Chartwell Golf & Country Club
Chartwell Chatter
Fe b rua ry Is s u e 2012
General Manager’s Letter
here has been a long time since everyone received a Chatter.
Additionally, the Club reduced its debt by $280,000, bringing the
We have tried to put more effort into emails and the website,
Club’s overall debt down to $7.4 million.
maintain a regularly published newsletter. In this new and improved
The second objective was to manage the Anne Arundel County
Chatter, we take the opportunity to review and remember 2011.
lawsuit that was filed a year ago. While the lawsuit is still active
but obviously there are emotional and professional reasons to
with discovery and depositions being completed this past summer, At the Annual Meeting, the Board and I reviewed the results of
there continues to be the opinion that the County will at some point
our past year and the successes and challenges of Chartwell’s 50th
recognize the frivolity of the suit. In the meantime, Nationwide,
Anniversary Year. Like other social clubs, Chartwell relies on the
the Club’s insurance carrier is readily defending the Club. A pre-
dedication of its members. The Club continues to thrive because
trial date is set for early December and the trial is required to be
of the consistent participation of its members in the dining room, at
completed by May 2012.
social events and in sports groups, tournaments and play. The Club also has a very strong committee structure that ensures continuity,
We hope and trust that this suit will be dropped soon and are
focus and creativity. Thank you to all that provide their time, skill
confident that the Club will not be penalized if it does go to trial.
and commitment to the success and future of Chartwell.
However, with the help of our expert counsel, we are ready to see this suit through to the end and will keep the membership informed
The Board and I established the 2011 objectives at its annual retreat
through the process.
last year. Obviously our first goal was to meet the budget as it was set.
The development of the Club’s staff was another objective and
We entered the 2011 fiscal year with concern that the prior year was
obviously one that has shown successes and challenges.
very successful, even considering the national economy. We set the budget conservatively, anticipating that 2010 was too some degree
As you are aware, the Club recently filled the position of Head Golf
an anomaly.
Professional with the hiring of Robert Agresti, PGA (see his bio in this Chatter.) The Club is currently working to fill the Executive
Overall, the Club finished 2011 alright. We finished the year with
Chef position by Spring.
an $118,000 net loss driven primarily by a decline food & beverage banquet department and a decrease in golf revenue. Overall, every
Fortunately, I was able to quickly hire an interim chef, Brian Chester.
department expenses performed close to budget or better than
Chef Chet is a great chef with extensive experience. While we are
committed to doing our due diligence in hiring a new chef, Chef Chet will continue to meet the needs of the members through this
Capital expenditures for 2011 totaled $586,271.
The largest
process and could become our permanent chef.
expenditure being the Green Side Bunker Improvements and the new Practice Facility. The funding for these projects, including the
I have received many questions about the golf shop. After a formal
routine capital came from over $460,000 in initiation fees of which
inventory and financial audit on October 31, the Club purchased
$225,000 were from installments.
the shop. We will own and manage the shop until March 1. Golf
2 |
Shop credit will be honored through March
and Molly Merkert and their committee,
possible. Please consider referring the Club
31, prior to the 2012 Golf Season.
we certainly achieved this goal. With a
to other potential members, using the Club
new logo, the year started with the kick
for personal and professional entertaining
Even with these two staff position challenges,
off reenactment on Memorial Day where
in the Clubhouse and on the golf course,
the development of the additional key staff
the Club’s founder, Al Merritt’s son, hit the
and finally, volunteering for a committee or
have been remarkable. Jamie Peterson has
same golf ball down the same fairway that
Club leadership.
just completed his 10th year and has signed
his father did exactly 50 years ago to the day.
a new three-year agreement. We are proud
I am proud to state that we are a Club
to have one of the most respected tennis
This past Labor Day weekend cumulated
that knows what it is and is dedicated to
professionals in the area at our Club. And
a yearlong celebration with one of the best
upholding it within the Club’s traditions
Jonathan Wingett continues to grow in his
events Chartwell has ever hosted, a family
and vision. We are quickly checking off
Assistant Manager’s role. He sits on the
firework extravaganza with over 600 people
several very important tasks.
regional Club Managers Association board
celebrating the Club’s anniversary.
forward to putting our continued efforts to
and chairs several events for them while he
Sunday of the same weekend, the Club
the promoting the “club” in Chartwell Golf
is working towards his club management
hosted its formal gala where members
and Country CLUB.
