Linda Woodhead
Louise May
Kellie Woodhead
Jess Richmond
CONTRIBUTORS Louise May Robert Masciave Liz Stokes Kristie Kesic Anthony Gray Sandy Chong Estelle Carroll Kym Krey David Watts Sharleen Lee Sarah Garner Rachel Medlook Angeli Marie Shaw Jenni Tarrant Gary Latham Dario Cotroneo Clive Allwright Brodie-Lee Tskinaris
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“We don’t have to be scary when we are scared. Let’s choose awkward, brave and kind. And let’s choose each other…” Brené Brown. I chose to open with this quote as I wanted to remind you all that we are all in the same storm, but just not in the same boat. We are all enduring stress in one way or another and I worry because I can see the 3 B’s being created out there, so I wanted to talk about these today in my letter to you. Some have become desperately “bored” after being mostly trapped for months in their domestic surroundings. Others are facing “burnout” because they have been toiling insanely hard, on open-allhours digital platforms; sometimes combined with navigating kids and home-schooling. Then there are those grappling with a more serious B: “breakdown”, sparked by the type of depression and anxiety that can be unleashed by job losses, financial pain, isolation, relationship stress — or a fear that this pandemic has no obvious end. Many have used this peculiar period to build closer relations with their families, enjoy time in beautiful locations or relish the freedom of doing their jobs without a long commute.
mocha publishing
This magazine issue is centred around “The fourth B ” which is “blessings”.
There is a tonne of rawness and vulnerability in this issue, I suggest you take your time in reading this, maybe find a nice quiet space, or run a nice hot bath and take this mag with you. I know there will be many of you who will relate to one or more of the stories in this issue.
HAIR BIZ, Beauty Biz & Barber Shop Hair Biz is published four times a year by mocha publishing ABN 65 091 846 189 No Part of the publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. Hair Biz does not accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies, original artwork or other material. The views expressed in Hair Biz are not necessarily those of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted if the publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyong the control of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted for errors in copy, or for any loss arising from the failure of an advertisement or any part thereof to appear. © 2021 mocha publishing All rights reserved.
Whilst this issue is about Blessings, it’s also about celebration. The AHIA Business Finalists were recently announced, and to say we are excited for the Gala Event is an understatement! We decided that the show must go on, even if our borders do not open. We must celebrate the people of our industry and for all their efforts and hard work that they put in to entering the business awards. Before I sign off, I just want to say that we are all in this together, so please look after each other, be patient with those around you, be kind, and be gentle with each other.
Lou x Louise May, HAIRBIZ EDITOR