2019 PLC Annual Review

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Annual Review 2019


Preparing young women to lead active, purposeful lives

Presbyterian Ladies’ College was founded in 1915 and has since sustained an international reputation for academic excellence and outstanding success in preparing young women to lead active, purposeful lives. Evidence of our Scottish heritage is apparent throughout the beautiful Peppermint Grove campus as well as in the distinctive Blackwatch tartan uniform and PLC Pipe Band. However, perhaps the most significant legacy of our Scottish tradition is a belief in educational excellence, combined with a whole-of-person approach to intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development. Today this continues to be the philosophical foundation on which a PLC education is based. At PLC, every girl is given the opportunity to: •

develop an appreciation of intellectual challenge and a love of lifelong learning;

gain the confidence to question, challenge and be creative;

give and receive warmth and human understanding;

belong to a community in which to experience the beauty and joy of life itself.

PLC students are encouraged to become critical and compassionate thinkers, to assume responsibility for their own learning and to be informed and engaged participants in local and global issues. Underlying these precepts is the conviction that women can, and should, make a difference in the world.




Contents PLC Values ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Principal’s Overview..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 PLC Council Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................10 PLC Council 2018 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Senior Leadership 2018 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Staff Farewells ..............................................................................................................................................................................................14 Academic Achievements .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Wellbeing....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Performing and Creative Arts .................................................................................................................................................................30 Community Service and Tours ................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Sporting Excellence ....................................................................................................................................................................................34 The PLC Foundation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Connecting the Community ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Staff List .........................................................................................................................................................................................................40 College Operations ...................................................................................................................................................................................44 Teacher Standards .....................................................................................................................................................................................45 2018 Strategic Achievements ...................................................................................................................................................................46 2019 Strategic Goals .................................................................................................................................................................................. 47


Vision & Values Presbyterian Ladies’ College is a Uniting Church School committed to an excellent well-rounded educational experience that gives every girl confidence and empowers her to lead a principled life and make an active contribution to the Community. PLC is: •

a school for a diverse and exceptional education that is innovative, vibrant, challenging and fosters personal excellence;

a community of friends, which is secure, inclusive and valuing of the individual;

an enduring legacy of values such as integrity, learning, community and effort;

a culture of learning for life and spiritual enquiry where character and leadership are nurtured to serve and shape the world.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for generations of girls to discover their uniqueness and have the courage to strive to live by their convictions and realise their potential.


Our Values PLC is a values-based community. Staff, students and parents subscribe to our values upon becoming members of the College. These values provide the compass by which members of the community come together to support one another and be of service to others. Taken together, our values create an enabling environment to meet the School’s Statement of Purpose: Presbyterian Ladies’ College is a Uniting Church School committed to an excellent well-rounded educational experience that gives every girl confidence and empowers her to lead a principled life and make an active contribution towards the community.

Integrity (Honore) Strong ethical values make truth, compassion, respect and moral courage highly-valued attitudes which are modelled every day. Integrity and a strong sense of social justice is particularly demonstrated through a commitment to celebrating diversity including reconciliation for indigenous peoples of Australia and striving for equal opportunities for women.

Learning We gain knowledge and explore intellectual challenges and are inspired to value learning as inquirers, thinkers, risk-takers, communicators and through self-reection. Students develop an understanding of themselves, their community and the world around them through a balance of academic, social, cultural and spiritual enquiry and physical pursuits.

Community We value participation as an active means of making friends and building mutual understanding, showing care, support, respect and an open mind to recognise everyone’s value and contributions. The value of belonging to a community is in accepting rights and responsibilities and recognising that with privilege comes an individual and collective responsibility for the common good.

Effort (Labore) We recognise that little is achieved without effort and we encourage students to strive and achieve their best. Confidence, resilience and boldness develop through a culture of participation, a get-upand-go attitude, having the courage T1 - Try new things, managing unfamiliar situations, learning from mistakes in a supportive environment and having opportunities to discover personal strengths. 7

Principal’s Overview Every year, PLC Perth’s graduating cohort give our community many reasons to be proud of the School’s success in helping to provide young women with a positive start to their lives beyond the classroom. Our 2019 Leavers continued this tradition with amazing results. The School’s median ATAR of 90.95 (combined International Baccalaureate and WACE results) once again placed PLC among the highest academic achieving schools in Western Australia. Two of our graduates achieved a WACE ATAR of 99 and higher and 23 girls gained scores between 95 and 98.99. Our International Baccalaureate students were outstanding, with two girls achieving in the top 4.5 per cent in the world. Within the statistics are always wonderful, personal stories. For me there are two in particular that stand out in 2019. The first pays homage to our incredibly dedicated staff. Whilst we always, rightly, celebrate our top achievers, 2019 was also a year to recognise the incredible efforts of many girls whose results exceeded expectations. Our teaching staff aim to help every girl reach her full potential and in 2019 we saw this in spades with so many students achieving ATAR scores well above what was predicted. This saw many students achieve university entry where they had thought they may not and gave other girls pathways into courses they had thought were out of reach. I thank our teachers for their commitment and professionalism. These results are testament to their hard work. The second story is particularly poignant for me. I first met our two 2019 Dux of School – IB and WACE – in PLC Junior School when I was Deputy Head there more than 10 years ago. Lucy Jarrett (WACE Dux) and Lucie O’Sullivan (IB Dux) showed academic prowess at a young age and both girls were always destined for 8

great achievements. To have two PLC ‘lifers’ crowned the Dux of School is particularly special for our PLC Junior School staff and reinforces the value of a PLC education from the early years of learning. PLC’s winning streak in rowing continued in 2019, with the rowers taking out the Head of River for the fifth year running. The girls also found success on the hockey field, coming first in the Independent Girls’ Schools Sports Association competition and did well in basketball, tennis and volleyball in which they were runners up for each sport. Our talented creative arts students never let PLC down and 2019 was no different. The School musical, Footloose, was loved by everyone who attended and the artworks of three Year 12 students were selected for the coveted Pulse Perspectives Exhibition. Sarah Hill’s porcelain sculpture ‘Pointed Home’; Hunter Smith’s landscape painting entitled ‘Kalbarri sub-section study in pink and red’; and Victoria Walford’s ‘Humanities Puppets’ have been on display in the exhibition at the Western Australian Art Gallery. I am also very grateful to the School’s extraordinarily talented music students and vocalists who supported me in my commissioning as PLC’s tenth Principal in August. More than 1,000 students, staff and special guests were treated to rousing performances by the Chorale and Young Voices of the School Hymn, Land of Our Birth, the Centenary Song, Labore et Honore and a very special rendition of Brave – a song fitting the theme of the day, written by Sara Bareilles and Jack Antonoff, which was sung by Year 12 student Tabitha Galluccio, the Chorale and Young Voices. They were supported by students Lucy Jarrett on the piano, Georgia Tovich and Cinta Charlton Meyrick on the guitar, Lizzy Marsh, bass guitar and Georgia Rieck on the drums.

I was humbled to accept the symbolic key to PLC and to pledge my commitment to the students and staff.

an opportunity we have to leave our own mark on the history of the School and to define our own point in time.

As I said at the commissioning, the most recent register of students showed 14,857 girls and boys have had the privilege of a PLC education. Although we are separated by decades, countless hours and days spent in classrooms and in the world beyond, we are all deeply connected to all of the staff and students who have come before us.

Finally, I would like to thank and acknowledge the work of my predecessor, Dr Kate Hadwen, who had steered PLC Perth to an enviable position as one of Perth’s top girls’ schools. Her dedication to the School, in particular, her commitment to the health and wellbeing of girls and the construction of the PLC Lighthouse, is deeply appreciated. We wish her the very best in her future endeavours.

We share that history – a history that those girls and those staff began all of those decades ago and that we are continuing and are contributing to, right now. What

Cate Begbie Principal 9

Council Overview PLC Council reports to the Uniting Church in Western Australia and is responsible for the strategic direction and effective governance of the College. Council members are all highly experienced professionals who willingly offer their time, professional skills and experience to guide and support the Principal in her leadership of the College. A full list of members of both Council and its sub-Committees is included at the end of this report. Combined, they offer a wealth of expertise in education, law, finance, strategy, marketing, planning and business.

2019 Achievements After almost four years as Principal, Dr Kate Hadwen resigned to accept an appointment as Principal of Pymble Ladies’ College in Sydney. During her tenure, Dr Hadwen continued to build on PLC’s strong foundations by championing excellence in teaching and continued professional development for staff. She was dedicated to providing excellent boarding programmes and facilities resulting in waiting lists for the Boarding House and extra facilities required to be built to accommodate more boarders. She was an unwavering advocate for girls’ education, oversaw the development and integration of wellbeing programmes into the curriculum across all years, revised and updated the School Master Plan and worked with the Senior Leadership Team and Council to develop a comprehensive Strategic Plan to 2021. Council would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Dr Hadwen’s contributions to PLC and wish both her and Pymble Ladies’ College every success in the future. After a rigorous recruitment process that included extensive consultation with members of the wider PLC Community, Council was thrilled to announce the appointment of Ms Cate Begbie from July 2019. Ms Begbie served as Deputy Head of PLC Junior School from 2008 to 2010 and returned in 2019, having gained 10

a wealth of experience in educational leadership roles at high quality schools. Cate has already shown she is a leader with integrity and empathy, dedicated to programmes that offer students opportunities to challenge and extend themselves to achieve their potential. In addition to her passion and commitment to developing and inspiring independent learners who strive to excel, Cate is also committed to the core values of PLC and continues to ask our students to be Brave in everything they do. We look forward to working with her on many new initiatives during 2020 including a new Strategic Plan. Council was responsible for leading and overseeing a number of major projects during 2019. Planning was well under way for a new Music Centre with the eastern side of Finlayson House demolished in preparation for the new build. Unfortunately, the Tender results were significantly higher than the pre-tender estimates, resulting in a deferral of the build. Council is working with an independent Project Manager to review the design and costings in order to build an outstanding music facility for our students and staff whilst ensuring we are making strategic financial decisions for the benefit of future generations of PLC students. We look forward to a successful outcome in 2020. Council takes the safety and protection of children seriously and continues to review and improve programmes for the increased wellbeing and safety of children at the School. During 2019, Council voted to opt-in to the National Redress Scheme, reviewed its Code of Conduct and continued in its commitment to ensure PLC is a Child Safe School including undertaking annual child protection training and ensuring every staff member of the College undertakes comprehensive annual refresher training. At the end of 2019, the World Health Organisation was setting up an Incident Management Support Team

in response to the impending announcement that the World faced a crisis with the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19), eventually declared a Pandemic on 11 March 2020. Having established itself as a leader in technology in the classroom many years earlier, PLC was well placed to deal with the impending changes. However, at the end of 2019, nobody was aware we were about to face a crisis of such magnitude. A full report will be included in the 2020 Annual Review, however, Council wishes to take this opportunity to acknowledge the leadership and dedication of so many of its management and staff in supporting our students and parents through what was an extremely tumultuous and uncertain time.

