Special Edition 2020: Presentation Magazine

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Dear Friends of Presentation,

In this issue we celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of the Class of 2020. And while they will forever be connected with the pandemic, the Class of 2020 will be remembered for their tenacity, strength, creativity and compassion. Individually, they are accomplished scholars, inventors, champions, artists, advocates, and changemakers; collectively they represent everything Presentation holds dear - they are women of conviction who stand for something bigger. As they embark on this next chapter of their lives in a world filled with so much uncertainty, I am filled with hope knowing that they are equipped to be the leaders our world needs. Congratulations Class of 2020! Pres continues to be an extraordinary school for girls to learn. To lead. To serve. To Shine. Faced with the innumerable challenges of the pandemic, we swiftly and successfully pivoted to distance learning last spring, and launched this fall in a fully remote environment. And, while we are reimagining our in-person traditions online, the Panther spirit cannot be contained. We’ve been focused on finding ways to safely get students back to campus. Under guidance from health officials, we have voluntary stable cohorts of students back on campus for programming ranging from academic support services and spiritual retreats to athletic training and performing arts and we continue to roll-out more opportunities for students to reconnect. We are especially sensitive to the unique financial challenges associated with the pandemic for our families and we are focused on ensuring an equitable experience for all. We’ve purchased Internet-enabled iPads for students without stable Internet access at home, we are providing groceries for families experiencing food instability, and the Board of Directors set aside additional funds to support families in need of emergency financial aid. Thanks to these efforts, no student will be forced to leave Pres due to the challenges of the pandemic. All of this is possible thanks to your ongoing generosity for which we are so grateful. As the uncertainty of the pandemic continues, if you are in a position to help us, we would be so grateful for your support. Our inclusive and welcoming community is a true hallmark of Pres. And we love to come together to celebrate, so our staff and volunteers have been working hard to bring creative opportunities to connect throughout this experience. The Parent Guild is serving as mentors to welcome new parents to Pres, our Alumnae Committee is hosting an online social meet-ups and LAMP continues to reach out to families to ensure you know that your Pres family is always here for you. It is this indomitable spirit that will carry us through these challenging times, and while I am enjoying these virtual activities, I look forward to the time when we will be able to safely return to campus for in-person events. All of this is possible thanks to our dedicated faculty, staff and administration who are guided by their commitment to our students and passion for ensuring that our students have the best possible high school experience in spite of these challenging circumstances. They know that while the pandemic will pass, these students won’t get a do-over on their high school experience, and we are so blessed by their service and leadership! As this year comes to close, my heart is filled with optimism, gratitude and pride. The hard work and focused dedication to serving our students continues at Pres as it has for nearly 60 years. We exist to provide an exceptional all-girls education which is rooted in the Catholic tradition and inspired by the vision and the legacy of our beloved foundress Nano Nagle, who gave up everything and risked her freedom to educate the children who were cast off by society. I am honored to continue this critical mission with each of you and look forward to seeing you soon! In Partnership,

Holly Elkins President

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