And Steve Sweiderk also
enjoyed the presentations of eight members
continues to give credence to Chartwell
who recounted events of each decade and
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you
as one of the most respected and tenured
other important areas of the Club. It was
and Chartwell.
Green Superintendents in the mid-Atlantic.
a beautiful event where the Club never
One of the Club’s on-going challenges
looked better. Most importantly, it set the
Finally, on behalf of the Chartwell Staff,
course for the Club’s next 50 years!
thank you for your generous donations to
is to maintain fresh, topical and timely communications.
We look
the Employee Holiday Fund. Over 100
Starting in 2010, we
Overall, the Club made great strides on
employees receive a portion of the fund,
upgraded, added and improved all of our
its objectives for 2011. Individually, each
excluding managers. Every donation goes
communications. The Club’s new website
committee and department worked hard
a long way to make each employee feel
was debuted to high acclaim and sees an
in helping to meet these goals. Since our
appreciated and special. Wishing you and
average of 160 hits per day. The Club’s
business is club, membership of course
Chartwell a happy and successful 2012.
weekly updates have been a great success
is essential to our health, vitality and
with an industry high of over 50% usage
existence. Especially considering the soft
(more than 20% better than industry!)
economy and in comparison to the club industry, Chartwell vied very well with its
We continue to decrease the usage of printed
membership levels this past year.
material, including the Chatter. We will still send them out, but expect about only every
The final point is that the continued
other month. The other improvements that
success of Chartwell relies on the support
we are working on are online reservations
and patronage of its membership. Next
for social events, clubhouse dining and
year’s budget is based on projected use
tennis courts and delving into social media
of the Club.
like Facebook and Twitter.
in membership levels over the winter, a
Tad Peel, CCM
slight increase in golf and a very aggressive
General Manager/ COO
This includes a slight dip
Our final objective was to coordinate and
growth in the Club’s food and beverage
execute a successful 50th Anniversary year.
department. Meeting these goals requires
With the leadership of our chairmen Hayes
you to use the Club as frequently as | 3
Past Event Review Chartwell Family Fall Festival
2011 Awards Banquet Gingerbread House President’s Eggnog Halloween Spooktacular
Family Puppet Show 9 Hole HonFest Friendship Day
Cab Night Ladies Holiday Luncheon
Brunch with Santa
Tennis/Golf Challenge 1 |
Holiday Open House
Clubhouse Hours Monday Closed Tuesday Closed Wednesday Food Service 11 am - 9 pm Bar Service until 12 am Thursday Food & Bar Service 11 am - 9 pm Bar Service until 12 am Friday Food & Bar Service 11 am - 9:30 pm Bar Service until 12 am
Board Room News Clubhouse
bottom edge of the bar will be adjusted to
Chef Search
prevent wear of the arm pieces of the stools by
The Executive Chef Search was delayed until
allowing a complete rotation of the stool.
recently while the Club initiated the Golf Pro search and to enable better timing around
This is a good first step as we upgrade and
the holidays. Through advertisements in the
update our bar. The Committee will continue
mid-Atlantic area, our intent will be to receive
to develop a plan to totally renovate the bar in
resumes through most of January and conduct
the future.
interviews with a committee in early February, and have a new chef in March.
Carpeting for the locker rooms. New carpeting will be installed in the Locker
The House Committee and I are committed to
Rooms before the start of Golf Season 2012.
finding an individual who can achieve the high
Club Office Renovation
level of service that the membership has comes
In the next few months the House Committee
to expect. Chartwell should be the choice
intends to begin looking at the upgrades that
our members make when they want to have a
are required for the business office. We will
great night of fantastic dining and wonderful
begin communication with the office staff and
wine as well as a burger after golf. While we
Tad about the scope and nature of the upgrades
realize that it is hard to make changes at this
that will be desired. It should be recognized
time of the year we should have an eye to the
that it has been noted as a possibility that the
future and be ready to make a commitment
office entrance should be moved around the
to our existing staff or a new leader. It is very
corner and improve the aesthetics of the upper
promising to note that Chef Chet has done a
hallway. From our understanding thus far a
nice job controlling costs and aligning the staff
private office for Anne Connolly is a strong
to a high level of excellence.
need as well as several computer upgrades.