Council and Committee Membership At the end of 2019, Council bid farewell to two long-serving and outstanding members of Council. Mr Andrew McKenzie served on Council for six years, the Finance Committee for one year and at the time of this report, continues as a member of the PLC Foundation Board, a role he has held for eight years. Council is extremely grateful for Mr McKenzie’s strategic vision and most particularly for his tireless leadership on several fundraising campaigns for capital projects and scholarships for deserving girls who would not otherwise be able to afford an education at PLC. Andrew and his wife Cate are also generous supporters of many charitable organisations in Perth and PLC Council wishes to express our gratitude for their contributions to the Foundation and acknowledge their generosity. Mr Morgan Ball also retired after serving eight years on the Finance Committee, the last six as Chair and as a member of Council. He also worked on two major working groups of Council leading and guiding the review of Council and its Committees and the Review of Business Conditions. Council is extremely grateful for Mr Ball’s dedication, the many hours he has voluntarily offered his financial expertise, for his diligence and

strength of leadership with the Finance Committee and for his insightful succession planning, ensuring the Finance Committee continues to flourish. Council was pleased to appoint Mr Charlie Bolt to Council in May 2019, after he had willingly served on the Finance Committee as an Independent Member for five years. Mr Bolt is Chief Risk Officer with Multiplex Global and has extensive experience in finance, accounting and contract administration. Council was also pleased to appoint Mr Bolt as Mr Ball’s successor to the role of Chair of the Finance & Audit Committee. During 2019, Council made three appointments of Independent members to its Committees. Mr Nathan Blackburne was appointed to the Master Plan & Infrastructure (MPI) Committee at the beginning of 2019. Mr Blackburne is Executive Director of Cedar Woods and his experience and knowledge of project management and property development has been invaluable to the MPI Committee, particularly during the Music Centre planning. Ms Nyree Correia was appointed to the Finance & Audit Committee adding her expertise in financial management and strategic planning to this Committee. Ms Correia is an Old Collegian, has one daughter at the College and another commencing in future years. Mrs Fiona Morgan, also an Old Collegian and past parent, was appointed to the Risk & Compliance Committee. Mrs Morgan is CEO of Mintrex Pty Ltd and brings a wealth of experience in Strategy and Risk Management. At the end of 2019, Council was pleased to invite Mr Jon Smeulders to join Council in 2020. Mr Smeulders had also been serving as an Independent member of the MPI Committee and Council members are looking forward to the addition of his strategic vision and experience in property development and senior management to Council.


PLC Council 2019 Mr Stuart Love Deputy Chair of Council

PLC also thanks the following people who have provided their time, knowledge and experience as Independent members of Council Sub-Committees during the year:

Mr Morgan Ball Finance & Audit (Chair T1 - T3)

Ms Adrienne Dukes Risk & Compliance

Mrs Michelle Barrett PLC Parents (Chair)

Mr Nathan Blackburne Master Plan & Infrastructure

Mr Charlie Bolt Finance & Audit (Chair T4)

Ms Nyree Correia Finance & Audit

Mrs Kathy Bonus Master Planning & Infrastructure (Chair)

Mr Carlo Franchina Finance & Audit

Prof Donna Cross

Ms Fiona Hogg Master Plan & Infrastructure

Ms Claire Poll Chair of Council

Ms Fiona Crowe Master Plan & Infrastructure Ms Linda Kenyon Risk & Compliance Ms Morgen Lewis Risk & Compliance Mr Andrew McKenzie Mr James Mactier Risk & Compliance


Mr Martin Kirkness Finance & Audit Mr Phil Mirams Finance & Audit Mrs Fiona Morgan Risk & Compliance

PLC Senior Leadership Team 2019

Ms Cate Begbie Principal T3 onwards

Dr Kate Hadwen Principal T1 - 2 2019

Dr Andrew Cousins Deputy Principal

Mrs Chris Robinson Deputy Principal

Mrs Jenny Crisp Acting Head of Senior School

Mr Richard Wright Head of Junior School

Ms Chonny James Director of Wellbeing

Ms Liz Langdon Director of Boarding

Ms Anna Hu Director of Information & Learning

Mr Sam Kronja Director of Finance & Corporate Services

Mrs Keryn McKinnon Director of Strategic Communications

Ms Vivien Whitehead Director of People & Culture

Rev Manie Strydom Chaplain 13


Staff Farewells PLC Perth bid adieu to two of its most senior staff members in 2019 with Principal Dr Kate Hadwen leaving at the end of Term 2 and Deputy Principal Dr Andrew Cousins the end of the year.

Dr Kate Hadwen Dr Hadwen (pictured left) became the ninth Principal of PLC in Term 3, 2015. Having held a range of teaching, academic and leadership positions around Australia this was her first Principal position. During her tenure Dr Hadwen continued to build on PLC’s strong foundations, enhancing its reputation as one of Australia’s leading schools. She unwaveringly promoted excellence in teaching and learning by championing professional development and promotional opportunities for staff. She developed close bonds with students and her door was always open for girls to visit, whatever the reason or need. She was a fierce advocate for PLC girls and enjoyed participating in many co-curricular activities, especially dressing up on Arts Day. A significant achievement for Dr Hadwen was the integration of wellbeing into the school curriculum through the opening of the PLC Lighthouse in 2018. Her dream became a reality and now students and staff are enjoying this beautiful and functional wellbeing centre. Having previously worked in boarding, Dr Hadwen had a ‘soft spot’ for the boarders. She enjoyed many meals with boarders in her own home. She cooked for them, providing a wonderful homely experience for students who were far from their own homes. Dr Hadwen left PLC to take up the position of Principal, Pymble Ladies’ College in Sydney in May 2019. We thank Kate for her leadership of PLC and wish her well for the future.

Dr Andrew Cousins Moving West from Queensland in March 2016, Dr Cousins (pictured above) commenced at PLC in the position of Deputy Principal. During his tenure, Dr Cousins was instrumental in the School’s changes to the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, restructuring the Senior School teaching and learning staffing model and the introduction of the six-period timetable, in concert with Scotch College. He also did an outstanding job in the role of Acting Principal for the second half of Term 2 in 2019. As a leader, Dr Cousins was extremely generous with his time. He thought broadly and in a strategic way, bringing different perspectives to the table. His approach was always calm, considered and levelheaded, displaying outstanding leadership qualities at PLC. A talented musician, Dr Cousins surprised and amazed the entire school when he broke into song, singing ‘The Lord Bless You and Keep You’ unaccompanied, at the conclusion of his farewell speech to Kate Hadwen, Principal. Later that year at Arts Day 2019, he played piano and sang the ‘Circle of Life’ as part of the Lion King Staff item. Dr Cousins certainly impressed the PLC community with these two musical performances in his time at PLC. Dr Cousins left PLC to move back east to take up the position of Principal, Clayfield College in Brisbane from the start of 2020. We wish Andrew all the very best as he starts a new chapter in his life and thank him for his significant strategic leadership and contribution to PLC.


Val Myers – Food Technician

Murray Saunders

Val Myers commenced at PLC in February 1996 as a part-time Canteen Assistant. After five years in this position, she took on the role of Food and Textile Assistant, which she held until she left PLC.

Commencing in January 1990, Mr Saunders was a much loved and respected English teacher who had significant impact on staff and students during his time at PLC. He mostly taught Year 12 English and General English but never taught Year 7 English in his entire time at the School.

With a background in window dressing, Val used her creative skills in her position PLC. For each ‘Food’ class she would arrange fresh produce for students as though it was on display; from lemons beautifully placed in a wicker basket to vegetables strategically displayed on the bench top. She also made sure she saved the School money by visiting fresh food markets ensuring produce was the best quality and the best possible price! Arts Day was a particular favourite for Val. She loved setting up and presenting tables with coloured tablecloths covered with beautiful student work. She was incredibly generous with her time for Arts Day. Each year, Val would deliver to PLC staff the Home Economics Department’s student Christmas gifts of homemade pickles, chutneys and jams. She would also share little ‘tastes’ of food that had been prepared by students in class. To staff, Val would always make a point of recommending great recipes and would attach a copy of a good recipe on the back of any invoice sent to Accounts! She loved to share. Val’s two daughters, Kate (1998) and Lauren (1999) attended PLC. We farewelled Val in November 2019 after a magnificent tenure of almost 23 years. We thank Val for her dedication and commitment to PLC and wish her well for the future.

A key to his teaching was his ability to communicate with the students and clearly explain what they needed to know and how to improve. He cared; he listened and knew the girls as individuals. He engaged even the most reluctant students and even if they didn’t love English they loved his classes, coming away with more knowledge and skills, and a better understanding of the world than they started with. The girls saw being in Mr Saunders class as a ‘rite of passage’ at PLC. Known for his wonderful stories and great sense of humour, they especially enjoyed reading his feedback on their work, such as ‘good without being brilliant’ and ‘confused and confusing.’ For 28 of his 29 years at PLC, Mr Saunders held the position of Ferguson House Advisor. In this role he willingly and bravely put himself out there doing most things girls asked. He dressed up, danced, sung and acted his way into their hearts. In the 1993 Staff Concert, he danced Swan Lake in a pink tutu with two of his male colleagues and later broke his ankle in a staff/student soccer game. He participated wholeheartedly in PLC life. As a colleague, he was supportive, encouraging and generous with his time, knowledge and resources. He mentored and influenced staff, giving great advice and guidance, inspiring others to be the best teacher they could be. Mr Saunders was a genuine and humble role model to PLC staff. After 29 years of dedicated and dependable service, Mr Saunders retired from PLC at the end of Term 1, 2019. We thank Mr Saunders for his significant, genuine and passionate teaching which instilled a love of literature and critical thinking in his students. We wish him all the very best as he enjoys retirement.




Sharon Anderson – Head of Senior School PLC farewelled Sharon Anderson (pictured left) during Term 1, 2019 after almost 16 years of dedicated service. Starting at PLC as an English teacher in 2003, Ms Anderson held the position of Middle School English Co-ordinator until 2004. She was promoted to Head of Middle School in 2005, holding this position for 11 years before becoming the Head of Senior School in 2016. Ms Anderson was well known for her fairness, openness and affection towards staff and students alike. She was firm when required, but always kind, compassionate and thoughtful in her approach and in her wish to assist both staff and students. Ms Anderson repeatedly displayed her ability to turn her hand to anything, including walking the Bibbulmun Track with Year 9 girls, navigating the intricacies of guiding PLC girls in China (with minimal Mandarin skills) to coaching co-curricular netball and volleyball. Ms Anderson leaves behind staff she encouraged, supported and fearlessly led, and students she nurtured, chivvied and shepherded into spectacular young women that are now Old Collegians. We sincerely thank Ms Anderson for her outstanding contribution and service to PLC and wish her all the best as she enters a new phase of her career outside PLC.


