com.br
Bar do Carmo Rua Rio Verde, 393, Carmo Tel. +55 (31) 3024-4768
La Greppia Rua da Bahia, 1.196, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3273-2055
Maria das Tranças Rua Estoril, 938, São Francisco Tel. +55 (31) 3441-3708 www.mariadastrancas.com.br
Paracone Av. Brasil, 920, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3247-2300 www.paracone.com.br
Maria das Tranças Rua Prof. Morais, 158, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3261-4802 www.mariadastrancas.com.br
Paracone (Niquelina) Rua Niquelina, 1.705, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3481-6679 www.paracone.com.br
Mercearia 130 Rua Avaí, 130, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3658-3395
Portilho Sargas Av. do Contorno, 7.255, Mercure Lourdes, Santo Antônio Tel. +55 (31) 3296-1372 www.portilhoaeb.com.br
Minas Gourmet Rua Sarzedo, 46, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 3295-3443 Momo Confeitaria Avenida do Contorno, 6.081, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3421-5020 www.momoconfeitaria.com.br O Gaulês Rua Coronel Pedro Paulo Penido, 488, Cidade Nova Tel. +55 (31) 3484-1744 O Sarracino Av. Afonso Pena , 3.745, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 2111-8943 www.atlanticahotels.com.br OAK Rua Curitiba, 2.164, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2512-2768 Olegário Express Rua Pernambuco, 1.041, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3261-1552 Paladar e Paladar Grill Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 1.026, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3281-0416 Paladino Restaurante Fazenda Av. Gildo Macedo Lacerda, 300, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3447-6604 www.restaurantepaladino.com.br
Recanto Verde Av. Petrolina, 910, Sagrada Família Tel. +55 (31) 3481-2951 www.recantoverdebh.com.br Redentor Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 500, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3287-4911 www.redentorbar.com.br Requinte Geraes Av. do Contorno, 1.757, Floresta Tel. +55 (31) 2551-0530 Restaurante do Minas I Rua da Bahia, 2.244, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3516-1310 www.minastenisclube.com.br Restaurante do Minas II Av. Bandeirantes, 2.323, Mangabeiras Tel. +55 (31) 3287-6373 www.minastenisclube.com.br Saboreando Rua Progresso, 1.035, Padre Eustáquio Tel. +55 (31) 3413-8888 saboreandorestaurante.com Senac Minas Rua Tupinambás, 1.038, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3048-9687 Serrano Restaurante Rua Muzambinho, 568, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 2512-8011
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Merlin Rua Juvenal de Melo Senra, 383, Belvedere Tel. +55 (31) 3282-0744
Shop Eat Av. Afonso Pena, 3.447, Serra Tel. +55 (31) (31) 3281-8819
Tel. +55 (31) 9715-2926 Tue. and Wed., from 9:00 pm to 4:00 am, Thu., from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am, Fri. and Sat., from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am
Super Nosso Rodovia BR 356, 462, Sion Tel. +55 (31) 3399-4200 www.supernosso.com.br Verano Studio Gourmet Rua Ludgero Dolabela, 738, Gutierrez Tel. +55 (31) 2514-9928
Chopp da Fábrica Avenida do Contorno, 2.736, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3241-1766 www.choppdafabrica.com.br Mon., 11:00 am to 2:00 pm; Tue., 11:00 am to 3:00 pm; Wed., 11:00 am to 4:00 pm; Thu. and Fri., 11:00 am to 5:00 pm; Sat. from noon to 5:00 pm; Sun. from noon to 3:00 am
Verdinho Av. Cônsul Antônio Cadar, 126, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3293-4047
Fox Lanches Rua Curitiba, 339, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3212-7145 Daily, 24/7
Verdinho Falls Rua Kepler, 441, Santa Lúcia Tel. +55 (31) 3309-9793 106
In the Small Hours Albuquerque Creperia Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 619, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3646-5745 Daily, 24/7 Bolão Rua Adamita, 0, Santa Tereza Tel. +55 (31) 3463-0719 Mon. to Wed., from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm; Thu. to Sat. from 11:30 am to 5:00 pm; Sun. from 11:30 to 6:00 pm Breik Breik Av. Afonso Pena, 3.328 (Praça Milton Campos), Cruzeiro Av. N. Sra. do Carmo, 1.255, Sion Av. Cristiano Machado, 970, Cidade Nova Av. Amazonas, 358, Nova Suíça Av. Via Expressa, 692, Padre Eustáquio Av. Pedro I, 1.018, Itapoã www.breikbreik.com.br Daily, from noon to 6:00 pm Cachorrão Avenida do Contorno, 7.430, Lourdes
Habib’s Gutierrez Rua André Cavalcanti, 211, Gutierrez. Tel. +55 (31) 3293-9877 Mon. to Fri., from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm; Sat., from 11:00 am to midnight Koni Store Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 604, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3227-5190 From Mon, to Wed., from 11:00 am to 2:00pm; Thu., from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm; Fri., from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sat., from noon to 6:00 pm; Sum. from noon to 2:00 pm La Greppia Rua da Bahia, 1.196, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3273-2055 Daily, 24/7 McDonald’s Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 1.300, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3261-4401 Daily, 24/7 Mixido Avenida do Contorno, 5.602, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3221-0886 Mon. to Tue., from 5:00 pm to 2:00 am, Wed. and Thu., from 5:0 pm to 4:00 pm, Fri. and Sat., from 5:00 pm to 7:00 am New Foods Av. Getúlio Vargas, 613, Funcionários Tels. +55 (31) 3287-3013 / 3282-0606
Mon. to Sat., from 11:00 am to 6:00 am, Sun., from 5:00 pm to 6:00 am O-Ko-Milão Av. do Contorno, 3.881, São Lucas Tel. +55 (31) 3287-4499 Sun. to Thu., from 11:30 am to 2:0 am, Fri. and Sat., from 11:30 am to 5:00 am Postinho Órion Rua Padre Eustáquio, 1.465, Carlos Prates Tel. +55 (31) 3412-4770 Daily, from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm Rei do Pastel Av. do Contorno, 5.680, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3221-8678 Daily, 24/7 Paracone Av. Brasil, 920, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3481-6679 www.paracone.com.br Sun. to Thu., from 7:00 am to 1:00 am, Fri. and Sat., from 7:00 am to 4:00 am
Renato Fine Burguer Av. do Contorno, 6.854, Lourdes Tels. +55 (31) 3281-9991/8833 Sun. to Thu., from 6:00 pm to 1:30 am, Fri. and Sat., from 6:00 pm to 5:30 am Subway Av. Getúlio Vargas, 610, loja 3, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3296-1616 www.subway.com.br Daily, from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm Mixpão Av. do Contorno, 2.087, Floresta Tel. +55 (31) 3224-1923 Avenida Valdomiro Lobo, 530, Guarani Tel. +55 (31) 3024-2200 Av. Bernardo Vasconcelos, 15, Palmares Tel. +55 (31) 3426-0602 Av. Érico Veríssimo, 2.414, Sta. Mônica Tel. +55 (31) 3452-3801 Daily, 24/7 Padaria Fênix Rua da Bahia, 432, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3334-6138 Daily, 24/7
Where to Eat Belo Horizonte
Photo Ricardo Ferna – PBH Collection
The consumption of sugar and other sugarcane byproducts, such as spirits, intensified in Minas Gerais from the beginning of the 18th century. The spirit, or cachaça, was primarily consumed by slaves, who discovered it was an energy supplement to help them in their exhausting work. But the Crown did not take kindly to the labor force being diverted from mining, or so many slaves getting drunk. Nevertheless, the sugar mills prospered, supplying the domestic market and exporting sugar, rapadura and spirit. Today, cachaça has earned a different status, and Minas Gerais now accounts for over 15% of domestic production. Of the almost 50 labels that have received the Inmetro Certificate of Quality, 28 are produced in the state. An excellent place to find the most famous brands is the Mercado Central in Belo Horizonte.
Photo Diego Gazola
Primary source: Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants MG (ABRASEL), acesse www.mg.abrasel.com.br. For further information access www.belo2014.com, www.belohorizonte.mg.gov.br t’s always recommended to check the schedules with the establishments.
MPB, chorinho, samba, forrĂł, country music, black music, techno, indie and rock. There are innumerous options for all “clansâ€?, including top-quality music with new stars appearing all the time. Besides, Belo Horizonte at night is an invitation to beautiful happy people looking to dance, drink, chat and make friends. There is no shortage of options, especially at weekends, with a range of modern and cool establishments.
Nightlife Belo Horizonte
Photo Diego Gazola
Discotheques Arboreto R. Coronel Jairo Pereira, 44, Palmares Tel. +55 (31) 3657-2959 Arcadium Bar Rua Santa Rita Durão, 645, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3261-8319 www.arcadiumbar.com.br Café de La Musique BH Rua Bárbara Heliodora, 123, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2512-3852 www.cafedelamusiquebh.com.br Camarote Music Bar Avenida Fleming, 201, Ouro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 9434-8008 Cinco Club Rod. MG-30, 8.625, Nova Lima Tel. +55 (31) 3879-3274 www.cincoclub.com.br
Dus Deuses Av. Raja Gabaglia, 3.986, Estoril Tel. +55 (31) 3296-2230 www.dusdeuses.com.br naSala Lounge & Disco Rod. BR-356, Pista Lateral, Belvedere Tel. +55 (31) 3286-4705 www.nasala.com.br Paco Pigalle Av. do Contorno, 2.314, Floresta Tel. +55 (31) 3222-4948 www.pacopigalle.com.br Swingers Lounge Av. Raja Gabaglia, 4.811, Santa Lúcia Tel. +55 (31) 3293-6631 www.swingersbar.com.br Velvet Club Rua Sergipe, 1.493, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3317-8782 www.velvetclub.blogspot.com.br
LGBT Gis Club Avenida Barbacena, 33, Barro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 3295-2693 www.gisclub.com.br Josefine R. Antônio de Albuquerque, 729, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3269-4410 www.roxybh.com
Live Music
Clube Chalezinho Rua Mário Werneck, 530, Buritis Tel. +55 (31) 3286-3155 www.clubedochalezinho.com.br
A Casa Rua Padre Marinho, 30, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3241-1608 www.acasadecultura.blogspot.com
dDuck Club Rua Pernambuco, 1.316, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3267-8472 www.dduck.com.br
Alfândega Bar Rua Viçosa, 250, São Pedro Tel. +55 (31) 3223-1987 www.alfandegabar.com.br
Deputamadre Club Av. do Contorno, 2.028, Floresta Tel. +55 (31) 8822-1111 www.deputamadreclub.com
Barra Lounge Avenida Pres. Antônio Carlos, 7.587, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3497-3133
Nightlife Belo Horizonte
The Belo Horizonte night scene attracts admirers for its huge range of options. Modern premises that spare no expense when it comes to leading-edge technological resources attract the beautiful people. They are always on the lookout for new developments in the music universe.
Bhar Savassi Rua Sergipe, 1.211, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3582-3999 www.bhar.com.br Conservatório Music Bar Rua dos Timbiras, 2.041, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3213-8375 www.conservatoriobar.com.br Granfinos Av. Brasil, 326, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3241-1482
PUBS Amsterdam Pub Rua dos Inconfidentes, 1.141, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3262-0688 www.amsterdampub.com.br
CCCP – Cult Club Cine Pub Rua Levindo Lopes, 358, Savassi Tels. +55 (31) 3582-5628/5627 www.cultclubcinepub.com.br Collins Pub Avenida do Contorno, 5.761, Carmo Tel. +55 (31) 3284-4191 www.collinspub.com.br Duke’n Duke Rua Alagoas, 1.470, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3264-9857 www.dukenduke.com.br
Stadt Jever Pub Avenida do Contorno, 5.771, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3223-5056 www.stadtjever.com.br Vintage 13 Pub Shop Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 382, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 9441-4314 Woodstock Soccer Pub Rua Júlio Pereira da Silva, 135, Cidade Nova Tel. +55 (31) 3658-1969
Rock A Obra Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 1.168, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3215-8077 www.aobra.com.br Casa Cultural Matriz Rua dos Guajajaras, 1.353, Terminal Turístico JK Tel. +55 (31) 3212-6122 www.matrizbh.com.br Circus Rock Bar Rua Gonçalves Dias, 2.010, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3275-4344 www.circusrockbar.com.br Estúdio B Av. do Contorno, 3.849, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3283-2393 www.estudiobmusicbar.com.br
Elvis King Pub Rua Santa Rita Durão, 309, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 9251-5355
Garage d’Caza Alameda do Ingá, 121, Vale do Sereno, Nova Lima Tel. +55 (31) 9192-2358
Lord Pub Rua Viçosa, 263, São Pedro Tels. +55 (31) 3223-5979/0090 www.circuitodorock.com.br
Jack Rock Bar Av. do Contorno, 5.623, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3227-4510 www.jackrockbar.com.br
Major Lock Rua Major Lopes, 729, São Pedro Tel. +55 (31) 9957-3757 www.majorlock.com.br
Rota 85 Avenida Guarapari, 85, Santa Amélia Tel. +55 (31) 3441-4501 www.rota85.com.br
Studio Bar Rua dos Guajajaras, 842, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3047-1020 www.studiobar.com.br
Photo Click Estúdio Profissional – Belotur Collection
Stonehenge Rock Bar Rua dos Tupis, 1.448, Barro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 3271-3476 www.stonehengerockbar.com.br
Bar Purarmonia Av. Heráclito Mourão de Miranda, 2.230, Castelo Tel. +55 (31) 3226-2037
Country Music Alambique Cachaçaria e Armazém Av. Raja Gabaglia, 3.200, Santa Lúcia Tel. +55 (31) 3296-7188 www.alambique.com.br
Watercolors Meire de Oliveira
Galopeira Avenida Tereza Cristina, 175, Prado Tel. +55 (31) 2514-0007 www.galopeira.com
Soul Quarteirão do Soul Rua dos Goitacazes with ruas São Paulo and Curitiba, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 8644-0554 www.quarteiraodosoul.com.br
Miscellaneous Bwana Pub Rua Tomé de Souza, 1.145, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3223-3857 www.bwana.com.br
Nightlife Belo Horizonte
Observatório Rua Senador Milton Campos, 230, Vila da Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3286-3581
Shopping Breaks 114
Photo Diego Gazola
Other information, access www.belohorizonte.mg.gov.br
Belo Horizonte is famed as the best center for the production of handicrafts in the entire state of Minas. Besides handicrafts, the capital of Minas is increas足 ingly famous in the fashion and clothing sector. In its modern shopping malls, in addition to leisure and entertainment, one can purchase the best in fashion, design and accessories in general.
Shopping Breaks Belo Horizonte
Centro de Artesanato Mineiro (CEART-MG) Located in Palácio das Artes, CEARTMG has been going strong for 45 years, selling the authentic Minas handicraft products and popular art. Av. Afonso Pena, 1.537 +55 (31) 3272-9513/9516 Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm; Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Sundays from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Centro de Arte Popular CEMIG Parts of the Circuito Cultural of Praça da Liberdade, housing a series of permanent public exhibitions and commercializing items produced in Minas. Rua Gonçalves Dias, 1.608, Lourdes +55 (31) 3222-3231 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm; Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from noon until 7:00 pm
Loja Brasil Original – SEBRAE-MG A full shop window of the best Minas handicraft products especially created for the event. Av. do Contorno, 6061, Savassi (Pátio Savassi Shopping Mall, 2nd floor) From May 30 until July 13, during shopping mall opening hours. Projeto Vitrines Culturais na Fan Fest This project showcases to the public the diversity of handicraft products of Minas and other states. It is also a temporary exhibition. Av. Amazonas, 6200, Gameleira (Expominas) From June 12 until July 13, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
A marvelous scenario right in the heart of Belo Horizonte, Mercado Central is the place to be for those always looking for something different. It’s a good place to watch how a resident of Belo Horizonte goes about their daily routine, preserving their traditions and chatting with friends.
