Portfolio 2016: Selected Work

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Casa Sparta

Departamentos Aalto

Regeneraciรณn Cerro de La Campana

HC Suites









CASA SPARTA Residential


Asessed by: N/A, 2015. Location: Monterrey, México.

Casa Sparta is located near the university Tecnológico de Monterrey, making it important for the project to be a house that could either be rented for students or a family. Designed to be surrounded by natural light, the esscence of Casa Sparta relies on its voids for they provide natural lighting and ventilation for the most part of the day as well as direct connection with the exterior from any given room. Since there is a park located on the north front of the lot, a reflective mirror is proposed as a ventiladed façade. This will allow the user to look outside without loosing the privacy of their home, additionally this façade will interact with those using the park.

The proposed mirror faรงade creates not only an interaction between the house and the park, but an extension of the park itself.

l. First Floor


1. Bedroom 2. Main Bedroom 3. Closet 4. Restroom 5. Kitchen 6. Laundry Room 7. Social Area 8. Terrace 9. Garden 10. Reception 11. Service Aisle 12. Light Patio 13. Service Patio 14. Garage 15. Pool 16. Family Room 13. Library


ll. Second Floor lll. Family Room



1. Bedroom 2. Main Bedroom 3. Closet 4. Restroom 5. Kitchen 6. Laundry Room 7. Social Area 8. Terrace 9. Garden 10. Reception 11. Service Aisle 12. Light Patio 13. Service Patio 14. Garage 15. Pool 16. Family Room 13. Library


The light patio enhances the openness to the exterior, and makes nature an important part of the house for it will change the atmosphere of the inside throughout the day.




lV. Garden V. Social Area Vl. Transversal Section Vll. Longitudinal Section



The main objective was to bring the exterior into the inside of the house, which is why all spaces have a view to at least one of the patios inside the house, or the park situated front of the lot. Vll.



Residential Complex


Assesed by: Arch. Claudia Carreño and Arch. Jorge Corcuera, 2013. Location: Monterrey, México.

Departamentos Aalto is a project that seeks a connection between the interior and exterior of it’s location, which has a linear park in front of the lot, as well as a spectacular view of Monterreys iconic Cerro de la Silla mountain. To give the project hierarchy without loosing its connection with the park, the first level was elevated 1.50m, sending the parking lot below and emphasising the plaza with all it’s commerce and an enhanced view of the park. It was important to generate different types of appartments for its residents, which could be small families or students due to the fact that the site is near a university. Keeping this in mind, three modules of different appartments were created. Including two flats and one studio, all appartments were arranged in a way that allows all users to have a full view of the city and its most iconic mountains.

Its honest structure lets the outsider know that there are different types of spaces throughout the project, from the slightly elevated plaza that invites its discovery, to the visible distinction of appartment modules.

l . First floor

Turfstone was included to create a transition between the park and the plaza.

The entrance to the parking lot was sent to the side of the building to protect the pedestrian.

l. 1. Bedroom 2. Main Bedroom 3. Closet 4. Restroom 5. Kitchen 6. Laundry Room 7. Social Area 8. Balcony 9. Storage 10. Emergency Stairs 11. Machinery Room 12. Commerce 13. Lobby


ll. Floor Plan Type A lll. Floor Plan Type B

Three types of appartments were created. The main difference is the amount of rooms they have. However they all have a clear division between the private and ll. public space.


Two of the three modules are replicated on every level, while the loft is a two-story appartment.


1. Bedroom 2. Main Bedroom 3. Closet 4. Restroom 5. Kitchen 6. Laundry Room 7. Social Area 8. Balcony 9. Storage 10. Emergency Stairs 11. Machinery Room 12. Commerce 13. Lobby


lV. Longitudinal Section V. Social Area Vl. Loft Bedroom



The commerce and the different type of living modules create a diversification of spaces that intend to be flexible for all kinds of users, may they be students, a family or an elderly couple looking for place to live where, eventhough they don’t have a back yard, they have both a plaza and terrace that connects them to the linear park they could call their own.






Urban Renewal


Assesed by: Arch. Marcela González and Arch. Marcelo Nájera, 2014 Location: Monterrey, México.

