The Wheel Magazine - Dec 2021

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WHEEL Lifting Standards! Lifting Standards!

On behalf of all TWU officials, our Branch Committee of Management and all TWU staff, we would like to extend warm wishes to all our members for the festive season. There is no doubt that Christmas time is the busiest season for transport workers, and 2021/22 is another season unlike any other. So, we remind you to look after yourselves, drive safe and come home safe to your families. The TWU has another big year ahead in 2022 and we look forward to having you on board with the union in the new year. Warm regards Tim Dawson – WA


occurred or level of involvement.

We provide free counselling, information and support to those who have been involved in and/or injured in a crash. This includes families, friends, carers, those who have witnessed or been first on the scene, first responders and those who may have caused a road crash to occur.

We have specialised counsellors offering free face to face counselling from our Leederville office. We also provide via telephone or online support for those outside the metropolitan area or who may have difficulty getting to us.

This is a self-referral service, meaning you don’t need to provide a referral from a medical or health professional. You can also refer a friend or family member via a third party referral. However, we require their signature to provide consent for us to contact them.

Considering a career in Public Transport?

With 13 depots across Perth, Kalgoorlie and the SouthWest, there is sure to be one near you.

We also have a series of fact sheets available on our website ( These were developed

The Wheel Autumn 2019 29
If you or someone you know is in need of support, call 1300 004 814 or email An Australian icon for 60 years. Proudly servicing Western Australia. An Australian icon for 60 years. Proudly servicing Western Australia. An Australian icon for 60 years. Proudly servicing Western Australia.
Contact 9247 7500 or download an application form at To the travelling public of Perth, our drivers and members of the West Australian Branch of the TWU - we thank you for your continued support. We wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday season and a prosperous new year. 2 The Wheel Christmas 2021


ASK not what the Union has done for me, ASK what you can do for your Union... We had some great wins in 2021. Now the best thing we can do to ensure we’re sustainable for 2022 is to remain financial & sign others up!

The TWU are always fighting for transport workers.

We continue to hear complaints about the state of the transport industry from our members.

Some of the complaints include quality of driver training, or just general training in the transport industry, the way workers are treated, the conditions long distance drivers put up with, as well as the pay and conditions of transport workers.

I wonder what the industry would be like if it was not for the Transport Workers Union.

The TWU has a great history of fighting for transport workers to this day and into the future. From the turn of the 19th century, standing up for owner operators, trolly and draymen.

Continuing through the decades, after the industrial revolution the TWU has been at the forefront, fighting for the worker.

In the late 70’s, early 80’s, the union movement lead the way in the fight for superannuation and dignity in retirement that working people take for granted.

To 2021, and our fight to keep clients accountable, the big companies, fuel and oil, mining, all the way to the banks. Making sure that during our negotiations with all the major companies we get good outcomes around wages and conditions. Many transport workers on TWU agreements receive super up to 15%, wages and rates 30-40% above the Award and clauses that guarantee job security.

Lifting 2-3 tier companies up to where the majors are and continuing the fight to lift all transport workers up. But the fight never ends.

In last 18 months we have lobbied the State Government for:

- Funding for driver training, $6M

- Improved truck parking bays and road train assembly areas, $14M in the 21-22 budget and $36M in the 22-23 budget, also improving overtaking lanes.

- Construction of new lights and cameras with improved fencing on the Fitzroy Crossing

- A peer-to-peer Mental Health program to improve the mental health of drivers on our roads, $250300,000

And we should soon have the review of the Owner Driver Act in Parliament that will improve the sustainability of the transport industry, especially for owner drivers.

Yet we still see workers in transport yards that ask what the union has done for them.

They enjoy 30-40% above award rates, super up to 15%, job security clauses and millions of dollars squeezed out of governments to make roads safer and their working conditions better. It should be asked what you are doing to pay your way, like the other 1000’s of members of the TWU.

How much more would be achieved if all transport workers got on board and stood together.

One united industry, there would be nothing we could not achieve.

Join the TWU NOW.

• Jo Woodford - Vice President • Bruce Spaul • Ralph Roth • Andy Payne • Patricia Bushby • Tony Fleming • Travis Leacock • Lee Pattison • Mike Lawson TWU (WA)
BRANCH COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT Style Guide Transport Workers’ 2019 Telephone 1800 657 477 FREE CALL STATEWIDE Website: Email: Address: 143 Chisholm Crescent, Kewdale 6105 Postal: PO Box 191, Welshpool Business Centre WA 6986 TWU Super 1800 222 071 FREECALL Tim Dawson STATE SECRETARY Ray McMillan PRESIDENT Membership Fees 2022 (all prices include GST) Joining fee $ 20.00 (new members only) Fortnightly $ 25.10 (debited on your nominated day of each fortnight) Monthly $ 54.35 (debited on your nominated date each month) Half-yearly $331.65 (debited on 28th Feb & 30th June each year) Yearly $641.30 (debited on 28th Feb each year) Joining fee $ 20.00 (new members only) Full Year $641.30 (1st Jan – 31st Dec) Half year $331.65 (1st Jan – 30th Jun or 1st Jul – 31st Dec) CASH – CHEQUE – BPAY Joining fee $ 20.00 (new members only) $12.55 per week PAYROLL DEDUCTION (from participating employers only) DIRECT DEBIT (from cheque, savings or credit card a/c) (Visa, Bankcard, Mastercard accepted) The Wheel Christmas 2021 3
Report by State Secretary TIM DAWSON


We continue to see reports, and surveys from the transport industry and the one common theme is the alarming state of the transport industry.

The Senate committee into a viable, safe, sustainable, and efficient transport industry handed down a series of recommendations to industry in August that if they are all adopted, will go a long way to improving and making the transport industry sustainable. Senator Glenn Sterle chaired the committee that heard from industry stakeholders and stories from truck drivers and transport workers that’ll shape a better industry.

Owner drivers, companies, company drivers, unions, associations, the big end of town and insurers all were part of the consultation process to understand the major issues and what needs changing to ensure our industry survives.

One after the other over decades University studies, driver surveys Government reports Parliamentary committees all say the same thing the transport industry is dangerous and in a crisis. And time after time governments do nothing. Must we get to where they are in the UK before something changes? They are in a crisis that has led to the military needing to intervene to deliver fuel.

There’s no shortage of fuel in the country but there are difficulties transporting it due to a lack of drivers.

Their problem isn’t just Brexit, leaving the EU, an exodus of foreign workers and a shortage

of drivers, or supply chain issues linked to Covid.

It’s a lack of care and respect for the job truck drivers do.

“Not everyone can be a qualified professional truck driver. It takes years of training, education, and dedication, and it’s about time these attributes were recognised.

Governments, or should I say politicians, at the whim of big business continue to look at the easy option in importing foreign labour. This is not the answer, it is a short-sighted view, and it is dangerous.

The TWU has been banging on about this for years and it is good to see we are having some success with the WA State Government spending around $50 million this current budget and the next budget in upgrading and building new truck parking amenities.

We need to improve nutrition and mental health for truck drivers. Federal and state governments need to do more.

The TWU continues to campaign to and improve safety and conditions for truck drivers in the transport industry. Because if we don’t, it won’t be long until the same issues that are happening in the UK happen in Australia.

At the WA Labor State Conference, the TWU changed the party platform with several motions. Making proactive changes to the Government’s agenda is one of the ways in which the TWU lobbies for the best interest of our membership.

You can read these motions in full on the next page.

These are not new solutions, but they are solutions to problems that if nothing is done about now, things will likely get worse, adopting these recommendations will ensure our industry will keep moving.

Report by State Secretary TIM DAWSON
4 The Wheel Christmas 2021


Continuity of Entitlements

Where a WA Labor Government intends to change or issue tenders for any major contract for the provision of goods and services it should ensure that no new contract is entered into that disadvantages those employees of the outgoing contractor, with respect to employment including continuity of service and entitlements, wages and conditions and maintenance of labour levels.


Public Education Campaign - Roadside Amenities and Facilities

In support of a safer road freight industry and supporting road freight workers right to roadside amenities and facilities a WA Labor state government will provide funding along identified road freight transport routes, particularly in regional and remote areas, to provide new and improved roadside amenities and facilities for road freight workers and owner-drivers. A WA Labor Government, in consultation with the transport industry and TWU WA Branch, will also develop a public education campaign that demonstrates why heavy vehicle drivers must have access to designated rest areas.


Honouring Indigenous Elders and Sites at Rest Areas

In the spirit of reconciliation and in acknowledging the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community, a WA Labor Government, in consultation with Main Roads, will establish a working group, comprised of Indigenous Land Councils and Aboriginal Corporations, to rename existing rest areas in honour of past or existing Indigenous leaders and or elders. A condition of this process must ensure that 50% of the people who have a rest area named after them are women. Rest areas can also be named after important indigenous cultural sites and or landmarks.


An Industry-Wide Skills Passport and Safe Work Certification

The Transport Workers’ Union of WA applauds a number of initiatives the McGowan State Government has enacted into law to protect workers in the State. However, there is more to be done.

The road transport sector remains one of the most critical in terms of the well-being of the State’s economy, and still has unacceptably high levels of accidents and deaths among those who work in it.

This is partly due to the fact that transport workers receive no standardised or mandated safety induction training upon their commencement in the industry, or are subject to multiple variants of training modules that are often not applicable to their local situation. A recent 2021 cross party Commonwealth Senate Committee which examined the many workplace issues in road transport across Australia concluded that in order to address the safety of all road transport operators it is essential to provide a standardised and verifiable safe work induction card and a linked skills passport for transport workers.

The Transport Workers’ Union of WA sees significant benefit in the unanimous recommendation of the Senate Inquiry to expand the existing Transport Education Audit Compliance Health Organisation’s (TEACHO) BlueCard as a means to introduce a standardised and universal safety induction unit and a skills passport for the transport and logistics sector.

The application of this BlueCard Skills Passport system that is standardised, universal and compulsory will improve accessibility, reduce training costs across the sector and lift the quality of training. This measure will also enable key road transport workers to record safety induction and training credentials as part of the Chain of Responsibility requirements and the West Australian Accreditation System.


Portable Long Service Leave

The Transport Workers’ Union of WA applauds the McGowan State Government for enacting laws to protect the workers of this state. Transport industry workers, particularly those who work for small employers, face challenges trying to up - skill themselves and increase their employment opportunities. As a consequence, there is a significant shortage of drivers within the heavy haulage sector, as many lower skilled drivers simply do not want to lose a hard earned entitlements with their current employers.

WA Labor acknowledges the McGowan Government’s delivery of the Heavy Driving Operations Skill Set program in the metropolitan area and the expansion to the South West this year.

WA Labor calls on the McGowan Government to consider additional ways in which this issue could be addressed, to encourage workers to up skill, increase their employment opportunities and address this significant shortage experienced by the sector.

In considering this, the Government should recognise that employment incentives can play a significant role in ensuring that the industry attracts and retains transport workers in the sector. In recognising this, the McGowan Government will inquire into the viability of a portable construction long service leave scheme for workers in the transport industry.