Shopping Malls Shopping centers usually open from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. Some also open on Sundays, almost always in the afternoon. BH Outlet Rod. BR-356, 7.515, Belvedere Tel. +55 (31) 3288-1818 www.bhoutlet.com.br BH Shopping Rod. BR-356, 3.049, Belvedere Tel. +55 (31) 3228-4000 www.bhshopping.com.br Boulevard Shopping Av. dos Andradas, 3.000, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 2571-7538 www.boulevardshopping.com.br
What are the opening hours of the shopping malls? Stores in shopping malls open from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm; Sundays, from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Food courts and leisure: Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm; Sundays, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Mercado Central Inaugurated in 1929 by the mayor at the time, Cristiano Machado, the Mercado Municipal de Belo Horizonte belonged to the municipality until 1964, when mayor Jorge Carone decided to sell the land because of the difficulties in administering and managing the public space. Today, the market is one of the most emblematic tourist attractions in the capital of Minas. There, amid the multitude that frequents its corridors day in day out, you can find a little of everything. There are ingredients for a good recipe of Minas cuisine, local handicraft items, toys, herbs and spices, the best Brazilian cachaças, meats, fish, flowers and birds, amongst so many other options. It tends to be a pleasant meeting point where the locals get together to chat, between one beer and another.
Diamond Mall Av. Olegário Maciel, 1.600, Santo Agostinho Tel. +55 (31) 4003-4136 www.diamondmall.com.br Minas Shopping Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.000, São Paulo Tel. +55 (31) 3429-3500 www.minasshopping.com.br Pampulha Mall Shopping Av. Antônio Carlos, 8.100, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3491-6010 www.pampulhamallshopping.com.br Shopping Barro Preto Rua Mato Grosso, 382, Barro Preto Tel. +55 (31) 3271-0640 Shopping Cidade Rua dos Tupis, 337, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3279-1200 www.shoppingcidade.com.br Shopping del Rey Av. Pres. Carlos Luz, 3.001, Pampulha Tel. +55 (31) 3479-2000 www.shoppingdelrey.com.br
Shopping Estação BH Av. Cristiano Machado, 11.833, Planalto Tel. +55 (31) 3118-9901 www.shoppingestacaobh.com.br Shopping Norte Av. Vilarinho, 1.300, Venda Nova Tel. +55 (31) 3451-1626 www.shoppingdevendanovabh.com.br Shopping Pátio Savassi Av. do Contorno, 6.061, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 4003-4172 www.patiosavassi.com Shopping Plaza Anchieta Av. Francisco Deslandes, 900, Barreiro Tel. +55 (31) 2552-6700 www.plazaanchieta.com.br Shopping 5ª Avenida Rua Alagoas, 1.314, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3281-0033 www.shopping5avenida.com.br Via Shopping Pampulha Av. Pedro I, 411, Carlos Prates Tel. +55 (31) 3347-7721
Feira de Arte e Artesanato da Afonso Pena Conceived by a local group of artists and art critics, this fair appeared on Praça da Liberdade in 1969. It soon became a meeting point for several generations and drew the attention of visitors and tourists to the wealth and diversity of the work on show. The fair expanded beyond the limits of the square and was transferred to Avenida Afonso Pena in 1991. Today there are around 3,000 exhibitors segregated into sectors.
Av. Afonso Pena, 1.060, Downtown Sunday, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm +55 (31) 3277-4914 Museu de Minerais da IRFFI Internacional Items for presents, jewelry, fine trinkets, necklaces, bangles, polished stones, ash trays, eggs, animals, soap stone, grapes, and arrangements in Brazilian stones. Av. Barbacena, 700, Barro Preto Mon. to Fri., from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sat., from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm +55 (31) 3335-7211 www.irffi.com.br Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Av. Augusto de Lima, 744 Mon. to Sat., from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sun. from 7:00 am to 0:00 pm +55 (31) 3274-9434
Shopping Breaks Belo Horizonte
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Photo Sérgio Mourão – Setes-MG Collection
For information about bars, restaurants and accommodation in the cities of Minas, access www.belo2014.com and www.minasgerais.com.br.
Minas Gerais is unique state: it combines, culture, history tradition and exuberant nature! The dining table in Minas, “where you can always fit one more in”, is the greatest hallmark of the people’s hospitality. The “mineiro” way suits all types of palates, tastes, interests and desires: from tourists in search of adventure, to those just out for some fun, from kids to adults of all ages, country folk and townsfolk. And just listening, reading or finding out is not enough. You have to try things out and taste things. The state is home to the most important architectural and artistic treasure of the Brazilian colonial period, preserved in internationally famous cities like Ouro Preto, Diamantina and Congonhas with their rich profusion of the Baroque whose highlights include works by Antônio Francisco Lisboa, aka Aleijadinho (the Little Cripple), and Mestre Ataíde. The centuries-old cities reflect the greatness of Brazil’s history. In Minas you’ll find the ideal destinations for relaxing and looking after body and mind.
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Watercolor Meire de Oliveira
Ouro Preto
Historical Cities Traveling through the historical cities of Minas is to journey back through Brazil’s history thanks to the huge artistic and architectural heritage of its churches, museums and mentions, not to mention what you find in the streets. The historical cities house relics of baroque art – records representing the gold cycle, the slavery period and the revolutions that marked the 18th century. Besides this historical wealth we can also find in these cities contemporary attractions like movie, gastronomy and winter festivals, as well as Carnaval.
Mariana Photo Sérgio Mourão – Setes-MG Collection
Distance from Belo Horizonte: 115 km The first township, bishopric and capital of Minas Gerais, Mariana is one of Brazil’s most important historical cities, being the first and only city from the colonial period with a planned urbanistic layout. Possessing one of the most beautiful Baroque architectural complexes in Minas Gerais, the city is also famous for its Winter Festival (Festival de Inverno) – jointly organized with neighboring Ouro Preto – and it becomes the capital of the state once a year, July 16, which is known as Dia de Minas (Minas Day).
Mina de Ouro da Passagem This is the world’s largest gold mine open to visitors. In a trolley that runs for 315 meters on tracks and to a depth of 120 m, the visitor descends into the bowels of the earth, skirting
Mina da Passagem, Mariana
through enormous rooms, tunnels and crystalline waters. Distrito de Passagem, Mariana, 4 km from the city. Mon, and Tue. from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; Wed. to Sun. from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. +55 (31) 3557-5000 www.minasdapassagem.com.br There is a visitor’s fee Praça Minas Gerais An unparalleled location with four historical monuments. Surrounding the square you will find the Igreja São Francisco de Assis – where Manoel da Costa Ataíde is buried, along with some of his works, in addition to items by Antônio Francisco Lisboa, aka Aleijadinho – the Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Carmo; the first Casa da Câmara (Town Hall)
Photo Diego Gazola
Catedral Basílica da Sé This cathedral, contrasting with its modest façade, is considered one of Brazil’s richest, because of its chandeliers of Bohemian crystal, altars sculpted by Aleijadinho, paintings by Mestre Ataíde and, principally, the German organ dating from 1701, 7 meters tall and 5 meter wide. Praça Cláudio Manoel Concerts take place on Friday and Sunday mornings. +55 (31) 3557-1216 Museu Arquidiocesano de Arte Sacra The Museum, which is a collection of the works of Aleijadinho and paintings by Mestre Ataíde, is located in a 1770 mansion, and houses sacred items and religious garments dating from the 18th and 19thcenturies. Rua Frei Durão, 49, Downtown Tue to Fri., from 8:30 am to noon, and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm; Sat. , Sun. and public holidays, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. +55 (31) 3557-2581 There is a visitor’s fee Museu Casa Alphonsus de Guimaraens The Museum functions in the house where writer Alphonsus de Guimaraens and his family lived until 1921. It houses personal objects, letters, photographs and panels by the Symbolist poet. Rua Direita, 35 +55 (31) 3557-3259 Temporarily closed for refurbishment. Maria Fumaça Who said time machines don’t exist? The Maria Fumaça train, which during the Brazilian colonial era was a landmark of progress, today takes us back to the past, running between Mariana and Ouro Preto. Pça. Juscelino Kubitschek, Downtown Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. +55 (31) 3558-3104 There is a visitor’s fee
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Photo Sergio Mourão – Setes-MG Collection
and Cadeia do Estado (state penitentiary); and the Pelourinho (whipping post), where slaves were punished.
Distance from Belo Horizonte: 95 km Formerly Vila Rica, it became known as Ouro Preto in 1823. In 1897, when BH was founded, Ouro Preto gave up its status as state capital The first Brazilian city and one of the world’s first cities to be declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, Ouro Preto stands out among Brazilian historical cities for its baroque complex, considered the world’s largest, built during the gold cycle by the most important masters of Baroque art and architecture, such as the “mineiros” Aleijadinho and Mestre Ataíde, and the Portuguese Francisco Vieira Servas, with the help of artists and artisans. Strolling through its streets, visiting its churches, monuments, museums and water fountains makes us feel like live spectators of the history of Minas Gerais and Brazil. The rituals of Holy Week and traditional religious events in the calendar live side by side with an effervescent and vibrant culture, including the renowned Winter Festival, Autumn Festival and Jazz Festival, as well as the hotly-disputed popular parties like Carnaval and the gastronomic festivals. Several of its 11 districts, a few kilometers from the city, also offer attractions like Baroque architecture and art and handicrafts, as well as the climate and natural beauty – inviting us to rest and get back to nature. These include Lavras Novas, Cachoeira do Campo, Amarantina and São Bartolomeu.
Ouro Preto
Matriz Nossa Senhora do Pilar This is the church where the main attraction of the Baroque can be found, a place that you simply cannot fail to visit. Inaugurated in 1733, it is a Baroque masterpiece that produces a dramatic effect on the senses. Praça Monsenhor João Castilho Barbosa. Tue. to Sun., from 9:00 am to 10:45 am and from noon to 4:45 pm +55 (31) 3551-4736 Museu do Oratório The Museum houses a magnificent collection of 162 oratories and 300 images, ranging from the 17th to the
Photo Diego Gazola
Photo Sérgio Mourão – Setes-MG Collection
Ouro Preto
Igreja São Francisco de Assis This church is the masterpiece of two Baroque masters: Antônio Francisco Lisboa, Aleijadinho, and Manoel da Costa Ataíde, Mestre Ataíde. Built in rococo style, it represents a later stage of the Baroque in Minas. In front of the Igreja São Francisco de Assis you can find the fair selling soap stone items. Largo do Coimbra, s/n°. Tue. to Sun., from 8:30 am to noon, and from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm +55 (31) 3551-3282
Photo Sérgio Mourão – Setes-MG Collection
Ouro Preto
20 century, donated by a private collector. Every oratory has its origins in Brazil and provides priceless details about the architecture, painting, clothing and habits of the time when they were produced. Adro da Igreja do Carmo, 28. Daily, from 09:30 am to 5:30 pm +55 (31) 3551-5369 www.oratorio.com.br Museu da Inconfidência One of Brazil’s most important history museums. Its imposing building on Praça Tiradentes is the former Town Hall and Penitentiary of Vila Rica, where rebel leader Tiradentes was incarcerated. Today, the Museum has a valuable collection of objects and manuscripts about the Inconfidência Mineira. It is also home to works by Aleijadinho, Xavier de Brito, Mestre Ataíde, Servas and several objects from the 18th and 19th centuries. Praça Tiradentes, 139, Downtown. Tue. to Sun., from noon to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3551-1121 www.museudainconfidencia.gov.br There is a visitor’s fee
Museu de Ciência e Técnica Created at the end of the 19th century, it houses extensive collections in the fields of Mineralogy, Natural History, Mining, Metallurgy, Physics, Astronomy, Topography and a library of rare works.. Praça Tiradentes, 20, Downtown Tue. to Sun., from noon to 5:00 pm +55 (31) 3559-3118 www.museu.em.ufop.br There is a visitor’s fee Casa dos Contos Exhibition venue of 18th and 19th century furniture, old coins and documents, as well as materials for gold smelting. The mansion used to be a place where gold was weighed and smelted, and it was there, too, that the leaders of the rebellion were arrested. Rua São José, 12 Mon., from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm; Tue. to Sat., from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sun., from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. +55 (31) 3551-1444 www.esaf.fazenda.gov.br/casa-dos-contos/index2.htm
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Igreja Nossa Senhora do Carmo Designed by Manuel Francisco Lisboa, father of Aleijadinho, this church was frequented by the aristocracy of Vila Rica. This 1766 work in rococo style has Portuguese tiles – without equal in Minas Gerais – ornaments made by Aleijadinho’s own hand and paintings by Mestre Ataíde. It stands alongside the Museu do Oratório. Rua Brigadeiro Musqueira +55 (31) 3551-2601 There is a visitor’s fee Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário Erected and frequented by slaves in the 18th century, its main differentiating feature is the architectural design, with the emphasis on curves that remind us of an ellipse. Largo do Rosário
Igreja São Francisco de Paula This church, built during the colonial period, occupies the highest point in Ouro Preto. The Igreja São Francisco de Paula is contemporary with the period at the end of the gold rush. Rua Teixeira Amaral, Downtown Opening hours: Tue. to Sat., from 9:00 am to 10:45 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:45 pm; Sun., from 1:00 pm to 4:45 pm. Feira de Pedra-Sabão Abundant in the region, soap stone replaced European marble in the sculptures and ornaments of the churches of Ouro Preto in the 18th century. Today, the material (a type of soap stone or talc stone, less hard than that used by Aleijadinho) dominates the city’s souvenir stores. At the fair in front of Igreja São Francisco de Assis, artisans sell trinket boxes, pepper pots and chess pieces. Largo do Coimbra, s/n°. Mon. to Sun., from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Entrance is free Teatro Municipal The Teatro Municipal de Ouro Preto, known in the 18th and 19th centuries as the Opera House, is considered by many to be the oldest in South America. It is certainly the oldest still
working in Brazil, the difference being that it was the first theater where, for the first time, women took to the stage in Brazil. It is one of the most charming attractions in Ouro Preto. We know that during the first half of the 18th century, there existed in Vila Rica a theater that went by the name of “Opera”. In 1768, in a private development by the contratador dos reais quintos, (Translator’s Note: Portuguese Crown-appointed land developers) Colonel João de Souza Lisboa began the construction of a new theater. It was inaugurated on June 6, 1770, on the occasion of the birthday of King D. José I. The famous contratador João Rodrigues de Macedo, owner of the Casa dos Contos, was charged with managing the theater in 1790. The layout of the audience takes the form of a lily, while the boxes are divided into two levels. In the middle is the main box reserved for the governor. Renovations began in 1861, when the wooden balconies of the boxes were replaced by ones made of iron, while modifications were made to the roof and the floor. In 1985, the theater was restored. Work on the backdrop uncovered paintings depicting drama and comedy. It has capacity for 300 spectators. Rua Brigadeiro Musqueria. Mon. to Sun., from noon to 6:00 pm (guided tour) +55 (31) 3559-3224 www.casadaoperaop.wordpress.com There is a visitor’s fee Parque do Itacolomi Located approximately 110 km from Belo Horizonte, in the municipalities of Ouro Preto and Mariana, this state park houses the Pico do Itacolomi, 1,772 meters high – the peak served as the reference point for ancient travelers on the Estrada Real. This region witnessed the passage of the colonial period expeditions that exploited gold and transported it to the Port of Paraty, from where it was shipped to Portugal. Today, with its heritage preserved, visitors can get a good idea of the landscape that must have welcomed the ancient travelers.