Bar Restoration
The committee would like to commend
Clubhouse 410-987-0400
Jonathan has been working with Bullock’s
furniture restoration service to recondition
performance during the past few months.
Clubhouse Fax 410-987-8469
the barstools, high-tops tables and bar surface.
He has worked tirelessly to ensure that the
Bullock’s reconditioned the existing stools
clubhouse operation can successfully cater to
Golf Pro Shop 410-987-4480
replacing the hardware, upholstery, leather and
the needs of the members and their guests at
refinishing the wood surfaces. The four high-
a high level. He has all of his plates very full
Golf Pro Shop Fax 410-729-0678
tops tables were refinished by stripping, then
but still manages to spend the time is required
powder coat painting the bases and retopping
to put these essential projects in front of our
Tennis Pro Shop 410-987-0400 ext.236
with a solid cherry wood to match the bar.
board for approval.
Grounds 410-987-1982
adjusted to match, then refinished. Also, the
Pool 410-729-1030
structure is badly worn and sorely in need of
Saturday Food & Bar Service 11 am - 9:30 pm Bar Service 10 am - 12 am Sunday Food & Bar Service 10 am - 2 pm Bar Service 10 am - 4 pm Dinner Menu Available: Wednesday - Sunday from 6:00 pm As always, reservations are requested.
Phone Numbers
The bar was wet sanded, holes filled and color committee recognizes that the existing bar attention. Also important to note is that the
Golf With the assistance of the Golf Search Committee chaired by Steve Dayton and Buck Linthicum, includes Tad Peel, Lisa Clarke, | 2
Dave Orso, Rick Hunsicker and Judi Hans, Robert Agresti, PGA has been hired and has officially started as the Head Golf Professional of Chartwell. Look for his bio and picture in this Chatter. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: ALL PRO SHOP CREDIT MUST BE USED BY MARCH 31. PRIOR TO THE 2012 GOLF SEASON. The Club originally purchased the Golf Shop inventory back in November and is now preparing for the transition to sell the shop to our new Head Professional, Rob Agresti, on March 1. Rob will be coordinating some incredible “fire sales” through February. The 2012 Golf Calendar is being finalized.
Fi nance First Quarter (October 2011-December 2011) bottom line was profit of $210,594, $102,645 better than budget for the month. This significant showing is due primarily to controlled expenses in all departments, surprising cart and green fees in golf and a great rebound in banquets, particularly in December where we almost hit the $250,000 sales mark that hasn’t been hit in the last three years!
Green Reviewed the List of Accomplishments for the Fiscal Year 2010. As the committee is proud of the extensive improvements done by the Green Department, in addition to its regular duties of maintaining the course, we wanted to share this list with the Board to insure Steve and his staff get the recognition so well deserved: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Completed Green side Bunker Project Added extensive drainage to the corner of #3, fixing a long term problem Rebuilt #7 Tee Box and steps Improved drainage behind #5 Green and right side of #7 Fairway Installed Patriot Bermuda runout to the left side of #17 green Ordered and installed plantings downstream of #2 Dam Designed and Built Short Game Practice Facility Improved driving range bunker and added Patriot Bermuda to teeing area Dealt with winter kill of Bermuda as best we could Endured the hottest July and August on record Endured Hurricane Irene followed by major tropical storm of 7-9 inches of rain in 2 hours Purchased new over seeder and tractor Gained approval to improve approaches to #3, 5 and 7 greens - work is underway Gained approval to improve Fairway Bunkers - work is underway Repaired storm damage below #2 Dam and #9 tee and Roadway dam
• • • •
• •
Completed draft of Golf Maintenance Standards - final publication to be submitted to board in January Updated 5 year plan - obtained quotations for asphalt or concrete cart path project for future consideration Completed the year about $5000 under the $1.3 million budget. Stanley Zontek, the Mid Atlantic Regional Director for the USGA Green Section, visited the Club in late November to assist the Committee in developing a long range plan for overall improvement to the course turf. The Fairway Bunker Project is underway with completion expected by the end of the year - weather permitting. The winter rye over seeding program has also been completed. The aim of the seeding program is to provide an aesthetically appealing alternative to the dormant Bermuda grass. Improvement to the fairway green approach projects for #3, 5 and 7 will include drainage being added and the area raised 1-2 feet. Patriot Bermuda will be installed following the drainage work. Gaines & Company have repaired the storm damaged areas at #2 and #9. The slope in front of the ladies tee will be repaired with fill scraped from the area beside the white tees and softened to allow for better maintenance.