The Wheel Christmas 2021 5
TWU Nominees Pty Ltd, ABN 67 002 835 412, AFSL 239163, is the trustee of TWUSUPER ABN 77 343 563 307 and the issuer of interests in it. TWUS 7267 TWUSUPER offers tailored insurance for our members so they have financial peace of mind should the unexpected ever happen. This insurance protection is available for members young and old in any occupation, even drivers, loaders and forklift operators. Through life’s ups and downs, we’re here to help and support the people who keep Australia moving. Choose the fund that’s got you covered If you work in transport, choose TWUSUPER. Your transport super fund covers ‘dangerous occupations’ Call 1800 222 071 Visit $58.5m Payments approved by TWUSUPER in 2020-21 Many super funds don’t cover dangerous occupations like transport jobs. TWUSUPER is different. 6 The Wheel Christmas 2021




It’s been a long time coming, with drivers not receiving a pay increase from Rivet for a number of years

Numerous attempts by numerous organisers at getting the company to the bargaining table fell on deaf ears. But the perseverance of the members and delegates never waned.

State Secretary Tim Dawson stepped in recently to get the Northwest organised and got the deal done.

Represented by the TWU drivers committee wage rises of 10% in the first year of a 4 year agreement have been reached. And increases of 1.7% or CPI (whatever is higher) in years 2, 3 and 4. This is a monumental achievement by committed TWU delegates and members.

It is good to see that the company recognises that paying the right wage will equate to retaining good drivers and attracting more talented drivers making Rivet a company of choice.

This result was achieved because your representatives stood strong. It may have

been a long time coming, but as you can see it is a great outcome. The committee made sure that there was no going backwards and as you can see over the life of the agreement, you will get an upfront pay rise and an increase each of the next 3 years, that will keep up with the cost of

living. Employees performing driver/trainer duties to be paid an allowance for time spent performing driver/trainer duties $5 an hour an overnight allowance and a retention bonus. Plus a few of months back pay. A great WIN!

Steve Rabo Rabeling and Dave Wolff should be congratulated for standing strong on getting this agreement resolved.


Can you believe its been 15 years since Linfox bought FCL? Report from Member & Veteran Bruce ‘Sproga’ Spaul

On Saturday 6 of November there was a reunion / get together held at the Kewdale Tavern for the old gearjammers and past employees of FCL.

It has been 15 years since Linfox bought FCL in a strategic bid to compete with industry giants like Toll at the time.

15 years is a long time to still see the FCL logo on containers around Australia on rail and out on the road.

FCL had a lot of premium business partners like Nestles, Target and Cadburys and was the first company to introduce 48’ foot containers and also 10.6’ high containers onto rail, FCL had around 3000 thousand of their own containers and did a roaring trade in the freight forwarding game.

It was a credit to the owner Bill Gibbins

who was a forward and innovative thinker and his company was the first to move to Parkes and set up business there which is now called the Parkes National Logistics Terminal he was a great bloke to work for, who knew the value of appreciating his workers and the power of being a union member.

We used to joke that FCL stands for “family comes last”. When really it stood for Full Container Load. But unfortunately that’s the nature of transport, and the reason that even though we have good bosses (few and far between) it’s important to be in the union.

Unions fight for family friendly hours, an

Both drivers have moved on to try something different but should be acknowledged that their work has left Rivet better than before. Some true unionism and commitment to leaving a better, more prosperous workplace for the future, and not just for themselves.

Congratulations to you both, we hope you’ll take the TWU with you to your next workplace and stay union.

I would like to also thank, the bargaining reps, Tommy Camilo, Ross (Jesus) Cartner, Wayne Craig, Karl Jorgensen and Graham Lee. Well, done to each and every one of you.

Your work will lead to Rivet being a company of choice that is leading the way in pay and conditions. This agreement is set in stone and can not be changed.

There is always more to do, and we need committed union members to make sure we achieve our goals.

Join your Union NOW!

important part of supporting your mental health and work life balance.

The reunion was well attended, with many of the best transport operators you’ll ever meet, full of reminiscing about what a great company FCL was to work for and how Bill Gibbins was a fantastic owner boss.

There were a few sore heads come Sunday.

It was a great catch up and we look forward to the next one.

“Congratulations, the result of a 10% increase in the first year was achieved because you and your representatives stood strong.”
The Wheel Christmas 2021 7
8 The Wheel Christmas 2021


After deferring bargaining in 2020 to put us in a stronger position to negotiate, 2021 has been our opportunity to lock in better agreements that secure the future and improve our pay, super and conditions.

And that’s exactly what we’ve done. Congratulations to the thousands of members across Australia this year who have been part of the first ever transport industry fight to achieve job security in the face of immense upheaval.

Over the past eighteen months there’s been mass chaos and uncertainty in the industry, not to mention the spread of insecure work. Transport workers have

worked on the frontlines of a global pandemic, keeping our communities stocked with essential supplies while wealthy retailers at the top of the supply chains make billions in record profits. We faced a difficult battle. Attacks on jobs, pay and conditions came at us from all angles, but we fought those off and still achieved great wins.

We’ve seen national 24-hour strikes for multiple companies. We’ve seen nearunanimous results in protected action ballots, and incredible efforts from your negotiating committees. Transport workers have shown that when we stand together, we win.

2021 has been a huge year for the major transport companies.
Continued over the page
The Wheel Christmas 2021 9


Key wins throughout this campaign

• Getting “B rates” (which would have undermined your job security) completely taken off the table

• Bringing Toll back to the bargaining table after the split with Global Express, despite great reluctance on Toll’s part

• A fair redundancy selection process to provide lasting security to loyal Toll employees

• Overtime Sunday penalty rates to be paid at double time nationally

• 15% superannuation - Toll workers are the first in the industry to be on 15% super, which is crucial in lifting standards right across the industry

Key wins

• 2% increase to wages and allowances backdated to 1 April 2021

• 2% increase to wages and allowances from 1 April 2022

• 2% increase to wages and allowances from 1 April 2023

• Agreement expiry 30 June 2023, which allows us to be part of the industry fight

• Higher duties to be paid for the full day

• 2 days’ paid family and domestic violence leave

• Boot reimbursement increased to $160.00

• Quarterly paid union meetings

• 2 days personal leave without requiring a certificate

• All existing conditions maintained despite Ceva’s attempts to bring them backwards

• Wages: 2.75% increase from 1 July 2021, 2.75% (or CPI up to a max of 4%) from 1 July 2022 until the end of the agreement

• Outside hire ratios - guaranteed 60% of all work to be given to employees and owner drivers before outside hire

• Site rates for fleet owners and outside hire Improved auditing provisions for outside hire

• Improved consultation provisions to give you more power in your yards

• Full utilisation of employees and owner drivers before outside hire

Key wins during this campaign

• No loss to any existing conditions, like crib breaks

• Wages: 2% increase for period 1 Sept 2030 Aug 21 (1.1% already paid for 1 May 21 onwards); 3% increase in 2021-22 (6% for SA to help close the gap), 3% increase in 2022-23 E-solutions - 2% increase for period 1 Sept 20 - 30 Aug 21 (1.1% already paid for 1 May 21 onwards), 7% increase in 2021-22, 3% + close the gap for parity in 2022-2023

• June 2023 agreement expiry to enable us to remain part of the industry fight

• Super to be 0.5% above Superannuation Contribution Guarantee

• 5 days’ paid leave for secondary caregivers (non-birthing parent) upon birth of new child

• A new mental health plan to support workers

• Paid mandatory govt. isolation of 14 days if exposed to covid during work, and paid days off while awaiting test results

• Community leave eg. domestic + family violence leave

• Upgrade to grading (Grade 8 for Reach stackers, MT forks, Taut Liners)

• Defibrillators to be installed and staff to be trained at every site.

• Criteria/qualification for higher grade – if employee performs 4 out of 5 days over 4 weeks, they’ll automatically qualify for higher grade.

• Wording to better address pay errors


Key wins during this campaign

• Commitment to stronger auditing provisions and greater transparency around outside hire

• Full utilisation provisions

• Preventing the use of outside hire to reduce overtime

• Labour hire casual conversions

• 3% wage increase to apply from 1 Sept 2021, 1 Sept 2022 and 1 Sept 2023, with agreement that if CPI rises above 3% in 2022 and 2023 StarTrack will pass this on as a wage increase

• Disputes procedure to cover all possible matters and when a dispute arises the status quo will apply to all matters

• The 2024 Agreement will be a National Enterprise Agreement (NEA)

• No more gaps until approval - first pay increase in the 2024 NEA will apply on 1 Sept 2024

• Back in the industry fight – agreement that the 2024 National Enterprise Agreement will expire in 2026 to align us with the other major transport companies

“What this proves is that taking

Six of the majors – Toll, Global Express, Linfox, BevChain, Ceva and ACFS –reached strong agreements all within 10 days of each other with companies eager to ward off the threat of a mass day of industry action, endorsed by TWU members.

StarTrack and FedEx proved to be outliers, requiring more strong action from workers to get the companies

back to the table to finalise a decent agreement. Together, we called out and exposed their anti-worker tactics, putting more pressure on management to act responsibly.

What this proves is that taking action works. For many members, this was your first ever time taking industrial action, and although it’s always a last resort, the industry race to the bottom

meant that it has been more crucial now than ever. We are stronger when we stick together and stand firm, and the public will always stand behind the transport workers who have kept our communities going.

Our job now is to enforce our wins over the next two years, before we’re back at the bargaining table and fighting to lift standards in transport with even

10 The Wheel Christmas 2021



Linfox update october 2021 key wins throughout this campaign

• Getting “B” rates (which would have undermined your job security) completely taken off the table

• Job security improvements including minimum enforceable rates, full utilisation + outside hire ratios

• Wages - $1000 payment for full-timers and casuals working full time equivalent hours, $750 for part timers, and $500 for casuals not working full time equivalent hours (paid in Dec 2021); 2.5% increase backdated to July 1 2021 (likely payable January 2022), 2.5% increase in July 2022

• Superannuation - 0.25% increase backdated to July 1 2021, 0.25% increase paid July 1 2022, bringing you to 15%

super in 2022 in line with Toll and Global Express

• Agreement expiry date of 30 June 2023 to enable us to remain part of the industry fight

• Stronger disputes and consultation provisions

• More union meetings

• Fighting off Linfox’s attacks on status quo, “flexible” working arrangements and increases to the span of hours

• Pathway to direct employment for labour hire

• Significant changes to the MT Data policy, addressing driver concerns


Key wins throughout this campaign

• Getting “B” rates (which would have undermined your job security) completely taken off the table

• Job security improvements including minimum enforceable rates, full utilisation + outside hire ratios

• Wages (VIC/WA) - 2.2% increase for 2020 (already paid), 2.5% in Jul 2021 (1.1% already paid), 2.5% in Jul 2022


• Wages: 2.5% increase from 1 July 2021, 3% (or CPI if higher than 3%) from 1 July 2022 until end of the agreement.

• Superannuation: 15% superannuation backpaid to 1 July 2021 - Global Express workers are one of the first in the industry on 15% super.

• Outside hire ratios: Guaranteed 60% of all work to be given to employees and owner drivers before outside hire.

• Auditing: Improved auditing provisions for outside hire.

• Consultation: Improved consultation provisions to give Global Express


employees opportunities to consult with the business.

• Full utilisation: Improved commitment to prioritising the engagement of full-time permanent Transport Workers and Owner Drivers before outside hire.

• Local Agreements: Agreed process to support local agreements.

• Redundancy: Improved and fairer selection process in case of redundancy.

• Family and Domestic Violence Leave: Three days paid leave for employees affected by family and domestic violence.

