Primary Agent - March 2023

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Special Edition:








MARCH 2023
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Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in whole or in part without wri en consent of the publisher. The information in this publication is general in nature and not intended to serve as legal, accounting, financial, insurance, investment advisory or other professional advice as to any reader’s particular situation. Users are encouraged to consult with competent legal, financial, insurance, investment advisory and/or other professional advisors concerning specific ma ers before making any decisions. We disclaim any responsibility for any decisions or actions by readers. Statements of fact and opinion in Primary Agent are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers or the members of IA&B. Participation in IA&B events, activities and/or publications is available on a non-discriminatory basis and does not reflect IA&B endorsement of the products and/or services.

As more companies rely on biometric data (think: facial recognition technology) and more states impose regulations on its use, finding insurance coverage is becoming more complicated. In this article, IA&B Commercial Lines Education Consultant Cathy Trischan looks for coverage in four policies. 8


PDM Insurance Agency President Rita McMullen and Agency Partner Jess McMullen discuss successfully growing their business while navigating the mother-daughter relationship.


IA&B proudly celebrates seven exceptional women leaders in the independent agent community. Read their profiles to learn more about their accomplishments, as well as their advice for young women just ge ing their start in the industry.

MONTHLY 2 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 3 DON'S DISCUSSION 6 NEWS & NOTES 23 STAFF PROFILE 25 UPCOMING EDUCATION IA&B is the premier resource and champion for independent insurance agents in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. Periodical postage paid at Mechanicsburg, PA and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Insurance Agents & Brokers, 650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. Primary Agent (ISSN 1543-3110), Permit # 638-620, Issue # 2023-03, is published monthly by IA&B Service Group Inc., a
MARCH 2023 >>>> 1 |


I’m honored to introduce this special edition of Primary Agent magazine, dedicated to women in insurance. It coincides with IA&B’s first annual Women’s Conference, which will be held later this month to a sold-out crowd.

It’s no accident that this publication and the conference occur this month. March marks Women’s History Month and includes International Women’s Day (March 8) – both of which make this an appropriate time to highlight the contributions of women in our industry and to support their continued growth.


▲ Women account for approximately 65% of the 2.7 million employees in the insurance workforce, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in January 2020.

▲ The first woman insurance commissioner in the United States was Virginia Mae Brown, of West Virginia, in 1961.

▲ The first recorded women’s insurance industry organization was the Women Leaders Round Table, founded in 1936.

Women continue to make strides in our businesses, increasingly rising to leadership roles. On the following pages, you’ll find insights and advice from seven women leaders within IA&B’s membership. Men and women alike will find inspiration in their words and admiration for their contributions.

To the women profiled in this publication – and to all those who make this industry great – thank you.

Until next time,


650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

191 Main Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 800-998-9644 |



Richard M. Rankin, CIC - Chair

Murray Insurance Associates, Inc. | Lancaster, PA

Sarah Brown, CIC, CRM, AFIS - Vice Chair

Keller Brown Insurance Services | Shrewsbury, PA


Greg Benne Famous & Spang Associates

Aberdeen, MD

Kate Dawson, CPIA

Ferri Dawson Insurance

Murrysville, PA

Andrew Enders, Esq.


Harrisburg, PA

Len Gieseler, LUTCF

Evans Hauseman & Richard, Inc.

Po stown, PA

Bruce D. Kra , AAI, CIC

Arbor Insurance Group

Allentown, PA

Shayne McIntosh, CIC

JPI Insurance Associates

Dillsburg, PA

Chris Miller, CIC

Miller Insurance Protection Team

Jonestown, PA

Michael Papa, CIC, MBA

Diversified Insurance

Industries, Inc.

Hunt Valley, MD

Bill Purdy

Purdy Insurance Agency, Inc.

Sunbury, PA

Kent Reynolds, CIC

Blue Ridge Risk Partners LLC

Hagerstown, MD

Jason Rodriguez

Prominent Insurance Svcs

Wilmington, DE

Donna Roper

E K McConkey & Company

York, PA

Candace Shoupe, AAI, AIC

CBM Insurance Agency

New Castle, DE

Tara Silfies, CPCU

Hampson-Mowrer Agency, LLC

Bethlehem, PA

Bob Smyrl, CIC

Robert L. Smyrl, Inc.