Staff Farewells 2019 Listing Lindsey Allen

Junior School Teacher

Sharon Anderson

Head of Senior School

Hilde Apel

Visual Arts Teacher

Judy Boyne

Physical Education Teacher

Jessica Bray

Boarding House Year Group Co-ordinator

Tiarne Buurman

Physical Education Teacher

Austin Castiglione

Drama Teacher and Junior School Teacher

Graham Catley

Junior School Teacher

Andrew Cousins

Deputy Principal

Kelsey de Woronin

Music Teacher

Robin Dunn

Mathematics Teacher, Senior School Daily Planning Co-ordinator

Humanities Teacher, House Advisor - Ross

Kate Lee

Boarding House Weekend Co-ordinator

Josie Lundy

Art Technician

Danielle Magaraggia

Education Assistant Junior School

Olivia Maxwell

Boarding House Year Group Co-ordinator

Sasa Milosevic

Maintenance Assistant

John Mirosevich

Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator

Val Myers

Technology & Enterprise Assistant Food and Textiles

Rebecca Payne

Head of Languages, Deputy Head of Senior School Years 11 - 12

Dan Pike

Outdoor Education Teacher

Kathleen Plastow

Director of Performing Arts

Caroline Raths

Junior School Teacher

Su-Ann Richards

Early Childhood Studies Teacher

Amanda Ristovsky

Mathematics Teacher

Olivia Robinson

Art Technician

Melanie Rowe

Operations Assistant - Lighthouse

Murray Saunders

Language & Literacy Teacher, House Advisor - Ferguson

Nanette Smith

Registered Nurse

Phil Espie

Technical Support OďŹƒcer

Kate Evans

Boarding House Assistant

Sophie Fennell

Administration Assistant - Lighthouse

Emilia Firkins

Pre-primary Teacher

Jane Frame

Technology & Enterprise Teacher Home Economics

Fiona Fraser

Junior School Teacher

Caroline Fuhr

Dance Teacher

Lisa Graham

Personal Assistant to the Head of Senior School

Lauren Smith

Science Teacher

Jack Graziotti

Junior School Teacher

Elizabeth Snell

Boarding House Weekend Co-ordinator

Kate Hadwen


Emily Spink

Boarding House Weekend Co-ordinator

Emma Haining

Visual Arts Teacher, Deputy Head of Senior School Years 11 - 12

Radek Talma

Laboratory Technician

Sharlene Hayes

Junior School Teacher

Ashleigh Traill

Education Assistant Junior School

Michelle Higgins

Learning Support Co-ordinator

Tracey Walker

Indigenous Scholarship Programme Co-ordinator

Katie Hodson

Music Teacher

Alan Wallace

Head of Pipe Band

Chris Holloway

Facilities Manager

Lizzie Warburton

Receptionist - View St

Ian Huisman

Lead 1 Degree Coach, Team Leader ILT Support and Training

Jill Willetts

Junior School Teacher

Colleen Johnson

Junior School Teacher

Fay Wiltshire

Learning Enrichment Centre Teacher

Emma Young

Clothing Store Manager

Alex Kannegiesser-Bailey Administration Assistant - Lighthouse Victoria Kelleher


Gemma Kidby

Humanities Teacher, Deputy Head of Senior School Years 7 - 8


Academic Achievement 2019 NAPLAN PLC students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 combined, achieved an average NAPLAN score of 9.2 per cent above the State mean. This score was the average of all tested bands overall. In the Junior School, Year 3 students achieved an average of 9.96 per cent above the State mean and the Year 5 girls, an average of 8.84 per cent above the State mean. The Senior School results were also well above the average with Year 7 girls achieving 8.26 per cent above the State average and Year 9s, 9.81 per cent above the State average. The consistency of these results is extremely promising for each Year group to achieve strong IB or WACE results in their final years.

Year 12 Results Great success for PLC students in all three pathways Working to ensure every girl achieves her best is the primary purpose of PLC teaching staff. We are incredibly proud of our 2019 cohort and we wish the girls every success as they embark on their next journey. 124 students undertook WACE studies. Of these students 116 chose the ATAR pathway and eight students a Vocational Education and Training pathway. 19 students, enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.


Combined IB/WACE Median ATAR – 90.95

WACE Median ATAR 90.75 •

WACE Dux of School Lucy Jarrett was one of 15 students in WA to achieve a perfect 99.95.

More than one in five girls scored 95.00 or higher.

Three quarters of the Year 12 cohort achieved an ATAR of 80.00 or higher.

IB Median Score – 34 points / ATAR 92.10 •

100 per cent of students were awarded their Diploma (World average is 69 per cent).

85 per cent of PLC students were above the world average of score of 29 points.

Two students were in the top 4.5 per cent in the world.

28 per cent of students achieved above 35 points / ATAR of 95.75.

72 per cent of students achieved above 33 points / ATAR of 90.65.

17 per cent of students achieved the maximum bonus points in the Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay (World average is 7.73 per cent).

VET The VET courses students completed included: •

Certificate IV in Education Support

Certificate IV in Community Services

Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies

At a Glance 2 students scored an ATAR of 99 and higher

23 students scored an ATAR between 95 and 98.99

37 students scored an ATAR between 90 and 94.99

26 students scored an ATAR between 80 and 89.99

28 students scored an ATAR of less than 79.99 Subjects where PLC students were the highest performing students (top 15 per cent) in the State • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Accounting & Finance Applied Information Technology Biology Business Management and Enterprise Economics English Food Science & Technology French: Second Language Human Biology Maths Applications Modern History Psychology Visual Arts 23

WACE Subject Awards

Class of 2019 Courses

General Exhibition Lucy Jarrett Subject Exhibitions Food Science and Technology Ada Perkins French: Second Language Lucy Jarrett Physics Lucy Jarrett Subject Certificates of Excellence Chemistry Lucy Jarrett Food Science and Technology Ada Perkins French: Second Language Lucy Jarrett Human Biology Chloe Michael Physics Lucy Jarrett Certificates of Distinction (29) Alexandra Ayers Charlotte Baddeley Danee Bairstow Neha Bolla Poppy Bolt Holly Dowling Georgina Dunsdon Matilda Dyke Ava Fonti Tabitha Galluccio Georgia Grey Christine Harcourt-Cooke Sarah Hill Lucy Jarrett Olivia Langsford Kayla McCulloch Siena Mitchell Halimah Mohamad Zaini Sophia Mowbray Brenna Orrock Lucy Palmer Emma Rose Playford Abigael Russell Hunter Smith Chloe Sneddon Ellie Stroud Dakota Tingwell Georgia Tovich Emily Veitch Certificates of Merit (27) Paris Castledine Holly Culloton Georgia Eagleton Lucinda Easton Habiba Elnadi Georgina Fisher Maxi Ford Chelsea Graham Sophie Gubbay Rebecca Gunzburg Molly Haitjema Paris Kay Grace Lauder Moonyean Le Roux Chloe Michael Lucy Muller Aimee Mumme Katherine Nash Ada Perkins Grace Purves Georgie Purvis Sienna Robson Arabella Smeulders Victoria Walford Alice Warner Stephane Whelan

Class of 2019 Destinations

WACE students achieving an ATAR of 98 and above Year 12 Achievements Jacqui Swick has accepted a rowing scholarship to the University of Oklahoma. Paris Kay has been accepted to Cours Florent, a three-year drama course based on American and English theatre methods. IB Dux of School Lucie O’Sullivan was awarded a Fogarty Scholarship at The University of Western Australia where she will undertake a Bachelor of Philosophy with a Direct Pathway to Law. Charlotte Baddeley and Alice Warner were awarded Bond University Excellence Scholarships for Bachelor of Laws. Samantha Deykin a place at the WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) Bachelor of Music – Classical Voice. Abigael Russell place Bachelor of Performing Arts – Performance Making at WAAPA. Lily Stewart place at WAAPA - Costume Design. 2019 Academic Captain Halimah Zaini was awarded a full scholarship through Oxbridge to attend the Academie de Paris, which was held in July. Emily Pruiti was awarded runner-up in the Dorothea MacKellar Australian Poetry Awards. Alexandra Ayers was short-listed for her poems entered in the Dorothea MacKellar Australian Poetry Awards. Sienna Robson Design Pathways Scholarship at the University of Melbourne.

Three students had their artwork selected for the Pulse Perspectives exhibition. Sarah Hill with her porcelain sculpture ‘Poisoned Home’; Hunter Smith with her expressive landscape painting of Kalbarri titled ‘Kalbarri sub-section study in pink and red’; and Victoria Walford with her chicken sculptures ‘Humanities Puppets’.

Lucy Jarrett 99.95

Georgia Tovich 99.4

Halimah Zaini 98.75

The following students all received Notre Dame: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alexandra Ayers Charlotte Baddeley Samantha Deykin Matilda Dyke Maxine Ford Karega Gibbs Rebecca Gunzburg Olivia Langsford Kayla McCulloch Siena Mitchell Lucie O’Sullivan Lucy Palmer Ada Perkins Chloe Sneddon Dakota Tingwell Emily Veitch Stephanie Whelan

Tabitha Galluccio 98.35

Chelsea Graham 98.25

Emily Veitch 98.2

Matilda Dyke 98

Kayla McCulloch 98

IB students achieving an ATAR equivalent of 98 and above

Lucie O’Sullivan IB 43 | ATAR 99.7

Genevieve Shillington IB 41 | ATAR 98.8

Individual Achievements Tahlia Hanikeri (Year 11) placed third in the WA State Debating Team. Sophia Papandroulakis (Year 8), Ariana Papandroulakis (Year 10) and Eloise Rosser (Year 10) represented WA in the 2019 Under 15 National Hockey Tournament in April. Helen Lovegrove (Year 10) had two novella stories, Adventures in Nowhere and Step by Step, shortlisted for the 2019 Somerset National Novella Writing Competition. Sienna Hanikeri (Year 9), Annie Pfeiffer (Year 9), Hana Yussoff (Year 9), Ashley Spencer (Year 10) and Isabella MacGregor (Year 10) were selected in the State Athletics Team. Sienna was also selected in the WA team for the Cross-Country Championships and Ashley was also selected in the Australian Track and Field Championships. Jessica Hales (Year 11) also represented WA in the Cross-Country Championships. Sophia (Year 8) and Ariana Papandroulakis (Year 10) were selected for the State Hockey Team. Rilyn Hawkins, Jess Fry, Madeliene Robins and Annabelle Lewkowski (all Year 8) competed in the Synergy Schools Solar Challenge State Final in April.