• Wages (NSW, QLD, SA) - 3.6% increase in Jul 2021, 3.6% in July 2022

• Superannuation - 0.25% increase backdated to July 1 2021, 0.25% increase paid July 1 2022

• Agreement expiry date of 30 June 2023 to enable us to remain part of the industry fight

• Stronger disputes and consultation provisions

• More union meetings

• Fighting off BevChain’s attacks on status quo, “flexible” working arrangements and increases to the span of hours

• Pathway to direct employment for labour hire Significant changes to the MT Data policy, addressing driver concerns

taking industrial action works...”

more of the industry in 2023.

We will ramp up our attention on the wealthy retailers pushing down standards and crippling supply chains.

Retailers like Amazon, which announced profits up 224% to $US8 billion in just the first quarter of this year.

Apple said its profits have more than doubled to US$23.6 billion while Aldi’s annual revenue in 2019 was $US109

billion. Bunnings’ revenue grew 24.4% to $9 billion in the six months to December 2020.

These profits have skyrocketed because of your hard work, but our power is in acting as a collective. Before we know it, it will be time to stand together again, and continue in our fight to change this industry and make it safer for all transport workers.

“Six of the majors – Toll, Global Express, Linfox, BevChain, Ceva and ACFS – reached strong agreements within 10 days of each other.”
The Wheel Christmas 2021 11


Report from our mates at RT Health, the Health Insurer for Road Transport

Working in the transport industry can place workers in stressful situations. Especially when they are driving long distances, hauling big loads, or having to work in a dangerous environment. Long-haul drivers already face chronic isolation in their jobs, and among the Covid-19 pandemic’s multitude of repercussions is a significant negative effect on many people’s mental health.

The Black Dog Institute writes that the most common consequences of a pandemic or disease outbreak include anxiety and panic, depression, anger, confusion and uncertainty, as well as financial stress.

With the effects of the Coronavirus lasting longer than most people could have anticipated, these things have only been amplified. The newer Delta strain of the virus affecting large parts of Australia continues to make this a confronting time. Not least of which because of the not knowing when, and if, things will return to ‘normal’.

This time last year it seemed almost unthinkable that Australia would still be having random outbreaks of Covid-19 and need to face stricter lockdowns and return to maskwearing in different parts of the country. But unfortunately, that is the situation.

There is nothing wrong with seeking professional help during such a time, or indeed at any time. The fact that people can now receive psychological treatment via telehealth services, via telephone and the internet, has been a godsend for many. With the added advantages of no time wasted travelling to and from appointments, and total privacy for patients, who don’t need to sit in a communal waiting room.

Just to talk about ‘stuff’ with an understanding person, whether they be friend or therapist, can be a great help. Isolation from people to talk to and just blow off steam with has become a common problem during Covid-19. Transport workers are already at risk of depression and anxiety brought about by isolation and loneliness.

Most employers have an Employee Assistance Program, whereby staff can obtain completely confidential and private advice from qualified therapists and counsellors. There is no need to tell your employer you are receiving this help, you just need the contact details, all sessions are completely private and confidential.

If you have issues with alcohol or drugs and feel you would benefit from meeting others who are recovering

from similar problems, there are great not-for-profit groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous to turn to for support.

If you are looking to join or change your health fund, rt health has been looking after transport workers for more than 130 years. Find more info at, call us on 1300 886 123 or email to find out about health cover to suit your needs.

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call Emergency on 000

You can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or website, Black Dog Institute clinic: 02 9382 2991, website: DISCLAIMER

This wellbeing message is brought to you by the health and wellbeing team at rt health – the health fund for transport and energy people. The health information provided here is intended to be informative only and should be carefully evaluated for its source, accuracy, completeness and relevance for your purposes. It is not a replacement for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. Always obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances.

12 The Wheel Christmas 2021


The TWU has been campaigning for a number of years to improve the mental health of truck drivers.

The declining mental health of transport workers and the alarmingly high rates of suicide in the industry should be an indication that something drastic needs to change now.

Key representatives of the transport industry in WA, the Transport Workers’ Union of Western Australia (TWU WA) and the Western Roads Federation (WRF) supported by the WA State Government and both national and WA employers, are preparing to pilot a peer support program for transport workers to counteract this trend.

Ultimately, this program aims to reduce the number of suicides occurring in the transport industry.

Steering Healthy Minds is a peer-to-peer support program that involves training key personnel in mental health first aid to provide the tools to recognise declining or poor mental health in the workplace.

The WA model will further provide support in the education of employees about the importance of mental health.

The benefits of peer-to-peer mental health initiatives have been well recognised, and the tools learned through mental health first aid have been internationally accepted as the standard for delivering peer support. Especially in the transport industry, where all the hallmarks of deteriorating mental health is clear. An isolating work environment, loss of communication in remote areas, fatigue and exhaustion and poor nutrition are all categorised as risk factors that lead towards unsustainable work practises and contribute to poor mental health.

Not to mention the transport industry is the most common form of employment for Australian men, with men being known to be at the greatest risk of dying by suicide, but quite often are

least likely to seek help. The transport industry is also the deadliest and truck drivers are often the first to come across the scene of a road crash. Being first on scene, assisting, witnessing, being involved in, or causing a crash, can have a long-lasting impact on those directly and indirectly involved, including family, friends, and work colleagues.

discuss mental health issues or concerns openly and without fear of reprisal, in the same manner as physical injuries.

Promoting - Providing information, promotional material, and support to workers who may experience mental health concerns.

Supporting - Providing support to organisations to establish peer to peer mental health programs for workers including training mental health workers and encouraging publicity of their availability.

The importance of peer support, especially of those who had experienced a similar event, is a fundamental source of support after a traumatic event.

The utilisation of peer-to-peer support programs to address mental health issues is not a new one. Mates in Construction (MIC) has been in operation for over 10 years, providing much needed support to men and women in the construction industry.

A large-scale efficacy study of MIC found that those who participated in the program, were overwhelmingly positive toward the training provided and felt prepared and informed, were they required to intervene with a person experiencing suicidal ideations.

The Steering Healthy Minds program will encourage these three pillars of support for those suffering:

Normalising - Talking about mental health and encouraging people to

The TWU is a part of launching this program aimed at providing peer to peer support training for identified leaders in the workplace, starting with a number of strategically chosen pilot sites. The ultimate goal of such a program is to educate both employees and employers to recognise warning signs, and to remove the stigma that often surrounds discussions on the topic with the result of reducing the number of deaths by suicide amongst transport workers. Thanks to the McGowan State Government for getting behind this pilot and supporting Steering Healthy Minds. This topic can be confronting, if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, you do not have to do it alone. There are many people and organisations that want to help you. These contacts can help in a crisis or just lend an ear, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Beyondblue | 1300 22 4636

Lifeline | 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467

If you’d like to learn more, or want to pilot the program at your workplace, you can contact WA representatives of the Steering Healthy Minds program at

The declining mental health of transport workers & alarmingly high rates of suicide in our industry should be an indication that something drastic needs to change now.
says State Secretary TIM DAWSON
“Steering Healthy Minds is a peer-to-peer support program that involves training key personnel to recognise declining or poor mental health in the workplace.”
The Wheel Christmas 2021 13




Numerous petitions have been signed & Government is close to signing off on a Taskforce. But we will keep fighting for safer buses until we win safer buses.

This is no new thing. Bus drivers have been calling for better safety and security on their buses since Adam was a boy. Sometimes it feels like no matter what we do, the root of the problem when it comes to anti-social behaviour is only getting worse.

And bus drivers are in the crossfire when it comes to attacks in the place of work.

Footage emerged of an incident on Monday 18 October where a member of the public was assaulted on a Transperth bus by a group of teenagers while school aged children can be heard screaming, including the child of the passenger being assaulted.

Another violent incident occurred on a bus from Perth to Fremantle during the afterwork rush on Melbourne Cup Day, where several passengers were injured including a mother who claimed to have suffered from cuts to her face and black eyes.

These incidents are only the tip of the iceberg, and despite how dreadful they are, are only the ones that get reported by mainstream media. Our bus drivers are subject to assaults and breaking up alcohol fuelled violence on their buses on a daily, reoccurring basis. The only difference when it comes to these incidents is that somebody recorded it. This is why we’re calling upon the WA State Government to take immediate action and invest in the bus industry to improve the safety and security of bus drivers and the travelling public.

The Transport Workers’ Union and its members want to see the WA State Government to implement a taskforce that consists of the TWU, TWU Delegates, the Transport Minister, the Minister for Police and the PTA to address this ever-growing issue.

“We are calling for an immediate change to the levels of power PTA security have & increased security presence, not just from 1PM”

We are calling for an immediate change to the levels of power PTA security have and for security presence to be increased ensuring availability all day, not just from 1pm,

for both the safety of our members and the travelling public.

A petition has been circulated to bus drivers across the network, receiving an overwhelming response from members and non-members.

And we’ve written to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti with some indication the government is prepared to hear the concerns of bus drivers.

It’s probably not going to solve the issue of anti-social behaviour, but increasing the presence of security guards as a deterrent, having protections for bus drivers and pouring resources into changing the way these issues are handled currently, will increase the safety of our bus drivers and may save a life.

14 The Wheel Christmas 2021



TWU members had raised concerns after the most recent lockdown and restrictions during Covid that there were no measures in place to ensure drivers had adequate supplies in the event the Government placed restrictions or called for a lockdown in WA. Due to pressure from TWU members, a meeting was held with the Ministers Office and PTA where your TWU Delegates submitted a proposal in writing outlining a plan for the future as well as ensuring drivers had supplies for any snap restrictions or lockdowns.


Covid kits are being developed for all drivers to have with them at all times

which include:

• Toiletry bag

• 300ml hand sanitiser

• 50 pack of alcoholic wipes

• Disposable face masks

The kits were handed out to every bus driver in Perth all thanks to the union members and delegates who fought for them. Drivers’ safety is always on the forefront of the TWU and whilst this will ensure consistency across the network, there are still a number of other items

says Bus Organiser MARK

from the proposal to be addressed to maintain your safety as frontline workers.


The Wheel Christmas 2021 15


says lead organiser JASON WALTERS

The role of leave entitlements in today’s hectic and demanding working life are vital.

However, the rise of insecure work means leave entitlements, as they currently stand, should be revised and updated.

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown clearly the negative impacts of insecure work on our society.

Workers without sick leave have been forced to go to work or not get paid, as industries shut workers in insecure work have found themselves without annual leave or other forms of leave to fall back on for support.

This has required dramatic Government intervention.

However, the consequences of insecure work are not new.

Workers in insecure work regularly report having substandard employment conditions and entitlements.

The McKell Institute report, titled ‘The Case for a National Portable Long Service Leave Scheme in Australia’ (2013) estimated that 33% of Australian workers

did not have any access or entitlement to long service leave at all.

Long service leave provides a much needed break from the demands and stresses of work, to encourage rest and recovery before again returning to work. Long service leave is not a ‘reward’ for years of service to a particular employer, it is an earned entitlement that has been circumvented by employers through the use of a casualised workforce.

One way to resolve these issues would be for the WA State Government to implement a portable long service leave scheme like they have in the construction industry or like they have in Victoria.

In Victoria contract cleaners, security and community services industries or simply industries where intermittent and casual employment is a feature of the industry have portable long service leave.

In 2017 when Broadspectrum (now Ventia) won the Department of Corrective Services contract from Serco for prison officers, our TWU members went from wearing one uniform and holding on to years of entitlements, to overnight, wearing a new uniform and

having those accruals stripped from them.

If a portable long service leave scheme existed, those entitlements would be paid by their employer into a bank and it would follow them to every workplace, ensuring these workers could take their long service leave at 7 years.

