Princeton ArcPrep Portfolio: Omar Morales

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Omar Morales Portfolio


Recorder Sketch

Smaller diagram, 2019, 23’2/8’’, Graphite on Vellum

2019 In-Class, Individual Project Course - Princeton ArcPrep Faculty - Katie Zaeh This project’s intent was to be able to look at something and draw a plan and section view and to double the size of one of the parts in the drawing. I measured everything and drew it on a sheet of paper. After getting all measurements, I used them to draw them on the paper. I also learned how the recorder makes its sound, you blow in through the front and air will rapidly stay inside and exit from both holes creating a standing wave with a certain pitch. By putting your finger on different holes, you change the wave length, and therefore the pitch. Doubled Recorder tip, 2019, 23’2/8’’, Graphite on Vellum


Recorder Diagram, 2019, 24’’ x 17-15/16” Graphite on Vellum

4 Under The Sea, 2019, 14” x 22”, Construction Paper

Listening to Sound 2019 In-Class, Individual Project Course - Princeton ArcPrep Faculty - Katie Zaeh The intent for this project was to listen to a song and create a 3D model from the sound of the song. I chose the song “Under the Sea” by Samuel E. Wright, which is featured in The Little Mermaid. My method was to be free like the ocean and be as creative as possible. The process took lots of cutting and making tiny fish. Under The Sea 3D Model, 2019, 10-1/8” x 8- 7/16”, Mixed Media


Under The Sea 3D Model, 2019, 10-1/8” x 8-7/16”, Mixed Media


Under The Sea Axonometric, 2019, 17-1/16” x 17-15/16”, Graphite on Vellum


Under The Sea Axonometric, 2019, 17-1/16” x 17-15/16”,Graphite on Vellum


The Great Fish 2019 In-Class, Individual Project Course - Princeton ArcPrep Faculty - Katie Zaeh This project was to pick a part from your model and design a sound booth. Because my song was “Under The Sea,” I chose to focus on the symbol of the fish, which had survived even in the abstraction of my model. I used an elevator to bring people up and down from the sound booth and make it a nice spot to listen to music. I made it pleasant by adding an infinity pool, a snack bar and a great view. I became very interested in this design once I thought about having water inside of the booth. Preliminary Sketches


The Great Fish, 2019, 16-11/16” x 15-6/8”, Graphite on Vellum


Octavia 2019 In-Class, Group Project Course - Princeton ArcPrep Faculty - Katie Zaeh We looked at a chapter of Italo Calvino’s book, Invisible Cities, that was based on places that Marco Polo explored. My method was to use random paper I found and form it into a mountain. I had to find my mountains, my chains to hold the city and the clouds for the sky. My role in the group was to tell everyone in the class about the Octavia city, I also created mountains that looked like clouds. Each group member created his own collage.

Two Mountains, 2019, 23’2/8’’, Paper


Disney Helmet 2019 In Class, Individual Project This project was based on my trip to Disney World. I thought of my family, all the characters we saw there, and how fun it was. I decided to paint most of the work and take a risk by drawing my own Disney characters. To finish it off, I added threedimensional Mickey Mouse ears.

Mickey Mouse, 2019, 14” x 11 1/2” x 8”, Mixed Media

12 The Floating Sea Horse, 2019, 4-1/2” x 8-1/12”, Construction Paper

Love Letter 2019 Independent, Individual Project Your structure is half covered with water The fish swim round and round So expensive, but I can’t resist The Heart of Europe So many species of Sea Horse Love Letter to The Floating Sea Horse by Richard Branson

The Floating Sea Horse, 2019, 11”x8-1/2”, Construction Paper


Peppa Pony Grass PPG, 2019, Mixed Media

Procrastination, 2019, Digital Photogrpahy


Concrete Puzzle 2019 In-Class, Group Project Course - Princeton ArcPrep Faculty - Katie Zaeh The intent for this project was to make a puzzle with concrete that fits smoothly together. Our method was to create a model using building blocks to show what our final concrete model should look like. It took many measurements to make sure the puzzle would fit together. Once we had the concrete model, it didn’t fit as nicely and snugly as we wanted so we chisled it a little and then it fit like a glove. I worked on the middle piece that holds everything together nicely. Concrete model, 2019, 6”x 6”x 6”, Concrete

Concrete Step by Step, 2019, 6” x 6” x 6”, Concrete

Axonometric Model, 2019, Size, Vellum


Preliminary Sketches, 2019, Pencil


The Ice Kingdom 2019 In-Class, Individual Project Course - Princeton ArcPrep Faculty - Katie Zaeh The intent for this project was to make a band shell for a plot of land by the war memorial and highway in Trenton. My inspiration was a fictional place in Adventure Time called the Ice Kingdom. I turned it into a place to listen to someone speaking or to music. The process was trying to figure out how to set up each individual cone. The easiest part of the project was creating cones in Rhino. The hardest part was trying to dig into the cone to make it perfect for seats while still holding the cone icicle shape that I wanted. Site Plan


Plan and Section, 2019, 30” x 22 6/8”, Graphite on Vellum


Class Site Model, 2019, 1/60 Scale


Band shell Model, 2019, 1/16 Scale


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