Hatfield, PA

Michael Thomas

Lighthouse Insurance Svcs

Gambrills, MD


Mike Ertel (PIA)

The Jacobs Company, Inc. | Columbia, MD

Mark Monroe (IIABA)

Griffith Insurance, LLP | West Chester, PA

Diana Hornung Hanby (IIABA)

IOA National, Inc. | Wilmington, DE

2 MARCH 2023



IA&B Legal & Corporate Affairs Director Don Bankus Are you a member with a question? Contact Don at 717-918-9204 or

A producer just retired. How can our agency minimize liability related to customers’ continued communications to the former employee’s email account?

Whether an employee leaves employment with the agency for retirement purposes or otherwise, or is simply away for an extended period of time, it’s important to establish and implement standard policies, procedures, and workflows within the agency to address incoming email issues. From both E&O and customer service perspectives, there are a couple of practical steps you can consider.


One option would be to keep the former employee’s email account open and active for a specified period of time, during which time a customer (carrier, vendor, etc.) who sends an incoming email should receive an out-of-office reply. The out-of-office reply should include additional information, such as the contact information (name, phone number, and email address) of the individual within the agency to whom the customer should direct his or her inquiries.

As part of this procedure, if your system has the capacity, emails should automatically be re-routed to the agency employee(s) assigned to manage the former employee’s work. In the alternative, the agency would need to implement procedures whereby the former employee’s

email account is proactively monitored.


In the alternative, the agency could opt to shut down the former employee’s email account completely, a er which any customers sending an email to the former employee should receive an “undeliverable notice.” As with option 1, the “undeliverable notice” should include additional information, such as the contact information (name, phone number, and email address) of the individual within the agency to whom the customer should direct his or her inquiries.

Following is a sample template for inclusion with either your “out-of-office” or “undeliverable notice” reply:

Thank you for emailing [former employee’s name] at [agency name]. [Former employee’s name] has le employment with [agency name]. You are directed to contact [name, phone number and email address of new contact person], or you may contact the agency at [primary phone number for the agency].

It’s also important to make sure outgoing emails include appropriate disclaimer language notifying recipients that coverage can’t be bound or modified, or a claim

submi ed, via email, and that any requested changes will not be effective until confirmed by a licensed agent.

In conjunction with options 1 and 2, it may also be prudent to communicate directly with affected customers via regular mail, advising them (1) that the agent is no longer employed with the agency; (2) as to whom within the agency (to include an applicable phone number and email address) the customer should contact if they need to discuss anything; and (3) that emails should no longer be sent to the former employee’s email address, while providing them with an alternate email address contact.

Whatever practice you decide to implement, it’s never advisable to leave customers in a position where they believe someone within the agency has received, and is appropriately handling, their email request.

This document is not a legal opinion and should not be relied upon as such. The intent of this document is to provide a general background regarding the topic or topics discussed, not to provide legal advice. Producers and agencies should consult an a orney regarding specific situations and specific questions with respect to the topic or topics covered in this document. Neither the Insurance Agents & Brokers nor any of its employees shall be responsible for any errors or omissions regarding any statements made in this document, nor any errors or omissions regarding any statutes, regulations, court rules, and/or any other government documents cited in this document.

An audio version of this article is also available as a podcast



Your insured, a fitness club, has just installed new facial recognition technology that allows club members to enter the club by looking at a scanner. The same technology is used for employees to access the club’s computer system. The members enjoy not having to sign in or open a phone app, and the employees love not having to remember passwords – for now. How will things change if this biometric data is disclosed to a third party or if a cyber-criminal accesses the system and copies the data? And more importantly, what insurance policies, if any, might help the club?

Several states have laws that specifically address how companies collect, use, retain, and disclose

biometric data. In other states, privacy or data breach notification laws cover biometrics. Given the increase in the use of biometric data, it is likely that states not currently addressing this issue will eventually do so. These regulations create additional exposure to regulatory actions and, in some cases, suits from those whose data has been improperly collected or secured.

Some of the claims against businesses could involve allegations that a business violated a statute or that someone whose biometric data was disclosed or accessed suffered damages as a result. There are several policies the fitness club might look to for coverage: a Commercial General Liability Policy (CGL), a Cyber Policy,

an Employment Practices Liability Policy (EPL), and a Directors and Officers Liability Policy (D&O).


Much of the litigation in this area comes from Illinois, a state that enacted its Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) in 2008. BIPA provides for a private right of action by individuals and statutory damages of $1,000 per violation ($5,000 if the action was intentional or reckless). Class action suits began, and the disputes over coverage followed. Most arguments for coverage allege that disclosure of biometric data falls under the personal and advertising injury offense of “oral or wri en publication, in any manner, of

4 MARCH 2023

material that violates a person’s right of privacy.”