Golf course news blog Check out Steve’s new blog with course and project updates. 3 |
Holiday Open House
New Year’s Eve | 4
A pivotal point in time...
n the June Chatter, we wrote about how the club was started and how it developed from 1959 to December 1960. For the purpose of this article, we are going to skip a year, and tell the
story about Al Merritt’s decision to sell the club to the membership. Although there is a lot of detailed financial information and legal work that evolved around the purchasing transaction, we will touch on the main issues so you can understand how the dedication and the creativity of a seven member committee made all this possible. This was a pivotal point in the club’s history, mainly because, if the committee could not structure a deal within a short timeframe, then Mr. Merritt would have sold the club to some other entity. If that had happened, then who knows how long the club would have survived during its infancy years. The club had tremendous potential but little working capital and a negative operating income for the first five years. If one looks back in time, the big question
At a general membership meeting held at the club on August 9, 1962,
would have been, “what if ” the club’s membership could not raise
the Board of Governors presented the offer to the membership. At
the funds to purchased the club and some unknown corporation
that meeting, a motion was made and carried that a committee of
or separate entity purchase the club, what would have been the
seven was to be formed and charged with three functions:
Would there have been a major assessment? Would
the dues have been dramatically increased? Would members have
left the club? Would the club’s doors have been closed? We do
or rejection.
not know the answers to these questions because of the work, the
determination and the passion of a seven member committee that
means to accomplish the purchase.
provided a solution for the membership to purchase the club.
So, in July 1962, Al Merritt tendered an offer to the membership
In accordance with the motion, the following were elected by the
to sell the club. After running the club with his appointed board of
membership: Steve Duckett, Robert Eby, Charles (Buck) Hartman,
directors for little over a year, he realized that he did not want to be in
Jr., Gordon Kellenberger, and Dan Murphy. The Board of Governors
the country club business but would rather continue developing and
appointed Raymond Grant and Gordon Cade. Buck Hartman, an
building communities. Now, Mr. Merritt could not have foreseen
attorney, was elected chairman of the Committee. After extensive
that the club would continue to lose money over the next 5 years,
research and analysis work over the next couple of months, the
but as a good business man, he knew his limitations. Therefore,
committee determined that the $550,000 sale price was reasonable
he offered to sell the club to the membership, including all assets,
and that the value of the improved property would appreciate
improvements, equipment and facilities for $550,000. A down
over time and membership would grow; therefore, the committee
payment of $150,000 would be required with Mr. Merritt accepting
recommended to the membership to accept the offer to purchase
a $400,000 mortgage note to cover the sale.
the club.
5 |
Evaluation of the offer and recommendation of acceptance If acceptance be recommended, a determination of the A determination of an operating budget for the future.
“The winter of 1963 aerial photo with the “L” shape pool in the white area and the dark roof of the clubhouse. Tennis courts to the left of the clubhouse, holes #1, 10, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18. Notice some homes on St. Ives.”