Cerro de la campana is a marginalized zone of Monterrey where improvised homes were built by people from near regions, coming into the city seeking job opportunities. This resulted in a disorganized and unsafe urban layout with broken stairs, pedastrian walkways that turn into streets with vehicular activity, dark and steep walk ways, even some with an inclination over 45º, among other issues. Accesability and safety are the main problems to be dealt with as well as the creation of an integrated community which doesn’t really exisit at the moment. In order to address the issues mentioned above, a complete restoration of the houses is proposed, as well as four distinct typologies of pathways assigned depending on the square meters of the target area, all of this with the help of tthe local community so they can bring their own identity into it. The main objective is to create a pleasant and safe experience for those that use these pathways on a daily basis to get home. The different typologies include rest areas, plazas, terraces and parks, all with regional planting and orchards, for it will make the whole project low cost, low maintanance and will actually be usefull for the community since they could be cultivating some of their own vegetables and spices in these gardens. The furniture proposed is based on a prefabricated concrete module, once again for economic and practical reasons. This will also allow the project to be cohesive throughout its extension.

All furniture is based on a prefabricated concrete module for its easy, fast and inexpensive production with endless posibilities. It is encouraged that the communitiy participates in the design and production for this will create a sense of appropriation and belonging. This way they would create a space by and for themselfes and will take care of it. The standard furniture models include benches, dinning tables,grills, etc., to foment the use of public space and social exchange. .........................................................................

Prefabricated concrete module



Since the land is very steep, a series of platforms were generated to use as public space. However, to maximaze the already limited space, certain uses are assigned to the lower level of the platforms depending on the headroom available. These include games for childrens, social spaces, commerce, orchards, etc.



Each typology has its own characteristics for the users to feel the transition between spaces and be able to identify their arrival to a new one.




60< m2

30 - 60 m2

Recreation Purposes Botanical Playground

Public Space Orchards Social Exchange

Aside from the characteristics listed below, each space will have its own scent and distinctive vegetation to be recognized by.



15 - 30 m2

15 - 30 m2

Rest Area Social Exchange Shallow Root Orchard

Pedestrian Area Sitting


l. Target Areas 11. General Floor Plan lll. Protoype A Floor Plan

l. Prototype A

Since the topography is very diverse, a pathway of stairs and ramps was created for each particular space.

l1. Prototype A




Vl. Prototype A - Section

By combining the different typologies a series of spaces where generated, each with its own atmosphere and recreational space for social interaction among neighbors.



Mixed Use


Assesed by: Arch. Edna Garza, Arch. Mauricio Maycotte and Arch. Marcelo NĂĄjera, 2013. Location: Monterrey, MĂŠxico.

HC Suites is one of four hotels in a master plan that seeks an extension and interrelation between Parque Fundidora and its industrial surroundings. The buildings inside the masterplan include appartments, elementary schools and recreational facilities for both locals and tourists, all connected through a series of platforms. In order to create public space and enhance the landscape proposed for the master plan, the lot was divided into two parts, arranged at opposite directions and conected by a main circulation core. This offset created plazas on the outside and more accesible views for the facilities inside the hotel, which include a service area, commerce, event and multi-purpose rooms, bedrooms, offices and ammenities such as a sky bar and pool terrace overlooking the whole city.

ll. Basement lll. First floor lV. Second floor V. Lobby




1. Circulation core 2. Machinery Room 3. Restroom 4. Single Bedroom 5. Double Bedroom 6. Suite 7. Terrace 8. Balcony 9. Kitchen 10. Restaurant 11. Bar 12. Commerce 13. Private Office 14. Conference Room 15. Event room 16. Multi purpose room 17. Gym 18. Spa 19. Reception 20. Gift Shop 21. Ammenities 22. Locker Room 23. Rec Room 24. Laundry 25. Closet 26. Cleaning Storage 27. Storage


All employee and service areas are located on the basement, while the more public services such as commerce and offices are on first and second floors.



Vl. Third Floor Vll. Fourth Floor Vlll. Circulation Core




1. Circulation core 2. Machinery Room 3. Restroom 4. Single Bedroom 5. Double Bedroom 6. Suite 7. Terrace 8. Balcony 9. Kitchen 10. Restaurant 11. Bar 12. Commerce 13. Private Office 14. Conference Room 15. Event room 16. Multi purpose room 17. Gym 18. Spa 19. Reception 20. Gift Shop 21. Ammenities 22. Locker Room 23. Rec Room 24. Laundry 25. Closet 26. Cleaning Storage 27. Storage

Vlll. The circulation core not only connects both volumes horizontally with its walkways, but vertically with a hollow that goes from the lobby to the last floor of the hotel. It also functions as a meeting point for those visiting the hotel.


lX. Floor Plan Type A X. Floor Plan type B X1. Single Bedroom




1. Circulation core 2. Machinery Room 3. Restroom 4. Single Bedroom 5. Double Bedroom 6. Suite 7. Terrace 8. Balcony 9. Kitchen 10. Restaurant 11. Bar 12. Commerce 13. Private Office 14. Conference Room 15. Event room 16. Multi purpose room 17. Gym 18. Spa 19. Reception 20. Gift Shop 21. Ammenities 22. Locker Room 23. Rec Room 24. Laundry 25. Closet 26. Cleaning Storage 27. Storage

Xl. While some rooms were able to have cornered windows to maximize the views, all rooms can look to a different part of the city of Monterrey.