Those arguing against coverage assert that release of biometric data to just one party (e.g. a third-party vendor) as opposed to the public is not “publication.”

Several common CGL exclusions are also used by insurers to challenge claims for coverage. These include employment-related practices exclusions (for claims involving employee biometric data), recording and distribution of material in violation of law exclusions (where there are statutes regulating the use of biometric data), and access or disclosure of confidential or personal information and data-related liability exclusions.

To make it clear that the CGL does not intend to respond to claims alleging a violation of any laws related to biometric data, ISO has recently introduced an exclusion for Biometric Information Privacy Claims (CG 93 81 11 22) .


Cyber policies seem like a logical place to look for coverage for certain claims involving biometric data as these policies respond to claims involving unauthorized access to or disclosure of personal information. Policy language varies widely among insurers, though, and it is important to review, among other things, a policy’s definition of personal information. Some forms have a narrow definition that focuses on the type of information protected under various privacy laws, while other forms are broader. This is an important distinction because most states do not yet have privacy laws that address biometric data. Even

with a broad definition, though, many insurers have begun to add exclusions for biometric privacy violations.


Employment Practices Liability policies respond to numerous types of employment-related claims. Many insurers, though, have tried to limit their exposure to claims involving personal information of employees, either by excluding these claims or by offering coverage, sometimes defense only, with a sublimit. Further, exclusions to specifically eliminate coverage for claims involving biometric data are becoming more common.


D&O policies cover directors, officers, and others for various wrongful acts. A claim could be made, for example, against directors and officers who made management decisions that resulted in a violation of statutes governing the use of biometrics. Numerous D&O exclusions could come into play depending on what is alleged, and not surprisingly, many D&O insurers have begun to add exclusions for claims involving biometric data.

Whether a business has coverage for claims involving biometric data is a complex question requiring an analysis of numerous polices with this particular question in mind. As the use of biometric data increases, and as more states begin to enact laws addressing biometrics, the exposure will continue to grow.

Til next time!

Cathy Trischan, CPCU, CRM, CIC, ARM, AU, AAI, CRIS, MLIS, TRIP is IA&B’s commercial lines education consultant. She works with our CIC and CISR programs, as well as our live CE webinars. Catch her at one of our upcoming courses:


Join author Cathy Trischan for her upcoming live webinars.

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An audio version of this article is also available as a podcast



IA&B is proud to hold its first annual Women’s Conference on March 29 in Lancaster County, PA. The SOLD-OUT event aims to celebrate the growth and leadership of women in insurance.

The event will bring together women in all industry positions who want to grow within their jobs, elevate their agency, and improve our industry. Highlights will include:

▲ Keynote presentation from Sarah Bradshaw Ray on avoiding career traps

▲ Roundtable discussions to share challenges, resilience, and solutions

▲ Panel discussion with women leaders, facilitated by IA&B Education Consultant Cathy Trischan



Pennsylvania’s accident surcharge threshold will increase to $2,100 on July 1, 2023. Auto insurers may not penalize policyholders whose aggregate claim cost over a threeyear period does not exceed the cap.

Although the law requires the Insurance Department to adjust the cap at least every three years, the July 2023 increase follows an adjustment just one year earlier, in July 2022. Adjustments are tied to the Consumer Price Index for medical care and automobile maintenance and repair costs.


IA&B members in Pennsylvania and Delaware: Join fellow independent agents for the annual Big I Legislative Conference April 26-27 in Washington, D.C. It’s a oneof-a-kind experience to meet with elected officials and represent your industry.

For more information or to register, contact IA&B Government Affairs Director John Savant at or 717-918-9214.

NEWS & NOTES National General, an Allstate company. All Rights Reserved. CONGRATULATIONS Jessica Entwistle Liberty Insurance Agency
as a leader in the industry by Insurance Agents & Brokers! 6 MARCH 2023


IA&B’s advocacy efforts in Annapolis were IN full swing early this legislative session. In mid-January, IA&B’s Maryland Lobbyist Bryson Popham hosted an event to discuss legislative issues relevant to independent agents.

Over 30 Maryland Delegates and Senators a ended the event, as well as IA&B staff and the following IA&B member agents:

• John Latimer, Blue Ridge Risk Partners LLC

• Stacey Nicholson, CNR Insurance

• Connie Phillips, Connie Phillips Insurance Inc.

• Amy Phillips, Connie Phillips Insurance Inc.