Carmita Passos, with its collection of local historical documents. There are also gracious chapels, good guest houses and waterfalls, but the main attraction is the Inhotim. Instituto Inhotim The Contemporary Art Center is a place in continuous transformation, where contemporary art and nature coexist side by side. 60 km from the capital of Minas, in the municipality of Brumadinho, the Inhotim occupies an area of 100 hectares of botanic gardens, with an extensive collection of rare tropical species, five lakes, a preserved forest reserve and an artistic collection of international importance. This museum complex provides an unparalleled set of art works in the open air or in pavilions. The landscaping reflects the influence of Burle Marx and is home to rare species of vegetation from the Brazilian flora, including one of the world’s largest collections of palm trees. Access via the BR-381, 60 km from Belo Horizonte. R. B, 20, Inhotim, Brumadinho Tue. to Fri., from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm; Sat., Sun. and public holidays, from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm +55 (31) 3571.9700 www.inhotim.org.br There is a visitor’s fee Want to see the Inhotim Institute from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/ realidade-aumentada
Inhotim, Brumadinho
Brumadinho Distance from Belo Horizonte: 53 km The settlement of the Vale do Paraopeba region by the adventurers and explorers led to the first settlements. The adventurers didn’t find the longdreamt of mountains filled with emeralds, but rather one of the world’s most important mineral regions. The name is derived from ‘brumas’ (mists) common all the year round. One of the attractions is Casa de Cultura
Congonhas Distance from Belo Horizonte: 89 km The city dates from 1757, when Santuário do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos – from the modest beginnings of a cross and oratory – was built by Feliciano Mendes, born in the city of Guimarães, Portugal, in gratitude for having been cured of a serious illness contracted during hard work in the mines. Feliciano Mendes was so poor that until his death in 1765 he survived on alms. Those who visit the city are enchanted by the richness of the Baroque period and the rococo style used in its cre-
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Photo Marcello de Oliveira
One of the Park attractions is the Fazenda São José do Manso, a farm whose main house was listed by the state heritage institute, IEPHA, and is now the Park Visitors Center. The farm, which was located at the center of tea production in the first half of the 20th century, houses the Museu do Chá, where one can see the German machinery used for processing the tea that was harvested. Another attraction worthy of note is the Capela de São José, which houses the Stations of the Cross made by local artisans using naturally available material. Rod. BR-356 (trevo do Hospital de Ouro Preto). Tue. to Sun., from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Guided tours must be booked with the park administration +55 (31) 3551-6193 There is a visitor’s fee
ation by artists who wrote the history of the colonial period. Congonhas is therefore a place where one breathes culture and religion. It is also known as the “city of the prophets” for housing the stunning work of master Antonio Francisco Lisboa, aka Aleijadinho, consisting of the series of 12 prophets carved in soap stone and erected at the entrance to the Igreja do Senhor Bom Jesus de Matosinhos. This complex, with its wealth and grandiosity, was listed by UNESCO as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Between September 7th and 14th, the city receives an average of 150,000 visitors for the Jubilee Party of Senhor Bom Jesus de Matosinhos.
Matriz Nossa Senhora da Conceição It dates from 1734 and in its conception one can discern several phases of the Baroque in Minas. The frontispiece representing Noah’s Ark is one of the few gates attributed to Aleijadinho. Its nave is one of the largest in Minas Gerais, with altars richly adorned by beautiful images. The gilding of the main chapel in 1764 is attributed to Manoel Francisco Lisboa, the father of Aleijadinho. Praça Sete de Setembro Mon. to Sun., from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Santuário do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos Consisting of six chapels and a church that stand out on the landscape, it is a must-see for its artistic value. Each chapel houses scenes of the Stations of the Cross. Just ahead of them, an imposing church rises up with statues of the 12 prophets in its churchyard, carved by master Aleijadinho – standing there like guardians of the temple. Praça da Basílica Tue. to Sun., from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3731-1590 Entrance is free Igreja do Rosário The first temple built in the city, even before the miners put down roots in Photo Diego Gazola
the region. Erected by slaves at the end of the 17th century, its architecture is simple, without the sophisticated decoration of the churches built later on. Rua do Rosário Schedule the visit at the Tourist Support Office (Praça da Basílica)
Parque da Cachoeira Located some 5,3 kilometers from downtown, it has a complete leisure infrastructure, including several natural swimming pools, sports courts (football, peteca and volleyball), a grassy field, a camping area, barbecue stations, a restaurant, snack bar and ice cream parlor. The Santo Antônio river forms several falls, the main one being approximately 20 meters. Free parking (except campers and buses). For visitors looking for tranquility, we recommend not visiting the park on Sundays. Av. Tenente Horácio Cordeiro, s/n°, Campinho Tue. to Sun., from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm +55 (31) 3731-1911 There is a visitor’s fee
São João del Rei
Distance from Belo Horizonte: 185 km One of the most agreeable historical cities of Minas, which in addition to its beautiful assets, also retains its rich secular traditions. One of the most curious are the bells, passed down from generation to generation.
Trip on the Maria Fumaça A rail trip that takes us back through history, connecting São João Del Rei and Tiradentes, passing centuries-old farms between rivers and mountains. The journey takes 35 minutes, but passengers get the feeling that time has lengthened and returned to a distant past. Boarding at Estação da E. F. Oeste de Minas: Av. Hermílio Alves, 366 Journey schedule: Fri. and Sat., departs São João del Rei, at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm; Sun., departs São João del Rei at 10:00 and 1:00 pm +55 (32) 3371-8485 www.trensturisticos.fcasa.com.br There is a visitor’s fee Igreja São Francisco de Assis Sculpted in soap stone, with luxurious Baccarat crystal chandeliers inside. One of the state’s most beautiful colonial temples, its majestic complex attracts attention. Praça Frei Orlando, 150, Downtown +55 (32) 3371-1127 Igreja Catedral Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Pilar Different from other churches in the city because of its altar with gilded carvings. What most attracts our atten-
São João del Rei
tion in this church is the image of the patron saint, Nossa Senhora do Pilar, on a stepped throne on the main altarr. R. Getúlio Vargas, s/n° Daily, from 06:00 am to 11:00 am and from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm +55 (32) 3371-2568 Igreja Nossa Senhora do Carmo Its construction is first mentioned in 1734, when the main chapel was blessed. Dom Antônio de Guadalupe, bishop of Rio de Janeiro, authorized its construction in December 1732. Thereafter, there is a succession of dates that run to 1879. This proves that the work was slow and that several refurbishments were carried out over two centuries. Largo do Carmo, Downtown Tue. to Sun., from noon until 5:00 pm +55 (32) 3371-4805 Memorial Tancredo Neves Inaugurated in 1990, this museum houses an important part of Brazil’s recent history, thanks to a collection referring to the personal and political trajectory of the statesman from São João del Rei. The life of this politician from Minas serves primarily as the common theme running through this historic journey.
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Museu Ferroviário Its collection of equipment includes mechanical parts, educational panels and photographs. The Museum also has an old historical locomotive and a collection of 11 steam locomotives, as well as carriages and cargo wagons. Av. Hermílio Alves, 366 +55 (32) 3371-2888
Photo Diego Gazola
São João Del Rei is known as the land where the bells talk (“Terra onde os sinos falam”), because it retains a curious tradition: by the toll of the bell, one can tell where and when the solemnity will take place and who will be the celebrant; and by the funeral tolls, one can even tell if the deceased is a man or a woman. Today, the city is a reference of exchange studies and its calendar of events includes an intense itinerary.
Rua Pe. José Maria Xavier, 7 Fri., from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm; Sat., Sun. and public holidays, from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm +55 (32) 3371-7836 In the months of December, January and July, visiting hours are extended.
the waters that fed it ran over arches of bricks and stones, from Ponte do Rosário to the entrance to Beco da Romeira, nowadays Beco Maestro João Pequeno. Praça dos Expedicionários Teatro Municipal de São João del Rei With its eclectic architecture and Greco-Roman inspiration, the beautiful theater is proof of the passion that the city’s residents harbor for arts of music and drama. Consult the theater schedule. Av. Hermílio Alves, 170 +55 (32) 3371-3704
Ponte da Cadeia Ponte da Cadeia – a project by Francisco de Lima Cerqueira – was built in 1778. The old wooden bridge, known as Ponte da Intendência, collapsed during a procession, so it became necessary to build a new one. With spans in the form of arches, it was the first stone bridge to be built over the Córrego do Lenheiro stream. It is well lit. Rua Artur Bernardes Entrance is free Non-guided visit for about 10 min. Chafariz da Legalidade No ano de 1834, foi construído um In 1834, a fountain was built on Largo do Tamandaré, which was baptized Chafariz da Legalidade given the fact that Vila de São João Del Rei had been the capital of the Province of Minas Gerais from April 5 to May 22, 1833. Prior to this it had been known as Chafariz dos Arcos (the Fountain of the Arches), as
São João del Rei
Photo Diego Gazola
Photo Diego Gazola
Distance from Belo Horizonte: 210 km Of all the historical cities of Minas Gerais, Tiradentes has best retained the romanticism of the colonial past. Tiradentes is also internationally recognized for its rich gastronomy, whose high point is the International Festival of Culture and Gastronomy held in August, as well as for its rich handcrafts and production of colonial style furniture. The city also hosts one of Brazil’s most important film festivals, the Tiradentes Cinema Exhibition, which takes place at the end of January. To explore the area, start your trip on the train leaving São João Del Rei for Tira-
Photo Diego Gazola
city and the surrounding area Praça Padre Lourival Tue. to Sun., from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. There is a visitor’s fee Museu Padre Toledo A historical mansion that served as the residence of the Inconfidente Padre Toledo. It was here, in October 1788, that the first organized meeting of the conspirators took place. The house contains works by Mestre Ataíde and sculptor Francisco Faria Xavier. Rua Padre Toledo, 190 Tue. to Fri., from 9:00 am to 11:30 am, and from 1:00 pm to 4:40 pm; Sat. and Sun., from 9:00 am to 4:40 pm +55 (32) 3355-1549
Igreja Matriz de Santo Antônio Considered the second richest church in gold in Brazil and one of the most beautiful Baroque temples, which retains an organ dating from 1788, considered one of the world’s 15 most important. Its main attraction is the spectacle of sound and light that tells the history of the great church and the saints, in the voice of actor Paulo Goulart, while a source of light illuminates the gold, the beauty and the details of the work. Rua da Câmara, Downtown Daily, from 08:00 am to 5:00 pm. There is a visitor’s fee Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos Built in 1708, it is the city’s oldest church. Its major riches include the main altar in rococo style with gold leaf, the stone arch, the painting of the “15 Mysteries of the Rosary” on the ceiling and the images of the black saints on the side altars. During the night it is frequented by the Afro-Brazilian inhabitants of the
Chafariz de São José This pretty and solid brick construction was erected by the town hall of Vila de São José Del Rei for three functions: to provide the township with drinking water through nozzles at the front, washing of clothes on the right side; and a drinking trough for horses on the left side. The façade is well worked with decorative stone motifs, for example the coat of arms of the Portuguese Crown, and at the entrance there is a niche with the image of São José de Botas. Three figureheads decorate the nozzles. The Bosque da Mãe d’Água, located at the back, houses the spring that feeds the fountain, and the water reaches the nozzles via a stone aqueduct. At the beginning of the 19th century, punish-
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dentes on the locomotive Maria Fumaça. Birthplace of Inconfidente Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, aka Tiradentes, who fought for Brazil’s freedom, this is one of the most enchanting historical cities of Minas Gerais.
Igreja de São Francisco de Paula From the bus station, taking Rua São Francisco, one reaches the top of the hill where this 18th century construction was built. The chapel has a peculiarity that differs from other churches in Tiradentes in that it has bell towers built into its facade. It has a cross that was installed in 1718, the year that the Arraial was promoted to Vila de São José Del Rei. There is a grassy area in front of the church with a majestic view of the Matriz de Santo Antônio and the entire city. A perfect location for photographs. Morro São Francisco
ment by lashing and prison were the penalties that the Town Hall meted out to anyone who used it in an improper manner. Slaves were forbidden to congregate and enjoy themselves there, nor were they allowed to sharpen thie knives there. The fountain is listed by the heritage institute, IPHAN. Largo do Chafariz, s/n°, Downtown Departing from Largo das Forras, take rua Resende Costa, then rua Direita to the end, turn right onto rua do Chafariz until the square
Sabará Distance from Belo Horizonte 19 km Surrounded by hills and crisscrossed by steep cobblestoned streets, it is the nearest historical city to Belo Horizonte and receives many visitors on day trips. Right in the heart of the downtown area, the narrow streets are home to the best preserved architectural complex. There are rare churches from the first phase of Minas Baroque, but the main attractions are the Solar do Padre Correia, Teatro Municipal, Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Ó, Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos and the
Photo Diego Gazola
Museu do Ouro. The cuisine is one of the most typical of Minas Gerais, the highlight being an entire range of products derived from the jabuticaba fruit, like liqueurs and sweets, and ora-pronobis, a native plant much appreciated in Minas Gerais, whose leaves are used to prepare a wide range of dishes. Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário The strength and faith of the slaves are present in every stone that was piled up during the construction of Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário, erected in 1713 by Irmandade dos Homens Pretos da Barra in Sabará. The slaves decided to build their own church at the place where a little wooden chapel had existed. Due to serious economic problems, the work progressed slowly and the church remained unfinished after almost 100 years of work in three distinct phases of construction, because of the decline of the gold mines and the dispersal of the local slaves following the enactment of the Lei Áurea (the abolition of slavery law). Although unfinished, it is a place that reveals an impressive show of strength. Praça Melo Viana Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição The main church was probably built in the early 18th century, and is therefore an eighteenth century temple with baroque ornamentation, better known as Igreja Grande (the Big Church) or Igreja Antiga (the Old Church). It has a simple frontispiece with a regular façade and two square bell towers; the nave is divided into three sections and there are ornate crests with a ringed sphere. Close to the baptistery one can find a natural size image of Christ with moving elbows and shoulders. The image of Our Lady of the Conception, which stands on the main altarpiece, was brought from Portugal in 1750, but has lost its original character. Above the door of the Capela do Santíssimo there is a panel showing the angels of the Apocalypse. The panel was originally conceived to house the mortuary chapel, and its six-coffered ceiling bear skulls. Praça Getúlio Vargas
Capela de Nossa Senhora do Ó A milestone in Minas baroque and the city’s postcard, this world-famous chapel was erected in 1717 in honor of Nossa Senhora da Expectação do Parto. Its name derives from the celebration in the week preceding Christmas, with daily chanting chants from the litanies repeating the seven antiphones (verses), always preceded by an “Oh”. Thus the Virgin and the Church came to be known as Nossa Senhora do Ó (Our Lady of the Oh). Representing the first phase of the Baroque in Minas, a visit to the chapel is a must. Largo de N. Senhora do Ó
Serra do Cipó National Park
With 33,000 hectares consisting of a diversified flora, it is an ideal environment for trekking and cycle tourism, as well as reinvigorating showers in the waterfalls. The trails to the various viewing spots in the park allow the visitor to take in the beautiful landscape framed by the local mountain ranges. The park is home to the Farofa, Taioba, Gavião, Andorinhas and Cânion das Bandeirinhas waterfalls, which are considered its main attractions.
