Quarry May 2019

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12 July Dinner meeting (Venue TBA) 15 Nov Dinner meeting (Venue TBA)

30 May 25 July 12 Sept 21 Nov

17 July AGM and dinner meeting (Venue TBA) 30 Nov Races day (Venue TBA)

14 May Technical and dinner meeting, Tablelands 21 May Technical and dinner meeting, Mackay 19 June Safety & Health Seminar, Townsville 26 July Annual Golf Day, Cairns 13 Aug AGM and dinner meeting, Townsville 13 Sept Annual golf day, Townsville 8 Oct Technical and dinner meeting, Townsville 30 Oct Technical and dinner meeting, Cairns 15 Nov Christmas Party, Townsville



17 May IQA Annual Golf Day, Oxley Golf Club 14 June Quarrying Safety & Health Conference, Brisbane 7 Aug Dinner meeting & AGM, Brisbane Sept (Date TBA) CMEMC 2019

24 May Technical and dinner meeting, Adelaide 12 July Women in Quarrying Conference, Adelaide Pavilion 30 Aug AGM/dinner, National Wine Centre

All dates and venues for the above branches are correct at time of press. Not all branches had confirmed their activities/ dates. For further information about IQA branch activities, contact your local branch representative (see IQA branch contacts on page 44) or visit quarry.com.au

NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH 15 May NSW Health & Safety Conference (Venue TBA)

NSW CENTRAL WEST SUB-BRANCH 14 June Women in Quarrying seminar


CENTRAL QUEENSLAND SUB-BRANCH 19 July Annual golf day, Rockhampton


Dinner meeting, Wang Miliwa Dinner meeting, Bendigo Dinner meeting, Ballarat Dinner meeting, Bendigo

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN BRANCH 8 May Breakfast meeting, Beaumonde on the Point, East Perth 28 June Brikmakers clay brickworks site visit and sundowner 7 Aug Breakfast meeting, Beaumonde on the Point, East Perth 3 Sept AGM and dinner meeting, Imperial Court Restaurant 22 Nov Annual golf day, Joondalup Resort

16 May Student presentation night

PDP WORKSHOPS & EVENTS To register for the courses outlined below and for further information, visit quarry.com.au, click on link to ‘Education’, followed by ‘Upcoming Professional Development Programs’.

IQA 62ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE GMHBA Stadium, Kardinia Park Geelong, Victoria 1-3 October (Tuesday to Thursday), 2019

The Future of Quarrying will be the theme of the IQA’s annual conference which this year will be hosted at the home of the Geelong Cats AFL Football Club. The conference program will focus on numerous topics, including: the maximisation of limited natural resources through technology; the benefits of effective management of workplace diversity; new developments in emerging fixed and mobile plant technology; environmental and economic trends affecting the industry; and much more. In a first, the conference program will be hosted on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. For more information, visit quarry.com.au


Quarry May 2019

GEOLOGY & GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES WPDP 13 May 2019 Many product technical issues encountered by operators can be traced back to source rock properties and the selection of suitable raw materials. A basic understanding of geology, geologic processes, and rock types allows an operator to extract the most from their reserve on-site, determine future site viability, comply with product quality specifications, identify and manage geotechnical issues, and limit future product technical claims or issues. This webinar is suitable for managers, supervisors, technical/laboratory managers, and operational management employed or seeking employment in the industry.

ALKALI AGGREGATE RESPONSE WPDP 27 May 2019 Many product technical issues encountered

by operators can be traced back to source rock properties and the selection of suitable raw materials. Having a basic understanding of alkali aggregate reactivity (AAR) allows an operator to determine greenfield site suitability, comply with aggregate quality specifications, identify and manage AAR issues, and limit future product technical claims. This webinar is suitable for managers, supervisors, testers and operational management employed or seeking employment in the industry.

QUARRYING SAFETY & HEALTH CONFERENCE 14 June 2019 Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre The Quarrying Safety & Health Conference, which is co-hosted by the CCAA, the IQA and the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME), is now into its 17th year. This year’s day-long event will include thought provoking keynote

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