• Kent Reynolds, Blue Ridge Risk Partners LLC

• Rodney Yates Jr., Yates Insurance & Bonding

Monitor Agent Headlines e-newsle er for updates on the legislative session, which runs through April 10, 2023.

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We partner with independent agents to insure restaurants, contractors, mercantile, and other commercial entities.

(l to r:) IA&B Government Affairs Director John Savant; IA&B VP-Advocacy Claire Pantaloni; Bryson Popham and Joan Smith, of IA&B’s lobbying firm, Bryson F. Popham P.A.; IA&B President & CEO Jason Ernest; and IA&B Member Rodney Yates Jr., of Yates Insurance & Bonding

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Rita McMullen, CPCU, AFIS, AAI is president of PDM Insurance Agency. Her daughter, Jess McMullen, CPIA, CLCS, is agency partner. Together they oversee the independent agency, which consists of three locations throughout southcentral Pennsylvania and specializes in farm and crop insurance.

Q. Rita, tell us about what brought you into the industry and how your career progressed.

A. [Rita:] I entered the insurance industry as a high school business co-op student in 1980. As I worked through college, I stayed involved in insurance and decided I wanted it to be a career. I worked in customer service, commercial and personal lines, but I found my real niche in the agricultural insurance world thanks to growing up on a Franklin County, PA dairy farm. I became a producer in 1985 and sold all lines of insurance, and in 2000 I became a partner with PDM Insurance Agency. In 2016 I became the president and 100% owner of PDM with two agency locations in Franklin County. In 2022, I made my daughter, Jessica McMullen, a partner in PDM, and in April 2022, we opened our third location in Biglerville, Adams County, PA.

Q. Jess, you have a degree in animal science from Texas A&M University, where you competed on the Equestrian Team. That sounds amazing, but I suspect you didn’t intend to work in insurance. How has the industry “grown on you” over the past 10 years?

A. [Jess:] I definitely didn’t intend to work in the industry, but a er I graduated and came back to Pennsylvania, I started a job as an equine vet tech and quickly realized that I wasn’t making ends meet financially. My mom suggested that I come work for her. At first I was

concerned that my animal science degree would “go to waste” and that I’d be stuck in a stuffy office job, but a er giving it more thought, I asked to try things out and see how I liked it. Once I got into the swing of things, I realized that I still had the opportunity to work with farmers and horse people and that made me feel a lot more comfortable because I could relate to them! Ten years later, I’ve go en a lot more confident in my insurance knowledge and have a lot more experience in understanding business and agricultural risks. Equine and agriculture are still my main focuses, but I have branched out to commercial lines as well.

Q. Rita, what was it like for you to have your daughter join you in the agency?

A. [Rita:] Jessica had helped me out with some projects at the agency during her breaks from college, but she wasn’t sure that insurance was the career for her. I was so happy when she agreed to try “the job.” She started as an entry-level receptionist and worked her way up through personal lines servicing, to commercial lines and agricultural lines producer. I am so proud to have her join me in the insurance business, and I look forward to the future of our agency with her as a partner.


Q. How has your relationship changed since you began working together? And do you have any advice for other mother-daughter teams just starting out?

A. [Rita:] It was stressful at first because we also lived together and spent a lot of time together. I hired a consultant to work with us at all levels of the agency, and it helped us to realize each other’s strengths and personalities. It gave us the insight to know what each of us does best so that we could complement each other and work as a team. Working with family is a challenge, and I think it’s important to recognize our differences and to trust and respect each other as business partners. We try our best to not talk business at family get togethers as well.

Q. You’re both horse lovers and have lived on a farm. What an authentic way to develop a niche! Tell us about your agency’s farm and crop markets and how they have evolved over the years.

A. [Rita:] I grew up on a dairy farm and always had a passion for the agricultural industry. I had an opportunity to learn crop insurance early in my career, and it came pre y easily with my background. We have continued to grow our crop book, and we also like to handle the other lines of coverage for our ag/farm customers to be their one-stop insurance agent. We are now working with the fourth and fi h generations of family farms, and it’s so refreshing and exciting to see the younger generations who have the passion to keep the family farm alive and well.

We have expanded and evolved from traditional farms to the newest agriculture risks, like agri-tainment and farm markets, to name a few. And with Jess’s background and degree in animal science, we also have expanded our products to provide livestock mortality coverage for equine and farm livestock. We are constantly learning and a end multiple ag events and expos as exhibitors so we can stay current with the changing trends. We can insure the crop from the time it is planted, to all the processes it undergoes, to providing food on consumers’ tables.