Or allow for sick, personal, or annual leave whenever they needed it.

Portable long service leave would mean workers were again able to access leave entitlements after a sustained period in the workforce.

It would encourage workers to take holidays or breaks to spend more time with their families. In addition, portable long service leave would provide substantial benefits to employers including the retention and increased productivity of staff.

These schemes have proven themselves over the longer term to be of a financial advantage to businesses as the investments from these schemes become self funding over time, allowing for a gradual reduction of future contributions from employers.

Motion for Continuity of Entitlements

Where a WA Labor Government intends to change or issue tenders for any major contract for the provision of goods and services it should ensure that no new contract is entered into that disadvantages those employees of the outgoing contractor, with respect to employment including continuity of service and entitlements, wages and conditions and maintenance of labour levels.
16 The Wheel Christmas 2021



Court and Custody Officers are calling on the WA State Government to bring their Department of Justice contract back in house and secure the jobs of over 300 guards. And retain well-trained and experienced guards by attracting them to a high-risk industry with reliable, safe, secure and meaningful roles.

“We are Care and Custodial officers who work for contractor Ventia under the Department of Justice (“DoJ”) Court Security and Custodial Services (“CS&CS”) contract. Some of us have worked in this role for 20 years and have not once received long service leave. The contract constantly changes providers and has been mismanaged since it was privatised by the Department of Justice in 2000.”

“You may remember hearing about the tragic death in custody of Mr. Ward under G4S/GSL, the many issues Serco had with the contract or when prisoner Laurie Dodds escaped in 2019 under the provider Broadspectrum.

We work in a challenging role and a risky environment, transporting persons in custody to hospitals and keeping a watch on persons in custody who have left the prisons for the day, for whatever reason. The contract in its form is simply unsustainable.

We deal with a high turnover of staff, other untrained guards (subcontractors the company uses to keep costs down), low morale, and low paid, insecure, casualized jobs.”

“After being stonewalled on two occasions by the company and the Fair Work Commission when we tried to take protected industrial action, NOW we are calling for the WA State Government to bring the contract back in house and provide us with safe, secure and reliable jobs we can count on.”



The Transport Workers’ Union of WA applauds the McGowan State Government for enacting laws to protect the workers of this state.

Transport industry workers, particularly those who work for small employers, face challenges trying to up - skill themselves and increase their employment opportunities. As a consequence, there is a significant shortage of drivers within the heavy haulage sector, as many lower skilled drivers simply do not want to lose a

hard earned entitlements with their current employers.

WA Labor acknowledges the McGowan Government’s delivery of the Heavy Driving Operations Skill Set program in the metropolitan area and the expansion to the South West this year.

WA Labor calls on the McGowan Government to consider additional ways in which this issue could be addressed, to encourage workers to up skill, increase their employment opportunities and address this significant shortage

experienced by the sector.

In considering this, the Government should recognise that employment incentives can play a significant role in ensuring that the industry attracts and retains transport workers in the sector. In recognising this, the McGowan Government will inquire into the viability of a portable construction long service leave scheme for workers in the transport industry.

Report from lead organiser JASON WALTERS
secure-jobs-forcustody-officers The Wheel Christmas 2021 17



worked 10 hours, so it’s a substantial boost to their hip pocket.

RDOs have also been secured for the workers on the old system.

And the company has committed to assurances that the workers employed currently wouldn’t have to work a weekend roster, in line with their current agreement.

The hard workers at Sadleirs finalised their union agreement last month with some key wins that’ll mean a more sustainable workplace for these transport workers into the future.

The 2-year agreement endorsed by the membership means a wage rise of 2% each year, but most importantly,

the agreement is set to expire in 2023, the same year as the other major transport companies & Sadleirs major competitors, giving these workers’ industrial strength a major boost.

The workers also won meal allowances to be paid after 7.6 hours. Previously this wasn’t paid until the guys had

With the increases in transport work and pressures to compete, this assurance ensures that the Sadleirs workforce can plan their lives and encourage more family friendly hours. The TWU is currently in negotiations with Sadleirs resources for their northwest linehaul and contract work and hope to have that agreement wrapped up before Christmas.




We’re in the thick of bargaining alongside the heavy lifters at SCT on the CUB contract. It’s a big contract, which only affirms the country’s love of beer, and employs a range of transport workers including from labour-hire company Ranstad.

The TWU was originally looking to negotiate this agreement on a national scale, but have instead agreed to iron out some local issues and align the agreements state by state, in the hopes of one day negotiating on a national level.

The stronger the membership, the better the agreement, and having the whole country pulling together will ensure more industrial strength behind a

solid agreement.

Like other major transport sites, SCT CUB are fighting for improved terms and conditions on their agreement, including improved job security provisions.

More job security means these workers can plan their lives without the threat that their job could be taken away from them without notice.


We’re campaigning for improved redundancy provisions, improved allowances and an increase in superannuation.

And it’s not going to be easy with the company pushing back hard against any


significant changes in the agreement. Only workers joining their union, and standing strong on the claim will ensure improvements, so don’t delay, join now!

18 The Wheel Christmas 2021


Federal Court of Australia has ever heard – highlighting what a significant win this was. Clearly, Qantas is afraid of this decision. Twice they attempted to delay the hearings. Twice they failed.

says GLEN

workers taking part. This will assist the Judge to reach a decision, hopefully by the end of the year, on whether Qantas should be ordered to offer workers their jobs back.

In July, 2000 Qantas and QGS workers achieved a giant step towards justice with the Federal Court ruling the outsourcing decision broke the law.

Now, the court must determine the appropriate remedies: reinstatement and compensation for workers, and penalties on Qantas.

The first step is for Justice Lee to decide whether reinstatement orders should be made. With around 2000 jobs in question, this is the largest reinstatement case the

First, Qantas attempted to overcomplicate the situation claiming it was too difficult to make a decision on so many jobs when workers’ circumstances would all be different. The Judge opted for our simple solution, which was to survey workers on their preferences.

Next, Qantas tried to delay reinstatement hearings until after their appeal was heard. Justice Lee agreed with the TWU that workers’ lives shouldn’t be put on hold for so long, even suggesting he would work through Christmas if necessary to reach a decision by the end of the year.

The court survey has now been completed, with an overwhelming majority of Qantas


At the beginning of the pandemic Theo used his right as a HSR to stop work until there was proper PPE to clean planes from China.

He was simply keeping himself and his colleagues safe.

Qantas stood him down for using his legal right to stop unsafe work, and was never stood back up - in fact he was one of the 2000 workers illegally outsourced by Qantas a year later.

Not only has the outsourcing been ruled illegal, Qantas is now facing criminal charges for standing Theo down.

SafeWork NSW has confirmed it filed charges against Qantas Ground Services in the NSW District Court on October 6.

“The charges were filed under section 104(1) of the Work Health and Safety Act (NSW) 2011 and allege that QGS engaged in discriminatory conduct for a prohibited reason as defined in section 106 of the Act,” a SafeWork NSW statement said.

“The charges relate to QGS standing down a worker who raised concerns about

potential exposure of workers to COVID-19 while cleaning aircraft in early 2020.”

“We hope the court throws the book at Qantas for undermining the work of a HSR.”

Section 104 of the NSW Work Health and Safety Act prevents employers from discriminating against a worker for raising safety concerns or carrying out their role as a health and safety representative.

The case will be first listed before the court on December 6.

In a statement Qantas said the employee, Theo Seremetidis, was told not to come to work while he was investigated for allegedly breaching standards of conduct for “attempting to incite unprotected industrial action”.

At the time Qantas was not providing cleaning staff with personal protective equipment and the risk to employees was “negligible”.

We know Qantas will fight this with everything they have. Despite several blows in the Federal Court, the airline is still standing by its appalling decision to axe workers in the middle of a pandemic. When asked in a news editorial whether he regrets the unlawful decision, Qantas boss Alan Joyce said “not at all”.

In February 2022, Qantas’s appeal will be heard. We must keep up the unity, strength and resilience as this fight continues. Together, we must hold Qantas to account and protect good, safe and secure jobs now and for generations to come.

Standing up for his Workmates safety!

Qantas denies this claim and asserts staff were provided with safety equipment including masks, gloves and gowns. This SafeWork NSW prosecution of Qantas was a “first of its kind” and we welcome the regulator’s decision.

We hope the court throws the book at Qantas for their outrageous decision to stand down a worker who was simply trying to keep himself and his colleagues safe at work.

Now that the Federal Court has ruled Qantas outsourcing decision broke the law it’s time to return the jobs Qantas took from our Members.
The Wheel Christmas 2021 19
“Clearly Qantas is afraid of this decision.”


A tribute to a colleague & a friend who worked hard & fought with all the muster

away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing”. “Alex did that,” Labor leader Anthony Albanese said in a tribute to Alex in the House of Representatives.

Alex was a staunch advocate for transport workers. He fought tirelessly for truck drivers to receive Safe Rates of pay and conditions, and was no doubt proud to have been part of the Senate’s landmark report into the road transport industry tabled in August. Alex was dogged in his determination to see improvements to the industry that kept Australia moving.

Former truck driver and trade unionist, come SA Labor Senator Alex Gallacher died on Sunday the 30th of August after an almost two-year battle with lung cancer.

Dedicating his life to working people, Senator Gallacher, was born in Scotland on the first day of 1954 and was first elected to the Senate in 2010.

In 1966 Gallacher migrated with his family to Australia at the age of 12. He worked as a labourer, truck driver and ramp services operator for airline TAA before joining the TWU as an industrial relations officer in 1988.

He became secretary and treasurer of the union’s SA/NT branch in 1996, and also served as national vice-president in 2006, becoming president in 2007.

“There’s no smoke and mirrors, just plain talking, hardworking employees and employers alike, in a tough competitive industry that works

harder than most people imagine and continues to work while most people are asleep,” Senator Gallacher said of the transport industry in his maiden speech.

Senator Gallacher concluded his inaugural speech with a test for his time in Capital Hill. Quoting former US president Theodore Roosevelt, Senator Gallacher said: “Far and

Alex never shied away from a fight, particularly when he saw workers ripped off or mistreated by their employers. Even in poor health, Alex supported aviation workers in their fight against their deplorable treatment last year. Alex was a regular attendee at actions outside Parliament House and always welcomed workers into his office with open arms.

20 The Wheel Christmas 2021


& might he could for those who mattered. VALE Senator Alex Gallacher.

‘He loved his family; Number 1.’ He loved his family, he loved golf, and it sounds like he also loved the capacity to be part of trying to direct this nation.

This was an attitude he learned as a trucker, labourer and airline ramp operator and kept as he became a branch secretary and national president of the Transport Workers’ Union, which he first joined in 1975. It stayed with him in Parliament, even after his lung cancer diagnosis in December 2019.

TWU Branch Secretary Tim Dawson said “Transport workers, the TWU and the Parliament have lost a great advocate. Senator Gallacher was a straight-talking, no-nonsense, and hardworking man prepared to speak truth to power to support workers. Alex was someone on whom

workers could always rely and was resolute in his belief that no obstacle should prevent working people from achieving their best.

“We are all poorer for having lost Alex.

“We extend our deepest condolences to his widow Paola, children and grandchildren during this difficult time. Our thoughts are with all TWU members and parliamentarians grieving the loss of a close friend and ally.”