Rod. MG-010, Km 95, Serra do Cipó Daily, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (maximum of 300 visitors per day). +55 (31) 3718-7228 There is a visitor’s fee
How to get there
Serra do Cipó Distance from Belo Horizonte 129 km A mere 100 km from the capital city of Minas, the region is home to the Serra do Cipó National Park, one of Brazil’s most important parks and home to one of the world’s richest floras. Considered to be one of the most beautiful regions of the Serra do Espinhaço mountains, the endemic species are scattered throughout the region, where trails, rivers and waterfalls become beautiful scenarios.
Santana do Riacho The city grew up around a chapel erected by the first colonizers in the municipality in 1759. Some of the main attractions are: the Serra do Cipó mountains, the township of Lapinha da Serra, and the waterfalls Cachoeira Grande, Cachoeira da Caverna, Cachoeira Véu da Noiva and Cachoeira Serra Morena. On Saturdays, the local artisans organize the Handicrafts Fair, with a variety of products reflecting the local culture. Lapinha da Serra It is not only the waterfalls, lakes and rivers, peaks, caverns, archeological sites, fauna and flora that have made Lapinha da Serra one of the most captivating tourist attractions on the Cipó route. The hospitality, local culture and the friendly nature of its inhabitants justify a visit all the year round. The main natural attractions are: the Cachoeira Bicame and Cachoeira do
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Photo Diego Gazola
Departing from Belo Horizonte: take the MG-010 through Lagoa Santa. After crossing the Rio das Velhas river, head towards the Serra do Cipó. Gate 1 (Areias) of the park is 4 km after Km 95; to get to the Serra do Cipó by bus, from the Belo Horizonte bus station you can use the services of the bus companies Saritur, tel. +55 (31) 3272-8525 and Serro, tel. +55 (31) 3201-9662.
Jaboticatubas Encrusted in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains and occupying around 65% of the total area of the Serra do Cipó National Park, this municipality is home to an ecological sanctuary, as well as being part of the historical heritage. The main attractions are: The Architectural Complex, Fazenda do Cipó and the township of São José da Serra, that offer a diversity of waterfalls and bathing areas.
Serra do Cipó
Lageado waterfalls, as well as the famous boat trip across the reservoir to the rock face with its rock paintings. Conceição do Mato Dentro The natural beauty of the place, famed for its biological importance, enchants tourists. A trip through Conceição do Mato Dentro affords contact with countless springs, waterfalls, pools, natural pools of crystal-clear water, as well as the well-known waterfalls of Peixe Tolo, Rabo de Cavalo and Congonhas. The Serra do Intendente State Park home to the well-known Tabuleiro waterfall, is one of the local attractions. Cachoeira do Tabuleiro The beauty and dimensions are the main features of this beautiful waterfall – one of the state’s and the country’s largest at 273 meters high, with a free fall consisting of a rock face of extraordinary beauty. On the upper part of the waterfall there are other waterfalls, as well as a lake on the lower part, 18-meters deep and surrounded by blocks of stone. The waterfall is located in the heart of the Serra do Intendente State Nature Park.
Photo Diego Gazola
Serra do Cipó
Escultura do Juquinha The statue of Juquinha pays homage to the wanderer by the same name who lived in the region and is today part of the culture of Serra do Cipó. Juquinha was a real person who wandered through the fields gathering flowers and plant shrubs which he would then offer to tourists or exchange them for objects he was interested in. The sculpture by Arcanjo Ranielho, in cement, is approximately 3 meters tall and was built on a plinth, giving a superb view of the entire mountain range. Rod. MG-010, Km 117, Serra do Cipó (departing from the square in Serra do Cipó, take the MG-010 towards Conceição do Mato Dentro for about 17 km, at the top of the mountains, on the left). Opening hours: daily. Entrance is free Cachoeira da Serra Morena Located on private property, this waterfall is surrounded by gallery forest, stretches of cerrado and rupestrian fields. The 1-km walk leads to a sequence of drops with pools ideal for bathing. Type of visit: unaccompanied. Estrada Val da Lagoa, Km 105, Alto da Serra Daily, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Entry fee payable Cachoeira Grande The waterfall has a drop of about 10 m and forms a beautiful lake, ideal for bathing. Cipoeiro Expedições Environmental Integration Complex, between of Santana do Riacho and Jaboticatubas. Open daily There is a visitor’s fee
Photo Diego Gazola
Distance from Belo Horizonte 292 km The discovery of a huge quantity of diamonds in the Alto Jequitinhonha region in 1729 led Arraial do Tijuco to change its name to Diamantina. One of Brazil’s most-visited historical cities, Diamantina to this day preserves its rich architecture, vibrant culture and natural scenarios of rare beauty. All these features of its Historical Downtown gave the city its title of Cultural Heritage of Humanity, granted by UNESCO. Life in Diamantina at the end of the 19th century was described by Alice Brant, in the book Minha Vida de Menina, which became a milestone in Brazilian literature after being rediscovered by American poetess Elizabeth Bishop who lived in Brazil. Besides the baroque colonial mansions, churches, landscapes and religious traditions that are the hallmark of the historical cities of Minas, Diamantina is well known for its huge musical tradition: its serenades and vesperatas (musical events) that are regular attractions and enchant visitors to the city.
Mercado Municipal de Diamantina One of the city’s main picture postcards, construction began around 1835 with the aim of erecting a residential and commercial building. It housed a stopping-off point for caravan drivers, better known as the commissary (intendência), where different products were sold until it was decommissioned in 1884. In 1889, building began of the current market, which has a wooden structure and an arched façade, giving the construction a picturesque look. It also houses the Centro Cultural David Ribeiro, with an auditorium and the Museu do Tropeiro. On Saturday mornings there is a fair where you can find Minas delicacies. Among the products on offer are cachaça, cheeses, honey and exotic ingredients like fern shoots, gambó (the African name for okra) and orapro-nobis. One can also appreciate the art of the pottery makers from the Vale do Jequitinhonha region, with handcrafted items in corn straw and straw flowers – typical flowers of the region. One can also find varieties of quartz in different sizes, as well as trinkets made from the stone. There are also crochet and embroidery products produced by local artisans. Praça Barão de Guaicuí, 170, Downtown Tue. to Thu., from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm; Sat., from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (handicrafts store);Fri., from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm (food and cultural music fair); Sat, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (fruit and vegetable fair, handicrafts, homemade sweets and musical presentations). +55 (38) 3531-9548 Caminho dos Escravos Built by slaves to provide access to the mines at Mendanha, this was one of the main links between Minas and Bahia in the 18th century, and was part of the diamond route from Arraial do Tijuco (former name of Diamantina). One of the best-preserved stretches can be found 5 km from Diamantina, on the road to Araçuaí. The Slave Route (Caminho dos Escravos) is paved for about 300 me-
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ters and also serves as a viewing point of the city. Another options for admiring the Route is to take the 2-kilometer ecological trail to the start of the paved section, taking in native vegetation, streams and waterfalls. Rod. BR-357 (Araçuaí direction) Serra dos Cristais Surrounding Diamantina, the Serra dos Cristais mountain range is an area of landscape listed by the State Institute for the Historical and Artistic Heritage of Minas Gerais (IEPHA/MG), with the approval of the State Cultural Heritage Commission (Conep). It is home to waterfalls and caverns – a trip recommended for those with a more adventurous spirit and seeking contact with nature. A trip that can take in the famous Caminho dos Escravos (Slave Route) and the Cachoeira da Sentinela Waterfall, by taking the Biribi road then a trail that leads to a sequence of waterfalls and river beaches. 134
Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos Listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN), it one of the oldest churches in Diamantina (1731). It was erected by the Brotherhood of Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos and has the classic division of the churches of Minas: choir box, nave, main chapel and lateral sacristies, as well as a peculiar single tower. It was
renovated in 1771, which probably led to the nave being extended and the sacristy added. From the main altar with its gold leaf one can clearly see the sharp incline of the floor, walls and the columns of the choir box to the right. The reason: most of the work was done at night with poor lighting and only by slaves. On the altars, a profusion of black saints enhances the ethnic origin. Outside is the Cross of the Gameleira and the Rosário Fountain (1787). Praça Dom Joaquim (formerly Largo do Rosário), Downtow Tue. to Sat., from 9:00 to noon; Sun. from 9:00 am to noon. Igreja Nossa Senhora do Carmo With altars in gold leaf, Portuguese statues from the 18th century, Bohemian crystal chandeliers and silver lamps, this church has a single, simple square tower located behind the church. The paintings of the ceiling of the nave and the presbytery represent the construction’s greatest treasures, while also worthy of note are the statues carved by Francisco Antônio Lisboa (homonym of Aleijadinho) and Manoel Pinto and an organ with 514 pipes. There are two stories for the fact that the tower was built at the back of the church: the first version says that the change allowed Chica da Silva to attend Mass, since a law prohibited black people from going “beyond the towers”. The second version
Photo Diego Gazola
Shopping in Diamantina In these stores you will find rich handicraft products produced in Diamantina and in other towns of the Vale do Jequitinhonha region, such as intricate trinkets of silver and semi-precious stones; typical local ceramic products; and adornments made of raw cotton on looms, with pretty embroideries in living colors – a centuries-old tradition from Portugal and bearing an African influence – produced by embroiderers organized into cooperatives in the towns of the Alto Jequitinhonha region, like Cristália and Rubelita, among others.
Photo Diego Gazola
says that the change was made at the request of Chica herself, as she didn’t want the sound of the bells to reach her home. Rua do Carmo , s/n°, Downtown Tue. to Sat., from 8:00 am to noon and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm; Sun., from 8:00 am to noon
Photo Diego Gazola
Instituto Casa da Glória – UFMG Passadiço da Casa da Glória A picture postcard of Diamantina, this interesting suspended construction links two houses dating from the times of the Vicentina Sisters (approximately 1876); the main objective of the construction was to conceal the resident nuns from the gazes of the boys when they would cross the street. The two houses were built at different times: the eldest belonged to the Portuguese Crown, and later to Dona Josefa Maria da Glória, thus the name. It also served as the residence of commissaries and the first bishop of Diamantina, D. João Antônio dos Santos. Today, the constructions house the Casa da Glória Institute of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) that supports geology, consisting of the Centro de Geologia Eschwege, the Centro de Referência em Cartografia Histórica and the Centro de Pesquisa e Espaço Cultural. Rua da Glória, 297/298, Downtown Daily, from 8:00 am to noon and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm +55 (38) 3531-1394 There is a visitor’s fee
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Photo Diego Gazola
Vesperata Typical manifestation of Diamantina, the Vesperata is an interesting nighttime, open-air concert with two monthly presentations between March and October, on the traditional Rua da Quitanda, in the historical downtown area. During the event the musicians take up positions on the balconies of the mansions and are conducted by maestros positioned in the middle of the street surrounded by the people present. A spectacle that touches all those who watch it for its touch of beauty and nostalgia. Rua da Quitanda , s/n°, Downtown +55 (38) 3531-9532 Dates: every month, between March and October.
exclusive use. Having been demolished, its façade was rebuilt in 1951. At the back of the house there is a huge plot of land and a lateral façade where the influence of the Arabian culture is evident. In 1989, the house was purchased from the Mata Machado family by the IPHAN. Restorations were made between the 1950s and the 1980s. It currently house the headquarters of the 16th IPHAN, and on the first floor there is an exhibition of panels with information about the life of Chica da Silva and the house itself. Praça Lobo de Mesquita, 266, Downtown (departing from Praça da Catedral, take Rua Direita and Rua Vieira Couto to Praça Lobo de Mesquita) Tue. to Sat., from noon to 5:30 pm; Sun., from 9:00 am to noon
Casa de Chica da Silva An example of Minas colonial civil architecture, this house was probably built during the second half of the 18th century to be the residence of one of the most popular figures in the history of Minas, Chica da Silva. She lived there with her lover, diamond contractor João Fernandes de Oliveira (a Portuguese gentlemen who came to Brazil), between 1763 and 1771. It’s worth mentioning that the story of Chica da Silva is tightly linked to that of Arraial do Tijuco, which gave rise to Diamantina at the height of the diamond mining phase. A small chapel was built alongside the house for Chica’s Casa de Chica da Silva
Photo Diego Gazola
Photo Diego Gazola
Garimpo Real The only working manual mine open to the public in Brazil, the Garimpo Real provides an opportunity to understand the process and techniques of manual mining, talk to the laborers and listen to the stories and “causes” of their mining adventures. This mine does not use mercury to separate out the grit when looking for precious stones, and the miners are free to work as they see fit, without having to pay to use the land. As an added attraction one can take in the beautiful natural landscape characterized by atypical rock formations. Daily +55 (38) 9106-1226 / 3531-1557 Schedule the visit by telephone
Casa de Juscelino Kubistcheck Museu Casa de Juscelino It is a modest house built from wattle and daub, typical of the 17th century. It was there that the former president spent his childhood. After his death, the house became a museum, with an exhibition of photographs, texts and even videos used by JK during serestas. The museum was inaugurated in 1985 so as to preserve and redeem the memory of the famous politician from Diamantina. It is divided into two parts: the house that was the family residence and the Júlia Kubitscheck Annex (Juscelino’s mother), built in 1994. Rua São Francisco, 241, Downtown (departing from Praça da Catedral, take Rua Direita to Praça JK, turn left and go up Rua São Francisco). Tue. to Thu., from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; Fri. and Sat., from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sun., from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Photo Evandro Rodney – IEF/MG
In this little Minas town you can also visit the Museu Casa Guimarães Rosa, the home where the author of the epic Grande Sertão: Veredas was born an spent most of his childhood. Want to get to know Rota das Grutas Peter Lund from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/ realidade-aumentada
Lagoa Santa
The caves of Minas are an excellent option for a trip by those in search of adventure, history and contact with nature in an underground world. The Peter Lund Caves Route begins in Belo Horizonte and takes in four cities researched by Peter Lund – a Dane who made Minas Gerais an international reference in archeology, paleontology and speleology. The route begins at the Museum of Natural Science of the Catholic University (PUC-Minas) in Belo Horizonte, then proceeds to Lagoa Santa where Peter Lund’s grave is located, the Annette Laming Emperaire Archeology Center (CAALE) that houses references about the policy for protecting the archeological heritage, as well as information about pre-history, and the Peter Lund Museum located in the Sumidouro State Park. Taking the roads that run past the Park, one can see the Lapa do Baú Cave and, further ahead, the Lapa Vermelha State Monument. It was here that the cranium of “Luzia” was found, the oldest “Brazilian”, who lay there for almost 12,000 years until she was found. The Caves Route proceeds to Sete Lagoas, at the Rei do Mato Cave located in the State Natural Monument of the same name, and in Cordisburgo, the town where Lund began his paleontology work, one can find the Maquiné Cave and Cave Museum.