Lucy Jarrett (Year 12) was offered a place in the National Youth Science Forum 2019 International Programme in May. Tatum Ryan (Year 7) attended the WA Youth Cattle Handlers Camp and was awarded the highest achieving beef participant over all age groups and represented WA at the South Australian Junior Heifer Expo in July. The following rowers all competed in the Sydney International Rowing Regatta: Senior Rowers: Rebecca Gunzberg (Rowing Captain), Sammie Deykin, Jacqui Swick, Jess Vinnicombe, Alice Warner. Under 17 Rowers: Lucinda Cox, Elizabeth Dyke, Charlotte Ferguson, Grace Fisher, Pippa Ford, Pippa Hann, Pippa Joyce, Sarah Lye, Madison Marley, Eloise Middlemas, George Roberts, Tara Rogers, April Webster. Lara Tovich (Year 10) represented WA in the 2019 Pizzey Cup Tennis team, which competed at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Adelaide in May. Nicole Enslin (Year 10) was part of the U18 State Women Hockey competition in Hobart in May. Kate Banner (Year 8) represented PLC at the Inter-School Equestrian State Championships in May. Giorgia Chin (Year 11) represented WA in the Australian Gymnastics Championships in Melbourne.


Year 11 students, Eliza Murray and Clare Shine made the U16 State School Girls Hockey Team. Millie McCarthy (Year 11) represented WA in the National U18 Basketball Championships. Millie was also the youngest player to ever sign for the Hawks State Women’s Basketball Team. Poppy Bell (Year 9), Saskia Fleming (Year 9) and Isobel Wake (Year 9), won the Junior Team event and the Senior Team made up of Isabelle Hamer, Lily Jenkins and Bella Stevens (all Year 11) won the Writing trophy in the World Scholars Cup in June. Poppy Bell (Year 9) and Sophie Hall (Year 8) performed at the International Youth Ballet Gala. Ruby Bell (Year 6) represented WA in the 2019 Hockey 12s Championship. Ruby also won a gold in the 50m freestyle at the State Surf Life Saving Pool Competition and broke the State record for U11 girls in June. Ruby Bell also competed in the State Swimming Championships and won two gold medals, one silver medal and one bronze medal. She also broke the WA State Record for U12 girls in the Medley Relay. The Bell Sisters Olivia (Year 3), Ruby (Year 6) and Poppy (Year 9) were finalists in the 2019 Tim Winton Awards for Young Writers.

Halimah Zaini (Year 12), was awarded a full scholarship through Oxbridge to attend the Academie de Paris in August. Annie Pfeiffer (Year 9) set four new records at the Senior School Inter-House Athletics Carnival in June in the Year 9 Long Jump, Year 9 400m, Year 9 100m and Year 9 200m. Ashley Spencer (Year 10) set two new records at the Senior School Inter-House Athletics Carnival in the Year 10 90m Hurdles and Year 10 400m. Fiona Tan (Year 7) was one of two people from Perth selected to compete at the 'Water Cube Cup' singing competition in Beijing. Lucy Jarrett (Year 12) won the Orienteering WA Secondary School Championships Competition, Annecy Lyon (Year 7) was awarded a Bronze Medal in the Australian School Sport National Netball Championships in September.

Clare Shine (Year 11), Eliza Murray (Year 11) and Charlotte Fairweather (Year 10) represented WA in the Hockey National 16s Girls Championships. Estella Weir (Year 8), Jaz Shervington (Year 8) and Alex Enslin (Year 7) were selected in the Hockey WA State Under 13 Girls Team in October. Isabella Van Ingen-Kal (Year 8) was awarded a Bronze and Silver Medal at the National Karate Championships. Morven Johnston (Year 9) competed at the Highland Dancing World Championships in Scotland. Morven won the 14 Years Scottish Championship, placed third in the world for the 12 - 15 Years Juvenile World Championship, making her the highest placed overseas dancer in the world. Kaitlyn Sin (Year 6) was awarded the first prize at the North of Perth Music Festival and Kaitlyn was also awarded runner-up at the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia (IPSHA) Speakers' Challenge.

Bryzlyn Sin (Year 9) passed the Associate in Music, Australia (AMusA) exam. This is a diploma awarded to outstanding candidates in the fields of musical performance and music theory, and it’s extremely rare for someone her age. Aurelia Qaqish (Year 5; pictured) participated in the South Suburban Music Eisteddfod, winning the 7th Grade String Solo and the String Recital for students aged 10 and under. Shan Yu Lim (Year 9) received an Australian Mathematics Trust High Achiever Award for being one of the top three female students in Year 9 in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Linda Zou (Year 9) received a Data Analysis Australia Individual Merit Prize at the WA Junior Maths Olympiad. Nisha Whittome (Year 11) placed third in WA in the Year 12 Alliance Française exam.



Wellbeing In April 2019, we celebrated the first anniversary of the PLC Lighthouse opening and over that year, staff and students have made full use of the facilities. On average, 47 students per week signed in to use the recharge, meditation or expressive arts rooms during their lunch breaks. In addition, Lighthouse Flexi lessons incorporated into each cycle for all Years 7, 8 and 9 students provided regular times for students to practically engage in a variety of wellbeing strategies within and beyond the PLC Lighthouse and explore what strategies work best for them.

Student Wellbeing Data In 2019, students from Years 5 to 12 completed the annual student wellbeing survey. Overall 75 per cent of students recorded high satisfaction with Student Wellbeing at PLC. 79 per cent of students feel PLC provides a safe and caring environment for them. 75 per cent of students had high satisfaction with the Health and Wellbeing Programmes they participated in across the year.

Physical Wellbeing Students and staff have taken advantage of the additional fitness opportunities provided on campus through the PLC Lighthouse in 2019. Strength and conditioning coaches, supervising before and after school, provide technique support to staff and students (Years 10 to 12) working on personal fitness goals. This initiative saw the number of visits to the Fitness Centre per month increase by over 80 visits. Each term, students can engage in co-curricular Fitness Classes run by O2 Active. On average, 108 students attended a weekly fitness class in 2019.

Preparing for life beyond PLC In the 2018, Student Wellbeing survey Senior School students identified that PLC could improve on providing more opportunities for them to develop life skills and preparedness for life beyond PLC. As a response, two new initiatives were introduced in 2019.

PLC Lighthouse employed eight Year 11 and Year 12 Boarding students as casual Lighthouse Assistants. Boarders don’t have the same access to part-time work and with the Lighthouse operating both before and after-school hours, it was mutually beneficial for boarders and PLC. Students were required to undertake a thorough recruitment process including writing a CV, responding formally to questions, interviews and completion of compliance training courses. The successful candidates have been a wonderful addition to the Lighthouse Team with their enthusiasm, professionalism and diligent work ethic. The second initiative commenced in Term 4 of 2019, called Lighthouse Leavers. Lighthouse Leavers aims to create learning experiences for our Year 11 and Year 12 students with practical courses that inspire lifelong wellbeing, complement academic pursuits and develop life skills to enable our girls to thrive beyond PLC. Students participated in courses such as Job Ready, Meditation, Service Learning, Food Sense, Bronze Medallion, Beach Running and Leadership. Planning is underway for future courses in areas such as Adulting, First Aid, Cultural Competency, Barista, Handywomen, Car Maintenance, Stress Management and University Campus Experiences.

Lighthouse Community Conversations This year, we initiated the ‘Lighthouse Community Conversations’ series with the aim of providing opportunities for PLC families to engage in meaningful and timely conversations with experts on ageappropriate health and wellbeing topics and issues students are exploring within the curriculum. Guest speakers with expertise and evidence on topics currently being discussed at School presented to parents, encouraging natural prompts to start informed and productive dialogues with their daughters. Some of the topics covered in this year’s series of conversations included protective behaviours, gender diversity, mental health, social media and the use of devices. 29

Performing & Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts at PLC has continued to thrive and highlight its significant contribution to the diverse curriculum opportunities provided by the school. The strength of talent supported by staff has culminated in some outstanding achievements and placed PLC Visual Arts in the top 15 schools in Western Australia. Three Year 12 Visual Arts students had their artwork selected for the Pulse Perspectives Exhibition under the guidance of Ms Hilde Apel and Ms Katherine Young: Sarah Hill (WACE) with her porcelain sculpture ‘Pointed Home’ (pictured). Hunter Smith (WACE) with her expressive landscape painting of Kalbarri titled ‘Kalbarri sub-section study in pink and red’. Victoria Walford (WACE) with her chicken sculptures ‘Humanities Puppets’. The annual Creative Arts and Technology Exhibition ‘Frame of Mind’ showcased works by Years 7 to 12 students across all Creative Arts and Technology subject areas. The exhibition included a diverse range of works from Visual Arts, Textiles, Materials (Wood and Metals), Technology and Design Courses. Materials Design and Technology (Textiles), under the supervision of Chris Robinson, has reinforced the significant contribution Creative Arts makes with six of nine students pursuing tertiary courses in Fashion and Design.

Drama As part of the Year 12 WACE Drama and IB Theatre course, students study theatrical style of Theatre of the Absurd. Therefore, the Year 12 Drama and Theatre students performed three Theatre of the Absurd one-act plays under the title of Boom, Bang Bust. Students had to apply their knowledge of clowning, melodrama and physical theatre to create a very entertaining programme. Robert Kelly created three different sets for each one-act play, and he worked with the element of inflatables – a five-metre army tank, a room (walls and ceiling) with inflatable mattresses and pool inflatables. 2019 saw the first combined PLC and Scotch College musical. PLC’s Performing Arts Departments decided to bring back a little bit of 1980’s nostalgia with Footloose. This musical showcased the best of PLC and Scotch College’s talent. Patrice Smith, the choreographer, created dance numbers based on popular American dance styles and Anne Coughlan, the musical director, ensured audiences are entertained by country, rock and pop songs. This musical stood the test of time, and audiences were enthralled, moved and entertained. In Term 4 the Drama Department performed an abridged version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest (pictured). The actors were Year 7 to Year 10 students, and they created a physical interpretation of this classic text. Director, Oliver Craze, created a visually spectacular production with atmospheric sound and music.