TWU SA/NT Secretary Ian Smith said: “This is a deep loss for all of us at the TWU after decades of rolling up our sleeves and getting stuck in to the important task of lifting standards in transport. Alex was a close personal friend. His beliefs will remain a driving force in our fight for transport workers’ rights. Today we make a promise to Alex, his family and friends to continue to fight on in his honour.”

May he rest in peace. Vale Senator Alex Gallacher.

“Alex never shied away from a fight, particularly when he saw worker’s ripped off or mistreated by their employers.”
The Wheel Christmas 2021 21

“I have watched a truck completely burn in front of me with one of my co-workers trapped inside. Another close co-worker rolled his truck 2 years ago, seriously injuring himself, he is still not cleared to drive again” – A driver working in oil, fuel and gas.

I often drive around under work on my scanner get it done... It’s always – A driver working delivery

“The whole industry needs to be overhauled. I work anywhere from 12-17 hours a day, up to 6 days a week...

To put that into perspective, I’m fatigued every day I go to work, but I’m still expected to turn up and do the job” – A logistics driver describing fatigue pressures


The TWU surveyed our membership and this

A TWU survey of over 1,100 drivers has painted a horrific picture of an industry in crisis, with nearly half of all drivers knowing someone killed on the job, and one in two saying they have had wages stolen at least once during their working life.

Drivers recalled harrowing stories from our roads, including witnessing co-workers trapped inside burning trucks, fatal crashes and near misses, and irreversible injuries.

Employee drivers reported terrible pressure

from bosses to drive dangerously. One in four had been pressured by employers to work beyond legal hours and skip rest breaks, while one in five were pressured to speed to meet deadlines. Shockingly, one in ten knew employers who forced drivers into trucks tampered with to drive faster.

The survey also revealed the crippling financial pressures on owner drivers. Three in four had completed runs resulting in no profit and nearly two thirds were

worried they would need to sell their truck to get by. More than half had delayed maintenance they could not afford, while 42% didn’t raise safety concerns in case it prevented them being paid.

The overwhelming majority of drivers – at 95% -- said paying truckies more would end the cost pressures making the industry so dangerous.

While conditions are horrific now, transport will only get more deadly unless

“My company for maximum output reasonable time
22 The Wheel Christmas 2021

company pushes you output without giving you to do your job safely. under stress having so much and stressing how I will always push push push” working in parcel delivery

“A car went through a stop sign on the Stirling Highway and I hit it at 60km. I thought I had killed her, but she survived with some broken bones. I can still see her face looking up at me” – A driver working in waste

“Deaths and injuries happen daily. There’s so much pressure put on drivers all the time” – A driver working in waste

“When you report damage/ unroadworthiness/weight issues... you get pushed and bullied to drive anyway” –A driver working in logistics


“I witnessed a driver fall asleep and turf their trailers... My good friend fell out of a trailer loading watermelons after he voiced his concerns about climbing up so high” – A driver working in refrigerated freight

this is

what they told us is really going on!!!

we end the insecure work crisis caused by gig behemoths like Amazon smashing decent jobs.

No one wins in a race to the bottom – it just causes more pressure, crashes, injuries and deaths.

You can join the fight for the Federal Government to act by sending Scott Morrison a message: protectsecuretransportjobs/

This topic can be confronting, if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, you do not have to do it alone. There are many people and organisations that want to help you. These contacts can help in a crisis or just lend an ear, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Beyondblue | 1300 22 4636

Lifeline | 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467

“While conditions are horrific now, transport will only get more deadly unless we end the insecure work crisis.”
Christmas 2021 23
The Wheel


Federal Government regulation might be the only way to end the Gig Economy’s deadly model of exploitation

Revelations of covered up worker injuries and deaths in recent months shows why we need Federal regulation to end the gig economy’s deadly model of exploitation.

Australians were shocked by reports that in April 2020, food delivery rider Burak Dogan was fatally struck while riding his bike in Sydney. UberEats attempted to cover up Burak’s death and deny his family compensation by claiming he was not working at the time, even though he was logged in to the UberEats app and receiving orders when he was killed.

While the circumstances of Burak’s death are shocking, they are shamefully not a one-off incident. Appearing before a NSW Parliamentary Inquiry in September, gig company DoorDash admitted it had failed to report the death of a food delivery worker killed in Melbourne a year earlier. Outrageously, senior management at DoorDash conceded they only became aware of the incident when preparing for their appearance at the Inquiry.

This admission brings the 2020 food delivery worker death toll to seven.

When companies exploit loopholes to avoid responsibility for workers’ deaths, or don’t even know when a worker has been killed on the job, you know something urgently need to change.

The reality is that this cover up culture is only possible because governments are refusing to rein in these behemoths.

Existing reporting obligations also do nothing to address the root cause of worker injuries and deaths: exploitation. The gig economy’s sham contracting arrangements deliberately misclassify workers, placing them outside industrial protections so that companies can pressure workers to work longer, faster and take more risks without bearing any responsibility.

The only way to end this insidious culture is through Federal regulation with teeth.

Empowering an independent body to enforce strict reporting obligations would leave these companies nowhere to hide, while imposing minimum standards would end the deadly pressure forcing food delivery workers to take risks on the job.

Even when action is taken – like recent fines imposed on Uber by the NSW Point to Point Commissioner for not disclosing over 500 incidents including collisions requiring hospitalisation – these companies write off the penalties as simply the cost of doing business.

Stamping out gig exploitation is core Union business. Only by bravely taking on these juggernauts and ending their poisonous business model can we protect the decent jobs and standards transport workers and their families rely on.

“The reality is that this cover up culture is only possible because Governments refuse to rein in these behemoths.”
24 The Wheel Christmas 2021


Courier’s at Westerns took the opportunity to get organised & threatened to strike. And ended up with a good result when the company remembered how valuable their labour was.

Pathology couriers at Western Diagnostic Pathology were THIS close to taking strike action late October before the company came to the party on their claims at the death knock.

Funny how the threat of protected industrial action got the company to move when they had been dragging their feet for over 12 months when it came to these couriers claims.

It just shows the real strength of workers is in their labour and the power of removing their labour. These couriers play a vital role in the transportation of blood, tests and medicine, their efforts aid

significantly in the State’s defense against Covid-19, and it is time the company appreciated their value.

In the 2020/2021 financial year WDP parent company Healius recorded a revenue of over $1.8 billion, whereas couriers’ rates of pay continually fell behind the award minimum standards.

Workers were getting paid a courier pay rate and we’re not recognised in their rate of pay as medical couriers.

And even though WDP made record profits during a global pandemic, the company was still trying to take more money away from the workers. Workers had no

Report from lead organiser JASON

option but to threaten to remove their labour to remind the company where it’s profits come from.

Fortunately, the threat worked. Workers won wage increases of 6%, 3.5% and 2.5% and a sign on bonus of $250 + $250 gift card.

A good result all around.

PLUS now that workers have stood up to management and gained their respect it will make members challenge of resolving issues and bargaining into the future that little bit more easier.

Because that’s the power what being union does! Congratulations to all.


A HOT TIP for our members from MAINROADS

Available across Western Australia, Road Train Assembly Areas (RTAA) improve safety and productivity by providing transport operators with a safe, off-road space to park and rest. They also assist transport operators by providing an area to reassemble their vehicle that does not have appropriate access to the network. RTAAs are strategically located and improve the performance and functionality of the network.

The Abernethy Road RTAA is heavily utilised by the transport industry and availability is often limited due to vehicles, trailers, and

equipment parking for extended periods. Main Roads also receives ongoing complaints from industry in relation to the theft of equipment from within the RTAA.

To address industry concerns Main Roads are looking to purchase and install a number of surveillance cameras within the RTAA and the following factors are being considered in regards to the monitoring solution:

• record and store up to 72 hours of footage

• Transport Operators will be able request a copy of the

video file for footage recorded with the previous 72 hours

• be of a quality that will allow the identification of company insignia associated with the vehicles.

The installation of the cameras within the RTAA is expected to deliver positive outcomes including providing a deterrent for transport operators who park their vehicles and equipment contrary to the RTAA terms of use, improved availability of parking spaces and greater assurance for transport operators around security of vehicles within the RTAA.

The Wheel Christmas 2021 25


Together, we created a wall of resistance to widespread attacks on jobs in road transport and aviation, clocking up a long list of wins along the way.

Our road transport majors campaign was monumental. For the first time, we came together across all major transport operators to fight as an industry for job security and improvements to pay and conditions. Workers bravely walked off the job in their masses during our first national strikes at Toll, StarTrack and FedEx, with several others overwhelmingly voting with over 90% endorsement to take protected industrial action if necessary.

We achieved remarkable wins in the face of immense pressure from the ‘Amazon Effect’ – a double edged sword of wealthy clients squeezing supply chains, and the entry of unregulated and undercutting players like Amazon Flex. Covid only assisted the spread of insecure work across the economy and transport industry, though demand was never greater. All of this meant that maintaining current wages and conditions would be tough, let alone locking in future job security. Well, we did that and more.

TWU delegates and members generated outstanding results by fighting together across the industry. The might of thousands of transport workers acting collectively brought home strong agreements that secure the future and set the stage to fight across more of the transport industry in 2023.

As we fought hard on the ground, the Senate backed us in with major support for transport workers. The trucking inquiry led by Senator

Glenn Sterle passed through parliament a list of recommendations calling for an independent body to create universal, binding standards in road transport. We continue to fight hard together calling on the Federal Government to act on this blueprint and regulate deadly pressure and exploitation out of our industry.

Senators rallied behind aviation workers, too. The interim report of an inquiry led by

It was another tough year for thousands of aviation workers as one of the hardest hit industries by second wave border closures and lockdowns. As planes return to the skies things are looking up. The TWU continues to fight for the safety and job security of all airport workers as we rebuild this great industry.

Senator Tony Sheldon called for more support for aviation workers with funding tied to maintaining good, secure jobs. We know all too well how disastrous no-strings funding can be for workers.

In July, axed Qantas workers achieved a tremendous victory in the Federal Court with a ruling that the outsourcing broke the law by trying to prevent workers exercising their industrial rights. Off the back of the Save Qantas Jobs campaign and actions taken by workers at the end of last year, this achievement was a moment in time for workers right across Australia. The Federal Court now has the task of determining the largest reinstatement orders ever seen in this country. Together, we’ve done everything we can to get workers back to the jobs they love. Qantas’ appeal will be heard in February, but we’re equipped to keep up the fight through our unity and collective strength.

Our aviation family is growing. This year, we set the wheels in motion to launch TWU Pilots – a specialised division following our merger with VIPA which will join the Safe and Secure Skies campaign. This cements us as the aviation union, maximising our strength as we fight to lift standards across the industry. We have continued to make strides in the gig economy, setting up our first rideshare driver committee, keeping up the pressure on the government and exposing shocking underreporting including two more riders who tragically lost their lives last year. A watershed moment came in April, when Menulog announced its move to an employment model for its food delivery riders. This was a significant breakthrough. While we work with Menulog to ensure the best possible arrangement for riders, we continue to push for regulation to support good companies doing the right thing. Next year will be an important one. It will be a crucial window of time to enforce our wins and build on them, gearing up for an even bigger fight with more of the industry in 2023.

We’ve proven what we can do when we stand strong together. This is just the beginning.

While the pandemic raged on, we locked arms and went headfirst into battle.
TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine reports
26 The Wheel Christmas 2021
“Covid only assisted the spread of insecure work across the economy & the transport industry.”


Transport workers have been on the front lines during the pandemic, risking virus exposure to keep Australia moving as cities and entire States shut down.