[Jess:] I grew up on our small family farm where we had horses, as well as sheep and beef ca le.

I also would go to my uncle’s dairy and occasionally help him with chores. But horse showing really took up the majority of my time when I wasn’t in school. We traveled all over the country for my competitions, and that’s what led me to being recruited to the Texas A&M NCAA Women’s Equestrian Team in college.

That was such an amazing time! Not only did I get to ride and compete, but I also earned my bachelor’s degree in animal science and took a plethora of ag classes – sheep production, equine, and meats and butchering courses, I got it all! This education, along with my prior agriculture and horse knowledge, helps me a daily basis when it comes to servicing our farm, ag business, and crop customers. I really feel that I can relate to them and know exactly what they’re talking about when they present any problems or issues.

Q. This issue of Primary Agent is dedicated to women in insurance. I suspect that Rita’s experience entering the industry was different than Jess’s, but let’s explore that. How have you each experienced working in what was recently a male-dominated industry?

A. [Rita:] When I entered the insurance industry in the 1980s, it was definitely male-dominated. Females entered the business in service roles, and I was fortunate to work my way up the ladder from servicing insurance accounts to eventually becoming an insurance producer. I had to prove myself to be worthy of the role and was fortunate to have many good mentors in my career, both men and women, to help guide me. In our industry I believe that the person, whether male or female, who does the best job will prevail and that we respect each other accordingly.

[Jess:] When I first started in the business, I could clearly tell that it was a male-dominated field. I would a end meetings, CE classes, and other events with my mom and would always notice that we were usually some of the only women in the room. At first it was a li le intimidating, but as my knowledge and experience have grown, I’ve come to find that it doesn’t really ma er who you are, it’s about what you know and whether the customers trust you and feel comfortable with you.

Q. What’s the best professional advice you ever received?

A. [Rita:] I was told early in my career that insurance is ever changing and that you need to stay in front of it or you will be le behind. I think that is a very true statement.

[Jess:] I’ve always just lived by what one of my ag professors said to me in college: Always do your best and be truthful because no ma er what business you end up in, it pays off in the end.

Continued on page 10

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Continued from page 9

Q. What’s your favorite part of your job?

A. [Rita:] Working with my customers and meeting new prospects. They are the reason we have a job. It’s a challenge to meet a customer and evaluate what their risks are and put together an insurance program to protect them, but I enjoy working through placement of our customers.

[Jess:] I really enjoy going out and visiting all of my customers and being able to help them or show them some things that might help them when it comes to their insurance coverages. When we first write an account, we almost always go to their location so that we can see what’s going on firsthand and are able to relay that to the underwriters. I always enjoy seeing their operations, and honestly, I think it makes the customers feel so much more relaxed and open to what we’re trying to tell them because we’re there showing them that they’re not just another phone call and completed application. When I’m there on visits, we spend most of the time reviewing coverages and collecting information, but I always make time for them

to show me their dogs, farm animals, or anything else that they’re proud to show off to me at their place!

Q. What keeps you busy outside of work?

A. [Rita:] My husband and I enjoy spending time with Jess, watching her compete with her horse, Rowdy, at horse shows. We also enjoy our fur babies – Pedro, and Jess’s dogs, Kona and Boone. We love to travel and especially enjoy camping in our motor home and seeing the United States.

[Jess:] I still competitively ride and show my horse, Rowdy, on the American Ranch Horse Association (ARHA) circuit. That usually takes up my summers when shows are in full swing. We were lucky enough to clench the ARHA World Championship in Amateur Horsemanship in July 2021. In the wintertime/off season, I’m still usually out at the barn at least every weekend, if not more! If I’m not at the barn, I do enjoy just relaxing at home with my boyfriend and dogs. Or you can find us at the local dirt track, Port Royal Speedway, with all of our friends.

10 MARCH 2023
Congratulations, Linda McCann! Your strong leadership skills inspire all of us—you deserve this recognition. From the Sentry Transportation team

Thank You

A sincere thank you to these partners for supporting the independent agent network.



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Interested in becoming a partner? Reach out today. Tim Wonder, IA&B VP-Membership 717-918-9223 |

A Note from AgentPAC Contributor Andrew Enders, Esq., President & General Counsel, Enders Insurance:

“Most of us have our own problems to deal with daily. The legalese of new statutes, bills, and whatever else politicians do is the last thing we want to worry about. But that’s okay, because IA&B staffers ensure our issues are heard and our perspective is accounted for. Without AgentPAC, our independent insurance agency would be wrangled by forces who lack the perspective of our industry. Your donation to AgentPAC, however small, strengthens your advocacy team. It strengthens your voice. It strengthens your independent agency channel.”