After looking at several approaches, the committee then structured
mortgage. There was no renewal option, but there was an option
a financial solution to accomplish the purchase. Since the club,
for the membership to purchase the club in 1972 from the Holding
Chartwell Golf & Country Club, Inc., was owned by Mr. Merritt,
Company for $750,000.
a holding company, named Chartwell Holding Company was created with authorized stock totaling 2000 shares at $100 per
At this point, the membership, through the board and committees
share. Members purchased 1850 shares which raised $185,000. The
operated the club. The club continued to have financial struggles
Holding Company then purchased the club from Mr. Merritt with
until 1966 when the club finally showed a profit of $3,300. Realizing
$150,000 cash and the balance in a mortgage. (25 year mortgage of
the 1972 opportunity to purchase the club from the holding
$400,000 @ 6% per annum and payable in equal annual installments
Company for approximately $800,000 ($750,000 plus the $35,000
of $30,926.52). The remaining $35,000 was a loan to the club for
loan and interest), the newly organized finance committee, under
working capital.
the club’s new corporation, created a means to accomplish the goal for the members to purchase the club from the holding company.
The Chartwell Holding Company then entered into an agreement
This “means” was started in 1967 and is still an important part of the
leasing the club and facilities to the newly formed Chartwell
club’s financial structure.
Membership, Inc.(which is the current corporation for the club) for a ten year period. The lease payment was equal to the monthly | 6
2012 Board of Directors The “means” was the establishment of an escrow account, separate from the operating and capital budgets. “A” members (golf ) paid $10.00 per month and all other memberships paid $5.00 per month. These funds accumulated over 5+ years to the amount of approximately $250,000, and on March 23, 1972, the club’s membership exercised the option to purchase the club from the holding company. Because of legal and tax issues, it took several months of hard work and determination to resolve all the issues, but on or about February 1, 1973 the club’s property and assets were owned by Chartwell Membership, Inc. At this point, the holding company was dissolved and the proceeds from the sale was distributed to its stockholders. For each share of stock (purchase price $100) the investor received $250 in return. So, looking at this entire scenario, the escrow account approach and the establishment of a holding company to purchase the club from Mr. Merritt, and then lease the club to the membership with an option to purchase, was a well thought out and solid financial plan.
Photographed top row, left to right; Steve Dayton, Chuck Fratus, Tim Connolly, Mark Brugnoli, Lee Meyers; Bottom row, left to right: Jeff Armiger, Buck Linthicum, President Rick Hans, Phil Bowman
Save the Date
President’s Ball Saturday, April 28
This was the pivotal point in the club’s history and we all should be thankful to that seven member committee and the 1967 financial committee who constructed the means to purchase the club. Note: Over the years, the escrow account had many names, for example, sports facility fund, capital improvement fund, debt reduction fund, and the current name, capital fund which is the $130 item on your monthly statement.
Submitted by the History Committee
2012 Membership Roster Please update your member profile on the Club website at or contact Mary with any changes to the Membership Roster at (410) 987-0400 or email at Please make sure your spouse or your alternate email is registered.
7 |
Brunch with Santa
Ladies’ Holiday Luncheon | 8
9 |
Welcome New Members
Guy & June Dowell Todd & Karen Bailey James & Kimberly Zeleny Reynaldo & Marcia Mia Randall & Alice Williams
Golf Tennis Social Golf Social
Andrew & Mary Snowdon J. Andrew & Amy Buxton Burt & Danielle Baptiste William & Kathy Swartz
Golf Golf Golf Golf
New Chartwell Faces Ro b Ag re st i, PGA We are proud to announce the selection of Mr. Robert Agresti, PGA, as Chartwell’s new Head Golf Professional. Rob has worked at two great facilities under the tutelage of two outstanding professionals. At Monroe Golf Club in Pittsford, NY, Rob was mentored by Jim Mrva, PGA, 2010 National PGA Professional of the Year. And for the last four years, he was the 1st Assistant Golf Professional at Aronimink Golf Club, Newtown Square, PA, working with Mr. Jeff Kidde, PGA, 2011 National PGA Merchandiser of the Year. Aronimink Golf Club is a nationally ranked golf course and the 2010 & 2011 host of the AT&T National Tournament, traditionally held at Congressional Country Club.