However, it’s also been transport workers bearing the brunt of restrictions introduced to slow the spread of the virus. Truck drivers have had to navigate confusing and rapidly changing border rules, gruelling testing requirements and difficulty managing fatigue after being shut out of truck stops.

Many stood down aviation workers were denied targeted financial support, while others were forced to draw down on annual leave to top up wholly inadequate disaster payments.

As COVID restrictions across the country ease, it’s more important than ever that governments learn from these mistakes and adopt a suite of measures to protect transport, so workers don’t have to deal with these challenges again.

That’s why the TWU has called for the Federal Government to establish a COVID-Safe National Transport Roadmap to reopening Australia safely.

easier, not harder.

Now that rapid testing kits are being sold in supermarkets, it’s essential the Federal Government prioritises access to rapid tests for transport workers so you can do your work safely.

Central to the Roadmap is rolling out government-funded rapid antigen testing hubs to protect transport workers and supply chains from virus exposure. Catching the virus early before it has the chance to circulate in airports, on planes or in truck stops is critical in achieving uniform border, testing and vaccine requirements across the country.

It’s already difficult to be a transport worker – governments need to be looking for ways to make your jobs

The TWU sent the Prime Minister our Roadmap back in September – it took two months to receive a reply which simply dismissed the difficulties transport workers are still facing. This is no way to respond to legitimate concerns from the transport heroes of the pandemic. It’s disgraceful the Federal Government seems to think the workers who dealt firsthand with yo-yoing restrictions don’t deserve safe workplaces.

We’ll keep fighting for the Federal Government to adopt our Roadmap and keep transport workers safe as a national priority.

We wouldn’t need vaccination mandates if the Prime Minister would have listened to the TWU in the first place. Now its jab or job & its threatening our members livelihoods.
The Wheel Christmas 2021 27
“The TWU sent the Prime Minister our Roadmap back in September.”

Pfizer and Pepsi to Merge:

This will no doubt put Coca Cola out of business in the near future!

The Pfizer Corporation announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form and this new product will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer.

It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of cocktails, highballs and just a good old-fashioned stiff drink. Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: MOUNT & DO.

Thought for the day...There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer’s research. This means that by 2025, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs, huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

And, if you don’t send this to five senior friends right away there will be five fewer people laughing today.


A man died and went to heaven.

The virus is momentarily taken aback by this unexpected and blatant display of bigotry, the likes of which he’s only seen in history textbooks.

For a brief moment, he considers the bartender. What kind of life experiences would shape someone into such a pathetic piece of garbage? What happened to this man to instill in him such an absolute dislike of viruses? All this goes through his mind in a matter of seconds.

The virus senses an awkward silence about to fall. Purely on instinct, he responds with an attempt at humor, and says, “Well, you’re not a very good host.”

The 12 Days of Corona

Encouraging a sick relative

The pandemic swept over the land and finally affected this one small town and one family in particular. Little Billy’s beloved grandfather fell sick and had to be taken to the hospital. The family checked in with him virtually several times a week, and Billy’s mother coached him on what to say during these video visits: “How are you? Get well soon! We love you!”

Finally a day came when the family learned that grandfather had taken a turn for the worse and would have to go on a ventilator. He would of course be unable to talk after that. Billy’s mother gave him instructions.

“Now Billy, grandfather is very sick now. The doctors will have to work very hard to help him. We have to give grandfather encouragement. So when you speak to him today, say “I hope they pull you through.” So they logged in for the visit. Grandfather came on the screen, and Billy’s mother nudged him to speak.

“Hello, how are you?”

The grandfather, pale and thin, answered in a thin raspy voice. “I’m at death’s door.” Billy answered, “I hope they pull you through!”

2 Problems

As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly gates he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

He asked “What are those clocks?”

St. Peter answered, “Those are Lie-Clocks, everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move.”

“Oh,” said the man “Whose clock is that?”

“That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she has never told a lie.”

“Incredible,” said the man.

“That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have only moved twice, telling us Abe told 2 lies in his entire life.”

“Where’s Scott Morrison’s clock?” asked the man.

“His clock is in Jesus’ office,” said St. Peter. “He’s using it as a ceiling fan.”

Scomo flies into a remote little country town on his way to another RM Williams shoot. He asked the locals if there was anything he could do for them.

“Well yes” says the mayor. “we have two problems. First, we have a hospital but no doctor.”

“Right,” says the PM, whips out his phone, talks for a couple of minutes, and says:

“Fixed it. A doctor will be here on Monday. What’s your second problem?” asks Scomo to the mayor

“We have no mobile phone reception.”

A virus walks into a bar, and sits down. The bartender tells him, “We don’t serve your kind here.”
In the year 2020, the pandemic gave to me: 12 Cancelled Plans 11 Face Masks 10 Sanitizers 9 Murder Hornets 8 Zoom Calls 7 Mental Breakdowns 6 Feet Apart 5 Curbside Pickups 4 Quarantines 3 Travel Restrictions 2 Karens Complaining And a massive shortage of Grocery Store TP 28 The Wheel Christmas 2021


Superannuation changes could leave you and your family unprotected. The Australian Government has introduced changes to Superannuation. As of 1 November 2021 your superannuation will follow you from job to job unless you make an active choice to have your super put into the fund you want.

As a result, people entering the transport industry may be ‘stapled’ to funds that may be poor performers or funds that don’t provide protection to transport workers .

It’s the right time of year for you to check if your super fund provides insurance coverage for the job you do. Your superannuation fund provides an included insurance cover at a relatively low cost which protects you and your family should you lose your life, become totally and permanently disabled or diagnosed with a terminal illness.

However, it is not well known that a number of superannuation fund insurance policies do not cover you if you work in a hazardous occupation. They won’t tell you this either. The list

of occupations that are considered hazardous is a long one and it includes drivers, couriers, waste workers, cash in transit, cabin crew, pilots, airport ramp workers and bus drivers to name a few.

This is why the TWU helped establish TWUSUPER in the early 1980s. It’s still important we have a super fund that understands the unique needs of transport workers and a super fund that has your back.

Today TWUSUPER has more than $6 Billion, has provided strong returns in the past financial year 18.98% (Balanced) and 25.72% (High Growth) and has passed the new performance test.

A recent report in the mainstream media tells the story of a long-distance truck driver in South Australia who had a superannuation fund provided by his employer. He needed to make a $130,000 insurance claim which was refused by the insurance company attached to his superannuation. They didn’t tell him when he joined the fund that they don’t cover truck drivers.

TWUSUPER insurance covers every job in transport – no occupation exclusions. In the last financial year TWUSUPER approved $58 million in claims.

We all know transport is one of the most dangerous industries in Australia. We won’t say ‘we told you so’ but there are reasons why industry funds like TWUSUPER were created – they understand who you are and what you do. The insurance cover is designed for transport workers, and TWUSUPER is run only to profit members.

If you belong to a different super fund, you should check your super fund to see if your job is covered.

If you want to know more, you can call TWUSUPER on 1800 222 071 or speak to your TWU Official or Delegate about having TWUSUPER visit your yard.

TWUSUPER Insurance covers every job in transport. No occupation exclusions.
The Wheel Christmas 2021 29
If you belong in a different super fund you should check to see if your job is covered or if you want to know more you can call TWUSUPER on 1800 222 071 or speak to your TWU Official & have the TWUSUPER visit your yard.


Some Australian Union History to share at the table this Christmas. The turn of

On 8 November 1907 HB Higgins, the President of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Court, handed down his famous Harvester Judgement, enforcing a basic rate of pay – in effect, a minimum wage. This was a time when working people across the globe were often treated like commodities. Pay was determined by market rates (usually how little employers could get away with paying) with little or no regard for how workers would afford to pay for the necessities of life.

The union movement always opposed this logic. Workers are human beings who deserve a wage that at the very least we can survive on. Even in the nineteenth century we campaigned for governments and employers to take action to make sure this was the case.

In Victoria, liberal reformers prompted by union campaigns had set the first compulsory minimum wage in the world in 1896. It was one of many union-influenced progressive reforms implemented at the time in Australia that drew international attention and acclaim. Professor Marilyn Lake has demonstrated how these ideas influenced global movements for social reform and change.

In 1907, the owner of the Sunshine Harvester Factory sought to

avoid paying an excise tax by demonstrating that he paid ‘fair and reasonable’ wages to his employees, which would qualify him for an exemption. The unions representing workers at the Factory objected to this claim, and the case was brought before Higgins at the court.

Higgins ruled that the employer had a responsibility to offer a wage that was based on ‘the normal needs of the average employee regarded as a human being

living in a civilised community’.

This ruling meant that wage rates should take account of workers’ needs and not be solely dependent upon an employer’s profits. As he explained, if your business model did not include paying your workers appropriate wages, you shouldn’t be in business. Plenty of modern employers could learn a lot from Justice Higgins!

30 The Wheel Christmas 2021


of the century fight for income inequity. Where would we be without Unions?

The industrial relations system has changed massively since 1907. In recent decades successive conservative governments have done whatever they can to undermine the old arbitration system and to create something less fair, and more relentless in the service of profit. At the heart of this has been the unceasing attacks on unions.

Higgins’s ruling was a massive step forward, though it was a product of its time, and the basic wage was granted to male workers based on the presumption that they would be the breadwinner of their families. Unions campaigned throughout the following decades to win equal pay for working women.

State and federal employment exclusions also barred Indigenous workers from gaining the benefits of the decision, leading to a long campaign by First Nations workers for wage justice. But the extent and significance of this ruling should not be underestimated. This new national standard made clear that working people were just that – people! It was a statement not just about the nature of work at the Harvester Factory, but more broadly, about the type of society Australia was, and the type of country Australians wanted it to be.

This is because they know that we will never stop defending the rights of working people, and insisting that workers are more than just the jobs we do – we are human beings with real lives, real responsibilities, and the right to decent pay.



They weren’t in my pockets. Suddenly I realised I must have left them in the car.

Frantically, I headed for the car park. My husband has scolded me many times for leaving my keys in the car’s ignition. He’s afraid that the car could be stolen. As I looked around the car park, I realised he was right.

The car park was empty!

I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then, I made the most difficult call of all to my husband: “I left my keys in the car and its been stolen.”

There was a moment of silence. I thought the call had been disconnected, but then I heard his voice. “Are you kidding me?” he barked, “I dropped you off!”

Now it was my turn to be silent. Embarrassed, I said “Well, come and get me then”

He retorted, “I will; just as soon as I convince this cop that I didn’t steal your damn car!”


... After the salesman rings him up and helps him strap it to the car, he asks, “were you planning on putting this up yourself?” to which the man responds, “Actually, I was thinking of putting it in the living room.”


His soul arrives in Heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

“Welcome to Heaven,” says St. Peter. “Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.”

“No problem, just let me in,” says the senator.

“Well, I’d like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.”

“There’s no need! I want to be in Heaven,” says the senator.

“I’m sorry, but we have our rules.” And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator, the doors open, and he rides the elevator down, down, down. When the doors open again, the senator finds himself in the middle of a beautiful green golf course. In the distance is a club, and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

Everyone is very happy and in formal dress. They run to greet him, and they reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster and caviar.

Also present is the Devil, who is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that, before the senator realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a big hug and waves while the elevator rises. The elevator


An Amazon employee greets Bezos shortly after his successful spaceflight and gives him a hearty congratulations. Jeff responds, “Well, if you work hard, set yourself goals and work with determination, I should be able to squeeze in 2 more flights before Christmas.”

goes up, up, up, and the door reopens in Heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him. So 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by, and St. Peter returns.