Xll . Tenth Floor Xlll. Mezzanine XlV. Longitudinal Section




1. Circulation core 2. Machinery Room 3. Restroom 4. Single Bedroom 5. Double Bedroom 6. Suite 7. Terrace 8. Balcony 9. Kitchen 10. Restaurant 11. Bar 12. Commerce 13. Private Office 14. Conference Room 15. Event room 16. Multi purpose room 17. Gym 18. Spa 19. Reception 20. Gift Shop 21. Ammenities 22. Locker Room 23. Rec Room 24. Laundry 25. Closet 26. Cleaning Storage 27. Storage

XlV. This section shows all the different spaces of the hotel as well as the transition of heights for pedestrians entering the hotel and of the building itself, blending into the other buildings of the master plan.





Mario Pani: Arquitectura en Proceso Unidad Santa Fe MARCO (Museum of Contemporary Art), Monterrey, México



Proyectos Académicos para la Renovación de Río Nazas Site Model Nave Generadores del Parque Fundidora, Monterrey, México.


EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................................................................. From August 2011 to Present. Bachelor of Architecture TEC de Monterrey - ITESM From January 2011 to May 2012 Interior Design Certificate Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Diseño - Arte, A.C From August 2008 to June 2011 Bicultural Highschool, English and Italian Prepa TEC Campus Santa Catarina -ITESM From August 1994 to June 2008 Bilingual Basic Education Instituto San Roberto Campus San Agustín - MERITAS

STUDIO WORKSHOPS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1. Residential Arch. Roberto Romero ITESM, August - December 2012 2. Residential Complex Arch. Claudia Carreño Arch. Jorge Cocuera ITESM, January - May 2013 3. Mixed Use Building Arch. Edna Garza Arch. Mauricio Maycotte Arch. Marcelo Nájera ITESM, August - December 2013

WORK EXPERIENCE .............................................................................................................................................................................


IMPLANc MTY Intern August - November 2016

Architecture Bachelor Undergraduate

Behnisch Architekten Intern January - June 2016

April 30, 1992 Monterrey, Nuevo León México

CLAVE- Taller de Arquitectura Intern August - November 2015

(+52) 8110772374 priscy.saldana@gmail.com

PADECO - Pavimentos Desarrollos y Construcciones Project Renderings June 2014

EXHIBITIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................

LFG Arquitectura Intern August 2013 - January 2014 July - August 2014

Proyecta 2015 Outstanding studio projects ITESM, Monterrey, México. January 2015 - April 2015

Foresta Cocinas Sales and Design August - December 2014 May - July 2013

Proyectos Académicos para la Renovación de Río Nazas Site Model Nave Generadores del Parque Fundidora, Monterrey, México. May 2014 - September 2014



01 Software

LEADERSHIP .............................................................................................................................................................................

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

UNO:UNO Arquitectura a una escala real Logistics Coordinator ITESM, January - April 2013

Adobe Indesign 4. Urban Renewal Arch. Marcela González Arch. Marcelo Nájera ITESM, January - May 2014 5. Mixed Use Building Arch. José Ortiz ITESM, August - December 2014 6. Cátedra SOCSA Arch. Lorena Zazueta Arch. Ana María de la Cruz ITESM, January - May 2015 7. Building Refurbishment Arch. Marcos Almaguer Arch. Diego Rodriguez ITESM, August - December 2015 8. Semestre i: Urbanismo Ciudadano Arch. Rena Porsen Arch. Jorge Salinas Arch. Diego Rodriguez ITESM, August - December 2016

Mario Pani: Arquitectura en Proceso Professional Model Making and Case Study Investigation MARCO (Museum of Contemporary Art), Monterrey, México. March 2014 - December 2014

AutoCAD Revit + BIM

IX Foro de Arquitectura: Ser Ciudadano Content Staff ITESM, January - March 2012

Sketchup + Vray Microsoft Office Neodata

SAARQ - Architecture Student society Staff ITESM, January 2012 - December 2013

CypeCad 02 Competences Responsable Fast learner

Passionate Team Spirit

DPMX - Diseño Punto MX Logistics Staff ITESM, September - October 2011

Enthusiastic Proactive

LANGUAGE ............................................................................................................................................................................. SPANISH Native language

ENGLISH Advanced

HOBBIES & INTERESTS .............................................................................................................................................................................

ITALIAN Basic Travel

Music Festivals


Great Coffee


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