Music The Quarry Amphitheatre once again played host to the annual Proms Concert which featured many of our talented music students. Following this event, Stephanie Hair (Year 11), Lucy Jarrett (Year 12), Aurelia Qaqish (Year 5) and members of the School’s SNAP String Quartet and Piano Trio drew an appreciative audience during a Lunchtime Recital at St George’s Cathedral. Our Pipe Bands continued to serve the wider community through performances at Vyner Brooke Memorial Service, Wembley Fair and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk, while the Senior Pipe Band once again marched in the City of Perth’s ANZAC Day Parade. In Term 2, the Junior School Winter Concert celebrated many of our upand-coming musicians including our Suzuki Strings, Petite Chorale and young Band students. Students were also featured in our two Piano Recitals and Vocal Recital.

Dance A highlight on the PLC Arts calendar is undoubtedly the Dance Showcase and this year’s performance was titled Endeavour. This show went beyond the stage and recognised the time, strength, endurance, grit, pain and sweat that is behind a performance and a part of every dancer’s life. It celebrated the commitment, tenacity and internal fortitude every dancer needs as they give every part of themselves both physically and creatively. The showcase was a product of the creative work of many talented individuals who collaborated to provide a spectacular evening of dance. Choreographers, designers, staff, parents and students have all given their time and talents to showcase the dancers of PLC.

In Term 3, a number of PLC ensembles performed for the annual ABODA Festival and each received positive feedback from the adjudicators. Year 11 IB and ATAR students performed their assessed solo repertoire at a public recital hosted by Scotch College and Year 12 students performed confidently in their external practical exams. Open Garden Day provided a beautiful setting for some stunning musical performances by our girls and the music presented at Speech Night was spectacular! Music played an important role in some significant School events throughout 2019 including the commissioning of our new Chaplain and Principal. Assemblies and Chapel services also continued to provide a wonderful opportunity to highlight our musical students. We are grateful for the contribution made by the Year 12 music students of 2019 and look forward to overseeing the musical growth of all involved in 2020.

In 2019, alongside the existing auditioned Dance programmes, we started up a new non-auditioned co-curricular programme, Dance Club. This provided even more opportunity for girls to be involved in dance at PLC and develop their love for the art form whilst continuing to also develop their technique. PLC dance programmes prepare students well for further dance study as evidenced with Meghan Henschel (Year 11) accepted into the CO:3 Youth Elite Training Squad and to the Propel Dance Course at WAAPA. Tara Rogers (Year 10) was also accepted to the CO:3 Youth Elite Training Squad.



Community Service and Tours Service Learning Doing good for others has always been a strong focus at PLC and 2019 was no different. We welcomed Linda Malone to PLC in the new position of Head of Service and Community Partnerships. Across the year, students actively participated in our annual events such as Make a Difference week, which included an evening presentation from Sir Bob Geldof and the World’s Greatest Shave where the PLC/Scotch team again were a leading fundraising School for the Leukemia Foundation. Students and families took part in many service learning opportunities including: Cooking and Crafting for a Cause, Live Below the Line, Sportslink, Free Dress Days, Birthing Kits, Winter Warmer Appeals, Ball Dress Drive (pictured) and Waste Audits.

Tours and exchanges PLC offers many opportunities for students to extend their interests, both within and outside the School. For those wanting to explore the world, various tours and exchanges are offered in Australia and overseas. In 2019, students undertook exchanges to France, Japan and the United Kingdom. Language students were able to advance their speaking and comprehension skills. These exchanges are reciprocal, whereby we welcome these students to PLC to study and learn the Australian culture.

The Canberra Tour continues to be a popular programme for our Year 9 students, travelling with Scotch College students integrating the Civics and Citizenship course and skiing. The Year 11 and 12 students had opportunities to experience the Indigenous culture in the Kimberley region. They also had the opportunity to participate in the inaugural Creative Arts Tour to Italy and other students were able to perform and study in the Dance and Drama Tour to Sydney. The Year 10 students continue to build houses in Cambodia and were able to complete the homes with furnishings from the additional fundraising monies raised. Our rowing students again had success on the water at the Australian Open and Schools Rowing Championships in Sydney, achieving a silver medal in Under 17 Schoolgirls Coxed Eights. Other students continue to perform at competition level in tough environmental conditions by traveling to Singapore and playing various elite teams in Netball. Our gifted and talented students were successful in the local competitions including World Scholar’s Cup and da Vinci Decathlon with the latter extending to compete at National level. PLC was well represented in the Mooting competition held at Bond University, sending two teams to compete in 2019.

A variety of group tours were also available, offering students cultural, sporting and service immersion experiences: PLC’s China Tour saw our students attend and stay at a university whilst undertaking intense language lessons in the morning and cultural experiences in the afternoon. 33

Sporting Excellence PLC Perth’s success on the sporting fields continued in 2019, particularly in rowing and hockey.

IGSSA In the Independent Girls’ Schools’ Sports Association competition, PLC was named Champion School for hockey. The girls also performed well in basketball, tennis and volleyball ranking second in each. IGSSA Competition Results Hockey – 1st Basketball – 2nd Tennis – 2nd Volleyball – 2nd Cross Country – 3rd Athletics – 5th Waterpolo – 6th Soccer – 6th Swimming – 6th Netball – 8th Softball – new system 2019, schools were split into two groups with no overall winner.

Rowing PLC rowers took out the ‘Wendy Zuideveld Perpetual Trophy for Schoolgirls - Head of the River Regatta Champion School’ and the ‘Perpetual Trophy for Schoolgirl Premiers’ for the eighth consecutive year. Our First VIII won the Head of the River for the fifth year in a row. Also adding excitement to the day was the first time our Old Collegians’ First VIII won the Old Scholars Coxed Eight. PLC Perth’s Under 17 Schoolgirls’ Coxed Eight placed second at the Australian Schools and Clubs Nationals at the 2019 Sydney International Rowing Regatta in March.

Sports Honors For their commitment and excellence in sport, the following students achieved their Sports Honours: Georgia Tovich (Year 12) Basketball, Tennis, Athletics Annie Price (Year 11) Netball, Soccer, Softball Charlotte Ball (Year 11) Tennis, Hockey, Softball




Foundation Scholarship recipients

2019 Scholarship Students

It was with great pleasure that the PLC Foundation announced the 2020 Foundation Scholarship recipients Kaitlyn Sin (Year 7) and Sarah Wilkinson (Year 7); thanks to the generosity of The Malka Foundation, the PLC Foundation was able to offer a further Scholarship to Prudence Dhiya (Year 7).

The PLC Foundation supported 12 Scholarship students in 2019. Halimah Zaini graduated at the end of 2019 as Academic Captain. Halimah achieved an ATAR of 98.75 and was awarded the John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship: Bachelor of Medicine.

Generous Bequest The PLC Foundation is honoured to be remembered by Dr Ian Hector Stewart in the form of a generous bequest. Dr Stewart is a past parent with two daughters attending PLC, Ra (Caroline 1982py) and Melanie (1985py). Ra’s daughters Lucy (2014py) and Anna (2017py) also graduated from PLC. Melanie’s sons attended Guildford Grammar School. The Stewart family have a significant history with PLC which started with Dr Stewart’s Father attending Kindy (1921) and Pre-Primary (1922); and his Aunty Ellen Mary Black (Nellie 1923py) commenced in Year 10. Many sisters and cousins followed.

2019 Giving The PLC Foundation Board Members would like to extend their gratitude and thanks to the supporters of the 2019 Annual Giving Programme, those donors who continue to meet their commitment to the 2017 Scholarships Fundraising Campaign and the current families who have donated through Voluntary Contributions. The PLC Foundation 2019 Annual Giving Programme raised $177,325. The Building Fund received $46,925 and The Scholarship Fund received $130,400 (thanks to a generous donation of $80,000 from Mr Rose of Burekup). $89,142 was donated through Voluntary Contributions.

Halimah has a strong personal commitment to ‘give back’ to the community, thankful and grateful for the opportunity to attend PLC due to the generosity of the PLC community. During Years 11 and 12, Halimah achieved the following: Year 11: Academic Excellence Award; Alliance Française Examination Très Bien; National Chemistry Quiz Distinction; Carmichael House Distinction Pocket; Member Stage Band; Member Wind Ensemble; IGSSA Volleyball D Team; IGSSA Netball D Team; IGSSA Soccer A Team. Year 12: Academic Captain; Participated in Australian Computational and Linguisitcs Olympiad; Scholarship to attend the L’Acadèmie De Paris under the Oxbridge Program; Academic Effort Semester 1; Subject Excellence Semester 1-French; Academic Honours; Stage Band Pocket; Wind Ensemble Pocket; IGSSA Volleyball C Team; IGSSA Soccer A Team.

PLC Foundation Board The PLC Foundation would like to sincerely thank Mrs Cathy Donaldson who retired as Foundation Secretary at the 2019 AGM. Mrs Donaldson served as a Foundation Board member from 2013 and as Secretary from 2014. We are very grateful for the contribution of her time, expertise and support of PLC and the PLC Foundation. Ms Suzanne Pelczar accepted the roles of Secretary and Executive Officer of the PLC Foundation. 37

Connecting the Community Old Collegians’ Association

PLC Parents

A leading objective of the PLC Old Collegians’ Association (OCA) is to foster a spirit of community between past and present collegians and the School. 2019 was no exception, with an impressive calendar of events to keep the OCA and the PLC community engaged and connected.

In 2019, we commenced with the new parent support group structure - PLC Parents, a subcommittee of PLC Council which supports the interests of parents and promotes the School ethos of providing a supportive environment for students, parents and our PLC community.

More than 70 artists, including Old Collegians, their relatives, parents, staff and former staff members, exhibited their works at the OCA’s premier friend and fundraising event. More than 420 artworks were exhibited, including miniatures from PLC’s Year 5s. Over 200 guests attended the Opening Night Cocktail Party and over the weekend approximately $27,000 was raised.

PLC Parents included Year Group Representatives, New Parents Liaison, Boarding House Representative, Pastoral Care and other positions that organise activities that encourage friend-raising, fundraising, or providing support within the School community.