“Well, you’ve spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now, you must choose where you want to spend eternity.”

He reflects for a minute and then answers, “Well, I would never would have thought it, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better satisfied in Hell.”

So Saint Peter escorts him to the elevator, and down, down, down he goes into Hell. Now, the doors of the elevator open, and he is in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags. And it’s hot, hot, hot, and the odor is just horrible. Sweltering hot. Hot and miserable. The Devil comes over to him and smoothly lays his arm around his shoulder.

“I don’t understand,” stammers the senator. “The day before I was here, and there was a golf course and club, and we ate lobster and caviar and danced and had a great time. Now all there is is a wasteland full of garbage, and my friends look miserable.”

The Devil looks at the senator, smiles, and says, “Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted for us.”

32 The Wheel Christmas 2021


Amid the initial confusion of lockdowns and border restrictions at the height of the pandemic in 2020, truckies were locked out of road houses and rest areas and refused access to toilets and showers while completing their essential work. After consultation with the state based transport associations and governments, the National Freight Code was put in place allowing road houses and service stations to stay open so that drivers could get a warm meal and a shower while managing their fatigue, in some form of comfort. This was a good outcome for our truckies.

However, I was disappointed to see that as New South Wales entered into lockdown, truck drivers were again being locked out from accessing basic amenities at different road houses and service stations across the State. I am pleased to say that after working closely with Simon O’Hara and Road Freight NSW, a number of these issues were fixed.

And now that access to rest areas, road houses and service stations were restored for our essential truckies, its time they were cleaned up.

On a daily basis, I get photos and messages from truckies on social media detailing the poor conditions they encounter at service stations and rest areas; including broken showers, dirty toilets, lack of parking bays, quality of food options, the list goes on and on. Our truck drivers are essential workers. They have kept Australia moving throughout the pandemic. They deserve much better than this.

This is why I am inviting truck drivers to let me know which truck stops or service stations need some attention so I can work with the companies who own them to see if there is room for improvement.

Over recent months, I have established working relationships with BP, Caltex/

Ampol, Coles and Shell and all have been very responsive when I have contacted them with queries relating to the condition of some of their sites. I want to thank them for their cooperation and look forward to continuing to work with them to ensure that our essential truckies have access to the best sites available.

I would like to sincerely thank Chevron/ Puma management for addressing my communications and cleaning this up so quickly which is a terrific outcome for the truck drivers and other road users who use this site!

Since we started the campaign in July, we’ve been able to have poor conditions addressed at over 30 service stations across the country.

The most recent was the showers at the Puma in Cardwell QLD. We were sent photos of the horrible conditions in the showers which we forwarded on to Puma/Caltex management. The next morning I received an email from the area manager who acknowledged that these conditions were not up to standard. He said that this issue had been addressed directly with the site manager and management raised jobs with their maintenance team who were going to visit the site to have the shower pressure cleaned. They also looked at any plumbing issues with the showers as well. The site manager has been asked to keep pressure cleaning the shower weekly on top of the normal cleaning routine until they get the issues relating to mould resolved. He sent me the attached photo of the shower after it had been given a good clean. It’s definitely an improvement on how it looked which is great!

If you would like to get in touch regarding this campaign, please contact my office on 9455 1420 or at or via Facebook.

My office has also received a complaint about the conditions of the showers at the BP in Kewdale which I will follow up and we’ve also had luck with work being commenced to address poor conditions at the Shell servo’s at Upper Swan, Port Hedland and Meekatharra, we were able to get Telstra to restore the phone service at the Caiguna roadhouse so truckies were able to use eftpos services again and issues with the adblue at the Caltex in Fitzroy Crossing have also been addressed.

We are running regular updates on our facebook page and have another 30 odd complaints live at the moment with Mobil, United Petroleum, Caltex/Ampol, BP & Coles/Shell and we look forward to continuing to work with them. Now I want to talk about rest areas for heavy vehicles. We know there is a shortage but I want to hear from you about where you think they are needed most.

“We run regular updates on my facebook page & have another 30 odd complaints live at the moment.”
Frankly my dear truck drivers deserve better and it’s time for truck stops & regional councils to give a damn.

The true Union story about the Netflix runaway series Squid Game

What the show is about

The compelling Netflix TV series Squid Game - set in modern South Korea - is the most watched show in Netflix’s history. The series portrays a violent survival game in which desperate and impoverished competitors compete to the death to win a huge glass pig filled with 46.5 billion won (nearly $40 million).

Though even casual viewers can quickly grasp the show’s concern over inequality between the rich and the poor, much of its worldwide audience may miss the way that Squid Game comments on Korea’s union history and the role of worker solidarity in sustaining the humanity of the oppressed.

Squid Game critiques Korea’s growing social and economic inequality when it showcases the dismal daily life of its impoverished characters. All the people who join the deadly Squid Games are poor and alienated, including the lead character, laid-off union auto worker Seong Gi-hun (played by Lee Jung-jae), along with a failed stockbroker, a North Korean defector, a petty gangster, a lonely elderly man, and a migrant Pakistani factory worker.

To understand how bad it really is for workers in South Korea, the ABC recently presented a story on its Foreign Correspondent called “Dead on Arrival” about the growing inequity of transport

workers in South Korea. They call it “kwarosa” which translates to “death from overwork”. Where South Korea’s delivery workers say they are being sacrificed to keep the nation going during the pandemic.

Despite the fact that Korea’s economy has become the 10th-richest in the world, these struggling Koreans represent the growing socioeconomic divide in a society where personal debt has risen to a staggering 104 percent of national gross domestic product this year, 35 percent higher than in 2007.

What is the shows connection to union

The casual viewer of Squid Game is likely unaware, but there are subtle nods to Korea’s labour movement. A real-life event in Korean history with the 2009 SsangYong Motors strike, a struggle that ended in violent defeat when hundreds of rampaging police charged into the motor vehicle factory and brutally beat down striking workers. It was a 77 day long strike that started when the company unexpectedly laid of 43% of its entire workforce (2,646 workers) to facilitate a

34 The Wheel Christmas 2021


& the inequities of the South Korean industrial relations system.

profit-driven transfer of its assets to global investors. In protest over 2,600 workers occupied the Ssangyong plant for 77 days to protest these layoffs before police violently quelled the strike.

After the strike was violently suppressed, in August 2009 about ninety-four workers were jailed and 230 were prosecuted. To date, more than thirty workers and family members are dead by their own hands or from conditions related to the trauma they endured.

Game, but much of the country still turns a blind eye to the fact that it is one of a few democracies in which the government can sue workers for damages in connection with industrial action The strikers were blackballed from employment with other large Korean companies.

In addition, SsangYong and local police used civil courts to sue them for damaging the company.

Union members were ordered to pay hefty “economic damage” fines of about $9 million—a sum that these workers did not have and would never see in their lives. What’s more, the deferred interest on these fines was to increase by 620,000 won per day, soon exceeding 1.5 times the principal owed.

(instant noodles) because I can’t afford to buy rice.”

Another worker told his wife, “I am leaving you debts only until the last moment. I am so sorry.” Between 2009 and 2018, another 30 SsangYong workers died by suicide for similar reasons.

Solidarity prevails

Throughout Squid Game, the union worker Gi-hun shows compassion for other participants, sacrificing his own survival prospects to stand with contestants like a sick elderly man and a mortally wounded young woman. His strong moral compassion is driven by what the final episode presents as his “trust in humanity,” a sentiment of solidarity that is at the very foundation of what it means to believe in the union and what it can achieve.

The South Korean government claimed they would protect these workers, but instead ran roughshod over them. The country’s weak social safety net makes a layoff nearly a death sentence. If workers can’t hang onto what they have, they will begin a vertical free fall. This is bankruptcy in its fullest sense, socially and financially. So, if workers didn’t die from the occupation of the motor facility, they died by suicide in the months after.

Plus people in South Korea love Squid

To pay these astronomical fines for their union activity, workers’ wages and assets (including even their homes) were sometimes seized by courts.

They were delivered to SsangYong Motor Company or the police under Korea’s harsh anti-union “economic damage” compensation laws.

Thirteen SsangYong workers and family members died by suicide as a result of this anti-union oppression between 2009 and 2011.

One worker’s final statement read, “My salary was reduced dramatically, and it is painful to feed my kids ramen

“Korea’s economy is the 10th richest in the world. The same economy where personal debt has risen to 104% of national GDP this year, 35% higher than in 2007.”
The Wheel Christmas 2021 35


The parcel delivery and backlog is a problem being faced by transport workers internationally.

In America, UPS drivers are also facing forced overtime and the problem is only going to get worse as the holidays get closer.

This story was originally published in LabourNotes on October 27,2021 and gives a good example of what can be achieved when the union is strong.

In Columbus, Ohio, a little collective action “did a lot of good for morale,” said delivery driver and Teamsters Local 413 steward Nick Perry.

The issue: UPS is ordering drivers in the top tier, called “regular package car drivers,” to work on Saturdays.

There’s already a second tier, “hybrid drivers,” who work every Saturday (and earn lower wages). But the union contract limits hybrids to 25 percent of the workforce, so UPS can’t hire any more of them.

Rather than pay all the benefits costs of hiring more regular drivers, the company is willing to pay the premium to force its existing regular drivers in on their day off so it can run more routes on the weekends.

In Local 413, a stronghold of shop floor power, many of these drivers have been just saying no—shrugging off the warning letter they receive for refusing to come in. The truth is, to get the extra work done, management only has to succeed in bullying a few each week.

Nonetheless, the company cracked down on resistance by escalating the level of disciplines it was handing out for

refusals, even attempting to terminate drivers.

So the drivers escalated their resistance—by abruptly complying.

“A bunch of us decided one Saturday, what would happen if we all did show up?” Perry said. “Because they don’t have the [package] volume for us. They’re doing it to show, ‘When I say jump, you say how high.’”

So on Saturday, September 18, suddenly 25 regular drivers showed up as ordered, instead of the usual halfdozen.

The upshot was that the regular drivers got their guaranteed eight hours—and an uncharacteristically relaxed workday, since there weren’t that many packages to deliver. The hybrids got to slip out early on a Saturday for once. And the union got data to bolster its case that there wasn’t enough work to justify the forced overtime.

This action was one battle in a longer war to rein in forced overtime and abolish the lower tier. “Nobody was under any illusion that if we did it one week we wouldn’t be forced the next,” Perry said. “It was just to show the company that we’re strong and we’re united. And it gave a really good morale boost to hybrids.”

Beforehand they met up with the hybrids for donuts in the parking lot. “They were all super pumped to see us,” Perry said. “They realized, ‘Oh wow, these guys have our back.’”

The serious fun started when they all went inside and caught the eye of the hapless Saturday supervisor. Perry and his co-workers laughed it up watching the panic their action provoked: “This supervisor was freaking out, not knowing what to do. He’s on the phone with our boss—he’s like, ‘Yeah, there’s a lot of them.’”

The drivers could pull off their Saturday stunt because they have spent years building sufficient solidarity to push back on the company’s demands. When Perry first bid into this UPS centre, he said, out of all the regular drivers only two were willing to stick their necks out by and put their names on the “9.5 list.” Getting on this list means you’re opting out of excess overtime, and it allows you to grieve for extra overtime pay after your third 9.5-hour day in a week. But it can also mean you’re signing up for management’s abuse.