About AgentPAC

AgentPAC is IA&B’s state-based, bipartisan political action commi ee which supports the election of candidates and legislators who understand the issues important to the independent agent and broker community. Support of these candidates who are critical to IA&B’s government affairs work would not be possible without AgentPAC contributions from engaged IA&B members.

Learn more and contribute by visiting:

9 |
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Leaders in Insurance

While the independent agency system has long relied on women employees for their contributions, in recent years more women have earned top sales, management, and leadership roles within their agencies.

On the following pages we profile seven exceptional women leaders. Each describes her leadership style and proudest professional accomplishment, plus offers advice for women just entering the industry.

IA&B is proud to celebrate these women and their contributions. We will continue to recognize women throughout the month, culminating in the first annual IA&B Women’s Conference. The March 29 event will be held in Lancaster County, PA and aims to support the growth and leadership of women in all industry positions.

Women Leaders
your friends at
Congratulations featured leaders, Erin & Lekha! From
Erie Insurance
Erin Gladfelter, CIC, AFIS Keller-Brown Insurance Services Shrewsbury, PA
13 |
Lekha Patel, CIC Starr Insurance Inc. Chambersburg, PA


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Women Leaders


Agency: Howard Hanna Insurance Services

Location: Pi sburgh, PA

Job title: President and COO

Years in the industry: 21

How would you describe your leadership style?

Being a communicative, motivational, and vision-driven leader is what I hope to achieve – but any leader has many characteristics if they are going to be agile in a marketplace and workplace. While enterprise strategy is key, a team needs to understand the vision, goals, and paths to reach this. I believe that leadership needs to occur at every level: if a team member knows and carries the message (the mission and understanding of what is to be achieved), a hybrid group of company leaders will exist.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am always proud of agency recognitions for both professional and community service accomplishments. This shows the continuity and strength of purpose – and that we are indeed working toward a common goal.

What words of wisdom would you offer young women just beginning their insurance career?

Really evaluate every opportunity offered to you – and take them. Your career will not be a straight path, and challenges and opportunities will enrich who you are. If you are offered a carrier advisory panel role, take it. Engage in your local and national organizations, continue with designations, ask questions, find a mentor, be a mentor. This will all enrich your career.

I never expected that working for a Senator on healthcare in 1993 would provide me with a reference point 30 years later – and I certainly didn’t expect that working at a law school and teaching insurance law would lead me to where I am now – and yet every opportunity has created the next.


Agency: Liberty Insurance Agency

Location: Pi sburgh, PA

Job title: Personal Insurance DepartmentManager

Years in the industry: 8

How would you describe your leadership style?

I believe in servant leadership with an emphasis on individualized growth, an information-sharing positive environment, and a culture of celebrating success.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of? Recruiting my sister into the industry and watching her flourish is my greatest accomplishment to date. I am proud of many solo achievements since entering insurance, and yet, my ability to open doors to those who want a challenging, rewarding career in a thriving industry brings me the most pride.

What words of wisdom would you offer young women just beginning their insurance career?

Stop doubting yourself and use your voice. Our industry thrives on diverse perspectives and new ideas. Bring your life experiences to work and leverage them to make an impact. There is room for you here. Your ideas are valuable. I can’t wait to meet you and see all the amazing things you will do!

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Agency: Keller-Brown Insurance Services

Location: Shrewsbury, PA

Job title: Commercial Insurance Supervisor

Years in the industry: 10

How would you describe your leadership style?

I take a people-centered approach. The morale of my team is really important to me. When we enjoy what we do and who we are with, we are more effective and efficient as a team. I want to see everyone succeed and will do what is needed to get them there – promoting independence, involvement in se ing processes, and daily/weekly recognition of accomplishments.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am most proud of maintaining a book of business and continuing to earn client relationships that were passed from a tenured co-worker when she retired. Being able to maintain those relationships to make the transition seamless for our clients was huge for our agency and for me personally. Earning my CIC came in a close second though – those tests are brutal!

What words of wisdom would you offer young women just beginning their insurance career?

Go into it with an open mind, ready to learn. Things are changing every day and there is a lot of new trending technology, but sometimes the things that don’t change are some of the most important – how you build relationships and knowing the coverages and how they impact your clients. There are lots of opportunities for continuing education, and the more you learn, the more prepared you are to help guide your clients.