Museu Peter Lund The museum is part of the Peter Lund Caves Route consisting of a roadmap of natural landscapes, cultural institutions and historical landmarks. The museum is an important cultural tool for disclosing the discoveries of Danish naturalist, Peter Wilhelm Lund, in the Karst region of Lagoa Santa. It is located within the Sumidouro State Park where a main building of 1,850 m² was built, exhibiting more than 80 human and animal fossils dating from over 11,000 years ago, which are part of the researcher’s 19th century discoveries. Besides the exhibition rooms, the main museum building has two areas where visitors can find out more information about the Stewardship and Speleology Plans of the Sumidouro State Park; a multi-use room for showing videos and holding lectures and workshops; exhibitions rooms, one of them especially dedicated to the collection loaned by the Natural History Museum of Denmark; a technical area reserved for conserving and restoring pieces of
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Rota das Grutas Peter Lund
Distance from Belo Horizonte: 35 km n addition to the major discoveries by Peter Lund in the municipality, Lagoa Santa has other attractions. The origin of the city goes back to the waters found in the municipality. The lake from which the place takes its name contains minerals with medicinal and healing properties, according to local beliefs. The waters from the central lake called Lagoa Santa (Holy Lake), due to its mineral content with its alleged healing properties, was even exported to Portugal.
Distance from Belo Horizonte: 40 km ccording to historical records and cave paintings, human occupation in the region occupied today by the municipality of Pedro Leopoldo began approximately 12,000 years ago. The municipality has already identified over 15,000 archeological sites. The city is also the birthplace of Francisco Cândido Xavier, or Chico Xavier, Brazil’s most important spiritualist leader, elected Mineiro do Século 20 (the Greatest Mineiro of the 20th Century). In the city, by following the Caminhos de Luz itinerary, one can visit the most significant places in the life and works of this famous medium.
Parque Estadual do Sumidouro and Gruta da Lapinha Located in the municipalities of Lagoa Santa and Pedro Leopoldo, only 50 km from Belo Horizonte, the Sumidouro State Park combines the diversity of fauna and flora that characterize the Cerrado. Situated in a region of Karst relief and with superb landscapes, the principal attractions are: Gruta da Lapinha, the cave elected as one of the 7 Wonders of the Estrada Real and one of Peter Lund’s preferred work sites; the Peter Lund Museum; Circuito Lapinha; Trilha do Sumidouro (consisting of the Sumidouro Lake and the rock face with its rock paintings); rock climbing paths, Trilha da Travessia;
Lagoa Santa
Parque Estadual do Sumidouro
How to get there:
Departing from the BH bus station: Viação Atual, tel. +55 (31) 3271-8793 and 3272-6104 Departing from the Lagoa Santa bus station: Lagoa Viva Bus, tel. +55 (31) 3681-1244; and Transrosa, tel. +55 (31) 3681-1924
Sete Lagoas Distance from Belo Horizonte: 73 km For those who enjoy superb landscapes, from the top of the Serra de Santa Helena mountains one can catch a glimpse of some of the attractions the city of Sete Lagoas offers tourists. As the name in Portuguese says, there are seven lakes, the largest being Lake Paulino, right downtown. Besides the lakes that have made the city a tourist attraction, in the Serra de Santa Helena mountains, some 4 kilometers from downtown, one can visit
Photo Evandro Rodney – IEF/MG
Pedro Leopoldo
and the Casa Fernão Dias. Visitors can access the Park at two entrances. Gruta da Lapinha entrance: Rod. Estadual AMG-0115 (Campinho-Lapinha), Km 6, Gruta da Lapinha, Lagoa Santa Casa Fernão Dias entrance: Praça Fernão Dias, s/n°, Quinta do Sumidouro, Pedro Leopoldo +55 (31) 3689-8592 / 3661-8122 Photo Evandro Rodney – IEF/MG
work, as well as a coffee shop and a souvenir store. Tue. to Sun., from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm +55 (31) 3689-8592 / 3661-8671 Schedule visits
Gruta do Maquiné Located in the municipality of Cordisburgo, Gruta do Maquiné was the location where petrified human and animal remains from the Quaternary Period were discovered. Its seven explored chambers are the result of the work of water over millenniums. The primary element in the formation is calcium carbonate; but the cave also exhibits traces of other minerals: silica, gypsum, quartz and iron. Museu Casa Guimarães Rosa The former house where the writer João Guimarães Rosa was born was built at the end of the 19th century. Totally restored in 1973, today it houses the Museum. Tourists are welcomed by the story-telling group, Contadores de Estórias Miguilim – young story-telling residents of Corsdisburgo in the person of the boy Miguilim, a character who makes his first discoveries in life in the novel, Corpo de Baile, from the work of Guimarães Rosa, Campo Geral. During the visit to the Museum the Miguilins narrate and enact parts of the writer’s work and life. The Museum houses documents, personal objects and furniture that tell the story of the most illustrious resident of Cordisburgo. Av. Padre João, 749, Downtown
Gruta Rei do Mato
Cordisburgo Distance from Belo Horizonte: 121 km One of the mythical cities in the imagination of those who appreciate good Brazilian literature. It was here that João Guimarães Rosa, one of Brazil’s major and unparalleled writers was born. The house where the author spent his childhood is today the Museum of the Casa Guimarães Rosa, whose collection includes photographs, documents and a variety of texts written by the author. Another attraction of Cordisburgo is the Gruta do Maquiné, which enchanted Danish scientist, Peter Lund. He discovered the cave in 1835 and described it like this: “Never have my eyes seen anything so beautiful and magnificent within the domains of nature and art”.
Photo Evandro Rodney – IEF/MG
Gruta Rei do Mato An underground paradise, 30 meters deep, that incorporates a hanging trail 220 meters long in four chambers. One of the main attractions is the Rarities Chamber (Salão das Raridades), consisting of two columns of calcite crystal 12 meters tall.
Gruta do Maquiné
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Photo Evandro Rodney – IEF/MG
the Cross and the Parque da Cascata, located in an area of 295 hectares of native forests – with a fauna and flora reserve – crisscrossed by trails and a lake 450 meters in diameter, surrounded by an artificial beach and virgin forest. In the middle of the forest there is beautiful waterfall with a viewing point.
Itineraries: Diamantina
1º dia Belo Horizonte/Diamantina Leave Belo Horizonte for Diamantina. Early afternoon arrival in Diamantina, one of Brazil’s, and the world’s, major historical cities, sought for its culture and musicality that inspire poets and writers, and famed for the illustrious figures who were born there. After lunch, sightseeing in the city that is part of the Cultural Heritage of Humanity, visiting the homes of JK and Chica da Silva, Museu do Diamante, Casa da Glória, the churches built in the 18th and 19th centuries, monuments and works created by the famous architect, Oscar Niemeyer, and exploring its historic hills and streets. On Fridays, the nighttime suggestion is the presentation by the Symphonic Orchestra in front of the Igreja do Bonfim, followed by a trip to the local market for some live music, as well as the food and handicrafts fair.
Diamantina A morning visit to the Garimpo Real, the only mine in Brazil open to tourists, where visitors can experience the entire manual process of mining for diamonds, which has been preserved in its original form for almost 300 years, in addition to learning about the legends and stories surrounding the mining profession, in addition to 2º dia
3º dia Diamantina/Belo Horizonte In the morning, there is the option of visiting the traditional fair at the Mercado Velho de Diamantina, with its diverse handicrafts, typical gastronomy, cultural shows, music and many other attractions. After lunch, return to Belo Horizonte. Ouro Preto
Itineraries: Ouro Preto/Mariana 1º DiA Belo Horizonte/Ouro Preto Leave for Ouro Preto. Visit the historical downtown region of Ouro Preto, and the city’s main attractions like the churches of São Francisco de Paula and Matriz do Pilar, Museu da Inconfidência and Casa da Ópera. Optional visit to the Museu do Oratório. Following the itinerary, visit
Photo Diego Gazola
Photo Diego Gazola
Personalized Itineraries
taking in the incredible rock formations existing there. In the afternoon, a suggested visit to the handicraft stores, for traditional coco and gold jewelry, arraiolo tapestries, stones, crystals, straw dolls, lampshades made from flowers of the cerrado and wooden saints, to mention but a few items. And the notto-be-missed Vesperata, an event that transforms Diamantina into an open-air stage, with presentations by the city’s traditional bands positioned on the balconies of the mansions in the historical downtown area. The presentations will take place on the 7th, 14th and 28th of June, and the 5th and 12th of July.
Photo Evandro Rodney – IEF/MG
Lapa Vermelha, Rota das Grutas
Itineraries: Rota das Grutas
1º Dia Belo Horizonte/Congonhas/ Tiradentes Departure for Tiradentes, stopping in Congonhas to visit the Basílica Bom Jesus de Matozinhos, Capela dos Passos and the Prophets. Continue on to Tiradentes, with arrival expected by the end of the afternoon. In the evening, enjoy the restaurants and bars of Tiradentes. Overnight in Tiradentes.
1º dia Belo Horizonte/Lagoa Santa/ Sete Lagoas Depart in the morning from Belo Horizonte for Lagoa Santa. Visit the Gruta da Lapinha, with its 15 chambers carved out by nature, considered one of the most beautiful in Minas. In the afternoon, visit the Gruta do Rei do Mato, in the municipality of Sete Lagoas, an underground paradise, 30 meters deep, that incorporates a hanging trail 220 meters long in four chambers. Accommodation in Sete Lagoas or in local country hotels.
2º Dia Tiradentes/São João del Rei n the morning, sightseeing in Tiradentes, taking in the highlights of the historical downtown area, like the Chafariz de São José, the Museu do Padre Toledo with its colonial mansions and the Matriz de Santo Antônio
2º dia Sete Lagoas/Cordisburgo In the morning, a balloon trip in Inhaúma (neighboring town of Sete Lagoas). After the trip, departure for Cordisburgo and lunch in a restaurant with typical “mineira” cuisine. Trip to Gruta de Maquiné, considered one of the
Itineraries: Congonhas/ Tiradentes/São João del Rei
Personalized Itineraries
Photo Diego Gazola
2º Dia Ouro Preto/Mariana Morning departure for Mariana, visiting the Catedral da Sé, the Town Hall and the Pelourinho. Optional visit to Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, Museu Arquidiocesano and the Mina da Passagem, the world’s largest mine open to visitation, where one can descend into underground galleries. Late afternoon return to Belo Horizonte.
church. At 1:00 pm, the train ride on the Maria Fumaça to São João del Rei is not to be missed (Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays). In the afternoon, wander around the historical downtown area and visit Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, Solar dos Neves, Largo da Cruz, Teatro, Ponte da Cadeia and Chafariz da Legalidade. Optional visit to the Matriz do Carmo and Catedral do Pilar. Late afternoon return to Belo Horizonte.
the Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, one of the seven wonders of the Portuguese colonization, the works of Aleijadinho and a visit to the soap stone fair. Overnight in Ouro Preto.
Photo Diego Gazola
most beautiful in the world, one of the birthplaces of Brazilian paleontology. It has seven galleries lit by artificial lighting and walkways that provide safety and good angles for observation. After visiting the cave, take in the Casa Guimarães Rosa Museum, the old house where the famous writer was born. Built at the end of the 19th century, it was totally restored in 1973 and today houses the Museum. The collection includes documents, personal objects and furniture that tell the story of the most famous writer from Minas and Cordisburgo.
Caminho Religioso da Estrada Real: 45 km The Caminho Religioso da Estrada Real (CRER) (Pilgrimage Route) links two of the principal Brazilian sanctuaries: Nossa Senhora da Piedade, in Caeté (MG), and Nossa Senhora da Aparecida, at Aparecida in São Paulo. The route is part of a larger complex,
Serra do Cipó
Photo Diego Gazola
Itineraries: Serra do Cipó 1º dia Belo Horizonte/ Santana do Riacho Depart Belo Horizonte for Santana do Riacho. Visit to the Statue of Juquinha, taking in the three bridges of the imperial times of Dom Pedro II, onde where one gets a good view of the top of the mountain range. Next, visit Cachoeira da Serra Morena, consisting of two waterfalls of crystal-clear water surrounded by a beautiful natural garden and rupestrian fields. Lunch. During the afternoon, take a quad bike trip. The trip covers 25 km and last 2h30 min, following dirt roads and stretches of native forest, visiting the Fazenda Cipó, the viewing point from which one can see the Cipó river and the viewing platform with a panoramic
Santuário de N. Sra. da Piedade, Caeté
view of the Cachoeira Véu da Noiva (Bride’s Veil) waterfall. In the evening, a “pilgrimage” to the best bars in Serra do Cipó, an authentic nocturnal city tour in the best ‘mineira” tradition, taking in bars and the nightlife. Overnight in Santana do Riacho. 2º dia Santana do Riacho/ Belo Horizonte In the morning, canoeing in the pools of the Cipó river, heading towards Prainha, with a bathing stop. Ideal for appreciating the fauna and flora of the Cipó river from a privileged perspective. Visit to Cachoeira Grande, one of the region’s most beautiful waterfalls. After lunch, return to Belo Horizonte.
Itineraries: Belo Horizonte/ Inhotim 1º dia Belo Horizonte/ Brumadinho/Belo Horizonte Morning departure from Belo Horizonte for Brumadinho. Visit the Instituto Inhotim, an artistic complex in the middle of a luxurious ecology park. Its contemporary art collection focuses
point for the Caminho Religioso da Estrada Real. With an altitude of 1,746 meters at its highest point, Serra da Piedade is unbeatable when it comes to taking marvelous photographs of the seas of hills in Minas. From the summit the visitor can get a view of Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Piedade, patron saint of Minas Gerais. The path to the top of the Serra presents no major difficulties and tourists of all levels can manage it. Its exuberant fauna and flora are more than sufficient reason for walking the 8km to the Shrine, with its not-to-be-refused invitation to reflection. Rodovia MG-435, Alto da Serra da Piedade, s/nº, Caeté
Serra da Piedade The Serra da Piedade mountain is located in the region of Caeté, bordering on Belo Horizonte and is the starting
How to get there
Instituto Inhotim, Brumadinho
departing from the Belo Horizonte bus station: use the services of Caraça Transporte e Turismo, tel. +55
(31) 3837-1451.
forest biome. This is one of the world’s largest open-air contemporary art centers. Late afternoon return to Belo Horizonte. Want to get to know Instituto Inhotim from another angle? Access: www.minasgerais.com.br/realidade-aumentada
2º dia Belo Horizonte Visit the Circuito Cultural Praça da Liberdade, consisting of the Centro de Arte Popular Cemig, Espaço TIM UFMG do Conhecimento, Memorial Minas Gerais Vale, Museu das Minas e do Metal, Museu Mineiro, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil and Palácio da Liberdade. Inaugurated in 2010, the Circuito Cultural Praça da Liberdade was created for the purpose of exploring the cultural diversity – with interactive options that are open to the public – in an area of huge symbolic, historical and architectural value in Belo Horizonte. The opportunity arose with the transfer of the seat of government of Minas Gerais to the Cidade Administrativa complex in the Serra Verde. The old departmental buildings were adapted, and today they house museums and cultural spaces.