“If you were on the list, you got harassed more than you can imagine,” Perry said. “They flew in supervisors to our centre just to harass us.”

Today Perry is proud that almost every regular driver in his centre is on the list and getting the extra money. “Now it’s become so big they [UPS] don’t have a choice,” he said. “They just pay it out.”

“Rather than pay all the benefits costs of hiring more regular drivers, the company is willing to pay the premium to force its existing regular drivers in on their day off so it can run more routes on the weekends.”
The squeeze on supply chains is Global, but this story is about what can be achieved when you’re in the Union.
36 The Wheel Christmas 2021


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We also distribute Amaron, Federal, Optima, Deka, Remco, Varta, Odyssey, NorthStar & S.S.B.

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DISCLAIMER: All articles in this magazine are published on the understanding that they are the original work of the authors, and that the views are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of items submitted, but makes every reasonable effort to verify information. Editorial staff accept no responsibility for accuracy of material submitted for publication but every effort will be made to verify information. Editorial staff reserve the right to reject, edit and rearrange any item submitted for publication.The Trade Practices Act provides severe penalties for false and misleading advertising. Because it is not possible for this magazine’s staff to check the accuracy of advertising claims, the responsibility for accuracy lies with the person or companies submitting material for publication.

The Wheel Christmas 2021 37 18 The Wheel Autumn 2018 The Wheel Autumn 18.indd 20 SCHEDULED GENERAL & REFRIGERATED SERVICES SPECIALISING IN MINING, OIL & GAS INDUSTRY TRANSPORT We have all DG licences including Explosives & Radioactive Licences 21 Carolyn Way, Forrestfield WA 6058 SCHEDULED GENERAL & REFRIGERATED SERVICES SPECIALISING IN MINING, OIL & GAS INDUSTRY TRANSPORT We have all DG licences including Explosives & Radioactive Licences 21 Carolyn Way, Forrestfield WA 6058 PERTH - KARRATHA - PORT HEDLAND - BROOME - DERBY – KUNUNURRA PERTH - PORT HEDLAND - KARRATHA - BROOME - DERBY SCHEDULED GENERAL & REFRIGERATED SERVICES SPECIALISING IN MINING, OIL & GAS INDUSTRY TRANSPORT We have all DG licences including Explosives & Radioactive Licences 21 Carolyn Way, Forrestfield WA 6058 PO COOLBELLUP WA SERVICING THE TWU DRIVERS AND ROADTRAINS BP WUBIN TRUCK STOP Lot 1 Great Northern Highway, Wubin (Sue Schmidt Prop.) • Open 7 days - 5.30am til very late •Take away food, Dine in restaurant • Ice, refreshments • Fuel • EFTPOS machines • Toilet and Shower facilities and ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WELCOME Phone / Fax: 9664 1013 A RECOMMENDED STOP OVER! MALTHOUSE MALTHOUSE TWU Truckies Recommended for Full Support Open 7 Days to keep you looking fresh throughout the west • Ph: (08) 9410 0111 • Fax: (08) 9410 0114 • e: • 1434 Rockingham Road, Kwinana 6165 “StilltheBest” Try our exclusive underbody steam and interior cleaning SUPPORTING THE TWU Phone: 9721 4600 Fax: 9721 4900 Email: 8 Palmer Crescent, Bunbury 6230 Express Group WA Depots in Perth, Bunbury and Albany H Refrigeration Transport and Distribution H DISCLAIMER: All articles in this magazine are published on the understanding that they are the original publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of items submitted, but makes every reasonable effort to verify for publication but every effort will be made to verify information. Editorial staff reserve the right to reject, severe penalties for false and misleading advertising. Because it is not possible for this magazine’s staff to check or companies submitting material for publication. ransport
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6/5/19 11:40 am


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poison expires, is it more poisonous or is it no poisonous?

letter is silent in the word “Scent,” the S or the C?

DISCLAIMER:All articles in this magazine are published on the understanding that they are the original publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of items submitted,but makes every reasonable effort to verify for publication but every effort will be made to verify information. Editorial staff reserve the right to reject, severe penalties for false and misleading advertising. Because it is not possible for this magazine’s staff to check or companies submitting material for publication.

letter is silent in the word “Scent,” the S or the C? twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned?

twins ever realize thatone of them is unplanned?

the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn’t it be called double V?

the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn’t it be called double V?

At Sykes Transport we pride ourselves on our unique ability to customise transport packages to suit our individual customer’s needs, which is why many businesses in Western Australia choose us as their mainstay long term transport, storage and logistics supplier.

oxygen is slowly killing you and it just takes years to fully work.

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oxygen is slowly killing you and it just takes 75-100 years to fully work.

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time you clean something, you just make something dirty.

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time you clean something, you just make something dirty.

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word “swims” upside-down is still “swims”

word “swims” upside-down is still “swims”

years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich cars. Today everyone has cars and only the own horses.

Kalgoorlie Depot: 9022 4546

years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich cars. Today everyone has cars and only the own horses.

replace “W” with “T” in “What, Where and When”, the answer to each of them.

Perth Depot: 9353 5577

replace “W” with “T” in “What, Where and When”, get the answer to each of them.

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26 The Wheel Autumn 2019 NEW FOR TRUCK The Wheel Autumn 19.indd 28 Australia’s Premium Accident Solution Accident Assistance 24 Hours 7 days Call 1800 999 111 With over 48 years in the Heavy Vehicle Smash Repair Industry, Parins are specialists in Prime Movers, Trucks, Buses and Trailers on behalf of all major insurers. 320 Victoria Road, Malaga WA 6090 13 14 69 LOCALINTERSTATEOVERSEAS 131469 To find out more call 6250 8300 or visit under one roof to keep you on the road and your business moving forward. 26 The Wheel Autumn 2019 The Wheel Autumn 19.indd 28 34 The Wheel Autumn 2019 BP WUBIN TRUCK STOP Lot 1 Great Northern Highway, Wubin (Sue Schmidt Prop.) • Open 7 days - 5.30am til very late •Take away food, Dine in restaurant • Ice, refreshments • Fuel • EFTPOS machines • Toilet and Shower facilities and ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WELCOME Phone / Fax: 9664 1013 A RECOMMENDED STOP OVER! SUPPORTING THE TWU Phone: 9721 4600 Fax: 9721 4900 Email: 8 Palmer Crescent, Bunbury 6230 Express Group WA
in Perth, Bunbury and Albany H Refrigeration Transport and Distribution H
The Wheel Autumn 19.indd 36 34 The Truckies • • • • Phone: Email: DISCLAIMER publisher for publication severe or companies The Wheel Autumn PREMIUM PUBLISHERS 26 John St, NorthbridgeWA 6003 Phone: (08) 9273 8933 PREMIUM PUBLISHERS 26 John St, Northbridge WA 6003 | Phone: (08) 9273 8933 PREMIUM PUBLISHERS
advertise here 38 The Wheel Christmas 2021
please call Natalie on 0426 752 352 or email

Last Laugh


I’m on a place and the lunch choices are white meat chicken or German sausage. Unfortunately, I’m seated in the last row. I’m hoping for the breast, but preparing for the wurst.


During a review of accident statistics, it was noticed that one particular intersection in Boston had an inordinately high number of dead crows, presumably killed by motor vehicle strikes. Further study revealed the oddity that in every case, the dead crow had been killed by a truck - never a passenger car.


They’re having a nice night when, suddenly, they start to feel a bit of precipitation on their faces.

The woman looks at her husband and says, “Look, dear, it’s raining.”

Her husband tells her, “No, dear, it’s snowing.” Well, this argument goes back and forth for a few minutes until they see the local Communist officer, Comrade Rudolph, walk past.

The husband says to his wife, “Look, dear, there’s Comrade

Rudolph, our local Communist officer. He always knows the truth. We’ll ask him!” With that, the husband shouts, “Comrade Rudolph, is it raining or is it snowing?”

Comrade Rudolph looks to the sky and says, “Raining,” then continues on.

The wife looks at her husband and says, “See? Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”

This seemed so statistically unlikely that the city engaged some experts from a local university to study the matter and determine the explanation. What they eventually discovered was that when scavenging, crows always post a sentinel in a nearby tree to warn of the approach of predators or other dangers. The difficulty turned out to be that the crows had no trouble saying “Cah!” but absolutely could not pronounce “truck”


103 passengers and only 40 meals were loaded on a flight from Melbourne to Brisbane.

The crew didn’t know what to do.

However, the booth boss had an idea. After about 30 minutes of flight, she nervously announced:

“I don’t know how this happened, but we have 103 passengers and only 40 dinners.”

Then he added:

“Anyone who is gentle and kind-hearted enough to give their food to someone else will receive free, unlimited drinks and liquor throughout the flight.”

His next announcement came two hours later:

“If anyone wants to change their minds, we still have 40 meals available.”


Drunks have a big heart!!!


A police officer came upon a terrible wreck where the driver and passenger had been killed. As he looked upon the wreckage a little monkey came out of the brush and hopped around the crashed car.

The officer looked down at the monkey and said “I wish you could talk.”

The monkey looked up at the officer and shook his head up and down.

“You can understand what I’m saying?” asked the officer.

Again, the monkey shook his head up and down. “Well, did you see this?”

“Yes,” motioned the monkey.

“What happened?” The monkey pretended to have a can in his hand and turned it up by his mouth.

“They were drinking?” asked the officer. “Yes.”

“What else?” The monkey pinched

his fingers together and held them to his mouth. “They were smoking marijuana?” “Yes.”

“What else?” The monkey motioned “Screwing.” “They were screwing, too?” asked the astounded officer. “Yes.”

“Now wait, you’re saying your owners were drinking, smoking and screwing before they wrecked.” “Yes.”

“What were you doing during all this?”

“Driving” motioned the monkey.

The Wheel Christmas 2021 39
40 The Wheel Christmas 2021 “ The Truck Specialists” • ISUZU TRUCK SALES • NEW & USED TRUCKS • PARTS & EQUIPMENT • SERVICE & REPAIRS MAJOR MOTORS FORRESTFIELD: 789 Abernethy Rd - 9365 6333 BIBRA LAKE: 2 Selkis Rd - 9331 9331 MALAGA: 65 Crocker Dr - 9241 7999 The Team Driven by Your Transport Needs TRUCKS Visit our Website at: DL 1141 (08) 6313 3000 We fight to achieve the best outcomes for our clients, while reducing the stress they go through to obtain their compensation. With our No Win. No Fee* offer for Personal Injury Law and a Free Initial Appointment**, you can afford access to the justice you deserve. Fighting for the rights of Unions and their members for 85 years. For a referral to Slater and Gordon or to learn more about our exclusive Union member benefits, contact the TWU on (08) 6313 3000. *NWNF T&C’s: **Free appointment T&Cs:

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Articles inside

Last Laugh

page 39

Perth to Kalgoorlie RETURN

page 38


page 37


page 36


page 35

The true Union story about the Netflix runaway series Squid Game

page 34


page 33


pages 31-32

THE HARVESTER JUDGEMENT Some Australian Union History to share at the table this Christmas. The turn of

page 30


page 29


pages 27-28


page 26


page 25


page 25


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page 23

HORROR SURVEY INDUSTRY The TWU surveyed our membership and this

pages 22-23


pages 21-22


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page 18


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page 16


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page 13


page 12

taking industrial action works...”

page 11


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page 11

“What this proves is that taking

pages 10-11


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pages 7-8


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page 4


page 3

WHEEL Lifting Standards! Lifting Standards!

pages 1-2
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