Other activities included the OCA Welcome Day Lunch for new students and their Old Collegian parents or grandparents, International Women’s Day Breakfast, Easter Service Morning Tea, Old Scotch Collegians (OSC) and PLC Old Collegians hosted Tartan Lawyers’ Breakfast and the PLC Founders Day Service and Luncheon. Through the OCA’s fundraising activities such as the Art Exhibition and the OCA stall at PLC’s Open Garden Day, the following Bursaries were awarded: •

Olive Cusack Bursary: Olivia Morton (Year 9)

Dr Vera Summers Bursary: Ellie Fry (Year 10)

Heather Barr Memorial Bursary: Elizabeth Crawford (Year 11)

Funding was also provided by the OCA for the purchase of a new Quadruple Scull, ceremoniously named ‘The Old Girl’, to be used by current and future rowing students. Alumni also assist Year 12 students through the OCA Inspiring Women and the OCA Mentoring Programmes, as well as guest speaker presentations. To welcome them to the Association, Year 12s were each presented with a certificate and bracelet engraved with their leaving year at the Valedictory Dinner. 38

The 2019 Open Garden Day was the best yet, with View Street being closed T1 - Traffic for the first time ever to create a vibrant marketplace, which was a hive of activity with more than 45 local companies and ten PLC stall holders. This year, we also had special guest and gardening guru Sabrina Hahn, who conducted a walking tour of four of the eight gardens. Florist and PLC Parent, Rebecca Grace, also hosted two floral demonstrations at the café. Other annual events included the Welcome Sundowner, Tennis Morning and Year Group functions. Funds raised by PLC Parents were distributed to the PLC Community through the PLC Parent Fund and the Term Fee Draw Funding. In 2019 the following items were funded: Music Choir Risers, Pipe Band equipment, Weather@ PLC, Festival of Science, Outdoor Education Laundry, Junior School Talk for Writing, the Early Years Hallway Project and a contribution towards a new Rowing Quad Boat. PLC Parents also assisted in giving gifts to our Year 12 Leavers and also contributing to decorations for the Year 10 Social, Year 11 Dance and Year 12 Ball. Funding is also provided to the Scotch/PLC quiz nights for Years 6 and 7 and the games night in Year 8.


Staff List 2019 Senior Leadership Principal Ms Cate Begbie Med (SpEd), BEd(Hons), MAICD T3 Principal Dr Kate Hadwen PhD, MEd, GradCertEd(School L’ship), BTeach, GAICD T1 – T2 Deputy Principal Dr Andrew Cousins, PhD, PGradDipEd, BMus, BSc, AMusA(Piano), MACE, MACEL, GAICD Deputy Principal Mrs Chris Robinson MEdLeadership, Grad.DipEdLship, Exec Coach GCI, DipFashion&Design, DipTeach Chaplain Reverend Manie Strydom BTheo, BA Head of Junior School Mr Richard Wright MEd, GradDipEd, BA Head of Senior School Mrs Sharon Anderson GradDipEdLship, DipTeach, BEd T1 Acting Head of Senior School Mrs Jennifer Crisp DipTeach, BEd T1 – T4 Director of Boarding Ms Liz Langdon MEdMan, GradCertCarDev BEd Director of Finance and Corporate Services Mr Sam Kronja BComm, CA, AGIA, FAIM Director of Information and Learning Technologies Ms Anna Hu BEd(Hons), DipTeach Director of People and Culture Ms Vivien Whitehead MPsych(Org), BPsych Director of Strategic Communications Mrs Keryn McKinnon BA Director of Wellbeing Ms Chantelle James DipEd, BPE

Senior Staff Director of Governance and Strategic Projects Ms Karen Taylor GAICD, GIA(Cert)

Director of Curriculum Services Ms Toni Jefferies GradDipEdLship, BA(Ed) Executive Assistant to the Principal Ms Kate Montague ILT Manager Stewart Neilson, BSc(CompSc) Finance Manager Mrs Wendy Castles BComm, CPA Property Operations Manager Mr Ian Burrows, DipBuildConstruction

Key Learning Areas Curriculum Leaders

Assistant Head of Science Yr 7-12 Sabrina Earsman GradDipScEd, BSc

Head of Careers and Pathways Mrs Simone Fleay DipEd, BEd(Hons), BA

Assistant Head of Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Josephine Mfune GradDipEd, BA, CertIVWTA

Head of Creative Arts Mr Michael Hinchley BEd

Assistant Head of PE and Sport Yr K-12 Ms Kobie McGurk GradDipEd, BSc

Head of Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Geetha Nair BA, BSc(Hons), DipEd

Co-ordinator Learning Support Y 7-12 Mrs Michelle Higgins, GradDipLD, BEd(Hons)

Head of IB Diploma Ms Rebecca Garbenis GradDipEd, BA

Gifted & Talented Co-ordinator Yr K-12 Mr John Mirosevich Med(SpecNeeds), BEd, DipTeach

IB Diploma CAS Co-ordinator Mr Matthew Donaldson GradDipEd, BPE, BSc(Hons) Head of Languages Yr K-12 Ms Meinan Jin BEd T3 – T4

LEC Co-ordinator Junior School Mrs Sue Seeber DipEd BEd

Head of Languages Yr K-12 Mrs Kelly Barron PGCE, BA(Hons) T1 – T2

Absences and Relief Co-ordinator Mr Robin Dunn MMathPlan, GradCertGeostatistics, GradDipAppSc(Mathematics), DipTeach

Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Ms Narelle Lange BEd

Head of Choral Ms Hilary Price PGD, DipKodalyMusEd, BMusEd(Hons)

Head of Lighthouse Curriculum Ms Emily Lockhart, MSc, GradDipEd, BPHE

Head of Instrumental Ms Melissa Mulcahy BMEd Head of Strings Anne Coughlan BEd, BA, Suzuki Accred(Int)

Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mr Greg Jones BA, GradDipEdLship

Deputy Head of Junior School Teaching and Learning Mrs Jennifer Rickwood BA(Ed)

Head of Science Yr 7-12 Ms Lesley Kaye MScEd, DipSc, DipTeach, BSc

Acting Deputy Head of Junior School Teaching and Learning Ms Ayomi Perera GradDipEd BA T3 – T4

Head of Sport Yr K-12 Ms Annette Pearce BHlthPhyEd


Assistant Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Mrs Lauren Sutherland BEd, BA Assistant Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mrs Shelley Stewart GradDipEdLship, DipEd, BSc

Head of Physical Education Ms Anna Turnseck-James GradDipEd, BPE T3 –

Director of Library, Innovation and Learning Technology Mr Doug De Kock MEd, BPrimEd

Director of Performing Arts Ms Kathleen Plastow MEd, DipTeach, GradCertEthonmusicology, BEd CertIII SystemicTheology T1-T2

Registrar Mrs Allison Mackenzie

Deputy Head of Junior School Pastoral Care Vernita Jaques HDipEd (Psych)

Head of Curriculum Yr 7-10 Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc

Director of Outdoor Education Ms Ellen Barker GradDipEd, BSc, CertIVORec T2 -

Head of Technologies Ms Christine Koopman DipTeach, BEd Director of Food Science and Technology Yr 7-12 Ms Philippa D’Sylva DipHEc, DipEd, BEd, CertIV Wkplce Lng

Deputy Director of Performing Arts – Dance/ Drama Curriculum Ms Patrice Smith GradDipEd, BA(Dance)Hons Deputy Director of Performing Arts – Dance/ Drama Performance Mr Bauke Snyman PGrad.Bus, PGrad.Ed, BAHonsDrama, BADrama Deputy Director of Performing Arts – Music Peformance Ms Jessica Sardi AdvDipMusTeaching, BPerfArtsMusicology(Hons)

Wellbeing Services Lead Psychologist Ms Daleen Engelbrecht MEdPsych, BEd, BA School Psychologist Ms Nicole Agar GradCertBus, DipEd, BPsych School Psychologist Ms Jessica Lethbridge MPsych, BPsych School Psychologist Ms Danay Savva MPsych, BSSHons, BSc Head of Service and Community Partnerships Linda Malone, GradDipBus, DipProMan Wellbeing & Service Project Officer Ms Amy McDonald

McNeil Ms Shona Schwarz DipEd, BComm, BSc T4 Ross Ms Gemma Kidby GradDipEd, BComm

Ms Agia-Sophiya Wallace BEd Ms Jill Willetts T1 – T3

Stewart Ms Melinda Honeychurch DipEd, BSc

Academic Senior School

Summers Ms Tamsin Moore PGCE, BSc(Dual Hons)

Careers, Materials – Wood Mr Phil Crane MEd, GradDipEdStd, BEd

Academic Junior School

Dance Ms Caroline Fuhr AdDipPA, GradDipEd, BA

Mrs Lindsey Allen PGCE, BA(Hons) Mrs Carey Bouwer PGCE, HDipEd Mr Austin Castiglione GradDipEd, BA Mr Graham Catley GradDipEd, BA T1

Dance Ms Patrice Smith GradDipEd, BA(Dance)Hons Drama Mr Austin Castiglione GradDipEd, BA Drama Mr Oliver Craze BAMusEd(Hons) English Ms Soni Bailey MEdMan, GradDipEd, GradCertEd(LitEd), BA(Psych)

Operations Assistant – Lighthouse Ms Jane Feinauer T2 -

Miss Michelle Clayton MEdMan, MEd(Gifted & Talented), CertEd, COGE, BEd

Operations Assistant – Lighthouse Ms Melanie Rowe T1

Mrs Kerri Cresswell GradDipEd, BA(Ed)

English Dr Lynette Field PhD, GradDipEng, GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Ms Kelsey de Woronin BMusEd(Hons) T3-T4

English Mrs Jennifer Crisp DipTeach, BEd

Deputy Heads of Senior School

Ms Emilia Firkins BEd

English Mr Thomas Hickmott GradDipEd, BA

Ms Fiona Fraser BEd (ECS)

English Mr Damien Kerrigan DipEd, BEd

Years 7 – 8 Ms Victoria Kelleher MA, PGradDipEd, BA

Mrs Colleen Garland DipArtEd Mr Jack Graziotti BEd(Primary)

English Ms Veronica Lake GradDip Ed, PGCTeachShake, TCert

Ms Sharlene Hayes BEd

English Mr Roland Leach MPhil, DipEd, BA

Ms Emily Harris BEd

English Ms Lucy Loxton GradDipEd

Ms Chris Hill BEd, BA

English Mrs Rebecca McMullan BEd

Ms Krysti Hodges BEd(Primary) T2 -

English Mr Murray Saunders DipTeach, BA T1

Mrs Katy Howes BA, BEd

Humanities Mr Zachary de Graaf BEd

Ms Caroline Jensen GradDipEd(Secondary)

Humanities Mr Bilal Halim GradDipEd, BA

Ms Erin Jones BEd(ECE)

Humanities Ms Lynne Jones MEd, GradDipEd, BA

Years 9 – 10 Ms Lynne Jones MEd, GradDipEd, BA (Acting) Years 11 – 12 Mrs Rebecca Payne GradDipEd, BA(Hons) (Acting)

Year Co-ordinators Year 7 Ms Luciana Cavallaro BEd, BAEd Year 8 Mrs Padminee Raja-Snijder MBA, GradDipEd, BA Year 9 Ms Lynne Jones MEd, GradDipEd, BA

Ms Colleen Johnson DipTeach T1-T2

Year 10 Mr Liam Sullivan MA(Outdoor Ed), GradDipEd, GradCertEd(PosEd), BBus

Ms Erin Jones BEd Mrs Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc

Year 11 Mr Oliver Craze BAMusEd(Hons)