Personalized Itineraries
Photo Marcello de Oliveira
on works created beginning in the 1960s. It has an extremely interesting collection of paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, videos and installations by Brazilian and international artists. Besides the art collections, the Instituto Inhotim has an extensive botanical collection – one of the world’s largest varieties of plants – with rare tropical species in a forestry reserve that is part of the Atlantic
the Estrada Real, a road built at the end of the Gold Cycle to offload the production from our mines. The CRER, however, is based on two other riches typical of Minas: religious architecture and beautiful landscapes. Tourists dedicated enough to complete the more than 1000 km route will be surprised with the mixture of nature and religiousness that unites the patron saints of Minas Gerais and Brazil. Inspired in the centuries-old Caminho de Santiago, pilgrims receive a passport and collect stamps as they travel along, registering the places they visit – at the end of the journey they receive a certificate of conclusion based on the information stamped on their passport.
Useful Information
Phone Calls
How to make long-distance calls (DDD, Long-distance intercity calls) from land lines or cell phones to anywhere in Brazil? For long-distance calls, dial: 0 + XX ( service provider code) + XX (local area code) + phone number. Example: long distance call from Rio de Janeiro to Belo Horizonte 0 + XX + 31 + phone number How to make a long-distance collect call to anywhere in Brazil? To make the long-distance collect call, dial: 90 + XX (service provider code) + XX (area code) + phone number. Example: long-distance collect call from São Paulo to Porto Alegre 90 + XX (service provider code) + 51 + phone number How to make an international call (DDI, International Direct Dialing) from land lines or cell phones to any city in the world? To make an international call, dial: 00 + XX (service provider code) + country code + area code + phone number Example: DDl from Brazil to Tokyo, Japan 00 + XX + 81 + 3 + phone number Main Service Providers 21 Claro/Net/Embratel 12 CTBC 77 Nextel 31 Oi 41 Tim 15 Vivo
Emergency Telephones Emergency Ambulance Service Unit – SAMU: 192 Operates 24 x 7 and responds to calls to the number 192. Calls are free and can be placed from landlines or cell phones. SAMU carries out emergency and urgent procedures, with the ambulances responding to calls at locations such as homes, work places and public streets. The teams consist of doctors, nurses, nursing auxiliaries and first responders that attend to emergencies involving trauma and clinical cases, as well as pediatric, surgical and ob-gyn cases and the mental health of the population.
Other emergency numbers: Carlos Drummond de Andrade International Airport (Pampulha): +55 (31) 3490-2001 Tancredo Neves International Airport (Confins): +55 (31) 3689-2700 / 3689-2701 BHTrans: 156 Women’s Assistance Center: 180 Fire Brigade 193 Civil Defense ( COMDEC): +55 (31) 3915-0226 / 9818-2400 Civil Defense: 199 Highway Management Department (DER): 155 Human Rights: 100 Complaints Hot Line: 181 Healthcare Hotline: 136 Outside BH: +55 (31) 3429-0405 BH Subway: +55 (31) 3250-3901 Federal Police (Passports): +55 (31) 3291-2359 Military Police: 190 State Highway Patrol:: +55 (31) 2123-1903 Federal Highway Patrol: 191 Belo Horizonte City Hall: 156 Bus station: +55 (31) 3271-3000
Intoxication hotline: 0800-722-6001 24-hour service, giving advice and receiving complaints regarding intoxication. Calls are free
Support for Visitors Brazilian Embassies Overseas www.itamaraty.gov.br Consular Portal/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.portalconsular.mre.gov.br Federal Revenue and Consulates www.receita.fazenda.gov.br/aduana/Viajantes/ViajanteChegBrasilSaber.htm
Custom Office Federal Revenue Service 146 (Receitafone) 08800 702-1111 www.receita.fazenda.gov.br
Security Public security entities Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais (PMMG) The Military Police are in charge of public security through ostensible policing that aims to ensure human rights and social integration in Minas Gerais. Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Minas Gerais (CBMMG) The Minas Gerais Fire Service is the entity responsible for protecting people and their property in case of accidents. Their work involves prevention and immediate response in case of fire, environmental disaster, traffic accidents with victims and search and rescue missions. Polícia Civil (PCMG) The Civilian Police is the public security entity responsible for criminal investiga-
tion, while also exercising the role of the Judiciary Police, as well as ** civil and criminal identification, vehicle records and licensing and driver training and records, where the ultimate aim is always to ensure public safety, promote individual rights and strengthen democracy. Emergency Telephones 24/7: Military Police: 190, 911 or 112 Fire Service: 193 Federal Police 194 Civilian Police: 197
Preventive Guidelines for Safety During Matches If you go by car, be careful where you park it: lock the doors, switch the alarm on and take the car documents with you; You are not obligated to pay those who offer to mind or wash your car. If any of them demand money or make any kind of threat, call the Military Policer; Pick up your tickets in advance, avoiding lines and last-minute rushes; Never buy tickets from scalpers − the prices are not the same offered at ticket counters and they are mostly fakes; Try to find out in advance your entrance gate and the number of your seat; If your are bringing children along, it is very important to identify them with name, address and phone number; Arrange where to meet after the game, in case you get separated or lose one another. If the situation persists, look for a Public Security Officer; It is prohibited to enter stadiums with bottles, cans, wooden or metal rods, metal umbrellas and fireworks; Do not throw objects at people, either on the bleachers or on the football field. Public Transportation Remain alert to people that disembark
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA): 0800-642-978 A communication channel for denouncements, complaints and requests regarding sanitary surveillance. From Mon. to Fri., 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Calls are free.
at the same time. In case you suspect something, go to a public place and ask for help; Do not accept invitations from people you have just met; while on public transport, be careful with your personal belongings (cell phones, wallets, etc.); Do not carry your wallet or money in back pockets and avoid reaching for them in public; Beware of bumping, shoving or elbowing, in many cases these are used to distract you or may be an attempt to rob you; Avoid staying close to the doors and remain alert while getting on and off the vehicle, these are the situations preferred by pickpockets; Remain alert to movements on and off the bus. If you suspect something, disembark at the next stop and call the Police.
Festas de Rua (FIFA Fan FestTM) Avoid drinking too much alcohol and do not drink at all if you are going to drive; Do not accept any kind of drink or food from strangers; Try to find a safe place, avoid climbing on trucks, trees, roofs, walls, etc.; If you find someone lying on the ground or even lost, inform a policeman; Get details about the place, the itinerary and the people going there, among other things; Be careful with your personal belongings, such as cell phones, wallets and purses; Preferably use public transport to avoid parking issues, damage and theft; It is important to always have to hand with your home address, or the place where your are staying at and a contact telephone number ; On entering or exiting, avoid loitering around the gates or access points, to avoid obstructing other people entering; Do not take to the events objects that may harm you or others, such as: glass or metal objects, fireworks, etc.; Once inside, locate the support areas,
like first aid posts, police officers and information centers, as well as emergency exits; In case of emergency, exit the premises in an orderly fashion without stampeding; In Public Parks and Green Areas Ecotourism Don’t take long walks or go exploring alone; it’s a good idea to stay in groups with similar physical conditioning or with a guide; Always take a backpack with food, water, communication equipment and flashlights; only camp in designated areas; Before taking a walk, check out the forecast, in case of storms, never stay out in the open or take shelter under trees; Avoid lighting bonfires or burning your trash; this may start a fire; and remember that starting fires is a crime; Plan your route and inform relatives and friends where you are going and when you expect to return; leaving evidence about places you’ll be staying may locate you. At Resorts Find a safe and appropriate place to enjoy yourself; Always look for a place where there are life-guards or the fire service; Do not enter polluted waters or places with warning signs; Remain alert and respect those warning signs; Never go for a swim alone; If you drink alcohol, do not enter the water; Stay close to the shore; Never jump from high places into the water; Do not make a nuisance of yourself while in the water; Heed the warnings of firemen and life-guards; Avoid having meals before entering the water; Parents or those responsible: do not leave children alone!; Avoid staying close to places where there are vessels.
In Hotels Your room will have a map of the hotel with safety protocols; read it; Memorize your location in relation to escape routes, exits and emergency warning signs; Do not smoke in your room; If you have any special needs, inform reception. In Case of Fire If you see any such incident, trigger the alarm and inform reception; Do not waste your time gathering your personal belongings; Do not return to the hotel under any circumstances; Follow the emergency signs; the hotel’s front doors are not the only way out; Do not use the hotel elevators; Evacuate the building in an orderly fashion. Help those that need it. Take the corridors and stairs and always close to the walls, leaving the center free for the firemen. In Public Places While entering or leaving, do not loiter around the entrance to these places; Do not take onto the premises objects that may jeopardize people’s safety; Before taking your seat, find out about the nearest exits; Memorize your location in relation to escape routes, exits and emergency signs; Leave the premises in an orderly fashion, in single file;
Do not climb over chairs or other places that were not meant for this; Keep children close, carrying them or taking them by the hand In case of fire in Public Places Follow the instructions your hear from the public address system; Follow the emergency signs; the front doors are not the only way out; Do not use the building’s elevators; Remain calm, at all times. Do not run, help those who need it and leave the premises in an orderly manner; Do not waste your time gathering your personal belongings; Take corridors and stairs, always staying close to the walls, leaving the center free for the firemen. Attending Matches or Crowded Events Before entering the premises, if you are accompanied by other people, agree with everyone where to meet outside, so that if you get lost you can meet up again. In case of public disturbances and violence, try to leave the premises and call the authorities. It is important that we all know how to deal with situations of risk that can arise at any moment on any day. In case of any emergencies: Call 193
Brazilian legislation prohibits any person with altered psychomotor coordination from driving a vehicle, due to the effects of alcohol or any psychoactive substances. Violations will mean that their driver’s license will be confiscated, and they will have to pay a fine of R$ 1,915.40 and may be charged with a felony under the Brazilian Traffic Code(CTB).
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
If You See Someone Drowning Do not go into the water to save them! You may become another casualty. Without getting close to the person, try throwing a branch, buoy, rope, or other object so they can float and be pulled to safety; After getting the person out of the water, keep them warm, seated if they are conscious or lying down on their side if unconscious, until help arrives.
Addresses and Telephones of the Precincts of the PMMG BPM Region 1 – Downtown, Funcionários 3rd Cpy PM: Rua Timbiras, 536, Funcio nários, tel. +55 (31) 3222-6962 4th Cpy PM: Rua da Bahia, 1.201, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3214-3452 6th Cpy PM: Rua dos Carijós, 758, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3201-8988 RPM Area 3 – 36th BPM (Confins Airport) PMMG Station: Room 34, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2177 BPM Region 16 – Independência, São Gabriel Bus Station, José Cândido da Silveira Bus Station, Hotel Ouro Minas 20th Cpy PM: Rua Tenente Vitorino, 71, Santa Tereza, tel. +55 (31) 3307-0527 23rd Cpy PM: Rua Conceição do Pará, 487, Santa Inês, tel. +55 (31) 3466-8488 24th Cpy PM: Rua Valter Ianini, 80, São Gabriel, tel. +55 (31) 3493-4330 148
BPM Area 22 – Mangabeiras, Hotel Caesar Business (Belvedere), Hotel Quality (Cruzeiro) and Praça do Papa 124th Cpy PM: Rua Yucatan, 70, São Pedro, tel. +55 (31) 3284-8445 127th Cpy PM: Rua Trifana, 839, Mangabeiras, tel. +55 (31) 3282-0942 Área da 25º BPM – Sete Lagoas 25th BPM: Sete Lagoas – Rua Luzia Miranda dos Santos, São Pedro, tel. +55 (31) 3027-3800 Precincts of the Minas Gerais Civilian Police that will deal with tourists, exceptionally, during the FIFA World Cup Finals 2014 3rd DPC/Northwest: Rua Jordânia 313, Ouro Preto (included within the FIFA perimeter), tel. +55 (31) 3498-3077 6th DRPC/Northwest: Av. João XXIII, 287, Alípio de Melo, tel. +55 (31) 3474-5716 Events Police Precinct: Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 640, Lagoa da Pampulha, tel. +55 (31) 3497-9621 Civilian Police Precinct: located in the Social Protection and Criminal Justice Complex located inside the Mineirão Stadium, tel. +55 (31) 3499-4300
1st Depol/South: Av. Carangola, 27, Santo Antônio, tel. +55 (31) 3297-5647 Other Precincts of the PCMG Precinct attached to Confins International Airport: Rua Melquíades Gonçalves, 25, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3686-2272 Precinct attached to Pampulha Airport (CEFLAN I): Rua Pouso Alegre, 417, Floresta, tels. +55 (31) 3421-2070/ 1581/1279 Precinct Specializing in Investigating Theft and Robbery, Anti-kidnapping and Criminal Organizations (DEROC): Av. Amazonas, 7.025, Gameleira, tel. +55 (31) 3375-3599 Precinct specializing in consumer protection (DECON)/Precinct Specializing in Cyber Crime Investigations (DEICC)/Precinct Specializing in Investigating Counterfeiting and Crimes against the Government and the Tax System (DEIFA): Av. Nossa Senhora de Fátima, 2.855, Carlos Prates, tel. +55 (31) 3212-3002 Precinct Specializing in Anti-Narcotics Investigations(DEA) Av. Afonso Pena, 2.351, Funcionários, tel. +55 (31) 3224-5418 Precinct Specializing in Investigating Felonies (DEAI): Rua Conselheiro Lafaiete, 407, Sagrada Família, tel. +55 (31) 3463-3073 Precinct Specializing in Protecting Children and Adolescents (DEPCA): Av. Afonso Pena, 4.028, Mangabeira, tel. +55 (31) 2127-0969 Inter-institutional Round-the-Clock Precinct Specializing in Investigating Felonies (DEPIN): R. Rio Grande do Sul, 604, Barro Preto, tel. +55 (31) 2129-9413 Round-the-Clock Precinct Specializing in Women’s Affairs (DEPAM): Rua dos Aimorés 3.005, Barro Preto, tel. +55 (31) 3330-1880 Specialist Environmental Protection Division (DEMA): Rua Piratininga, 105, Carlos Prates, tel. +55 (31) 3212-1339 Precinct Specializing in Homicide Investigations (DEH): Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 901, São
Cristóvão, tel. +55 (31) 3429-6001 Precinct Specializing in Locating Missing Persons (DELPEDE): Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, 901, São Cristóvão, tel. +55 (31) 3429-6010 Traffic Department Police Operations Coordinator (COP/DETRAN): Av. João Pinheiro, 417, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3236-3501 Precinct Specializing in Traffic Accidents (DEAV): Av. Santos Dumont, 308, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3236-3522 Precinct Specializing in Vehicle Theft and Robbery (DEIFRVA): Rua Uberaba, 175, Barro Preto Precincts in Tourist Areas:
Tels. +55 (31) 2108-5500 or 156 Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
4 Regional Precinct – SETE LAGOAS: Rua Rui Barbosa, 157, Santa Helena, tel. +55 (31) 3774- 2199 3rd Regional Civilian Police Precinct – DIAMANTINA: Av. João Antunes de Oliveira, s/nº, Cazuza, tel. +55 (38) 3531-1625 5th Regional Civilian Police Precinct – Ouro Preto: Avenida JK, 63, Bauxita, tel. +55 (31) 3551-3076 3rd Regional Civilian Police Precinct – São João del Rei: Rua Balbino da Cunha, 9, Downtown, tel. +55 (32) 3371-703