And re Ivarsson Welcome to Andre Ivarsson, our new Assistant Tennis Professional. Andre was a former player at Lander University, was formerly the head men’s and women’s tennis coach at AC since October 2008. Prior to joining the staff at Anderson, Ivarsson was on the staff at the Greenwood Country Club in Greenwood, SC., where he coached and taught for two years. He also was the assistant Coach at Emerald High School and helped the Lady Vikings to two consecutive trips to the State Championship. Ivarsson has also worked on the ATP
Rob was recommended by the Golf Professional Search Committee from a field over 80 applicants and a four step interview process. The Committee was co-chaired by Stephen Dayton and Buck Linthicum, and members: Lisa Clarke, David Orso, Judy Hans, Rick Hunsicker , Roger Stoy and Tad Peel. While the committee had a daunting task of singling out the Club’s next Golf Professional, it was extremely impressed by the caliber of candidates. Rob was unanimously recommended based on his experience and creativity in producing a wide range of successful events, especially a very successful junior program, developing a strong staff team, keen eye for detail, great background in shop merchandise and enthusiasm for the game of golf. Rob and his wife, Stephanie (they were recently married in October) are in the process of moving to the Severna Park area in late January.
and WTA tour as a line umpire and traveled the world for 5 years with appearances at Wimbledon, Hamburg, Heilbronn, Filderstadt, Bastad, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Halle, Rome and several Davis Cup ties. Ivarsson has a B.S. in Exercise science from Lander University. During his playing career at Lander, Ivarsson was a 4 year starter with ALL-American an ALL-Conference honors his sophomore year. He posted winning records in singles and doubles all 4 years and finished his collegiate career as the recipient of the Arthur Ashe award for Leadership and Sportsmanship. He is married and has a baby girl. | 10
Chartwell Photography New Photographic Art of the Clubhouse and Grounds are on display in the Billiard Room, including a very impressive 360º panoramic of the 18th Green. The photographs that are hanging in the club are now available for purchase online. You’ll see various featured products available in the featured products list. For more information, contact Tad or Jonathan
Artist — Daniel Holton Having received his first camera at the age of 10 while growing up in Chicago, IL. Daniel has developed a lifelong passion for art and photography. After graduating from The Colorado Institute of Art with a degree in Photography and then pursuing more study at Brooks Institute of Photography, Daniel has worked tirelessly for more than a decade to refine his photographic style, and build on his background in creative arts to include Graphic and Web Design. Daniel has operated his freelance photography and design business since 2000. Working to create imagery and design for a wide range of clients and audiences, Daniel succeeds because of the drive he brings to the creation of outstanding and impactful imagery and design.
Axios Wine Dinner Chartwell’s wine dinner series kicked off with Maryland’s own, Axios Wines, paired with a four course dinner by executive chef Chet. Jonathan and the Wine Guys did a great job selling out the dinner. We all look forward to the next dinner this spring.
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Golf T i p ’s f r o m t he pro The winter is a great time to get a jump start your golf season. It may be too cold to work on your swing, but you can get your body ready for the upcoming season. There are many exercises you can do to improve your flexibility. I invite you to go to the Titleist Performance Institute website for more information on golf specific exercises.
W i nte r L esson Spec ial
Member Guest 2012 June 14-15-16 Call your guests and have them save the dates. Information and registration packets will be on their way to you soon. Exclusive past participant registration March 1-15.
Purchase two (2) 30-minute or one (1) hour lessons and receive a 3rd lesson free. Please contact Carl Jones or Chris McBee to schedule your lessons. 410-987-4480 or
Th urs d ay, March 22 6:30pm
Proshop sale February 6th - February 12th All in-stock merchandise 50% off (golf balls, gloves, clubs & shoes 15% off)
February 13th - February 19th All in-stock merchandise 60% off (golf balls, gloves, club & shoes 20% off)
February 20th - February 29th
A night of camaraderie to kick off the 18 & 9 Hole Ladies’ Golf and Women’s Tennis Season A night of fun is planned with nibbles and sips, golf and tennis apparel and equipment to purchase, an inflatable driving range, putting practice green and a few door prizes!