Ms Nathalie Korfanty DipTeach

Year 12 Ms Gemma Freel GradDipEd, BA

Ms Jia Liao BA, MEd, MLingSpec, GradDipEd

Learning Co-ordinators Year 7 Ms Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc Year 8 Ms Jane Brandenburg GradDipEd, BSc Year 9 Mr Guy Varndell LLB, GradDipEd Year 10 Mrs Debbie McPhee DipEd, BPE Year 11 Ms Sarah Kelley GradDipEd, BSc

Ms Kobie McGurk GradDipEd, BSc Ms Zayja McCartan GradDipEd, BSc

Humanities Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc

Ms Ayomi Perera GradDipEd, BA

Humanities Mr Guy Varndell LLB, GradDipEd, BA

Ms Jane Phillips GradDipEd, BA

Mrs Su-Ann Richards DipTECE, DipTeach Ms Siobhan Rooney BPrimEd Ms Anita Roy BEd(Primary) Ms Valerie Saunders MA, DipFrenchTeach, DipBus Mrs Andrea Sofield BA, BEd

Ferguson Ms Jessica Pengelly GradDipEd, BSc T2 – T4

Ms Beverley Spencer MEdLearnDiff, DipTeachPrimary

Ferguson Mr Murray Saunders DipTeach, BA T1

Mrs Helen Tutin BEd

Ms Katherine Young DipEd, BA T1 – T3

Humanities Ms Josephine Mfune GradDipEd, BA, Cert IV WTA

Ms Prue Peardon GradDipEd, BAppSc

Boarding House Mr Thomas Hickmott GradDipEd, BA

Carmichael Ms Genevieve Letherbarrow GradDipEd, BSc(Hons)

Humanities Ms Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc

Humanities Mrs Padminee Raja-Snijder MBA, GradDipEd, BA

Year 12 Ms Lana Salfinger GradDipEd, BSc

Baird Mrs Bianca Venturi GradDipEd, BA

Humanities Ms Gemma Kidby GradDipEd, BComm

Mrs Aileen Murray GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Mrs Caroline Raths MA, GradCertEd, BA, IBDip

House Advisors

Humanities Ms Victoria Kelleher MA, PGradDipEd, BA

Mrs Alison Viney DipTeach, GradDipScEd, BEd Mrs Rosalea Wallace, BEd

Humanities Mr Neil Williamson MA, GradDipEd, BA, MACE ILT Integration Specialist Ms Kelly Curran MEd, GradDipEd, BMus(Hons), BA Languages Ms Caroline Jensen MA, GradDipEd(Secondary), BA Languages Ms Meinan Jin BEd Languages Ms Nathalie Korfanty DipTeach Languages Ms Jia Liao BA, MEd, MLingSpec, GradDipEd Languages Mrs Aileen Murray GradDipEd, BA(Hons) Languages Mrs Rebecca Payne GradDipEd, BA(Hons) Languages Ms Jane Phillips GradDipEd, BA 41

Languages Ms Valerie Saunders MA, DipFrenchTeach, DipBus Languages Ms Beverley Sinclair MA(Prelim), DipEd, GradCertEd, BA, RSADipTESL CELTA Languages Ms Kumiko Sue GradDipEd BA, CSDM Languages Mrs Kate Taylor DipEd, BA(Hons French)

GradDipEd, BSc T1 – T2 Physical Education Mr Boyd Cooper GradDipEd, BPHE Physical Education Mr Matthew Donaldson GradDipEd, BPE, BSc(Hons) Physical Education Ms Nicole Dorrington ProfCertEd(PosEd), DipEd, BPE

Operations and Administration Staff Academic Administration Assistant Mrs Elizabeth Yeomans Academic Administration Assistant Ms Anna Curry MA, BAHons, BA T1-

Physical Education Mrs Esther Hanbidge BEd

Administration Assistant (Reprographics) Mrs Lisa Davis


Physical Education Mr Jacob Johnston BEd(Secondary), BSc

Co-ordinator Indigenous Scholarship Programme Ms Rokiyah Bin Swani BComm, T2 -

Learning Enrichment Mrs Susan Falkner GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Physical Education Ms Tegan Maffescioni GradDipEd

Co-ordinator Indigenous Scholarship Programme Ms Tracey Walker DipTeach T1

Learning Enrichment Mrs Nerrilee Pansini MScSpPath(Dist.), Dip.Ed, BA

Physical Education Ms Sarah Mortimer GradDipEd, BSc T3

IB Administrator Ms Carol Jones BSc

Learning Enrichment Ms Jessica Pengelly GradDipEd, BSc

Science Ms Jane Brandenburg GradDipEd, BSc

Receptionist Ms Esmé Derrington

Learning Enrichment Ms Maylin Tai BA(Hons), BEd, CertMus

Science Mrs Seema Gookooluk PGradDipEd, BA

Mathematics Mrs Trudy Chick DipEd, BSc

Science Ms Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc

Mathematics Mr Robin Dunn MMathPlan, GradCertGeostatistics, GradDipAppSc(Mathematics), DipTeach

Science Ms Sarah Kelley GradDipEd, BSc

Languages Ms Susan Tredget PGCE,

Mathematics Ms Patricia Higgins MEd, DipEd, BE Mathematics Ms Melinda Honeychurch DipEd, BSc

Science Ms Genevieve Letherbarrow GradDipEd, BSc(Hons) Science Mrs Tamsin Moore PGCE, BSc(Dual Hons) Science Mrs Guin Murray Marts(Hons), PGCE

Mathematics Ms Justyna Jankowski BEd

Science Ms Lana Salfinger GradDipEd, BSc

Mathematics Ms Toni Jefferies BA(Ed)

Science Ms Lauren Smith BSc, BEd

Mathematics Mrs Debbie McPhee DipEd, BPE

Science Mrs Justine Spencer DipEd, BSc

Mathematics Mr Phil Orbell-Durant PGCE, BSc T2 -

Science Mr Liam Sullivan MA(Outdoor Ed), GradDipEd, GradCertEd (PosEd), BBus

Mathematics Ms Amanda Ristovsky GradDipSciMaths, BEd T1 – T2

Teacher Librarian Ms Luciana Cavallaro BEd, BAEd

Mathematics Ms Kristy Timms GradDipEd, BA

Technologies Ms Gemma Freel GradDipEd, BA

Mathematics Mr Greg Williams BSc, BEd, DipEd, MEd Mathematics Mrs Kerrie Williams GradDipComp, BSc(Hons) Music Ms Anne Coughlan BEd, BA Music Ms Katie Hodson GradDipEd(Secondary), BA(Jazz) Music Ms Hayley McDonald-Burns GradDipEd(Secondary), BMus

Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Jane Frame DipHomeEc, TC T1-T2 Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Ann Smith BA, GradDipEd T3

Outdoor Education Mr Brad Allen GradDipEd, BOEd

Visual Arts Ms Marg Litton BEd

Physical Education Mrs Judy Boyne DipTeach, BEd Physical Education Ms Tiarne Buurman 42

Receptionist – View Street Mrs Elizabeth Warburton T1 Personal Assistant to the Head of Senior School Ms Lisa Graham T1 Personal Assistant to the Head of Senior School Ms Lyn Taylor Personal Assistant to Head of Junior School Ms Tara Holmes Administrator - Curriculum Ms Hayley Randall Assistant to the Deputy Principal Ms Nikolah Vermeersch Archivist, Curator, Historian Mrs Shannon Lovelady

Community Relations Co-ordinator Ms Melinda Hayes BASocSci, GradDipManage

Visual Arts Ms Hildegarde Apel GradDipEd, BVisArts

Philosophy Religious Studies Mrs Christa Snyman BEd(Hons), BA T2 -

Music Administrator Ms Jessica Sardi AdvDipMusTeaching, BPerfArtsMusicology(Hons) T1 – T2

Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Melissa Drake‑Brockman GradDipEd, BA

Music Ms Hilary Price DipKodalyMusEd PGD, BMusEd(Hons) T1 – T2

Philosophy Religious Studies Mr Duncan MacLaurin BEd, BA

Administration Assistant – Performing Arts Ms Valerie Black T2 -

Enrolment Administrator Mrs Jane Hard

Technology & Enterprise Ms Elizabeth Lagrange GradDipEd, AssAppSc

Outdoor Education Mr Dan Pike GradDipEd, BA T1 – T2

Receptionist Ms Di Simmons

Technologies Mrs Bianca Venturi GradDipEd, BA

Music Ms Melissa Mulcahy BMEd

Outdoor Education Mr Chris Bondini DipEd, BODEd

Junior School Receptionist Mrs Deb Barnaby

Visual Arts Ms Katherine Young DipEd, BA

Instrumental Music Staff Head of Pipe Band Mr Alan Wallace ACert APBC, DipTeach ABPC Pipe Band Tutor Ms Matija Franetovich BSc, Cert IV Piano Accompanist/Teacher Ms Lanny Sugiri GradDipEd, BA

Digital Content Co-ordinator Ms Robyn Poole BA PLC Foundation Co-ordinator Suzanne Pelczar Alumni & Parent Group Co-ordinator Ms Sascha Hill DipEd, BPE Communications Co-ordinator Ms Annabel Stewart BComm, BA(Comm) Publications, Marketing and Media Co-ordinator Ms Kylie Yacopetti GradCertMktg, BA(Psych) Education Assistant (Art and Play) Mrs Lesley Brady CertIII TA, CertArtDes Education Assistant Ms Christine Brockman BA Education Assistant Ms Lucy Chapman CertIII EdSup Education Assistant Ms Catriona Cosentino GradDipEd, BComn Education Assistant Ms Ellen Granger BEd

Education Assistant Junior School Mrs Natalie Lucioli Cert III TA Education Assistant Junior School Mrs Danielle Magaraggia Cert TA Education Assistant Ms Fiona McAlwey BEc, Cert III EA Education Assistant Ms Ashleigh Traill DipEd Education Assistant Junior School Ms Amelia Turner EN, Cert IIIEdSupport Laboratory Technician Miss Fran Howl BSc

Mr Ian Huisman BSc(PsychHR) Library Technician Mrs Jenny Astle DipAppSc

Year 11 Co-ordinator Sarah Taylor MTeach, BSc T1 -

Library Technician Ms Maria Giglia DipLibStudies

Year 11 Co-ordinator Ms Katherine Hazlewood GradDipEd, BA(MCom) T1

Library Technician Ms Debra Van Dongen AssocDegSc(LibTech), CertIIIEdAssist

Year 12 Co-ordinator Ms Liz Roe

Digital Content Creator and Website Design Mrs Angelica Franco Property Co-ordinator/Caretaker Mr Damien McLeod