International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis (CIVP), access www.anvisa.gov.br/viajante
Juvenile Courts in Belo Horizonte Pampulha Airport Tel. +55 (31) 3273-3174 Pátio Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3288-3897 Bus station Tel. +55 (31) 3273-3174
Consumer Protection PROCON-BH Av. Santos Dumont, 363, Downtown Tels. +55 (31) 2108-5500 or 156 Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm PROCON (Assembleia) Rua Martim de Carvalho, 94, Santo Agostinho
PROCON-MG Rua dos Goitacazes, 1.202, Barro Preto Tels. +55 (31) 3250-5010 Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Traveler’s Health
National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) Tel. +55 (31) 3277-5369 Confins International Airport Help Desk Tel. +55 (31) 3689-2009
Health Services Public Reference Hospital João XXIII Hospital Accident and Emergency Unit 24-hour A&E Av. Professor Alfredo Balena, 400, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3239-9200 Risoleta Tolentino Neves Hospital 24-hour A&E Rua Formiga, 50, São Cristóvão Tel. +55 (31) 3277-6198 Hospital Risoleta Tolentino Neves 24-hour A&E Rua das Gabirobas, nº 1, Vila Clóris Tel. +55 (31) 3459-3200 Eduardo de Menezes Hospital 24-hour A&E R. Dr. Cristiano Resende, 2.213, Bom Sucesso Tel. +55 (31) 3328-5000
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
PROCON (Downtown) Av. Amazonas, 478, Downtown Tels. +55 (31) 3272-0108 or 156 Monday to Friday, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm www.almg.gov.br/procon
Private Reference Hospita Life Center Hospital 24-hour A&E Av. do Contorno, 4.747, Serra Tels. +55 (31) 3280-4000 / 3280-4100 (Pronto Socorro) Mater Dei Hospital 24-hour A&E Rua Gonçalves Dias, 2.700, bloco I, Santo Agostinho (Pronto Socorro); Rua Mato Grosso, 1.100, bloco II, Santo Agostinho Tels. +55 (31) 3339-9000 / 3292-6000 (ambulance and urgencies)
Tourism Services Belotur Tourist Information Center (CATs) 150
Tancredo Neves – Confins International Airport Rod. MG-10, Confins, tels. +55 (31) 3689-2557 / 3689-2555 Álvaro Hardy Tourist Reference Center – Veveco Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 855, Pampulha, tel. +55 (31) 3277-9987 Pampulha Airport Praça Bagatelle, 204, Pampulha, tel. +55 (31) 3246-8015 Flower Market/ Municipal Park Av. Afonso Pena, 1.055, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3277-7666 Bus station Praça Rio Branco, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3277-6907 Mercado Central Av. Augusto de Lima, 744, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3277-4691 Telephone service Alô Turismo 156 (BH) +55 (31) 3429-0405 (other locations) 24-hour service
Minas Gerais State Department for Tourism and Sports (SETES-MG) +55 (31) 3915-9454 Mon. to Fri, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Car Rental Avis Rua Sergipe, 1.016, Savassi, tel. +55 (31) 3324-8640 Confins (Tancredo Neves) International Airport): Rod. MG-10, Km 39, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2370. www.avis.com.br Hertz Rua Prof. Magalhães Penido, 101, tel. +55 (31) 3492-1919 Confins (Tancredo Neves) International Airport: Rod. MG-10, Km 39, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2150 www.hertz.com Localiza Avenida Bernardo Monteiro, 1.567, Downtown, tel. +55 (31) 3247-7956 Confins (Tancredo Neves) International Airport: Rod. MG-10, Km 38, Confins, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2074 Pampulha Airport (Carlos Drummond de Andrade): Praça Bagatelle, 204, tel. +55 (31) 3491-5145 www.localiza.com Lokamig Av. do Contorno, 8.639, Gutierrez, tel. +55 (31) 3349-8900 Confins (Tancredo Neves) International Airport: Rod. MG-10, Km 38, Confins, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2020 Pampulha Airport (Carlos Drummond de Andrade): Praça Bagatelle, 204, tel + 55 (31) 3441-9651 www.lokamig.com.br Movida Av. Álvares Cabral, 780 (Posto BR), Lourdes, tel. +55 (31) 3309-8553 Confins (Tancredo Neves) International Airport: Rod. MG-10, Km 38, área AAP 2, lote 10, Confins, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2680 www.movida.com.br
Unidas Confins (Tancredo Neves) International Airport: Rod. MG-10, Km 39, Confins, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2320 www.unidas.com.br
Beagá 4 You Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3264-6022 www.beaga4you.com.br
Via BR Locadora Av. Afonso Pena, 1.967, Funcionários, tel. +55 (31) 3222-8035 Confins (Tancredo Neves) International Airport): Rod. MG-10, Km 39, Confins, tel. +55 (31) 3689-2877 www.viabrlocadora.com.br
Bela Geraes The Historical Cities and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3718-7394 www.serradocipogeraes.com.br
A1 Turismo e Viagens Belo Horizonte and the Historical Cities Tels. +55 (31) 3077-9717 / 9324-8400 www.a1turismo.com Agência de Turismo Estrada Real The Historical Cities Tel.+55 (32) 3355-1187 www.tiradentesestradareal.com.br Alô Aventuras The Historical Cities and Inhotim Tel. +55 (32) 9996-7373
Cipoeiro Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3718-7396 www.cipoeiro.com.br Destino Livre The Historical Cities Tel. +55 (31) 8894-4168 www.destinolivre.com.br Desvendar.com Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3497-1524 www.desvendar.com
Andarilho da Luz Serra do Cipó and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3494-2727 www.andarilhodaluz.com.br
D’Minas Turismo Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3324-7486 www.dminasturismo.com.br
ARM Turismo Diamantina Tel. +55 (38) 3531-6733 www.armturismo.com.br
Esportes Livres The Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 9671-5990 www.esporteslivres.com.br
Bizute Turismo The Historical Cities and Inhotim Tel. +55 (31) 3557-2736
Galé Viagens Serra do Cipó, the Caves and the Historical Cities Tel. +55 (31) 3201-3879
Brumatur Viagens e Turismo Brumadinho and Inhotim Tel. +55 (31) 3571-3451 www.brumatur.com.br ByBrazil Balonismo Lagoa Santa Tels. +55 (31) 9307-0076 / 8727-9972
Geraes Viagens Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3047-1221 Guimarães Tour Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
Travel Agents
Condotti Turismo The Historical Cities, Inhotim and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3261-9281 www.condottiturismo.tur.br
Henrik Tour The Historical Cities, Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tels. +55 (31) 3426-4469 / 9431-6649 www.henriktourviagens.com.br Houston The Historical Cities and Inhotim Tel. +55 (31) 3486-0377 www.houstonturismo.com.br HT Happy Travel Inhotim and Brumadinho Tel. +55 (31) 4117-0333 www.hthappytravel.com Itacolomi Ecoaventura Experiências Ecoturísticas The Historial Cities Tel. +55 (31) 3551-4055 www.itacolomiecoaventura.com.br 152
Kopa Turismo e Eventos Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 8743-7832 www.kopaturismo.com.br Libertas Turismo Receptivo Belo Horizonte the Historical Cities and Inhotim Tel. +55 (31) 2516-0333 www.libertasviagens.com.br
Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3505-3672 www.masterreceptivo.com.br Ouro Preto Turismo* The Historical Cities and Inhotim Tel. +55 (31) 3223-7484 www.ouropretoturismo.com.br Pampulha Turismo Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3057-1111 www.pampulhaturismo.com.br Primotur Turismo Ecológico Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3213-9839 www.primotur.com.br Remar Turismo The Historical Cities and Inhotim Tel. +55 (31) 9637-9186 www.remarturismo.tur.br Safari Viagens Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim, the Caves and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3072-0805 www.safariviagens.com.br Saint German Turismo Belo Horizonte and the Historical Cities Tel. +55 (31) 3291-1630 www.sgturismo.com.br
Loucos por Aventura Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities and Serra do Cipó Tel. +55 (31) 3443-5143 www.loucosporaventura.com.br
Tauanã Turismo Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3477-7757 www.tauanaturismo.com.br
Lourdinha Turismo The Historical Cities, Inhotim and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3771-5141 www.lourdinhaturismo.com
Terrazul Viagens e Turismo The Historical Cities Tel. +55 (31) 3561-2473 www.terrazulviagens.com.br
Minas Golden Tours elo Horizonte, the Historical Cities and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3023-1451 www.minasgoldentours.com.br
Trilhas de Minas The Historical Cities Tel. +55 (31) 3221-7922 www.trilhasdeminas.com.br
Master Receptivo Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities,
Tomba Turismo The Historical Cities Tels. +55 (31) 3552-2509 /
* Not part of the Minas Recebe Program.
Tel. +55 (31) 3421-4460 www.guimaraestour.com.br
Turismo Inteligente Belo Horizonte, Serra do Cip贸 and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3665-1227 www.turismointeligente.com.br Uai Brazil Tour Belo Horizonte, the Historical Cities, Inhotim and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 4111-1965 www.uaibraziltour.com.br Uai Trip The Historical Cities Tel. +55 (32) 3355-1161 www.uaitrip.com.br Verde Minas Turismo The Historical Cities, Inhotim and Serra do Cip贸 Tel. +55 (31) 3347-1393 www.verdeminas.com Ver Gerais The Historical Cities Tel. +55 (31) 3762-9124 www.vergerais.com.br Vivica Tour Belo Horizonte, Inhotim and the Caves Tel. +55 (31) 3458-4112 www.vivicatour.com.br XP Tour Serra do Cip贸 Tel. +55 (31) 3718-7132 www.xptour.com.br The travel agencies indicated in this chapter are part of the Minas Recebe Program, an initiative by the government of Minas Gerais that seeks to train hospitality companies in how to enhance the services they offer to tourists.
Airline Sector National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) 0800-725-4445 ww.anac.gov.br/falenac
Infraero 0800-727-1234 ww.infraero.gov.br (click on ombudsman) Ministry of Defense www.defesa.gov.br Air Traffic Control Department Comando da Aeron谩utica Tel. +55 (21) 2101-6234 www.decea.gov.br
Immigration, Emigration and Passports Federal Police 0800 978-2636, www.dpf.gov.br
Domestic Airlines Companies Avianca 0300 789-8160 www.avianca.com.br Azul Tels. +55 (31) 3689-2692 / 0800 887-1118 www.voeazul.com.br Gol e Varig 0300 115-2121 www.voegol.com.br Passaredo 0300 1001-777 www.voepassaredo.com.br TAM Tels. +55 (31) 3689-2233 / 0300 570 5700 www.tam.com.br TRIP 0800 887-1118 www.voetrip.com.br
International Airlines Companies Aerolineas Argentinas Tel. +55 (31) 3689-2650 www.aerolineas.com.ar
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
8877-0355 www.tombaecotur.com
Aeromexico 0800 7716-535 www.aeromexico.com/br Air France Tels. +55 4003-9955 / 0800 888-9955 www.airfrance.com.br Alitalia Tel. +55 (11) 2171-7610 www.alitalia.com.br All Nippon Airways Tel. +55 (11) 2141-2121 www.fly-ana.com.br American Airlines Tels. +55 (31) 3689-2469 / 0300 789-7778 www.aa.com.br British Airways Tels. +55 (11) 4004 4440 / 0800 891-2732 www.britishairways.com 154
Copa Airlines Tels. +55 (31) 3689-2572 / 0800 771-2672 www.copaair.com Cubana de Avación Tels. +55 (11) 3214-4571/2756 www.cubana.cu Delta Airlines Tels. +55 (11) 4003-2121 / 0800 881-2121 www.delta.com Iberia Tels. +55 (11) 3218-7130 / 0800 770-7900 www.iberia.com.br JAL Japan Airlines Tels. +55 (11) 3175-2270 / 6445-2040 www.jal.com.br KLM Tel. +55 (11) 3372-2800 www.klmbrasil.com.br LAB Airlines Tels. +55 (11) 6445-2425 www.labairlines.com.bo
Lan Tels. +55 (11) 2121-9020 / 0800 761-0056 www.lan.com Lufthansa Tels. +55 (11) 3048-5868 www.lufthansa.com.br Pluna 0800 892-3080 www.flypluna.com South Africa Tels. +55 (11) 3065-5115 / 0800 7711 030 www.flysaa.com TAP Air Portugal Tels. +55 (31) 3689-2824 / 0800 727-2347 www.flytap.com United Airlines Tels. +55 (11) 3145-4200 / 0800 16-2323 www.united.com.br
Consular Offices Germany Consul: Victor Sterzik Av. Protásio de Oliveira Penna, 366, 101, Buritis Tel. +55 (31) 3213-1568 Argentina Consul: José Cafieiro Rua Ceará, 1.566/6º, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3281-5288 Áustria Consul: Roland Maria Goblirsch von Urban Rua José Américo Cançado Bahia, 199, Cidade Industrial Tel. +55 (31) 3333-5363 Belgium Consul: Piet van Riet Rua dos Guajajaras, 40/10º, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3226-5374 Canada Consul: Ricardo Queiroz Guimarães
Chile Consul: Alexandre Elias Penido Av. Raja Gabaglia, 1.578, Luxemburgo Tel. +55 (31) 3286-7249 Spain Consul: Cláudio Alvarez Lourenço Av. Olegário Maciel , 454, sala 1, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3213-0763 United States Centro Atendimento ao Solicitante de Visto (CASV): Rua Maranhão, 310, loja 1, Santa Efigênia Consul: Merry Miller, Abiagail Dressel Av. do Contorno, 4.520/8º, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3213-1572 Finland Consul: Patrícia Azeredo Coutinho Rua Comendador Viana, 30. Mangabeiras Tel. +55 (31) 3024.2696. France Consul: Manoel Pereira Bernardes Av. do Contorno, 5.417/2º, Cruzeiro Tel. +55 (31) 4501-3649 From 9:00 am to 11:00 am United Kingdom Consul: José Antônio de Sousa Neto Tels. +55 (31) 3504-6603, +55 (11) 3094-2700 (Consular) Guatemala Consul: Marcos Leal Vallias Vice-Consul: Ramaya Vallias Alameda dos Jacarandás, 1.145, São Luiz Tel. +55 (31) 3311-4997 Netherlands Consul: Monique Tikranohi Looman Rua Sergipe, 1,167, sala 1.102, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3221-7377 Honduras Consul: Héctor Nery Pineda Mendoza Av. do Contorno, 4.747/12º, Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3280-1800 Hungary Consul: Agnes Gabriela dos Mares
Guia Farkasvölgyi Rua Tenente Anastácio de Moura, 676, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3465-0101 India Consul: Elson de Barros Gomes Júnior Rua Paraíba, 523, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3264-5444 Israel Consul: Silvio Musman Rua Padre Rolim, 375, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 9970-6691 Italy Consul: Maria Pia Calisti Rua dos Inconfidentes, 600, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3524-1000 Japan Consul: Wilson Nélio Brumer Rua Paraíba, 1.352, sala 1,401, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3657-4811/4813 Luxembourg Consul: François Moyen Rua dos Guajajaras, 40/10º, sala 3, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3226-5374 Malaysia Consul: Osvaldo Luiz de Oliveira Barros Av. Prudente de Morais, 621, cj. 701, Cidade Jardim Tel. +55 (31) 3284-7627 Morocco Consul: José Alcino Bicalho Rua Marquês de Maricá, 377, Santo Antônio Tel. +55 (31) 3342-1510 Paraguay Consul: Marcos Pereira Cardoso Rua Guandaus, 60, 102, Santa Lúcia Tels. +55 (31) 3344-6349, 9990-3877 / 7116-0101 Poland Consul: Sérgio Pitchon Avenida do Contorno 6.594/7º, Edifício Amadeus, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3555-3329
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
Rua da Paisagem, 220/3º, Vila da Serra Tel. +55 (31) 3047-1225
Portugal Consul: André Bandeira Av. Álvares Cabral, 1.366/9º, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3291-8192 Romania Consul: Ricardo Emílio Costin Av. Barão Homem de Melo, 4.350, Estoril Tel. +55 (31) 3298-2200
BH Trans (bus routes) Tel. +55 (31) 3277-6500 Subway BH Tel. +55 (31) 3250-3901 www.cbtu.gov.br Daily, from 5:15 am to 11:00 pm Intervals of 4 to 7 minutes at peak periods and 10 to 14 minutes at other times
Syria Rua Santa Rita Durão, 1,030, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3261-1015
Trinidad and Tobago Consul: Francisco Antônio Pontello Rua Curral del Rei, 581, Padre Eustáquio Tel. +55 (31) 3411-4970
Uruguay Consul: Jorge Pouy Av. do Contorno, 6.777, 1.301, S. Antônio Tel. +55 (31) 3296-7527
Waldomiro Lobo Primeiro de Maio
Turquia Consul: Manoel Ferreira Guimarães Neto Rua Alvarenga Peixoto, 295/3º, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 2122-6700
São Gabriel Minas Shopping
José Cândido da Silveira Santa Inês Horto
Lagoinha Carlos Prates Santa Tereza Calafate Central Santa Efigênia Eldorado Gameleira Vila Oeste Cidade Industrial
Belo Horizonte
Transport Tancredo Neves International Airport (Confins) Rod. MG-10, Km 39, Confins Tels. +55 (31) 3689-2150/2700 Carlos Drummond de Andrade Airport (Pampulha) Praça Bagatelle, 204 Tels. +55 (31) 3441-9651 / 3490-2000 Airport Shuttle (executive bus) Departure points: (1) Downtown BH: Av. Álvares Cabral, 387 (2) Exit of Tancredo Neves International Airport (Confins). Tels. +55 (31) 3689-2415 / 3224-1002 www.conexaoaeroporto.com.br Belo Horizonte Bus Station Pça. Rio Branco, tel. +55 (31) 3271-3000 Train Station Praça Rui Barbosa Tel. +55 (31) 3273-5976
BH Subway Line 1 (Vilarinho-Eldorado) World Cup Stations
Stations in Belo Horizonte Vilarinho: Av. Vilarinho, 36, Vila Clóris Floramar: Av. Cristiano Machado, 10.411, Floramar Waldomiro Lobo: Av. Cristiano Machado, 9.184, Heliópolis Primeiro de Maio: Av. Cristiano Machado, 9.040, Primeiro de Maio São Gabriel: Av. Cristiano Machado, 5.600, São Paulo
* Solely for users with reduced mobility.
