I mean, having a business where people WANT to rock up to work - rather than looking for the nearest exit on a Friday night? Sound like utopia? Well, I believe it doesn’t have to be. Once upon a time, I had a pretty big bunch of wilted flowers in my business. To put it nicely. And it all came to a head when someone stirred the pot - and boom! I was left with half the team... All in a matter of a couple of weeks. It was one of the most terrifying, upsetting - but ultimately incredibly rewarding, things that ever happened to me. You see, for me it was the catalyst I needed to change my own view on leadership, what I wanted for my business and for my team - and just a general shift in how I showed up to work.
doing a very good job as a leader. After all, it’s our job to lead these lives that have been entrusted to us. It’s a privilege and a responsibility. And I had failed miserably. Because I never put much thought into things like Values and Purpose. I mean, they’re just words on a page for big biz right? Hmmm...maybe not! Reflecting back, we were well and truly falling into the TGIF category. The reason I thought this reflection was apt today is that now, after COVID has ripped through many states and left a lot of businesses devastated. Many, like myself, losing fantastic staff members simply due to circumstances not in our control.
Now, this actually hadn’t occurred to me before because we were a hugely successful business and made plenty of money. I really felt we were on a good roll!
And on the flip side, many are finding out what some of their teams are REALLY like when the shit hits the fan! “Why should I work when I get job keeper?”
On the flip side though - it was a rotten place to work. Like, I even really disliked walking into my own business. No “thank god it’s Monday” there!
Ring a bell??
So, I thought “this is the time! I only have half the team left, let’s start making some changes now”. It still took a good year and a half before we had completely turned things around. But it was well worth the wait. A year or so later I had a 1-1 with one of my beautiful former therapists (who I still speak to and is a true asset to another very lucky business). I’ll never forget what she said: “I used to sit in my car not wanting to come in until the last minute. And now I love coming to work”.
Some clinic owners have had team members refusing to help, not show up for shifts - even stealing from them! Well, now is as good a time as any to start fresh! So, who are you as a business? What do you stand for? What don’t you stand for? Do you have your dream team? Or a team that kills the dream? Have you been recruiting for “anyone” - or that “special someone”?
I mean. MY HEART!
From my own experience I can tell you, you don’t get many opportunities to make these big shifts. So, if you have one now - take it!
I never knew how close I had come to lose this magnificent star of a therapist. Due to me not
I spent over 6 months with half a team, and we still experienced growth, made a good profit, and
Beauty Biz Year 14 Issue 1
turned the culture around a the same time. Even though it’s tempting to work more hours on the floor to get people through the doors and make some quick cash, I highly recommend stepping back a little. Taking a few days to breathe. And assess the situation from afar. Take the space and time to assess - or re assess - your vision, values and purpose. Do you have your dream team? And I mean warts and all - they’ll never be perfect. None of us are. But do you have the kind of people who’ve got your back, who are fully aligned with your values - and who works because they truly love what they do - FOR YOU? If you do, then you’ve got a TGIM business. If you don’t, this is your time to shine! And if you’re in the situation like so many I’ve talked to - you have your dream but post COVID, not enough of them, and you’re are working 80 hours on the floor in your business because you’ve lost a big part of your team. And “everybody wants to see you - and only you can do what you do” - then it’s time to step aside and rethink. Because how will you ever have any free time to grow your business, train and nurture your team and have a life - if all you do is work on clients? Instead, think about blocking some time off (I know it sounds scary to say no to clients - and money!!) and spend some quality time duplicating yourself. Take the time to nurture and grow your team so they can step up and shine brighter than you! This my friends, is the road to freedom - and a business where you and your team love Mondays!