Weekend Co-ordinator Ms Kate Lee GradDipOHS, BSpSci T3 – Weekend Co-ordinator Ms Emily Spink T2 Weekend Co-ordinator Ms Elizabeth Snell T1

Grounds Co-ordinator Mr Glenn Hermans

Assistant Ms Alaine Bailey T3 –

Property Assistant Mr Tony Baxendale

Assistant Ms Jessica Clark T1 – T2

Laboratory Technician Mr Radoslaw (Radek) Talma BScChemEng T1 – T2

Property Assistant Mr Ian Elshaw

Assistant Ms K Evans T2 to T4

Property Assistant Mr Wayne Lillis

Assistant Miss Elena Hundley

Languages Assistant Ms Odile Bell

Property Assistant Mr Jeff Patterson

Assistant Ms Ashani Jeyadevan T3 -

Languages Assistant Ms Yedi Huang

Property Assistant Ms Peta Wheildon

Assistant Ms Kate Lee GradDipOHS, BSpSc

Languages Assistant Ms Tomoko Townsend

Head Rowing Coach Mr David Milne

Assistant Miss Michaela Miller (BScPsych) T1

Languages Assistant Mr Carlos Volk

PE Admin Officer Mrs Louise Smith

Assistant Ms Kira Vermeersch T1 – T4

Languages Assistant Ms Zhanfeng Wu

Production Assistant/Stage Manager Ms Holly Pedlar T3 -

Assistant Ms Hannah Vermeersch T3 -

Laboratory Technician Ms Janine Nicholson BSc(Hons)

Languages Assistant Ms Jo Zhou Media Technician Ms Natalie Cheveralls Visual Arts Technician Ms Olivia Robinson T2 Visual Arts Technician Ms Josie Lundy BEd T1 Assistant Technology and Enterprise Mrs Val Myers Accounts Receivable Officer Ms Audrey Lee DipFinServices, BComm Accounts Payable/Payroll Officer Ms Melissa Murray BEc Accounts Officer – Collections Mrs Sandra Otranto BComm Risk and Compliacnce Officer Ms Hellenna Tomshin GradDipLegPrac, LLB, BComm Operations Administrator Ms Justine Mail BComn Assistant to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services Mrs Leonie Neervoort People and Culture Advisor Mrs Brooke Dunwoodie, BComm People and Culture Consultant Ms Lil Watt MEd , BPE Technology Support Officer Mr Jason Chiriac T2 Technical Support Officer Mr Phillip Espie, BA(MedSt) T1 Information & Learning Technology Technical Officer Mr Serge Flora BLaws (Belgrade)

Administration Assistant (Theatre Arts) Mrs Elizabeth Warburton T1 Theatre Manager Mr Robert Kelly Tours Co-ordinator Ms Sandy Barbir DipEd, BSc

Visiting Music Tutors Mr Charles Barblett Ms Jane Blanchard BA

Uniform Shop Manager Ms Emma Young BAEd

Ms Susie Endersby BMusEd

Health Centre

Ms Bronwyn Gibson MMus, BMus T1

Ms Hui-Xian Chen

Ms Josephine Fountain BMusPerf

Health Centre Co-ordinator Ms Alana Coffey PGradDipOHS, BAppSc, DipAppSc

Mr Steven Harmer BAEd, BAPA(Mus)

Registered Nurse Mrs Phoebe Robinson, BNurse RN

Ms Kirrily Morison MMus, BMus(Hons), BMus

Registered Nurse Mrs Nanette Smith RN, BSc(Nursing)

Ms Marlene Ong TMusA, LTCL, FTCL, GradCertTESOL, BMusEd (Hons)

Boarding House Staff

Ms Anne-Marie Partington GradDipMus, BSc(Hons)

Deputy Operational Miss Kirsty Nugent DipAppSocSc, BA, CertResCare

Mr Michael Patrick GradDipMusStud, BMusPerf, BA, AdDipMus

Deputy Pastoral Ms Donna Kolka PGCE, BSc(Hons)

Ms Kate Pitcher BMus(Hons) T1-T2

Year 7 Co-ordinator Ms Augusta Weedon T3 Year 7 Co-ordinator Ms Terri Karmelita DipCSTD, DipTch T1 – T3 Year 8 Co-ordinator Ms Amy Holdsworth T3 – T4 Year 8 Co-ordinator Ms Olivia Maxwell T1 – T2

Technology Support Officer Mr Aidan Orr

Year 9 Co-ordinator Ms Justine Keys DipAppSc(Nursing)

Asistant Head of Network/Systems Engineer Mr James Williamson, CertII(TC), CertIII(CC), CCNP

Bus Driver Mr Geoff Goddard

Uniform Shop Assistant Mrs Marcelle Eastman

Senior Technology Support Officer Mr Travis Garbin

Information Learning Technology – Co-ordinator Ms Taylor Rickards

Administration Assistant Mrs Sara Harrison

Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Sarah Mortimer GradDipEd, BSc T4 – Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Augusta Weedon T2 Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Jessica Bray T1 –T2

Ms Katie How BMusPerf

Ms Genevieve Ogilvie BMusPerf

Mr Shane Pooley BA(JazzPerf) Ms Christine Reitzenstein Mrs Hiroko Smith Suzuki Accred (Primary) Ms Carissa Soares Mr Brad Swope BMus Ms Louise Tayler-Lloyd AssDipBr, AMusA, BMusEd Ms Julia Toussaint-Jackson GradDipEd, AMusA, BMusPerf Ms Zoe van Drunen BMus, GradDipProfMusPrac, GradDipPerf T1 Mr Richard Webster BMus, AdvDip(Contemporary)

Team Leader ILT Support and Training 43

College Operations 2019 Revenue

Staffing Expenses Teaching & Learning Resources Boarding Expenses Administration & Development Expenses ILT Expenses Utilities & Services


2019 Expenses

79 per cent 5.5 per cent 3 per cent 4 per cent 2.5 per cent 6 per cent

Fees - Tuition, Boarding, Music, ILT & Other Commonwealth Funding State Funding Other

83.5 per cent 9 per cent 6.5 per cent 1 per cent

College Operations All PLC teaching staff are members of the Teachers Registration Board. Teaching Excellence

PLC Staff Qualifications

PLC’s teachers are committed professionals who model the concept of lifelong learning. In recent years, professional development and pedagogy has focussed on concept-based teaching; providing effective feedback that informs students (and parents) about where they are, where they need to be and what they need to do to reach the next level of achievement.

Staff qualifications are published annually in both the Kookaburra magazine and the Annual Review.

The School offers a diverse range of opportunities for staff to build both leadership and teaching capacity. Such opportunities include IB workshops and training courses, and a PLC Parents’ Grant Scheme for professional learning sessions.

Further details can be read at www.myschool.edu.au.

Student Attendance The attendance rate for all students at PLC in Semester 1, 2019 was 96 per cent.*

Workforce Composition The total number of PLC staff by headcount is 257, or 212.6 Full Time Equivalent staff. The total staff number comprises 77.23 per cent female and 22.77 per cent male on a FTE basis.

* Semester 2, 2019 TBA.





Head Count






















TEACHING STAFF Principal Teaching Staff











Total Teaching Staff











NON-TEACHING STAFF Specialst Support











Admin & Clerical






















Total Non-Teaching Staff












Strategic Achievements 2019 1.

Further developed STEM curriculum across all Year levels and Innovation Centre spaces to support and enhance the teaching & learning experience.


Launched STEM ‘Big Day In’ for girls in Years 7-12.


Reviewed Learning Enrichment Centre structure and enhanced the Academic Programmes for Gifted and Talented in the Junior School.

4. Improved student Leadership for Years 11 and 12 students within the ‘Lighthouse Leavers’ programme. 5.

Further enhanced the Peer Support programmes.


Continued improvement of engagement and communication with staff.


Developed core online induction and ongoing staff training modules.


Developed Staff ILT Competencies Assessment Tool.


Improved strategies developed to enhance engagement and communication with all members of the PLC community.

10. Improved Growth and Development programmes for Middle Leaders in Teaching Staff. 11. Further development and improvement in the Professional Development Framework for all staff at PLC. 12. Improved comprehensive protective behaviours curriculum scope and sequence for all PLC Students implemented. 13. Continuous development and improvement of wellbeing programmes in the PLC Lighthouse. 14. Increased engagement with new partners and enhanced relationships with existing partners to offer improved service provisions within the PLC Lighthouse Wellbeing Centre. 15. Enhanced the inclusive culture and sense of community and belonging within a whole-of-boarding context. 16. Expanded training in bullying prevention and intervention strategies. 17. Further developed inclusivity and connectivity with students including the buddy programme. 18. Enhanced and expanded low-cost services to Staff utilising the PLC Lighthouse Wellbeing Centre. 19. Commenced development of a service learning and community partnerships strategic plan that includes easily accessible service learning opportunities for boarders. 20. Increased staff and management awareness of finance and budget planning through masterclasses. 21. Improved the website with more user-friendly options for current parents including offering fully operational online store. 22. Developed Strategic Plan for improved academic results designed to offer extra support to students in their final year with a focus on Year 12 English.


Strategic Goals 2020 1. Adopt the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, ensuring all policies and procedures are consistent with the Principles with child safety and wellbeing embedded in the culture of PLC. 2. Progress development of new PLC Music Centre. 3. Design and develop dedicated STEM facility for students in the Junior School. 4. Conduct review of Middle Management Structure that includes engagement of all staff across the School. 5. Increase transparency in communications with students, parents and staff. 6. Enhance the engagement of students, parents and staff in development of major policies. 7. Enhance Junior School staff relationships with the parent community through increased and improved engagement. 8. Conduct a review of the Student Leadership nomination and voting process with engagement of senior students. 9. Increase opportunities for collaboration between Senior and Junior School Students with further leadership and buddy opportunities. 10. Further develop the PLC and Scotch College Swim Club. 11. Further develop the PLC and Scotch College combined Performing Arts programme with increased performance opportunities for students at both schools. 12. Launch a business directory for current parents to promote and access services within the PLC Community. 13. Continue developing a quality mentoring programme that matches Old Collegians with current students with mutual career aspirations. 14. Introduce further programmes for the community in the PLC Lighthouse. 15. Further develop wellbeing programmes with particular focus on age appropriate “Rites of Passage�. 16. Develop Service Learning and Community Partnerships Strategic Plan. 17. Continue developing Boarding House wellbeing programmes. 18. Complete five-year Financial Plan for the strategic prioritisation of future projects and major initiatives. 19. Conduct comprehensive review of Risk Management and key risk areas for Council oversight. 20. Continuous improvement of operational efficiencies whilst continuing to deliver quality programmes. 21. Enhance the experience for prospective students and their families considering PLC as their School of Choice.



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