Stations in Contagem Eldorado: Rua Jequitibás, 530, Eldorado
Taxis Coomotáxi Tels. +55 (31) 3304-3700 / 3419-2020 www.coomotaxi.com.br Cooperbh Tels. +55 (31) 3418-2000/4088 www.cooperbh.taxi.com.br Coopersul Tel. +55 (31) 3422-1700 www.disktaxibh.com.br Coopertáxi Tel. +55 (31) 2108-2424 www.coopertaxi-bh.com.br Uai Táxi* Tel. +55 (31) 3022-7327
Viptáxi Tel. +55 (31) 2533-3737 www.viptaxibh.com.br
Money Where can I change my money? There are exchange bureaus all over Belo Horizonte and one at the Tancredo Neves International Airport. You are recommended to keep the transaction slip. You can find other locations at the link www.bcb.gov.br/?INSTCRED. You may find Reais in bureaus de change abroad. Who can buy and sell dollars? Banks, brokers, tourist agencies and hotels can buy and sell dollars in Brazil. You can find the list of authorized agents on the Central Bank websitel. What documentation is required to buy Reais? In transactions of up to US$ 3,000.00 (or the equivalent in other currencies), just show the identity document you used to enter Brazil. For higher amounts you will have to prove the reason for the purchase. Can I use international cards to make ATM (cash dispenser) withdrawals? Yes. You can withdraw Reais from ATMs (cash dispensers) with credit, debit or pre-paid cards of the main international labels.
Real: the Brazilian currency There are bills of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Reais. The coins are denominated in 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents of a Real as well as a 1-Real coin. The bills and coins have had their layouts changed, and both versions are legal tender. The bills of the first family and the coins of the first family, the bills of the second family and the coins of the second family.
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
Minas Shopping: Rua Queluzita, 300, São Paulo José Cândido da Silveira: Rua Gustavo da Silveira, 1.820, Santa Inês Santa Inês: Av. Contagem, 30, Santa Inês Horto: Rua Conselheiro Rocha, 4.050, Horto Santa Tereza: Rua Mármore, 1.020, Santa Tereza Santa Efigênia: Rua Conselheiro Rocha, 2.387, Santa Efigênia Central: Praça Rui Barbosa, s/nº, Downtown Lagoinha: Av. Nossa Senhora de Fátima, 1.295, Lagoinha Carlos Prates: Av. Nossa Senhora de Fátima, 2.875, Carlos Prates Calafate: Rua Extrema, 120, Calafate Gameleira: Rua Conde Pereira Carneiro, 495, Gameleira Vila Oeste: Rua Quilombo, 300, Vila Oeste Cidade Industrial: Rua Diamante, 50, Camargos
Do cash dispensers exchange currencies? Outside banking hours you can do banking transactions at cash dispensers located all over the city. They usually function until 10:00 pm. Because of the 2014 FIFA World Cup BrazilTM, institutions that operate in the foreign exchange market are setting up specific cash dispensers for currency transactions, known as exchange machines (máquinas cambiadoras). The limit is US$ 3,000.00, or the equivalent in other currencies, per transaction.
How can I get the best deal in currency transactions? When changing currency the tourist should check the Total Effective Amount (Brazilian acronym VET), which in addition to the currency rate, also takes into account all charges, fees and taxes levied on the transaction. Doing this enables the tourist to compare the actual prices charged by the institutions. How much in cash and travelers checks can I take into and out of Brazil? There is no limit on the amount in cash and travelers checks when entering or leaving Brazil. However, if you are carrying more than R$ 10,000, or the equivalent in other currencies, you have to fill out an Declaração Eletrônica de Porte de Valores, DPV, an electronic statement of valuables in transit issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service on the website www. revenue.fazenda.gov.br/dpv.
What are the banking hourss? Bank branches are usually open from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Outside these times, cash dispensers are practical options, but usually close at 10:00 pm. Here you can withdraw cash or do banking transactions. They are usually to be found in places where there are lots of people, such as airports, shopping malls, gas stations and hypermarkets.
Is there any limitation on transactions involving cash, pre-paid cards or travelers checks? There are no limits on currency transactions in Brazil. However, in transactions involving amounts in excess of R$ 10,000, delivery or receipt of the Reais must be by bank transfer or check. Can I make payments using international credit cards? Yes. You can make payments with credit, debit or pre-paid cards of the main international labels. Check first whether the establishment accepts payments using international cards before you make the purchase.
Exchange bureaus Banco Safra Rod. MG-010, Km 39, Tancredo Neves International Airport (Confins). Tel. +55 (31) 3261-2601 www.safra.com.br Bradesco Câmbio Exchange Rua Paraíba, 626, loja 4, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 4004-7797 www.bradescocambio.com.br Confidence Câmbio (BH Shopping) Rod. BR-356, 3.049, loja 83, Belvedere Tel. +55 (31) 4004-5700 www.confidencecambio.com.br Confidence Câmbio (Diamond Mall) Av. Olegário Maciel, 1.600, piso L1, loja 65, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 4004-5700 www.confidencecambio.com.br Confidence Câmbio (Pátio Savassi) Av. do Contorno, 6.061, lojas 4 and 5, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 4004-5700 Cotação (Estação BH) Av. Cristiano Machado, 11.833, loja 1.055, Venda Nova Tel.. (31) 4002-1010 www.cotacao.com.br Cotação (Shopping Cidade) Rua dos Tupis, 337, loja 15, piso GG,
Grupo Ceres Rua dos Otoni, 296/3º, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3036-2424 www.cartaovtm.com.br Grupo Fitta (Belvedere) Rod. BR-356, 3.049 (BH Shopping), loja 26B, Belvedere Tel. +55 (31) 3228-4006 www.grupofitta.com Grupo Fitta (Downtown) Rua Espírito Santo, 973, loja 2, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3879-9483 www.grupofitta.com Grupo Fitta (Savassi) Rua Sergipe, 1.520, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3281-2043 www.grupofitta.com Minas Câmbio Turismo Av. Amazonas, 507, loja 8, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3272-0545 www.mcturismo.com.br Nascente Turismo Rua Rio de Janeiro, 1.314, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3273-5900 www.nascentetour.com.br Onexcâmbio EBS Casa de Câmbio Av. do Contorno, 6.061, loja L10, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3288-3144 Picchioni Câmbio (BH Shopping) Rod. BR-356, 3.049, loja 57, Belvedere Tel. +55 (31) 3517-0000 www.picchionicambio.com.br Picchioni Câmbio (Boulevard Shopping) Av. dos Andradas, 3.000, loja 1.041, Santa Efigênia Tel. +55 (31) 3517-0000 www.picchioni.com.br Picchioni Câmbio (Diamond Mall) Av. Olegário Maciel, 1.600, Lourdes Tel. +55 (31) 3517-0000 www.picchioni.com.br
Picchioni Câmbio (Funcionários) Av. Bernardo Monteiro, 1.539, Funcionários Tel. +55 (31) 3238-7300 www.picchioni.com.br Picchioni Câmbio (Shopping 5ª Avenida) Rua Alagoas, 1.314, Savassi Tel. +55 (31) 3517-0000 www.picchioni.com.br Picchioni Câmbio (Shopping Del Rey) Av. Pres. Carlos Luz, 3.001, loja 1.153, Caiçara Tel. +55 (31) 3517-0000 www.picchioni.com.br RB CÂMBIO E TURISMO Rua São Paulo, 1.071, sala 1.411, Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 3212-4071
Post Offices www.correios.com.br Rua Goiás, 77, Downtown, tels. +55 (31) 3249-2244/2242/2236 Mon. to Fri., from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Av. Afonso Pena, 1.270, Downtown, tels. +55 (31) 3249-2235/2234/2240 Mon. to Fri., from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sat., from 9:00 am to noon. Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.000, lj. 77, Cidade Nova, tel. +55 (31) 3426-2863 Mon. to Fri., from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sat., from 9:00 am to noon Rua Pernambuco, 1.322, Funcionários, tels. +55 (31) 3284-7534/1578/4324 Mon. to Fri., from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sat., from 9:00 am to noon
Electricity In Belo Horizonte the voltage is 110 V, 127 V or 220 V. The sockets comply with international standard IEC 60906-1, with the Europlug standard.
Useful Information Belo Horizonte
Downtown Tel. +55 (31) 4002-1010 www.cotacao.com.br
Don’t turn a blind eye to violence against children and adolescents.
REPORT IT. 08000311119. The system is secure and anonymity guaranteed Domestic violence, bullying and neglect are also examples of child abuse. REPORT THEM.
Essential Vocabulary 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ Copa do Mundo da FIFA Brasil 2014TM Training Camp (COT) Campo Oficial de Treinamento Oficial Base Camp (CTS) Centro de Treinamento Oficial Host City Cidade-sede Accreditation Credencial Legacy Legado Volunteering Programme Programa de Voluntariado Opening Abertura Closure Encerramento Bleacher Arquibancada Fan/Supporters Torcedor Cheering Crowd Torcida Elderly People Idosos Ticket Ingresso Half Price Meia-entrada Stadium Estádio Footbridge Passarela Movie Theater Cinema Restaurante Restaurant Parada de autobús Bus Station Hospital Hospital Aeropuerto Airport Good morning Bom dia Good night Boa noite How do you do?(formal) Como vai você? Very well, thanks! Muito bem, obrigado! Nice to meet you Prazer em conhecê-lo Excuse me... Com licença... Have a nice day! Tenha um bom dia! Have a nice trip Faça uma boa viagem! See you soon Te vejo em breve Bye, take care Tchau, cuide-se! Thank you (thanks) Obrigado Thank you very much! Muito obrigado! Sorry/Excuse me Desculpe Who’s speaking? Quem está falando? Just a moment, please Só um momento, por favor I’d like to make a phone call Eu gostaria de dar um telefonema Could you repeat, please? Você poderia repetir, por favor?
How can I explain it? Como posso explicar isso? I don’t know a word in portuguese! Eu não sei uma palavra em português! What’s your name? Qual é o seu nome? Where did you come from? De onde você veio? Where are you staying? Onde você está hospedado? How old are you? Quantos anos você tem? I’m 27 years old! Eu tenho 27 anos! Where’s your city located? Onde fica sua cidade? What’s your address? Qual é o seu endereço? Let me ask you something… Deixe-me lhe perguntar uma coisa... What do you do at your job? O que você faz no seu trabalho? How long will you be staying? Quanto tempo você vai ficar? I’m staying for one week Eu ficarei por uma semana Where can I take a bus to stadium? Onde posso pegar um ônibus p/ o estádio? Round-trip ticket Passagem de ida e volta Could you help me, please? Você poderia me ajudar, por favor? Excuse me, I’d like to know... Com licença, eu gostaria de saber... What time is it, please? Que horas são por favor Where is the toilet (bathroom)? Onde fica o banheiro? Downtown No centro da cidade Do you take credit card? Você aceita cartão de crédito? How much does it cost? Quanto custa isso? Coin Moeda Do you have a reservation? Você tem reserva? What’s the rate? Qual é o valor da diária? Table for 2, please Mesa para dois, por favor I’d like to rent a car Eu gostaria de alugar um carro Have a safe trip Faça uma boa viagem
One of the 12 cities chosen to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™, Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais, is home to a series of tourist and cultural attractions. The guide introduces the reader to the historical and cultural legacy of a state that was born with the glint of the discoveries of gold and diamonds. Belo Horizonte, in turn, which was born as a planned city, affords an excellent quality of life. Its tourist attractions include museums, cultural centers, churches, parks and green areas. One of the highlights is the Circuito Cultural on Praça da Liberdade, home to ten cultural attractions in the same area. The Mineirão, the stadium where the games are to be played, is located in the region of Pampulha, which is also home to beautiful buildings designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer. This publication also includes important tips, so that visitors can enjoy the sporting event in safety, while experiencing a modern metropolis and sharing the hospitality of its people. Between games, the visitor will also have the chance to visit some of the richest historical cities of the Brazilian colonial period.