August 2017 web

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THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE — Steve Callaway, President July was another busy month at Sequoyah. We had a large turnout for the Fourth of July festivities. Taco Tuesday and the Thursday Family Buffet continue to be popular events and well attended. The big tournament of the month was the Clandestine. We had 84 members participating in the Clandestine. This tournament features a difficult alternate shot format — each team is only as strong as its weakest link. After five round robin matches, eight teams made it to the horse race finale. KJ Park and Mark Penskar dominated their round robin flight and won the horse race to become the 2017 Champions. Congratulations. We are excited to announce the hiring of a new general manager. Bryan Richardson comes to us after operating Sunol Golf Course for many years. Richardson has a strong background in course maintenance, course operations and restaurant operations. His primary focus will be the daily operations of Sequoyah and improving our processes, financial results, and the member experience. Please take a moment to welcome Bryan as he starts his expected long career at Sequoyah Country Club. The Board is working with Club Resources to refine their continuing engagement with Sequoyah CC. They provide significant insight and expertise to Sequoyah and provide vital leadership and contributions on membership, facilities improvements, and managing the operations through this challenging year of change.

Membership growth and retention is the Board’s priority. Through several targeted marketing campaigns, we have increased our prospect list to over 1,000 and currently have more than 100 prospective members in various stages of “discovery.” The monthly dues revenue is the financial lifeblood of the Club. We currently have 352 golf members. This includes Proprietary, Individual, Family, and Seniors. The Social and other categories add another 78 members. There are currently 48 families participating in the Summer Social membership program. The Board's target for member-

ship is 400 golf memberships and 200 social memberships. We need to add members, so please support the efforts of Bob Bodman and the Membership Committee. If you have a friend you think is interested, please contact Bob Bodman. August is going to be a great month at Sequoyah. We have the Ladies Invitational on the 16th – 18th. Competition has started for the 128 members participating in the Sequoyah Cup. Armando Sanchez, Course Superintendent, predicts great weather and course conditions. So, come out and enjoy your club.

PRO SHOP NEWS — By Brandon Huneke, PGA Professional Registration for the 2018 Mexico Trip is Now Open! BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!

Insu Rooftop Skybar

Top-Ranked Courses in Puerto Vallarta

You are all invited to relax in your very own 1,400 square foot luxurious suite at the Marival Resort — Nuevo Vallarta’s #1 ranked, 5-star, all-inclusive resort. Get ready to eat, drink, golf and relax… it’s all included! For $1,899 (+$329 golf package per person), you can’t afford not to go! We have been traveling to Mexico with ILT for over 10 years with happy customers. An email was sent out on August 30th giving more details regarding Continued on Page FIVE

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