Agency: Crow Insurance Agency

Location: Middletown, DE

Job title: President

Years in the industry: 13

How would you describe your leadership style?

I like to lead by example and with open communication. I like to inspire my team by showing that I’m working handson with them and to facilitate communication so as to bring out the best in every single team member.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

What makes me the proudest is when I can provide assistance to my clients, especially those with unique insurance challenges, and make a difference in my community. I was recently awarded the National Crop Insurance Services’ Outstanding Service Award. It feels great to be accomplishing good things for your clients and also being recognized for these actions by peers and organizations that you respect.

What words of wisdom would you offer young women just beginning their insurance career?

Be bold – take what you learn and apply it in new ways. Be inquisitive – learn from those around you, their accomplishments, and their mistakes. Be authentic and stay constant and consistent. Don’t wait for things to happen. Make them happen.

Women Leaders
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Agency: Bay Shore Insurance

Location: Salisbury, MD

Job title: President

Years in the industry: 40+

How would you describe your leadership style?

Approachable, open door, consensus building. I try to get input from parties involved to make decisions that are appropriate for the entire organization. I’m always willing to listen to suggestions, and I take the extra time needed to explain reasons for not accepting a suggestion, so a person understands the big picture.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

My greatest accomplishment has to be the building of Bay Shore Insurance. My husband and I started the agency from scratch in 1985 with one company appointment. At the end of our first month in business, we had wri en one policy with an annual premium of $350! It was scary, but by the end of our first full year in business, we had made a “small” profit, but a profit none the less. I am astounded at the growth we have had.

We owe this success to our wonderful employees –professional, educated, and dedicated staff that I am extremely lucky to lead.

What words of wisdom would you offer young women just beginning their insurance career?

Never stop learning and asking questions. Educate yourself about the entire insurance industry, not just about how to perform your current job. Yes, you need expertise in what your duties are currently, but look to the future. The more knowledge you have about the industry, the more valuable you are to your current employer, as well as a possible new employer. Don’t limit yourself and don’t be afraid to ask questions. You’d be surprised how many people you meet in the industry are willing to share their knowledge!


Agency: Starr Insurance Inc.

Location: Chambersburg, PA

Job title: Managing Partner Years in the industry: 5 ½

How would you describe your leadership style?

My leadership style is to enable and empower. My mentors in insurance enabled me to learn the industry in my own way, seeking help when needed. That is one of the biggest reasons I am successful today.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am most proud of obtaining my CIC designation. Going through the program helped me learn many facets of insurance that I do not engage with daily. It also enabled me to navigate coverage questions and identify gaps for my clients. I strongly believe the more we know and the more comfortable we are with coverages, the more we can educate our clients. The CIC designation helped me gain confidence in my insurance knowledge, allowing me to be the best agent I can be to my clients.

What words of wisdom would you offer young women just beginning their insurance career?

Starting in the insurance industry can be very intimidating. You are constantly around colleagues who are more tenured with greater insurance knowledge and clients who are successful business owners/operators with more life experience. My biggest piece of advice would be to embrace that, rather than feel inadequate. I actively seek out knowledge from my colleagues, as well as clients, and take the opportunities to apply it to my career. I use every interaction as a learning experience and view every day as an opportunity to learn something new. Overcoming objections and establishing yourself in this industry does not come overnight. Continue to try your best and show up every day. It may take months or years, but one day you will reflect on how much you have grown.

Women Leaders

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Commercial | Personal | Farm-Ag | Specialty

Jules Hendrix


Agency: Connie Phillips Insurance Inc.

Location: Frederick, MD and Virginia Beach, VA

Job title: President

Years in the industry: 51

How would you describe your leadership style?

I am very passionate about the insurance industry, and I try to lead with that passion. My goal is to provide solutions and guidance to clients and staff. In this industry it is important to care about others and to value each person. To demonstrate that care, I am always willing to share information and empower those around me. I believe that building trust is essential, and it is important to be meticulous, strategic, and someone who can think “outside the box.” This allows for innovation where everyone is on board to go the extra mile.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I know how it feels to hit the glass ceiling, where the only way to advance your career is to change insurance agencies. Throughout my career it has been important for me to support my team, not only with their career goals, but in helping them develop as future business and professional leaders. I promised myself if I were ever able to encourage education and support women with their life issues, that I would not only promote them, but inspire them to be the best they could be. This purpose and dedication all these years has turned into an immensely proud accomplishment of mine.