All in-stock merchandise 70% off (golf balls, gloves, clubs & shoes 20% off)
Guests are welcome and encouraged.
Golf Shop credit expires March 31st | 12
Fall Festival
13 |
Exceeding Industry Standards
s many of you know, last year we launched our new website and added quite a few new features including an online photo album, digital newsletter, and an integrated e-newsletter on the member home page. Since the launch we’ve increased our communication’s reach by almost 50% and continue to improve our online presence with an easy to read weekly e-newsletter which reaches 50% of you, each week. If you are not receiving emails (both primary member and spouse) please contact the administrative office. As always your feedback is important, if you have any suggestions to help us improve our communications please contact Tad Peel. | 14
2012 9-Hole Ladies Membership Form Come one, come all, all golfers welcome! We tee off between 8 – 10:30am, Thursday mornings April through October We are looking for women who want to enjoy the game of golf in a stress free environment, make friends, encourage and nurture new golfers, as well as, experienced golfers! For those that only have a short period of time-whether you work or have family constraints, this is the perfect group for you! Please include the following on your application or email and return by March 15th: Name Club # E-Mail Telephone # Cell #
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 2012 Dues
Yearly Dues Match-Play Chip Ins Interclub Total
$55 (Teacher summer rate is $30) $5 A fun ladder tournament played throughout the season. $10 Those with chip-in’s during the season will share in pool $25 Want to play other courses in the area for free? Sign-up! $______
Please do not send a check, your Chartwell Club account will be billed for your charges.
Please submit via email to Kate Hite, Membership Treasurer PLEASE DO NOT MAIL OR DROP OFF AT THE CLUB OR PRO-SHOP!
15 |
2012 18 Hole Women’s Golf Association Membership Form
Name ______________________ Husband _______________ Email Address _________________________________ Telephone ________________ Cell ________________ Birthday (mm/dd) _________ Annual Dues $60 (includes chip-ins &closest to pin) Additional Fees: MWGA$20 Interclub $15 Dues $60 MWGA $20 Interclub $15
_______ _______ _______
Total _______
Bill me on my next statement for Total Acct.#_____ or Enclose check to Chartwell WGA for Total Amount. Please submit form via email to Margie McFarland at Do Not Send to Pro Shop
Saint Patrick’s Day Saturday, March 17 A “traditional” rockin’ party! | 16
Upcoming Events Sunday
February 2012
1 Social Jack’s Pack
Brunch Buffet 10am - 2pm
12 Brunch Buffet 10am - 2pm
19 Brunch Buffet 10am - 2pm
Brunch Buffet 10am - 2pm
Clubhouse Closed
Clubhouse Closed
Clubhouse Closed
Valentine’s Day Dinner for Two A’la carte 5 - 9pm
Clubhouse Closed
Clubhouse Closed
Clubhouse Closed
Clubhouse Closed
Family Zumba Class
Burger Buffet
Adult Bash Links Winter Invitational
Burger Buffet
Burger Buffet
Burger Buffet
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Great Steak Weekend
Food Service Clubhouse Closed 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Great Steak Weekend
Bar Service 11 a.m. - 12 a.m. 11 a.m. - 12 a.m. 11 a.m. - 12 a.m. 10 a.m. - 12 a.m. 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
C LU B H O U S E C A N C E L L AT I O N P O L I C Y We often stress the importance of making reservations. It is equally important to notify the Club when changes are needed to a current reservation. Please advise the Club of cancellations or changes in the number in the reservation as soon as possible. While we truly appreciate emergencies and are very aware of the need to make last minute changes, we must require a formal cancellation policy. Effective immediately, all Club parties and special club events will have a 24 hour cancellation policy. All cancellations and changes to reservations made within 24 hours will be subject to a 20% charge of the original price. This fee will help offset commitments made to food purchases and preparation, staffing requirements and decoration and linen purchases. Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and support. S N OW A L E RT Please be aware that the clubhouse follows the Anne Arundel School District Weather Closings: If schools are closed, the clubhouse will be closed through lunch. Dinner service availability will be announced by 12 noon the same day. Banquets and special functions will be determined by the General Manager on case-by-case basis.