What words of wisdom would you offer young women just beginning their insurance career?

I would challenge you to set personal and career goals. What is your vision? Where do you see yourself in five or 10 years? Set goals to obtain a designation, improve your network of personal and business relationships, or become involved in your church and community.

Nationwide® congratulates Jules Hendrix of Crow Insurance, a Premier Farm Certified Agency on the honor of being included in IA&B’s women leaders in the workplace. Nationwide,
the Nationwide N and Eagle and Nationwide is on your side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. © 2023 Nationwide GPO-0670AO (01/23)
MS, AFIS, CLCS Agency Owner
Congratulations Linda
21 |
Women Leaders

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Get to Know …

Years with IA&B:

5+ years

Role at IA&B:

I’m responsible for marketing, communication, and brand reputation strategies. I work with teams to ensure positive customer and member experiences.

Best part of your job:

Marketing, communications, and more marketing. It’s filled with energy, people, and impact! My passion, skillset, and DNA = being a marketeer. It’s an exciting path packed with opportunities to make efficient, decisive, and strategic decisions. I’m lucky that I get to do what I love and I get to work with a team of marketeers at IA&B who share the same enthusiasm.

What keeps you busy outside of work?

When not working, you’ll most likely find me with my husband or family, walking or hanging out with my perfect dog Hoss, spending time outdoors, or meeting up with friends to work out. I also watch comedies or listen to stand-up comedians and their podcasts. It's a simple thing that keeps me laughing and upli ed.

Favorite vacation spot:

Hmmm … Can’t say I have one favorite vacation spot. There are several places that call me back like the Florida Keys and Sedona, Arizona. My husband and I went on an amazing vacation to Costa Rica.

My family has a cabin in Western PA. We’ve been going to this area for as long as I can remember. I love it. The mountain air is so clean, and there is no cell, internet, or TV service. On a good, clear day, we get two radio stations. I’m never bored and always find stuff to do. Since there is no light pollution, we can see every star at night and watch satellites move across the evening sky.

You can reach Jennifer at: 717-918-9207


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MARCH 2023


Editor: Karen Robison


Contributing editors: Jennifer Ross

Megan Fiore a Sarah Haas

Sales Account Executive: Laura Gaenzle


today! 800-998-9644, option 1
CLASSROOM DATE TOPIC LOCATION Mar 7-8 James K Ruble Graduate Seminar Pi sburgh, PA Mar 23 CISR Personal Auto Mechanicsburg, PA LIVE WEBINARS DATE TOPIC TIME Mar 1 CISR-Life & Health Essentials 8AM-3:45PM Mar 1Hour w\ Nicole: Everything You Need to Know About Insuring Work-From-Home Exposures 2-3 PM Mar 2 Mastering P&C Coverage for the Affluent Market9 AM-12 PM Mar 2 Property & Liability Endorsements to Fortify Farm Risks1-4 PM Mar 7-8 James K Ruble Graduate Seminar 8AM-5:15PM Mar 7 Marriage, Kids, Money, Assisted Living & Everything Between: Home & Auto Exposures for Life 9 AM-12 PM Mar 7 Homeowners Deep-Dive: Most Recent Forms 1-4 PM Mar 8 CISR-Other Personal Lines Solutions 8AM-3:45PM Mar 9 Ethics: Agents Obligations, Standards, Authority & More9 AM-12 PM Mar 9 Agent’s E&O: Defenses & Preventions 1-4 PM Mar 14 Cyber Insurance (an Advanced CPIA course) 8AM-4:45PM Mar 14 Handling Commercial Claims & Coverage Disputes1-4 PM Mar 15 CISR-Elements of Risk Management 8AM-3:45PM Mar 16 Employment Practices Liability - A Coverage No Business Can Afford to Be Without 1-4 PM Mar 21 Certificates of Insurance and Coverage Issues 1-4 PM Mar 22 William T Hold - Commercial 8 AM-4 PM Mar 22Hour w\ Dave: Coverages that Keep a Business Income Loss From Bankrupting You 2-3 PM Mar 23 Flood Insurance, FEMA, and the NFIP 9 AM-12 PM Mar 23 Inflation & Personal Lines: Helping Insureds Understand Why it Ma ers and What to Do 1-4 PM Mar 28 Chris Amrhein’s Adventures in Aging: Medicare & Other Retirement Healthcare Solutions 1-4 PM 25 |
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